How to bewitch a man for coffee. Love spell on drink

11.04.2019 Egg dishes

One-sided love devoid of reciprocity drains the soul and breaks fate. But people do not agree to give up the object of passion. More often women, less often men spend a love spell on food. This is such a magical tool that affects the feelings of the subject of desires, changing reality for both the customer (performer) and the victim. However, you should understand how a strong love spell works, when it is permissible to use it, and in what cases you should restrain yourself and dwell on weak magic. Let's take everything in order.

What is a love spell for food

Magic allows you to take possession of the psyche of another person for some time or forever. If the goal of the sorcerer is to inspire love, then a love spell is applied. This is the name of a special ritual that creates special world for the victim. Rituals are black and white, contact and distance, they use the forces of nature, the afterlife, things, trees, stones, images and much more. Love spell on food in the villages was called okorm or dryness. It differs from other rituals in that it is performed with food or drink. Schematically, it looks like this:

  • The sorcerer charges the host with his intent.
  • The food is passed on to the victim.
  • When the food enters the body, the program begins to work, enveloping the person with the energy of the sorcerer.
  • The customer waits for the first result and begins to influence the victim with non-magical methods (courting).

Preparing for the ritual

We will figure out how to independently carry out a love spell on food. By the way, if you are interested, in the villages such rituals were considered the norm. Every girl and young woman knew how and what to do. It was common for a woman to whisper a few words about bread or drink. She and her children depended on the breadwinner, so his interest in the family was supported in all sorts of ways, including light magic. After all, if a man was tempted by some stray beauty, the woman had a hard time. Healers and witches were turned to only when a strong love spell was needed.

But that's not the point. To carry out the ritual, you must prepare everything you need in advance (as indicated in the description). Do not interrupt magic. It is also recommended to raise the energy level. The post is quite suitable for this. Reasonable restrictions on food and entertainment lead to the accumulation of forces that will increase the effectiveness of the love spell. The timing of divination also matters.

Love spell rules

In order not to make mistakes, you need to know some subtleties. So, a love spell on food, like any other, should be carried out on the waxing moon. This period is favorable. The full moon is also suitable for the ceremony. But during this time, caution should be exercised, especially with male wizards. The full moon greatly affects the emotional sphere of a person. Possible Negative consequences from rituals affecting the psyche. Women's days for a love spell - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As a rule, it is customary to avoid magic on Sunday. Sorceresses are allowed to use alcohol in rituals. Experts recommend investing the magic program in those products that the victim loves. The food that a person enjoys increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. for a love spell - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday.

Light impact

There are rituals, the purpose of which is to arouse the victim's interest in the customer. They are recommended to be carried out first. Perhaps black witchcraft is not required. Consider, for example, a love spell on a drink. Nothing special is needed to carry it out. Prepare for the moment of any meal. This refers to charging with additional energy. Wait for the moment when it is appropriate to offer the victim a drink. Pouring it into a glass or mug, pronounce a conspiracy on the liquid and hand it over to the person. Prevent the magic potion from getting to someone else. This is the only drawback of this love spell. It is not personalized, therefore, it will affect anyone who drinks the charmed liquid. The words of the spell are as follows: “Water - into the blood, into the soul - love. Amen!" The ceremony does not lead to negative consequences, it begins to work as soon as a person drinks a magic potion. The action of the ritual is limited and completely disappears in about a week to ten days.

Strong ritual

Consider another pet food that will inspire the victim with passion for the customer. Dough is traditionally used for it. Start, for example, a pie or just bake homemade bread. And how will you knead the dough, think about your beloved and read the words of the conspiracy. Naturally, you will have to work with your hands, in magic it is undesirable to use modern mechanisms. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “As flour is kneaded with water, they gather in a lump, so love between the Lord of slaves (names) flares up. In the mouth, the pie (bread) melts, fills the heart with passion and longing. Sweet food, to be mine for him (her) always! Amen!" You should treat your beloved with your concoctions as early as possible. Just got it out of the oven - carry the victim.

