What do you need to make Easter. How to bake Easter cake - recipes for Easter

22.04.2019 Grill menu

In the old days, the process of preparing Easter cottage cheese stretched for several hours. The cottage cheese was rubbed through a sieve twice, the Easter was boiled so that it could be stored for several days. Now the presence of a blender reduces the entire procedure to 10 minutes. In this recipe, we will tell you how to cook Easter from cottage cheese. Easter turns out to be airy and tender, it feels light fragrance vanilla and tart grape taste raisins.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • cottage cheese - 600 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • butter - 100 grams,
  • sugar - 100 grams,
  • raisins "lady's finger" - 80 grams,
  • vanilla sugar- 1 package.

How to cook curd Easter

To prepare Easter, you can take cottage cheese of any degree of fat content, but it should not be too sour. The cottage cheese is placed in a deep bowl, an immersion blender is lowered into it, beaten curd mass a few minutes.

Butter, regular and vanilla sugar are added to the cottage cheese. The oil must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it acquires the necessary softness.

The color of Easter depends on the quality of the eggs, it is advisable to buy eggs with bright orange yolks.

After mixing all the ingredients, the mass is whipped again. The speed is set to medium, and the whole process lasts 3-4 minutes.
It turns out a homogeneous curd mass of cream color. Raisins are washed and dried paper towel. There is no need to soak the berries, even dryish grapes, being surrounded curd cream, soaked with moisture and become soft. " lady finger» is an ideal variety for cottage cheese Easter, it has pleasant taste with a slight sourness.

Collect the plastic form, set it in a deep plate. The form is filled with cottage cheese, a piece of gauze is placed on top and a load is placed. If there is no form, the cottage cheese is transferred to a colander, covering it with a layer of gauze.

Cottage cheese Easter should be infused for 12 hours in the refrigerator. During this time, excess liquid will drain, the frozen butter will add the necessary rigidity to the curd.

Ready Easter is laid out on a plate. To emphasize Easter motifs, white surface decorate with colorful stars and hearts, sprinkle with sugar Easter decor.
Easter from cottage cheese is cut into neat pieces, laid out on portioned plates.
According to this recipe, you can cook the usual curd mass for breakfast. Then you can not achieve density, and not remove excess liquid. The whipped mass is simply mixed with candied fruits or any dried fruits, then laid out in bowls.

How to make Easter? cook good easter much easier than good cake. It doesn't matter if you make it raw, custard, or, as described below, half in the middle, because in fact it is just a mixture of several ingredients. And the higher the quality of each of them, the better the result will be.

The most important ingredients of Easter are cottage cheese, butter and eggs, and cottage cheese is more important. Good advice, probably: go to the market and buy it there, but before the Easter holiday, the demand for cottage cheese is traditionally so great that sometimes it is better to make it yourself.

How to make cottage cheese

We must buy a lot of good pasteurized milk and good sour cream; it is clear that the more cream you add, and the fatter they are at the same time, the fatter the cottage cheese will be. It must be borne in mind that from 300 g of dairy products, approximately 50 g of cottage cheese is obtained. In general, mix milk and sour cream in large saucepan, cover and leave at room temperature. Wait for the mixture to turn sour (this will happen overnight for sure), put the pan on a gentle fire and cook, stirring, until the curd clot separates from the whey. If you are too lazy to stand and stir, place the pan on water bath- it will take longer, but it will not burn.

Line a colander with two layers of gauze so that the edges of the fabric hang outward, and carefully fold the curd mixture into the prepared colander. By the way, the flowing serum is wildly valuable product, it makes incredibly wonderful pancakes, and other pastries are no worse. Allow the curd to drain, then tie off the ends of the gauze and hang the resulting knot overnight to drain the remaining whey.

In the morning, remove the curd clot from the gauze and wipe it through a fine sieve. The meaning of this procedure is that the cottage cheese loses water and is saturated with air, and it is worth subjecting both home-made and purchased product (purchased cottage cheese it is better to pass through a sieve twice). Do not pass cottage cheese through a meat grinder - it will turn out to be crushed and viscous. On this, manipulations with cottage cheese, in general, are completed.

eggs and butter

It is important to understand that the yolk and white behave differently during processing - and therefore the eggs need to be separated. So, first of all, divide them into yolks and whites, and you won’t need whites for Easter. If you are afraid to eat raw eggs, then do the following.

