How to take maple syrup What maple syrup is made from

04.03.2020 Healthy eating

Maple syrup is a thickened sap obtained by evaporating the sap of deciduous trees from the Sapindov family: sugar maple, red maple and black maple. These types of maples grow in North America and reach a height of thirty meters, and one meter in diameter.

Maple syrup is a translucent or transparent thick, aromatic, viscous liquid that can be compared in consistency to amber honey. At different stages of evaporation of the syrup, sugar, oil and maple honey are obtained from it.


The most developed extraction of maple sap in Canada, where sugar maple grows in forests everywhere. It even became a national symbol: the image of a maple leaf can be seen on the country's national flag. The main syrup producer is Quebec.

The tradition of collecting maple juice to the current inhabitants of Quebec came from the Indians, who many years ago noticed the miraculous benefits of maple syrup and developed recipes for its production over several generations.

There are many traditions associated with harvesting maple sap. So, for example, with the beginning of the gathering season, the inhabitants of local villages arrange the Seeing-off of winter. This holiday is called "Kaban-a-syukr", and translated from French means "Sugar hut". In the immediate vicinity of the places where maple sap is collected, residents set up temporary houses and tables for guests, install equipment for preparing various sweets using the juice. This holiday is very much revered by the locals. Children love to eat delicacies with maple syrup: pancakes with peasant butter and syrup, forest snow poured with a sweet tasty liquid, maple caramels cooked right there, right in front of people. And adults prefer more meat dishes, which are also cooked on the spot - ham with cloves baked in maple syrup, beans with ham and brisket in sweet maple sauce and, of course, country beer made from maple juice.

It is also interesting that, despite the development of technologies that make it possible to automate almost all processes in the food industry, the collection of juice and the preparation of maple syrup is still carried out exclusively by hand today. This gives it a special and inimitable taste, and the dishes prepared with its addition - a unique charm.

In many ways, the process of extracting maple sap is similar to obtaining birch sap. A special diagonal cut is made on the maple, into which a stainless steel gutter is inserted. The collected juice is sent to special "distillation" stations installed right in the forest. Here it is boiled over an open fire and evaporated to form the purest maple syrup. To get one liter of syrup, you need to evaporate about forty liters of maple sap! Of course, this greatly increases the cost of the final product. But what a joy watching the cooking process gives the locals!

But the processing and storage of this valuable product is entrusted to the most modern technologies. All businesses involved in the extraction of maple sap and syrup must comply with the strictest quality standards and regularly undergo government inspections.

Today, one of the most famous companies involved in the collection and processing of maple sap is the Quebec cooperative "Citadel", which unites about three thousand independent collectors of sap. The company was founded in 1925, and most of its members are hereditary juice pickers who inherited this occupation from their great-grandfathers and fathers. Thanks to this, the company supplies the market with products of the highest quality, which is a recognized leader.

Applying maple syrup

Maple syrup and products made from it (butter, sugar, jam) are widespread in many countries of the world. Chefs of expensive and prestigious restaurants in Canada, USA, Japan, France and other countries prepare the most exquisite dishes, an integral component of which is this product. These dishes are very popular, and many of them can be prepared at home. The syrup is served with pancakes, waffles, pancakes, ice cream. It is used as an ingredient in meat dishes, baked goods, desserts, sauces. Maple syrup is widely used in the bakery and confectionery industry as a natural alternative to sugar.

Maple syrup composition

Maple syrup is a completely natural product, no chemical components are used in its manufacture, it does not contain fillers or preservatives.

Maple syrup contains many minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc), B vitamins, including thiamine. It contains many antioxidants, and above all, polyphenols, which help a person to prevent cardiovascular diseases, help rejuvenate the body. There is less sugar in syrup than in honey, and there is practically no fructose, so it is useful for people who monitor their body weight. Even diabetics can use the syrup. And the phytohormones that are part of maple syrup (abscisic acid) are very useful for the normal functioning of the pancreas.

The calorie content of maple syrup is 261 kcal per 100 g of product.

The benefits of maple syrup

Scientists who have studied the benefits of maple syrup have been able to prove that sweets can also be beneficial. For example, researchers from the University of Rhode Island recently found 13 useful compounds for humans in it, in addition to the seven already found.