How to speak sweetness (male ritual)

Not every knight in love is ready to stand up to the table and prepare a meal on his own. Do not grieve, you can already finished product speak. Buy a sweetness that your sweetheart will surely eat. Love spells on food is an unpretentious business, just choose the day according to the above recommendations. In the evening, take a photo of your beloved, place a treat on it, light two wax candles and place it on the sides. Create a thought form of your mutual happiness (that is, imagine it). Send her into a treat and accompany with words of conspiracy. This is done like this:

  1. Imagine a ball hanging in front of your forehead.
  2. Fill it with pictures of desired events, scenes of mutual happiness.
  3. Concentrate on the pleasure and good emotions the victim receives from communicating with you.
  4. Direct the filled ball into a treat.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “A sweet share for God's servant (name), this is my will. I fill the food with it, I inspire love in her soul. As the food is sweet, so to be with us always. Love of fate will sink, no one will ever tear. Amen!" In the morning, present your loved one with a magic gift.

Love spell of a man forever on food

Unfortunately, black rituals are in great demand among domestic sorceresses. But they are the most dangerous. We'll sort it out first, forever, and then we'll talk about the risks. Use any food or drink for the ritual. Alcohol works best. He in itself muddies the mind, therefore, lowers the resistance of the victim. But liquor also has its drawbacks. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and leaves the body at the same rate. A strong man will bring out magical energy with alcohol. Therefore, experts recommend talking about food served with alcohol. You should prepare it yourself. As you cook, light six Platter, preferably meat, season well with pepper and salt. At the same time, read these words: “Behind the black mountain there is a wall of darkness. Melancholy sits under it, sadly looks into the distance. She is chained to the mountain with black shackles. I will help longing, I will show her will. I will send them to my friend, I will make them friends. Go, longing, to the threshold, I will show the way. Let milenok suffer, he does not know light and darkness. As he sees me, so grief will leave him. And far away to be a soul in hops, a body in captivity, and a soul in a black share. Amen!"

When to use the black ritual

This type of exposure is not recommended for young people. If you really need it, then entrust it to a professional. The sorceress will make protection in order to reduce the risks of negative consequences. Household wizards usually don't know how to keep themselves and their victims safe. Ladies who already have children can try to bewitch on their own. Before and after the ceremony, you cannot visit the temple. Refrain from communicating with religious symbols for at least a month. Experts strongly recommend against practicing black rituals (those that are forever). First, they change the fate of the victim, tie it to the customer's share. It will be extremely difficult to change this circumstance, to return everything to its place. Secondly, a man loses a number of his virtues, becomes dependent, therefore, less successful.

Consequences of an illegal love spell

The ritual leads either to success, which every sorceress desires, or to grief. The negative consequences are manifested in the fact that troubles begin to occur in life, to put it mildly. They are of different kinds and, as a rule, affect the most important areas of life. Let's list some of the troubles for which it is advisable to prepare for those who practice black rituals:

  • loss of health in both;
  • childlessness;
  • a lack of money;
  • quarrels and scandals, despite affection;
  • development of bad tendencies in the victim (alcoholism, drug addiction and others).

How to protect yourself

So that the love spell on food does not harm, ransom is applied. This is a common addition to any black ritual. Have turned, have done, as it is necessary to achieve a magical goal, please pay. Payoff is carried out different ways, but it is important to give something valuable, important. For example, shy girls are advised to buy sweets and treat everyone in a row. At the same time, you are not giving away candy, but your fear of communication. Such a ransom will be accepted, and there will be no trouble. Brave witches need a different rite. Take a sufficient (rather big for your position) amount and take it to the intersection. Drop it there, saying "Paid," and go home. Sometimes giving up a habit or favorite thing is used as a buyback. The main thing is that what you give as payment is valuable to you.

The best, strongest love spell

No matter what sorcerers and witches say, sincerity of feelings towards a loved one cannot be compared with magic. There is so much magic in them that a person cannot resist. Only one condition: no selfishness! This is the most real, nothing invincible magic, the consequences of which are always positive and lead to mutual happiness. Good luck and love!

