What to cook for my husband for breakfast. What should be a healthy breakfast for men

30.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Hello dear readers! The modern dynamic life of many people makes them constantly rush. Unfortunately, not everyone has time to have breakfast in the morning. There are many reasons for this - both the haste and the unwillingness to get up earlier and spend time cooking, and simply not knowing the importance of eating in the morning. Some people eat breakfast without paying much attention to the quality and composition of their food. And the lack of breakfast, eating the wrong foods can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, today I decided to pay attention to the topic - what you need to eat for breakfast.

Most Russians know that a good breakfast is the foundation of good health and good endurance. Modern doctors believe that it is good to include cereals, dairy products and fruits in your morning diet. Breakfast can be either hearty or light, depending on individual needs and preferences, the main thing is to choose the right menu.

Why you need to have breakfast

In situations where a person is left without breakfast, the blood sugar level goes down and there is an irresistible need to satisfy hunger with simple carbohydrates. In this case, sugar rises sharply, and the body stores the excess in the form of fat. As a result, obesity, diabetes mellitus or hypertension may develop.

When a person consumes only carbohydrates for breakfast - pastries, sandwiches, etc., the same processes occur in the body as in the absence of morning food. The body burns calories quickly, converting the excess into fat. However, after a short period of time, the person again experiences a feeling of hunger. Simple carbohydrates cannot be full for a long time, so you need to have a full breakfast. In addition, there are other reasons for good nutrition:

Energy is especially needed in the morning. Breakfast increases efficiency;

A delicious breakfast cheers you up and helps you tune in for a productive day;

A proper breakfast gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, so during the day there is no temptation to eat something "harmful";

The concentration of attention in people who eat breakfast is much higher than that of those who deprive themselves of morning food;

Breakfast is stress prevention;

In the morning, any food is well absorbed, a long-lasting feeling of satiety appears, metabolic processes are normalized.

What you need to eat for breakfast

Most modern people know in general terms what constitutes a full breakfast. This morning meal has several characteristics:

Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are considered the most useful and easy to digest. However, they should not be drunk on an empty stomach due to the high acid content that irritates the gastrointestinal tract.

For breakfast, choose whole grain or rye flour. And it is advisable to exclude the loaf and yeast baked goods (these are simple carbohydrates, from which there is more harm).

It is good to include seasonal berries, fruits or dried fruits in breakfast.

Milk and dairy products satisfy hunger well and help you feel full for a long time. The most useful are dairy products with lactobacilli and prebiotics, which have little storage juice. Cheese is also great for breakfast.

As a sweet, it is good to eat 1-2 tablespoons of honey. It contains a lot of useful elements.

It is better to replace black tea and coffee with green tea.

It is worth choosing products of plant origin, and minimizing spicy and fatty foods.

It is worth setting aside enough time for breakfast so as not to rush and not to arrange a "dry-food race". Haste can cause digestive problems.

It is worth giving up purchased drinks - packaged juices, instant coffee and alcohol. Better to prefer water with honey and lemon, compotes, cocoa and herbal drinks.

When drawing up a menu for breakfast, you should focus on the characteristics of your own body. With a tendency to constipation, do not get carried away with jelly and rice. With gastritis, you need to exclude everything sour. In case of diseases of the pancreas, you cannot have sweets.

Best time for breakfast

After waking up, start the morning with a glass of water, a shower and a light warm-up. Water helps to flush out toxins from all organs, awakens the body and tunes the digestive tract to work.

With the right regimen in the morning, the body quickly wakes up and a healthy feeling of hunger sets in.

What is better for women to eat for breakfast

Ladies usually closely monitor their appearance, health and weight. I would like to always look great, have a healthy skin color and a wonderful mood. To do this, you need to start every day with a healthy meal. The best breakfast for the female body is oatmeal porridge. Oatmeal can be cooked in water or milk. It is good to use berries or fruits as a tasty addition. This porridge is popularly called "porridge for beauty", it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for women's health and flowering.

It is also advisable to include dairy products (especially cheese), seasonal vegetables and fruits in the morning menu of women.