Build with a pot of boiling water, a colander and a fireproof bowl steam bath, pour sugar into a bowl, add raw yolks, take a whisk and rub the yolks with sugar until they turn into a light and air cream. Remove the bowl from the heat, put the butter cut into small pieces in it and continue to beat and stir until the mixture becomes smooth and shiny. Let the mixture cool down to room temperature.

In my opinion, egg yolk is the only product used in Easter that really needs to be cooked. Many cook Easter itself, but, in my opinion, in vain. An almost flawless sweet dish turns into a brick. However, maybe someone likes it. To me - no.

Easter proper

Separate about a third of the yolk cream and add it to the curd. Stir with a spatula. Add another third of the cream, mix again with a spatula. Add the rest of the cream and mix again. In fact, this is almost all that needs to be done, but options are possible. So, you can add melted chocolate to the cream, or a couple of tablespoons vanilla sugar, or grated lemon zest, and candied fruits or raisins can be mixed into cottage cheese, after rolling them in powdered sugar (so they are more evenly distributed throughout the volume).

The resulting mass must be placed in suitable shape(the most suitable one is, of course, a pasochnitsa), cover it with a saucer and place it under oppression, and place a plate below, because the liquid will drain. It is very important to lay the mass in the mold evenly and accurately, slowly, avoiding the formation of voids and carefully tamping with a spatula. The prepared form should be put in the cold overnight. And in the morning - decorate in every possible way and go to sanctify.

Cottage cheese Easter is one of those dishes that are made once a year, and from this with special pleasure. We have collected three Easter recipes that are excellent in their complexity of execution.
Basic Recipe cottage cheese Easter is simple. The main thing in it is the consistency, it is achieved with the help of the oldest culinary devices: sieves and presses. Other devices are desirable, but not required. If you do not have a special form for Easter, make it in any container that has (or can be made) a hole for dripping liquid.

simple easter

Fresh, by no means skim cheese you need to either hang it in gauze overnight, or place it in a colander, putting a press on top. So the whey will separate and drain.
We wipe the dehydrated cottage cheese through a sieve twice, add half a glass of powdered sugar and grind again.
Mix the butter with sour cream and beat until a single consistency and also add to the curd mass.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Proteins will not be useful to us, but the yolks must first be passed through a sieve, rubbed with the remaining sugar and added to the curd and mixed.
Now you need to lay out the pastry with gauze or linen cloth and stuff it as tightly as possible with the curd mass. Turn it over with its narrow end into a large container, put a press and leave for 12 hours. Naturally, cottage cheese is ideally combined with dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits, vanilla, cardamom, but “pure” Easter has an ideally delicate taste, so there is a reason to make it without additives or only with vanilla. For the indicated amount of ingredients, one small pod is needed, the seeds must be ground in a mortar and added to egg yolks.
Raw eggs in Easter are far from satisfactory for everyone, so you can either warm them up egg mixture without bringing to a boil, and after cooling, add to the curd mass. And then proceed in the usual way.

boiled easter

Boiled Easter is not as tender as raw, but it has little to do with taste. And there is some additional primordiality and national identity in it, like in cross-stitch and Shrovetide yeast pancakes. Although the recipe for boiled Easter is not much more complicated than usual.
In addition to the composition of the ingredients, add a handful of candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits, an hour of time and two serious pots.

  • 1 kg. cottage cheese
  • 6 eggs
  • 200 gr. butter
  • 1 st. sour cream
  • 200gr. powdered sugar
  • 50 gr. raisins
  • 50 gr. candied fruit
  • 1 vanilla pod

Squeeze the cottage cheese (you can not rub it), put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sour cream and melted butter there, stir until smooth. And put the pan in a water bath. We heat it on a very, very slow fire, without closing the lid.
At this time, grind the whites with powdered sugar. All this time diligently interfere with the curd mass strictly in one direction. As soon as the curd mass approaches a boil, it becomes liquid and steam appears, pour in the yolks and put the vanilla, pounded in a mortar with a spoonful of powdered sugar. Cook for another half an hour without letting boil and stirring all the time. Add raisins and candied fruits and cook for another five minutes. Remove from heat and gently pour directly into the hot bowl, but do not put the press on top until the mass has cooled.
After 4 hours, put the press and leave for the same 12 hours.

baked easter

And finally, baked Easter - very tasty, but strange food: something in between Easter and Easter cakes in fact; this cake looks like this, and the taste of such an Easter is similar to a casserole.
But such a dish cannot be served in the pastry, so you need to choose a more interesting baking dish, for example, you can make small portioned pastries in such molds .

