Description and justification of the technological scheme. Mini business: production of fish preserves

24.04.2019 Salads

Section No.
Section name Sheet
Introduction 2
1 Technology of preserves and preserves 5
1.1 Technology for the production of preserves from cut fish in flavored oil using smoking preparations as a flavoring agent 6
1.2 Preserve paste production technology 8
1.3 Salmon oil production technology 10
1.4 "Salmon" pasta production technology 11
1.5 Fish paste production in Japan 13
1.6 Technology for the production of fish pastes from coastal fishing raw materials using lactic acid microorganisms 17
2 Technology for the production of preserves "Pasta from herring" Surprise " 18
2.1 Technological scheme for the production of preserves "Pasta from herring" Surprise " 19
Output 34
Literature 35

In our country, along with other industries, the food industry is rapidly developing, which provides Russians with a variety of food products.
In the Russian food industry, fisheries play a significant role - an important industry that ensures the production of food products that are distinguished by their nutritional properties and are an essential source of protein nutrition.
The fishing industry is a branch of the food industry, the main task of which is the extraction of fish and seafood and the production of food, medical, feed and technical products from them through appropriate processing.
Fish and fish products make up a significant part of animal protein in the diet of the world's population. Fish, as well as other objects of fishing are of great importance for our country, being an important source of a variety of food, feed, technical products and medicines. Along with complete proteins, they contain easily digestible fats, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
The most important tasks of the fishing industry are the efficient use of all the fish caught, the improvement of processing methods, and the use of waste-free technology. Currently, a unified technological program is being implemented in the development of requirements for the parameters and characteristics of equipment, taking into account the operation of machines and apparatus. Measures are being introduced to save labor resources in the fishing industry: mastering and expanding the production of fish products, materials, equipment, products, as well as a gradual reduction in output associated with high energy consumption, improving the use of secondary resources and industrial resources.
The potential raw material base of domestic fisheries in all accessible areas of the World Ocean in recent years has been more than 9 million tons. The main share of 4.0-4.2 million tons falls on the domestic 200-mile zone, over 2.5 million tons - in the 200-mile zones of foreign countries, more than 2 million tons - in the open regions of the World Ocean and 0 , 5-0.6 million tons - for inland waters.
The peculiarity of fish raw materials and sea products predetermined the specificity of the technology for their processing and the historically established division of the fish-processing sub-industry into a number of industries: salting, smoking, balyk, refrigeration, canning, etc. The fish processing subsector of the fishing industry is characterized by a wide range of fish products. This is caused, on the one hand, by the need to fully use the feedstock, which includes valuable protein, and, on the other hand, by the increased requirements for fish products, which are consumer goods.
Preserves - salty, spicy and pickled products tightly sealed in jars. Hermetic packaging improves the presentation of the product and the conditions for its storage. In the manufacture of preserves, as well as in the manufacture of canned food, the goal is not only to obtain a new type of product, but also to preserve the fish, to preserve it. The production of preserves as one of the types of gourmet products is getting more and more development, both in our country and abroad. Abroad, the production of preserves from fish fillets has become more widespread, while, as a rule, fish species traditionally processed by the ambassador are used. In Germany, a wide range of rollmops-type herring fillets in various fillings has been developed. In recent years, it has been proposed in Germany to use frozen fillet rather than salted fish as a semi-finished product for the production of preserves. Squid preserves are in great demand abroad. In France, preserves are produced from boiled squid In oil. In Bulgaria, preserves are produced from boiled squid in a marinade. Also in Germany, Denmark, Holland and other European countries it is very popular salted herring type "Matjes", mass fraction of salt, in which from 3 to 6%.
In recent years, the domestic industry has also developed a wide range of preserves from fish fillets. The Murmansk Fish Factory has developed several types of preserves in various sauces and oils.
Currently, in world practice, there is a tendency to reduce the dose of sodium chloride in food and to increase the production of lightly salted products. This problem is solved by searching for sodium-free substitutes for table salt or reducing its content in products. A second way of solving the problem has been developed in Russian industry. Domestic specialists have also developed a technology for preparing preserves from boiled squid in a marinade, but unlike the Bulgarian recipe, pickled seaweed is included in the recipe for preserves “Squid in marinade with red pepper” or “black pepper”. ...
A characteristic feature of the recipes for preserves, developed in recent years in our country and abroad, is the expansion of the range of used vegetable and fruit additives.Salted fish products, in particular preserves type products, are traditional for the Russian fish processing industry. However, due to the change in the fishing situation in the catches, the share of fish usually sent to the production of these products has significantly decreased, and the use of fish as raw materials is practiced, which significantly differ from traditional ones in a number of important biochemical andtechnological properties. This required modifying the existing technological schemes for the manufacture of traditional preserves, but also developing new types of fish preserves and methods of their preparation. These new types of preserves include preserves made on the basis of fish pastes.
This type of product has a number of advantages. Firstly, minced fish meat is a material that is easier than intact tissue to give the desired flavor and aroma, as a result of which the initial properties of the raw materials are not so important in this case, which is especially important when processing fish that are not used for the production of traditional types of preserves. ... Secondly, homogenization greatly facilitates the creation of a specific product structure. Thirdly, in the crushed muscle tissue of fish, the processes associated with the action of the enzyme system become more specific, the heterogeneity and multicomponent inherent in fish muscles is weakened, and, thus, the possibility of regulating these processes becomes real.
At present, fish industry specialists are developing formulations for functional pasty products. The main attention in this area is paid to the optimal ratio of fish raw materials with plant components, mainly with vegetables and cereals.
Expansion of the use of low-value in the commercial relation of fish species makes it possible to create an assortment of products for a specific consumer purpose.
A wide range of fish snacks developed in our country and abroad allows us to develop valuable food and even gourmet products from practically any fish raw material.
1 Technology of preserves and preserves.
Fish preserves - products preserved with table salt and antiseptic, sealed in an airtight container without sterilization.
Traditionally, preserves are produced from Atlantic, Pacific, Azov-Black Sea and White Sea herring, Atlantic and Pacific mackerel, capelin, sprat, anchovies, Baltic herring, Moroccan and Mexican sardines and other fish species.
Depending on the production technology and raw materials used, preserves are divided into 5 groups:

