Conspiracies for coffee to a married man. Love spell on a man read on coffee grounds

20.04.2019 Dishes for children

Among all the variety of love spells, love spells for food are considered one of their most effective, since the spell food penetrates directly into the object of the love spell and begins its magical effect immediately.

The first love spell on food. Read three times for food or drink, which is intended for the object of the love spell: “Having tasted the food, drank the drink, you will love me for a century. All your thoughts will be only about me, and I will squeeze your will in my fist. With me you will only be fine, with me it will only be easy to breathe. You will love me more than your life, henceforth and forever you are in my destiny ”. In this case, the food must be in open form and ready-to-eat (sealed beverage bottles or boxes of frozen convenience foods will not work).

The second love spell on food. The love spell is read nine times while preparing food for the object of love spell - when stirring soup with a spoon, overturning cutlets, making sauce or slicing salad, etc.

“You feel lonely in the field, I - your love is not far away. I will become you a red sun in frost, spring water in heat, a reliable wall in the wind. Let the heat of love for me capture every (object name) cell, every blood, every bone, every vein. And no one is able to remove my slander, untie you from me, correct your thoughts and direct them to another woman. May it be so!"

The third love spell on food. Speak invisibly to the object of a love spell for food or drink three times:

“As one half does not exist without the other, does not exist, so you (the name of the object) will follow me all my life, all century, forever. May we live together forever, share the bread-bed with you. "

Love spell on salt. Pour a handful of salt on the table and pronounce a conspiracy over it three times:

"As you (the name of the object) cannot eat without salt, so without me your life will seem insipid to you."

Salt the food of the love spell object with charmed salt while cooking. This is a more gentle type of love spell, which can be successfully used in order to increase one's own love, so that it is more affectionate, gentle and attentive.

In case you want, whose heart does not belong to you, or, the charmed salt should be discreetly added to the salt shaker to the object of the ritual (for example, when visiting him or during a meeting in a cafe).

Love spell on drinking... In the morning, pour a glass of water and say it three or nine times:

"As without water your life is impossible, so without me you will dry up."

Use the charmed water to make breakfast for your chosen one (make coffee on it, make tea, etc.). Never forget that any, even one with a good goal of keeping the family, has serious consequences.

Consider in detail a love spell on blood from a finger in coffee - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like coffee. Especially often this drink is consumed in the morning, at lunchtime and during breaks at work. It will not be difficult to treat your beloved (beloved) with a cup of "magic" coffee.

Love spell for menstruation in coffee

Such a love spell can be disgusting. However, many girls are not stopped even by such extravagant ways to take possession of a man. Blood is a part of a person. With its help, you can spoil or make a love spell. Both actions have a quick and lasting effect. Love spells made on blood turn a guy into a submissive slave. This is one of the most "feminine" rituals. Guys, for obvious reasons, won't be able to afford anything like that.

Blood is added to many drinks, in most cases, red wine, so that the two substances are completely mixed. But alcohol is not always appropriate. There are ways of exposure to blood through coffee.

With blood on a napkin

Some people have a particularly developed sense of smell. A strange smell from coffee can alert them. In addition, most men are familiar with female tricks, with the help of which the fairer sex conquers their hearts. A guy might just refuse to drink a suspicious drink. For such cases, there is a method that does not involve direct contact between coffee and blood. It is also suitable when a girl does not have the opportunity to drink her beloved during critical days: the guy left, you had a fight, etc.

Prepare a menstrual tissue in advance. The fabric should be soaked abundantly. In the early days of your period, use a clean, white, unprinted napkin. The piece of cloth should be dried and stored until suitable occasion... Invite your loved one for a cup of coffee. If you work together, you can also perform the ceremony at the workplace. Make sure that there are no witnesses to your actions. Tell your loved one that you will make your own coffee. Once the drink is ready and poured, take the man's cup and place it on a napkin filled with blood.

You can then serve your drink. The beloved man will not feel any smell from him, and a love spell in most cases works in the first few days after it was made. If it is possible to repeat the ritual, be sure to repeat it.

With frozen menstrual blood

The menstrual blood must be collected in a small vessel. A test tube from a test perfume is suitable for you. The blood must be frozen to prevent spoilage. No need to collect too a large number of their biological material. A few drops are enough. Blood should be in the cup just before serving.

The drink should be spoken:

Serve coffee to your loved one. Make sure the drink does not have any suspicious odors.

Love spell men on coffee

The drink prepared for this ritual should be served to your loved one in the morning (before noon). This is possible in several cases: you already live together; you work for your beloved as a housekeeper, serving him breakfast is your responsibility; you are the secretary, the loved one is your boss. There may be other options as well. With the help of this rite, a fast food saleswoman also gets an opportunity to bewitch if the man visits the restaurant regularly enough fast food in the morning hours.

