Metaxa cognac - the warmth of Greece in a glass. Metaxa drink - how to drink the pride of Hellas correctly

14.08.2019 Salads

"Silk brandy", "flying brandy", "Greek gold" - as soon as they do not call metaxa. This drink deserves attention already because of the unique, inimitable production technology, and the taste and aroma are just a song! Today we are talking about metaxa - what kind of alcohol it is, how it is made, what they drink with, and also - is it possible to make an analogue of metaxa on our own (spoiler - you can) and how.

Greece is a drinking country, strong alcohol is loved here no less than wine, and they know how to cook it. If ouzo, which we talked about, is an everyday drink, then metaxa brandy is a booze for a special occasion, for aesthetes, and not only Greek ones. This thing is really tasty, it is in special favor with your humble servant and a couple of million gourmets in more than 60 countries around the world.

The name "silk brandy" Metaxa owes to the play on words, "metaxi" in Greek - silk.

Metaxa is included in the Top 50 most bought alcohol brands. According to unconfirmed reports, this is the first alcohol that was tasted in space (did the Greek Hermanus Titovuskas smuggle on board?). Every minute in the world, bartenders pour 850 glasses of metaxa. And it's not for me. Eh ...

At first, during the first wave of popularity at the end of the 19th century, the drink was positioned as "Metaxa Greek cognac". Later, with the spread of international law to protect regional brands, "cognac" was replaced by "brandy". And now neither one nor the other is written on the bottle - the word "Metaxa" speaks for itself.

The drink is really neither cognac nor brandy, because, in addition to aged grape distillate, it contains additional components - wine, aromatic herbs and almost rose petals. The recipe, of course, is a strict secret, so shhh, nobody. According to the modern metax-master (this is the main boss) Konstantinos Raptis, he chooses all the ingredients personally, aging and blending also takes place under his strict control.

"Metaxicosis" - this is what the Greeks call an overdose of metaxa.

"Aen metaxa", "Metaxa forever" - this is the name of the drink from the oldest barrel, stored in the company's cellars for more than 120 years. This brandy is used exclusively for blending; only the masters of the factory have tried it in its pure form. Occasionally, the precious liquid is replenished from particularly well-formed new batches. Each bottle of metaxa, including the simplest "three-piece", contains at least a few drops from the same treasured barrel # 1

Metaxa is based on a brandy made from wine produced in Crete, Corinth and Attica. The wines are mixed in special proportions and distilled twice on copper alambics. The product is aged in Limousin oak barrels, and then blended with another wine, this time - Muscat, for a special smoothness and roundness. At the same stage, an infusion of aromatic herbs is introduced. After - again exposure. The total aging time starts from 3-7 years - for an ordinary Metaxa - and finishes 12, 16, and even 50 years - for collectible varieties.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spyros Metaxas

And even 120 years ago, no one had heard of metax. The Greeks quietly drank their ouzo and local chacha, praised the gods and did not know grief. Everything changed when a certain Spyros (in our opinion - Spiridon) Metaxas decided to open his own distillery in Piraeus. By the way, there is a legend that during the construction of the factory, workers found an ancient Greek coin with the image of the warrior Salamis, which settled on the emblem of all the drinks produced. It happened in 1888, and already in 1892 the first consignments of the Greek Metax cognac were distributed throughout the country, and also went to Turkey and Egypt.

Spyros Metaxas is a significant and interesting figure. The comrade was a great esthete, he was engaged in coffee, chocolate, spices. I also loved to drink. But alcohol, which was then produced in Greece, was sharp and did not differ in particular harmony. Once Spyros poured a French cognac and smelled directly - in his native country you can make a drink no worse if you combine the velvety of aged brandy with the grace of Greek wine and mountain herbs. The insight was prophetic.

For his bold experiment, Metaxas received a lot at once. George I, the then King of Greece and also not a fool to drink, having tried a new drink, immediately appointed Spyros as the official supplier of the royal court and phoned his fellow monarchs from Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, Ethiopia about the amazing taste of metaxa. Those, not wanting to yield to the enlightened Greek, also ordered a barrel. And Metaxa came to the court of the Russian Emperor Alexander III through George's wife, Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna.