The best drink is green tea. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, normalizes digestion and helps with weight loss. Thus, a women's breakfast might consist of a plate of oatmeal, a whole wheat cheese sandwich, an avocado salad, and a cup of green tea.

Breakfast for men

Men tend to burn more calories than women. Because of this, they especially need a nutritious and complete meal in the morning. A men's breakfast can include protein products (meat, cottage cheese, cheese), complex carbohydrates (rye bread), vegetables and fruits. As hearty dishes, men can be offered scrambled eggs, omelet with vegetables, pasta or potato casserole, cheese cakes or pancakes. Oatmeal can also complement the morning menu.

What should a children's breakfast consist of?

The diet of children is usually given special attention. The child's body grows and develops rapidly, therefore, it especially needs high-quality nutrition. Together with food, the child receives vitamins, trace elements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which are required for harmonious development.

A complete breakfast for a child should include whole grain bread (complex carbohydrates), fruit or fresh juice (fiber and vitamins), milk or dairy products (protein and lactobacilli) and, of course, milk porridge. There must be cereals in the child's menu. You can choose any cereal, the main thing is that the child eats it well. You can add berries, dried fruits, nuts to the porridge for taste and awakening children's appetite. It is better to make a children's breakfast varied so that the child does not get bored and boring. It is better to cook different meals on different days.

Cottage cheese, pancakes, cheesecakes, scrambled eggs and casserole are good for breakfast. The child can drink jelly, fresh juice or cocoa. As a quick breakfast, you can sometimes offer a boiled egg or cereal drenched in milk.

A good snack (lunch) for school is drinking yoghurt and fruit.

Scientists have proven that children who have a full and satisfying breakfast can tolerate mental stress more easily and develop better.

Top 10 best breakfast recipes

The breakfast menu is best varied. On one day, you can focus on protein foods, on the other - on carbohydrates, and on the third, combine both. Healthy breakfast options:

  1. Soft cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts, grain bread with a slice of cheese, green tea.
  2. Boiled egg, (apple + banana + yogurt), cocoa.
  3. Hercules porridge, yogurt milkshake with banana and berries.
  4. Omelet, green tea, rye bread with curd mass and fresh herbs.
  5. Whole grain bread sandwich with butter, curd mass, cocoa.
  6. Cottage cheese pancakes (200 gr. Cottage cheese 5%, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 tablespoon of semolina, 2 tablespoons of sugar; mix all components thoroughly, roll each cheese pan in flour, fry until golden brown in oil).
  7. and jam, green tea.
  8. Omelet with vegetables and pieces of rye bread, cocoa.
  9. Oatmeal with berries, bread and hard cheese sandwich.
  10. Pancakes, curd mass with melon, tea.

What you can't eat for breakfast

Many people eat breakfast foods that are not suitable for their first meal. Some of them cannot be eaten on an empty stomach, while others are harmful at any time. Among such products:

Sweets, baked goods, chocolate. These foods break down simple carbohydrates and cause a spike in blood sugar. It is impossible to gorge on them for a long time.

Garlic, pepper, spicy food. Spices irritate the stomach if consumed on an empty stomach.

Red meat, sausages, sausages are too heavy food, which puts a heavy load on the digestive tract in the morning.

Instant porridge. They do not have the benefit of natural grains.

Dumplings and any fast food make your stomach feel heavy.

Citrus fruits eaten on an empty stomach can cause heartburn and gastritis.

Fresh cucumbers, cabbage, bell peppers contain acids that irritate the mucous membranes. You shouldn't start your day with them.

Yogurt eaten on an empty stomach is useless. The most useful lactobacilli enter the acidic gastric juice and are immediately destroyed. It is best to eat yoghurts one hour after eating.

You cannot drink coffee without food. Caffeine causes the secretion of gastric juice, so be sure to eat at least some food.
- Cold drinks can provoke exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. They also impair the digestion process. It is better to drink liquids at room temperature or warmer.

Dear readers, what do you eat for breakfast most often? Share in the comments.

With respect and love, Elena.

A good breakfast needs such properties that it can be chewed well, it should smell soft, tasty, and its appearance should be attractive. Select the products used for cooking according to the calorie content. A middle-aged man who leads an active life needs to consume 1500-2100 calories per day.

