Potion making. Cooking a love potion at home: effective recipes

01.09.2019 Soups

What could be more beautiful than love? Probably only a feeling of the reciprocity of these feelings. Unrequited sympathy often pushes people to perform various feats. One of the unusual actions is a love potion, which not only women, but also men decide to cook. How to properly prepare and apply a magic elixir to get reciprocity? Let's pay a little attention to this exciting issue.

What is a love spell potion?

This is a magical drink, the action of which enhances affection, passion, returns fading feelings and attracts the desired person. Love potions have been prepared since ancient times based on tea or wine. Fresh blood was an obligatory component. Also, the composition often included unimaginable ingredients, from which a modern man would simply be horrified.

Modern drinks are made from more gentle ingredients. They do not, for example, have a toad's paw or a rat's tail. Today, few people know the properties of certain unusual ingredients, and this is fraught with unpredictable consequences, up to and including serious poisoning. Therefore, it is worth using only proven recipes for a love potion with ordinary products.

Features of preparation and use

There are a few general rules that shouldn't be ignored. They are directly related to the effectiveness of the drink and its correct action.

  • It makes sense to brew love drinks only on the growing moon.
  • You cannot modify the components of the recipe.
  • Some potions can be consumed immediately, while others must be infused. This must be taken into account.
  • Love spells do not work from a distance. It is necessary to see the object of desire constantly.
  • Love potions are used once a month and not more often.
  • When brewing a drink, you must definitely believe in the power of magic and be in a good mood.

Modern ingredients

A love potion at home can be prepared on the basis of the following products, each of which has its own magical effect:

  • Orange. Gives the girl sensuality and mystery in the eyes of the object of love.
  • Lemon. Sharpens passion and attracts the sympathy of the bewitched.
  • Ginger. Helps to find the love of a particular man.
  • Almond. Makes the family union happier and strengthens it for years to come.
  • Caraway. It causes frankness and trust, and in the future it promises mutual understanding and harmony with the object of the love spell.
  • Parsley. Generates emotional-sexual attachment that can become serious feelings.
  • Peppermint. Helps to charm a man and build relationships from scratch.
  • Thyme. Returns extinguished love, revives it after a long quarrel or separation.
  • Oregano. Herb for wives, but not mistresses. Encourages the man to return to the family and end the affair on the side.

Elixir of love

This recipe ignites extinct love and evokes feelings in the bewitched. You will need a glass of brandy and seven pinches of dried cumin and thyme.

Add all the components to an iron container and put it on a small fire. Cook for an hour, stirring occasionally. While preparing, present happy moments with a love object and a shared future. Now strain the drink and pour it into a clean vessel.

It is important to use it on the day of preparation, and the sooner the better. Twelve drops of the love potion will be enough.

Family Return Drink

To return a wife or husband, you will need a glass of water and coins. The number of silver ones is equal to the number of years spent in marriage, and the gold ones determine the years that one would like to live together.

The coins are mixed in a bowl and poured over with water. After that, you need to read the plot, bending over the vessel. "I conjure with silver and gold, past and future of you, voditsa, to preserve and preserve faithfulness, peace and harmony for eternal centuries." At the end of the ritual, both spouses must drink the potion.

Sugar love compote

This drug will help to please the chosen one or beloved. You will need a wide ceramic bowl, a small pink candle, and sugar. After carrying out a small conspiracy for a love potion, you will need fruits or berries, as well as water.

Place a candle in a cup and add sugar to the top. In this case, the wick should protrude a few centimeters. Light a candle, and while it burns you need to think about the object of love. When all the wax has melted, collect the sugar in a separate container and boil the compote. Add to it only those fruits and berries that the beloved one likes. When the drug is drunk, it will take effect immediately.

Love wine

This recipe can be used in any life situation. An important component is wine, which already has magical properties in itself. The effect is enhanced by additional components.

So, for a love potion, you need to take two glasses of red wine, a small piece of vanilla, twenty pinches of cinnamon and ginger, and two teaspoons of rhubarb juice.

First, all herbs and spices need to be prepared and, if necessary, chopped. Then add vanilla, ginger, cinnamon to the wine and mix thoroughly. Only then can rhubarb juice be added. The resulting drink should be infused for three days. After that, you can add a tablespoon to food or alcoholic beverages.

