How to cook the classic "Tsar" Easter (cottage cheese) at home. Easter cottage cheese How to make Easter from cottage cheese at home

02.05.2020 Salads

Of course, it is hard to imagine a festive table in an Orthodox family without Easter delicacies. Easter cottage cheese turns out very tasty, you will find their recipes with photos just below. On the eve of Easter, all the housewives are trying to carefully prepare, pondering how to set the table. It has already become traditional to paint eggs and cook cottage cheese Easter. How to cook cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos you will find in the article.

Eggs are painted in different ways: someone uses purchased paints, and someone uses natural products. In any case, you get multi-colored testicles. After painting, rub them with sunflower oil, so they will shine. You can buy Easter stickers in advance and stick them on each egg. With this sorted out, now is the time to prepare Easter. You can cook ordinary Easter cakes, or you can make cottage cheese Easter. So, the topic of our article is cottage cheese Easter: recipes with photos, we will describe how to cook this festive dessert below.

If you have never cooked yourself, then thanks to the recipe for Easter cottage cheese without eggs, you will create a real culinary masterpiece. This method is the easiest one, suitable even for novice cooks. And if you really want to surprise your family, prepare a cheese Easter. Find out the preferences of each family member and, based on this, prepare a real treat for the festive table. Easter cottage cheese as a dish turns out to be very tasty and tender. On this day, Easter must be on the table. How to cook them at home? We will deal with this now.

Easter cottage cheese (royal)

There is a time-tested recipe for making Easter. Photo is also attached. You can't pull off such a delicacy by the ears.

Required products:

curd (preferably fat, 1 kg);

sour cream (fat, 210 grams);

a couple of eggs;

sugar (half a glass, choose according to your taste);

butter (with a high% fat content, 110 grams);

vanillin (a couple of sachets);

raisins (100-150 grams);

candied fruits (100-150 grams).

The first step is to pass the curd through a sieve. It is advisable to do this several times so that the dough is airy and not clogged.

2 eggs are driven into the curd, sugar is poured in and soft butter is added. Send sour cream and vanillin to the ingredients immediately. Now beat all the ingredients thoroughly. For these purposes, use a mixer. If there is no such device in the kitchen, beat with your hands for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, do not forget, it is better to do this in advance, wash the raisins. After it dries, it will go to the curd mixture along with the candied fruits. Stir well again.

Next, moisten a piece of gauze and cover the mold with it. If you don't have a pastern, you can use a flower pot or colander. Put the curd mass on cheesecloth. Wrap with gauze and place the plate on top. Serum will flow through the bottom of your mold, so put something under the bottom too. Refrigerate everything overnight.

In the morning, remove the plate, remove the cheesecloth, and flip the Easter onto the platter. Turn over in the same way as jellied meat. The finished delicacy can be decorated with candied fruits and written in capital letters "ХВ". The most delicious cottage cheese Easter (classic) is ready. Treats can be served on the Easter table.

Baked Easter (recipe with photo)

Not a single holiday of Easter is complete without Easter. Food should be consistent with the holy day. Instead of bread, Easter is eaten on this day. Easter from cottage cheese is considered the most delicious, tender and melting in the mouth. All food on the table is exclusively Easter. But how do you make Easter at home? We will now provide a simple recipe.

Required products:

homemade curd (700-800 grams);

chicken eggs (6 pieces selected);

sour cream (250 grams);

sugar (250 grams);

cinnamon (a couple of small spoons, one can be used);

zest of any citrus (grated, 6 small spoons);

baking powder (sachet);

wheat flour (half a glass);

a piece of butter.

Cooking Easter Treats:

Now you will see how to make a delicious baked Easter. First, separate the whites from the yolks. We need exactly the yolks. They will need to be ground with sugar and mixed with curd. All the ingredients presented in the list are sent here. But the flour will need to be sieved first.

Grease the prepared baking dish with a lump of butter. Put the mass there and send to the oven. Readiness can be checked with a match. If the dough does not stick to it, then you can get it out.

Grease the finished cake with whipped egg white and powdered sugar. This is optional. Whoever doesn't like it, you can not do it, and without it it will be very tasty. So the cottage cheese Easter is ready. The recipe turned out to be very simple. It is imperative to put Easter on the Easter table, but you already know how to cook it at home.

