How long a whole watermelon can be stored. How and where to store a watermelon correctly? Can mango be kept in the refrigerator and how much

18.04.2019 Snacks

How quickly the watermelon harvest time passes and how you want to extend it. Will it be possible to please yourself and loved ones summer scent sugar fruit in winter? We will find out how much watermelon is stored and try to keep it as long as possible.

Whole fruit

If you want to cut a watermelon for the New Year's table, then choose a candidate for storage as picky as possible:

  • with a shiny skin and bright contrasting stripes;
  • with a flat surface without damage and dents;
  • unbeaten;
  • with an incompletely dry tail;
  • not really big size but with a thick skin;
  • with a ringing, not a dull sound when tapped;
  • late-ripening varieties.

Not overripe, but slightly unripe - such watermelons are stored for 2-3 months. The best place for this - a cellar. It is here that there are all the conditions that ensure long-term storage:

Watermelons are best kept hanging and not touching each other.

What tricks do experienced gardeners use to increase the shelf life of watermelons: they apply alabaster, clay or wax to the peel, put it in straw, ash, sand or moss. But if you do not have a cellar, then store at home in a clean and dark cool corner, in the closet or on the balcony. Wrap the melons in newspaper or cloth, hang them in a net, or lay them on a soft natural cloth mat. At home, they can only be stored for a month or two. It is important to periodically check their surface for rot, and turn over on the other side.

Cut into halves

Having waited for the long-awaited harvest, we are in a hurry to choose the largest fruit. We think that we will eat it whole and at once, but we are mistaken - sweet watermelons quickly saturate. Are you accustomed to keeping a cut watermelon in the refrigerator? How long can it be stored here? To prolong life, try to pack properly:

  • wrap cut cling film- so it does not absorb odors;
  • put the cut side down on a plate - less juice will flow out.

But try to eat it within 1-2 days, because the sweet surface is a breeding ground for bacteria.

The treat can cause poisoning - especially do not risk the health of children and pregnant women.


To rescue healthy berry at home you can do it in two ways:

  • put in a vacuum container;
  • to freeze.

So cut up as much as you can eat.


Now you know how long whole and cut watermelons are stored. Many housewives try to freeze fruit at home in freezer and thus preserve a piece of summer. The fruit is cut without the peel into small layers and placed on a tray for instant freezing. The frozen pieces can be put in small portioned bags. So they can be stored for a whole year.

But defrosting, the watermelon turns into porridge. Hurry up to eat it frozen as natural fruit ice... Children will love this dessert.

Watermelon pickles

How long can salted blanks be stored? After all, with a good harvest, they try to preserve the excess of fruit. Make sure that the lid of the workpieces is tightly closed, and the temperature in the room does not exceed 10 degrees. In such conditions, salted watermelons can be stored from six months to a year.

A watermelon kept at home warms the soul. It turns out that it can be stored for a long time, and in winter time please the whole family not only with vitamins, but also with your favorite taste.

One of the favorite delicacies of many Slavs are melons, namely the sweet berry - watermelon. except good taste, it has many beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals. You can enjoy this fruit only at the height of the season. But how to preserve a watermelon and lay it for long-term storage without losing taste qualities? This product is short-lived and is not stored for more than three months, but knowing the secrets, you can save sunny fruits longer. These rules are simple and if you follow them, then your New Year's table will decorate delicious watermelon... To do this, you need to prepare, because the sun berry must not only survive, but also preserve its sweetness and juiciness. So let's figure out how to store watermelons and melons correctly.

Choosing a watermelon

The first thing to do is to give preference the right kind... To preserve the watermelon until the New Year, take late fruits. The later they ripen, the longer the berry can be stored. When laying, check for cracks, scratches and dents - such fruits will not be stored for a long time. The selection is based on several criteria:

  • you need to buy late-ripening varieties that ripen not earlier than mid-September and do not have;
  • at home, fruits with a thick crust of varieties are saved late date ripening: Stokes, Volzhsky, Astrakhansky, Kholodov's Gift, Chill, Icarus, Blagodatny, Dessert;
  • the skin of the berry should shine and be firm;
  • unripe watermelons are stored better and ripen perfectly during maturation;
  • the fruit should not be wrinkled, not scratched or cracked;
  • you can't buy melon along the roads. The bright sun and exhaust fumes of passing cars are not good, deteriorating taste and shortening the shelf life;
  • for buying, they choose points of sale with awnings, where the fruits lie in one layer, and the seller has a health book and a quality certificate for the product;
  • the weight of the fruit should be in the range of 4-5 kg. It is better not to take copies of huge size;
  • at the beginning of the sales season for melons, most of the fruits are stuffed with chemistry, and they are not worth buying;
  • when grown on the site, the watermelon is allowed to ripen on its own, fertilizers are used as little as possible. And we must remember that in rainy weather nitrates are formed in the fruits;
  • shopping in supermarkets is a bad option, they are brought there unripe, and the taste leaves much to be desired;
  • to check ripeness, look at the dryness of the tail and the halo under it. A ripe berry has a small yellow spot;
  • stripes on the peel should be clear and contrasting. Blurring is caused by nitrates;
  • a small watermelon is sweeter than a large one;
  • “Female” fruits are tastier than “male” ones and contain fewer seeds, and they can be distinguished as follows: the “female” watermelon opposite the tail on the other side of the fruit has a wider halo;
  • late-ripening varieties grown on the site are harvested a week before full ripening and transported neatly, in a box on a soft bedding in one layer and sheltered from the scorching sun.
  • it is necessary to touch and transfer stored cavities carefully and preferably with cotton gloves.

How long is a watermelon stored?

Subject to the necessary conditions, the shelf life of a watermelon is up to three months. Melon fruits are well preserved, which ripen late and have a lot of pectins in the pulp. They retain moisture while remaining elastic. To save a watermelon until the New Year, you must comply with the conditions and recommendations:

  1. Right choice the right grade.
  2. Harvest in time.
  3. Proven storage methods.

Utility rooms for storage

Not everyone knows how to store watermelons in a cellar. For good preservation, there should be a temperature of 4 degrees and a humidity not higher than 85%. This mode allows you to preserve flavor and juiciness. Dampness and heat contribute to the decay process. The room must be ventilated. It is not advisable to keep other vegetables (potatoes, cabbage) together with melons.

Before laying, the fruits are pollinated with a 2% solution of lime and covered with straw for a day so that the bark is dehydrated.

The berries are stored in a suspended state, on racks and in boxes on a soft bedding. Different materials are used as bedding:

  • covered with sand or fine wood ash;
  • lined with dry forest moss, it absorbs moisture, soft and safe;
  • coated with liquid clay, wax, paraffin or alabaster with a layer of at least 1 cm, such a coating does not allow air, light and moisture to pass through, and increases the shelf life.
  • cover with straw on all sides;
  • wrapped in thin material, put in string bags and hung from the ceiling.

The fruits are inspected every day, checking for safety and the presence of rot. If there is no visible damage, but the fruit seems lighter than the rest, it is removed.

Where to store a watermelon in an apartment

Long storage of watermelons when room temperature impossible. He will be able to lie longer if the fruit is kept in the refrigerator, in the lower drawer, having previously wrapped in several layers of newspapers (but not glossy magazines). In this case, the watermelon is turned over every other day.

Cut watermelon can be stored for no more than two days.

The previously frozen fruit will lie longer, lose some nutrients. Storage racks can be arranged on a loggia or a glazed balcony with a temperature of at least zero... The conditions are the same as in the basement: the fruits are laid in one row on a soft substrate or hung in nets. Caves are placed in boxes, sprinkled with grain or sand and placed on the floor in a cool place.

Bathroom or mezzanine is suitable for storing melons and gourds. The selected area should be ventilated, dark and cool. You can also store a watermelon for a month in a container of water, which is changed every day.

Garden storage

If a large crop of melons has grown on the site, but there are no necessary premises, then they dig a deep hole in the ground, lay straw or hay on the bottom and lay watermelons treated with a lime solution. Top covered with shavings, and then earth. So melon is stored for a long time, but it is difficult to check the harvest periodically - this is the minus of the method.