Love spell is done on a clear day. There may be clouds in the sky, but they should not block the sun. Prepare a drink and go with him to the window. You can go outside if no one sees you there.

Raise the drink to the sky and cast the spell:

After that, get the man drunk. This must be done as quickly as possible so that the energy of the sun does not have time to disappear. The power of the star closest to our planet is incredibly great. Despite the fact that carrying out love spells with the moon is more common among masters of white and black magic, the sun is also often used to attract a loved one into their lives.

Love spell girls on coffee

This ritual has its own peculiarity. It is suitable only for young men with brown eyes. The girl's eyes should be any other color except brown: blue, green, gray.

The spell must be read on new can or sachet instant coffee... Since the girl is supposed to take the love drink for a long time, choose a medium to large jar or bag. The guy who made the love spell can also drink this coffee. However, except for the bewitched and bewitched, no one should use wonderful drink... This option is suitable for those who already live together and the man wants to keep the relationship. You can also give coffee to a girl who lives alone and rarely receives guests. There is another option: speak a can or a bag, keep it for yourself and drink coffee with your beloved when she comes to visit you.

You need to buy a container with coffee on an even day of the week. Wait until the moon is full and place the jar or sachet on the windowsill. The moon should be clearly visible. This is a prerequisite. The coffee will be soaked in moonlight. The mysterious satellite of the Earth has always been used in rituals associated with increasing profits, and in love magic. The moon will also help with this love spell. In the morning, cast a spell over coffee immediately after waking up. It is necessary to do this because the energy of the moon can quickly dissipate, and the conspiracy is able to hold it.

How to avoid the consequences?

Love spell is not a harmless game with magic. Be prepared to pay a high price for short-lived happiness. This price is different for everyone. Someone is seriously ill. Others go broke. The loss of relatives and close people is not uncommon. Submission to someone else's will violates many cosmic laws. Even if you do not adhere to any religious beliefs and are not a deeply religious person, you should take into account the rules that are the same for representatives of all religions and atheists.

Experienced masters skillfully defend themselves against a return blow with the help of special complex rituals, the performance of which is not always within the power of novice magicians and those for whom communication with magic is episodic.

If you applied a love spell and got the desired effect, you need to remember that:

  • You shouldn't wait for punishment. A person who is constantly waiting for reckoning will see it in every failure. Some people live with their bewitched "second halves" no worse than those who do not practice magic at all. Your decent attitude towards the bewitched can partially atone for the sin that you took upon yourself in the name of love;
  • Sincere repentance in the church in confession removes some of your guilt. If you do not want to tell the priest about what you have done, you can ask for forgiveness from God or before the icon of your saint or the saint whose name bears a loved one. Explain the reasons for the unrighteous act: you fell in love with a person who did not reciprocate your feelings. Decide for yourself what to do next. You can leave it as it is and hope that you still deserve forgiveness. In addition, you can perform a lapel ritual. In this case, you will lose the one whom you received dishonestly.

Invite your loved ones for a cup of coffee not only to bewitch them. Soul talk for warm drink able to dispose one person to another without magical influence. Force aromatic drink truly magical.

What are the consequences of a love spell on blood to the customer?

Love spell on blood and the consequences refers to dark rituals, because it has a violent nature. Blood combined with magic is a very serious object for magical manipulation. You need to work with it carefully. Blood spells have special power.

Love spell on blood

What are blood love spells

Blood connects body and soul and keeps the genetic history of generations and has a powerful energy. Magical manipulations with a biological fluid, that is, a love spell on one's own blood, is effective and complex.

Love spell using scarlet liquid has been known since ancient times. The enchanted living liquid is correctly combined with magic and dripped into food or drink to the right man or woman. The manipulations use the blood of a magician or customer. The most common practice is a love spell based on the blood of the person who ordered the ritual. It is also possible to release the life energy collected from the victim animal and add it before the meal. But this method is used as a very last resort.

What are these love spells:

  • clean (blood taken from a finger or vein can be used);
  • dirty (use menstrual flow).

Menstrual rituals provide strong physical attachment. The love created by magical intervention will be dominated by sex drive.

A pure love spell by blood binds and subordinates the victim to the person who has committed witchcraft. The enchanted man begins to idolize a woman, fulfill the most absurd desires, and serve meekly. Blood magic for love, such a love spell has the most unpredictable consequences. It is easy to drip blood, but you can break the life of yourself and your loved one, this is the reason and warning. Therefore, the ceremonies must be carried out deliberately.

It is quite difficult to make a strong love spell using blood on your own. Therefore, it is better to use the help of a practicing magician. The result of a magic program for a guy depends on the skills of the person who performs the ritual.