Easter recipe from cottage cheese with chocolate flavor

How to make a delicious Easter? This question is asked by many housewives on the eve of a great holiday. After all, food should correspond to this day. DIY cake will be especially appreciated. Cooking Easter is very easy at home. There are recipes where the egg is added, but there are where it is completely unnecessary. You can make a delicious chocolate-flavored Easter. Now we will offer you the simplest recipe (step by step).

Required products:

homemade curd (550-600 grams);

butter (210 grams);

sour cream (110 grams);

milk chocolate (bar);

sugar (250 grams);

vanillin (bag).

Cooking Easter:

Pay special attention to the cottage cheese before you start cooking. It must be rubbed thoroughly through a sieve, if possible several times. Then send it to the prepared bowl. Put soft butter there. Next, mix both ingredients with a blender.

Beat the sour cream separately and slowly spread to the curd-creamy mass. Mix everything again. Then sugar and vanillin are added to the prepared composition. Mix everything. The chocolate must be grated with small holes and poured into the mixture.

Cover the mold with gauze and put the prepared mixture there. Cover the top of Easter with the ends of the gauze, and place a plate on top. Place a plate under the bottom of the mold, where excess liquid will drain. Refrigerate everything overnight.

In the morning, your curd paste is ready. There is no need to decorate it, as it will already be beautiful because of the chocolate chips. Now you know how to make a cottage cheese treat quickly and tasty.

Choux Easter: how to cook

We all prepare for Easter in a special way. This holiday is famous for all kinds of baked goods and colored eggs. But have you ever tried Custard Easter? Now we will tell you a little secret on how to cook it. It is advisable to add citruses to add taste and aroma.

Required products:

homemade curd (1 kilogram);

chicken eggs (8-9 pieces of the second grade);

butter (pack);


sour cream (210 ml);

cream (fatty 210 ml);

raisins (50 grams);

chopped almonds (50 grams).

Cooking Easter Treats:

Today we will get not just boiled Easter, but custard. As usual, grind the curd through a sieve. Add softened butter to it. Now put the saucepan on a small fire and bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir the composition.

When the mixture has cooled, beat in the eggs one at a time. If you have cottage cheese lying around somewhere, you do not need to cook from it. Take fresh food.

Add lemon juice, sour cream and cream to the prepared mass. Stir well again. Add chopped almonds and raisins immediately. Important! When rubbing the zest, do not touch the white skin, otherwise you will feel bitterness in the dish.

Now put the Pasobox in front of you and cover it with gauze. There will be laid out curd paste. Put everything under oppression and send it to the refrigerator overnight. The recipe for cottage cheese Easter turned out to be very simple.

Easter cottage cheese in a slow cooker

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking Easter. There are cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits, cottage cheese Easter without eggs, but few people know that this Easter delicacy can be prepared in a multicooker. How to cook Easter cottage cheese? What are the recipes in the multicooker? In fact, the methods for making Easter sweets are pretty simple. You will be convinced of this now.

Required products:

homemade curd (fat, 750-800 grams);

butter (155 grams);

dried apricots (155 grams);

raisins (100 grams);

cream (250 ml);

sugar (half a glass);

a pinch of salt;

a bag of vanillin.

Cooking Easter Treats:

The first step is to thoroughly grind the curd through a sieve. Put softened butter on it. To make it soft, just remove it from the refrigerator 2 hours before cooking. Pour vanillin here and mix.

Take the whites and beat with a mixer with sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.
The next stage is the washing of dried fruits. Pure fruit will need to be chopped.

Mix the whole mass with cream and salt. Pour a homogeneous mass into a multicooker and leave for 10-15 minutes, setting the "heating" mode.

In the meantime, prepare the mold and cover it with gauze. When the signal sounds on the multicooker, add the cottage cheese and set the "porridge" mode. Set a timer for 5 minutes and remember to stir.

Then the mixture should cool. After that, dried fruits are added there and everything is mixed. Now the prepared mass should be laid out in the form. Place the plates on top and bottom and send to the refrigerator. The next day, Easter must be turned over onto a dish, and the gauze must be carefully removed. So our cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots is ready. This recipe is liked by all housewives. It is simple, and the delicacy turns out to be so delicious that it flies off the Easter table in a matter of seconds.

Cooked Easter recipe

It is difficult to imagine a bright Easter day without Easter cakes. But they can be prepared not only from flour, but also from cottage cheese. We will talk about the second option. Now we will tell you how you can make Easter from cottage cheese (boiled). Everyone chooses a recipe for himself, who knows, maybe you will like this method. Here is an Easter cottage cheese recipe for your attention.