  • 1 kg. cottage cheese
  • 8 eggs
  • 200gr. powdered sugar
  • a handful of raisins and candied fruits
  • 50 gr. starch

We dehydrate the cottage cheese and rub it through a sieve twice, roll the raisins and candied fruits in starch and stir in the cottage cheese. Separate the proteins from the yolks - in this recipe we need both. Grind half a glass of powdered sugar with yolks, add to the cottage cheese and stir, and slowly add half to the whites whipped to a stiff foam. We spread them into the curd mass gradually, stirring each spoon.
We prepare the form: grease with oil and sprinkle with flour, carefully pour the curd mass there. If the form is large, then we send it to the oven at 180C for about an hour, if it is small for 30 minutes. You can check the readiness of the baked Easter with a wooden stick, if it is dry, it's time to take it out. You can’t immediately remove it from the mold: cover with a towel and leave to cool for at least an hour. You can decorate baked Easter with icing or just melted chocolate.

Easter - special dish from cottage cheese, which, according to tradition, is prepared only once a year for the feast of Easter - the Resurrection of Christ. Along with cookies and colored eggs, cottage cheese easter is the main decoration holiday table . But, if Easter cakes and eggs were once the property of pagan cults, churched and spiritualized by Christianity, then the dish called Easter was born already in the bosom of the Church and its unusual shape corresponds to the shape of the Lamb carved during worship - the very Lord Jesus Christ. Easter is a very tasty, rich dish. It concentrates a lot different tastes, which believers were deprived of during Lent. Usually this Easter dessert is prepared in special pastors in the shape of a truncated pyramid. But if you do not have such a form, this is not a reason to refuse to cook this dish, at the end of the recipe I will give advice on how to cook Easter without a pastry.

  • If you are hesitant to bake real cake then bake, which is very easy to prepare.
  • with floral pattern
  • grain and seeds

For the Easter recipe you will need:

  • cottage cheese 500 gr
  • butter 125 gr
  • sour cream 125 gr
  • sugar 125 gr
  • egg (yolk) 2 pcs
  • vanilla 1 pod or vanilla sugar 1 sachet (8 gr)
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • dried fruits to taste

You will also need detachable form for Easter - a pastor. It can be bought at the church shop or online store. The pasochnik has a collapsible design and consists of four parts that are fastened together. It serves not only to give a beautiful correct shape ready meal, with its help, excess liquid is removed from the curd mass. That is why a natural wood beekeeper is considered ideal, because. the tree is able to absorb moisture and, while swelling, create additional pressure on the curd. There are pastors different sizes. My form is made of food plastic and is intended for Easter prepared from 0.5 kg of cottage cheese.

To prepare cottage cheese Easter, take the best and most fresh food 'cause this dessert don't go through heat treatment and prepare ahead of time. Easter will be tastier if you use cottage cheese and sour cream of the highest fat content. Before combining the cottage cheese with other ingredients, it must be rubbed through a colander with a mesh or rubbed well with a blender. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up a little and is easily rubbed with cottage cheese.

For aromatization Easter you can use vanillin or vanilla sugar, but it is better to use natural vanilla.

Step by step photo recipe:

Separate the yolks from the whites. This is conveniently done using a special egg separator or pouring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other.

You can simply pour the egg into your hand and pass the egg white between your fingers.

cut vanilla pod cut in half lengthwise and scrape the contents with a knife.

Put yolks into a glass from a blender, add sour cream, sugar and . Beat everything until smooth.

Rub cottage cheese and butter blender until smooth, add egg yolks whipped with sour cream and sugar. Blend well again with a blender.

It should turn out like this homogeneous and enough air mass.

Add to curd lemon zest is the thin yellow part of the skin. Rub the lemon on the grater.

wash dried fruits and cut into pieces. I have dried pineapple (3 rings). It goes well with cottage cheese raisins, dried apricots, prunes, papaya. You can add some peeled almonds.

Stir with a spoon dried fruits with curd mass.