And off we go. In 1895, already 7 years after the opening of production - the medal of the international exhibition in Bremen. In 1900 - the first batch of metaxa sailed the Atlantic and got to the States, where the drink, which contrasted so much with the disgusting bourbon, was immediately loved, christening for some reason "flying brandy". In 1915 - the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition in San Francisco. By the beginning of World War I, Metaxa was known on three continents.

Metaxa is so popular in Greece that it has become a local proverb. For example, when it’s too late to do something, the Greeks say “τέλη του Μεταξά”, which means “late metaxa”.

The case of Spyros Metaxas has survived its creator, two World Wars, and a wave that swept the world. In 1968, the discoverer's grandchildren, Ilias and Spyros Jr., built a new plant in Kifissia, which to this day is the only production line for the Metaxa drink. 60% of the bottles produced here are sent to 60 countries of the world, and the remaining 40% are drunk by the Greeks themselves. Since 2000, the company has been part of the Rémy Cointreau conglomerate.

Brandy Metaxa at home

It is difficult to reproduce Metax at home, but it is possible, although few people dare to make such bold experiments, there are practically no exact recipes. What you can't do without is high-quality alcohol (in this case, homemade cognac made from wine) and a prepared oak barrel. Spices and wine are used simple and affordable, the author of the recipe believes that rose petals and other romantic nonsense are all just a marketing ploy of the drink manufacturers.

So, for a 10-liter oak barrel you need:

  • 60% grape distillate (best of all - from a medium-quality white "crouton") - 7-8 liters;
  • Ice wine, Riesling or Tokay, white, sweet - 1 bottle;
  • Rosehip - 0.5 cups;
  • Cloves - 2 buds;
  • Cinnamon - a piece 1-1.5 cm long;
  • Quarter medium vanilla stick;
  • A tablespoon of brown sugar.

The composition of the spices can be varied. For example, connoisseurs distinguish notes of white pepper, nutmeg, dried fruits, cocoa, caramel in the metaxa ... However, the oak can give the most of these aromas with honest aging.

Brandy Metaxa at home. Photo by shark1968

It is not difficult to prepare a drink, but it takes a long time. The distillate should be kept in the barrel for at least six months, then diluted with good wine in a ratio of 10: 1, a bottle of wine for 7 liters, and again poured into the barrel. The mixture is infused again for another six months. At this time, you need to prepare a tincture on the same distillate, pouring spices and cane sugar with 300 grams of alcohol and insisting in a dark place for 2 months. Combine the filtered tincture with an aged wine-distillate mixture, let it rest in the bottles for another 2 months, after which you can taste it.

How and with what do they drink Metaxa?

Different Metaxa is drunk in different ways. An ordinary drink aged up to 5 years can be used in cocktails, it can also be diluted with water - like whiskey - or ice. Technologist Konstantinos Raptis recommends using snacks such as chocolate, lemon, seafood, nuts, grapes, cheese, fresh lettuce, sandwiches with black caviar.

7-year-old Metaxa is already better tasted as a digestif, adding a maximum of 1 ice cube to the drink, with very light snacks. Here the classic is quite rolling. And truly matured varieties from 12 years old are drunk only in their pure form, from wide glasses, warming up the drink with the warmth of their hands. Metaxa goes well with cigars, it is easier and more pleasant to drink than brandy, thanks to its light liqueur taste and the famous velvety softness.

But the main thing is not to forget that you are holding in your hands a real masterpiece of distillery art, the pride of Greece, a living and breathing legend. Metaxa does not tolerate haste. It should be used exclusively in pleasant company, in tiny sips, setting your thoughts on a dreamy, even philosophical wave. Drinking thoughtfully, being attentive to nuances, it is easy to "catch" everything that connoisseurs value in metax. After the second glass you begin to believe - this drink is made on the earth, on which the gods once roamed.