Required products:

homemade cottage cheese (fatty about a kilogram);

chicken eggs (2 pieces of the highest grade);

sour cream (310 grams);

butter (155 grams, about half a pack);

sugar (210 grams);

a pinch of vanillin;

raisins (110 grams).

Cooking Easter Treats:

Do the curd first. It must be rubbed through a sieve several times. This will help him stay airy. Add sour cream and melted butter to this. Yes, you heard right, it was melted, not just softened. Mix everything well until smooth.

Beat eggs with a mixer along with sugar and vanilla. Combine the resulting mixture with curd mass and raisins. Put the saucepan with the prepared composition in a water bath for half an hour. Remember to stir the mixture regularly.

Then proceed as usual. Take the Easter mold and cover it with gauze. If you don't have a sachet, a colander or flower pot will do. The most important thing is that there is a hole at the bottom through which the serum will flow. Fill the mold with the prepared mass. Place the edges of the gauze on top and cover with a plate. Put the plate down too, as excess liquid will flow out there.

Set everything in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the frozen Easter can be turned on a plate and decorated as desired. For design, you can take multi-colored candied fruits. Lay out the letters "ХВ" with them or simply sprinkle on top. The treat is ready!

After you paint the eggs and prepare Easter, they should definitely be dedicated. This is the meaning of all the blanks. On this day, all Christians go to church. They light candles and pray. Then they come home and break their fast. On this day, Easter is eaten instead of bread. For a change, along with a curd delicacy, you can bake Easter cakes.

Whichever recipe you choose, you will not regret it, as Easter cottage cheese melts in your mouth. It is such bliss that words cannot be expressed, they must be tried. Not one holiday of Easter is complete without Easter. Prepare for this day in a special way, because it happens only once a year. This is not just a holiday, Easter means a lot for believers.

One of the oldest Christian Easter dishes and a real decoration of any festive table on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, cottage cheese (cheese) Easter (pascha), is loved by us today. Delicious delicate cottage cheese mixed with cream, sour cream, butter, sugar or honey, spices and candied fruits is laid out in the form of a truncated pyramid, symbolizing Golgotha \u200b\u200band the Holy Sepulcher. The sides of Easter are decorated with a cross and the letters ХВ, meaning the traditional Easter exclamation and greeting - “Christ is Risen!”. This dish also has a different sacred meaning. Addressing Moses, the Lord promises his people "a good and spacious land where milk and honey flow." And Easter cottage cheese becomes for all of us a symbol of Easter fun, an anticipation of the fulfillment of a promise and a sweet paradise life. Surely each of our readers will agree that a dish of such importance literally has to be prepared in the best possible way. Let's try today to learn and remember how to cook Easter cottage cheese, cook it so that it becomes one of the most delicious and desirable dishes on our Easter table.

You don't even have to try to count all that huge number of recipes for making cheese Easter, invented, improved and carefully preserved by our ancestors, because even at the beginning of the last century, curd Easter was prepared in every Russian home. Along with Easter cakes and painted eggs, Easter was an absolutely necessary attribute of the festive table on the Bright Resurrection of Christ. According to the method of preparation, four types of Easter were distinguished - raw, boiled, baked and custard. Eggs, sour cream and cream, honey and syrups, candied fruits and nuts were added to the curd. They did not spare spices. Cinnamon and cloves, cardamom and lemon zest, ginger and vanilla - all these and many other sweet spices brought a fabulous variety to the recipes for this festive dish, decorating Easter with thousands of new flavors. And it is all the more pleasant to watch today's revival of ancient traditions, bringing curd Easter back to our Easter tables.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in preparing Easter, but this is only at first glance. Like recipes for many other dishes, the recipe for cooking Easter is fraught with some secrets, without knowing which your dish may not turn out to be as tasty and appetizing as you would like. In order for Easter to come out really beautiful and festive, you should pay attention to the quality of the initial products, and to the sequence of their laying and mixing, and to the timing of keeping Easter in the mold, to the quality of the mold itself and to its preliminary processing.

Today the site "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded for you the most important secrets, tips and recipes that will surely help even the most inexperienced housewives and will easily tell you how to cook Easter cottage cheese.