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like coffee. Especially often this drink is consumed in the morning hours, at lunchtime and during breaks at work. It will not be difficult to treat your beloved (beloved) with a cup of "magic" coffee. Such a love spell can be disgusting. However, many girls are not stopped even by such extravagant ways to take possession of a man. Blood is a part of a person. With its help, you can spoil or make a love spell. Both actions have a quick and lasting effect. Love spells made on blood turn a guy into a submissive slave. This is one of the most "feminine" rituals. Guys, for obvious reasons, won't be able to afford anything like this. Blood is added to many drinks, in most cases to red wine, so that the two substances are completely mixed. But alcohol is not always appropriate. There are ways of exposure to blood through coffee.

With blood on a napkin

Some people have a particularly developed sense of smell. A strange smell from coffee can alert them. In addition, most men are familiar with female tricks, with the help of which the fairer sex conquers their hearts. A guy might just refuse to drink a suspicious drink. For such cases, there is a method that does not involve direct contact between coffee and blood. It is also suitable when a girl does not have the opportunity to water her beloved during critical days: the guy left, you had a fight, etc. A napkin with menstrual blood should be prepared in advance. The fabric should be soaked profusely. In the early days of your period, use a clean, white, unprinted napkin. The piece of cloth should be dried and stored until suitable occasion... Invite your loved one for a cup of coffee. If you work together, the ceremony can also be performed at the workplace. Make sure that there are no witnesses to your actions. Tell your loved one that you will make your own coffee. Once the drink is ready and poured, take the man's cup and place it on a napkin filled with blood. Read the spell:

“From blood, life, from blood, death, from blood, mad love. As you love coffee, you will love my blood. A person cannot be without blood, a servant of God (name of a loved one) cannot be without a servant of God (your name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

You can then serve your drink. The beloved man will not feel any smell from him, and a love spell in most cases works in the first few days after it was made. If it is possible to repeat the ritual, be sure to repeat it.

With frozen menstrual blood

The menstrual blood must be collected in a small vessel. A test tube from a test perfume is suitable for you. The blood must be frozen to prevent spoilage. No need to collect too a large number of their biological material. A few drops are enough. Blood should be in the cup just before serving. The drink should be spoken:

“My blood will flow into your body. My blood will become your blood. What I feel, you will feel too. What I dream, you will dream too. Whatever I wish, so will you. Amen."

Serve coffee to your loved one. Make sure the drink does not have any suspicious odors. The drink prepared for this ritual should be served to your loved one in the morning (before noon). This is possible in several cases: you already live together; you work for your beloved as a housekeeper, serving him breakfast is your responsibility; you are the secretary, the loved one is your boss. There may be other options as well. With the help of this rite, a fast food saleswoman also gets an opportunity to bewitch if the man visits the restaurant regularly enough fast food in the morning. Love spell is done on a clear day. There may be clouds in the sky, but they should not block the sun. Prepare a drink and go with him to the window. You can go outside if no one sees you there. Raise the drink to the sky and cast the spell:

“The sky is clear, the sun is red. I, (your name), to you, (the name of a loved one), is good and beautiful. Give, honey, the heart of (the name of the beloved) love for me, (your name). As people are always glad and grateful to you, so I (the name of my beloved) would always be glad. As you, sun, burn, burn, so would (the name of the beloved) burn and burn for me and would never know peace. Amen."

After that, get the man drunk. This must be done as quickly as possible so that the energy of the sun does not have time to disappear. The power of the star closest to our planet is incredibly great. Despite the fact that carrying out love spells with the moon is more common among masters of white and black magic, the sun is also often used to attract a loved one into their lives.