To awaken passion

This is a powerful love potion for affecting the sexual sphere. It is prepared from a pinch of black licorice root, three pinches of caraway seeds, three pinches of cardamom and the same amount of passionflower leaves and flowers. The components must be mixed in the left palm. After that, they are added to a standard bottle of rum and infused for one lunar quarter. After this period of time, the drug must be filtered.

Taking the elixir is important for both. It is added to the drink, ten to twelve drops for oneself and the object of love. You can use it once a month for one year.

Another recipe for awakening passion

This potion has been used since antiquity for many centuries. It is remarkable in that you need to drink it from the same glass with your chosen one. The elixir consists of a glass of water, five tablespoons of vodka, a teaspoon of juniper, walnut, a small apple and half a pear. A little honey can be added if desired.

All components except vodka must be finely chopped and mixed with water. Boil and remove from heat. After fifteen minutes, strain and pour in alcohol. It is recommended to drink such a love potion on vodka right away, then the results will not be long in coming.

Coffee potion for reciprocity of feelings

This drug helps to improve the relationship between lovers and to evoke reciprocal feelings in the opposite sex. It is prepared on the basis of strong alcohol. A bottle of rum, cognac, or liqueur works best. You also need to take three pinches of ground black coffee, three pinches of savory root, one pinch of sesame seeds, orris root and dried magnolia flowers.

Dry components must be thoroughly mixed together. Only then can you add alcohol. Infuse the drink for three lunar quarters, then strain and offer to your chosen one or beloved.

Potion for a love spell on blood

This potion is prepared with a few drops of blood that can be taken from your finger or from your first day's menstrual flow. You will also need the petals of one rose. But you only need to take a red variety, since such a flower identifies the goddess of love Aphrodite.

The elixir is prepared very easily. All possible juice must be squeezed out of the petals. And then add a drop of blood to it. The resulting potion must be divided into several receptions and mixed into the drink or food to the object of love. But you should be careful in your choice, because the love spell on the blood is so strong that it can bind a person for life.

Precautionary measures

Most love potions have a stimulating effect due to the presence of aphrodisiacs, stimulating and tonic ingredients in the recipe. This means that such drugs cannot be used on people with an unstable psyche, increased excitability, excessive aggressiveness and high fever. Also, an overdose of a drink can cause insomnia and make a person irritable. In this case, there can be no talk of any love.

If you use love spell potions correctly and very carefully, they will give the desired effect. The main thing is to sincerely desire him and believe in the power of magic.

Make cooking utensils. You will need several items to create the potion, as well as a source of water. The required items need to be created using the workbench.

  • Brewing Stand. It is necessary for brewing a potion. You can craft it by placing three cobblestone blocks in the bottom row of crafting tables and one Blaze Rod in its center square.
  • Cauldron (Cauldron). The cauldron is not actually required to brew the potion, but you can hold water in it. The cauldron holds a bucket of water, which is enough to fill three bottles. The cauldron can be made by placing seven iron ingots in the outermost squares of the workbench, leaving the top center and middle squares empty.
  • Glass bottles. You will store your potions in them. Bottles can be taken from witches or fished out of the water, but you can also make them yourself by placing three glass blocks in the crafting table cages: one block in the lower center cage, one in the left middle cage, and the third block in the right middle cage. You will craft three bottles at a time.
  • Collect Nether Wart. Infernal Growth is the main ingredient for almost all potions in Minecraft. The only potion that doesn't use it is Potion of Weakness.

    • You will collect the Infernal Growth in the Nether. Look for him in abandoned fortresses, especially near the stairs.
    • Infernal Growth can be grown by planting it in Soul Sand. Thus, you will not spend a lot of time collecting it, especially if you need to make a lot of potions.
  • Collect additional ingredients. The main ingredient will not be enough. The effect of each potion will depend on the additional ingredient.