1. To prepare Easter cottage cheese, you will need a special form - a pasochny. This form is easy to get in any church shop, and closer to Christ's Resurrection, and in many supermarkets. Traditionally, pasochnits are made of wood, but nowadays you can get a plastic mold as well. The plastic jar is convenient because it is very easy to care for, wash and no special preparation is required before using it. If you decide to use a traditional wooden pasochny, then before laying the curd mass, this form must be properly prepared. First of all, thoroughly rinse and scrape your mold with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge, and then soak the dish in cool water for 5 to 8 hours. Before laying the curd mass, the form must be lined with slightly moistened gauze. Such preparation will allow you to easily remove the finished Easter from the pasochny and completely preserve its shape and pattern.

2. It is not hard to guess from the name that the main ingredient of Easter cottage cheese is cottage cheese. The choice of this product should be approached with special care, because, first of all, the taste of your dish will depend on the quality and freshness of the curd. Try to buy cottage cheese as fresh as possible, best by weight.

3. In order for your Easter to be light, homogeneous and well retained its shape, the curd must be chopped as thoroughly as possible before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. Traditionally, cottage cheese is crushed by rubbing it twice through the most frequent sieve. You can go an easier way, just twisting or three times cranking the cottage cheese through a meat grinder with the finest mesh. The cottage cheese prepared in this way will turn out to be very tender, plastic and airy. And Easter made from such cottage cheese will perfectly retain its shape and pattern.

4. Pay attention to the preparation and other ingredients of your Easter. Sort raisins and dried fruits thoroughly, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Finely chop large dried fruits and candied fruits. Pour the nuts with boiling water, soak for 20 minutes, then peel, dry slightly and chop. Grate lemon and orange zest on the finest grater. Grind the spices in a coffee grinder, sift through a fine sieve and rub. Soften the butter at room temperature. Gently melt the candied honey in a water bath and remove the resulting foam. Prepare all the decorations and sprinkles in advance, have them on hand by the time your Easter is ready. Do not forget that Easter must be kept in the Pasobox under oppression for at least 12 hours.

5. The easiest way to cook is raw Easter. Rub one kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve. 100 g Mash butter white with 150 gr. sugar or powdered sugar. Mix cottage cheese and sweet butter, add 120 gr. thick sour cream, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for one hour. Then add nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices according to your own taste, knead thoroughly and put the mass in a sachet. Place the lid on the bowl, set the weight and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

6. It is a little more difficult to cook boiled Easter. But this Easter turns out to be much more tasty, dense and keeps its shape better. Wipe through a 600 g sieve. cottage cheese, mix with 400 ml. heavy cream, add 50 gr. butter, two raw eggs, ½ cup washed and dried raisins, and ½ cup sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom and, stirring continuously, bring to almost a boil. Don't let the mixture boil, otherwise your Easter will come out with lumps! Remove the pan with the curd mass from the stove, place it on ice or very cold water and, while stirring constantly, cool the curd mixture. Transfer the finished mixture to the paste box, set the oppression and leave in a cool place for 12 hours.

7. Choux cottage cheese Easter has the most delicate taste and aroma. In a small saucepan, combine two cups of milk, two raw yolks, and ½ cup of sugar. In a water bath, stirring continuously, bring the mixture to thicken and remove from heat. Add 50 g to the hot mixture. butter, candied fruits, dried fruits, vanilla to taste and mix thoroughly. Then, little by little, stirring constantly, add 500 gr. pureed cottage cheese. Knead the curd mass thoroughly until smooth, put in a mold, place the weight and leave in a cool place for 6 hours.

8. Baked cottage cheese Easter has a very bright taste and aroma. Beat five egg yolks with a mixer until white with ½ cup sugar. Then add 100 gr. sour cream and continue to beat until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. Add 700 gr to the finished mass. pureed cottage cheese, 1st tbsp. a spoonful of rum or cognac, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, raisins, nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits and spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a greased baking dish. Bake your Easter in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 40 - 50 minutes, until golden brown. Refrigerate and serve.