It's time to use the bead press. This is usually done like this ⇓⇓⇓

Assemble the bean bag and turn it upside down with the wide base. Set on a plate. Spread the curd with a spoon, compacting well to the very top. Put a load on top (cover with a plate and put, for example, a jar of jam). Under the action of the load, excess liquid will be released from the curd, which will need to be drained. In this position put Easter in the refrigerator for a day. Periodically drain the released liquid. Before serving, invert Easter on a dry plate, carefully open and remove the form.

This method is very good for a wooden beekeeper. With a plastic mold, I do this ⇓⇓⇓

Set the colander in a bowl, cover it with clean gauze or a cotton (linen) napkin. Put the prepared Easter in a colander, wrap the cheesecloth up, cover with a plate and put a load on top. Place the colander in the refrigerator for a day. After the excess liquid leaves the curd mass, it will form well and, if you have a special pastry box, then transfer it there, leave it for a while so that the curd takes shape and beautiful patterns are printed on it (in this case, you do not need to turn it over upside down bean bag). Before serving, put the Easter on a dish and carefully separate the paster.

If there is no form, then simply put the pressed mass on a dish. You can leave it as it is, decorating with dried fruits, or you can use a spatula to give it the shape of a pyramid.

One of the oldest Christian Easter dishes and a real decoration of any festive table on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, cottage cheese (cheese) Easter (Paska), we love today. delicious tender cottage cheese, mixed with cream, sour cream, butter, sugar or honey, spices and candied fruits, laid out in the form of a truncated pyramid, symbolizing Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher. The sides of Easter are decorated with a cross and the letters ХВ, meaning the traditional Easter exclamation and greeting - "Christ is Risen!". This dish has another sacred meaning. Turning to Moses, the Lord promises his people "a good and spacious land, where milk and honey flow." AND Curd Easter becomes for all of us a symbol of Easter fun, a foretaste of the fulfillment of a promise and a sweet heavenly life. Surely each of our readers will agree that a dish of such significance must literally be prepared by the most in the best way. Let's try today to learn and remember how to cook Easter cottage cheese, cook it so that it becomes one of the most delicious and desired dishes on our Easter table.

You don't even have to try to count everything. great amount cooking recipes cheesy easter, invented, improved and carefully preserved by our ancestors, because even at the beginning of the last century, curd Easter was prepared in every Russian house. Along with Easter cakes and colored eggs, Easter was an absolutely necessary attribute of the festive table on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. According to the method of preparation, four types of Easter were distinguished - raw, boiled, baked and custard. Eggs, sour cream and cream, honey and syrups, candied fruits and nuts were added to the cottage cheese. They did not spare the spices either. Cinnamon and cloves, cardamom and lemon peel, ginger and vanilla - all these and many other sweet spices made a fabulous variety in the recipes of this holiday dish decorating Easter with thousands of new flavors. And the more pleasant it is to watch today's revival ancient traditions, returning cottage cheese Easter to our Easter tables.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in preparing Easter, but this is only at first glance. Like the recipes for preparing many other dishes, the Easter recipe is fraught with some secrets, without knowing which your dish may turn out to be not at all as tasty and appetizing as you would like. In order for Easter to come out truly beautiful and festive, you should pay attention to the quality original products, and on the sequence of their laying and mixing, and on the timing of keeping Easter in the form, on the quality of the form itself and on its preliminary processing.

Today the site "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded for you the most important secrets, tips and recipes that are sure to help even the most inexperienced housewives and easily tell you how to cook Easter cottage cheese.

1. To prepare cottage cheese Easter, you will need special shape- a pastor. This form is easy to purchase in any church shop, and closer to Christ's Resurrection and many supermarkets. Traditionally, beekeepers are made of wood, but nowadays you can also get a plastic mold. A plastic bee box is convenient because it is very easy to care for, wash and no special preparation is required before using it. If you decide to use a traditional wooden pastry box, then before laying the curd mass, such a form must be properly prepared. First of all, thoroughly rinse and scrub your mold with the rough side of a dishwashing sponge, and then soak the bowl in cool water for 5 to 8 hours. Before laying the curd mass, the form must be lined with slightly moistened gauze. This preparation will allow you to easily remove ready easter from the bean box and completely preserve its shape and pattern.

2. It is easy to guess from the name that the main ingredient of the cottage cheese Easter is cottage cheese. The choice of this product should be approached with special care, because first of all, the taste of your dish will depend on the quality and freshness of the cottage cheese. Try to buy cottage cheese as fresh as possible, preferably by weight.