    Special salted fish - salted mixture is prepared using salt, sugar, preservative;
    Ocean fish spicy salting- the salting mixture is prepared using salt, sugar, preservative and spices;
    Fish of special salting with the addition of spices;
    Uncut spicy salted fish (from non-oceanic fish such as sprat, herring);
    Preserves from cut fish in various sauces and fillings.
Sodium benzoate (BCN) is usually used as antiseptics in the production of fish preserves. It is possible to use a more harmless preservative - potassium sorbate in an amount of 0.23 to 0.27%. If acetic acid is used, no preservatives are added.
Tin containers are used as containers, glass jars with tin lids, cans made of polymer materials and polymer films.
In our country, the technology of preserves in the modern sense of the characteristics of this product began to actively develop since the 60s. Studies of this period of development of the production of preserves were aimed at studying the mass transfer of sodium chloride and water in the "fish-brine" system and maturation processes. When studying the process of maturation of preserves, the main attention was focused on establishing the patterns of formation of organoleptic indicators of product quality.
Expansion of the raw material base required major changes in the technology of preserves production. This marked the beginning of a complex of studies on the development of controlled technological processes for the production of preserves. The most important result of these studies was the development of a resource-saving technology for preserves without preliminary salting of fish. Based on this promising technology, it became possible to further improve the quality of preserves in terms of flavor and aroma.
1.1 Technology for the production of preserves from cut fish in flavored oil using smoking preparations as a flavoring agent
Modern trends in the use of flavoring additives are based on the use of natural raw materials or additives obtained using special technologies, in particular, through the use of smoke or smoking preparations.
The production of preserves using smoke or smoking media as a flavoring agent is a promising direction, allowing, in addition to the traditional raw materials for preserves, to use poorly maturing and non-maturing fish species.
The existing technologies for the production of preserves from smoked fillets, with a large number of advantages, have one significant drawback, namely: contamination of products with potentially health hazardous carcinogens, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines.
Smoking preparations VNIRO, Amafil, SKVAMA are new generation preparations and meet all modern sanitary and hygienic requirements for this group of products.
With all the variety of ways of flavoring preserves with smoke preparations, the most common are two: the first is the flavoring of oil; the second is the introduction of the smoke preparation directly into the jar.
The technology of oil aromatization with such smoking preparations as VNIRO and SKVAMA is a process of its infusion during the day. Long-term infusion is associated with the need to go through all diffusion processes and impart a smoked aroma and taste to the vegetable oil. However, modern trends in the organization of production require the intensification of technological processes. Currently, there is a patented method of oil aromatization, which shortens the process to one and a half hours. With the recommended method of aromatization, smoking preparations and vegetable oil are mixed with each other in a 1: 2 ratio, intensively mixed for 15-17 minutes at a temperature of 33-38 0 С, after which settling is carried out for 1-1.5 hours and the oil is separated. phase. The oily phase is added to the pre-packaged fish jar as a "flavored oil" without any further processing. The studies carried out comparing the aromatizing ability of the oil obtained by infusion during the day and the oil obtained by the express method showed that the organoleptic characteristics of both batches of preserves practically did not differ from each other.
With the direct introduction of the smoke preparation into the jar, there are also various ways of carrying out this technological operation, namely: the introduction of the actual preparation into the jar and preparation of the brine filling on the basis of the smoke preparation. Both of these methods allow you to get high quality products, but the second is preferable, since it allows you to reduce the number of technological manipulations.
One of the main problems requiring constant attention in the development of new technologies for the production of preserves is the possibility of extending their shelf life. Technologies for the production of preserves with the use of smoking preparations as a flavoring additive make it possible to extend the shelf life of preserves by 1 month in comparison with traditional types.
So, the technology for the production of preserves with the use of smoking preparations allows solving the complex problem of obtaining a finished product with the desired taste and aromatic properties, extending its shelf life, increasing the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the product in comparison with preserves from smoked (smoke-smoked) semi-finished products.
1.2 Technology for the production of preserve pastes
The production of preserves is not limited only to preserves themselves, the production of preserves is no less promising in modern conditions.
The yield of the edible part is the defining criterion for evaluating the way fish is processed. In this regard, the production of preserves paste can be considered the most rational and modern way of processing. Preserved pasta is one of the few products on the fish market with such a high degree of readiness for the consumer.
The technology of preserve paste allows you to create products with a wide range of flavors, depending both on the type of raw materials and on the habits and traditions of nutrition.
The previously developed technologies of preserve pastes are currently of little use in production due to a number of objective reasons, often of a non-technological nature.
Some formulations included the addition of the Ocean protein paste, which is currently not produced due to the lack of extraction of the crustacean krill from which this paste was made.
Cow butter and margarine make up more than 30% of the total amount of preserves, although, as you know, they have a high cholesterol content, and such formulations cannot be recommended for the production of dietary food products.
There are recipes without and with the addition of tomato paste. Preserved pasta without tomato addition has a natural, rather dark color, which often conflicts with the consumer's idea of ​​an attractive color of the product. On the other hand, the use of tomato paste as a color-imparting ingredient results in a color variation from dark red to brown. In industrial production, the color of the paste is shifted to a darker area, and therefore the finished product takes on a less attractive appearance. In addition, the presence of tomato paste increases the overall acidity of the product, which affects its consumer properties, therefore, this paste cannot be recommended for consumption by people with impaired gastric secretory function.
The addition of spices to pastes is attractive, but they do not form the consistency and appearance of the product.
In connection with the above, an improved technology of preserve paste is proposed, which allows to improve the appearance and increase the dietary and gastronomic characteristics of the product by introducing the following flavoring additives: fresh and boiled carrots, vegetable oil, as consistency-forming additives. In addition, in the production of herring paste, the use of caviar of this type of raw material is provided. It is known that β-carotene contained in carrots exhibits antioxidant properties at certain stages, which makes it possible to lengthen the shelf life of this product and avoid significant lipid oxidation, which is characteristic of minced meat products. The paste prepared with the addition of carrots (and caviar in the production of herring products) acquires an attractive orange color, enriches the paste with fiber, which is necessary for the normal process of digestion. The use of herring caviar increases the nutritional value of the canned paste, as well as the content of proteins, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, biologically active substances in the finished product, and also eliminates the loss of this valuable raw material during cutting.
The growing importance of fish products and plant foods can lead to a significant increase in the production of combined products. The developed technology for the preparation of "Pasta herring preserves" can be attributed to such products. They meet the requirements of products for a balanced diet; allow the use of raw materials with mechanical damage, but according to other indicators not lower than the first grade, which was problematic to use earlier for food purposes. In addition, it is envisaged to use waste from cutting, both fresh raw materials and salted semi-finished products. The natural flavoring additives used expand the range of these products and allow them to be classified as environmentally safe.
1.3 "Salmon oil" production technology
Currently, in the development of modern technologies for the salting of equity shares, considerable attention is paid to finding ways to reduce the amount of sodium ions.
The production of lightly salted products from pink salmon is impracticaldue to a significant increase in the mass of waste when cutting salted semi-finished product due to the relatively small size of the fish. Meanwhile, pink salmon is the most massive catch among salmonids, and the nutritional value of its muscle tissue is only slightly inferior to chum salmon and sockeye salmon.
To solve this problem, a technology for the production of light-salted pasty products from pink salmon, called "Salmon Oil", has been developed. Salt, sugar, citric acid are added as flavoring agents.
The best organoleptic and structural-mechanical characteristicsthe product is provided by the addition of an enzyme preparation, herbaloil and water. Duration of storage of "Salmon oil" at temperature minus 6 ° С is 3 months from the date of manufacture.
1.4 Technology of cooking pasta "Salmon"
Salmon fish rejected for mechanical damage are used to produce Salmon paste. Frozen salmon fish is thawed, cut into fillets and salted until the salt content in fish meat is 4-6%. Salted fish fillets are chopped on a neopress, and then cut for 5-10 minutes, softened butter or margarine is added and additionally cut until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Salmon paste is packaged in polyethylene molds with a net weight of 50 to 100 g.
Pasta recipe (in kg per 100 kg of finished product): salmon fillet - 76.5, butter - 30.0.
When salting salmon, antioxidants are used to protect against oxidation - substances that can, to varying degrees, maintain the quality of products.
However, the mechanism of action and effectiveness of the various supplements differ. There are true antioxidants (of a phenolic nature) that interrupt the chain of radical oxidation (I); chelating compounds that form complexes with metal ions that catalyze oxidation processes (II); substances participating in redox reactions with oxygen and peroxides (III).
Some antiprotease substances isolated from natural plant material (soybeans, buckwheat, potatoes, etc.) also have an antioxidant effect.
According to the data in experiments with pink salmon muscle tissue, some type I antioxidants have the best efficiency under conditions of accelerated oxidation: ethoxyquin (49% of control), propyl gallate (57%), ionol (60%), and Lespedeza extract at concentrations of 0.05 and 0.075% (respectively 49 and 45% of the control).
At the moment, there is the problem of the remoteness of the salmon fishing areas from the places where delicacies are produced from them. To solve this problem, raw materials are frozen and transported in frozen form to fish processing enterprises, where finished salted products are produced from it. Freezing also helps to ensure the parasitic safety of raw materials.
Meanwhile, freezing causes changes in fish tissues, leading to some deterioration in its quality compared to the quality of fresh fish. In frozen muscle tissue after thawing, the functional properties of proteins (water-retaining, lipid-binding, emulsifying and gel-forming capacities) are somewhat lower than in the tissues of fresh fish. The main reason for these qualitative changes in fish meat is the denaturation of proteins in fish muscle tissue, especially myofibrillar proteins. These changes lead to a deterioration in organoleptic characteristics, a decrease in the yield of finished products. It should be noted that it is recommended to store the finished light-salted products at a temperature of minus 18 ° C, that is, it is necessary to re-freeze, which further worsens the quality of the product.
Based on the above, it can be concluded that low-temperature salting is promising, which allows you to create the required salt concentration during the refrigerated storage of fish. As noted above, where there is a fish-brine system, there is a leaching of nitrogenous substances, lipids, minerals, which reduces the nutritional value and reduces the yield of the finished product. The use of low-temperature salting technology makes it possible to eliminate these disadvantages, reduce the duration of the technological process, increase the output of finished products, obtain high quality salted products, and ensure parasitic safety.
The low-temperature salting method, in which fish is simultaneously salted and ripened in the process of freezing and refrigerated storage, is relevant for the fishing industry of Kamchatka, where salmon fish are caught in remote areas and it is necessary to preserve raw materials and deliver them to the places of production of finished gourmet products.
1.5 Fish paste production in Japan
Fish pastes are prepared from minced fish meat, which is given various shapes and subjected to various heat treatment methods (boiling in water, steaming or a combination of steaming and frying) .
Almost all fish pasty products in Japan are made in small factories, with the exception of a few large factories. Small businesses keep secret the recipes for making Japanese pasty products, especially the top quality kamaboko method.
The technology for preparing pasty products is as follows: pasty fish meat is prepared from chopped fish meat as the main raw material in combination with spices and additives (sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, etc.), as well as binders, such as starch. Shredded fish meat is heated with steam, fried, over a fire, boiled in boiling water or fried in oil.
Fresh fish sent to the production of pastes is decapitated, the entrails are removed. After washing the fish, bones and skin are removed using special machines (such as a neopress). For this purpose, the fish is loaded into a machine and pressed using a plunger. Under pressure, the meat is separated from the bones and skin and pressed through a perforated stainless steel disc. Bones and skin remain in front of the disc. The separated meat is loaded into a water bath for washing. With the help of washing, fat, blood, aromatic substances that give the fish a specific smell, as well as small particles of meat are removed. The clarified fish meat is dehydrated by pressing through a hydraulic press or using a centrifuge.
The dehydrated fish meat is grinded on a grinder, followed by homogenization in a stone grinder, to which substances such as sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate and starch are added. After fine grinding, the fish meat acquires adhesive properties and is easy to shape. Prepared fish paste of a certain type and shape is heated.
The technological scheme for the production of fish pastes can be divided into 4 stages: preparation of raw materials, grinding, shaping and heat treatment.
1.5.1 Peculiarities of cooking Kamaboko fish paste
When salt is added to fresh fish meat during grinding, proteins of the myosin group (actomyosin, myosin and actin), soluble in saline, are released in the form of a sol, which is characterized by high adhesion properties. When this sticky pulverized mass is heated, the sol turns into a gel, forming a network structure. The formation of a gel is responsible for the elasticity of fish pastes (ashi). In fish pastes ("kamaboko"), a high degree of elasticity is one of the most important quality indicators.
Among the many types of kamaboko, the most popular in Japan is kamaboko, which is steamed, has a white meat and is not intended for long-term storage. This product is mainly produced in the vicinity of Tokyo. The fried kamaboko is characterized by a dark brown color. Other types of kamaboko are also produced in Japan.
For the preparation of "kamaboko" use fish with white meat. Excellent raw materials are sea bream, Japanese mackerel, lizard fish, cuttlefish, etc. Croaker is also used to prepare "kamaboko", various types small fish, pompano, saber-fish, flying fish, goby, wrasse, flounder, sea bass and sharks.
In the past, only fish with high taste properties, but recently, various additives, including monosodium glutamate, have been used to expand the range of raw materials used and improve the taste of "kamaboko".
Due to the reduction in fish catches, traditional for the preparation of "kamaboko", nowadays are used greenling, pollock, squid and other marine objects. However, when using raspberry, the defect in the finished product is the color of the meat, when using pollock, it has low elasticity, and when using squid meat, the taste and smell are not pleasant enough.
Scientists studied the comparative properties of the meat of these objects used to make kamaboko and concluded:
1. If only one type of fish is used as raw material for the preparation of "kamaboko", the properties of homogenized meat change after the addition of salt, namely, an increase in the elasticity of the final product prepared from green grass by 3%, and from squid meat by 2.5% is noted. ...
2. When starch is added to the minced meat, its elasticity increases (for greenling and squid by 20%).
3. When studying the relationship between the amount of added sugar and an increase in the elasticity of the finished product, it was noted that in the case of using green grass, even with the addition of a relatively large amount of sugar (12%), the elasticity of the finished product decreased imperceptibly.
4. With a decrease in the freshness of raw materials, the elasticity of the finished product decreases. When the nitrogen content of volatile bases in fish meat is over 20 mg%; the quality of the finished product deteriorates.
5. With an increase in the duration of storage of "kamaboko" at a temperature of about 0 ° C, its elasticity decreases.
6. To increase the elasticity of the finished product when using squid meat, it is very effective to add green rasp to the squid meat. The limiting ratio for mixing squid and greenling should be 7: 3. If the amount of squid meat is increased, the elasticity of the "kamaboko" will decrease.
1.5.2 "Hanpen" cooking technology
"Hanpen" is a product made from minced fish meat, boiled in hot water. To obtain high quality products, sharks are used as raw materials. In summer, marlin meat is added to shark meat in an amount of about 1/3 of shark meat.
The hanpen cooking technology is similar to the kamaboko cooking technology. The only difference is that in the production of hanpen, chopped yam (sweet potato) and rice flour are added to the minced fish meat.
After grinding the fish meat, 1/3 of the minced fish is removed from the grinder. To the remaining 2/3 of the meat, add 750 g of salt, 60 g of chopped sweet potato, 150 g rice flour and 900-980 ml of sweet sake.
After grinding the mixture, lasting for several minutes, add the rest of the chopped fish meat, 100-150 g of starch and continue grinding. The completely crushed and mixed mixture is placed in small wooden or square molds. When the filled molds are immersed in water, they are separated from the paste. The formed product is placed in hot water at a temperature of 85 ° C and boiled for 7 minutes, after which the pasta bars float to the surface. The product is cooled and packed in boxes.
"Hanpen" has the shape of a regular rectangle measuring 6x6 cm. The weight of the "Hanpen" is about 300 g.
1.5.3 Satsuma-Age cooking technology
"Satsuma-age" is a product made from minced fish meat, similar to "kamaboko", but fried in oil.
Lizard fish and shark are used as raw materials for the preparation of this product with a ratio of 6 parts of shark meat and 4 parts of lizard meat. Sometimes sardine meat is added.
Finely chopped carrots are added to the completely chopped fish meat and various additives... For example, we give the following recipe for the preparation of "satsuma-age":
Chopped fish meat, kg 37.5
Sugar, kg 3-3.75
Salt, g 750-940
Starch, kg 29.4
Carrots, kg 11.2
Sweet sake, g 360
All these components are mixed in a grinder and then shaped into small shapes weighing 50 g in various shapes (flat, square, round, rectangular, etc.). In the Osaka area, in addition to carrots, chopped onions or burdock and green peas are added to chopped meat. Prepared shaped fish products are fried in boiling oil.
1.5.4 Technology of cooking "Nuruto-maki or Sumaki"
The raw materials are the same types of fish as in the production of "kamaboko".
Chopped fish meat, prepared as described above, is laid out in the form of a sheet using a flat knife with a blunt edge. On top of the rolled layer of minced fish meat, a layer of colored minced fish meat of red or blue color is laid. At one end, the rolled sheets are rolled up and covered with bamboo straws. The rolls are steamed.
1.6 Technology for the production of fish pastes from coastal fishing raw materials using lactic acid microorganisms
The increase in the production of pasty products from aquatic organisms is ensured by the possibility of using fish raw materials with mechanical damage and food waste from fish cutting for their production. This makes the technology of pasta products low-waste, and allows the production of additional valuable food products from substandard raw materials.
The technology for the preparation of pasta products makes it possible to widely use various ingredients that improve the taste-aromatic and structural-mechanical properties of the finished product, as well as regulate the biotechnological processes of maturation of pastes.
In accordance with the concept of healthy nutrition, fish industry specialists are developing formulations for functional pasty products. The main attention in this area is paid to the optimal ratio of fish raw materials with plant components, mainly with vegetables and cereals.
At the same time, one of the directions in this area is the creation of products using microorganisms, probiotics, which, when administered naturally, have positive effects on the physiological, biochemical and immune functions of the human body.
In this regard, the development of technologies and the expansion of the range of pasty fish products that have probiotic properties and combine high nutritional value are of great importance and scientific and practical interest.
The technology of fish pastes with a high content of living cells has been developed Lbm. Acidophilum.
The culinary processing of raw materials is carried out by blanching at a temperature of 90 ° C for 3 minutes. Fermentation is carried out for 4 hours at a temperature of 38 0 C, followed by cooling to a temperature of 6 0 C, to prevent further development of lactic acid microorganisms and deterioration of the organoleptic characteristics of the product.
Ready-made pastes are products of a homogeneous, smearing consistency, color, smell, the taste of which depends on the type of additives introduced.
Thus, the basic principles for the production of pasty slightly salted fish products include fairly simple technological operations. It is advisable to produce these products from raw materials that, for those or other reasons, cannot be processed according to the traditional schemes adopted in the fishing industry.
2 Technology for the production of preserves Pasta from herring "Surprise"
Since at the present time in world practice there is a tendency to reduce the dose of sodium chloride in food products, we use lightly salted herring for the preparation of preserves.
The production scheme was drawn up on the basis of the current technological instructions, taking into account the requirements of technical safety and sanitary rules and regulations for the release of this type of product.
2.1 Technological scheme for the production of preserves "Pasta from herring" Surprise "

Technological scheme for the production of preserves "Herring fillet pieces in lingonberry sauce"

The technological scheme for the production of preserves "Herring fillet-pieces in lingonberry sauce" is shown in Figure 1.2.1.

Acceptance of raw materials



Water> Sorting, washing> Art. water

Cutting> Waste

Water> Washing> Art. water

Salt and brine preparation> Ambassador



Container preparation> Filling and weight control

Cooking spice broth, sauce and garnish> Adding sauce

Cap preparation> Sealing

Control of cans


Preparing Labels> Labeling



Maturation, storage

Figure 1.2.1 - Technological scheme for the production of preserves from herring fillet-pieces in lingonberry sauce.

Description and justification of the technological scheme

Acceptance of raw materials

For the manufacture of preserves we use frozen fish meeting the requirements of OST 15-403-97 “Frozen herring. Technical conditions ". Raw materials in size and weight must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation. For the manufacture of preserves, it is allowed to use fish with mechanical damage or deviations from the correct cutting, but according to all other indicators, it corresponds to the first grade.


Ice cream raw materials are stored at a temperature of minus 18єC, no more than four months, in accordance with the requirements of OTI No. 1 for transportation, acceptance, storage and preparation of raw materials for the production of canned food and preserves. This operation must be carried out due to the fact that it is not always possible to immediately send all the raw materials for processing. The storage temperature of frozen fish should not be higher than minus 18єC, an increase in temperature activates microbiological processes that negatively affect the quality of raw materials.


Thawing of frozen raw materials is carried out in running water, at a temperature not exceeding 20єС, corresponding to SanPiN 2.1.4 1074-01, in accordance with OTI No. 1. Defrosting is considered complete when the body of the fish acquires flexibility, and the internal organs are freely removed during cutting.


Sorting is done manually. Raw materials are sorted out substandard and with mechanical damage, for all other indicators they are sorted on the ship. Sorting is carried out in order to remove low-quality and unsorted fish.


Washing of fish is carried out in running water with a temperature not exceeding 20єС in accordance with the TI for the production of fish preserves. The mass ratio of fish to water should be 1: 3. The water used must comply with SanPiN 2.1.4 1074-01. Washing is carried out to remove slime residues and surface contaminants from the fish. The water temperature should not exceed 20єС, because the process of thermal denaturation of the protein and the development of pathogenic microflora in the raw material are possible.