The article uses materials from the sites, "The Gourmet's Way" (interview with Konstantinos Raptis) and the homedistiller forum (recipe of a user with the nickname shark1968).

Creating a small family business for the production of Metaxa, Spyros Metaxas did not even imagine that a few decades later the alcohol he invented would become a visiting card of Greece and enter the top 100 most famous alcoholic beverages in the world. It is now supplied to over 120 countries. We will consider the features, history and culture of the use of Metaxa.

Metaxa(Greek Μεταξά) is a Greek alcoholic drink of dark golden color with a strength of 38%, obtained by mixing aged grape brandy with sweet nutmeg wine and herbal infusion, the secret of which is kept secret by the manufacturer. Metaxa has a dried fruit and nutmeg aroma. The taste contains notes of oak and vanilla.

Many consider Metaxa to be cognac or brandy, but in reality it is a unique drink that has no analogues in the world, so it is difficult to attribute it to any group of alcoholic beverages.

Metaxa is made from double distilled wine alcohol. Wine material is used from three regions: Corinth, Crete and Attica. After distillation, the alcohol is aged in oak barrels for 3-15 years (elite Metaxa species can be aged up to 80 years).

aging process Metaxa

Next, the resulting brandy is mixed with 12 months old Muscat wine produced on the islands of Samos and Lemnos. Then add the original herbal infusion and rose petals. At the final stage, the finished Metaxa is aged in oak barrels at a temperature of -6 ° C for at least 6 months. After filtration and bottling, the drink goes on sale.

The production of Metaxa began in 1888 in the city of Piraeus. The creator of the drink is the Greek winemaker Spyros Metaxas. As an emblem, he chose an ancient Greek coin dedicated to the victory of the Greeks over the Persians in a naval battle near the city of Salamis. This coin was found during excavation work during the construction of the plant.

Almost immediately after the start of production, Metax was presented to the royal houses of Greece, Serbia, Russia and Ethiopia. Noble persons highly appreciated the new alcohol, making the company of Spyros Metaxas their official supplier. Since then, in Europe, Metaxa is called "Greek silk". The word "metaxi" is translated from Greek as "silk".

Since 1900, Metaxa has been exported to the United States, where, due to its original light taste, it has received the name “flying brandy”. In 1968, the plant was moved to Athens, where it is still located. In 1989, the Metaxa trademark was purchased by Remy Cointreau.

Metaxa types

This brandy is classified only by the aging of the alcohol in oak barrels. The classification itself is very similar to the marking of domestic cognacs.

  • Metaxa 3 stars - at least 3 years of aging;
  • Metaxa 5 stars - at least 5 years of aging;
  • Metaxa 7 stars - at least 7 years old;
  • Metaxa Grand Olympian Reserve - 12 years old;
  • Metaxa Grand Fine - sold in a ceramic jug, aged from 8 to 15 years;
  • Metaxa Private Reserve - supplied in a crystal decanter, aged from 20 to 30 years;
  • Metaxa AEN is a brandy aged from 30 to 80 years.

Metaxa AEN - the most expensive type

Ways to drink Metaxa correctly

1. In its pure form. Metaxa is drunk at room temperature in small sips from liqueur glasses. It is this method that allows you to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of the drink. Already after the first sip, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body, with each subsequent sip it intensifies. Some connoisseurs prefer to drink Metaxa with ice, but then the aroma is lost. I recommend adding ice only to the Metaxa of a small age (3-5 years).

Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges), grapes, caviar sandwiches, milk chocolate, fresh salad leaves, cheeses and even baked meat can be served as an appetizer to Metaxa.

Glasses for Metaxa

2. With other drinks. To reduce the strength, Metaxa is diluted with tonic and citrus juices in a 1: 1 ratio. This brandy is also added to tea and coffee. In Greece, tea with Metaxa is considered medicinal. Metaxa is not diluted with alcoholic beverages and mineral water.