How to bewitch a loved one

There are several ways that the healer Stepanova suggested, in which you can make a love spell on your beloved guy on the blood. The ceremonies are very similar, the blood collected from the magician and the drink are used. Blood is best added to red wine, but remember, if you choose this route, there is no going back. The droplets will be noticeable in the water, and if you add to the drink with high degree the protein will curdle. Red candles, needles, scraps of fabric are used as magical accessories.

All love spells made through blood refer to black witchcraft, a variety of factors play a role here. A small number of rituals can be done at home. In order not to harm anyone, it is better to trust an experienced magician.

Needle ritual

A simple love spell for blood works flawlessly and efficiently. With its help, you can return the husband's passion, attract the attention of a new person. The ceremony is performed all alone on the growing moon.

What is required for the ritual

Love spell on a man for menstrual flow can be done using magical paraphernalia, prepare:

How to perform the ritual

Love spell with the help of blood is done independently, without resorting to the help of sorcerers. Women's menstruation is a special fluid, it enslaves masculine strength will. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Use the tip of a needle to pierce your finger to Vital energy could drip freely, but did not pour in a stream.
  2. Place an odd number of drops into the wine. Read the spell:

"When you (name) drink wine, you will strive for me with all your passion, and all your thoughts will be occupied only by me."

Give your loved one a drink of wine, make sure that he drains the glass.

While the liquid is dripping into the drink, you need to imagine your beloved, joint happiness with him, think about how much happiness the one who will be bewitched will bring you. You need to read the spell quickly and quietly, but confidently and clearly, then the love spell with blood will be done correctly.

Ritual with a red candle

A blood love spell using a red candle will be strong, if you perform the ritual according to all the rules, the one who drinks the potion will always be there. The red candle is a popular attribute of love magic. Color is a symbol of passionate love and desire.

What is required for the ritual

A simple love spell on blood can be done using witchcraft paraphernalia:

The candle must be new; candles that have already been lit cannot be used for the ritual. It is important to know where to get the material.

How to perform the ritual

The blood love spell ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Revive in your head happy memories of your beloved, his facial features, think about your feelings. Light the candle wick.
  2. Pierce your finger with the tip of a needle. Squeeze out a drop, this is the main rule, do not cut the skin, pierce it, read a conspiracy on it:

“As my drop of blood is dear to me, so let the slave (name) be dear to the slave (name). May it be so. "

  1. Release the charmed drop on the sugar.
  2. Repeat the steps three times so that the sugar is with three drops of your strength.
  3. Let the candle burn out.

Sugar must be added to food, coffee or tea for a man. Only cool drinks are used to prevent the proteins from curdling.

Rite of passage with coffee

There is a way to make a love spell on the blood of your beloved guy without spells. The ceremony is simple to perform, does not require outside help.

What is needed for the ceremony

To make a black love spell on blood yourself, you need to prepare items:

  • a piece of fabric (you can cut a piece from your old dress, which you really like);
  • matches;
  • coffee.

Any coffee will do. You can use instant or coffee beans.

How to perform the ritual

A coffee love spell on a man is not difficult to do:

  1. Apply blood to the tissue flap. The number of drops must be odd.
  2. Dry the fabric, burn it in the fire.
  3. Pour the ashes into a cup of coffee, treat them to your beloved.

Blood can be obtained from the finger using a clean knife or needle. While the fabric is burning, you need to think about your beloved.

The result of the love spell will be noticeable immediately. The duration of the action of love magic lasts from one to six years, depending on the strength of the ritual. Therefore, the ritual on the blood needs to be repeated over time. You can make a love spell on one man no more than three times, then any magic loses its power and everything goes to harm.

Effective black love spell

Black love spells on blood differ in strength. You can also do a strong love spell yourself at home. But before that, it is better to ask the help of a magician to prepare yourself and do everything right.

You need to carry out a dark ritual all alone at night. You cannot tell anyone that such a ritual is being prepared, otherwise it will be impossible to predict the consequences.

Trail - Love spell on blood ( new series): Federal Ec�

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Love spells on blood.

Love spells on blood.

What is required for the ritual

To bewitch the man of your dreams, you need to prepare magical attributes for the ritual:

  1. Indoor plant.
  2. Red candle.
  3. Round plate.
  4. Full-length photo of a loved one.
  5. Wooden stick.
  6. Sterile needle.
  7. Conspiracy text.

The indoor flower in the ritual acts as a victim. If something goes wrong, the negative of the love spell will go into the plant.

How to perform the ritual

How to make a black love spell on blood yourself? It is correct to conjure on the new moon after sunset, all alone, so that no one from the family can see. Put a table in front of the window, a candle and a flower on it. Then perform the manipulations:

  1. Light the candle flame. Tear off the shoot from the plant, burn it in the fire, saying the words:

“I give you as a sacrifice, to be slaughtered, To receive retribution for a black love spell. May it be so".