The breakfast itself depends on the time when the awakening occurred; under certain conditions, two breakfasts are prepared. Cooked food should be tasty and healthy.

Most women think that a man's breakfast should be high in calories and filling. It would seem that this is the most logical conclusion - men spend much more energy and strength than women, their calorie consumption is much more significant.

But many representatives of the stronger sex like to consume a lot of food in the early morning, some need only drink tea or coffee in the morning without eating standard morning sandwiches.

A man has a special benevolent attitude towards meat dishes, scrambled eggs as the most common breakfast in men is a confirmation of this, but vegetables and fruits are also often used for breakfast, preferences depend on the specific characteristics of a person. There are also lovers of sweets, pies, and confectionery in their ranks. But few people like to start the day with milk products among men.

Optimal early breakfasts around 5 a.m.:

- fried eggs - 250 g, tea, coffee - 150 g, sandwiches with butter and cheese - 60 grams;
- milk porridge - 200 grams, do without semolina, it is not large enough for a man's digestive system. Drinks: cocoa, coffee - 150 g, cake - 40 grams.

The second breakfast is intended for use on the road, at work. Foil, wrapping paper, specialized bags are used to wrap food. The second breakfast requires the use of traditional products:
- bread products - 2 pieces, meat products - 100 g;
- lavash - 2 sheets of Armenian lavash, salad - 200 g. Lavash is conveniently wrapped around any dish.

You can use a thermos when the weather is cold. In the warm season, there is nothing better for thirst than simple boiled water.

An excellent choice for breakfast is porridge made from oatmeal or cereal. If you eat such a breakfast, fiber increases, it helps to improve the functioning of blood vessels, heart and helps to correct weight; a man should eat at least 40 grams of fiber in one day.

When preparing breakfast, it is necessary to select foods in a certain way, since certain types of work require special food.

If this is mental work, then there is a great need for glucose for improved brain activity. An intellectual's breakfast should include more carbohydrates. The protein base of foods can create sleep cravings. But if the activity falls on physical labor and stress, then protein-based products will be irreplaceable, giving the necessary energy and strength all day.

The male body is also very much in need of zinc: crab meat is a good source of zinc. Add crab meat to salad, mousse, omelet. Few people like fishy breakfasts, but oatmeal can be used as an alternative. Oatmeal contains no less zinc than crab meat and oysters, which few people will eat for breakfast. You can also eat cookies with whole grains.

Having more muscle mass than women, men need glycogen, which is an excellent source for storing the required amount of carbohydrates in their body's reserves. The reserve needs to be constantly replenished during the day, the morning is the most convenient time to replenish your reserve. Fatigue will happen very quickly if the reserve does not receive the required replenishment.

Provides slow carbohydrates best food from beans and potatoes, this gives the muscles elasticity and strength. A potato dish is best eaten boiled or baked. Nevertheless, beans are much more preferable, as they contain more beneficial properties than potatoes.

To avoid heaviness in the abdomen, breakfast should contain minimal amounts of fat. When protein foods get bored, you can eat those foods where there are complex carbohydrates, alternate the use of proteins and complex carbohydrates. The carbohydrate breakfast is very healthy and energizing for the rest of the day. It is also generally recommended to consume carbohydrates in the morning for better absorption.

In order for a man to be in high spirits and to be active in his work, a balanced and healthy breakfast is needed. In order not to gain excess weight, at a later time during the day, you need to reduce food intake.

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Breakfast is the earliest meal that allows you to replenish the missing energy necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It should be tasty, nutritious and easily digestible. Today's publication will tell a man and how to do it correctly.

Many women believe that meals intended for husbands must be high in calories. But in the age of technological progress, most of the stronger sex do not have to do hard physical labor. This means that their breakfast can consist of the same dishes as for women, only in large quantities. The athletes' morning meal should be denser. In this case, in the morning, you can cook whole grain porridge, boiled white meat, fish, vegetables or an omelet.