9. It is not at all difficult to prepare delicate pink Easter. Mix 800 gr. cottage cheese with 5 tbsp. tablespoons of cherry jam, and ½ cup granulated sugar or powdered. Rub everything together through a sieve or mince it. Then add 3 eggs, 50 gr. butter, one glass of thick sour cream, one glass of colorful candied fruits, vanilla or rose water to taste. Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a pasochny, set the load and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

10. Cottage cheese Easter with orange jelly turns out to be very tasty and unusual. Wipe through a 800 g sieve. cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of orange peel, mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Ten gr. soak gelatin for 10 minutes in 4 tbsp. tablespoons of cool water. Pour 500 ml into a saucepan. heavy cream, add 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and gelatin. Heat the mixture over the lowest heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, strain through cheesecloth, add one egg and beat with a mixer. Whisk the chilled cottage cheese quickly in a separate bowl, and then, stirring continuously, pour the creamy mixture into it in a thin stream. Put the prepared curd mass in a silicone or ceramic form and put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Make orange jelly separately. Squeeze juice from 2 oranges, add 10 gr. gelatin soaked in 100 ml. cold water. Heat the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved and cool slightly, not allowing the mixture to solidify. Remove the prepared curd mass from the mold and cut into three parts with a sharp, damp knife. Bring the layers back into shape by interlaying with orange slices and sprinkling with a little orange jelly. Return Easter to refrigerator for 2 hours.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook Easter cottage cheese.

We are preparing for one of the main Orthodox holidays with special trepidation. And many housewives try to make the treats (and Easter cakes) special too.

And for this, first of all, it is necessary that the products are fresh. We offer you master classes on cooking Easter from cottage cheese with citrus and nuts, with raisins and candied fruits - we hope that everyone will find a recipe to their liking. Happy Easter!

1. Choux Easter with citrus aroma

Photo: Ekaterina Morgunova / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese
  • 9 eggs
  • 250 g butter
  • 1 large lemon
  • 200 ml sour cream 20% fat
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 50 g of chopped almonds and raisins


1. Rub the curd twice through a sieve. Dissolve the butter, mix with the curd and put on the stove. While stirring, bring to a boil over low heat, then remove from heat and let cool slightly. Drive all the eggs into the mass one by one.


  • for Easter, you should take the freshest cottage cheese;
  • you need to combine it with warm oil gradually, in small portions;
  • when the custard-butter mass becomes warm, beat in the eggs, stirring thoroughly after adding each one.

2. Rub the zest of half a lemon on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. The second - cut into thin slices. Add lemon juice, sour cream, cream to the curd and egg mass and mix thoroughly. Add chopped nuts and raisins.


  • the zest from the lemon can be removed with a grater or a sharp knife;
  • make sure not to touch the white shell (it will add bitterness to the dish);
  • to get the maximum amount of juice from the lemon, the fruit should first be doused with boiling water.

3. Put the resulting mass in a pasochny lined with damp gauze. Then collect the ends of the gauze at the top so that the mass does not flow out. Put it under oppression, put it in the refrigerator for a day. If the load is too heavy, the liquid flowing through the slots of the mold will be cloudy. If the liquid does not appear at all, the load is too light.

4. Put the finished Easter on a nice plate.

5. Top it off with lemon wedges.

You will need:

  • 1.2 kg of homemade cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 1 pinch of vanilla sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g peeled almonds
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon


1. Mix cottage cheese with cream and place under a press for a day. Then drain the whey, transfer the cottage cheese to a large bowl.

2. Rub the prepared curd twice through a fine sieve. Cut the butter into slices and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes.

3. Beat eggs with a mixer, put in a hot water bath, gradually add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Heat, but do not bring to a boil.

4. Remove the egg mixture from heat and let cool. Beat the butter with a mixer and combine with the cooled egg mass.

5. Grind the nuts in a blender, add them to the egg-oil mass together with the zest and lemon juice, add the cottage cheese, mix everything well.

6. Line the paste box with 2 layers of wet gauze. Transfer the resulting curd mass to a pasochny, cover with the ends of the gauze on top and place under a press for a day.

7. Decorate the finished product (optional) with almonds, lemon zest.

Photo: Dmitry Bayrak / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 800 g cottage cheese
  • 200 ml cream
  • 200 g icing sugar
  • 200 g butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g candied fruits


1. Pour boiling water over the raisins. Rub the cottage cheese twice through a fine sieve, mix with 100 g of icing sugar and cream. Drain the water from the raisins, add it to the cottage cheese along with candied fruits and vanilla sugar.

2. Melt the butter and let it cool slightly. Then mix it with the egg yolks and the remaining powdered sugar. Salt, beat well and combine with the curd mass.

3. Line a sieve or colander with damp gauze folded in half. Put the curd mass, tamp it slightly, cover with gauze on top and refrigerate for 12 hours.

4. Decorate the finished Easter with fruits and candied fruits.

It just melts in your mouth!

