Tomato paste for the winter. Homemade tomato paste for the winter: simple recipes for making thick paste

17.09.2019 Beverages

It is unlikely that there is at least one housewife who does not use tomato paste to add sourness and bright color to dishes. On store shelves, you can find the widest assortment of this product from different manufacturers.
According to GOST, only tomatoes and salt are used for making pasta. No other ingredients are allowed in this product. Unfortunately, some manufacturers are trying to reduce production costs by adding harmful ingredients such as thickeners, stabilizers, preservatives, dyes, etc. to the semi-finished product. Therefore, despite the abundance of ready-made tomato paste in cans, tubes and other packaging, it is better to prepare your own stock from fresh tomatoes for the winter.
The recipe is so simple that you only need fresh tomatoes and the necessary equipment for any seaming: jars, lids, a key, dishes and a meat grinder. The tomato paste for this recipe does not contain vinegar, salt, or any other additives. All this you can add in the cooking process after you open the jar in winter. The recipe for tomato paste with a photo is the simplest and most basic.

Taste Info Sauces for the winter


  • 2.5 kg of ripe round tomatoes.

How to cook tomato paste for the winter at home

Wash the tomatoes, let them drain or dry thoroughly. Cut into 4-8 slices, depending on the size of the vegetables.

Grind tomato slices in an electric meat grinder. Put the resulting fresh tomato paste to simmer over medium heat.

The paste should evaporate by half and take on a slightly dark, burgundy hue. Cook for at least 1.5 hours.

Place two 1/2 liter jars to sterilize. First, wash each of them with a sponge and dishwashing liquid. Rinse off the foam thoroughly under running water. Steam each jar over boiling water. To do this, you can use a colander, wire rack, or a sturdy metal sieve. Steam each container for 5 minutes, no more, otherwise the glass may burst. After processing, place the jars close to the stove so that it is convenient to fill them with boiling tomato paste.

Boil the seaming tin lids. Do this for 5-10 minutes. Be sure to check that there is an elastic band on each lid in the inner groove, otherwise the seaming will swell very quickly and deteriorate.

Pour boiling tomato mixture into jars and roll up with a wrench. Turn the cans over immediately after canning. This recommendation applies to any home seaming.

Cooled cans of tomato paste can be signed with a permanent marker on the lids or pasted over with homemade stickers. Indicate the name of the seaming and the year of manufacture in order to constantly monitor the remnants of preservation in the home pantry. It is advisable to use such a seaming within 2 years, but no more.

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Tips for making tomato paste:

  • Use only ripe tomatoes for the pasta. The fatter the tomatoes, the less excess liquid that needs to be evaporated. It's okay if they have defects. They are easy to remove with a knife. For chopping, you can use a blender instead of a meat grinder.
  • You should not use aluminum dishes for cooking, as this material oxidizes, which means that harmful substances get into the food. Do not fill the dishes to the brim, the paste may foam during the boil.
  • If you want the tomato paste for the winter, the recipe for which is given above, to resemble a store product in consistency, then before cooking the tomatoes must be wiped through a sieve or passed through a juicer. That is, you need to get rid of the skin and seeds. The resulting tomato juice is boiled down to the density you need. As a rule, about one and a half liters of paste is obtained from 10 liters of juice. It is worth noting that this process is quite long. It is recommended to carry out boiling in 3-5 receptions. Such a paste can be stored not only in a jar, but also in a freezer, packing it in ordinary plastic bags or silicone molds.
  • If you are not a fan of long cooking, this process can be significantly shortened. To do this, the squeezed juice must be poured into a linen bag and hung so that excess liquid slowly flows out of it. After about 10-12 hours, place the mixture in a saucepan and boil, stirring occasionally. Simmer for 15 minutes and add salt to your taste. It is not necessary to cook for a long time, because after draining the tomato mass turns out to be quite thick. Spread the hot paste in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Or use the freezer for storage.
How to cook tomato paste in the oven