Oatmeal is considered a good option. They not only do not require long-term heat treatment, but also harmoniously combine with many components, each time acquiring a completely new taste. Breakfast for weight loss for an overweight man may consist of ordinary oatmeal, boiled in water. In addition to rolled oats, other cereals can be cooked in the morning. Rice, buckwheat or millet are best suited for these purposes. Each of these cereals tastes equally well when combined with milk, honey, berries, nuts, or pieces of fruit.

Eggs will be of no less benefit to a person who has just woken up. They can be served fried or boiled in combination with vegetables, seafood or

An excellent option for a morning meal will be dishes made from fermented milk products. These can be cottage cheese casseroles, cheese cakes, yogurt smoothies, lazy or regular dumplings.

Drinks can be served in addition to a delicious breakfast. In the morning, it is best to consume natural black coffee, green tea with honey, or freshly squeezed fruit juices. All these drinks will not only give a charge of vivacity and excellent mood, but also help to fill the lack of vitamins and microelements.

However, there are a number of foods that are undesirable for the first meal. So, it is not recommended to eat fatty, salty, spicy and heavy, poorly digestible foods for breakfast. They can cause stomach discomfort, increased gas production, heartburn, and other unpleasant sensations.

Omelet with meat

This egg dish will be great for a man. It contains a sufficient amount of protein and other nutrients necessary to maintain performance. To prepare such an omelet, you will need:

  • 250 g pork neck.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 3 tbsp. l. cheese shavings.
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk.
  • Salt, herbs and vegetable oil.

The meat is cut into thin strips and fried in a heated greased frying pan. As soon as it is browned, it is transferred to a heat-resistant container and covered with tomato slices. All this is poured with eggs, beaten with salted milk, crushed with grated cheese and sent to the oven. The omelet is baked at moderate temperature for no longer than a quarter of an hour. Before use, it is decorated with fresh herbs.

Mushroom and cheese sandwich

This is one of the fastest and most popular delicious breakfast options for men. Cooking such sandwiches does not take much time and does not require special culinary skills, which means that an inveterate bachelor can cope with such a task without hassle. To do this, you will need:

  • 80 g of canned mushrooms.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 long baguette-style bun.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 3 tbsp. l. tomato sauce.
  • 4 tbsp. l. grated cheese.
  • Salt and vegetable oil.

The bun is cut in half. Each part is greased with tomato sauce, covered with canned mushrooms and sprinkled with cheese shavings. All this is laid out on an oiled baking sheet, supplemented with raw eggs, salted, decorated with tomato slices and sent to the oven. Sandwiches are baked at 200 ° C for no more than twenty minutes.

Oatmeal with banana

This is one of the healthiest breakfasts for men. It successfully combines cereals rich in complex carbohydrates, milk, which serves as a source of calcium, and bananas, which fill the body with valuable vitamins and microelements. To make such a porridge, you will need:

  • ½ cup oatmeal.
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 large banana.
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar and butter.

Milk is poured into a deep saucepan and sent to the stove. Until it boils, it is supplemented with oatmeal and sugar. All this is heated over moderate heat. As soon as the porridge starts to boil, it is seasoned with butter, mixed with banana pieces and removed from the burner. Before serving, it is insisted for a short time in a sealed container and only after that it is served on the table.


Many representatives of the stronger sex love cottage cheese dishes. This means that classic cheese pancakes with raisins will come in handy. To prepare such a breakfast for a man, you will need:

  • 600 g of dry dense cottage cheese.
  • 200 g flour.
  • 100 g raisins.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Salt, vanillin, and vegetable oil.

The mashed curd is combined with sweetened whipped yolks. All this is salted, flavored with vanilla, supplemented with steamed raisins and chilled proteins. The resulting mass is thoroughly kneaded with sifted flour, decorated in the form of cheesecakes and browned in a heated frying pan greased with deodorized vegetable oil. Serve finished products with sour cream or condensed milk.


These sweet American pancakes are a great breakfast for men who love pastry. To prepare them you will need:

  • 500 ml of milk.
  • 320 g flour.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • 40 g melted butter.
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract.
  • 1 tsp. slaked soda and baking powder.