The fish is cut into fillets with skin in accordance with the TI for the production of fish preserves. The entrails, head, fins, large rib bones are removed. Cutting is carried out to remove entrails with enzymes, to avoid the development of microflora, to increase the yield of the edible part and reduce the number of operations for preparing the product for consumption. This operation improves the appearance of the product, makes it easier to use and makes it the most popular.


Washing is carried out immediately after cutting on a conveyor with a sprinkler device in running water, in accordance with the TI for the production of fish preserves, with a temperature not higher than 20 ° C, because the process of thermal denaturation of the protein and the development of pathogenic microflora in the raw material are possible. The water used must comply with SanPiN 2.1.4 1074-01. Washing is carried out to remove the remnants of viscera, blood and mucus.


The ambassador is carried out in a saline solution with a density of 1.18 to 1.20 g / cm3 and a temperature of no more than 15єС in accordance with the requirements of the TI for the production of fish preserves. An ambassador is carried out to give the product taste and additional preservative effect.


Produced mechanically in accordance with the requirements of the TI for the production of fish preserves. This operation improves the appearance of the product, makes it easier to use and makes it the most popular.

Portioning and filling.

Fillets are portioned in accordance with the requirements of the TI for the production of fish preserves into pieces, the height of which should not exceed the height of the can. Pieces of fish are laid with a transverse cut to the bottom of a polymer can in one or two rows. Banks must comply with OST 15-393-95 “Banks from polymer materials for fish products. TU "These operations will be performed on the INA-115 padding machine, which will reduce the number of technological operations and the production process time.

Weight control

Weight control is carried out on a weight control apparatus. It is carried out to prevent the cans from overfilling or creating voids in them, which can lead to swelling of the cans.

Adding the sauce.

The sauce is poured into the jars filled with fish. In accordance with the requirements of the TI for the production of fish preserves. A spicy broth, including allspice, black pepper, ginger, nutmeg and color, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves, heated to a temperature of 45 to 50єС, add sugar, acetic acid 3% and lingonberry juice. The sauce is thoroughly mixed and cooled. The spicy broth is heated to 50 ° C for better mixing with the sauce. The sauce is added to give a certain flavor to the finished product and increase the nutritional value of the finished product.


Preserves are manually sealed with special polymer lids in accordance with OTI No. 4 for extraction, rolling (capping), washing and sterilizing canned food, rolling up (capping) preserves. This operation allows you to preserve preserves for a longer time, excludes the ingress of air into the jar, thereby preventing spoilage of the preserves.

Control of cans

Control is carried out in accordance with OTI No. 4. Sealed jars should not have leaks, swollen lids.


Banks are wiped by hand.


Made by hand.


Polymer cans are packed in corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13516 by hand in accordance with OTI No. 5 on commercial design and storage of canned food and preserves. Corrugated cardboard boxes should be pasted over with paper-based tape in accordance with GOST 18251 or polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer in accordance with GOST 20477. The cans are packed in corrugated cardboard boxes for easy transportation.


Packaging marking is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 11771-77, must contain manipulation signs, basic, additional and informational inscriptions. It is carried out to provide the buyer with complete information about the product.

Maturation, storage.

When ripe, preserves are stored at temperatures from minus 2єC to 0єC for 14 days in accordance with the requirements of OTI No. 5. This operation is necessary for the distribution of components throughout the volume of the jar and the ripening of preserves.

Preserves production (part 1)

Fish preserves are understood to mean a product that has passed the appropriate stage of processing with salt with the addition of sugar and spices and aged until ripening during further storage. For the preparation of preserves, fresh or slightly salted fish, mainly of herring and anchovy species, is used. Salted semi-finished product sent to the production of preserves should contain no more than 10% salt.
Unlike sterilized canned food, fish preserves packaged in sealed jars are not subjected to heat treatment, therefore they are non-sterile and relatively unstable products, especially when stored at room temperature. In order to increase the persistence of preserves, an antiseptic, sodium benzoate, is added to the jars in a small amount. However, its content is allowed no more than 2.6 g per 1 kg of product. Due to the fact that preserves are unstable products, they must be stored at low temperatures, close to 0 ° C.
According to the methods of preparation, preliminary cutting and processing, preserves are divided into three groups:
- preserves from uncut fish of spicy or sweet salting (herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, sardinella, saury, herring, sprat, anchovy, etc.) with the use of salt, sugar and spices; the main types of these preserves are canned herring, Baltic sprat, Caspian sprat, etc .;
- preserves from cut fish in the form of fillets, carcasses, fillet pieces, rolls, pieces mainly from herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, less often from saury or herring with the use of various spices, berries, fruits, vegetables and various fillings, sauces, vegetable oil and pickles; these include herring preserves in various sauces;
- preserves from fried or boiled fish in the form of pieces, meatballs or cutlets, filled with various sauces, but mostly tomato.
Preserves from uncut herring, saury, mackerel, mackerel of special canned salting are produced from fresh fish with a fat content of at least 12% in tin cans cylindrical and oval with a capacity of 1.5-5 kg. Such preserves are made only from completely fresh fish. After catching, the herring is sorted and washed in running water, then hung in separate portions for one can. Each portion is thoroughly mixed with salt, sugar and sodium benzoate and placed in jars in mutually crisscrossing dense rows (in oval jars - in parallel rows). The herring of the bottom row are laid with their backs to the bottom of the jar, and the subsequent rows - with their backs up. The fish laid in jars is covered with a curing mixture. For mixing with fish, 80% of the total amount of a mixture of salt, sugar and antiseptic required according to the norm is consumed, and for filling the top row fish in a jar - 20%.
A portion for a 3 kg can includes: herring - 2800 g, salt - 230 g, sugar - 33.6 g, sodium benzoate - 2.8 g; and for a can with a capacity of 5 kg, respectively: herring - 4650 g, salt - 385 g, sugar - 55.8 g and 4.6 g of sodium benzoate.
Filled cans are kept for 8-10 hours to form brine and sediment. Then they are covered with lids and rolled up. Banks are wiped dry, placed in boxes with the bottoms up and sent to maturation at a temperature of 2 ° C. For better ripening, the boxes are turned over after 2-3 days and after 7-10 days.

Preserves are made from quality ingredients that are not heat treated. The technology for the production of preserves ensures the complete safety of all useful elements contained in fish, while the shelf life of preserves is significantly longer than that of past heat treatment products.

We sell quality preserves in bulk. Herring preserves are the most popular type of preserves. For production, we use only high-quality raw materials supplied to us without interruption by manufacturers from Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Sakhalin and the Forer Islands. For our preserves, we salt herring without using artificial ripeners.

You can buy herring preserves in bulk from us, choosing the type of preserves you need from the widest range. Among our offers, you can easily find exactly the kind of fish preserves that will interest you.

In the production of preserves, we try to make their taste bright and memorable. Various spices, fruits, vegetables, vegetable oil and high-quality mayonnaise are used to create fillings in herring preserves. own production... Herring preserves in oil-based filling make up a classic assortment, where all flavors of fish are manifested. Wine fillings give the preserves a very unusual taste. Such products are designed for gourmets. A kind of poignancy spicy taste and the flavor of the preserves is given by the mustard filling.

Our preserves differ in the methods of preparation, as well as in the methods of packaging the preserves. We offer to buy preserves in bulk from cut fish. The most popular type of fish preserves among consumers - from fish cut into pieces - is produced in several versions at once. Our assortment includes fillet slices, fillet slices, fillet rolls. Preserves from whole fish fillets are also always on sale. Herring preserves are produced in sealed plastic and vacuum packing... Depending on the type of container and the recipe, the weight of one package ranges from 200g to 4kg.


Fish and seafood are essential components of human food. They are of great importance as sources of proteins, fats, minerals, contain such physiologically important elements, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and a complex of vitamins necessary for the human body, where fish preserves are most popular

The fish preserves market is formed, on the one hand, by large producers, on the other, by small private enterprises. It is noteworthy that it is precisely the small private enterprises that specialize directly in the production of preserves that, in aggregate, have the greatest production capacity.

All over the territory of Russia, the production of preserves is distributed unevenly. About a third of all enterprises (30%) are concentrated in the Central Federal District. And they account for most of the production - 43% of the total. About 25% of all manufacturers (37 companies) are located in the North-West District, which is 22% of the total production.

In the production of preserves, the enterprises use about 20 different types of fish. Today, the most popular and widespread species is herring. For 95% of enterprises, it has become the main raw material. The share of herring in the total fish consumed is 66%, which is approximately equal to 1600 tons. Currently, the average level of profitability of the production of fish preserves can be estimated at 13%. At the same time, it should be noted that the profitability of some enterprises is decreasing or, at best, it is kept at the same level. The fall in profitability is mainly due to higher prices for raw materials, increased competition. The highest levels of profitability are observed in the Far Eastern and Southern regions: 16.8% and 16.3%. Such indicators are achieved due to the location of enterprises in coastal areas near the raw material base. As a result, fish is cheaper for processors.

Currently, there is a tendency in the Russian Federation to improve the quality of seafood, which is regulated by the requirements of Federal laws such as the Law "On Technical Regulation", the Law "On Quality and Safety" and the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

It is possible to rationally use and preserve all products only with proper organization and observance of technological and sanitary-veterinary rules. In this regard, quality control of raw materials and manufactured products, rational use of fish and other seafood is a very urgent problem.

The purpose of this work is to study the technological process of the production of preserves from fish and seaweed.

Tasks to be solved to achieve this goal:

1. study of educational, scientific and periodical literature, consideration of factors affecting the quality of products; study the technological process of production and quality indicators of preserves from seaweed and fish

3. to analyze the stability of technological processes;

4. to develop a refined scheme of production control and quality management of production of preserves from seaweed and fish;

5. determine the calculation of the cost of manufacturing products;

6. to study safety, labor and environmental protection at the enterprise IP Panov BB.

1. Analytical literature review

1.1. Characteristics and classification of preserves

Fish preserves are a group of snacks that are packaged and rolled up in jars, but have not been sterilized. Fish preserves can be salted, spicy or pickled fish with the addition of a preservative without sterilization. In the production of preserves, sodium benzoate is an antiseptic, and it is also possible to use potassium sorbate (0.23 ... 0.27%).

Preserves are salted and pickled fish products, hermetically sealed in metal or polymer containers. Salted and pickled fish from preserves in their taste are noticeably superior to "barrel" and "box" products. Preserves have other advantages as well. For example, their tightness excludes the ingress of harmful microflora into fish; and this means that the sanitary conditions of storage are incomparably improved, and the culture of trade is increasing. It is more hygienic and more convenient to hold out a neat jar taken from the shelf to the buyer than to pick fish from a tank or box with your hands. Finally, preserves, like ripe salted fish, can be eaten without any culinary treatment.

The production of preserves from finished fillet preliminary salting.

Preserves are prepared mainly from herring, sprat, mackerel, capelin, ivasi. Unlike canned food, preserves are produced in containers of very diverse capacity.

Preserves are divided into salted, spicy-salted and pickled.

For the production of preserves, fish with a fat content of at least 6.0%, frozen, chilled, fresh are used.

Special salted fish preserves... Preserves from fish with added salt, sugar, preservative. For the production of preserves, raw and chilled fish are used. Basically, fish of the herring and mackerel families are used as raw materials for this type of preserves.

Spicy salted fish preserves. Preserves from fish with the addition of crushed spices, salt, sugar, preservative. Spice-salt mixtures for pouring raw fish and salted semi-finished product are prepared by mixing crushed spices with salt, sugar and sodium benzoate. For the production of these preserves, raw fish is used, chilled or frozen according to the current instructions.

Fish preserves in oil. Preserves from fish drenched in vegetable oil.

Fish pasta preserves. Preserves from fish in the form of a homogeneous finely chopped mass. For the production of fish pastes, mackerel, herring, sardines, sardinella, frozen or salted sardinops, spicy salted sprat, fatty capelin, chilled or frozen, blue whiting, Argentina, Atlantic codfish, frozen protein paste "Ocean" are used.

It is allowed to make pasta from non-standard pieces of salted fish, special and spicy salting, obtained when cutting fish in the production of preserves from fillets, fillet pieces in various sauces and fillings.

The industry has mastered the technology of molded preserves, for the production of which small fish species will be used. This type of product is one-color, two-color slices in oil, made from a mixture of minced meat of small fish (blue whiting, horse mackerel, capelin, etc.).

In addition to all of the above diversity, GOST provides for the release of fish preserves in sauces and fillings, with the addition of spices, herbal additives, as well as light-salted preserves.

1.2. The chemical composition of preserves

In terms of safety indicators, preserves must comply with the established requirements of SanPin

Fish and vegetable preserves contain 8.40 - 11.84% protein, 5.47-11.27% lipids, 3.52-8.82% carbohydrates. Energy value was 116.89-202.08 kcal per 100 g of product.

Harrington's desirability functions are 0.94-0.96 in amino acid composition and 0.83-0.84 in fatty acid composition. The generalized desirability function is -0.87.

Table salt, which is contained in preserves, blocks the activity of many enzymes responsible for the energy metabolism of bacteria, disrupts the function of cell membranes and causes plasmolysis of bacterial cells. The preserving effect of table salt is mainly associated with a change in the osmotic pressure in the bacterial cell and with the dehydration of the product, which prevents the development of bacteria. The maturation process of salted fish is different from the maturation of meat.

In salted fish, when stored under the influence of enzymes of muscle tissues and internal organs, as well as microorganisms, complex biochemical processes occur that cause the breakdown of proteins and fats with the formation of a number of products - polypeptides, free amino acids, volatile bases and other extractive nitrogenous substances, free fatty acids, volatile acids, carbonyl compounds, etc. At the same time, the content of protein nitrogen and salt-soluble proteins in fish decreases, the amount of extractive nitrogen, hydrolysis and fat oxidation products increases. As a result of complex biochemical processes, the consistency of the muscle tissue of some fish species (herring, anchovy, salmon, whitefish, mackerel) will favorably change. Under the influence of the totality of all enzymatic and oxidative processes, the fish acquires completely new qualities. The color, smell and taste of raw fish disappear in it, the fat is evenly distributed in the tissues, the meat is easily separated from the bones and becomes very tender, juicy and tasty, having a special pleasant aroma - "bouquet". This beneficial change in fish is called ripening. Ripe fish becomes edible without additional cooking.