Scientists believe that maple syrup is beneficial in preventing diabetes, brain and breast cancer. Maple sap contains natural glucose, which is easily absorbed by the body as a fast carbohydrate. However, due to its glucose content, maple syrup is not recommended to be consumed in excessively high amounts.

The use of maple syrup has a healing effect on the body, since it is a natural immunostimulant, therefore it is useful to use it for atherosclerosis, to reduce the risk of diabetes, to enhance potency.

This tasty and sweet treat is part of the recommended healthy diet and is a great alternative to sugar, preserves and jams.

Sugar maple syrup has been a symbol of Canada for many years. The country's coat of arms depicts a pointed leaf of a tree from which sap is extracted. This technology was invented in the 18th century after the indigenous peoples of America realized that liquid could sweeten food and significantly improve its taste. The benefits and harms of maple syrup are a subject of debate in North America and beyond.

What maple syrup is made from

Sugar maple grows in the provinces of Canada. Artificial cultivation is practiced in other countries, but this approach is considered expensive, therefore, the products are traditionally produced in North America.

The tree has a spreading crown, a thick, dense trunk. Wood is actively used to make furniture. Juice is obtained by cutting the bark and collecting oozing fluid. The syrup is prepared using the boiling method.

Not all types of wood are suitable for cooking. The most common product is obtained from the sugar variety, it is he who has the beneficial properties that saturate the product. The red, black and holly species are considered suitable.

Industrial harvesting begins in maple forests in early spring using special plastic tubes.

Interesting! A special commission is working on the territory of the country, which establishes uniform requirements and monitors the quality and changes in the properties of products.

The appearance and taste of maple syrup

Formulations are classified according to their appearance. There are 2 classes of liquid. Class A:

  • light amber (golden color, subtle, subtle smell);
  • medium amber (amber saturated color, weak wood taste);
  • dark amber (a dark brown liquid with a recognizable smell and taste).

Class B are dark brown liquids with a strong odor.

Light varieties have a popcorn flavor, medium varieties resemble caramel, and dark varieties have a pronounced maple syrup flavor.

The chemical composition and caloric content of maple syrup

The benefits of maple syrup for the body are determined by the properties of the components of the composition. It contains B vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Caloric content of 100 g is 260 kcal. Compared to refined sugar, it has a lower glycemic index.

  • benzoic acid;
  • cinnamic acid;
  • linoleic acid;
  • catechin.

Sucrose in liquid reaches 58 g, the presence of fructose - 0.5 g, glucose - 1.6 g.

The highest content of manganese, zinc and sodium is considered. They have useful properties and have a tonic effect.

Information! From 40 liters of juice, only 1 liter of concentrate is obtained.

Benefits of Maple Syrup

The qualities of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals make the concentrate healthier than regular refined sugar. This is true when you consume maple syrup in moderation.

Substances that have antioxidant properties are useful as protectors of cells from the influence of free radicals. Such mechanisms increase the body's defenses.

The presence of minerals and vitamins makes the use useful for the immune system, prevention of skin and colds.

Feature and undoubted health benefits - environmentally friendly composition, without the addition of impurities or preservatives.

Maple syrup for weight loss

The famous diet was built on the basis of the concentrate, which was described by Peter Glickman in the middle of the last century. The method aims not to actively get rid of extra pounds, but to remove toxins from the body. Citrus fruits are added to the menu and the volume of pure water is increased. Carbohydrate-containing dishes are completely excluded from the diet.

This diet can be harmful to those with minimal health problems. The load on the liver is characterized by an increased production of pancreatic juice, therefore, a one-component diet is contraindicated for people with pancreatic diseases.

Researchers are considering a way to completely replace any sweets with concentrates, but this approach does not lead to rapid weight loss, it only helps control carbohydrate intake.

Is maple syrup suitable for pregnant and lactating women

Experts do not recommend using the syrup for pregnant women. A high concentration of substances can be harmful and have a negative impact on their health. During this period, there are risks of developing diabetic conditions, so it is necessary to exclude concentrated substitutes from the diet.

For nursing mothers, the concentrate is at risk of developing harm due to possible allergic reactions in the baby.