Eggs are combined with sugar and vanilla extract. All this is whipped well, and then supplemented with milk, baking powder and quenched soda. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed with melted butter and pre-sifted flour, trying to get rid of the smallest lumps. The resulting dough is poured in portions into a preheated non-stick frying pan and fried for several minutes on each side. Serve toasted pancakes with berry jam, honey or any sweet syrup.

Cottage cheese casserole

Women who care about the health of their loved ones will certainly be interested in another healthy breakfast option for men. The recipe for its preparation involves the use of fermented milk products, which are considered an indispensable source of calcium. Therefore, such a casserole can be offered not only to adults, but also to kids. To serve such a dish for your morning meal, you will need:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese.
  • 35 g sour cream.
  • 40 g sugar.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tbsp. l. semolina.
  • Vanillin and vegetable oil.

Beat the egg with sugar, and then add grated cottage cheese. The resulting mass is combined with sour cream, vanilla and semolina, mixed thoroughly and distributed over the bottom of a heat-resistant oiled form. Cook casserole at moderate temperature until lightly browned. Serve it with any sweet sauce or condensed milk.

Scrambled eggs with green peas

This recipe will certainly come in handy for young housewives who have recently got married and want to surprise their man with breakfast in bed. To play it you will need:

  • 50 ml of milk.
  • 30 g green peas.
  • 20 g butter.
  • 20 g onions.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tomato.
  • Salt and spices.

Finely chopped onions, diced tomatoes and green peas are lightly fried in melted butter. A little salt and spices are added to the browned vegetables. Mix everything gently, pour in an egg, whipped with milk, cover with a lid and bring to readiness over minimal heat.

Potato croquettes with ham

The breakfast recipe for men considered below will allow you not only to satisfyingly feed your chosen ones, but also to find a useful use for the products left over from dinner. To prepare mouth-watering golden balls, you will need:

  • 600 g of boiled potatoes.
  • 50 g flour.
  • 50 g bread crumbs.
  • 150 g ham.
  • 1 egg.
  • Salt and vegetable oil.

The cooled boiled potatoes are processed with a grater, and then supplemented with yolk, chopped ham and a couple of tablespoons of flour. All this is salted, mixed and made in the form of small balls. The resulting products are rolled in the remains of flour, dipped in whipped protein, breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fried. Ready-made croquettes are laid out on paper towels so that they absorb the excess oil, and then placed on a plate and served with any spicy sauce or ordinary sour cream.

Pasta casserole with minced meat

This simple dish can become not only a complete dinner for the whole family, but also a hearty breakfast for men doing hard physical labor. Therefore, it can be done the night before, and quickly reheated in the microwave in the morning. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 400 g of pasta.
  • 400 g of any minced meat.
  • 150 ml cream (10%).
  • 150 g onions.
  • 250 g of tomatoes.
  • 200 g of cheese.
  • 3 eggs.
  • Salt, oil, water and spices.

A third of the pre-boiled pasta is spread on the bottom of the greased form. Spread the cream on top, mixed with eggs and half of the available cheese. All this is covered with minced meat, fried with the addition of chopped onions, and a part of chopped tomatoes. At the next stage, the contents of the form are supplemented with the remains of pasta and tomatoes. All this is crushed with cheese shavings and subjected to heat treatment. Cook the casserole at 200 ° C for about a quarter of an hour.

Fritatta with mushrooms

This fragrant Italian omelet will be an excellent breakfast option for men. A photo of the dish itself will be posted below, but now let's figure out its composition. To prepare fritatta you will need:

  • 100 g of champignons.
  • 40 g butter.
  • 4 eggs.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 tsp dry thyme.
  • Salt, herbs and pepper mix.

Any novice housewife will easily repeat this breakfast recipe for a man. A photo of fritatta awakens a wolfish appetite, therefore it is necessary to quickly figure out the algorithm for its preparation. You need to start the process by processing mushrooms. They are washed, dried, cut into slices and fried in melted butter along with crushed garlic. After about five minutes, the browned mushrooms are poured with beaten salted eggs combined with dried thyme and ground pepper. All this is brought to full readiness, transferred to a flat plate and decorated with herbs.