Tomato paste can be cooked in the oven with salt and spices. For this, pure tomato juice is mixed with salt, poured into a mold with large sides and placed in the oven. As a form, you can use a high baking sheet or a low wide pan, you can also use any other convenient ceramic, glass forms. Some hostesses use two baking sheets at different heights. Oven temperature 220 degrees.
Cook for about 2.5-3 hours with occasional stirring until the thickness you want. Then spices, herbs are added and the cooking process continues for another 30 minutes, after which the paste is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.
For 2 kg of tomato, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. salt, 1/5 tsp. ground black pepper, add some spices to your taste (basil, celery, parsley, dill, cloves, coriander, cinnamon, paprika). Fresh greens can be added, having previously tied them together with a thread, remove at the end of cooking.

Tomato paste is a product obtained from ripe tomatoes by boiling. Tomato paste is very widely used in cooking and today housewives and cooks simply cannot imagine how one can do without this versatile product. Tomato paste is especially popular in winter, when fresh tomatoes disappear from the shelves. Tomato paste gives dishes a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a beautiful red color. Tomato paste is added to soups; all kinds of gravies, sauces, ketchups and dressings are made from it.

Tomato paste can be made at home, and such a paste is in no way inferior to factory tomato paste.

Recipe 1. Ordinary tomato paste


  • Ripe tomatoes
  • Salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. To make tomato paste, you need a large, clean plastic bag. The tomatoes need to be rinsed well with water and cut in two.
  2. Then the tomatoes need to be passed through a meat grinder and the resulting tomato juice is drained into a plastic bag.
  3. The bag is suspended in such a way that the excess juice will drain.
  4. The bag should hang for 12 hours, after which its contents are poured into an aluminum pan.
  5. Put the saucepan with tomato puree on the fire and bring to a boil.
  6. After that, the fire is reduced and the tomato mass is boiled for another 15 minutes.
  7. Then the mass needs to be salted and mixed well.
  8. Put the finished tomato paste into prepared jars and roll up.

Recipe 2. Italian tomato paste


  • Ripe tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 100 grams
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Table vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • Cloves to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt to taste

Cooking method:

Italian-style tomato paste turns out to be very tasty and healthy, since during its preparation the tomato mass undergoes a slight heat treatment, so the product retains its natural taste.

  1. Ripe tomatoes are washed, cut into two or four pieces, depending on the size of the tomato and passed through a meat grinder.
  2. After that, the tomato juice must be poured into a bag, which must be hung up for 8 hours. During this time, all excess fluid will be released.
  3. Then the tomato mass is transferred to a metal container and put on a small fire.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil and boil for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. After that, you need to make a bag of gauze and put spices in it and add sugar and vinegar.
  6. The tomato paste is salted and a bag of spices is placed in it.
  7. Thus, you need to boil the paste for another 5 minutes, remove from heat and remove the spices.
  8. Hot tomato paste is placed in prepared jars and rolled up.

Recipe 3. Instant tomato paste


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes well and cut the spoiled areas with a knife.
  2. Next, the tomatoes are cut and chopped using a meat grinder.
  3. Tomato juice is poured into a saucepan and boiled over low heat until the tomato mass is 3 times less. This way, tomato juice can be boiled for several hours.
  4. The result should be a mass that is similar in consistency to thick sour cream.
  5. No salt and black pepper are added to such tomato paste.
  6. When the paste is ready, it is poured hot into prepared sterilized jars and rolled up.
  7. Store tomato paste in the refrigerator or basement.

Tomato paste is a beloved and widespread product in our country. Housewives use it in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes from borscht and hodgepodge to tomato juice and bolognese pasta. The need to use tomato paste intensifies in winter, when there are no ripe tomatoes from the garden, and the blanks stored in the summer come to the rescue for cooking.

The stores offer a wide range of ready-made tomato paste, but most often in production, technologists use various kinds of additives that improve the taste, texture and shelf life of the finished product. This tomato paste looks gorgeous outwardly, but how much does it actually have a beneficial effect on health? After all you can prepare a healthy and tasty tomato paste with your own hands houses for the winter. To speed up the cooking process, you can also use the very popular and convenient multicooker device and make tomatoes according to the recipe from this article.