  1. Read the words until the twig turns into ash. Place the ashes in a round plate.
  2. Take a photo of your beloved with your right hand, look into his eyes, wish him to change his attitude. Love should fill the thoughts. At this time, drop a drop from the index finger of your second hand.
  3. Use your pierced finger to slide over the man from below the waist to the head.
  4. Read the conspiracy on strong love spell guy for blood:

“Blood goes out of my body, My love translates to you (name). As the blood feeds me, So the power of love ignites the passion in you. May you strive for me - You cannot distance yourself from attraction and thoughts. Now you think to think, to suffer with love, To nourish feelings for me, but not to know peace. Only about me you think - you dream, In dreams and in reality you call me to you. And now and forever. May it be so".

  1. Take your finger off the photo, look the person in the eye again with faith that the ritual will work. Then burn the image in a candle flame. Place the ashes on a plate.
  2. Stir the ashes in a plate with a wooden stick until smooth.

Part of the ash is buried in the soil in which the sacrificial flower grows. The liquid will pass through the ashes and go directly into root system... The rest of the ashes need to be poured under the threshold of the beloved.

The consequences of black love spells on blood

Blood spells were carried out often at all times. This is due to their strength and effectiveness. But some magicians compare a blood love spell with damage, and a bewitched man is called a victim.

A love spell with blood has serious consequences. Very often, a woman, having received the attention of the desired man, loses interest in him. His interest is only annoying, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the network.

The spell of the right man on the blood does not work forever. If a woman started a family with a bewitched man, she risks being left alone after a while. Many magicians argue that the effect of a love spell will disappear after the birth of a joint child. The blood drops that bind the pair will be washed off with the baby's blood. When the program ends, the man's attitude may become even worse than it was before witchcraft. He can recoup both the woman and the unwanted child. Love spell stories rarely have happy outcomes.

For the victim, the consequences of a love spell using blood are the most serious:

  1. Alcohol addiction.
  2. Impotence, complete lack of libido.
  3. Premature aging.
  4. Unmotivated aggression.
  5. Various health problems.
  6. Career collapse.

Signs of a love spell appear brightly. Also, a man can become pathological jealous. The woman suffers from his constant control, sometimes even from beatings.

A woman who bewitched a married man, took him away from the family, runs the risk of becoming infertile or getting a celibate crown. This is payback for someone else's grief. The celibacy crown is easy to obtain if the ritual is incorrectly performed with monthly blood. It is difficult to get rid of the consequences of the rite.

Considering the consequences of a love spell on blood, you need to think carefully, weigh the pros and cons. It is also important to adequately assess your feelings for a man, check them with separation and time, and consult a psychotherapist. Maybe the need for a love spell using blood will disappear by itself.

Love rituals allow you to attract a boyfriend, girlfriend, return the attention of a husband or wife, but can your blood as a sacrifice make you happier in love? Love spell on the blood has a powerful effect on the energy of a person and his fate. Sorcerers advise using blood magic only when other types have not worked. A love spell can have the most serious consequences for both the customer and the victim.

A love spell on the blood from a finger, who did at a distance - the consequences

In order to receive the love of the desired man, women are ready for much. They even resort to methods such as a finger spell, which cannot be removed.

How to properly carry out this ritual, as well as its other ways, you will find out when you read our article.

We will also tell you how else to do:

How to carry out a blood test that cannot be removed

If a part of a person is used in the rite: hair, nails or blood, then they are referred to as black magic. And before conducting them, you need to think very well whether you need it, in order to avoid negative consequences.

You can carry out magical actions at home on your own. This is very convenient, since you do not need to contact healers and sorcerers.

Preparation for a love spell

Prepare the following ingredients in advance:

Disinfect the knife with alcohol or boil. Take black candles and make a human figurine out of them, it's called a volt. She will be the embodiment of the one at whom the love spell is directed.

Then you should wait for a moonless night and start the ritual.

Carrying out a ceremony

Draw a pentagram in a circle on the floor. If you are not good at drawing, you can use a stencil. Place lighted candles at each end of the drawn shape. Place a bowl of rubbing alcohol in the center. Take the matches and light it on fire. Then prick your finger on your hand and smear the figure of the little man with blood and read the following words:

After that, dip the volt into a bowl of burning alcohol and say the following words:

After that, wait for the liquid in the bowl to burn out, take out the doll and hide it well.

Go to bed and think about your chosen one. The result of the love spell will come soon.

Love spell on a photo for blood from a finger

This ritual will not harm the one who does it, but it can harm your chosen one. So, think carefully before you do it. If you nevertheless decided on such a method, then you need to do the following.