This ritual has its own peculiarity. It is suitable only for young men with brown eyes. The girl's eyes should be any other color than brown: blue, green, gray. new can or sachet instant coffee... Since the girl is supposed to take the love drink for a long time, choose a medium to large jar or bag. The guy who made the love spell can also drink this coffee. However, except for the bewitched and bewitched, no one should use wonderful drink... This option is suitable for those who already live together and the man wants to keep the relationship. You can also give coffee to a girl who lives alone and rarely receives guests. There is another option: speak a can or a bag, keep it for yourself and drink coffee with your beloved when she comes to visit you. You need to buy a container with coffee on an even day of the week. Wait until the moon is full and place the jar or sachet on the windowsill. The moon should be clearly visible. This is a prerequisite. The coffee will be soaked in moonlight. The mysterious satellite of the Earth has always been used in rituals associated with increasing profits, and in love magic. The moon will also help with this love spell. In the morning, cast a spell over coffee immediately after waking up. It is necessary to do this because the energy of the moon can quickly dissipate, and the conspiracy is able to hold it. Spell:

“The moon has been looking at this coffee all night long, so you, (name of your beloved), will look at me, you will forget all the good fellows. You don’t want blue eyes, you don’t want green eyes, you don’t want gray eyes. Only one coffee eyes will you remember and love. Luna sister, help me fill the heart of the Servant of God (name of my beloved). Amen."

Love spell is not a harmless game with magic. Be prepared to pay a high price for short-lived happiness. This price is different for everyone. Someone is seriously ill. Others go broke. The loss of relatives and close people is not uncommon. Submission to someone else's will violates many cosmic laws. Even if you do not adhere to any religious beliefs and are not a deeply religious person, you should take into account the rules that are the same for representatives of all religions and atheists. Experienced masters skillfully defend themselves against a return blow with the help of special complex rituals, the implementation of which is not always possible for novice magicians and those for whom communication with magic is episodic. If you applied a love spell and got the desired effect, you need to remember that:
    You shouldn't wait for punishment. A person who is constantly waiting for reckoning will see it in each of his failures. Some people live with their bewitched "second halves" no worse than those who do not practice magic at all. Your decent attitude towards the bewitched can partially atone for the sin that you took upon yourself in the name of love; Sincere repentance in the church in confession removes some of your guilt. If you do not want to tell the priest about what you have done, you can ask for forgiveness from God or before the icon of your saint or the saint whose name your loved one bears. Explain the reasons for the unrighteous act: you fell in love with a person who did not reciprocate your feelings. Decide for yourself what to do next. You can leave it as it is and hope that you still deserve forgiveness. In addition, a lapel ritual can be performed. In this case, you will lose the one whom you received dishonestly.
Invite your loved ones for a cup of coffee not only to bewitch them. Soul talk for warm drink able to dispose one person to another without magical influence. Force aromatic drink truly magical.

This is a very simple method for enchanting your beloved man. You don't even have to add or mix anything. Just get drunk delicious coffee with a little twist. This method is also tricky because almost anyone can be bewitched without a miss: ex-husband, a handsome acquaintance, an attractive colleague.

Here are some conspiracies for such a witchcraft ritual:

“As the boy takes a sip of coffee, he will soon take a sip of me. A heart will close, love will burn, she will make a wish to come on a date to me. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

To increase the effect at times, you can read another conspiracy prayer:

“As you are used to coffee in the morning, there you will become attached to me in the evenings. Something strange will happen in the soul, something incomprehensible will grow into love. You will drink a cup, you will pour a love spell into yourself, and you will never go away to anyone. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Love spell guy on coffee You can do by reading this magical conspiracy.

“As coffee invigorates and fogs, my body will beckon you. Suddenly you will wake up in a cliff, you will be exhausted from crazy thoughts. I will take space and time, carry the love spell burden. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

By the way, it is very important that the object of the ceremony should never see how you make coffee. After reading the prayer, you need to break both cups (you should also drink a drink to divert your eyes). Many magicians believe that only natural, freshly brewed coffee is suitable for such a love spell. Well, if you want to surely slay a man with an arrow of love, stick to this rule.

Here is such a simple conspiracy will help you to bewitch your loved one with the help aromatic coffee:

“Burn, burn, do not cool down. Enter into your heart, accept me. Pluck-jumper, plump, peel, love-love, do not cool down. " The prayer should be read three times. After that, give the coffee to the desired guy to drink.