In addition, the winter diet often involves a shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits, so using homemade preparations is an excellent option to maintain health.

If you are pleased with a rich tomato harvest in the summer, one of the best ways to save vitamins for the winter, as well as “utilize” a huge amount of vegetables, is to cook tomato paste.

How to make tomato paste at home without special equipment?

Tomato paste can be prepared in two ways: by boiling and by decanting (weighing).

Different recipes suggest using the first or second method There are many proponents of both boiling and decanting in their recipes.

Recipes by the method of decantation - it involves the use of the technology for the production of cottage cheese, ground tomatoes in a meat grinder or blender are placed in a linen (calico, gauze, linen) bag and hung over a bowl, allowing the maximum amount of liquid to drain, thereby facilitating and accelerating the process of evaporation of moisture, boiling tomatoes to the usual thick consistency.

If you cook tomato paste using the boil method, then cooking may take longer, since it is recommended to cook in 3-5 receptions, all excess liquid should boil off, and this takes several hours. To speed up the cooking process using this method, you can use a multicooker or oven.

There are many recipes for making tomato pasta at home for the winter, including in a slow cooker. You can cook exclusively from tomatoes, you can add salt, and also with or without vinegar, you can even add apples or bell peppers. It all depends on your taste and imagination.

Tomato paste (classic recipe)

Among the many recipes, the most popular is the classic recipe in which the main ingredients are tomatoes and salt. The tomato paste prepared according to this recipe has a rich taste and aroma; it was it that was added to soups by our grandmothers and mothers.

The main condition for preparing tasty and thick tomato paste for the winter is ripe tomatoes, varieties with a low liquid content, such as “cream” or “Baku” tomatoes, are best suited. The more meaty the tomatoes, the faster the tomato paste gets the desired consistency, the less time it will ultimately spend on cooking.


tomatoes - 5 kg


The process of boiling tomatoes down to the consistency of tomato paste can be significantly accelerated using the “weighing” method. In this case, tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder, placed in a fabric bag - flax and cotton are well suited for these purposes - for 5-8 hours (you can overnight), which is hung over a basin or bowl so that all excess liquid from the bag is glass into the container ... Then the resulting thick mass is placed in a saucepan and cooked for 20-30 minutes until tender.

You can also speed up the boiling process of tomatoes by using a multicooker. We bring to your attention a recipe for making tomato paste at home in a slow cooker.

Tomato paste at home in a slow cooker


tomatoes - 1 kg

salt to taste


  1. The first thing to do is to prepare the tomatoes: wash, divide into four parts, remove the stem and any other tough or suspicious parts with a knife.
  2. Then place the tomatoes in a slow cooker and cook on the "Sauté" mode for 1 hour.
  3. Rub the resulting softened tomatoes through a sieve. The seeds and skins can be thrown away.
  4. Pour the resulting juice with pulp back into the multicooker, cook in the "Baking" mode for 20-25 minutes with the lid open, stirring constantly to prevent burning.
  5. When the tomato paste is reduced in volume by 2 times, salt to taste and turn off the multicooker.
  6. Banks and lids must first be sterilized.
  7. Put tomato paste in a pre-prepared jar and cover with a lid, place in a saucepan with water heated to 60 degrees and boil for 20 minutes, then close the jar tightly with a lid and leave to cool at room temperature.

One of the most convenient ways to prepare tomato paste is the one suggested below.

Tomato paste in the oven


Tomatoes - 4 kg

Coarse salt - 4 tablespoons

Olive oil - 0.5 cups

Homemade tomato paste will be appreciated by many in winter, when it can be used to make pasta sauce, gravy, and even tomato juice by simply stirring the paste with salt.

In any of the recipes listed above, you can add your favorite spices, then it is better to put them in a cloth bag, boil with the tomatoes and throw them away. This way, you will keep the classic look while adding a pleasant spicy touch.