The watermelon pulp is frozen, while its texture will change, but the taste and aroma will remain. And you will need to eat it quickly, without defrosting it to the end, or use it for jelly and cocktails. For freezing, cut into pieces or cubes and stack on a baking sheet so that they do not come into contact with each other. Placed in a freezer for pre-freezing. When the pieces have hardened, they are poured into containers, leaving a small space on top, covered with lids and put into the refrigerator.

You can save watermelon by making homemade ice cream. To do this, cut the pulp into pieces (with a knife or molds) and stick ice cream sticks into them. Then they freeze. In winter, such a delicacy is eaten by holding a stick. When frozen, watermelon berries can be stored for up to 12 months.


One of the ways to preserve the watermelon until winter is in barrels and pickling in cans. These pickles are delicious and loved by many. Whole fruits are placed in barrels, choosing small in size and not overripe. They are poured with salt water (400 grams of salt per bucket of water), spices (garlic, herbs) are added (if desired), oppression is put on top so that the watermelons do not float and become moldy. After 2-3 weeks, the pickles are ready. They are stored until spring.

For pickling in jars, watermelons are cut into pieces. The peel is removed or retained. Seeds are not chosen. Celery and peas are placed at the bottom of the jars allspice... The vessel is filled with watermelon pieces as tightly as possible. Flooded hot water and incubated for 20 minutes, then drained. Pour boiling brine (1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water), add a tablespoon of 70% vinegar and a teaspoon to each jar citric acid, rolled up, turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left for a day. The cooled banks are lowered into a cool place: basement, cellar or balcony.

Watermelon is a symbol of summer. Juicy fruits are excellent thirst quenchers, and it is during this season that they are easy to find.

It is not easy to save watermelons for several months, not spoiled, retaining everything useful that is in them, not losing their taste.

But knowing all the features of storing these giant berries, and during the winter holidays, you can pamper yourself and loved ones with the usual summer table delicacy.

What kind of watermelons can be stored for a long time?

Before deciding how to store watermelons at home, you need to choose the right one.

The fruit should be medium in size, whole and firm: no cracks, cuts, dents, blow marks or sunburns, and its surface smooth and even. The thicker the rind of the watermelon, the better. It will more reliably protect the pulp from external influences.

If the watermelon is purchased for storage, it is important to know its variety and harvest time. More preferable late varieties, for example, Chill, Peasant, Lezhky. And it is better to buy berries at the end of September. By autumn, the fruits ripen on their own, without the help of chemicals, which means they have less nitrates.

If you plan to keep the watermelons grown on your own, you need to pick them especially carefully, with gloves, without damaging the surface of the berries. It should be folded on a clean soft cloth or other surface that allows "breathing" and so that the fruits do not touch each other.

Properly selected watermelons as a whole, under favorable conditions, can be stored for 1 to 5 months.

Where to store watermelons?

To keep watermelons at home, you need to take care of where to place them. Both in the apartment and in a private house there is an opportunity to save summer treat before winter. The main thing is that at the location of the fruits there should be:

    Good air circulation

    Constant temperature not higher than 6 and not lower than 1 degree Celsius

    Humidity within 60-80% Protected from light

In an apartment for storing berries, the following are suitable: bathroom, pantry, room where there is no lighting and always cool, mezzanine, balcony or loggia, if there is no temperature below zero.

In the case of a private house storage of watermelons is possible in more places, since you can not be limited to the residential part of the house. The necessary conditions can be created in the attic, in the garage, in the basement, in the summer kitchen or on the veranda.

What are the ways to store watermelons?

Lovers of these juicy giant berries have come up with many ways with which there is a chance to keep watermelons until spring. Here are a few of them:

1. Hang fruits wrapped in natural cloth or non-woven cloth in a net

2. Spread the surface of the berries with a thick solution of clay, paraffin or wax with a layer 1 centimeter thick. Such a shell will protect the fruit from external excessive moisture, that is, it will prevent the formation of mold, and preserve its juiciness.

3. Place the watermelons, stalk down, in boxes filled with sand, wood ash or dry grain. Thus, the conditions of the soil in which the berries are grown are simulated.