    • Spider Eye. You can take spider eyes from spiders or witches, and you can also find them in spider caves. They are used to make poisonous potions.
    • Blistering Melon. You can craft a Glittering Melon using the Workbench by placing eight gold bars around the melon. It is needed to make a healing potion.
    • Golden Carrot. It can also be made in the workbench by placing eight gold bars around one carrot. Use this ingredient to make a Night Vision Potion.
    • Blaze Powder. You can make it from the Fire Rod and it is used to brew a potion of strength.
    • Fermented Spider Eye. It is made from spider eyes, mushrooms, and sugar. Used to make a potion of weakness.
    • Spiny Bubble Fish (Pufferfish). You will need to catch it and use it to brew a potion that will give you the ability to breathe underwater.
    • Magma Cream. You will need to take the magma from the Lava Mobs. Then make an ointment by combining it with Glittering Powder and a lump of slime in the workbench. Used to make a Refractory Potion.
    • Sugar. Sugar can be made from sugar cane. It is used to make speed-increasing potions.
    • Ghast Tear. You will receive tears from ghast mobs. It is not so easy to get a tear, as ghasts usually fly over lava. The ingredient is used for a potion that will restore health levels.
    • Rabbit's Foot. The rabbits will provide you with paws. Use them to make a potion that will increase the strength of your jumps. But you can only use it in the game Minecraft 1.8.
  • Add more ingredients. You can improve your potion by adding an additional ingredient to it. It will generally increase the duration of your potion's effect. Or the potion will be easier to throw at enemies.

    • Redstone (Redstone). To get the Redstone, you need to dig up the Redstone Ore. This ingredient increases the duration of the potion.
    • Glowstone Dust. It can be obtained by breaking a Glowstone block. From one block of stone, you can get up to four blocks of dust. It enhances the effect of the potion, but also reduces its duration.
    • Gunpowder. It can be taken from Creepers, Gastes, or Witches. With it, you will be able to throw your potion.
    • Pickled spider eye. You can add this ingredient again to change your potion. But keep in mind that the eye can also spoil it.
  • Love potion recipe- a mythical drink that can enhance affection and passion, return fading feelings and attract an object of sympathy and desires. How magical is inherently a love drink, and what love potion recipes will be appropriate in the kitchen of a modern witch?

    Love potion: what has changed

    Love potions or love potions- drinks that have been widespread in practical magic since ancient times, they were made on the basis of wine or tea with the obligatory addition of blood from a fresh cut or menstrual blood and other "wild" ingredients for a modern person. Magic spells, conspiracies over love potion and the accompanying magical rituals were designed to enhance the effect of love spells. Love potion the chosen one was allowed to taste, and the other part of the drink sometimes had to be drunk by themselves.

    In the modern light magic of cuisine and natural feminine charms, you should not experiment with "wild" and dangerous recipes, as you can get a result that is far from expected, and sometimes even one that will affect your health or the health of your loved one. Ingredients and love potion recipes given in this article should be familiar and accessible to you, the achievement of the desired effect will be more likely if you are already connected by a relationship, and you need to either strengthen, or develop, or return to the right track. No obsession or thoughtless addiction, awakening natural desires and attachments - experiment with the composition love potions composing your own recipes from ingredients with magical meanings. By offering love potion to the chosen one, mentally say your desire, avoiding the word "I want", just voice a favorable result to yourself and, of course, do not forget to think about your beloved when preparing a love drink. Remember that thoughts are material and think good.

    What to make a love potion from

    Lemon - attraction of love and exacerbation of feelings. Lemon is one of the main ingredients in love potions.

    Orange - enhances the attractiveness of a woman, makes her more charming and sensual in the eyes of the chosen one.

    Ginger - in love potion recipes helps a woman achieve what she wants.

    Rosehip - like a rose, helps to find true sincere love.

    Vanilla - attracts, arouses interest and a warm disposition.

    Almonds - in love potion promises a happy union.

    Caraway - caraway seeds dispose to trust and openness, and cumin seed oil attracts harmony and peace to the union of spouses, which is why, according to many magical rituals, it is advised to lubricate doorways in a home with cumin oil.

    Ginseng root - similar to the human body and, according to ancient beliefs, is endowed with the magical power of mandrake roots, helps in visualizing desires, awakening attraction.

    Sarah Edison Allen Ingredients for Lovely Potions and Dishes

    Sorceresses and sorceresses are not the lot of the past, but rather a subtle and sensual, tender present. It is these modern and at the same time unique women that the American Sarah Edison Allen introduced to readers in her book Gardening Charm on the verge of fiction and a completely natural reality, which, in her words, was written by itself. One of the main characters, Claire Waverly, is subject to many secrets of plants, and the amazing dishes and drinks that this charming sorceress prepares are endowed with magical properties. Here are some of the garden herbs and plants she would need to making a love potion:

    Pansies in love potion recipe will make your chosen one want to say compliments and present more unexpected and pleasant gifts.