3. As part of cocktails. Bartenders have created several original recipes that have spread all over the world.

Cocktails with Metaxa

1. Greek Mojito. Unlike the classic Mojito recipe, this variation replaces the Cuban rum with Metaxa without changing the other ingredients.

  • mint - 3-4 leaves;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • lime - 1 piece;
  • Metaxa - 50 ml;
  • soda water (sprite) - 80-100 ml;
  • ice cubes.

Preparation: add mint and sugar to a tall glass, then squeeze out the juice of one lime and mix well. Pour in Metax, add a few ice cubes. Fill the remaining space in the glass with soda or sprite.

Greek mojito

2. Metaxa sour(Metaxa Sour). The recipe for this cocktail was invented by Spyros Metaxas himself.

  • orange juice - 30 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • Metaxa - 50 ml;
  • soda - 100 ml;
  • ice cubes.

Preparation: Fill a shaker halfway with ice, add juices and Metaxa. Mix for at least 60 seconds. Pour the mixture into a tall 230-300 ml glass, fill the remaining space with soda.

Among the rich variety of alcoholic beverages, one direction can be distinguished, which causes a lot of controversy and surprised exclamations. This is a brandy native to sunny Greece. But many connoisseurs still cannot say with certainty that it is brandy or cognac. Yes, we are talking about "Metax" - a unique one that has found its admirers all over the world.

Brandy: what is it?

What is brandy is a simple question, after which there is silence. After all, most do not know what kind of drink it is, there is only confidence that it is similar to cognac and definitely alcoholic.

Brandy is the common name for a number of spirits prepared according to one general technology, which uses distillate of grape alcohol, juice, squeezes or fermentation products of berry and fruit juices. It is impossible to attribute this name to a specific drink, because brandy is, rather, a technological recipe for production.


"Metaxa" is an alcoholic beverage made using the brandy technology. The birthplace of manufacturing is Greece. The drink has a dark golden color, its strength is 38%. "Metaxa" conveys the aroma of dried fruits and nutmeg, the aftertaste has hints of oak.

Today, this drink is the hallmark of Greece and occupies an honorable place in the heart of everyone who has tasted it at least once.

"Metaxa" is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks all over the world and belongs to the brandy according to the international alcohol classification. Moreover, it is often compared to cognac, since the manufacturing process is similar to brandy technology. But "Metaxa" is rightfully considered a unique, unlike anything else alcoholic drink that has no analogues in the whole world. For this reason, it is very difficult to equate it with any alcohol group.

The composition includes herbal infusion, which gives the drink a special taste, even unique. It also deserves attention because its history on the world market is rather short in comparison with other alcoholic products. Only at the end of the nineteenth century, Metaxa was able to emerge from the shadow of its homeland (Greece), enter the world market and conquer it.

The history of the drink

Back in 1888, in the city of Piraeus, the Greek winemaker Spyros Metaxas launched the production of his own brandy and gave him his last name. The emblem of the brandy was the issue of which was dedicated to the great victory of the Greeks over the Persians in the battle at sea near the city of Salamis. The coin was found during the construction of the plant, so this sign seemed significant to the winemaker. As seen today, Spyros Metaxas was not wrong.

From the first days of the plant's operation, the Greek brandy "Metaxa" was presented to the Greek, Serbian, Russian and Ethiopian royal courts. Persons of noble families appreciated the drink, inviting the founder to become the main supplier of alcoholic beverages to the court. Since that time "Metaxa" has been called "Greek silk" in Europe. It is interesting that from Greek "metaxi" is translated as silk.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the producers of the Metaxa brand have begun deliveries to the USA. At the end of the 60s of the last century, the production facilities were moved to Athens, where they are still located. At the end of the 80s, the Metaxa trademark came under the influence of Remy Cointreau.


The exact recipe for "Metaxa" is a secret, but the manufacturing process is known for certain. Brandy is made from wine materials from three regions: Corinth, Crete, Attica. Wine alcohol is distilled twice and aged in an oak barrel for 3 to 15 years. Elite brandy "Metaxa" can be aged for 80 years.