Maple syrup for diabetes

Maple syrup can be beneficial and contraindicated in diabetes: it all depends on the patient's condition. Diabetes requires careful analysis of the food you eat. Type 2 disease is characterized by relative insulin deficiency. By replacing other sweets with syrup, blood counts can be stabilized. This property is beneficial for those struggling with regular diabetic conditions.

Sweetness is not recommended for type 1 diabetes, which is characterized by a complete lack of insulin. The intake of sugars provokes an increase in blood counts, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

How to make maple syrup at home

Making maple syrup yourself according to the classic recipe is a laborious and costly process. To start cooking, you need to get maple sap. To do this, a hole is drilled in the tree and a container for liquid is substituted. This technique is used during the period of sap flow. The principle of preparation is evaporation over medium heat.

Information! Boiling takes several hours, and the boil level must be monitored.

What is maple syrup used for in cooking?

Serving waffles, donuts, or pancakes without maple syrup is not an option in Canada. It is successfully used as a sugar substitute in baked goods and as a topping for ice cream.

When marinated and then baked, maple concentrate forms a delicious glazed crust on its surface.

The use of maple syrup is widespread for the preparation of lollipop sweets, toffee.

It is added as the main sweetener to hot drinks like grog or punch.

Maple syrup is added to hot tea: unlike honey, under the influence of high temperatures, it does not lose its beneficial properties and does not acquire carcinogenic properties.

How to replace maple syrup in baked goods

The concentrate can be replaced with sugar and honey: they have similar sweetening properties. To replace 1 part use:

  • ¾ parts of sugar;
  • 1 part liquid honey.

Substitutes with similar physical properties can be: carob and agave syrups, pear jam.

Maple syrup harm and contraindications

You cannot talk about the benefits of syrup without mentioning the harm. As with all foods that are high in carbohydrates, it may not have the health benefits of excessive intake. The daily norm for an adult is a few tablespoons.

Consumption can be harmful to those who are hypersensitive to sugar-containing foods. People who have problems with blood glucose levels should be careful.

The risk of harm to the body is increased in people with bowel disease. The production of enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrates tends to increase the load on the digestive organs and, above all, on the pancreas.

How to choose maple syrup when buying

One of the difficulties of purchasing syrup in stores is the high cost and range. Not every supermarket has it on the grocery list. Inexpensive analogues that indicate the content of maple juice have nothing to do with a quality product.

The presence of dyes or food additives in the composition is evidence of a low quality product, a fake.

The concentrate is usually sold in glass containers. A special feature of the release in Canada is considered to be special bottles in the form of a maple leaf.

Maple syrup ranges in color from light amber to dark brown. The shade may differ depending on the variety. The liquid does not form a sediment. Bottles must be tightly closed and not damaged.

How to store maple syrup at home

Maple sap concentrate has a long shelf life.

The sealed syrup is stored for several years at room temperature. After the bottle is uncorked to slow down the evaporation process, it is customary to re-heat it into a plastic container and then store it for an average of 4 months in the refrigerator (the manufacturer places specific information on the label). In this form, it does not freeze and does not lose its useful qualities.


The benefits and harms of maple syrup are interrelated concepts. As a sugar substitute, this unique product can be beneficial due to its antioxidant content and the absence of impurities in the composition. Excessive consumption is contraindicated and harmful to health due to the high amount of sugars. The use of this product in baking as an addition to desserts will diversify the diet and give the dishes unique flavors.

Maple syrup is a sweet, highly aromatic concentrate of maple sap. It is almost 70% sugar. True, only from what was left after evaporation of maple sap, since according to production standards, the addition of other sugar is simply prohibited.

To make 1 liter of maple syrup, producers have to process 40 liters of maple sap. This explains the tangible cost of this product. Almost all syrup is produced in Canada and the United States, with the first country accounting for about 90% of all production.

The benefits of maple syrup

Maple syrup contains natural sugars that are good for the human body. It contains over 54 nutrients that are not found in other foods. For example, quebecol, which belongs to the phenolic group. This beneficial substance, which no longer occurs in the natural environment, allows people with diabetes to eat sweets that are safe for them. Another substance - abscisic acid - stimulates the work of the pancreas, due to which insulin is released faster.