However, most fish do not ripen when salted and in salted form the taste and smell of raw fish, has a rather coarse texture of tissues, requires soaking and heat treatment before use.

1.3. Fish preserves production technology

The production of preserves can be represented by the following diagram

Picture 1 Scheme of the production of preserves from seafood

1.4. Preparation of raw materials for preserves

Frozen fish is pre-thawed. Defrosting is considered the reverse process of freezing, consisting in melting ice crystals and restoring the original histological structure of muscle and other tissues of fish and seafood. Defrosting is a thermal process in which a certain amount of heat is transferred to the fish to increase its body temperature from the initial - 18 ° С to minus 1 ° С.

The quality of thawed fish depends on the degree of freshness of the raw material before freezing, the speed of freezing, modes and shelf life, as well as defrosting conditions. The main technological tasks that are solved during defrosting are the maximum reduction in tissue juice losses and the achievement of the greatest reversibility of the low-temperature processing process.

Depending on the nature of the transfer of heat to the product from the external environment to the product surface by heat exchange (surface defrosting). Heat is transferred to the product through a heat-emitting medium: dry or humid air, water, ice, solution table salt, steam-air mixture, condensing vapors, infrared radiation, as well as through heating metal plates. Defrosting occurs gradually from the surface layers of the fish to the inner ones.

It all starts in the same way as in other industries already familiar to us - with boxes in which frozen fish are packed. The boxes are unpacked, and blocks of frozen fish are placed on special racks for defrosting. Sorting is done right here on the shelves. Copies with mechanical damage, substandard consistency and other defects are removed. The selected fish are placed by the sorters in inventory polymeric boxes and sent to the ambassador.

1.5. Ambassador.

Ambassador - This is a way of preserving fish with the help of table salt in order to protect it from decomposition by putrefactive bacteria, as well as to stop or slow down self-digestion (proteolysis of proteins occurs under the action of enzymes). An ambassador is a process of saturation (complete or incomplete) of moisture in fish with table salt.

When salting, a significant part of the moisture from the tissues of the fish passes into the brine, and the salt from the brine - into the tissues.

The salting rate of fish depends on the concentration of salt in brine, the presence and nature of the skin, the state of the cell walls, the chemical composition of fish tissues, the chemical composition of fish tissues, the chemical composition and quality of salt, the ambient temperature, the thickness of the fish, the method of salting, the speed of movement of the saline solution. mixing fish.

Fish without skin is salted 2 times faster than covered with skin. Oily fish saline more slowly than lean fish, as the fat prevents the movement of salt and moisture.

Fresh fish with dense tissues, as well as those in the posthumous stage, salted more slowly than those in the autolysis stage, with soft tissues.

The ambassador is used:

Sea or brine, by immersing the fish in a saline solution or brine;

Mixed, or combined, by mixing fish with salt, followed by pouring the mixture with brine.

After salting, the fish is skinned, cut and placed in jars.


Preserves should be prepared from raw fish, as well as spicy fish, special, simple ambassadors and from pickled fish. The fat in the meat of Atlantic and Pacific herring sent for preserves should be at least 12%.

The fish should be cut up, placed in jars with filling (sauce). The spice mixture contains up to 18 components, the ratios of which are selected depending on the type of fish and assortment and are regulated by technological instructions. Preserves must be prepared according to technological instructions and recipes approved in the prescribed manner, in compliance with the rules and regulations of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Depending on the applied fillings (sauces), preserves are produced:

In natural brine;

In spicy fillings;

In mustard fillings;

In the marinade;

In vegetable oil;

In fruit, berry and vegetable fillings;

In mayonnaise fillings (sauces);

In tomato fillings.

The wider the range of spices added to the preserves, the more varied and appetizing the contents of the cans. Suffice it to say that among the spices widely used in the enterprises of our industry - allspice, black and red peppers, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, bay leaves, etc. In addition to spices, less exotic, but so familiar and designed for every taste, onions, cucumbers, mushrooms, carrots, cranberries, apples , lemons, various fruit and vegetable juices, as well as vegetable oils, wines, acetic and citric acids, mustard, mayonnaise and many other products. Banks with ready-made preserves must be hermetically sealed.

Depending on the cutting, preserves are produced in the form of carcasses, fillets, fillets, slices, and rolls. The carcass is a fish from which the head, abdominal keel, fins, entrails, eggs or milk, scales have been removed, and the abdominal cavity is thoroughly washed and cleaned of blood and films. In carcasses 12 cm long, it is allowed to leave fins, except for the tail; for carcasses less than 10 cm long, it is allowed to leave all fins, including the tail (sprat, capelin, etc.)

In small herring and anchovy fish 12 cm long, it is allowed to leave the skin on the fillet and separate rib bones, and also not to cut the skin connecting the longitudinal halves of the fillet.

Fillet slices are prepared from fillets cut across into pieces the size of a can, but not more than 2 cm.

Fillet slices are prepared from fillets cut across with an oblique cut to the inside of the fillet into equal slices.

The roll is made from rolled fillets. For a uniform height of the rolls, it is allowed to trim the belly of the fillet.

In terms of organoleptic and physical characteristics, preserves must comply with:

Taste and smell - pleasant, characteristic of ripened fish with the aroma of spices or appropriate sauce (sauce);


· Fish meat - tender, juicy, not flabby. Dense or slightly overripe meat is allowed;

· Vegetables - firm, but not tough.

The condition of the fish - carcasses, fillets, fillets, slices, fillets, rolls must be whole with even cuts, uniform in size. Slight damage to the skin of carcasses, fillets and rolls and slight deviations in size are allowed.

They are placed in cylindrical cans in parallel, mutually intersecting rows, or ring packing is used so that the head of the carcass lying above is above the tail lying below. The bottom row of carcasses is laid with their backs down, and the second and subsequent rows in cylindrical cans - with their backs up; in glass jars, laying with the sides to the glass flat or vertically is allowed, filling the upper free space with carcasses laid in horizontal rows. Fillets are laid out side up, in regular mutually overlapping rows. Fillets can be stacked along the walls with the outside of the fillets against the wall of the jar, and the middle is filled with fillets, folded.

Fillet pieces are placed in jars flat with a slope so that the upper piece half covers the lower or cross cut to the bottom. Fillet pieces can be stacked in cylindrical jars in one or two rows radially with the back to the jar wall or in the form of an "star"; in curly jars - "herringbone" in the form of a carcass or along lines parallel to the diagonals. The number of tail pieces in one can is allowed no more than 20% of the account.

Fillet slices are stacked tightly in rows in the shape of a fish carcass.

The fillets are rolled into rolls so that the outer subcutaneous side is facing outward. Rolls are stacked in cans tightly, in a vertical direction in height, while maintaining a cylindrical shape. Fillets, connected on the back with a skin, are rolled into rolls so that the skin is facing outward. Fillets for anchovy are placed in cylindrical jars in regular intercrossing rows, and in rectangular jars in parallel rows. The peeled side of the fillet should face the jar lid.

Vegetables, fruits, bay leaves and other additives are placed in jars in accordance with the established technological instructions in force. It is allowed to have a white coating of protein origin in the jar, as well as struvite crystals and single flakes. It is allowed in the presence of stuck together ripe carcasses, fillets, slices, etc. in the jar, when their separation is possible without damage, as well as a jelly-like state of the filling, subject to a pleasant aroma and taste.

Preserves must be packed in tin, glass and polymer jars with a capacity of not more than 250 ml, approved by the Ministry of Health for packaging food products. At the request of consumers, it is allowed to pack preserves in jars of larger capacity.

Before placing the fish in a jar, it is filled with various side dishes. Then the finished jar with fillet pieces and garnish is hung with a certain weight and filled with different fillings. The fillings are prepared directly in the preserves shop in a special separate room, which is well equipped with all sorts of auxiliary mechanisms. Employees prepare various fillings according to recipes, as well as side dishes (onions, paprika, carrots, apples, which are supplied to the enterprise in dried form). After pouring the preservative, polymer cans are packed by lightly tapping on the lid. The already sealed can is sent to a labeler who labels the cans. First, she wipes the can dry, then sticks a bright label on the lid containing all the basic information about the product. The ekitirnye cans are stacked in cardboard boxes. The filled box is closed, transported to a refrigerated chamber and stored at temperatures from 0 to -8C.

Fresh, chilled and frozen squid goes into production. Frozen squid is thawed in irrigation apparatus for defrosting, fresh and chilled is sent to butchering.

Butchering consists in separating the head together with the viscera, cutting off the viscera from the head, removing the beak, eyes, cutting the mantle, stripping the remnants of the viscera. The cut parts are washed in seawater, then immersed for 5-10 minutes in hot seawater at a temperature of 65-70 ° C, vigorously stirred, while the skin is separated. After scalding, the pieces are cooled, cleaned, washed in running water. The prepared carcass is cut into pieces or shredded, placed in jars with the addition of 3.5% salt or its solution with a density of 1200 kg / m3 in an amount of 10.5 g per accounting jar. The nesting rate of squid is 339.5 g. The sterilization temperature is 112 ° C.

Seaweed with vegetables produced in cans and is a sterilized Preserves with vegetables in tomato sauce. Preserves are prepared from fried seaweed and vegetables, which are poured with tomato sauce. These Preserves have both nutritional and medicinal value. They are subject to the requirements established for canned food in tomato sauce.

Also, seaweed is used to prepare a variety of canned salads with mayonnaise and other spices.

1.6. Storage of preserves.

Preserves are stored in industrial refrigerators at temperatures from 0 to -5C for 2-3 months. During this time, the salting of the fish takes place, i.e. saturation of fish tissues with salt, displacement of water from the tissues and the associated change in mass. The process is accompanied by the salting out of fish meat proteins and enzymes, while the vital activity of microorganisms is slowed down and enzymes are inactivated. The following factors affect the duration of salting: the concentration of salt in the saline solution, the size and specific surface of the fish, the chemical composition of the fish, the presence of skin and scales on the surface, the nature of tissues and their condition, storage temperature, chemical composition and degree of salt grinding. The salting process ends when the equilibrium concentration is reached, i.e. equality of salt concentration in fish and brine. Simultaneously with this, the process of maturation of preserves takes place - the acquisition of a specific taste, aroma and delicate consistency by the fish. Maturation begins with the breakdown of proteins by enzymes of muscle tissue of intracellular origin and by digestive enzymes of internal organs to amino acids. The microflora of salted fish also takes part in maturation, in particular, the group of lactic acid bacteria.

When making preserves, a large number of anaerobic microorganisms enter them.

The main preservative factor in preserves is table salt.

In preserves, the content of table salt is allowed from 3-10%. Most bacteria are not very sensitive to the concentration of sodium chloride in the amount of 0.5-2.0%, however, the 3% content in the medium is unfavorable for many microorganisms. The reproduction of most of the putrefactive bacteria is suppressed at a concentration of table salt of about 3-4%, at 7-10% it stops. Rod-shaped putrefactive bacteria are less persistent than cocci.

In addition to salt, an antiseptic is added to preserves to prevent spoilage. Added at a concentration of 0.1% by weight of the fish, the antiseptic is an agent that significantly inhibits the development of microbial processes in the preservatives.

In some types of preserves, instead of sodium benzoate, it is allowed to add acetic acid, which enhances the effect of table salt.

A solution containing 1-2% acetic acid inhibits the development of most putrefactive bacteria.

The main microbiological control of preserves includes control of the sanitary state of production (with obligatory daily visual inspection of raw materials), auxiliary materials, as well as analysis of preserves from fish and marine invertebrates in oil, sauces, fillings and marinades.

Storage of preserves, depending on the degree of their ripening and the period of sale, should be carried out in refrigerators of industrial enterprises and at the bases of a retail network at temperatures from 0 to -8C in accordance with the current instructions.

It is allowed, in agreement with the trading enterprises, to ship preserves that are not fully ripe, with the condition of ripening them in specialized wholesale warehouses in places of consumption.

According to GOST, the label of fish and seafood preserves produced in the Russian Federation must contain the following information: name of the product; name and location (legal address) of the manufacturer, exporter, importer; name of the country and place of origin; manufacturer's trademark (if any); grade (if varieties are available); Net weight; shelf life; designation of a regulatory or technical document in accordance with which the product is manufactured and can be identified; the nutritional value; shelf life from the date of manufacture.

1.7. Requirements for the quality and safety of fish preserves

Preserves must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological instructions in compliance with sanitary standards and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

For the production of preserves, in addition to the main production facilities (raw materials, cutting, packaging, packaging and premises for the preparation of sauces and fillings), depending on the technological process, it is necessary:

· Washing and disinfection chambers for empty cans, washing for inventory and intrashop containers;

· Premises for the preparation and processing of vegetables, auxiliary materials;

· A refrigerated chamber for storing finished products at temperatures from 0 to -8C;

· Premises for storing containers;

· Centralized brine room.

The stock of frozen raw materials should not exceed the hourly needs of the cutting shop, the retention of raw materials in water is prohibited.

After seaming, the preserves should not be in the production room for more than 2 hours and, as the batch is formed, they should be sent to the refrigerator for maturation at a temperature from 0 to -8C.

The main defects of preserves

Bombing is one of the most common defects in preserves; outwardly expressed in the fact that the bottom and the lid of the metal can bend outward, and in the glass containers the tin lid breaks off the body of the can. Microbiological bombing is caused by the activity of putrefactive gas-forming microorganisms. Decay products accumulating in the can cause an increase in pressure and, as a result, swelling of the can. This type of bombing most often occurs when the sterilization regime of canned food is violated or when a semi-finished product is used for their preparation, heavily seeded with microorganisms. Preserves with such a defect are unsuitable for food.