4. Surround the fruits on all sides with straw, the space between the watermelons should also be filled. The straw will prevent the fruit from coming into contact with a hard surface and will protect the crust from damage, plus it will collect excess moisture.

5. Put the berries on the sphagnum marsh moss, after drying it. It perfectly absorbs excess moisture, does not damage the surface of the fruit and has a disinfecting effect, preventing the development of all kinds of fungi and bacteria.

What else do you need to know to conserve watermelons?

Having chosen a convenient option for storing watermelons at home, providing the necessary temperature and humidity level, you need to know a number of other nuances.

Throughout the shelf life, watermelons need to be turned over periodically.

These huge berries are often very heavy, plus the flesh has a delicate texture. A fetus that has lain in one position for several months is likely to develop some kind of deformation that will negatively affect the safety of the watermelon.

It is important to minimize all fruit contact with any hard surfaces, including each other.

A watermelon placed in a large, closed metal container (saucepan, bucket with a lid) and left in the dark does not need to be refrigerated. This storage method is similar to berry storage in a cellar. Avoid storing watermelons close to other vegetables, especially potatoes. If possible, it is recommended to set aside a separate room. Absolute darkness is just as important as temperature and humidity when storing watermelons

Before placing the fruits in the prepared place, you need to wash and dry them. So there is less chance of the multiplication of harmful microorganisms on the surface of the berries.

The watermelons left for storage should be checked regularly so that one accidentally spoiled fruit does not harm the rest.

Storing watermelons at home long time- troublesome work. But the effort and time spent are worth it. Into the cold winter season so by the way, you will have to greet from summer in the form of a fresh juicy sweet piece of ripe watermelon.

Getting a good harvest of vegetables, fruits or berries is only half the battle, because certain knowledge and skills are required to save it.

After all, not everyone knows how to store watermelons without losing their taste, useful properties and attractive appearance. Adhering to certain rules and recommendations, it is easy to achieve this and does not require a significant investment of time and effort.

If you are not aware of how and how much to store a watermelon, our article is for you.

Choosing the right watermelon for storage

Choosing a watermelon for long-term storage, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Buy late-ripening varieties that do not have nitrates. Optimal term purchase of watermelons - the end of September.
  • A long shelf life is typical for late-ripening, thick-bore watermelons. In particular, for "Dessertny", "Astrakhan", "Icarus" and others.
  • Pay attention to the skin of the berry: it should not be damaged, the surface of the fruit is shiny, bright green and firm.
  • Buy slightly unripe fruits. They mature during storage. Unripe berries are easily recognized by their characteristic sound - by tapping lightly, you will hear a ringing sound. According to many years of observation, unripe watermelons are best stored.
  • Pay attention to the size of the watermelons: Weight Limit fruits no more than 5 kilograms.
  • Buy berries at specialty stores and stalls. Avoid shopping for watermelons on the side of the road and in unfurnished retail outlets... It will simply not be possible to achieve their long-term preservation.
  • When choosing a watermelon, carefully study the documents, paying special attention to the printing. When presenting not the original, but a photocopy, the print must be in color. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the documents are fake, and the quality of the watermelons is questionable.

Growing late-ripening watermelons in the country or personal plot, harvest 5-7 days before it ripens. Cut and deliver fruit to storage without causing damage. Do not leave cut watermelons in direct sunlight.

The ideal place to store watermelons is in a dark, cool cellar. If you live in an apartment, do not be discouraged, observing some rules, watermelons can be stored in the apartment as well.

  1. Air humidity - not less than 70%. If the humidity is lower, the watermelons will dry out.
  2. Temperature - from +1 to +30 degrees. At higher temperatures, the shelf life of watermelons will be significantly reduced.
  3. Do not allow the sun's rays to hit the fruit.
  4. We store berries on sand, straw, sawdust and other soft surfaces.
  5. From time to time we turn the watermelons from side to side.

We store watermelons in the apartment

There are many ways to store a watermelon in an apartment.