Lazy dumplings

This dish will be appreciated by women who have to regularly prepare breakfasts for men and children. Lazy dumplings are so tasty and nutritious that neither adults nor little eaters will refuse them. To feed your household with them in the morning, you will need:

  • 400 g of fatty cottage cheese.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • 1.5 cups flour (plus a little more for tanning).
  • ½ bag of vanillin.
  • Salt and water.

Grind cottage cheese with sugar. The resulting mass is salted, supplemented with eggs and mixed with vanilla and sifted flour. The finished dough is rolled into bundles, cut into equal pieces and boiled in boiling water. Serve lazy dumplings with sour cream or any sweet sauce.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

This option for a hearty and healthy breakfast will come in handy for those who are used to starting their day with a dish of cereals. To cook such a bright, tasty and healthy porridge, you will need:

  • 400 g of peeled pumpkin.
  • 200 g of millet groats.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 50 ml of drinking water.
  • 500 ml of pasteurized milk.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • ¾ h. L. salt.

The right amount of water is poured into a small saucepan and sent to a working stove. Once it boils, add some milk and pumpkin slices to it. All this is boiled over minimal heat until the vegetable is soft. At the next stage, the contents of the dishes are supplemented with washed cereals, sugar, salt and the remaining milk. As soon as the porridge is ready, it is seasoned with butter and insisted briefly under the lid.

In our irrepressible age, little attention is paid to such "trifles" as rest, sleep, proper nutrition, a timely, healthy breakfast for a man. Often the only meal for men for breakfast is smoking a cigarette. And if you also drink a cup of strong coffee, then this is a full breakfast! True, no one thinks that in a few hours distraction will come, nervousness will appear, a feeling of weakness and inability to concentrate will appear. What do we have at the end? Extinction of business activity loss of the first half of the working day. And what does a full breakfast give a man? Let's find out.

As a rule, having skipped breakfast, a man has a hearty lunch, after which he wants another hour to rest and only after that he will be able to return to work. What we have? Having saved 30 minutes on breakfast, he then loses 5 hours of normal working time. In doing so, we inflict a crushing blow on our health. Sometimes a man does not have time to properly eat breakfast and has a snack on the go, but this is better than starting his day with an empty stomach.

Many men ignore breakfast, explaining that in the morning, a piece does not go down their throats. In fact, the main reason lies in the fact that a person does not have the habit of eating in the morning. Once you've decided to start eating right, it won't be difficult to develop this habit. If at first you do it "through force", then after a few weeks, the body itself will require full breakfasts. He will begin to produce digestive juice and if the man does not eat breakfast, then the rumbling of the stomach and the feeling of hunger will pursue him as long as he does not eat.

In the course of the studies conducted, American nutritionists came to the following conclusion:
a person who had breakfast is better coordinated, copes faster with intellectual tests, he has a clearer concentration of attention, greater physical endurance than those who skipped breakfast.

Choosing a healthy breakfast for a man

We will not reveal a big secret that not all breakfasts are equally useful for the stronger sex. It's not hard to imagine a person of the opposite sex when a man is served yogurt, fruit, or muesli for breakfast. There is no doubt that this food is very useful, but it is unlikely that it will cause the same joy as women. The first meal for a man should not be so much tasty as healthy. A proper breakfast includes as much protein as possible and as little fat as possible. It's good for breakfast to eat an omelet, a sandwich with low-fat ham and cheese, oatmeal, salmon with a slice of bread, lean meat, low-fat milk, or a boiled egg. Thanks to such a breakfast, a person will not be very hungry for lunch and this will keep him from overeating.

Morning food intake is a natural factor. Having received a natural vitamin and mineral complex, a man provides an intensive metabolism, protection of the liver, heart, improves his immunity, which will help him to overcome all trials. It is worth paying attention to the entire biocomplex, which consists of dozens of microelements and vitamins. But this is only a small part of everything necessary, because the assimilation of nutrients entering the body is entrusted to fats, proteins and carbohydrates. We get them thanks to a full breakfast.