Or here are some more variations on the theme:

- “The sky is clear, the sun is red. I, (your name), to you, (the name of a loved one), is good and beautiful. Give, honey, the heart of (the name of the beloved) love for me, (your name). As people are always glad and grateful to you, so I (the name of my beloved) would always be glad. As you, sun, burn, burn, so would (the name of the beloved) burn and burn for me and would never know peace. Amen";

- “My dear, dear (name), I long for the servant of God (name), for you. Go to the melancholy-kruchinushka in a riotous little head, in black eyebrows, in red lips, in white teeth, in hot blood, in a hot heart, go in a bone of steel, so that he would yearn, grieve every minute, every second, from now on and forever and ever. Amen!"

When bewitching a man in this way, do not forget about the kickback - the likely retribution for the sin. And quite often even the victim of the filler itself suffers from witchcraft. The man you have bewitched may become childless or terminally ill. In addition, you yourself, your children or even grandchildren may have various illnesses, sorrows and troubles due to this black magic. Practicing such magic techniques, such as a love spell, it is impossible to achieve true love. loved one, but only to bind him, dooming him to suffering and misfortune, since any love spell is violence against the human person, depriving him of his free will, given by God. Be judicious when embarking on a charm like this.

From time immemorial, people possessed a secret knowledge of water as a living substance capable of absorbing an emotional state. That is why water has invariably been used in the rituals of all religions in the world. In love spells, water, as a material, takes its well-deserved first place... If you want to make a love spell for a drink- you come here

Energy properties of water

If in antiquity people perceived water as living force, connecting with another world, and capable of exerting an influence, both in the positive and in the negative side of human life, in our progressive age, scientists have definitely proved that under the influence of light, thought or word, that is, any energy-informational influence, water molecules have the ability to rebuild and change its structure without changing the chemical composition.

Water molecules are composed of cells - each cell is capable of storing information in the form of electromagnetic waves. And not only to store, but also to receive, remember and reflect, representing a biological computer, and if a person is 80% water, then he is a programmable system. This happens at the cellular level.

Love spell on drinking

You are convinced that water reacts to our thoughts and words. Now let's go directly to the procedure. If you do not want to seek help from a specialist (sorcerer or witch), you can make a love spell for drinking yourself.

Additional Information. The conspiracy for a man should be read on a man's day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If you decide to make, for example, a love spell on coffee, then you should remember that it must be read on odd days of the month, and it is also highly desirable - on a young moon.

If a man is given the opportunity to drink only spontaneously, then you can separately speak the water in advance according to all the rules, and then just add it at the right time to the drink. Water has a strong stable structure, capable of transferring its properties, so the effect will be the same as if you were talking to a full cup. In the same way, you can make a love spell for tea.... It is not recommended to speak on ice, as frozen water loses its memory - there will be no effect.

Simple love spell on water

Small for water or drink. I personally have not tried it, but I helped my friend once, but not once. Do it yourself, it's not complicated

Pour your loved one's drink into a deep bowl. Please note that the drink must not contain alcohol or be yellowish! Place the vessel so that you can see your reflection in it and read the love spell:

“My dear dear (name), I yearn for the servant of God (name), for you.
Go to the sadness-kruchinushka in a riotous little head, in black eyebrows, in red lips, in white teeth, in hot blood, in a hot heart, go to a bone of steel, to yearn, grieve, for every minute, for every second, from now on and into forever and ever, Amen. "

After that, this drink should be drunk by the person you are bewitching. If you have bewitched too much, then you can add to the drink in parts.

Conspiracies for a love spell

God bless me with food, give holy water, make it so that my husband (name) will be with me forever. Key and lock to my words. Amen.

You can charm a guy on juice by reading this conspiracy 3 times over a drink:

Go servant of God (name) follow me, servant of God (name) as day goes by night. You are with me - I am with you, like a tree with foliage, like grass in the morning with dew, like rain with a thunderstorm. Where I am, there you are. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A very powerful conspiracy to drink for those who "really need it" (read 3 or 9 times):

Give help, cursed strength
Make me
The groom was sweet
Let longing into his blood
Will spill through your veins
Let (name) by (name)
Dries like a stem
That did not pour water.
Word - seal
Do not rip off by anyone.

