Feeding indoor flowers with beer. Fill seedlings with this simple remedy - strong shoots, lush flowering, a rich harvest are guaranteed! Pee in the garden

28.10.2019 Healthy eating

In order for indoor flowers to grow quickly and bloom beautifully, they need to be constantly fed. Some growers prefer to use fertilizers that are sold in a flower shop. Others are constantly looking. Sometimes they are offered very non-standard solutions. For example, feed the flowers with beer. Are they, like people, not indifferent to this intoxicating drink?

Some growers claim that plants have increased immunity, they are less susceptible to various pests, including spider mites and scale insects. Different flowers react differently to beer feeding. A positive result was recorded for,.

The composition of "live" beer contains carbohydrates and various vitamins. Their structure is quite complex. Therefore, it is difficult for plants to assimilate these substances. But they can provoke the growth of microorganisms, which will have a detrimental effect on the condition of plants. They can destroy the beneficial ones that are present in healthy soil.

Even in those plants that develop faster after irrigation with beer, the soil becomes black mold, then compacted. At the same time, an unpleasant smell comes from the pot. After a while, the plant will have to be replanted with silt to fight against harmful fungi and mold.

When assessing the need to use beer and brewer's yeast, the value of the flower is taken into account.

If he is dear to the owner, then it is hardly worth experimenting. Better to try on less valuable. And if the remedy shows its effectiveness for a long time, continue experimenting on others.

More information can be found in the video:

The end of winter - the beginning of spring is a hot season for all gardeners. It's time to conjure over seedlings! After all, how strong and disease-resistant the seedlings will be depends on how much you harvest ...

Top dressing of seedlings

You probably know about the benefits of yeast for plants... They miraculously rebuild the composition of the soil, enriching it with nitrogen and potassium. Many summer residents noted that plants that were watered with yeast dissolved in water grow much stronger and give a richer crop than those that were deprived of such feeding. What about beer?

Great news: if water the seedlings with live beer, it will be much stronger, more resistant to diseases, and also easier to tolerate a pick and transplant!


  • 1 liter of beer
  • 10 l of separated water


  1. Pour beer into a bucket with settled water.
  2. Water the seedlings with the resulting solution strictly at the root, starting from the phase of the appearance of the first leaf.

The beer solution is considered tender, but effective biostimulant: The growth rate of the vegetative mass in seedlings is quite fast, even under insufficient illumination. A developed root system and powerful immunity of "children" are the key to success. Once again, we note that the beer must be natural, lively.

Do-it-yourself fertilizers at home

Food Waste Fertilizer # 1: Sleep Tea

Sleeping tea (repetitively or repeatedly brewed) really loosens the soil in the pot, making it light and airy, neutralizing the high acidity of the soil. But tea leaves attract insects, and for ground flies it's just nectar! Without consequences, dormant tea can be used for plant transplantation. At the bottom, as always, we put expanded clay, on top a layer of tea leaves, then the soil, as usual. I would not call dormant tea a fertilizer, but rather a baking powder, a soil filler.

Fertilizer food number 2: eggshell

Someone recommends mixing it with the soil, someone insists on the eggshell water for irrigation - in a word, growers who firmly believe in the nutritional properties of egg waste reward it with truly magical qualities.

There is indeed a lot of calcium in the egg shell, but it is unlikely that your houseplants will be able to absorb it. At best, the pieces of eggshell will work as loosening soil. At worst, they will lead to plant chlorosis. After all, most indoor plants not only do not absorb calcium, they simply do not tolerate it! Excess calcium in the soil can cause various diseases in indoor flowers such as gloxinia, violet and azalea. Those plants for which calcium is useful should receive it in complex fertilizers, but if you insist on the miraculous properties of eggshells, then add it to the soil exclusively in the form of a fine powder.