The resulting brandy is mixed with c and Lemos, aged for 1 year. Then a secret mixture of aromatic herbs and rose petals are added to the composition. The final stage consists in aging "Metaxa" in oak barrels at a temperature of no more than -6 degrees Celsius for 6 months. The drink is then filtered, bottled and marketed.

What is the difference between brandy and cognac?

There is an opinion that cognac and brandy are one and the same drink. This statement is partly true and partly a fallacy. The fact is that there is a big difference between cognac and brandy. Cognac is a special type of alcoholic beverage produced using the brandy technology, but according to a completely different recipe.

Brandy is, in fact, not a drink per se, but a technological process for making alcoholic beverages in the range from 40% to 60% of the strength. This category also includes cognac. "Metaxa" is produced using the brandy technology, which means that it can be classified as a brandy. But at the same time, a special recipe composition separates it from this type of alcohol. Therefore, asking the question, what is "Metaxa" - is it cognac or brandy, you can safely answer,


Today the Greek brandy "Metaxa" is sold in any country. There are several types of light and at the same time strong drink, which depend on its age, that is, aging under certain conditions in oak barrels.

  1. "Metaxa" 3 stars is a brandy with a strength of 38%, aged in oak barrels. It is the most inexpensive, but still delicious drink.
  2. Brandy "Metaxa" 5 stars. Produced with a strength of 40% from 5-year-old wine spirits. Unique additions of aromatic herbs and rose petals give an unforgettable aroma and memorable taste.
  3. Brandy "Metaxa" 7 stars. The variety is called "Amphora" due to the fact that it is bottled in refined bottles, reminiscent of a Greek amphora. The drink is aged for 7 years, has 40% strength, has a rich taste and aroma of dried fruits, vanilla and oak. The golden brown hue gives the drink a nobility.
  4. "Metaxa" 12 stars is a brandy of 40% strength, which has been infused for 12 years in oak barrels.
  5. Grade "Metaxa" Grand Fin - an elite brandy with a maturation period of 15 years. Filling takes place in bottles made of porcelain or ceramics.
  6. "Metaxa" Private Reserve has been infused for 20-30 years. Despite the strength of 40%, it has a mild taste and rich aroma of honey, nuts, spices and oak. Available only in Greece.
  7. "Metaxa" AEN is an exclusive drink that has no analogues. The aging period in an oak barrel can be up to 80 years. Each barrel of brandy, regardless of the variety, contains a couple of drops of "Metax" AEN. Differs in the unique taste and aroma of coffee, honey, almonds, herbs and spices.

How to drink?

At home in Greece, "Metax" is treated with special love, this drink is savored, drunk long and drawn out. Many admirers of this brandy have gathered all over the world, which means that several ways of using it have appeared.

The first way is pure consumption. Brandy is served at body temperature, poured into liqueur glasses and drunk in small sips. It is in this way that you can fully enjoy the taste of the drink and feel the whole bouquet and aroma of brandy. From the first sips, heat waves begin to spread throughout the body, with each subsequent sip it intensifies. You can add a couple of ice cubes to the glass, but then the aroma of the drink will lose its brightness. It is recommended to add ice to Metaxa 5 * brandy. Reviews from connoisseurs of this drink contain recommendations according to which it is not recommended to add ice to brandy aged for more than 5 years, this will only worsen its taste.

It is customary to serve light snacks in the form of citrus fruits, grapes, canapes with caviar, milk chocolate, lettuce, cheeses and baked meat to "Metaxa".

A short-aging brandy can also be slightly diluted with citrus juice or tonic in a 1: 1 ratio. This is done, as a rule, to reduce the strength of the drink. "Metaxa" is added to hot tea and coffee. At the same time, tea with this drink in Greece is considered medicinal, it is taken for colds.

Bartenders also could not stay away from this divine drink. "Metaxa" is often used today as a base for various cocktails.

Cocktails: recipes

If there is a desire to disperse the blood, having received a ray of sunshine, then cocktails based on "Metaxa" are the best solution.