Many people associate the morning with an eternal lack of time and a hasty collection to work. In connection with such circumstances, it is difficult to allocate a sufficient amount of time to prepare breakfast, because in addition to this, there is still a lot to be done. This is especially true for women, whose duties include collecting the husband and children in the morning. But breakfast is the main source of human energy, it charges the body with efficiency for the whole day. Therefore, it is very important that it is complete and contains useful substances for the body. So, what can you cook for breakfast quickly and tasty, simple recipes with photos.

Porridge with dried fruits

We need:

  • 4-5 st. l. semolina
  • 45 g butter
  • 700 ml. milk
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 100 g raisins
  • 50 gr. almonds
  • 50 gr. dried apricots
  • 50 gr. prunes

First, fill the dried fruits with boiling water for 25 minutes. Pour out 500 ml. milk into a container, add a spoonful of sugar and boil. Then add the semolina and cook for about 5 minutes (remember to stir). As soon as it is ready to add oil and let it brew for a couple of minutes. We turn the rest of the milk into foam, bringing it 6-7 to a boil. Then lay out in layers: semolina-dried fruit-foam-semolina and so on (depending on your capacity). A hearty and tasty breakfast for the whole family in a hurry.

Video instruction on how to cook delicious porridge with dried fruits

Pumpkin porridge

We need:

  • a glass of wheat grits or rice
  • 600 ml. milk (low fat)
  • 500 g pumpkin
  • half tsp. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. oil drain

We wash the millet well (rice). Cut the pumpkin into small pieces. We send milk, pumpkin, salt to taste for 10 minutes to a multicooker (multi-cook mode 160 gr.). It remains to add millet (rice) for 15 minutes, then add butter (already at 110 gr.). You can add honey. A healthy and tasty breakfast for a child in a hurry.

Master - class cooking pumpkin porridge

Flakes with fruit

An ideal option for a quick breakfast is oatmeal with fruit. It will not only give the body a feeling of satiety, but also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Breakfast for your loved one in a hurry.

For cooking you need:

  • flakes
  • Strawberry
  • banana

It is necessary to take rolled oats and boil them lightly in hot milk. Cut the strawberries, banana and kiwi into small cubes and mix with the oatmeal. Instead of fruits, you can also use dried fruits. The combination of oatmeal with raisins, dried apricots and prunes is considered ideal. It is also a recipe for a healthy breakfast for the whole family in a hurry, tasty and healthy.

Delicious curd casserole

We need:

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese
  • 0.25 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 50 g semolina
  • 1 egg (we need the yolk)

First, pass the cottage cheese through a sieve, then slowly add milk and eggs. It remains to add sugar and semolina, also anoint the molds with butter and spread the curd mass. We bake for 40 minutes. Healthy breakfast for a child, quickly and inexpensively.

Banana pudding

We need for 4 servings:

  • 4 bananas
  • 0.5 tbsp. semolina
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 eggs

Mix milk and eggs with the first. Then semolina and beat. Cut the bananas into rounds, put them in a mold and fill them with the mixture. We send to a double boiler for 45 minutes. Children will be delighted with such a delicious quick breakfast.


We will need:

  • cottage cheese
  • vegetable oil
  • condensed milk or jam

Syrniki is a healthy breakfast for the body. Curd contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system, hair and nails. To prepare cheesecakes, you need to mix cottage cheese with flour and eggs. Add the raisins and shape the curd cakes into flat circles. Fry in vegetable oil until tender on both sides. This dish can be served with sour cream, jam or condensed milk. A tasty and healthy breakfast for the whole family in a hurry, tasty and healthy.

Pancakes with curd

We will need:

  • 1 l milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara

For filling:

  • cottage cheese
  • sugar

One of the options for a delicious breakfast is pancakes with cottage cheese. This dish is very tasty, but most importantly, it does not require much physical effort and a lot of time. To prepare pancakes, you need to pour milk into a container and put on a small fire. When it warms up slightly, add a little butter, wait until it dissolves in milk. Meanwhile, grind the eggs and sugar into a homogeneous consistency. Pour it into a container of milk. It is important to let the milk cool down, because the egg white can curdle in the hot liquid. Add vegetable oil and mix everything with a whisk. Next, you need to gradually add flour until the dough acquires a thick consistency. Fry the pancakes in a well-heated skillet on both sides. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and raisins. Wrap the filling in a pancake and put it in the microwave. A good breakfast option for my husband in a hurry, tasty and inexpensive.