Fertilizer or Poison # 3: Meat Water

Meat water is the water in which raw meat was washed. There are "experts" who advise watering flowers with milk water. I think everyone understands that in the summer such watering will enrich your flower garden with garbage aromas. Moreover, it will begin to smell before the flower has time to assimilate something nutritious from meat or milk water ... Flies will flock to the aroma ... In general, decide whether the dubious benefits of such sacrifices are worth it.

Food fertilizer No. 4: coffee grounds

As a fertilizer, coffee grounds are suitable for those plants that grow well in acidic soil.

Fertilizer from refrigerator # 5: beer

This recipe came to us supposedly from Singapore, where the flowers are watered with beer, diluted at the rate of one part beer for forty parts of water. Honestly, I have not tried it.

Fertilizer for flowers food No. 6: vegetable oil

Some people advise wiping the leaves of indoor plants with vegetable oil or milk to enhance their shine. There really was a shine, but over time, the tips of the leaves began to turn yellow and curl ... And all because the oil clogs the pores that the leaves breathe.

Waste Feeding # 7: Onion Husk

Once a month, not more often, the onion peel is poured with boiling water, insisted for an hour or two, filtered and sprayed with this composition of the plant and the top layer of soil in a pot. Only fresh infusion is good.

Waste Fertilizer # 8: Orange Peels

The broth is prepared in the same way as from onion husks, but insisted for 5-6 hours. Such spraying can save the plant from spider mites.

I do not single out a separate sub-item, but there were recommendations to water the flowers with water after washing various cereals. I tried: no harm, no benefit. The same is with potato broth. Experiments with watering flowers with mineral water must be carried out very carefully: salts are not the best friend to plants, at least not to everyone. And carbon dioxide is generally harmful.

There are many tips and recipes with "folk fertilizers", but it's better, I'm sure, to use proven scientific methods!

The desire of true flower growers to improve the life of their plants will not be stopped by anything. Each of us wants his favorite flowers to grow, bloom and not get sick. So flower lovers decide on different experiments, after reading tips on the Internet or hearing something out of the way from friends. One of these common modern miracle tips is watering flowers with beer. But is it really possible to water indoor flowers with beer?

Where does all the boron cheese come from?

I want to start with why it even occurred to people to water indoor flowers with beer. The fact is that yeast since the seventies of the last century has been used in agriculture as a plant feed. At the beginning, they were fed mainly cucumbers and tomatoes, later the technique was adapted for floriculture.

For example, indoor flowers need fertilization even more than other green spaces. After all, they grow in

The secret of the effectiveness of yeast feeding is that yeast is a fungus that, when it gets into the soil, begins to change its composition. Microorganisms living in the planting soil, under the influence of yeast fungi, awaken, and once in a favorable environment, they begin to actively process organic matter. In the course of such a decay, a large amount of nitrogen and potassium is released, which, in turn, are very necessary for indoor flowers, tight pots, where there is a limited amount of soil, and, consequently, the territory for collecting nutrients. In addition, home students may find themselves in conditions that are not very favorable for growth and development. They are often placed on window sills, where it is too dry and hot, or, conversely, they blow through drafts and lack of sunlight. All this has to be compensated for by the timely use of various kinds of dressings. As a result of its availability and cheapness, yeast as a top dressing came in handy.

Yeast stimulates the growth of the root system and plant shoots, improves flowering. Some growers note that after applying yeast dressings, the flowers simply come to life. In addition, yeast is considered not only a good growth stimulant, it also has a positive effect on plant immunity. At the moment, yeast is used in the manufacture of many modern fertilizers, for example, "Baikal M1".

What does yeast feeding have to do with the idea of \u200b\u200bwatering potted flowers with beer? The most direct. Beer contains brewer's yeast. Apparently, after learning about the benefits of yeast feeding for plants, someone remembered this and decided to try diluted beer as a top dressing. When did this first happen?
It is unlikely that anyone will accurately answer this question. Most likely a very long time ago, and perhaps the discoverer had even good results.

Should I water the flowers with beer?

To answer this question, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons. The pluses of beer dressing include the following:

1.the usefulness of brewer's yeast for plants;

2. the presence of hops and malt in beer, which can also provide additional nutrients to the flower.