Despite the high level of carbohydrates in maple syrup, it belongs to the group of foods with a low glycemic index. This syrup is the champion in zinc and potassium, which puts it higher than honey and bananas in these indicators.

Maple syrup helps fight inflammatory processes in the body, it cleanses and strengthens the circulatory system, fights cancer cells, boosts immunity and stops the development of neurodegenerative diseases. Maple syrup also enhances male potency. For its medicinal and health-promoting properties, maple syrup is considered one of the healthiest foods around.

Some contraindications

As you know, there is always a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. And maple syrup is no exception. Despite the fact that maple syrup does not contain a large amount of oxalates and purines, which cause allergies, some people may have an individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, if this product is new to you, try a little and see the reaction of your body.

Maple syrup is very high in calories - an average of 260 calories per 100 grams of product. That is why your favorite maple syrup crepes are best consumed as little as possible.

Selection and storage rules

When choosing maple syrup, first of all pay attention to the country of origin. It is not recommended to buy a product prepared in countries where it is not officially produced. There are 3 types of syrup: light amber, medium amber, dark amber. The lighter the product, the more subtle taste and aroma it has. Therefore, choose transparent glass bottles that do not hide the color and consistency of the syrup.

Several criteria will help you make the right choice:

  • choose only syrups from manufacturers that have passed government certification;
  • if you intend to use syrup for cooking, choose a rich color, and if you want to use it as a topping, then a lighter color;
  • pay attention to the cost of the product - it cannot cost less than $ 50 per liter;
  • pay attention to the composition of the product - it should not contain preservatives and unnatural sugars;
  • no other syrups, such as corn syrups, should be included.
Store unopened maple syrup packs in a cool dark place. Opened bottles are best kept refrigerated. Most manufacturers recommend not storing the syrup for more than one year.

The viscous, golden maple sap syrup has become a real symbol of Canada, spreading around the world as a great ingredient in many dishes. It is especially good in combination with desserts, for example, Canadians themselves love to pour lush pancakes on it, which are usually prepared for breakfast. Not the worst option would be ice cream with such syrup or a variety of pastries based on it, and some will also like meat in a sweet sauce. How is this unusual delicacy made and is it healthy to eat?

History of appearance

The mention of how to cook first appeared in 1760. The production technology was invented by the indigenous people of the mainland - the Indians. There is even an old legend dedicated to this dish. A young Indian was training to throw his tomahawk by a maple tree. Sap began to ooze from the marks left on the tree. The Indian's sister collected it and tried to use it in cooking. Everyone loved the unusual sweet taste. And so the story of the main Canadian delicacy began. Each spring, the Indians stocked up a year's worth of syrup, they had no sugar, and maple juice was the only sweetener available. Over time, they shared the recipe with the colonists. Since the thing from which the syrup is made, namely sugar maples of a special kind, is only in Canada, the delicacy has become a real national treasure.

What it is?

In order to produce natural maple syrup, you need to thicken the sap of a specific species of the corresponding tree.
From thirty to fifty liters of raw materials are required per liter of the final product, which cannot but affect the cost. The quality of what maple syrup is made from is of paramount importance. Suitable maples are black, red, silver and sugar. It is in them, especially in the latter, that the juice contains the required concentration of sugar. Such trees grow in North America, mainly in Canada, therefore it is their syrup that is considered the best. It is important that all the necessary technologies are followed during production. So, maple must be mature, over forty years old to get sap. From it during the season, you can get about twelve liters of raw materials daily for fifty years. Immediately after collection, you need to start cooking the syrup. When boiled, juice thickens naturally and without any additional components, transforming into an appetizing product loved by many people around the world.

Production secrets

Harvesting what maple syrup is made from requires special weather conditions. You need to start the procedure in late winter or spring, when the temperature during the day is above zero, and at night it drops to minus marks. This kind of weather stimulates maximum sap circulation in the tree. As a rule, this is the end of February and the first weeks of March. Spring juice is considered the sweetest. At a height of thirty centimeters from the ground, holes or notches are made on the trunk, grooves with tubes are inserted into them, through which the juice flows into containers. After that, the production process begins. How is maple syrup made? Quite a long time, this is what greatly increases its value. The juice is completely liquid, like water, in addition, it contains a small amount of sugar - no more than two percent. During processing, it undergoes a thorough step-by-step purification and thickens when evaporated in huge but flat containers. No sugar or other ingredients are added. Thus, what maple syrup is made from and what comes out as a result are completely natural products with no additives. The production process is monitored by a government commission, so that the Canadian dessert is guaranteed to meet the highest standards.