    Rose geranium is a magical way to travel back in time to old emotions and deep feelings, surrounded by bright, bright memories from the past.

    Marigolds - a love remedy in love potions and magical cuisine, these flowers evoke feelings of affection, which can be accompanied by intense jealousy.

    Rose petals in tea or jam enhance and protect sincere love feelings.

    Candied petals, leaves in green salads and baked tulip bulbs can be prepared as original, exotic dishes. The tulip, however, is no longer an ingredient for love potion, as a means for establishing intimate relationships, it gives confidence in the sexual sphere. But there is also a side effect - a person can become sensitive to the expression of someone else's opinion.

    Violet - peace and happiness, calm deep dreams without anxiety.

    Love potion recipe

    Boil water (three glasses) in a small light container, without removing it from the heat, add one teaspoon of raspberry and rosehip leaves, calendula flowers, add caraway seeds at the tip of a knife. Boiling love potion remove from heat. The broth should be infused for half an hour, after which it must be filtered and two tablespoons of brandy added to the drink. The drink should be served warm.

    What associations does the word "potion" evoke in you? Some will think of black magic, the evil old woman boiling the tails of lizards in cauldrons. Young people will imagine modern business witches specializing in love charms and Harry Potter stories. If you smile - great, if you feel anxious - congratulations: you have a good imagination. But in any case, there is nothing to be afraid of! Can it be scary what helps to gain health and longevity?

    Test tube health
    Potion in the old days was called any medicinal or tonic, but not universal - "for everyone", but prepared specifically for a specific person.
    Potions are radically different from drugs, so our lack of special medical education cannot spoil the result and harm our health. Of course, potions contain plants that contain chemicals, but their amount is usually so small that it rather gives only information about their effects. And information is an interesting thing. If we don’t believe in it, it usually doesn’t work on us. But if we believe ... Then even a glass of water can become the most effective medicine for us!
    Keep in mind: making and taking a potion is a ritual that tunes a person to the right wave. Therefore, it should be cooked in a special dish and always in a good mood! We can hastily put this pill into our mouth, without thinking about what we are doing. And then we are surprised that medications do not bring the long-awaited relief.
    The secret to the success of magic formulations is simple: potions and pills serve to quickly get rid of suffering, and potions are aimed at removing their cause. Before starting work, remember a few rules.

    Rule one: the potion must be prepared on "informationally clean" water: free from the memory of any influences. To get such water from ordinary boiled water, it is enough to freeze it and let it thaw.

    Rule two: before work, you must thoroughly wash your hands, put on ritual clothes and get special dishes

    The ritual costume can be either an ordinary robe, or jeans with a T-shirt or an alchemist's hoodie. One condition: never wear it as home clothes!
    For the first experiments, you can take any new dishes. But remember: henceforth, it should only be used for making potions.
    Also stock up on plain jars and bottles with lids - for tinctures and ready-to-use mixtures that should be kept cool and dark. You will also need a spoon and a knife - preferably silver, new steel will do.

    Rule three: get to work in a good mood, full of confidence in your abilities! If at first it seems difficult, treat Potions as a game - and you will succeed! The following naturally follows from this rule ...

    Rule four: if you are not feeling well, do not get to work!
    Otherwise, information about your condition will be transferred to the water and turn it into poison. And never undertake to do something for others, if you are not sure of the result, have not tested the composition on yourself.

    The magic of potion making.

    A potion always consists of two parts, which are prepared separately and then mixed - let's call them the basics. The first base (charmed or charged water) endows the potion with certain information, the second (processed plant materials) introduces chemical elements that enhance the required qualities: this is precisely what the art of potion-making differs from traditional medicine, which uses only the chemical properties of substances.

    So, how to prepare the first base. It has been proven that water is an ideal storage device and transmitter of information, so that enlightened people no longer consider slanderous words to be a fairy tale. Drops of charged water will instantly transmit the received information to the person to whom they were intended - even if he does not drink this water, but, for example, washes with it.