However, this barrel of honey contains far from a spoon, but rather a large part of the tar. Modern beer brewing technology assumes a far from the list of components (water, yeast, hops and malt) that were used in the last century. Nowadays, various concentrates and preservatives are added to beer, which allow the drink to be stored for up to six months, which would be completely impossible with a classic beer composition.

If you water the flowers with beer with this composition, you can not feed, but rather kill the flower completely. Is it worth it? The modern flower market offers many proven, certified indoor plant fertilizers. Using them will be much safer. Perhaps at the time of making beer without chemistry, watering plants with beer was effective and safe, but whether this is so now only the manufacturer of the drink will say if he decides to reveal the commercial secrets of making the drink.

Watering flowers with beer: feeding proportions

If the previous arguments do not bother you, you are firmly convinced of the quality of the beer consumed or you are brewing a foamy drink on your own, you can try beer dressing when watering flowers. To do this, mix 1X10 beer and water and water the plants periodically. But don't do it too often. With an excess of such fertilizing, mold will begin to form on the soil, an unpleasant odor will appear, and even moss may grow. Everything is good in moderation.

Output: Despite the usefulness of yeast feeding of plants, when asked whether it is possible to water the flowers with beer, I would answer negatively. Especially when you consider that there is no essential need for this.

There is another option - to water the flowers not with beer, but to make top dressing based on the usual nutritional yeast. Yeast is in the kitchen of any housewife. Both raw and dry will do; this is not really the kind of top dressing. If you want to feed your flowers with yeast, you don't have to use beer for this - you can buy a ready-made yeast fertilizer from a flower or garden store. This decision is also supported by the fact that for different plants the proportions of yeast may be different. This is taken into account when making fertilizers. Good for the cactus, for the violet it can be fatal.

We prepare top dressing like this:

Take ten grams of yeast in 10 liters of water,

Add three tablespoons of sugar to the solution,

Mix the solution and let it stand in a warm place for a couple of hours to start fermentation.

That's all. You can start feeding.

After water and tea, beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world. Going to the dacha, we always collect beer for future use and often cannot finish it to the end. In order not to pour out the rest of the beer, you can find them excellent use for the garden and vegetable garden.

Option 1.

Beer is great at attracting fruit flies. Especially when they ate they swarm around the compost heap in your garden. Just pour some beer into a flat glass or cup. Wrap double-sided tape or fly tape around the edges of the cup. Place such baits around the perimeter of the garden, especially in the center of the compost heap. You will be pleasantly surprised how many flies are eliminated.

By the way, snails and slugs are also susceptible to beer. Simply place wide-necked containers on the ground for one night and fill them one-third full of beer.

Option 2.

Going back to compost, you can increase the mineral content by sprinkling it with more beer. But this should be done with the compost that has already come down. And try not to fill it with beer so that it drowns in it.

Option 3.

Use beer directly as fertilizer. It should be diluted with water and poured over the plants. You should not pour undiluted beer as snails and slugs are too susceptible to this smell.

Option 4.

Beer perfectly cleans wooden garden furniture from dust and dirt. You should not wash your chairs and benches with beer. It is enough to moisten a clean, soft cloth with it and gently rub the dirty areas with it.

Option 5.

In the early days of brewing, leftover beer was used to clean copper vats after brewing beer in them. You can continue the tradition by pouring the beer into a copper cauldron (which, for example, used to cook pilaf or stew meat), let it sit for a few minutes, then rub it. You will have a shiny, virtually new copper kettle in minutes with no effort, no cleaning, and no dishwashing liquid.

By the way, it is enough to simply immerse gold jewelry in it, wait a few minutes, and then polish it with a soft cloth.

When the beer is over, do not throw away the empty aluminum or plastic bottle. They can be useful for building a box for a compost heap, they can be used to lay out paths or make mini-fences for beds. In general, turn on your imagination, and beer will help you with this!

Irina Kalina,
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