"Mojito in Greek"

It is based on the Greek "Metaxa", replacing and the main composition has not changed. It includes:

  • mint (several leaves);
  • sugar - 20 grams;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • "Metaxa" - 50 ml;
  • soda - 1 glass;

"Metaxa Sauer"

This is a cocktail from Spyros Metaxas himself:

  • orange and lemon juice in half (60 ml);
  • "Metaxa" - 50 ml;
  • soda - 100 ml;

In a shaker mix juices, "Metaxa" and ice for a minute, pour the cocktail into a glass of up to 300 ml, add soda to the brim.


The Alexandra cocktail was created in honor of Queen Alexandra, who ruled England in the early 20th century.

  • "Metaxa" - 30 ml;
  • - 30 ml;
  • "Baileys" - 30 ml.

Mix in a shaker and serve in a glass.


In conclusion, I would like to add that everyone who has not yet tasted the luxurious alcoholic drink "Metaxa" should do it. It is not without reason that millions of connoisseurs of unique tastes prefer Metaxa brandy. Reviews of those who have at least once tasted this divine nectar suggest that it is worth going to the ends of the world for brandy. But in the modern world nothing is impossible, and you can go traveling to taste Metaxa brandy even tomorrow. Or you can just buy it in a store or order it online.

Some alcohol lovers consider Metax to be either cognac or brandy. In reality, it is an independent drink produced exclusively in Greece. The color of Metaxa is unambiguously defined as dark golden, the strength is 38% (in some sources 40%). This "Hellas ambrosia" is poured into original bottles. In Greece itself, you can see the most exotic types of containers and grades of content (not exported).

The source of success

Metaxa was first bottled in 1888. A small family business (founder Spyros Metax) soon began to generate tangible income. The drink is becoming popular outside the country of origin. The people of royal blood also liked the newfangled alcohol. In the century before last, "Greek cognac" was supplied to the royal courts of Greece and Serbia, the Russian emperor and the ruler of Ethiopia. In 1900, winemakers from the Balkan Peninsula delivered to the New World. Today, bottles with a coin-shaped emblem on the label can be purchased at liquor stores around the world.

Content recipe

Nothing complicated, except for one family secret of the creators. High-quality grape brandy is added with Muscat wine and herbal infusion. The composition of the last ingredient is a mystery. It is known that the tincture is supplemented with rose petals.

National technology

Metaxa is a true national product. The base of the alcoholic fortress (brandy) is made from grapes harvested in Corinth, Attica (Greek provinces) and on the island of Crete. For blending, wine is used from a variety grown in Samos and Lemos (islands of the Aegean Sea). The product is aged for at least a year. An herbal infusion is added to the blend. The finish line before bottling is a half-year content in oak barrels in the cold (-6 ° C).

Endurance stars and the best for yourself

The number of stars on the label will tell the buyer about the different types of Metaxa. Here everything is like in Russia - the duration of grape alcohol aging is indicated by the stars:

  • 3 stars on the label - minimum aging period 36 months;
  • 5 stars - corresponds to an exposure time of 5 years;
  • 7 Stars - Seven-year content in oak barrels.

Bottles with stars (3-7) can be bought outside of Greece. Older and more elite varieties are not exported abroad.

In the domestic market

There are 2 types with the designation Reserve:

  • Grand olympian- twelve-year exposure;
  • Private- special container (crystal decanter) + 20-30 years of being in barrels.

Another type of Grand Fine, aged for 8-15 years, is poured into ceramic jugs. AEN is the most exotic and expensive type of drink. The term of the barrel "confinement" is 30-80 years.

Use wisely

Connoisseurs of the "pride of Greece" prefer to consume the pure product in small sips (savoring) from liqueur glasses. With this method, the bouquet of taste is most fully revealed. With the first sip, the body will feel a surge of warmth spreading in a soft wave. Sometimes they put some ice in the glass, but it is not recommended to abuse it.