Consequences of a love spell on drinking

Every woman should remember that any love spell on a drink is a magical action, imposing your will on another person, which often carries consequences. Both the bewitching and the bewitched become bound by invisible threads, which are rather difficult to untangle.

Agree, it often happens that a person falls in love, endows his love object with wonderful qualities and tries with all his might to bind him to himself. But having learned a loved one deeper, he is disappointed, since he did not possess these qualities at all.

If you do not use dark occult magic, but, not tuned in to hard programming. It is believed that such a love spell is fully justified to strengthen the family.

If the love spell is made using black magic, a girl who made a love spell, disappointed, will not be able to just leave. He will not let her go, because the imposed magical program of love will go into the program of hatred - these feelings are of the same nature, two sides of the same coin. So think carefully about whether the end justifies the means.

If you nevertheless decided on desperate measures, then they should know what can seriously harm the health of the bewitched person. He can become irritable for no reason, restless, easily fatigued and depressed. This is all a consequence of the destructively rearranged molecules of water with which he was drunk. Such a sin should be forgiven for a long time, and be sure to confess in the church.


Whatever one may say, but a person by nature is a manipulator. So why not add some magic to your life? God gave people the right to choose, but do not forget that nobody canceled the boomerang law either.

In this article:

A love spell carried out on food is considered one of the most powerful, effective and efficient. Its effect on a person is manifested in the shortest possible time, which cannot but rejoice those who urgently yearn for the love of their betrothed, his attention, and touch.

Love spells on food are as old as the world. They appeared long before modern civilization, which means they are time-tested like no others. Even primitive people realized the power of the word, and its ability to change the structure of the letter, which, as a result of being processed by a conspiracy, became a medicine or poison, it all depends on the purpose and the text read over the food.

A ritual of this type helps, without any problems, at home, through food, to influence a loved one. But before you are going to make a love spell, check out general information on this issue.

How are love spells made for food

Thought, like a word, is material. Talent, practice and desire will allow you to quickly learn how to achieve goals using the most powerful and available tool - your own word. It is easiest to train on food that reacts very strongly to the emotions of the cook, his thoughts. That is why they say that it is necessary to cook with love, which is delicious seasoning for any dish. So one person in different moods can cook the same dish, both good and bad.

Thinking about the good while cooking, conveying our positive to the food, we set it up as musical instrument in a certain way, and it will be major or minor, it depends only on you. Ask the right food program! Before you go to the stove, prepare yourself mentally, and only then start cooking.

You can program food for any result, even without reading special conspiracies, just think and talk about what you want to achieve. The main thing is to understand the principle of the ritual, and it is simple, like everything ingenious - a clear statement of words and a formulation of a goal.


Most often, such a rite is done with the aim of conquering a loved one. The most powerful ritual involves the addition of a girl's monthly blood to the food. This is a very dangerous love spell, since the object is deprived of its own will, submitting to the author. As a result, both participants may lose their identity.

Therefore, when doing these rites, try not to use blood or other strong components of black magic. For a good and safe love spell, verbal exercises are enough.

Love spell number 1

This plot is read on odd days:

“God bless with bread.
Reward with holy water.
Yes, so that my husband (name)
He was always there for me.
Blood in the liver
Salt in food
Your flesh is in me.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Love spell number 2

Bread or other food that is used as food for a specific person, the rest cannot eat it. This love spell can have negative consequences in the form of physical ailment in the object, the appearance of apathy or detachment. Love spell is done on men's day.

"Servant of God (name of a man),
Satisfy your hunger with food
And always be by my side (name).
In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Spoken food carries a huge energy message

Reverse food spell

Those who decide on a love spell should immediately have a lapel with them, just in case, because they are also different. The lapel plot is also read for food, which the object of the lapel must later eat:

“There is a hut in the black forest,
In the courtyard of that hut there is a board,
Melancholy sleeps on the board.
Go away the turning and mortal melancholy,
From the servant of God (name of the man).
Get off it, get it off
Go to the open field
Find a tall pine tree there,
And under it is a deep hole.
Lean over her
Grow up and get along with her.
There you live and be
And let the servant of God (name of the man) go.
Key. Lock. Language.

Repeat three times.