Tomato paste can be made from the second grade with cracks and crumpled barrels. The main thing is that they are rich in ripeness, and preferably not juicy varieties with dense fleshy pulp. Such tomatoes can be purchased at a bargain price, which will make the finished product as budgetary as possible and even more attractive for cooking at home.

How to make tomato paste at home - a recipe for the winter


  • ripe tomatoes - 3.5 kg;
  • bulbs - 190-240 g;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • rock salt, not iodized - to taste.


Rinse the tomatoes with cool water, cut them in half and put them in an enamel bowl. We also send onions there, having previously peeled and cut them arbitrarily. Now pour in about a hundred milliliters of water, cover the container with a lid and leave it on a medium-intensity fire to boil. Let the tomato-onion mass boil for fifteen minutes, after which we leave it until it cools completely.

After that, we grind the tomato mass through a sieve, separating the skins, seeds and stalks and getting rid of them. We put the resulting puree on the stove to boil until the volume decreases by about five times, stirring from time to time. The thicker the puree, the more often it will be necessary to stir it so that it does not burn. The whole process will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it. When ready, add salt to the tomato paste to taste, add granulated sugar and pour in vinegar. We let all the crystals boil a little and dissolve, after which we lay out the paste in sterile and dry glass containers, seal it and leave it under the blanket to cool in the form of the lids turned upside down.

Homemade tomato paste in a slow cooker - recipe


  • ripe tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • a mixture of dry Italian herbs - 2.5 tsp;
  • rock salt, not iodized - 25 g or to taste.


This variation of the preparation of homemade tomato paste involves the use of a multicooker device for this purpose. We prepare the tomatoes, as in the previous case, by rinsing the fruits and cutting them in half or into several pieces (if large). We put the tomato mass in a multican and turn on the “Quenching” mode for thirty minutes. We simmer the mass with the lid closed, stirring occasionally, then let it cool slightly, and grind it through a sieve. We return pure tomato puree to the multican, add dry herbs and cook the pasta in the “Baking” mode for forty to sixty minutes, stirring from time to time. In this case, the cover of the device must be open. Now add some salt to the pasta, put it in jars and sterilize in a saucepan with boiling water for twenty minutes, covering the containers with lids, which we seal after sterilization.

Quick home cooking of tomato paste - recipe


  • ripe tomatoes - 3.5 kg;
  • apples sweet and sour or sour - 260 g;
  • bulbs - 190 g;
  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • vinegar 6% - 30 ml;
  • non-iodized rock salt - to taste.


We properly prepare ripe tomatoes and apples, peel the bulbs. Now we pass all the components through the juicer. Pour the resulting thick juice into a linen bag or just a cloth cut, folding it in the form of a bag and tying it up. We hang the tomato mass over a basin or other container and leave it for several hours or overnight.

Over time, only thick puree will remain inside the bag, and excess moisture will drain into the basin. Now we shift the mashed potatoes into an enamel container, boil it for thirty minutes, then add salt and sugar to taste, pour in the vinegar, let it boil, stirring for another five minutes and put it in storage in which it is necessary to let it cool completely under the blanket with the lids down.

This popular product in our country is available in the kitchen in every home. Without tomato paste, it is impossible to cook many dishes loved by Russians, in particular red borscht, hodgepodge, stuffed cabbage, various sauces, gravies. It is she who gives them the characteristic taste and bright color of tomatoes.

At the same time, prepared from fresh tomatoes, the pasta retains most of the vitamins and microelements. Contains vitamins C, group B. There are potassium and magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as zinc, iron, iodine. Eating ripe tomato paste stimulates and improves digestion.

A wide variety of this product is presented on the shelves of our stores. But it must be remembered that very often in the industrial production of pasta, additional ingredients are used that are not at all useful to the body: dyes, starch, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, preservatives. Therefore, many housewives prepare a tasty and healthy product on their own, at home.