Omelet with cheese

We need:

  • mayonnaise
  • boiled pork or fried mushrooms
  • boiled meat

Another option for a delicious and quick breakfast is an omelet with cheese. To prepare it, you need to beat the eggs with mayonnaise until smooth. An indicator of the correct consistency is the foam that forms during whipping. Pour the beaten eggs into a frying pan and cover with a lid, frying over low heat for 5-7 minutes. When it's ready, put the chopped loin or boiled pork on one side (you can change the fillings). Fried mushrooms with onions, blanched tomatoes, cheese and boiled meat go well with eggs. After the filling is laid out on one edge, cover it with the second with a spatula. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and let it melt. A simple breakfast recipe for the whole family, quick, tasty and healthy.

Fritattu with green peas

We will need:

  • bulb
  • green pea

For lovers of more sophisticated cuisine, fritattu with green peas can be prepared as breakfast. To do this, finely chop one onion and fry in vegetable oil, add green peas to the pan. Beat the eggs with a whisk until foamy and pour into the pan, then add salt and pepper. Do not stir the dish. Cover and cook for 10-15 minutes. An unusual recipe for a quick breakfast, inexpensive and healthy.

Delicious pita bread in 5 minutes

We need:

  • 250 gr ham (or any other sausage)
  • 150 gr Russian cheese
  • 150 gr of carrots (in Korean)
  • some dill and mayonnaise

Let's start grating cheese and ham. Do not forget to add herbs, carrots and mayonnaise. We wrap all this in pita bread and a quick breakfast is ready, tasty and inexpensive.

Best quick pizza

We will need:

  • 5 tbsp sour cream
  • a couple of eggs
  • 10 tbsp. l. flour
  • 4 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 100 gr of hard cheese
  • 150 gr raw smoked sausage
  • greens
  • a tomato

We make the dough a little liquid. Grease with oil before putting the dough in the pan. Apply mayonnaise or ketchup to the dough. Cut the tomato, sausage, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. Fill the dough with filling and grind with cheese. Cover the frying pan and over the fire, as the cheese begins to melt. The pizza is ready. Such an inexpensive and quick breakfast will surely be to your beloved's taste.

Chicken muffins

We need:

  • a pair of chicken breasts
  • 200 gr. hard cheese
  • 1/2 tbsp. flour
  • 1/3 cup sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • 2 eggs
  • greens

The first thing to start with is to cook the breasts and the mode in slices. Mix flour, sauce, milk and eggs. Mix the grated cheese, chopped herbs and add the chicken. Pour some of the mixture into molds, sprinkling them with flour in advance. Pour the rest after tamping the previous layer and into the oven for 25 minutes.

Best Chicken Casserole

We need:

  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet
  • 2 pcs of tomatoes
  • 200 gr. hard cheese
  • 200 gr. sour cream
  • 350 gr. mushrooms
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil

First, fillet mode and send it to the mold. We make in layers: tomatoes cut into circles, chicken mushrooms. Do not forget to salt each layer. Grate the cheese and put it in sour cream, then put the casserole on top. Bake for 40 minutes. at 180 gr. (until the chicken is done). The recipe for a delicious and hearty breakfast in a hurry is ready.

Unusual mushroom bags

We need:

  • packaging of ready-made puff pastry
  • 5 pcs of potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 250 g mushrooms
  • 150 g cheese
  • 2 pcs. eggs
  • pepper, salt to taste

First, fry the mushrooms and onions. Already boiled potatoes cubed mode. We mix everything, it remains to salt and pepper. Grease the thawed dough with eggs (beaten, and the dough must be cut into rectangles). All that remains is to put the filling and roll up the pouches, putting them on a baking sheet, greasing them with an egg and in the oven for 20 minutes. Such a simple recipe for a tasty and healthy breakfast for my husband in a hurry.

Banana tenderness