Dilute and add

How to drink Metaxa to make it less strong? Citrus juices and a regular tonic will come to the rescue (the optimal proportion is 1: 1). It is not forbidden to use the product as a flavoring additive to coffee or tea (the latter option is considered medicinal in Greece). Diluting with mineral water and other alcohol is bad form.

Cocktail set

You can come up with a combination for a cocktail yourself, but a true connoisseur must know a few classic recipes with strong alcohol from Greece.

Metaxa Sour- believe that Spyros Metax himself had a hand in the recipe. In a shaker mix ice, orange juice (30 ml) and lemon (20 ml), brandy (50 ml). The mixture is poured into a tall glass and poured over with sparkling water.

Alexandra- the name of the British queen (reigned 1902-1910). For lovers of sweet alcohol. Blend cream (can be replaced with Baileys), chocolate liqueur and brandy in equal parts. Ice is not needed here.

Metaxa with tea is a cocktail! The base - chilled black tea (60 ml) is added to a glass with mixed brandy (25 ml), orange juice (50 ml), lemon syrup (20 ml) and ice. Served with a straw.

Greek mojito- the main and only difference in strong alcohol (we change Cuban rum for brandy from Hellas). The rest of the ingredients and the cooking method remain unchanged.

About taste and appetizer

Powerful first taste note - dried fruit aroma. It is explained by drying the grape berries before dressing the main material - brandy. Aftertaste nuances - undertones of oak, vanilla and nutmeg are signs of blending with wine, long-term aging in oak containers and additives in the form of herbal infusion.

Greek cognac metaxa Is a famous brand of the country. This one is famous all over the world alcoholic beverage is the best among the Greek spirits. There are alcoholic beverages, the composition of the raw materials of which is heterogeneous and, moreover, its ripening occurs at different periods of time. These special drinks are difficult to develop - in complex blends. The basis of their creation is not a winemaking tradition, but a dream or, perhaps, an idea. Metax cognac (metaxa) is one of them.

Colonial goods merchant Spyros Metaxa has long had a dream - to create such a strong alcoholic beverage , which would have many differences from other distillates. It should be spicy and full-bodied, delicate and aromatic, and also have an excellent southern flavor. Alcoholic beverage , possessing the magical qualities of a reminder of the sunny Homeland, warming the soul and heart away from home. In 1882 Spyros built a plant for the production of alcoholic beverages in the city of Kifissia. For almost 10 years, he has been looking for a magic formula for creating a fabulous drink. metaxa.

The dreamer's efforts were crowned with success, and in 1890 a refined and thinnest brand appeared to the world. Already in 1900, the supply of the drink to America began, where it was named “volatile brandy”. And in 1915 at the exhibition of wine products in San Francisco alcoholic metaxa drink receives the Grand Prix.

Unfortunately, Spyros Metaxa leaves the mortal world by fatal accident. Despina, his wife, takes control of the winery. She successfully continued the work started by her husband. The grandchildren Spyros Jr. and Ilias became the head of the enterprise after the death of their mother. In a short time, the brothers were able to withdraw production Greek brandy metaxa to a new level. Firstly, the quality of products was improved and, secondly, marketing moves were successfully undertaken by Spiros: advertising metaxes in some sporting events.

In 1968 a new plant was built in Kifissia. It is still the main production facility today. metaxes ... And already in 1989, the Metaxa family moved away from winemaking, the trademark was bought by the French company Remy Cointreau.

Strong alcoholic beverage best known in Greece is metaxa (a mixture of nutmeg and brandy). For more than 100 years, the unique recipe for its preparation has been kept in the strictest confidence. And yet something is known about him:

  • To produce this extraordinary alcoholic beverage several of the best grape varieties are used: Savvatiano, Mavro and Sultanina.
  • Before using the grapes, they are dried in the sun, and then they make wine seventy-degree alcohol. It is poured into large oak barrels, the volume of which is 300-500 liters.
  • The maturation process of the drink takes about 3 years. After that, it is poured into other large barrels and mixed with the nutmeg wine.
  • Blending takes place within 2 years. The resulting drink is cooled to 8 degrees. Is besieged. Filtered.