  • For the winter, put it in your closet, bathroom, or mezzanine. The fruits should not come into contact with each other, otherwise they will deteriorate and become unfit for food.
  • To extend the shelf life, apply a 5 millimeter layer of liquid alabaster or clay to the rind of the watermelon. You can buy clay and alabaster in any specialty store.
  • The shelf life of watermelons increases when their peel is covered with a layer of paraffin or wax, 1 centimeter thick. They prevent the fruit from coming into contact with air, significantly increasing the shelf life.
  • Remember to keep an eye on humidity and temperature.

The methods listed above have been used to store watermelons for many years. Reviews about them are only positive. Their effectiveness is noted and the guarantee of the suitability of the fruits for food, even after a few months.

Storing watermelon in the refrigerator

An excellent place to store watermelons in an apartment is the refrigerator. It allows you to significantly increase their shelf life. Additionally, watermelon slices can be frozen for the subsequent preparation of various cocktails and compotes.

  • We wash and dry the watermelon. Wipe the berry wet paper napkin or a towel.

Attention! Wet fruit is not put in the refrigerator.

  • Then, wrap the fruit in regular newspapers (don't wrap the watermelon in glossy magazines).
  • Line the bottom of the fruit and vegetable drawer with a thick, dense cloth, and then place the berries.
  • Turn the watermelon over from time to time.

You can store a watermelon in the refrigerator for a long time if it is whole. Chopped berries will not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.

Frozen watermelon pulp loses its natural structure and is used for the preparation of jelly, cocktails and similar drinks. Unmelted slices are capable of being eaten.

For freezing and storing watermelons in the freezer, use:

  • Granulated sugar;
  • Fructose;
  • Syrup.

We dip the watermelon slices in one of the above ingredients, pack them and send them for dry freezing.

Cut frozen watermelon at a constant negative temperature can be stored for up to a year. Taste qualities, appearance and the aroma of the defrosted berries remains unchanged.

The first-class storage place for a watermelon in a private home is a dark, cool cellar. There are several ways to store watermelons in it.

Method 1

Put the watermelons wrapped in natural fabric or paper in ordinary vegetable nets and hang them from the ceiling of the cellar. So you will achieve long-term storage of fruits, saving free space.

Method 2

If you decide to store watermelons on shelves or in boxes, use regular forest moss. Place the moss collected in dry weather on a shelf. Place watermelons on a shelf or in boxes, additionally covering the sides with moss.

In the absence of moss, straw can replace it. Lay it in a thick layer in a box or on a shelf, put the fruits on it, additionally covering them with straw on top. When stored on a shelf, the watermelons should not touch.

Method 3

For better preservation of watermelons, cover their rind with a layer of paraffin or wax, about 1 centimeter thick. They can be replaced by clay applied to the peel of the fruit with a regular brush.

The duration of storage of watermelons in the cellar depends on the method chosen.

  • Fruits, laid on shelves or hung in nets, are stored for about 2 months.
  • Using wax, forest moss or straw will extend the storage time to 4 months.

In addition, the basement should be regularly monitored for temperature, humidity and light levels.

A fairly common question is whether it is possible to store a watermelon next to other fruits and vegetables? The answer is unambiguous - it is impossible, otherwise the berries will absorb the foreign smell, which will deteriorate their taste. Stack watermelons so that there is no food nearby.

Having considered how to store watermelons at home, we can conclude that, following all the rules and recommendations, the watermelon can be stored for several months without losing its taste. The shelf life depends on the correct choice of the watermelon, its integrity. An ideal place to store a watermelon in a private house is a cellar (basement).

Long-term storage of watermelons is not a myth, but a reality!

They want to enjoy the taste of the fruit not only in summer but also in winter.

In this article, we will tell you what you need to do in order to feast on winter period and in what ways you can preserve its taste.

Berry selection

So that the term of the fruits is as long as possible and at the same time they retain their taste, it is very important to know which one to choose for harvesting for the winter.


When choosing fruits, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. They should not be damaged. Sunburn, cracks, scratches and dents make the fruit unsuitable for long-term storage.

Important! Do not store berries on a hard surface - this will lead to the formation of dents and quick deterioration.

The ideal berry weight should be 4-5 kg. The watermelon must be handled carefully, not thrown, while maintaining its integrity. Otherwise, it will quickly disappear and cannot be stored.