Microbiological bombardment in fish preserves usually occurs when they are stored at insufficiently low temperature. Preserves with the slightest signs of putrefactive decay are unsuitable for food. However, the convex bottoms of cans with preserves do not yet indicate that their contents are unfit for food. Presence in cans of preserves with convex bottoms lactic acid bacteria often protects preserves from spoilage and even enhances their gastronomic advantages. The question of the quality of such preserves should be resolved individually each time. Chemical bombing in canned fish occurs due to the interaction of the container material (tin) with the contents of the can, resulting in the accumulation of gaseous products, mainly hydrogen. During chemical bombardment, a significant amount of tin salts can pass into the product. Preserves with signs of chemical bombing are usually recognized as fit for food use at the very early stages of the onset of this defect. Along with the actual bombing, a false bombing, called flapping, is often observed at canned and preserves. It is formed due to insufficient evacuation of cans, overfilling of cans with contents, deformation of the ends of cans, use of too thin tin for the ends of cans, and for other reasons. The swelling of the ends of the cans also occurs when freezing canned food. After defrosting such canned food, the ends of the cans do not immediately return to their original position. The contents of the cracker cans are quite benign, although their appearance is the same as in the initial stages of true bombing. You can determine the cause of the swelling of the ends of the can by opening it and checking the quality of the contents.

They also distinguish between such defects as

Tan - the initial stage of spoilage of fish meat in places of accumulation of blood (near the spine). It is associated with poor salting out.

Tightening- the beginning of putrefactive decomposition of fish tissue in general or in individual places (wounds and bruises). The puff is the result of a delay in the storage of the fish prior to processing, where it begins to deteriorate before the meat is exposed to salt or cold. Fish with a puff is always not standard, and with a strong puff it is not suitable for food.

Dampness- unseasoned, unfinished product, with a raw fish flavor; dampness is felt especially sharply in fish undergoing the ripening process. After some exposure in cold cellars, the fish usually matures and comes to normal. Saponification- sticky mucous membrane. It appears on the surface of salted fish, which were stored in boxes or barrels without brine, and leads to a smearing, dirty plaque with an unpleasant odor. Mold growth- the appearance of mold in the form of gray or brown dots (fungi) on the surface of not tightly packed in a container without brine, slightly salted fish. Oxide- the result of putrefactive decay of fish meat proteins and brine organic matter. Fish meat with such a defect is characterized by a sour-bitter taste and sour smell, a pale color and flabby consistency, and the presence of gray mucus on the surface. Tuzluk becomes cloudy, and when stirring, foaming, with a specific unpleasant odor.Rust - fat oxidation with atmospheric oxygen. The appearance of a rusty plaque on the surface of the fish during the initial period of storage, which penetrates into muscle tissue, causing a rancid taste and odor. Fuchsin - a red-burgundy bloom on the surface of the fish, which, as the defect develops, penetrates into the meat, causing reddening of muscle tissue, flabbiness, slickness, smearing consistency and an unpleasant ammonia odor. Lopanets- a fish with a burst belly. Rag - mechanical rupture of fish during careless processing. Fish with such a defect are not allowed for sale. The defect can be eliminated by cutting.

Fish boiling - softening of its tissue when stored in non-storage rooms, without shelter when exposed to sunlight. The fish must be sorted, washed in a clean brine and sold immediately.

Jumping fish infestation - cheese fly larvae. The fish infected with the jumper are washed in saturated brine, in which the larvae and eggs of the cheese fly float. Heavily contaminated fish are not used for food purposes.

Carrion fly larva infection - in production if the rules of hygiene are not observed. The methods of elimination are the same as for the infestation of the fish by the jumper.

Kalanus - a defect caused by crustaceans, including calianus, which feed mainly on herring and Baltic herring. The intestines and stomach of fish are filled with red food. When the intestines rupture, their meat turns red. When cutting and removing calanus, the fish can be used as food.

Conclusion on the analytical review of the literature

The formation of the quality of fish and vegetable preserves is significantly influenced by: raw materials, technological processes and other factors. Organizational control is of great importance in quality assurance.

Fish preserves are produced only from high quality ingredients. Specially selected ingredients give the preserves a unique taste. The production technology of these products is similar.

The biological value of these products is determined by the presence constituent components in fish and seaweed, which play an important role in proper human nutrition. Successful selection of raw materials from seafood makes it possible to obtain a product with valuable taste and properties.

2. Experimental section

2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise object of study

Enterprise IP Panov B.B. located at the address: Omsk, street avenue. Siberian, 12 sq. 103.

Spanish address organ of Omsk, st. 10 years of October, 207 "a" It specializes in the purchase and sale of seafood.

The company was founded in 1999.

Table 1 - Brief product range:



Shelf life

Natural seaweed (seafood / cap., Vegetables, marinade)

2.5 kg bucket

"Harmony" (mor / cap., Apples, cinnamon. Mayonnaise)

4 months / 3 months

"Siberian" (seafood / cap., Beets, apples, onion mar., Herring s / s. Mayonnaise)

4 months / 3 months

"Invigorating" (mor / cap., Calm., Carrot., Onion mar., Paprika. Mayonnaise)

4 months / 3 months

"Crab" (sea / cap. Mar., Crab. Sticks, mayonnaise)

4 months / 3 months

"Vitamin" (mor / cap., Kukur, paprika, cucumbers, mayonnaise)

4 months / 3 months

"With smoked mackerel" (seafood / cap., Mackerel fillet, vegetables, rac oil)

4 months / 3 months

"Pribaltiyskiy" (seafood / cap., Fish fillet, carrot, onion mar., Vegetable oil)

4 months / 3 months

"Health" (seafood / cap., Marinated white cabbage, vegetable oil)

4 months / 3 months

At the moment, the enterprise is in a phase of constant production growth, the sales market is expanding.

Enterprise IP Panov B.B. according to the technological instructions, purchases and sells seafood, including preserves.

The object of the study was the preserves produced according to TU 9266-060-00472093-2002 with the addition of: seaweed, fish fillets, vegetables, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, spices, acetic acid, preservatives E200, E211

Table 2 . Consumption rates of components for the preparation of preserves


Consumption, kg per 1 tube of herring fillet preserves in marinade

For transferring fish

For the preparation of the marinade




Bay leaf




Acetic acid 80%

Vegetable oil

Pickled onions

Pickled carrots

In August 2007, we carried out a study of fish preserves at the enterprise of IE Panova B.B. There were selected 29 fish preserves made by 12 domestic, Russian and Baltic producers. Organoleptic properties, labeling and packaging, physicochemical and microbiological indicators were checked and evaluated in the preserves. Based on the results of the study, the product received an overall quality rating.

Fish products are obtained as a result of processing fishing objects (fish, mammals, invertebrates, algae). Fish food products (fish makes up about 90%) are consumed fresh (usually frozen for preservation), salted, smoked, dried, canned.

Ready-to-eat fish products in colorful, easy-to-use packaging are loved by consumers and the variety is impressive.

Table - 3. Food and energy value preserves

The quality of preserves is determined by the quality of raw materials. Quality indicators of preserves from seafood are divided into general and special. Common indicators are color, odor, product consistency, impurity and salt content. The special, that is, mandatory for a certain type of preserves, include: determination of the amount of the main product (fish) in relation to filling, the order of stacking, the condition of the skin and bones, the transparency of the oil, jelly, the color of the sauce, acidity.

You can often evaluate the quality of preserves by their appearance. If we are talking about plastic packaging, then it should not be deformed, swollen or, conversely, flattened. The product should look firm, appetizing, and its color should be natural.

When carrying out organoleptic research, which is presented in table No. 4

Organoleptic characterization included an assessment of the appearance, color, odor, consistency and taste of canned food. The standard imposes the following requirements on organoleptic indicators:

Taste: pleasant, typical for preserves of this type. For ocean fish preserves with a natural sour taste.

Smell: pleasant, characteristic of this type of fish in oil or in oil flavored with food additives.

Consistency: tender or dense, juicy.

Color: typical for boiled meat of this type of fish.

Before tasting the samples, the probants were familiarized with the testing procedure, the probant's questionnaire contained a description of the requirements for the main indicators for which the marks were given and a detailed commentary. The organoleptic test had a positive result: out of 7 samples, 3 fish preserves received an organoleptic grade of "excellent", 3 were assessed as "good" and 1 as "satisfactory". If the "excellent students" fully met the above requirements of the standard, the "good students" had minor remarks, then the "C grade" deserved the following criticism:

"Seaweed - Baltic salad" of Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy fish processing plant - dark color, crumbling consistency, smell and taste with an unpleasant shade.

Table 4. - Indicators of the quality of preserves from seafood

The name of indicators

Control results

Standard indicator


The mass is homogeneous, the salted fish is cut into pieces, the vegetables are cut into cubes

The mass is heterogeneous, mixed fish and vegetables are chopped randomly, seasoned with mayonnaise

The mass is homogeneous, the salted fish is cut into pieces, the vegetables are cut into cubes

Heterogeneous mixed mass of fish and seafood, vegetables and other ingredients, seasoned with mayonnaise, vegetable oil, tomato filling or soy sauce. Salted or smoked fish is cut into freeform pieces with a thickness of 0.5 to 2.0 cm; canned vegetables(fruit) - in the form of pieces, straws, cubes, sticks in, strips; thermally processed vegetables of any shape; greens - crushed; fresh berries canned corn, green peas - whole pickled seaweed, fern cut into pieces of any size

Specific to the color of the ingredients used

Slight yellowing of the abdominal walls

slight darkening on the sections

Specific to the color of the salad ingredients used

Taste and smell




Inherent to the components of salad, without foreign taste and smell


Delicate, juicy

Dense, dryish

Hard to soft, dry to juicy; Tight but not stiff; Hard to soft;

The presence of impurities

Not found

Not found

Not found

Not allowed

When determining the physicochemical indicators, we obtained the following results

Table - 5 Physical and chemical indicators of products

The method is based on the extraction of fat from the product with an organic solvent - ether in a Soxhlet apparatus, evaporation
solvent and determination of the mass of the extracted fat or
fat-free residue with subsequent calculation of the mass fraction of fat.

Research progress

We mix the prepared sample of the investigated product well and, without allowing the fat to peel off, quickly take a sample weighing 4-5 g into a porcelain cup.

When determining the mass of fat from the fat-free residue, the porcelain cup, empty or with sand and a glass rod, is pre-dried to constant weight and weighed. Dry the porcelain cup with a sample in an oven to constant weight at a temperature of 100 -105 ° C for 3-4 hours.

When determining the mass of the extracted fat, dehydration of the sample is used, for which the sample is quantitatively transferred into a porcelain mortar, a double or triple amount of anhydrous sodium sulfate is added. The mixture is thoroughly ground with a pestle. In the absence of dehydrating agents, the sample is dried with sand in accordance with GOST 26808-86.

The dried weighed portion or dehydrated mixture is quantitatively transferred onto a sheet of filter paper with a size of 8X9 cm, which is wrapped in a bag and placed in another sheet of filter paper with a size of 9x10 cm so that the fold lines of both bags do not coincide, or in a filter paper sleeve, the edges of which are folded inward so that the contents are covered.

Cotton wool soaked in ether is placed there, used to remove the remnants of a dried sample or dehydrated mixture from a porcelain cup, mortar, pestle.

The sleeve or bag is tied with a simple white cotton thread and marked with a graphite pencil.

When determining fat from the fat-free residue, the sleeve or sheets of filter paper are pre-dried to constant weight at a temperature of 105 ° C. The bag or with the dried sample is placed in the same porcelain cup in which the sample was dried and dried until the ether is removed in a drying cabinet at a temperature of 100-105 ° C for 10-15 minutes, then cooled in a desiccator for 10-15 to room temperature and weighed.

It is allowed to take a sample of the prepared sample and then dry it directly in a sleeve or bag made of filter paper, placed in a porcelain cup, in a drying cabinet to constant weight, or use a dry sample after determining the dry matter, which is quantitatively transferred into the sleeve or filter paper bags.

The prepared sleeve or bag with a sample is placed into the extractor of the Soxhlet apparatus. When determining the mass fraction
of fat on the fat-free residue in the extractor of the Soxhlet apparatus are placed several several sleeves and bags of hooks so that they are all completely immersed in ether.

The extraction is carried out for 10-12 hours so that in 1 hour there is at least 5-6 and not more than 8-10 drains of ether until the fat is completely extracted, the absence of which is checked by applying a drop of the solvent flowing from the extractor onto a watch glass or a strip of filter paper. After evaporation of the solvent, no grease should remain on the glass or filter paper.

During a break in work, ether is left in the extractor in such an amount that the sleeve or bag is completely immersed in it and the extraction of fat from the sample continues during the break.

The mass fraction of fat is determined by weighing the fat-free residue or a flask with the extracted fat.

When determining fat from the fat-free residue, the bag is either removed from the extractor, placed in the same porcelain cup in which the sample was dried, kept in a fume hood for 20-30 minutes to remove ether, then dried in a drying cabinet at a temperature of 100-105 ° C to constant weight for 0.5-1.2 hours, cool in a desiccator for 30 minutes and weigh.

When determining fat by the mass of extracted fat, the flask with fat is disconnected from the Soxhlet apparatus and ether is distilled off using a sand or water bath. Then the flask with the extracted fat is dried in an oven at a temperature of 100-105 ° C to constant weight for 0.5-1 h. The flask with fat is cooled in a desiccator for 30-35 minutes and weighed

Processing of results

The mass fraction of fat by mass of the extracted fat (X) in percent was calculated by the formula:

X = (m 1 -m 2) / m * 100

where T- weight of the sample of the investigated product, g;

m 1 - mass flasks with fat, g;

t 2 is the mass of the empty flask, g.

The mass fraction of fat by the fat-free residue (X 1) in percent is determined by the formula

X 1 = (m 3 -m 4) / m * 100

where m - weight of the sample of the investigated product, g;

m 3 is the mass of dried weighing bottles or cups with weighed portion, cotton wool, bag or sleeve before extraction, g;

m 4 is the mass of dried weighing bottles or cups with weighed portion, cotton wool, bag or sleeve after extraction, g;

Calculations are carried out to the second decimal place.