Let us, and we, on this page, consider several interesting, proven recipes for preparing a healthy product in an ordinary home kitchen. Our topic today is “Tomato paste. Recipe for making tomato paste at home "

About how tomato paste is usually prepared at home (classic recipe)

Let's make a reservation right away: in order to prepare the most delicious pasta, it is imperative to use only very ripe, high-quality tomatoes. Otherwise, the quality of the product will suffer.

To prepare a classic pasta, we need products: 5 kg of ripe, fleshy tomatoes, half a glass or an incomplete glass of sugar (depending on your preferences), 1 full tbsp. l. salt, half a glass of vinegar (9%). Add a pinch of cinnamon, ground cloves, black pepper to taste.


Wash the tomatoes, remove damaged areas, stalks. Grind using a blender. You should have the consistency of a liquid puree.

Transfer everything into a tight cellophane bag, pull tightly with a cord. Using an awl or nail scissors, make several punctures in different places, hang over a wide bowl so that excess liquid flows out. You can use a meat grinder to grind tomatoes. However, before that, they should be boiled over low heat until soft.

Transfer the prepared mass (when excess liquid flows out) into a saucepan, put on medium heat. After boiling, add the rest of the ingredients. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, until the tomato mass decreases in volume and becomes thick. Spread the hot paste in sterilized jars, roll up. When cool, place in pantry for later storage.

Unusual tomato paste (onion and garlic recipe)

This recipe uses almost all the ingredients from the previous recipe, but with the addition of onions, which gives the finished product a spice and piquancy.

For cooking, you will need: 5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 3-4 onions (depending on size), half a glass of sugar, salt, pepper to taste, half a glass of vinegar (6%), you can add a clove of garlic if desired.


Cut the prepared tomatoes into 2-3 pieces, transfer to an enamel volumetric saucepan. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, add there. Boil the mixture, reduce heat to low, simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove and cool. Wipe the tomato mass through a sieve, put it back in a saucepan. Cook over the lowest heat, stirring regularly, until the mass is boiled down, becomes thick. Salt and pepper, add vinegar, garlic, boil for a few more minutes. Lay out in sterile jars, roll up.

Home-made tomato paste from tomato with apples (mashed potatoes)

Many people really like the sweet and sour taste of this product. Try this recipe for pasta:

We need: 5 kg of ripe, sweet, fleshy tomatoes, 3-4 small sour apples, 1 onion, 30 ml. 6% vinegar, sugar, salt to taste.


Prepared tomatoes, chopped apples (remove the cores first), chop the onion with a blender. Transfer the resulting mashed potatoes into a tight cellophane bag, tie with twine. Make several punctures, cuts, and hang over a wide bowl to remove excess liquid. You can leave it like that overnight. Start making pasta in the morning:

Transfer the contents of the bag to a saucepan, salt, add sugar (if necessary), stir. Boil, simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Pour in vinegar, stir, simmer for another 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Lay out in sterile jars, roll up.

Spicy tomato puree

Fans of spicy food will definitely like this product, which is very easy to prepare at home:

Prepare food: 5 kg of dense ripe tomatoes, 3 onions, 1 tbsp. l mustard seeds, half a glass of sugar, salt to taste. You will also need a pinch of ground cloves and 1 tsp. red hot pepper. You can also use other spices.


Wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces. Transfer to a large enamel pot. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Simmer for 15 minutes, until the tomatoes are soft and puree. Now rub everything through a fine strainer. Transfer the prepared mass to the saucepan again.

Add finely chopped onion and mustard seeds. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour or more, until thick. Remember to stir frequently to avoid burning. Add salt, sugar, cloves, red pepper, a pinch of aromatic herbs. Mix well, cook for another 10 minutes. Arrange in sterile jars, additionally boil jars of paste (since we did not use vinegar), roll up.

If you want to make homemade pasta for current use and not for long-term storage, simply place a lidded jar of pasta in the refrigerator. No need to roll up. To avoid mold, pour some vegetable oil into the neck of the jar. Bon Appetit!