Metax cognac has a unique taste - sweet, young, fruity. Its strength is 40%. ... Several types are produced in Greece metaxes :

  • Three-star (3 stars) - exposure 3 years.
  • Five-star (5 stars) - 5 years exposure.
  • Seven-star (7 stars) - exposure is 7 years.
  • Metaxa-Stenaru - contained in special porcelain vessels.
  • There are varieties metaxes 12 and 16 stars. This collectible alcoholic beverage aged for 50 years and distributed exclusively in Greece.

Description of some species metaxes :

  • Metacha 5 stars - from five-year alcohols. It is obtained from distillates that have been aged for 5 years in oak barrels and the best muscat wines from the islands of Limnos and Samos. Rose petals and infusion of aromatic Mediterranean herbs enhance the taste. It has a bright floral aroma, notes of oak, lime honey and yellow fruits. The color of the drink is velvety honey.
  • Metacha 7. In the rich taste, inherent only in this drink, you can feel the delicate aroma of Muscat wine, hints of vanilla and sweet spices. The seven-year-old brandy enjoys particular preference in the international market. It is poured into bottles of the finest workmanship in the form of a Greek amphora.
  • Aen Metaxa - It is stored in the oldest barrel at the distillery under No. 1. There is a need to add at least 1-2 drops of aromatic elixir from this barrel to all Metaxa branded products. For 80 years, many generations of winemakers have taken a fraction of the most exceptional blends and refilled this barrel. "Aen" is the quintessence of two hundred blends, some of which are 80 years old. Light shades of aromas: coffee, almonds, spices, citrus fruits, dried fruits, wild honey. A spicy mushroom note gives extravagance. It is considered the pinnacle of winemakers' creativity.

Legendary metax they drink not only in pure form, it is also good in cocktails. Here are the recipes for some of them:

Metaxa sour

Metaxa - 50 ml, juices: lemon - 20 ml, orange - 30 ml, sparkling water, ice cubes.

Fill the shaker halfway with ice. Pour in juices and brandy. Beat for 1 minute. Pour into a glass. Top up with soda water. An orange slice is suitable as a decoration. This cocktail was born together with Metaxa cognac and became very popular. The pleasant shade of citrus fruits has come to the taste of many.

Greek mojito

This cocktail, unlike the standard one, uses metaxa , not rum. 2 teaspoons of sugar, a few mint leaves, lime juice are placed in a tall glass. All this must be rubbed with a mudler. Then add ¾ glass of ice, 50 ml metaxes ... The glass is topped up with sparkling water.

Metaxa with strong tea

20 ml of lemon syrup is poured into a glass with ice, 50 ml of orange liqueur and 25 ml are added metaxes ... After pouring in 60 ml of strong cold tea.

Cherry cocktail

40 ml cherry juice, 10 ml lemon juice, 60 ml methaxa, sparkling water and ice are mixed in a glass.

Cocktail "Brandy Alexander"originally had the name Alexander and was created in honor of the Queen of England

1/3 of each: cream, brandy ( metaxa ) and beat the chocolate liqueur in a shaker. Baileys liqueur is sometimes used instead of cream. Served in a special glass with a straw, without ice.

This exquisite alcoholic beverage drink uncooled (so as not to freeze the aroma) in small sips, slowly. After the first sip, you will feel the wonderful aroma and unforgettable taste of cognac. With each sip you will be enveloped in a warm wave of bliss.

Some lovers drink metax with lemon and ice cubes or lemon and a bar of milk chocolate. You can serve a small caviar sandwich. Harmonize with metaxoy seafood and green salad leaves, cheese and grapes.

Today metaxa is one of the 50 leading alcohol brands in the world. About 10-15 years ago, it was very popular in Russia as well. Since then, this brand has slightly decreased its activity. Now we can talk about his second wind.

Buy greek cognac metaxu it is possible without any problems in branded alcohol markets or through an online store. Average price of this exquisite