Prepare in advance a photograph of your beloved and a wax candle, which must be purchased at the temple on Tuesday. You cannot buy on some other day, because the ritual will not give a result. Moon phase doesn't matter in this case

Conspiracy execution process

When evening comes, light a candle, take a picture and place it in front of you. After that, prick your finger with a needle on your hand, wait until blood appears and drop it on the photo so that a couple of drops fall on the man's face. To avoid infection, treat the injection site with an antiseptic. Take the photo in hand and light the candle from the flame, while you need to sentence the following words:

After the image has completely burned, collect the ash and throw it outside. The candle must burn out, it must not be blown out. Wash off the remains, wash off with water or throw into the river.

If you are interested in the question: "When does a love spell on blood from a finger begin to work?" in this case, the desired result will come within 3 days, if everything was done correctly.

How to do it from a distance

In order to bewitch a person, it is not necessary to be near him. This can be done at a distance, we will now tell you exactly how.

There are several ways to carry out this process.

Rite of passage for a free man

When you hold this event, then another woman will not suffer from it, since you do not beat off a man from a rival. The consequences of a love spell can only affect you and your chosen one.

Getting ready for the magical process

To do everything right, you need to prepare the following things in advance:

If you don't have indoor plant, then the ritual will have to be postponed. Go to a flower shop and buy a flower, it should grow in your home for six months in your home.

How to make a spell correctly

You need to start the process a couple of days before the onset of the new moon. Take a photo of your loved one in which he is photographed in full. Then pick up indoor flower, tear off a piece of paper from it and burn it over a flame with these words:

After that, prick your finger so that the blood comes out, and drop it on the photo. Take it in your hands and burn it too. Mix the ash from the leaf and from the snapshot together in the morning next day pour into the river.

How to get the attention of a married man

Think twice before breaking up someone else's family so as not to take sin on your soul.

For the ceremony, you need to buy a wax candle at the temple on Tuesday. After the sun has set, light a splinter and put a picture of your beloved in front of you. Prick the ring finger on your hand and drop a couple of drops of blood on the image so that one drop hits the head, the second on the heart, and the third on the groin area. Light the photo with the fuse and while it burns repeat these words:

The candle should burn out, mix its remains with the ash from the photo and throw it away at the intersection of roads.

How to remove the action of a love spell

You can remove magical interference at home in the following ways:

We will now take a closer look at each of the methods.

Neutralization of magical interference, to those who made it

If you find the person who applied magic to you, persuade him to remove it. If he agreed, then he must do the following.

A person must cleanse his mind and body by fasting for seven days. All this time, you need to drink holy water three times a day and attend church. You need to turn to the Saints, and they will help remove the love spell from the one on whom it was imposed.

Takes off the magic on its own

This method is carried out in this way, in three cycles of nine days each, there should be a gap of three days between them. In the intervals between cycles, the one to whom the ceremony was directed should drink only water, regularly go to church, undergo confession and a cleansing ceremony in the church.

After that, the person must adhere to a strict fast for 40 days. On the last day of fasting, you need to wash yourself with holy water and read the following words:

After that, order a magpie for health in three different temples.

If everything is done correctly, the magic will disappear.

Those who made a love spell on the blood from a finger must be absolutely sure that they need this particular person, otherwise you will ruin not only your life, but also the life of the person to whom you are not indifferent.

Finger spell love (which cannot be removed) who did it and the consequences

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Various love spells and blood conspiracies

1 day 19 hours

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    Love spell on blood (monthly or from the finger)

    A few drops of blood are added to the food of the person whom they want to bewitch. Women use monthly blood for these purposes. Men take blood from a finger. The conspiracy text is:

    (Name), drink, finish, eat, finish

    Consume my blood!

    Swallow my blood -

    Change your life!

    My blood is strong

    Your weakness is visible!

    (Name), you are my slave by blood (my slave),

    I am your mistress (your master)!

    You have no strength

    (Name), your life is for me!

    There are no others for you

  • Last visit:

    THREE drops of blood, from the ring finger of the left hand, add to the victim's food. And cast a spell.

    • the guest

    Monthly blood conspiracy

    Blood is taken from the first day of menstruation. Added to food, drink, or wine. Monthly blood conspiracy:

    The devil is great, Satan is faceless, you are strong and mighty, like a thousand clouds. Dry, pin (name) to me with a dark force, a dark force, drag (name) into my warm bed. Let him love me, let him caress me, let him live only for me! Dark power, dark power, I trust in you forever.

    • the guest







    • the guest

    Dear colleagues, I ask you to comment on this blood love spell:

    Give a drop of blood in wine or another drink (cold, so as not to curdle), pre-utter the drink 7 times:

    Do it once or twice and see for yourself its action. Only there is a condition! drink the drink should only be the one on whom you make a love spell.

    “Whoever drinks my blood will serve me faithfully. The slave (ba) (name of the victim) drinks my blood, gives me his will. My word and blood deed. May it be so!".

    It seems to me, according to the conspiracy, that it is more logical not to eat but to drink. And the question is: is it possible to drip and speak in advance, will he say immediately before the arrival of the victim?