    The second base can be juice, powder, infusion, decoction, alcohol extract, or powder obtained in the form of a dry precipitate. As a rule, alcohol is always included in long-term storage potions. It is alcohol: vodka contains water and impurities, and water, as you know, contains various information. And who knows whether it will be useful to you or destructive?

    Practical magic
    Now let's prepare a simple potion to boost immunity.
    Take two vessels of the same volume (for example, a cup, a two-hundred-gram jar with a tight-fitting lid) for two bases, a container for combining the resulting mixtures, a silver (steel) knife, a wooden stick for stirring the potion, a funnel, and a clean filter cloth. It is better to work while standing.

    First, we prepare the first base.
    Pour "clean" water into a cup (do not add 2 cm to the edge). Place your palms around the cup and dip the thumbs of both hands into the water. Thank the water for its help from the bottom of your heart. Imagine that words flow from your fingers into a vessel and the water heats up slightly. Then focus and formulate what you want to ask the water for, what it needs to do (in words, you can imagine how you feel good). And, after thanking again, remove your hands. Stir the water clockwise with a knife and set the cup aside.

    Second base of the potion- a creative thing, we need chemically active substances that can affect you specifically.Therefore, select three plants in advance that symbolize recovery from a cold in your eyes and strengthen immunity: raspberries, currants, lemon, lingonberries or something else - the choice is yours. It is advisable that you have a supply of fresh or dried raw materials on hand. Place a teaspoon of each of the three ingredients in a jar, pour over the alcohol so that it completely covers the mixture, and stir clockwise for a few minutes. Then close the jar tightly and shake until the liquid changes color.
    (A couple of secrets: if you do not tolerate alcohol, alcohol can be replaced with slightly warmed "clean" water. And if you smoke, add 3-4 drops of tincture of May wormwood or wormwood twig to the composition to slightly neutralize the damage caused to the body by smoking.)
    Pour the first base into the third vessel, while making yourself immune to disease. There, carefully strain the second base through a funnel covered with a cloth and, stirring the mixture, let it stand for a couple of minutes - the potion is ready.
    It is necessary to take it every morning, every time thanks to water and asking it to bring you healing. While drinking, try to feel how the water contained in the potion communicates the health information it contains to the water contained in your body's tissues ...
    In conclusion of our lesson, I would like to remind once again about a good mood and confidence in success: without these two components, miracles do not happen. I wish you health!

    In A. Balashov's book “Magic: We Attract Love and Happiness” it is said that any type of interaction with the world has its own laws. With the right work with the energy of love, a person has the opportunity to control the feelings of the chosen one, achieve harmony in relations with him and gain self-confidence.

    Some women, and sometimes men, use magic advice and prepare a love potion for the onset of long-awaited changes. Desires concern not only love, but also health, finances, useful skills and talents.

    But not everyone knows how, from what and when to prepare a magic drink. It is necessary to consider under what circumstances a cherished wish comes true if you use magic at home.

    Love spell is an effective way to achieve the desired result without physical and mental effort, but with the use of special technology and the selection of occult ingredients.

    At home, the remedy is created on the basis of a proven recipe, with strict adherence to the rules for preparing love potions and other love spells:

    • drugs do not work if there is no direct contact with the person for whom the ceremony is performed;
    • when creating a potion, you must have a good mood;
    • the ritual will be valid only in the case of a strong desire of the magician, his belief in the efficacy of the potion and the ability to visualize a dream;
    • the day and duration of production play an important role;
    • the love spell can only be used for one magical ritual.

    Ingredients are added to the potion that affect the victim of a love spell:

    • peppermint captivates both the beloved and the unfamiliar person;
    • almonds strengthen the union;
    • thyme awakens a feeling of extinct love;
    • orange gives mystery and sensuality to a woman;
    • lemon evokes passion;
    • oregano is used to return a spouse to the family;
    • cumin encourages frank conversations, trust;
    • ginger contributes to the emergence of love;
    • coriander increases the passion of the partner and strengthens his love;
    • parsley induces sexual affection.

    Using a part of your own flesh (saliva, blood, hair or nails for the ritual), conspiracy with a spell or prayer enhances the magical power of the mixture.

    What is the best time to prepare the potion

    It is better to cook a remedy using improvised materials on the days of the growing moon, only on Monday or Friday. The preparation and infusion time of the product depends on the purpose and the ingredients added. Remember, the longer the mixture stays in a container with a ground-in stopper, the more effect it will create.