Round off the result to the first decimal place.

The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the test result, the discrepancy between which should not exceed 0.5% with a mass fraction of fat up to 12% and 1% with a mass fraction of fat more than 2%.

The determination of table salt was investigated according to GOST 27207-87

The method is based on titration of chlorides in a neutral medium with a solution of silver nitrate in the presence of an indicator of potassium chromate.

Research progress

A sample weighing 10 g is taken from a prepared sample of preserves into a glass or porcelain cup and transferred without loss into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 200 or 250 cm 3, rinsing through a funnel with distilled water having a temperature of (70 ± 75) ° C. The flask is topped up with distilled water of the specified temperature to ¾ volume, shake well, insist for 30 minutes, shaking occasionally. Then the flask is cooled to room temperature, filled with distilled water of the same temperature to the mark and closed with a stopper, the contents are mixed well.

The contents of the flask are filtered through a dry pleated filter or cotton wool into a dry beaker or flask.

A weighed portion of products with an intense color, which hinders titration with a solution of silver nitrate, was preliminarily ashed. To do this, take a sample weighing 10 g into the crucible, dry it in a water bath or in an oven, then carefully char it on an electric stove. . The charring is finished at the moment when the contents of the crucible disintegrates easily from pressure with a glass rod. Then the contents of the crucible are quantitatively transferred through a funnel into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 200 or 250 cm 3, washing the crucible several times with distilled water, bringing the liquid level to the mark, closing with a stopper, mix thoroughly, filter through a dry folded filter or cotton wool into a dry glass or flask.

After filtration, take with a pipette 25 or 50 cm 3 of the filtrate into two conical flasks, add 3-4 drops of potassium chromate with a mass concentration of 100 g / dm 3 and titrate with 0.1 mol / dm 3 (0.1 N) with a solution of silver nitrate to the transition of yellow color to orange-red, which does not disappear within 10-15 s.

In canned food and preserves with an acidic medium, before titration with silver nitrate, the extract is neutralized with an alkali solution of 0.1 mol / dm 3 (0.1 N) in the presence of 3-5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.

Mass fraction of table salt (X) as a percentage, calculated by the formula:

X = (V * 0.00585 * K * V 1 * 100) / (m * V 2)

silver nitrate to sodium chloride, g / cm 3; TO- correction factor for conversion to exactly 0.1 mol / dm 3

(0.1 N) silver nitrate solution; V\ - the volume to which the solution is brought with a sample of the product, cm 3;

m - weight of the sample of the product, g; V 2 - the volume of the filtrate taken for titration, cm 3. The calculation is carried out to the second decimal place. Results are rounded to the first decimal place.

For the test result, take the arithmetic mean "of the results of two parallel determinations, the allowable discrepancy between which should not exceed 0.1%

Using pasteurization, fish in a can for preserves does not lose its usefulness. The pasteurization mode allows it to retain almost all of its useful qualities. And there are more such elements as phosphorus, iodine, potassium, sodium in it than in fresh frozen.

The process of preparing fish preserves consists in washing the fish, cutting it and putting it in jars. Salt, allspice, bay leaf, vegetable oil are also added there. Then the cans are hermetically closed and sterilized in autoclaves under certain conditions.

A wide variety of fish is suitable for the preparation of fish preserves. Depending on the type of fish, the taste of preserves also differs. However, all preservers have certain requirements regulated by the standard. The taste should be pleasant, characteristic of the preserves of this type, without any foreign aftertaste and bitterness. The smell is pleasant, characteristic of this type of preserves. The consistency of fish meat is juicy, dense. Whole pieces and carcasses, not cooked. Partial baking of meat and skin to the inner surface of the jar is allowed; a slight protrusion of the vertebral bone above the meat level; disintegration of individual pieces of fish. The head, entrails, blood debris, bugs (bone formations), black film and fins must be removed.

If the process of preparing the preserves was successful, then, having opened the can, we will see pieces of fish tightly packed in cross-section to the bottom, the height of which is 4-5 mm lower than the inner height of the can. There should be no more than half of the tail pieces.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use refined deodorized vegetable oil. Imported raw materials can be used that have permission from the relevant authorities of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation and veterinary services, issued in the prescribed manner

The date of production of salads can be used fish with mechanical damage, the rest of the parameters corresponding to the requirements of the first grade, and the damaged parts must be removed.

Fish and seafood in terms of safety indicators must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, SanPiN 3.2.569 and veterinary requirements; and the rest of the raw materials used for salads - SanPiN

The safety indicators of preserves are given in table No. 6

Table 6 - Safety indicators of preserves

Tolerable toxicity levels are shown in Table 7.

Table 7. - Indicators of toxicity

In accordance with the agreement with the laboratory, the company conducts a study of products for safety indicators

2.2 Manufacturing technology

The technology for the production of preserves from seafood is represented by the following diagram:

reception of raw materials and materials;

preparation of fish;

preparation of fresh and dried vegetables

and fruits;

preparation of canned vegetables;

preparation of dressing sauces;

mixing of components;

merchandise registration; storage and sale.

Figure 2. - Process flow diagram

Fish preparation

Cut salted or smoked fish into fillets without skin and rib bones. I

Cut the prepared fish fillet into pieces no more than 2.0 cm wide.

Table 8. - Recipes of the salting solution per 100 kg of fillets

Name of materials

Article number

Quantity, kg

Drinking water

Table salt

Maturation preparation *


Smoke preparation

Sodium benzoate

Sorbic acid or potassium sorbate

Special preservative

Dissolve salt in 98 liters of water. If necessary, filter the solution. Add the ripening agent to the saline solution with stirring.

Dissolve sodium benzoate, a mixture of preservatives or a special preservative in 2 liters of warm water (+ 40 ° С) and add the preservative solution with stirring to the saline solution.

Stir the prepared salting solution thoroughly.

Duration of sending fish at a temperature of 5-8 ° С - 2-3 days

Container preparation

Storage and preparation of cans and lids for them is carried out in accordance with the requirements of technological instruction No. 3 for acceptance, storage and preparation of containers (Collection of technological instructions for the production of canned fish and preserves, part T, 1989)

The cans are sanitized in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN

Preparation of materials

Heat black pepper in a closed container at 120 ° C for 50 minutes and cool.

Use dry preservatives without additional processing.

For pickling onions and sweet peppers, a 3% solution of acetic acid or a 0.5-1% solution of an acidity stabilizer (art. No. 54016) was used.

Preparation of vegetables, fruits

Peel fresh onions from the integumentary leaves, cut off the upper, pointed part and root lobe, rinse with running water and chop in the form of strips or cut into pieces.

Waste from peeling and cutting onions is 15-18%. Soak the onion in a solution of acetic acid at a 1: 1 ratio in I for 10-16 hours at a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C. When using a solution of acidity stabilizer, pour the onion with a solution in the ratio

: 2 and leave to marinate for 90-120 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 15 C.

Waste from peeling and cutting of peppers is 22-28%.

Soak in a solution of acetic acid or acidity stabilizer according to the regimes described for onions.

Pickling of onions and peppers in one container is allowed. Use enamel or glassware for pickling.

: 2 and leave to marinate for 90-120 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 15 C.,

Wash fresh sweet pepper thoroughly with running water, rinse with hot water (70-90 ° С), remove the stalk and testis with seeds and cut into pieces.

Waste from peeling and cutting of peppers is 22-28%.

Soak in a solution of acetic acid or acidity stabilizer according to the regimes described for onions. j,

Pickling of onions and peppers in one container is allowed. Use enamel or glassware for pickling.

Wash fresh apples with running water, rinse with hot water (50-60 C), peel, core and cut into pieces. Use ripe apples of medium hardness. |

Waste from cleaning and cutting apples is 20-26%. Immediately after cutting, place the apples in a 0.5% citric acid solution or a 0.5% acidity stabilizer solution (art. No. 54016) at an apple-to-solution ratio of 1: 2. Soak in the solution for 40-60 minutes.

Dried vegetables and fruits can be used instead of fresh ones. The modes of their soaking and pickling are similar to pickling fresh vegetables and fruits with a ratio of dried vegetables: pickling solution from (1: 4) to (1: 5). Dried and fresh vegetables pickle separately.

The yield of reconstituted vegetables from 1 kg of dried vegetables is:
for onions - 5.0-5.5 kg; for sweet pepper - 3.0-3.5 kg; for apples - 2.5-
3.0 kg.

Onions and bell peppers treated with appropriate solutions
place on the perforated tray before adding to the salad, or
colander for swelling of excess moisture for 1 0-1.5 hours; apples - for 15-20

Use canned or pickled cucumbers, carrots, beets, corn, green peas, parsley and celery roots. Separate the vegetables from the marinade, let the brine drain out for 0.5-1 hour, if necessary, cut into cubes, strips, etc. Use dried parsley, dill or their mixtures.

Fry pre-chopped onions for 7-10 minutes in heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Without cooling in a pan, put the fried onions in a layer not higher than 2-3 cm in a container to cool and drain excess vegetable oil for 20-30 minutes.

The consumption of vegetable oil is 9.5-10 liters per 100 kg of chopped fresh onions, the yield of fried onions is 25-27.

Mixing components

Prepared according to the recipe fish, vegetables, fruits, carefully mix with herbs, spices. Add the preservative in powder form in 2-3 doses while stirring the mixture. The amount of the mixture for the introduction of the preservative should not exceed 3 kg. Add mayonnaise, butter or ketchup and mix thoroughly again without damaging the integrity of the pieces.

Use sodium benzoate sorbic acid or their mixture in a 1: 1 ratio as a preservative.

When using mayonnaise or ketchup as a dressing, take into account the presence of preservatives in their composition.

When using fish with increased salinity, use

recipe with a minimum fish content.

Mix the components in a container made of stainless steel or polymeric materials approved for contact with food.

When using salted fish with the use of preservatives during the salting process, the dosage of the preservative additive in the selected salad recipe should be recalculated taking into account its presence in the fish. "Depending on the salinity of the fish and the recipe chosen, additional salt, sugar or other spices may be added to the salad according to the taste.

Send prepared salads for packing without delay.

Packing, commodityregistrationand storage

Fill salads in glass, polymer cans, podimer buckets, packages with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm3. The container must be clean, strong and dry. The container volume should be used as much as possible.

All packaging materials must have permission from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for contact with food products.

Tightly seal jars and buckets of salad with lids; packets are thermally sealed with or without vacuuming.

Close the plastic can by slightly pressing on the middle of the lid. Send the container with the salad for labeling and packaging. Duration of storage of salads in the production area should not exceed 1 hour.

Send ready-made salads for sale or storage at temperatures from 0 to 6 ° C.

In the production of fish preserves, benzoic acid is usually used as an antiseptic to prevent the development of putrefactive microflora, and most of all its sodium salt is sodium benzoate, which dissolves in water better than acid. Its permissible content in fish preserves is not more than 2.0 g per 1 kg of product. Acetic acid is also used, but it is less effective and is used, as a rule, in combination with other methods of preservation (for example, with salting). The maximum permissible acidity of preserves is 1.5 ... 2.0%.

After making fish preserves, some time must pass before they acquire full-fledged taste qualities... Preserves are stored in clean, well-ventilated rooms at temperatures from 0 to 20 ° C and relative humidity of no more than 75%. The shelf life of preserves is up to 3 years.

Preserves are sent to the trading network on the basis of a commodity assessment in accordance with the relevant standards and technical specifications... By agreement with trade organizations, preserves can be shipped from enterprises not fully ripe with the expectation of ripening during transportation and at specialized wholesale depots in places of consumption. Preserves are transported in accordance with the approved rules for the carriage of perishable goods at temperatures from 0 ° C to -8 ° C.

2.3. Labeling and packaging

According to GOST 11771-93 "Canned food and preserves from fish and seafood. Packaging and labeling" the label must be clean, intact, tightly and neatly glued. The marking must contain the following data:

name and address of the manufacturer;


Name of production;

variety if varieties are available;

Net weight;

regulatory document;

expiration date from the date of manufacture (with the inscription "the date of manufacture is indicated in the first row");

food and energy value;

storage conditions;

composition of canned food.

On the lid of the cans, we can see three rows of extruded numbers. What do they mean? First row: date of manufacture of products (day, month, year). Second row: assortment mark - from one to three characters (numbers or letters, except for the letter "P"); manufacturer's number - from one to three characters (numbers and letters). Third row: shift number - one digit; the fishing industry index is the letter "P".

2.4. Organization of control

Incoming control of raw materials and materials used in the production of salads is carried out on the basis of the submitted certificates of conformity, quality certificates and visual random inspection carried out by the technological service of the enterprise.

At all stages of the technological process for the production of salads, control over the observance of technological parameters, production modes, quality of raw materials, materials and preserves is carried out on the basis of the "Map of metrological support and production control of the technological process"

Weighing of raw materials, materials in accordance with the recipes is carried out on scales for static weighing in accordance with GOST 29329.

Control of temperature regimes of production in accordance with the technological instructions is carried out with alcohol thermometers in accordance with GOST 27544, semiconductor resistance thermometers or
other similar devices.

Control of cans before capping, capping, control of cans; after capping, it is carried out according to the general TI. No. 4 for rolling up (capping), washing and sterilizing canned food, rolling up (capping) canned food. (Collection of TI on the production of canned fish and preserves, part 1, 1989)

Control methods for finished products - in accordance with the requirements.

In the absence of a production laboratory, the manufacturer must have a contractual relationship with a laboratory accredited in the area

Pay the main attention to production control! the sanitary condition of the production facilities, the quality of the raw materials, the observance of the time parameters for the presence of fish at the technological stages and the observance of the recipes and parameters of the production of products.

Preserves should have a pleasant taste and smell, typical of ripe fish with a spice aroma (for spicy salted fish). The consistency is tender, juicy. Allowed for sardines and horse mackerel dense, for Kuril mackerel and spicy salted preserves (except capelin) dense or slightly overripe (in places of consumption). The fish should be free from external damage, with a clean surface or with the presence of spices (for spicy salted fish).