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    • Registered: 2009-07-13
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    "As this blood is in me, so are you to me."

    • the guest

    You can do it in advance. Most often, I did this if it was served in wine or another drink, although in wine-cahors it is more predominant.

    • the guest

    Blood is taken from the first day of menstruation.

    In love spells for menstrual blood, blood is used from the second day. From the first, they do not use it because the body is cleansed, and from the second, it is considered pure. It is enough to take 2 drops, but work quickly so as not to curl up.

    It seems to me, according to the conspiracy, that it is more logical not to eat but to drink.

    Edited by solnce (2009-08-17 08:12:22)

    • the guest

    By themselves, the words of a conspiracy do not carry much information. I wouldn't even try this ritual.

    In general, blood rituals always fail to no avail, but more powerful rituals are needed for a stronger impact on the personality. Cleaning people who have been exposed to blood is much more difficult. If you really want to make a love spell on blood, then choose proven methods, like working ones.

    All material contains for informational purposes only provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not fall for the bait of scammers.

  • Any drink can be used for enchanting, but it is for coffee counts the best option to permanently attract a man. The ceremony is very strong, however, it has by-effect- about a quarter of the victims of the ritual develop infertility. Since risk is inherent in all magical techniques, the point is in confidence - is a woman ready to decide on witchcraft and achieve happiness?

    Love spell on coffee is induced in the first half of the lunar cycle. You will need:

    ... two cups;

    . natural coffe;

    ... needle.

    A man should never observe the ceremony. You need to leave him in the next room, and most retire in the kitchen. The process takes about the same amount of time as it takes usual cooking coffee so that the victim is not suspicious.

    It is necessary to calm down and tune in to the image of the bewitched. Then you should brew coffee and fill both cups with it. A sip is made from each, after which the contents of one of them are poured into the sink.

    In the second cup you will need to drop one drop of blood, "extracted" from the finger with a needle. Don't be too zealous: if you add more blood, then love spell will turn into spoilage.

    It is recommended to read the conspiracy over coffee:

    Like coffee is hot

    so passion (name) for me is strong.

    Like steam from a love potion leaves,

    so doubts in the soul (name) pass.

    My darling will drink strong coffee,

    will be mine until the end of the century.

    The cup must be taken to the man. With the first sip, the enchantment begins to activate. The love spell will work for three days, although sometimes it takes a little longer for the full manifestation of the effect. The victim will begin to feel the strongest attraction to the spellcaster and will not be able to be with any other woman except her.

    An important point - it is advisable to break both cups used in the ritual, and throw the fragments into a garbage container. The needle can be washed with holy water and used for its intended purpose.

    Any love spell on drinking, as well as on food, refers to strong magical effects. Such rituals, affecting the energy a specific person give quick result... That is why it is necessary to use such love spells very carefully.

    Varieties of rituals

    There are many different love spells using drinking. Both water and low alcohol drinks... But in any case, to ensure the effectiveness of the impact, it is important that the charmed drink in shortest time after the ceremony, the victim was offered.

    "Conspiracy Wine"

    A very strong love spell on drinking is carried out using wine, which must be prepared by yourself. It is very important to pick the grapes yourself from vine... In this case, your emotions and feelings will remain on the berries, they will be filled with your energy, which will greatly enhance the magical effect.

    Wine should be prepared directly for the love spell. It is a love potion, it is prepared in small quantities and you cannot offer it to other people to drink, except for the victim.


    The most best time to start making a love potion based on wine, it is the new moon or the first day of menstruation, regardless of lunar phase... Potion ingredients other than a little wine self-made, there can be a variety of love herbs, berries and roots. Their set can be arbitrary.

    A small amount of wine must be poured into an enamel container and put on fire. You need to add one of the prepared ingredients to it, for example, lovage leaves. As soon as the first steam appears, the container must be quickly closed with a lid and put to cool.

    The same steps should be done with other love natural ingredients that you planned to use to make a love potion. After they have all cooled down, all the components are filtered through a sieve and mixed. Such a love wine should be stored in a glass vessel made of dark glass.

    Before you put love potion for storage, the vessel must be turned clockwise and counterclockwise three times.

    Lovely wine must be poured into a glass filled with ordinary wine, which to treat your chosen one. It is important to do this discreetly.

    For soft drinks

    Anyone can speak soft drink... It is very important to choose the one that will please your chosen one. For example, it can be one of the types of juice or milk drink... It must be remembered that without any negative consequences there can only be love spells, which do not contain an appeal to otherworldly forces.

    So, conspiracy phrases can sound like this:

    “I, the Servant of God, (my own name) turn to the Lord Almighty and Almighty. Help me in my love affairs. Give me strength to convey my sincere love to the Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Let me tell him that he loves me too. Just as a baby cannot live without mother's milk, so even if my beloved cannot live in this world without me. So that he can eat, drink and sleep only when I am next to him. Amen".