    How to make a love potion with different ingredients

    Love potions can be made in different ways and use several techniques to manifest magical power.

    Love compote

    To fall in love with a person, use the following method:

    1. Place the candle in a cup and cover with sugar to the brim.
    2. Light a fire and think about your loved one.
    3. Wait for the wick to burn out and collect the sugar.
    4. Brew a sweet drink with berries that your chosen one loves.

    With your own blood

    A powerful potion that is added to a food or drink is a liquid with added blood.

    To boil the mixture, squeeze the juice from the rose petals and mix it with blood (menstrual blood or from your left finger). Cast a magic spell:

    “As this blood belonged to my body, so you, my beloved (name), will always be only mine! Amen".

    With the addition of hair

    Use hair, scissors you just bought, red rose petals, red wine.

    Place the ashes of the burnt petals in a container. Cut your hair and the chosen one into small pieces, and then send to the ashes. Pour the mass into a bottle with an alcoholic drink and leave for 2 weeks. After the drink is infused, perform the ceremony, treating the one whose love you want to get.

    With photo

    Before preparing the potion, place a photo of your loved one in the breast pocket of your jacket or jacket and wear it near your heart for a month.

    After the expiration of the period, perform the ritual with a love potion, the recipe for which is simple:

    1. Sprinkle the picture with your blood and burn it.
    2. Turn your personal photo to ash too.
    3. Put 3 leaves of weeping willow and 3 petals of a red rose in boiling clean water.
    4. Add a pinch of rosemary, mixed ash and some red wine.
    5. Cool the mixture and strain.

    You need to drink the drink together with the chosen one during the day.

    On the water

    To create harmony in love relationships, the "love triangle" will help.

    The ceremony is carried out in compliance with the listed points:

    1. Cut out a triangle from thick white paper, the length of the sides of which is 33 cm.
    2. On each side of the figure, make one inscription - your name, your loved one and the word "love".
    3. Place a table in the center of the room and cover it with black or red material.
    4. Place the triangle on the table and light the fire.
    5. Fill your glass with water.
    6. Take the candle with your right hand and lift it over the triangle.
    7. Move your hand from the upper corner to the lower right and say "Tarapagas".
    8. Continue moving your hand from right to left in a horizontal line with the Gavallo spell.
    9. Close the triangle in an upward motion with the phrase “Amado”.
    10. During the ceremony, look at the center of the figure, but not at the fire. You will notice that the flicker leaves a triangle trail in the air.
    11. Repeat the movements 2 more times, clearly imagining how your dream came true. As you do this, gradually increase the volume of your voice, giving it confidence and passion.
    12. Raise your left hand above the glass of liquid and place your right palm on top. Say

      “Adlavah sous, korga avydalo. Piro tagul, akhvadol. Weder nore kofado, ude ode do ”.

    13. Continue the movement of your left hand clockwise and repeat the spell:

      “Akhalael atable. El lekamur, Azvakh. Ode faul lame, clothed ”.

    Continue the last action as long as your imagination requires. As soon as you clearly imagine the chosen one and feel his love, extinguish the fire. With your left hand, try to catch the smoke and send it into the drink. Treat your loved one with a potion.

    Using coffee

    Mix the following ingredients: crushed iris root, sesame seeds and dried magnolia flowers (1 pinch each), chopped savory root and ground coffee (3 pinches each).

    Pour the mixture with alcohol (rum, liqueur, cognac) and remove the brew for 3 lunar quarters. Then strain and treat the bewitched with the prepared drink.

    On red wine

    If you need such an elixir, manufacturing involves the following manipulations. For a love spell, mix the following ingredients:

    • 2 glasses of wine;
    • small vanilla pod;
    • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and cinnamon;
    • 2 tsp rhubarb juice.

    Add rhubarb to the wine last. The elixir is infused for 3 days, and then added to the food or drink of the chosen one.

    On vodka

    For a greater effect, the vodka love spell potion can be drunk with your beloved, but from one glass and immediately after preparation.

    For a love potion, you will need finely chopped walnuts (1 pc.), Juniper (1 tbsp. L.), An apple and a pear. Mix ingredients with water and boil. After cooling, strain the product and add vodka to it.

    With alcohol

    In this case, you will need white lily flowers, which you need to grind, fill with alcohol and remove to infuse until the next full moon.