Photo: K. Vinogradov / BurdaMedia

You will need:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g sour cream 30% fat
  • 150 g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 0.5 sachet vanilla sugar
  • 100 g small raisins


1. Rub the curd 2 times through a fine sieve. Add sour cream, melted butter, stir until smooth.

2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer. Combine the resulting creamy mass with the curd mixture, raisins, mix well.

3. Place the container with the mass in a hot water bath and stand, stirring, for 30 minutes.

Then put in a pasochny lined with gauze, put oppression and put in the cold for 24 hours.

2. Put the saucepan on very low heat. While stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a hot state, then let it cool. Add powdered sugar, lemon zest to the cooled mass and mix thoroughly.

3. Add finely chopped candied fruits to the mass, mix again and arrange in small sausages.

Place under oppression for 24 hours. Then put on nice plates. Decorate as desired before serving.

Easter cottage cheese... An integral part of any Easter table. Easter cottage cheese can be either raw or baked or custard or boiled. And how tasty the cottage cheese will turn out to be, to a large extent depends on the quality of the cottage cheese used for its preparation.

Baked cottage cheese Easter is especially tasty - such Easter is usually baked in the oven, and candied fruits, raisins, nuts or cocoa are very often added to it. And custard (boiled) cottage cheese Easter always turns out to be very tender - in order to cook it, a mixture of cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and eggs is brewed in a saucepan. This is how the famous cottage cheese Easter "Tsarskaya" is prepared!

In general, Easter cottage cheese can be prepared in two ways: cold and hot. In order to cook Easter cottage cheese in a cold way (that is, raw Easter), all components are carefully rubbed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and to prepare boiled Easter, the mass is heated on fire until bubbles begin to rise from the bottom of the pan. Of course, making hot Easter cottage cheese requires more effort, but it turns out to be much softer and sweeter than the raw version.

Ideally, the cottage cheese for making Easter cottage cheese should be fresh and rather fatty (although some hostesses claim that excellent cottage cheese Easter is obtained from dry fat-free cottage cheese). Selected homemade cottage cheese is especially well suited for these purposes, and if it was made from baked milk, it is doubly good (to prepare such cottage cheese, milk is flooded in the oven for several hours), because Easter made from such cottage cheese can boast an unusually pleasant pink color!

In order for the cottage cheese easter to always turn out to be uniform, the cottage cheese must be thoroughly wiped through a sieve, and only after that it is combined with all the other ingredients and the future cottage cheese easter is thoroughly kneaded. And you can always beat the curd mass using a mixer.

Sour cream for making cottage cheese Easter should be non-acidic, as well as rather fatty and thick, and the cream should also have a high fat content (at least thirty percent). And sugar can always be replaced with powdered sugar - it will be much easier to grind it with egg yolks, and the finished product in this case will be able to boast of a more delicate consistency. As for the eggs, it is best to take the yolks for making cottage cheese Easter, which are ground with sugar or powdered sugar until they brighten. And the lighter this mixture turns out, the better!

Welcome to this page, dear guest! It's good that our thoughts converge. And on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, we will have on our tables not only Easter cake, but also Easter cottage cheese. Have you already decided what kind of Easter you will cook from cottage cheese? Raw, custard or boiled? Yes, they are all so delicious that it didn’t prevent each of them from cooking one at a time! Moreover, they have different storage periods. Therefore, let's look at 5 simple recipes for cottage cheese Easter with photos that you can easily do with your own hands at home!

Raw you can and should break the fast on the first day of the holiday. Custard pamper for a second. Well, on the third day and with boiled tea. Class! But nothing prevents us from making curd dreams come true.

Cheese Easter is prepared quickly and without much hassle. And the recipes are all at hand - I have specially selected the most diverse and according to all cooking methods. So we read, choose and cook with pleasure.

Raw cottage cheese Easter with boiled condensed milk

This extremely tasty cottage cheese Easter belongs to raw products. This means that you need to store in the refrigerator, and even then not for long. The best option: sanctified in a church and eaten on the same day.

It is distinguished from its cheese counterparts by the addition of boiled condensed milk. It provides both sweetness and extraordinary taste. I would even say chocolate, given the fact that the pasta is sprinkled with grated chocolate. In short, it's worth a try.