    During the pronunciation of the conspiracy, you need to put your love energy into every word. If you really love a person very much and have a strong energy by nature, then it is enough to treat your loved one to a charmed drink once. But at the same time, to consolidate the result, it is allowed to start talking drinks for three days in a row.

    Love conspiracy on water

    Most optimal way to bewitch a loved one is to speak water. It can be used in the future to prepare any drink or food. Magic words should be spoken over a glass of water in complete privacy.

    The conspiracy reads as follows:

    “In a wide field lies an angry longing, it is heavy as a stone board. I, the Servant of God (my own name), will master it and raise it, and then I will send it to the Servant of God (the name of the man). So, he will burn and yearn for me. His grief will be so strong that he can neither eat, nor sleep, nor drink without me. I will become a red sun for him, I will quench my thirst in the hot heat, from this moment and forever I will be a wall from the wind, mother's milk, a strong father's shoulder. May my beloved need my love and want to be with me forever! Amen!".

    You only need to pronounce the conspiracy once, but at the same time you need to put the maximum of your love energy into each word. It is important to use the charmed water for its intended purpose, as quickly as possible. In addition, it should be remembered that love spells on drinking are effective only if you sincerely believe in the power of magic.

    The most effective and strongest way of a love spell is considered to be a love spell on food. The effectiveness of this method is that the bewitched in the shortest possible time realizes that he can no longer live without you.

    And immediately rushes into passionate and ardent love with the conspirator.

    Love spells on food are as ancient as our world, and they appeared long before the creation of modern civilization. Even primitive people used this method for various purposes. From food, our ancestors could make a poisonous agent, and poison their ill-wishers. And, on the contrary, thanks to a love spell, turn food into a medicinal force and cure an ailment. It all depends on the words spoken over the food and the goals of the person.

    A large number of love spells are done by this method, since it can be done at home, without arousing any suspicion, you just need to feed your beloved. And do not contact magicians and psychics about this. You just need to study well any information that can somehow affect the outcome of a love spell in order to avoid bad consequences.

    As we all know the same dish, according to the same recipe, and the same person can cook in different ways. It all depends on the words, thoughts and emotions spoken while cooking. Therefore, usually a love spell on food is accompanied by a prayer sentence, but it is also possible with the help of thought, in this case you need to concentrate and clearly understand what you want.

    Very often women, in order to preserve their family, or girls, in order to regain lost love, resort to such a method as adding monthly blood to food, thus using black magic with terrible consequences. It is better to think and use white magic and only verbal conspiracies.

    2 simple love spells for food

    Love spell number 1

    The conspiracy will work if you read it on odd days, otherwise it will not work. It is believed that all the strength and pep is in bread, therefore this love spell is considered to be the strongest in comparison with other food, if it is performed correctly. Initially alone, without witnesses, you have to bake bread. Before that, you need to add an egg to the flour, with which the woman will first roll it 3 times below the navel in a clockwise direction. While repeating:

    “What is in me is for you. Without me, you are not a servant of God (name). Amen".

    Love spell number 2

    To do this, use the food that the object of your love loves most or can be used on bread. There are also disadvantages in this love spell, a person who was fed this food can immediately feel unwell and fatigue. The conspiracy is best done on men's days.

    "Servant of God (name of a man),

    Satisfy your hunger with food

    And always be by my side (name).

    In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

    Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    These are a couple of examples of food conspiracies, although there are very many of them. But as they say, the main thing is not quantity, but quality of performance. The main point is to know not only the love spell, but also the lapel. Situations can be different, and your love may not be long-term, it is especially important to have a lapel conspiracy if black magic was used.

    Love spell on food and blood

    This rite is able to cause a strong desire, love longing. It is more about bindings. The man after this ritual will be affectionate and passionate with you.

    How to conduct?

    Cook pork. And piercing the ring finger on your left hand with a needle, drop 1 drop of blood on the meat, and the second on the seamy side of your panties, which you then wear for 7 nights.

    When you drip a drop of blood on pork, say the spell 3 times:

    “Droplets-sisters, red girls, talk to each other, help me (name) to be with my beloved (name). The key to this is from now on and forever. Amen".

    Then feed the man with a spell.

    Bewitch a person through a bay leaf

    A strong rite, the cemetery energies are involved in it. Lasts a long time. Working method.

    During the full moon, go to the store and buy threads to match the item of the object of the love spell, on which you will cast the spell. Also get Bay leaf... And new needles. Make purchases without change.

    Now go to the churchyard and bury a needle and a bay leaf there at the feet of the grave with your boyfriend's name for a period of 9 days.