    At the onset of the full moon, pour the potion into a mug and clearly, without mistakes and hesitation, pronounce the spell:

    “Stello gibr, ogada hamus. Ibul gabul faro sdabas ipaka debr. Tal hargabla omiadox, hadath redo himself. Giber chal agota naido mais lako ”.

    The next day, mix the product into the drink you decide to use to treat your loved one.

    With rose petals

    To prepare a love remedy, use the following method:

    1. Add a couple of red rose petals to the white ones and burn, making a small fire. Mix the resulting ash with alcohol.
    2. 3 drops of blood are alternately sent to the liquid, 2 pinches of crushed ginger, angelica and anise, 1 pinch of licorice, coriander and caraway seeds each.

    Add a few drops of this potion to the food of the chosen one to bewitch him and experience mutual love.

    With ginger

    A drink prepared according to the following recipe has magical power:

    1. Cut a vanilla pod (2 cm long) into 2 pieces and place in an enamel container.
    2. Add ground cinnamon (3 tsp) and ginger (3 tsp)
    3. Pour the mixture with red wine (2 glasses).
    4. After 3 days, serve to the chosen one.

    With coriander seeds

    Before making a love potion at home, prepare the following materials and components:

    • coriander seeds (7 pcs.);
    • mortar;
    • pestle;
    • spring or filtered water;
    • 2 cups of the same size;
    • church candle.

    Cooking method:

    1. Chop the seeds and grind them with a mortar. At the same time, imagine kisses, hugs, intimacy with the chosen one.
    2. Pour wine or water into a glass and mix with powder.
    3. Turn off the light after lighting the fire.
    4. Pour the contents from one cup to another 7 times, thinking about the feelings for your beloved, the strength of his love for you.

    With lemon

    Squeeze out the juice of lemon and orange (3 pcs.), Mix. Add to the contents ginger (1 g), vanilla sugar (1 tsp), dried and chopped five-petalled lilac flowers (6 pcs.).

    The maximum effect will be achieved when the potion is consumed in its pure form for 3 days, 1 tsp.

    With apple

    The recipe for a love potion in this case requires the preparation of the following components:

    • flask;
    • Red Apple;
    • vodka or alcohol.

    Cut the apple in half and remove the seeds. Send the seeds to the container one at a time, while adding a drop of alcohol and saying:

    “Gilba frame, AUS svada. Note Dahos Ibada ”.

    After all the bones are in the container, eat the apple, thinking about the chosen one. After two weeks, start pouring the potion into the food of the bewitched, 9 drops daily and until the desired result occurs.

    With ink

    Prepare ink, mirror, 3 of your hair and a drop of blood.

    On the mirror you last used, write your name and place in a container of alcohol or melt water. Add a pinch of crushed rose petals and say:

    "The name is dear, the body and the face are loved /"

    Repeat the spell until the inscription is erased.

    For the love spell of the chosen one, carry the mirror that took part in the ceremony with you. From time to time, look at your reflection and think about mutual love and a happy future.

    How to make a love potion for different magical purposes

    A potion can give a person success, relieve him of insomnia, endow the person with the gift of clairvoyance, awaken passion in a husband and turn him away from his mistress. By what methods the listed desires are fulfilled, it is required to consider in more detail.

    From nightmares

    To resume sound and long sleep, use the following cooking rules:

    1. Send rose petals to a kettle of water and leave for 3 days, periodically adding the plant.
    2. Add verbena and myrtle to the liquid and leave for another 3 days.

    Wash your face with the prepared product every night before bed.

    For money

    To improve your financial condition, use a potion from a mixture of cedar, sassafras, Jamaican pepper, dill, cloves, calamus, vetiver.

    Fill a green bottle with the listed types of water and herbs. Place the closed bottle in a sunny place for 1 day.

    You can wash your face with the broth, lubricate your face and hands, add it to the bath.

    From evil spirits

    Combine bay leaf, rosemary, cayenne pepper and pour boiling water over. It is recommended to take the infusion in its pure form, 3-4 tablespoons a day, add it to a drink or a bath.

    To return the husband to the family

    Water combined with coins will help keep a spouse in the family. The number of coins used for this is chosen according to the following principle: silver means the years of marriage, and gold ones determine the time of the spouses' life together after the ceremony.