3. In order for your Easter to turn out light, homogeneous and keep its shape well, the cottage cheese must be crushed as thoroughly as possible before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. Traditionally, cottage cheese is crushed by rubbing it twice through the most frequent sieve. Can go more the easy way, just twice - three times turning the cottage cheese through a meat grinder with the finest mesh. Cottage cheese prepared in this way will turn out to be very tender, plastic and airy. And Easter made from such cottage cheese will perfectly retain its shape and pattern.

4. Pay attention to the preparation and other ingredients of your Passover. Sort the raisins and dried fruits thoroughly, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Finely chop large dried fruits and candied fruits. Pour boiling water over the nuts, soak for 20 minutes, then peel, dry slightly and chop. Grate lemon and orange zest on top fine grater. Grind the spices in a coffee grinder, sift through a fine sieve and grind. Soften butter at room temperature. Gently melt the candied honey in a water bath and remove the resulting foam. Have all the decorations and sprinkles ready ahead of time so you have them on hand by the time your Easter is ready. Do not forget that Easter must be kept in a beekeeper under oppression for at least 12 hours.

5. Easiest to cook raw easter. Wipe one kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve. 100 gr. butter rub white with 150 gr. sugar or powdered sugar. Mix cottage cheese and sweet butter, add 120 gr. thick sour cream mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for one hour. Then add nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices according to your own taste, knead thoroughly and put the mass in a bowl. Cover the container with a lid, install the weight and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

6. It is a little more difficult to cook Easter boiled. But such an Easter turns out to be much tastier, denser and holds its shape better. Pass through a 600 gr sieve. cottage cheese, mix with 400 ml. heavy cream, add 50 gr. butter, two raw eggs, ½ cup washed and drained raisins and ½ cup sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom and, stirring constantly, bring almost to a boil. Do not let the mixture boil, otherwise your Easter will come out with lumps! Remove the saucepan with the curd mass from the stove, place it on ice or in very cold water and, continuing to stir constantly, cool the curd mixture. ready mix transfer to a beaker, set the oppression and leave in a cool place for 12 hours.

7. Custard curd Easter differs most delicate taste and aroma. In a small saucepan, combine two cups of milk, two raw yolks and ½ cup sugar. In a water bath, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a thickening and remove from heat. Add 50 gr. to the hot mixture. butter, candied fruits, dried fruits, vanilla to taste and mix thoroughly. Then little by little, stirring constantly, add 500 gr. mashed cottage cheese. Thoroughly knead the curd mass until smooth, put in a mold, set the load and leave in a cool place for 6 hours.

8. Baked cottage cheese Easter has a very bright taste and aroma. Five egg yolks beat with a mixer until white with ½ cup sugar. Then add 100 gr. sour cream and continue whisking until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. TO finished mass add 700 gr. grated cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rum or cognac, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, raisins, nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a baking dish greased with butter. Bake your Easter in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 40 to 50 minutes, until golden brown. Refrigerate and serve.

9. It's not at all difficult to prepare a delicate pink Easter. Mix 800 gr. cottage cheese with 5 tbsp. spoons cherry jam, and ½ cup granulated sugar or powder. Wipe everything together through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Then add 3 eggs, 50 gr. butter, one glass of thick sour cream, one glass of colorful candied fruits, vanilla or rose water to taste. Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a bowl, set the load and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

10. Curd Easter with orange jelly turns out very tasty and unusual. Pass through a sieve 800 gr. cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon orange peel, mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Ten gr. soak gelatin for 10 minutes in 4 tbsp. spoons of cool water. Pour 500 ml into a saucepan. heavy cream, add 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar and gelatin. Heat the mixture on the lowest heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through cheesecloth, add one egg and beat with a mixer. Whip chilled curd quickly. separate dishes, and then, stirring continuously, in a thin stream, inject into it creamy mixture. Put the finished curd mass into a silicone or ceramic mold and refrigerate for 8 hours. Prepare the orange jelly separately. Squeeze juice from 2 oranges, add 10 gr. gelatin soaked in 100 ml. cold water. Heat the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved and cool slightly, not allowing the mixture to harden. Remove the finished curd mass from the mold and cut into three parts with a sharp, wet knife. Return the layers to the mold, lining with orange slices and basting with a little orange jelly. Return Easter to refrigerator for 2 hours.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook cottage cheese Easter.