Features of maple syrup

Despite being a dessert, maple juice also contains many benefits. The syrup contains a significant amount of calcium and iron, as well as vitamin B. It should be borne in mind that there are also imitations in which there is nothing useful. A cheap product that says it's maple-flavored syrup is not worth buying. You need to look for a bottle with a maple leaf, which is a kind of quality mark. The label should be labeled with a letter from A to D. This mark indicates the intensity of the syrup: AA will be very light, A - light, B - medium, C - amber, and finally the letter D can be found on the darkest and thickest food.

Medicinal properties

Without even knowing what maple syrup is good for, you can happily add it to your food. However, given its invaluable benefits, you will want to do this even more often. Still, after all, maple juice stimulates the immune system, energizes the body, serves as an antioxidant, slows down the development of atherosclerosis, has a beneficial effect on potency, fights cancer, reduces the likelihood of obesity and diabetes. The syrup has a low glycemic index and contains no fat at all. The high levels of phenolic compounds and the high content of organic acids help the body fight the formation of cancer cells. In addition, the syrup contains phytohormones that stimulate the pancreas.

Mineral composition

In terms of mineral content, maple syrup, the beneficial properties of which are already quite widely known, bypasses even honey. The Canadian dessert contains magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, vitamin B complex and many polyphenols. There is little sugar in maple syrup, honey contains more. In addition, the first contains not sucrose, but dextrose, which is much more useful for the body. The use of maple syrup will be an excellent solution during a diet, since its calorie content is very low. It is suitable for both diabetics and allergy sufferers. A sixty milliliter serving will provide your body with your daily requirement of manganese, a third notable amounts of zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium. A multivitamin is exactly what maple syrup is good for. This, combined with great taste, makes the product the perfect choice.

Benefits for the liver

Scientists have figured out the properties of maple syrup and have come to the conclusion that, among other things, it perfectly heals the liver. A diet using this product reduces the level of harmful enzymes in the blood and suppresses the production of ammonia. Scientists fed rats with natural maple syrup for eleven days, and by the end of the experiment, the condition of the rodents was amazingly improved. One or another violation of the liver is manifested in every fourth person, especially in middle-aged people who are prone to drinking alcohol and being overweight. The complex of useful components of maple syrup allows you to take preventive measures and significantly improve your health.

Other Maple Sap Products

Since what maple syrup is made from is an extremely healthy raw material, it is not surprising that other products are made from it. For example, in Canada, special honey and sugar are made from maple sap. Such products are notable for their high cost, so the scale of production is small, however, you can buy and try them. Both sugar and honey from maple sap are healthier than conventional counterparts. A variety of syrup-based products are more readily available and widespread and are very popular in North America. These are breakfast cereals, butter, and jelly, as well as a real variety of all kinds of sweets, from caramel to tart and chocolates. All of them will seem very tasty to those who love the rich and bright taste of maple juice. Of course, they are less useful than pure syrup, but buying such treats as a souvenir or just sometimes eating them in moderation is quite reasonable.

Maple syrup baked goods

To get the real rich Canadian flavor as brightly as possible, try making muffins. Take 2 chicken eggs, 100 grams of fresh butter, 225 milliliters of maple syrup, 3 or 4 apples, 2.5 cups flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, a teaspoon of table salt, the same amount of cinnamon and nutmeg. Immediately turn on the oven and preheat it to one hundred and seventy degrees. Beat eggs with butter. Pour syrup into the mass and add finely chopped apples, mix everything thoroughly. Sift flour with baking powder and spices into the dough, mix and arrange in the tins. Bake for twenty minutes, after which fragrant muffins are ready to serve. Bon appetit and good mood!

In this article, we are talking about such a unique product as maple syrup. It is made from the sap of the sugar maple tree and is a natural sweetener. Maple syrup contains no preservatives, no flavors, and no added sugar. It is a truly environmentally friendly product rich in minerals and vitamins.