    Mix coins in a bowl, fill with clean water and pronounce the conspiracy:

    "I conjure with silver and gold, past and future you, voditsa, to preserve and preserve faithfulness, peace and harmony for eternal centuries."

    After the ritual, drink the liquid with your spouse.

    To awaken passion

    The recipe for a drink of passion must contain the following ingredients: a pinch of chopped black licorice root, 3 pinches of caraway seeds, cardamom, passionflower flowers.

    Mix the ingredients in the palm of your left hand and add to the bowl of rum. Insist during the lunar quarter and then strain.

    It is important to drink the potion with your beloved, adding 15 drops to the drink. This method cannot be used more than once a month. You can also do this video recipe:

    Clairvoyant tea

    Pour boiled water over a mixture of wormwood, rose petals, jasmine flowers, a pinch of cinnamon and peppermint. Drink the potion before going to bed.

    What can be the consequences

    The potion contains aphrodisiacs, stimulating and tonic components, including ginger, cinnamon, the root of the herb zamanihi. These ingredients can negatively affect the health of the bewitched.

    Therefore, before performing the ceremony, you must make sure that the person is not prone to allergic reactions, increased aggressiveness and excitability, to sudden mood swings and mental disorders. Excessive use of the drug can cause poisoning, insomnia and fever.

    Sorcerers argue that the effect is similar to infection with a disease, in which the functions of the immune system of the bewitched are disrupted, a zombie occurs and the energy field changes.

    If a person is cured of the disease, then the next magical influence can lead to his death or the development of severe pathology.

    The behavior of a person after being zombified will cause misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. On their questions, the bewitched will show aggression, paying all his attention to the arisen object of adoration.

    At the same time, a magic potion changes not only feelings and behavior in relationships, but also actions that relate to a career. Many people, after exposure, turn into unsuccessful, incompetent employees.

    Love spell is also dangerous because in some cases a person shows uncontrollable anxiety and cruelty, feels dissatisfaction, becomes a pathological jealous and tyrant. All this can lead to alcoholism, addiction to narcotic and psychotropic substances.

    The fortuneteller himself puts himself at high risk, since he binds people and circumstances that most often should not have been present in his life. At the same time, deviation from the recipe, lack of self-confidence, magical powers and the effectiveness of the ritual, at best, will not have any effect, and at worst will lead to negative consequences: illness, change in one's own feelings and perception.

    During the preparation of the product, the magician expends a large amount of energy, therefore, he may feel apathy in relation to the previously desired object. After a while, the balance is restored and the fortuneteller, who has sincere sympathy, fills the aura with the energy of mutual love.

    However, the ritual from selfish motives will lead to a complete loss of interest on the part of the magician himself. And if the love spell destroys the life and internal energy of the victim, then the performer will receive a similar response and spoiled karma.

    When will it work and how long will the effect last

    According to the duration of exposure to the victim, the love spell can be of different types:

    1. Permanent, that is, for life. Most often used by wives to create harmony in the family and the return of the husband.
    2. Short-term, valid for a year or less, depending on the ceremony. Used to attract attention and build relationships.
    3. Long-term, it is used to get rid of grievances and maintain positive relationships for 2-5 years.

    You can understand that a magic potion has brought a result by the following factors:

    1. The enchanted person will show more interest, care and attention. People around you will note how your chosen one has transformed and how great his desire is to be with you.
    2. If the ceremony is performed on a man or woman who is married, their family will notice the detachment, frequent absences and delays.
    3. When a wife makes a ceremony to return her husband to the family (and vice versa), the opposite effect occurs - the spouse spends more time with the family, shows signs of attention.
    4. A love spell for money can reveal itself in the form of successful participation in the lottery, career advancement, the appearance of a suitable and profitable vacancy.

    In some cases, love potions begin to act immediately, but most often the effect occurs after 28 days. It all depends on the phase of the moon, the method and type of ritual (black or white magic), belief in its effectiveness and the magic power of the fortuneteller.

    Love spells have an effect almost immediately, but they manifest themselves for only 2-3 months, with the exception of ceremonies in the cemetery and rituals using blood.

    It happens that the effect of a drug, calculated for a long time, fades away after a week. The reason may be the great inner strength of a person, the ability to resist charms and outside influences.