Before starting the culinary process, I would like to highlight the peculiarities of preparing holiday products from a sour milk product. They will help you to orient yourself over time, and with the choice of food and kitchen utensils. So what to look out for

  1. The form. According to Christian traditions, Easter cottage cheese should have the shape of a tall, truncated pyramid, resembling the Holy Sepulcher. I suppose that not every house has a special inventory. What do enterprising hostesses use? An ordinary sieve or colander, the holes of which allow excess moisture to be removed. And also with a grater. Generally ideal. And there are holes, and the pyramidal shape is suitable. So choose the inventory that is convenient for you.
  2. Time. In order for the product to acquire the required consistency, moisture must be removed from the curd. This is done using a press for 10-15 hours. The drier the product, the less the product will be under pressure. Consider this nuance in order to cook Easter on time.
  3. Cottage cheese. Choose greasy, smooth and dry. And always fresh! The products will be tasty and of the desired structure.

Now you can prepare the ingredients and start cooking.

Required set of products

  • Butter 250 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.
  • Curd 1 kg.
  • Dark chocolate 25 gr.
  • Pine nuts 50 gr.
  • A small amount of multi-colored candied fruits according to your taste (approx. 100 gr.).

Cooking process

  1. Prepare a container that is not afraid of boiling water.
  2. Send candied fruits to it, pour boiling water over them. Let them stand for 10 minutes, steam up.

  3. Start preparing the main ingredient. This is an important point that needs to be given special attention. The curd must be grated through a sieve, or twisted through a meat grinder. Do this twice if necessary.

  4. Pass the butter through a fine grater.
  5. Take a convenient dish, send curd mass, butter into it. Mix well.

  6. Send boiled condensed milk here, mix.

  7. Now you need to drain the water from the container with candied fruits. Thoroughly squeeze out the multi-colored charm.
  8. Add candied fruits and nuts to the total mass, mix thoroughly.

  9. Take a colander, cover with a large piece of gauze in two layers. This must be done so that the edges hang outward.
  10. Put the mass in a colander, compacting and leveling with a spoon.

  11. Cover with raised edges of cheesecloth.
  12. Place a plate on top with a circumference smaller than the size of the colander.
  13. Put the colander in a deep bowl.

  14. Put some kind of load on a plate, even a jar of water. Here you need to take into account the fact that all this jumble will be sent to the refrigerator. So measure the size.

  15. Send the structure to the refrigerator and keep it for 12-15 hours.
  16. After the expiration of the time, remove the paste. Grind the chocolate with a grater. Rub the top of the Easter cottage cheese with it.

Unusually beautiful and delicious Easter is ready to eat. Good appetite!

Recipe for custard cottage cheese Easter with candied fruits, nuts and raisins

You know, friends, I sit and think how to describe the dignity of custard cottage cheese Easter. This is a difficult matter, however, words are lacking. There is no need to explain that it is very tasty, probably. And the advantages, perhaps, include a longer shelf life compared to raw. After all, eggs and cream are cooked here. Let's see how it looks in practice.

Cooking a grocery set

  • Curd 1 kg.
  • Butter 200 gr.
  • Cream 200 ml.
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Sugar glass two hundred grams
  • Vanillin 1 tsp
  • Candied fruits 100 gr.
  • Raisins 100 gr.
  • Shelled walnuts 100 gr.

How to cook a custard version of Easter cottage cheese

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar and vanilla. Minutes 3, at least.
  2. Pour cream into the mixture.
  3. Put the boil in a water bath. This must be done before the mass thickens. And don't forget to stir constantly.

  4. Remove from oven when ready. Let it cool to room temperature.
  5. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, or twist in a meat grinder.
  6. Add butter, mix well.

  7. Combine the curd mixture with the egg mixture, stir.

  8. Send raisins, candied fruits, chopped nuts to the common pot. Mix the mass thoroughly.

  9. Cover the form with a large piece of gauze in two layers. Its edges should hang down, so that later they could cover the curd composition.
  10. Put the curd mass in the form, cover with gauze. Lay a flat plate on top. Place the dish in a deep bowl or plate. Place the load on top.
  11. Place the fixture in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  12. Extract Easter, decorate at your discretion.

The letters "ХВ", announcing that Christ is Risen, can become a solemn decoration. At the sight of such beauty, everyone will answer "In truth, He is Risen!"

Yes, I completely forgot: raisins, if necessary, need to be steamed beforehand. Suddenly you come across a dry one. And the nuts can be lightly fried. This will improve the taste and appearance.

How to cook boiled cottage cheese Easter

You have already understood, for sure, that boiled cottage cheese Easter will require more heat treatment. Everything is correct. Therefore, it can be stored longer than other cottage cheese options. Taste properties are excellent. This is the default, as they say.