Carcasses, fillets, slices, rolls must be whole with even cuts. Allowed: lamination of meat on the cut for Kuril and Atlantic mackerel; slightly bursting of the abdomen in individual pieces of fish without falling out of the entrails for salmonids; minor skin damage from self-injury for horse mackerel; sticking of ripe fish, carcasses, fillets, fillets, fillets, slices, when their separation is possible without damaging the skin; the presence of single scales on the carcass.

The color of the fish typical of this species. Allowed: darkening on sections (in oceanic fish), slight yellowing of the walls of the abdominal cavity without the taste and smell of oxidized fat in Kuril mackerel; slight yellowing of fish on the sections and subcutaneous yellowing not associated with fat oxidation; yellow-green color of subcutaneous fat without taste and smell of oxidized fat in Kuril mackerel (except for preserves from cut fish in fillings and sauces).

State of filling: in preserves from unseeded and headless fish, the presence of suspended particles of protein origin, individual scales and fat on the surface is allowed, in preserves from saury of special salting - a jelly-like state of filling, provided that the aroma of saury is pleasant; in preserves from cut fish with fillings and sauces - a jelly-like state of filling for herring preserves and for filling with cinnamon. On the surface of cut and uncut fish, there may be a coating of protein origin.

Domestic preserves from non-fish aquatic organisms are produced in a limited range and in small volumes. The raw materials used are seaweed, benign kelp of storm emissions, scallop and squid meat, less often trumpeter, mussel, octopus meat. The most famous products are Sakhalin seaweed salad, Scallop meat in mustard sauce, Squid marinated with red pepper, Squid marinated with black pepper, etc. The assortment of imported products is much more diverse. The raw material is mainly mussels, less often other mollusks. Heat-treated mussels are poured with marinade, brine, tomato and other sauces. They produce mussels Aperitif, Mussels in a Catholic way, Mussels in seafood sauce, Mussel salad and other products.

The good news is that most manufacturers indicate the necessary information on the label and receive an "excellent" mark for the marking. However, there were some comments. The labeling of the following canned food was rated "good":

"Atlantic sardine blanched in oil" LLC "Antarctica" / Sevastopol (the manufacturer's phone number is not specified, the shelf life according to GOST is less than the specified one);

"Atlantic natural sardine with added oil" JSC "Mixum" / Lithuania (phone number is not specified, the composition does not indicate which oil is used);

"Atlantic sardines in oil (slices)" Maseko JSC / Estonia, "Natural sardines with oil addition" Maseko JSC / Estonia and "Atlantic natural mackerel with oil addition" Maseko JSC / Estonia - no normative document is specified;

"Atlantic sardine blanched in oil" JSC "Maseko" / Estonia (normative document is not specified, shelf life according to GOST is less than specified);

Two manufacturers were rated "Satisfactory" for the labeling:

Metal cans for preserves are made with a varnished or enameled inner surface. The outer surface of the cans should be smooth, without dents, staples, kinks, half-blisters, corrosion points. The inner surface of lacquered or enameled cans, lids and bottoms should be coated with a resistant canning varnish or enamel evenly, smoothly, without cracks or scratches. The outer surface of the cans should not have birds (deformation of the bottoms and lids of cans in the form of corners at the sides of the can), as well as notches, teeth and tongues on the seaming seams. In this case, minor damage is allowed, for example, dents with a depth of no more than 1 mm, blind scratches, slight bruising of the case, a slight coating of rust, etc.

Bombing preserves (with swollen bottoms and lids that do not take a normal position after pressing them with fingers) are not allowed for sale; with a bird (deformation of the bottoms and lids of cans in the form of corners at the seam); cracker (the bulge of the bottom or lid of the can, disappearing when pressed on one end of the can and at the same time appearing at the other end with a characteristic popping sound).

Out of 7 batches of preserves, the packaging of two was rated "good", three - "very bad", the rest have excellent ratings. Rating "good":

"Atlantic natural sardine with added oil" JSC Mixum / Lithuania (small damage in the form of scratches on the paintwork of the inner surface of the lid);

"Natural sardine with the addition of oil" JSC "Maseko" / Estonia (on the paint-and-lacquer coating of the inner side surface of the can there are small damages in the form of scratches, on the paint-and-lacquer coating of the outer surface of the sealing seam there are small punctate corrosion damages).

Rating "very bad":

"Sardinella natural with the addition of oil" ARC "Antarctica" / Odessa (significant abrasion of the lacquered inner side surface of the can with a large area of ​​corrosion, damage to the lacquered inner surface of the lid (scratch, pinpoint) with corrosion);

"Atlantic natural mackerel with the addition of oil" JSC "Mixum" / Lithuania (abrasion of the lacquered inner surface of the can, significant deformation of the side surface of the can on both sides, violation and abrasion of the lacquered inner side surface of the can with corrosion);

"Natural oceanic aromatic horse mackerel" OJSC Ochakovsky fish-canning plant / Nikolaev region (significant point violation of the lacquered inner side surface and the bottom of the can with a large corrosion area, damage to the lacquered inner surface of the intestine).

2.5. Identifying control points

In conditions when the buyer has the opportunity to choose the desired product from the many on the market, the most important, if not the decisive factor in the success of a manufacturer of preserves from seafood is its quality. Product quality consists of the following components:

· Quality of raw materials,

· The quality of the technological process,

· The quality of the finished product.

In the production of preserves from seaweed and fish, the entire production process is traced, from the receipt of raw materials to the receipt of the finished product.

Only a complex of analyzes makes it possible to control the quality of raw materials and technological production processes, as well as finished products

The quality of seafood products should be defined as a combination of its organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators and properties, the level or variant of which is formed by the manufacturer (supplier) in the production (creation) of products in order to meet the established or proposed needs of the purchasers.

The quality of products in the course of the technological process is the most important factor influencing the formation of the quality of the finished product.

During the production process, the components of raw materials undergo various changes, which then affect the properties of the finished product. Therefore, at each stage of the technological process, a thorough control of production is carried out, during which all parameters are controlled.

High quality seafood can be produced by conducting technological processes in strict accordance with the optimal modes provided for by the current regulatory documentation, with prompt correction of all possible deviations. The technochemical control service is intended to provide information on the correctness of the technological process on the basis of analyzes and readings of instrumentation. Well-organized technochemical control at all stages of the technological process, from milk intake to finished product release, is one of the most important prerequisites for the production of high quality products and rational management of the technological process, ensuring the maximum use of raw materials. Correctly organized and carefully set technochemical control is an important condition for the successful operation of the enterprise.

The tasks of microbiological control are reduced to ensuring the proper orientation of microbiological processes and compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions of production.

When the pasteurization temperature was controlled, no overshoot was observed in each experiment. In the process of pasteurization, enzymes are destroyed and microorganisms that cause spoilage of the product die.

After determining all the parameters of the technological process at the stages: homogenization, pasteurization and cooling of the mixture, where no deviations were observed, the pasteurization efficiency was calculated. This control plays an important role in shaping the quality of the finished product. According to the calculations, the pasteurization efficiency was more than 99%, which is characterized as a fairly high indicator. No deviations from the technological process were found in all fish products produced.

To ensure the production of products of stable quality, a scheme of control points for the production of preserves was developed, which is proposed in Table 9.

Table 9. - Control points for the production of preserves

Technological operation

Analysis of possible damage to quality

Control methods

Responsible executor


Correction methods

unusable raw materials

Standard for raw materials, standards for control methods, technological instructions, SanPiN.

accompanying documentation Application of instrumental methods of analysis. Carefully handpicked staff. Compliance with instructions when accepting raw materials.



The appearance of stale odors.

Technological instruction... Air temperature 16 ° С

Continuous temperature control in the defrosting room.


Tarnishing of the surface and the appearance of foreign odors.

Technological instruction. Water temperature 16 ° С


the temperature of the water in the washing tubs.

Worker, technologist








Technological instruction.

Correctness of cutting.

If the net mass is more than the established one, then the losses

the enterprise, and if less, then the inconsistency with the established standards.

Technological instruction.

Net weight control by weighing.


Packaging (in








Technological instruction.

Compliance with the rules of packaging, cleanliness of the packaging material.

Worker, foreman, technologist


Technological instruction. GOST 7630, GOST R 51074.



The appearance of traces from the lattice on the body of the fish. Underfreezing contributes to the deterioration of the fish's appearance, consistency, as well as the smell and taste of fish meat. Insufficiently low freezing temperature leads to a stale odor.

Technological instruction. Up to a temperature of -18 ° С

Control for


modes for





Packaging (in shipping container), marking



Technological instruction. GOST 7630, GOST 14192.




Quality control of the finished product

Insufficient control can lead to the release of a substandard product for sale.

Controlled indicators are regulated by standards and SanPiN.



bodies necessary






Unwanted defrosting

Technological instruction

Control over temperature conditions from -15 to -18 ° С

worker, technologist


Contamination with chemicals and helminths in case of leakage.

Mechanical damage and deformation of the packaging, reduction

Indicators of product quality and safety.

Storage conditions are regulated by standards

Maintaining the required temperature and humidity, observing the rules of storage.


After analyzing the main factors that form the quality of fish semi-finished products, adjustments were made to the production control program.

Production control program of the production process

preserves from seafood

Table 10 - Scheme of control over the production of semi-finished products

Controlled operations

Controlled indicators, parameters, modes

Inspection frequency

Acceptance of fish (raw materials)

The quality of the fish. For the production of semi-finished products, send fresh, chilled and frozen fish of at least grade 1 quality

Each batch


Air temperature (not higher than 16 ° С). Defrost by laying out on shelves.

At least 2 times per shift

The presence of a false bottom in the baths

As needed

Thoroughness of fish washing. The fish should be free of mucus, blood residues and foreign contamination Water temperature (not higher than 16 ° С)

Each batch

Fish to water ratio (at least 1: 2)

Each bath (periodically)

Flow rate or frequency of water change

At least four times a shift, as it gets dirty

Technical and sanitary condition of equipment

Tap water quality

1 time per month


Correctness of cutting and thoroughness of cleaning fish Technical condition of equipment and workplaces

Sanitary condition of equipment and workplaces

Each batch

As needed

1 time per month


Dripping time

Each batch

Technical and sanitary condition of the equipment Runoff time is set depending on the size of the fish

1 time per month

Each batch

Consumer goods packaging

Technical condition of the container Accuracy of filling the container with fish Integrity and correctness of the seam

Every batch Every batch Every batch


Correctness of labeling. The name of the ministry, enterprise, type of product, net weight, gross weight, date of manufacture (month, day, hour), the name of the master and the number of the packer must be indicated on the marking or in the label.

Each batch


Technical condition of equipment

Equipment sanitary condition

The height of the fish layer in the tray (no more than 15 cm) Cooling conditions. Cool fish in a chamber at a temperature from -17 to -18 ° С

Cooling time (2 to 4 hours)

As needed

1 time per month

Packing in


Pack fish in clean metal and wooden boxes covered with food varnish with a capacity of up to 20 kg, equipped with lids with sealing devices

Each batch


Transport preparedness. Semi-finished products should be delivered to shops and catering establishments by closed vehicles (duration of transportation is not more than 2 hours). In the warm season, the semi-finished product should be transported by refrigerated transport.



The shelf life of fish, seafood packaged and frozen semi-finished products from the date of manufacture and packaging should be no more than three months at a temperature not higher than minus 18 ° C.

The shelf life of fish, packaged seafood and frozen semi-finished products should be set taking into account the shelf life of the original frozen raw materials.

Every batch Every batch

All monitored parameters must be recorded in production logs of the established form.

Conclusion on the experimental section

The quality of fish preserves depends on the quality of raw materials, compliance with technological regimes and other factors.

In the experimental section, the requirements for the quality of fish preserves were determined, the entire process of production of fish preserves from the receipt of raw materials to the finished product was traced. For this, a technological scheme was indicated.

The description of the organization of control at the enterprise is presented, the method of work and research methods are determined. Compliance with technological regimes was monitored. The net weight of the finished product was controlled, the deviations of which were within the limits of permissible negative deviations.

Based on the research, an analysis of the factors that form the quality of the finished product was carried out. As a result, the recommended schemes are presented: quality management and production control.

3. Life safety

The main directions of the state policy in the field of protection include:

¾ recognition and ensuring the priority of the life and health of employees in relation to the results of production activities;

¾ coordination of activities in terms of labor protection in different areas economic and social policy, as well as in the field of environmental protection;

¾ establishment of uniform regulatory requirements for labor protection for organizations of all forms of ownership; state management of activities in the field of labor protection, including state supervision and control over the observance of laws and regulations on labor protection;

¾ interaction and cooperation of government bodies, supervision and control with employers, trade unions and other representative bodies;

¾ pursuing an effective tax policy that stimulates the creation of healthy and safe working conditions and the introduction of safe equipment and technologies, collective personal protective equipment;

¾ providing employees with special clothing, footwear, protective equipment, medical and preventive means at the expense of employers;

¾ international cooperation in solving problems of labor protection.

Common legal documents include:

¾ Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993;

¾ Labor Code of the Russian Federation of 2000 as amended in 2007

¾ Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" FZ - 52 dated 03.30.1999;

¾ Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases" dated 07.24.98 No. 125-FZ.

¾ GOST 12.0.002-91 Occupational safety standards system. Terms and Definitions;

¾ GOST 12.0.003. Occupational safety standards system. Dangerous and harmful production factors. Classification;

¾ GOST 12.0.004 - 90 Occupational safety standards system. Organization of occupational safety training. General requirements;

¾ GOST 12.0.006 - 2002 Safety standards system. General requirements to the management of labor protection in the organization;

¾ GOST 12.0.004 - 91 Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. General requirements.

Interdisciplinary legal documents include:

¾ SanPiN - 96 Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises;

¾ Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 83 of August 16, 2004 "On approval of the lists of harmful hazardous production factors and works, the performance of which is carried out preliminary and periodic medical examinations and the procedure for conducting these examinations";

¾ SanPiN 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential, public buildings and on the territory of residential development;

¾ SanPiN 2.2.1327-03 Hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and other tools.

In accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions "by the nature and time of the briefing of workers is divided into introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, target.

The introductory briefing is carried out by the OT engineer with all newly hired, with all newly hired, with temporary workers, as well as with students who have arrived for industrial practice. The introductory briefing takes the form of a conversation according to a program developed taking into account

In accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions "by the nature and time of the briefing of workers is divided into introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, target.

Induction training conducts an OT engineer with all new hires, with temporary workers, as well as with students who have arrived for industrial practice. The introductory briefing takes the form of a conversation according to the program, developed taking into account the requirements of the SSBT standards. The introductory briefing is recorded in a special journal with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor.

All other types of briefings are carried out by the direct supervisor of the work.

Initial on-the-job briefing carried out before the start of production activities with all newly recruited or transferred from one department to another. At the end of the initial briefing, an entry is made in the journal.

In order to check and improve the level of knowledge, rules and regulations on labor protection, carry out re-instruction, at least once every 6 months.

When introducing new or revised rules, regulations on labor protection, changing the technological process, when replacing or modernizing equipment, when employees violate labor safety requirements that could lead or led to an accident, accident, fire or explosion. At the request of the supervisory authorities, during breaks in work for a period

more than 60, and for work with increased labor safety requirements for more than 30 calendar days, the direct supervisor of the work conducts unscheduled briefing.... At the same time, the reason for the briefing is indicated in the registration log.

Targeted briefing carried out with employees before starting work, for which a permit is issued.

Those who have received instructions and have shown unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work. They must be instructed again.

PPE is issued to workers and employees of those professions and positions that are provided for by the Model Industry Norms (TON) for the free issuance of overalls, special. footwear and other PPE, regardless of the forms of ownership of organizations and their organizational and legal forms.

Responsibility for providing working specials. clothing, special footwear, safety devices, soap, neutralizing and washing agents, therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition shall be borne by the head of the enterprise.

The store has developed internal regulations for workers and employees, drawn up by the store director. The rules contain: the procedure for hiring and dismissing an employee, the basic rights and obligations of employees, the main responsibilities of the administration, working hours and its use, rewards for success in work, penalties for violation of labor discipline. At the end of the rules, there is a schedule of the operating hours.

To reduce fatigue and prevent sickness among workers, the workplaces of sellers are equipped with chairs for short-term rest during the absence of buyers, and the seats of cashiers are equipped with chairs with a curved back and adjustable-height seats.

Ventilation systems provide the necessary metrological conditions in the store and air cleanliness at workplaces in the working area of ​​the retail space. The location of ventilation systems ensures safety and ease of installation, operation and repair.

The supply of heat by heating systems is provided during the cold season in all rooms. The heating system ensures uniform heating of the air in the premises, thermal stability, and availability for their repair.

Stacking the goods in the storage room ensures their stability during storage and safety for the seller when they are removed.

Trade and technological equipment is safe for the seller.

The equipment does not have sharp corners, uneven surfaces that pose a danger to workers. The table scales are installed on a horizontal surface in such a way that the bed rests firmly on all four supports and so that during operation there is no spontaneous movement or fall of the scales.

The shelving in the sales area is strong and stable. Women are not allowed to carry weights that exceed the norm.

Various measures are taken to prevent fires in the store. They include warning devices, alarms, there are schemes for the planned evacuation of people in case of fire, as well as fire extinguishing means. The store has an instruction on fire safety measures for the FMCG retail facility, which specifies the actions of the people responsible for the facility's fire safety. The instruction was approved by the head of the district fire department.

Responsibility for the organization of fire safety measures, compliance with the required fire regime at the enterprise, the maintenance of fire fighting equipment and equipment, the implementation of fire safety measures are assigned to the head of the enterprise. He issues an order on the appointment of persons responsible for fire safety. They are appointed from among the store employees: salespeople, commodity experts and handymen.

All electrical equipment is reliably grounded or grounded. All electrical wires are insulated, they are constantly undergoing various safety checks. the store is equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment;

There is a security and fire alarm;

The room has its own electrical disconnecting device;

The telephone has plates with the fire department call numbers;

The electrical wiring is protected from mechanical damage, except for the leash located on the floor;

The instruction on fire safety measures is not posted in a conspicuous place;

Instructions on fire safety measures are conducted with store employees.

A prerequisite for safe work is the correct organization of the workplace, the implementation of technical discipline and safety rules.

Thanks to the measures taken to protect labor and prevent injuries over the past year, the company has not registered a single case of injuries at the workplace.

Output: work on labor protection in the store "Products on Khitrom" (PE Goroshinsky ED) is being carried out in full.

4 . Economic justification of research results

Characteristics of the enterprise

Enterprise IP Panov B.B. located at the address Omsk, pr-kt. Siberian 12 sq. 103

The suppliers of raw materials are LLC "Ostrov", LLC "Rybtorg", IP Kolitsky

The product sales market consists of the retail trade network of Omsk and the Omsk Region

An individual entrepreneur is an organizational and legal form provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the conduct of commercial (entrepreneurial) activities by citizens registered in the prescribed manner.

An individual private enterprise is owned by a citizen.

By entrepreneurial activity, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) means an independent activity carried out at its own risk, aimed at systematic profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law. Entrepreneurial activities can be carried out by capable (adult) citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, Russian and foreign legal entities. An individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax authority exclusively at his place of residence (place of registration). Documents that confirm the legal capacity of an individual entrepreneur or, in the past, an Entrepreneur without a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as an individual entrepreneur) and a Certificate of registration with the tax authority. An individual entrepreneur can have his own seal and open a bank account, but this is not a mandatory requirement, since an individual entrepreneur can carry out his activities without a bank account, sign documents without certifying the seal. An individual entrepreneur hires workers under an employment contract, like any company. The main difference between such a form of entrepreneurial activity as an individual entrepreneur from an enterprise is that an individual entrepreneur is responsible for his activities with all his property, while a founder or participant is responsible only within the amount of the established capital. In addition, tax legislation provides for individual entrepreneurs with their own individual system, an individual taxation system. The phase of economic activity of an enterprise can be characterized as a phase of growth in production volumes.

Feasibility study of project activities

The purpose of the project is: the formation of quality and the organization of control over the production of cold smoked pink salmon at the Enterprise IP Panov B.B.

The change in efficiency in the efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise after the implementation of production control is presented in Table 11.

Table 11 - The main economic showed the activities of the enterprise for the production of mayonnaise

According to the data obtained, it can be concluded that the economic efficiency of the enterprise for the reporting period increased by 8.97% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Figure 3. - Comparison of marketable and gross output

Figure 4. - Indicators of production efficiency

5. Environmental safety

The issue of ensuring environmental safety is associated with the issue of environmental protection and ensuring the health of the population, the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to a safe environment. Formation of a competent, scientifically grounded state policy in the field of environmental safety in Russia.

The legal basis for ensuring environmental safety at the enterprise IP Panov B.B. are:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 24), every citizen has the right to a favorable environment and to information about the state of the environment.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of 10.01.2002 (as amended on 26.06.2007) “On Environmental Protection”;

The law defines the legal basis for state policy in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety.

Federal Law of 23.11.1995, No. 174-FZ (as amended on 18.12.2006) "On ecological expertise";

All projects of economic and other activities that may have a negative impact on the state of the environment are subject to environmental expertise.

Federal Law of 30.03.1999 No. 5-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population";

Federal Law of July 21, 1991 No. 116-FZ "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities";

The environmental passport of an enterprise is a legal norm for ensuring environmental safety, containing the following information:

a) a map - a diagram showing sources of pollution of the atmosphere and water surface (the enterprise itself and the nearest sources of pollution);

b) places of water intake;

c) waste storage;

d) the border of the sanitary protection zones (the area of ​​the territory from its border to the nearest living building);

e) coefficients that determine the conditions for dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

This information is recorded in the environmental passport, according to which the maximum permissible emissions are established.

SanPiN -01 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control";

SanPiN "Hygienic safety requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises";

SanPiN 2.2.1X2.1.1.1031-01 "Control over the organization of the sanitary protection zone".

Anthropogenic factors are understood as the consequences of the influence of human production activities at the stage of organized demand through changes in the environment. The main assessment criteria of these factors are qualitative indicators of permissible effects of environmental impact, maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and emissions (MPE).

There are two channels for the impact of a food enterprise on the environment through the intake of anthropogenic substances into it. The first channel is a finished product intended for human nutrition. Man, in turn, is an element of the environment, and low-quality food or products that do not meet the physiological needs of a person at this stage of the life cycle can have a negative impact on his viability.

In parallel with the release of a food product, after the technological processing of raw materials, a set of industrial emissions and waste is formed, the environmental impact of which on the state of the environment is most obvious and obvious to society. In the process of processing, arriving at the enterprise natural ingredients(water, air, energy) change their quality characteristics and move into the category of industrial emissions. Such emissions, after certain industrial processing or without it, are sent to the natural environment (water bodies, soil cover or atmosphere) for final cleaning and natural utilization.

The industrial emissions of the enterprise can be divided into the following groups:

Emissions that can be utilized through consistent industrial treatment and subsequent natural regeneration and disposal ( wastewater, sludge after biological wastewater treatment, spent drying agents);

Emissions, industrial cleaning and disposal of which is not possible. Emissions are directed to the natural environment (heat losses through

process equipment and walls of buildings, waste water heat and spent drying agents, exhaust ventilation air).

Pollutants are formed due to imperfect technologies and equipment, long-term operation of equipment without repair and non-compliance with technical regulations.

Large volumes and high pollution of industrial emissions generated during the processing of animal raw materials determine their very significant impact on the natural cycle of water and air.

The most dangerous from the point of view of the amount of hazardous substances that came from the emergency equipment into the space and the scale of the zones, the possible damage to the personnel of the enterprise are accidents of depressurization of ammonia refrigeration equipment. Emissions into the atmosphere of pollutants (3B) from the preserves department of IE Banas V.Yu. due to technological processes of processing raw materials of animal origin. The peculiarity of these emissions is unpleasant smelling substances (NPS)

Also, general measures to combat air pollution with harmful substances include: mechanization of production processes, sealing equipment, rational arrangement of ventilation systems, timely scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, systematic air cleaning and wet cleaning of premises from industrial dust.

Water is supplied to the enterprise from the Azov water supply network.

For washing and disinfecting hands and containers in the workshop there are sinks with cold and hot water with mixer device.

For technological purposes, only drinking water is used.

Waste water at the enterprise is divided into three main categories:

Household (from toilets, laundry and dining rooms);

industrial (water used in technological processes);

Atmospheric (rain and thawed).

Wastewater is discharged into its own septic tank. As the septic tank is full, a car is discharged to empty it.

There are no sewage treatment plants in the area. All waste water from enterprises is disposed of in a landfill without any treatment. The existing landfill does not meet sanitary requirements, is not heaped up, there are no storage tanks, no mechanical cleaning is performed. The existing situation leads to the destruction of natural lands, harms the health of the population of the region in epidemiological and hygienic terms.

The enterprise is surrounded by a forest on both sides, because green spaces enrich the air with oxygen, promote, dissipate harmful substances, v absorb them. When landscaping the territory, woody shrubs and flowering plants are chosen.

Irrigation of the asphalted area is of great importance for improving the state of the outdoor air environment at the enterprise.

In the shop of preserves IP Banas V.Yu. measures are taken to protect the environment: proper use and incineration of waste, etc.

In the shop of preserves IP Banas V.Yu. use traditional methods to improve the environmental safety of the enterprise:

Improvement of technological equipment.

Dispose of waste water regularly to designated places;

Clean the sewer network;

Control over the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures at the enterprise IE Banas V.Yu. carried out by the technologist. The enterprise maintains a journal "Control over the sanitary state of production".

The enterprise does not organize collection of bones. After boning, the bones are folded on the floor.

For collecting bones, you can provide a floor trolley in the raw material compartment. Some of the bones, veins, pork skins thrown into garbage cans on the territory of the enterprise, which are taken away by stray dogs. You can organize the delivery of bones to procurement points or open a workshop for the production of meat and bone meal.

It is desirable to introduce measures for wastewater treatment. For small enterprises with waste streams with a high fat content (up to 15 g / l), it is possible to recommend the use of two-stage pressure filtration with preliminary cleaning in aerated grease traps. Grease sludge and flotation sludge from the sludge collectors are removed by a sludge suction machine and taken to the solid waste storage area.

It is possible to use the following treatment facilities for pre-treatment: grates, sand traps, grease traps and a sump.

The amount of retained sludge will be 0.04-0.05% of the volume of discharged wastewater.


In the process of completing the final qualifying work on the topic “technology of organizing control over the production of seaweed salad with fish at the enterprise IP Panov BB. the technological processes of production and control in the manufacture of preserves of seaweed salad with fish were studied.

The formation of the quality of preserves is significantly influenced by raw materials, technological processes and other factors, and organizational control is of great importance in ensuring quality.

As a result of studying the technological process of production and quality indicators of preserves, an analysis of the stability of the production processes of seaweed salads with fish was carried out; no deviations from the norms were observed during the research during the technological process. As a result of the research and analysis of the formation of the product during the technological process, an improved control scheme was proposed for the production of seaweed salad with fish, as well as quality management.

Conclusions and offers


In the process of completing the final qualifying work on the topic "Technology and organization of control over the production of seaweed salad with fish at the enterprise", the following conclusions can be drawn:

2. Studied sources of literature, regulatory documents, periodicals on the issue under study

3. Studied the technological process of the production of preserves from seaweed

4. Conducted research on the quality of preserves

5. Weaknesses or milestones in production have been identified

6. Improved the scheme of production control of preserves

7. The economic substantiation of the research results is given.

8. Studied the issue of life safety at the enterprise


As a proposal, production should be advised of our improved control scheme. Thus, when using this scheme, the quality of the products will increase.

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