You can save until the New Year only if you choose the right variety. Only late-ripening varieties with a thick peel are excellent for storage. It is recommended to purchase fruits for harvesting at the end of September. Usually, they practically do not contain nitrates, since by this time their maturation occurs without excipients... It is recommended to give preference to varieties with strong pulp, such as "Dessert", "Podarok Kholodova", "Volzhsky".

Best conditions for long-term storage

To taste a piece in the winter sweet berries reminiscent of summer days, it is worth knowing how to store watermelons until the New Year.
It is very important that certain conditions for storing fruits are observed:

  • it should always be dark in the room;
  • it is necessary to provide constant ventilation;
  • air temperature should be within +6 .. + 8 ° С. An increase in temperature contributes to a change in the consistency of the berry, which leads to fermentation processes. When the temperature drops below 0 ° C, the berries may freeze;
  • relative humidity should be 60-80%. A decrease in humidity leads to a loss of the juiciness of the watermelon, and with its increased indicators, the fruits begin to rot.

Did you know? The largest watermelon weighs 120 kg. It was grown in the USA and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The basement is an ideal storage place. Observing simple rules, you will be able to keep the fruits for a long time.

Storing watermelon at home

"Sunny Berry" can be stored not only in the house. Of course, living in an apartment, it will be more difficult to do, but still it is quite possible. Suitable locations include:

  • pantry;
  • glazed balcony;
  • bathroom.

Living in a private house, you can store watermelons:
  • in a cellar or basement;
  • in the garage;
  • in the attic;
  • in a summer kitchen or a cold room, however, the air temperature should not exceed +8 ° C.
There are many ways to store fruit. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common ones.


If you decide to choose this method, first you need to go to the forest to collect. It must be dry. It is necessary to cover the bottom with moss wooden box or boxes, put berries on it and cover them with moss on all sides. A box with a watermelon should be stored in a cellar or basement, the recommended air temperature is + 2-3 ° C.


With this method, the fruits can be stored in a private house and apartment. First you need to wrap the berry in a dense natural fabric, then place it in a string bag and hang it on a hook. The watermelon should not touch any surfaces, that is, it should be completely suspended.


This method is often used by people who use wood to heat the stove. Alternatively, you can purchase it from specialized stores. Ash prevents fungi and putrefactive bacteria from developing, absorbs excess moisture. Sifted ash is poured onto the bottom of the wooden box, then the berries are spread on it and the top is completely sprinkled with ashes. Cover the box or box with a lid and leave it in the cellar.


Straw is great for long-term storage. The bottom of a box or box should be sent with a fairly dense layer of straw. Then berries are laid out on it in such a way that there is a distance between them, and the stalks look up. Straw is also laid out between the watermelons, and it is placed on top. It should completely cover the berries.

Wax or paraffin

It is necessary to melt or paraffin and cover the watermelon with it. The layer should be thick, about 1 cm. In this form, the berries are stored in a cool place, for example, in a basement or cellar.


Very much is poured into a barrel or wooden vat cold water and a watermelon is lowered there. It must be completely covered with water. The berries in the barrel are left in the basement.


A box or other container in a basement or other cool place must be ½ filled with sand. Fruits are put on it with the stalk down. They should not touch each other. Then the berries are completely covered with sand.


It is necessary to dilute the clay in water to a consistency thick paste... Then it is applied to the berry. After the clay has dried, cover the watermelon with a few more layers. Each layer should dry well. As a result, the clay layer should be about 0.5 cm. After it has completely dried, the fruits are left in a dark cool room in a suspended state or laid out on sawdust.

Important! You should not choose unripe melons for storage in the hope that they will ripen. Such berries, in addition to an unpleasant taste, have a very short shelf life and quickly deteriorate.

Knowing how much watermelon is stored, you can start harvesting at a certain time to save it until the New Year. On average, subject to the rules and conditions of storage, melons can be stored for 3-4 months.

Is it possible to freeze a watermelon for the winter

In winter, I really want to remember the summer and feel sweet taste"Sunny berries". Many lovers of these fruits are interested in the question: is it possible to freeze a watermelon?