  • Curd 1 kg.
  • Sour cream (20 percent fat) 3 tbsp.
  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Sugar two-thirds of a glass (glass 200 ml.)
  • Vanilla sugar bag
  • Candied fruits 100 gr.
  • Raisins 30 gr.
  • Any nuts gr. 30 - 50.

Step-by-step preparation of boiled cottage cheese Easter with a photo

  1. We take the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Grind the yolks with sugar, including vanilla.

  3. We bring the cottage cheese to a delicate structure. I passed it 2 times through a meat grinder. This can also be done with a sieve. Some people use a blender. But it needs to be run at the lowest speed.

  4. We take a saucepan, send processed cottage cheese, proteins and sour cream into it. Stir the mass well. Choose a saucepan so that you can boil it later.
  5. Add softened butter to a container with yolks and sugar. We mix.

  6. We send the resulting mixture into a pan with cottage cheese. Mix well.

  7. Here we add candied fruits, nuts, raisins. Mix until smooth.

  8. We put the pan on the smallest fire. While stirring, heat the mass. When you see large bubbles appear from the bottom, turn off the heat. In no case should you boil.
  9. While the pot is on the fire, prepare a large basin or bowl of cold water. Here you will need to cool the curd mass.
  10. We lower the pan into a bowl of cold water. Cool, stirring frequently.
  11. We will lay the shape with gauze in two layers. Do not forget that the edges of the fabric should hang freely.

  12. We send the cooled curd composition to the form.

  13. We build the structure: we put the form in a deep bowl. We put the load on top.
  14. We send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

  15. We take out the paste, decorate it.

What beauty we get, we can't take our eyes off. The best Easter dessert ever!

Egg-free cottage cheese recipe

Delicious Easter with rustic products. I mean fatty homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. Prepared raw. If there is an opportunity to purchase such products, be sure to use the recipe.

And one more feature: here I did not use candied fruits or other industrial decorations. I tried to make a natural product.

List of products

  • Homemade cottage cheese 500g.
  • Powdered sugar 90 gr.
  • Rustic sour cream half a glass of two hundred grams
  • Butter 100 gr. (we need softened)
  • Vanilla bag
  • Raisins gr. 30
  • Crushed hazelnuts gr. thirty
  • Dried apricots gr. fifty
  • For decoration, some nuts (pine nuts, cashews).

Cooking yummy

  1. First of all, scald raisins and dried apricots with boiling water. Then be sure to dry it.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  3. Combine sour cream with powder and vanilla, mix.
  4. Add prepared sour cream and softened butter to the curd mass. Lightly beat the resulting mixture with a mixer.
  5. Add chopped nuts, dried apricots and raisins. Let's mix.
  6. Cover the form with gauze in 2 - 3 layers with hanging edges. I had a colander as a beekeeper.
  7. Lay out the curd "dough", cover with the hanging edges of the gauze.
  8. Put a flat plate on top.
  9. Place the filled colander in a deep bowl, put the weight on a flat plate.
  10. We will send the device to the refrigerator for 12 - 15 hours.
  11. Then we will free the paste, decorate with dried apricots and nuts.

We just have to devote Easter and break the fast. Bon appetit and Happy Holidays!
By the way, the taste of Easter will be more intense and rich if raisins and dried apricots are soaked in cognac.

Strawberry Curd Easter

Great recipe. If you have dried or frozen strawberries, be sure to prepare such a paste. You will not regret it - the taste and aroma are amazing!

Food composition

  • Curd 450 gr. (I had 9 percent)
  • Sugar 120 gr.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Salt a quarter teaspoon
  • Zest with half a lemon
  • Dried strawberries 130 gr.
  • Vanilla essence half a teaspoon.


  1. Squeeze the liquid out of the curd. To do this, it must be tied in gauze and squeezed well. You can even hang it over the sink - let the whey drip on its own.

  2. Combine softened butter with sugar, salt, lemon zest and vanilla essence. Beat gently with a mixer until smooth.

  3. Add the mass to the curd, mix with a spoon.
  4. Now add strawberries to the total mass, stir well. The strawberries should be evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  5. We will build a press and place it in the refrigerator for 12-15 hours.
  6. After the time has passed, we will decorate and serve. Believe me, everyone will appreciate the festive treat.

Well, have you chosen the right recipe? So that's great. As they say, always at your service. It remains to wish you a rich and exquisite table for Easter 2018! Come to us, we will still prepare all kinds of yummy!