Unfortunately, in Russia this product is not yet as popular as, for example, in Canada or the USA. In these countries, it is served as an addition to various dishes - waffles, pancakes, ice cream, lollipops, all kinds of sauces are prepared from it, and vegetable and meat dishes are seasoned. For Canada, as you know, maple is even a national symbol. 90% of the syrup is produced in this country. The main production facilities are concentrated in the province of Quebec. Canadians have even established a holiday dedicated to this product. It is called “The Day of the Sugar Hut”.

North American Indians knew about maple syrup. They substituted sugar for them and prepared refreshing drinks. He immediately fell in love with the first settlers from Europe.

Getting juice

Today, almost all the same processes are used to obtain this product as before. Harvesting is carried out in the spring, it is at this time that maple juice is most useful and has excellent taste. A small depression is made in the tree trunk, where a special tube is inserted through which the liquid will flow into the container. It is very much like collecting birch sap in our area. One tree can serve as a source of maple sap for many, many years. It doesn't harm him in any way. Next, the syrup is prepared.

To get 1 liter of syrup, you need about 40 liters of juice. It resembles fresh honey in consistency. It can be transparent or translucent with an amber tint.

What are the health benefits of maple syrup?

By international standards, two-thirds of maple syrup should be sugar. Naturally, now we are not talking about ordinary sugar, the addition of which is strictly prohibited, but about the one that remains after the juice has evaporated. This product is very nutritious. There are approximately 260 calories in 100 grams of syrup.

Recently, American scientists from Rhode Island conducted an interesting study. Its results showed that maple syrup contains 54 useful elements at once. At the same time, the researchers do not exclude that they could even have missed something. All these components benefit the human body.

There are also unique substances in maple syrup that can no longer be found in the natural environment. For example, this is far from well-known Quebecol. Chemists have assigned it to the so-called phenolic group of compounds. Thanks to this element, maple syrup tastes sweet, but does not harm diabetics at all.

Fact! Despite the fact that this food is rich in carbohydrates, its glycemic index is very low.

Beneficial features:

  1. Abscisic acid, which this product is rich in, has a positive effect on the pancreas, stimulating its work, accelerating the release of insulin. Scientists hope that over time, maple syrup can become the basis for drugs for this organ.
  2. Maple syrup has also been shown to be good at fighting inflammation that affects various organs. It helps cleanse the circulatory system and even kills cancer cells. This amazing product has a positive effect on the human immune system and slows down the progression of neurodegenerative ailments.
  3. Maple syrup is especially beneficial for a strong half of humanity. The fact is that it reduces the risk of prostate cancer and increases potency. And all due to the fact that this product contains a lot of zinc and manganese.
  4. Maple syrup has also been shown to have a positive effect on heart health.
  5. Some people use it topically to improve the condition of their skin.

Maple syrup is a great alternative to preserves and jams, which do not provide much health benefits. And sometimes they even harm him. Residents of Canada will confirm this, because they eat it almost every day.

How to choose a quality product?

When buying maple syrup, you need to be careful to get a really high quality product. It must be produced in Canada. Only in this state there is a special body that tightly controls manufacturers and does not allow a low-quality product to enter the market. It is desirable that the syrup is light. Then it has a more subtle aroma and taste. If a liter of maple syrup costs less than $ 70, then most likely the product is not of a very high quality. It is better not to save in this case.

Slimming Maple Syrup

There is also an effective maple syrup diet. Its creators claim that in this way you can lose about 9-10 kilograms. Many celebrities are said to have sat on it, including Gwyneth Peltrow, Beyoncé, Naomi Campbell.

In addition to maple syrup, you will also need lemon, cayenne pepper (chili), and plain water. Mix a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1/6 tablespoon of cayenne pepper. You need to drink about ten glasses of such a mixture per day. In addition, some also take laxatives. Before starting such a diet, it would be better to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your health.

When can maple syrup be harmful?

In order for the use of maple syrup to bring only benefits, you do not need to abuse it. If you eat it in exorbitant doses, you can raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels and even earn yourself diabetes. You also need to remember that maple syrup, although it contains a lot of useful substances, it does not replace, for example, fruit. Keep track of your portion sizes and buy only a quality product.

Video: Maple Syrup - Canadian Dessert