    Be sure to observe all the subtleties of work in the cemetery. You do not enter the churchyard through the gate. Contact the owner of the cemetery, tell her the purpose of the parish, leave her wine or other reproach.

    At the grave, also address the spirit of the deceased, leave him "gifts".

    On day 9, take away the buried things. And return to the house, where at midnight light 3 candles, put the soap on the right side. (they will then wash the guy's clothes)

    Place a laurel leaf on your left palm and then, covering it with your right, say the magic words 3 times:

    Then cut the seam of the thing and pour the crushed laurel there, sew it up and make a lining.

    Whisper to the candy

    There is one working whisper that helps evoke feelings in a person. All you need is to buy candy and give it to your beloved or loved one, while casting the spell:

    "As this candy is sweet and pleasant, so you would like me (like me)"

    It is important that a guy or a girl ate this candy.

    In general, through food, there are very effective love spells. Try it if you wish, but remember that any magical action imposed on another can lead to consequences.

    Love spell on drink and water

    Another way to use a love spell is a love spell on the water. As you know, even little child that water is life. And without it there will be nothing. That is why a more trusting attitude towards love spells, which are carried out with the help of water or any other liquids. This source of life gives incredible power to even the most harmless love spell. Sorcerers and black magicians carry out their rituals, and especially, such as corruption, using water.

    Water is a conductor of energy from one person to another, and a carrier of both good and bad information. Thanks to her, you can accomplish real miracles, in the hands good man... With specially prepared water or a drink gradually added to the beloved's diet, we say the words love spell - this is the most common ritual with liquids. For example, one of:

    Love spell number 1

    This method of returning a beloved man is done after midnight. Holy water is put into the mouth, then we take it in our hands empty glass and go around our house. We pronounce the words of love spell mentally without spitting out water.

    “The key is in my mouth, saliva is in the water, and my husband is with me forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Love spell number 2

    • Before midnight, pour a glass of holy water
    • Holding a glass in your right hand, get around dinner table 7 times
    • Mentally pronouncing your name and the name of your beloved
    • Place the vessel on a saucer and the saucer on a towel
    • Swipe the rim of the glass with your right little finger 7 times
    • Put a glass and saucer on the windowsill so that the glow of the moonlight falls on it
    • Use this water for 3 days, adding to your loved one

    Bewitch with tea or other drink

    To have a magical love effect on a loved one, take a glass of water, then make tea or coffee from this water and give the object a love spell. You can do this rite regularly. The more often, the more powerful its effect.

    In the morning, after filling a transparent mug with water, speak the conspiracy over it 9 times:

    "Just as people cannot live without water, so you (name) cannot live without me (name), you will dry up and yearn."

    Then, after preparing a drink, give it to your beloved or loved one

    What water to use

    From correct storage and the choice of water depends on a lot, starting with the effectiveness of the ritual, ending with big amount consequences. Several points for use:

    1. It is better to use water from a well or spring or sacred (not for all love spells)
    2. The ritual should be performed in good spirits and tranquility.
    3. Resentment, hostility, or revenge should not be present in the head.
    4. If you use tap water, then it must be defended for at least 3 days.
    5. Before the love spell begins, water should be stored in a dark place.
    6. It can be added to any liquid other than alcohol.

    Consequences of love spells

    Love magic leads to the suppression of the will of another person and this can negatively affect both the customer and the object. As a rule, rituals of a similar nature, if they did not go well, affect the main spheres of life - health, material difficulties, problems in the social sphere.

    So that this trouble bypasses you (of course, there is no guarantee, but the risks are reduced to minimal), it is important to remember that when love spells they make bribes, put protections, follow instructions.

    You should also think carefully before doing anything, whether there really are no other options.

    I see at least 2.

    First, you can use positive thinking, pickup and psychology, which has no negative consequences.

    How to remove a love spell made for food

    If you think that someone has bewitched you in this way, make a diagnosis, and then try a simple lapel rite.

    Invite the "accused" to visit, you can in the company of friends. Do a lot delicious dishes, calculate the menu so that there are sure to be leftovers.

    After the suspect leaves, take his leftovers and take them outside, it is important that they are eaten by the dogs.

    In addition, any love spell, if the right approach removed by cleaning. Abundance. It won't be difficult to choose. The main thing is to carry out the ceremony correctly.

    Such a sensitive topic as love spells is not studied immediately, and not in one read article. In order to understand in detail and use in practice this or that magic, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with it, in order to avoid harm to others, and to yourself.

    At home, everything is done easily and simply, as already mentioned above. The main thing is to understand whether it is love for life or not. After all, there is always a way back, but with what consequences !!!

    If you decide to contact a specialist in this area, you must also be very careful. Great amount charlatans with open arms will not keep you waiting. And be sure to find out the specifics of the magician, since it is better not to turn to black magic.

    Love and be loved, and then the whole world will sparkle for you with magical, colorful colors.