Oven baked pork leg in foil. Ham in the oven in foil: old traditions in new packaging

10.10.2019 Dishes for children

If you are lucky and have a whole pork leg, you need to be able to bake it deliciously. Such a piece of meat will last for a long time, and it can serve not only as an appetizer, but also as a component of other dishes. And how to bake correctly and juicy, our recipes will tell you.

  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 6 kg of pig ham;
  • 90 ml of oil;
  • 3 carrots;
  • spice.

Time: 3 h.

Calories: 258.

How to bake a whole pork leg in the oven:

  1. Wash the carrots, peel them off, cut them lengthwise. After that, cut into strips, you can not be too thin;
  2. Peel all the garlic cloves. Separate the larger ones from the smaller ones. It is the large teeth that should have 2/3 of the mass of all the garlic in their pile. And it is them that need to be cut into four parts;
  3. Fine prongs should be passed through a press into a small bowl;
  4. Pour a fairly large amount of salt here;
  5. Add black pepper, you can use suneli hops or a special seasoning mixture for meat. Mix;
  6. Pour all the oil here, stir again, leave for fifteen minutes;
  7. Take a washed and dried ham. You cannot remove the skin; if necessary, you can scorch and scrape;
  8. Take a knife, about the width of your finger, and make deep cuts in the ham. The distance between them should be about two centimeters. Such holes should be made on all sides of the leg;
  9. Next, dip your finger into the oil marinade, trying to hook as many spices as possible, and smear all the holes well with the mixture;
  10. After that, put carrots and ham on a straw in the same holes, sometimes you can put several pieces of both at once;
  11. Grate the meat with the remaining marinade on top, leave for twenty minutes to marinate, transfer to a baking sheet, pour a little more oil on the bottom;
  12. Put in the oven at the maximum temperature, soak for ten minutes;
  13. Then change the heat to medium and cook for about three hours. During this time, it is necessary to turn the ham a couple of times, be sure to water it with oil from the bottom every half hour.

Oven baked ham in foil

  • 15 ml mayonnaise;
  • 700 g ham;
  • 15 ml sour cream;
  • spices for meat;
  • 10 g mustard.

Time: 8 h.

Calories: 264.

Baking process:

See also: How I lost 19 kg in a month and a half

Pork leg in honey glaze

  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • 10 g fresh ginger;
  • 60 ml of brandy;
  • 3 kg of ham on the bone;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 15 g mustard;
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 15 g of honey;
  • 90 g sugar.

Time: 4 h.

Calories: 250.

The culinary process step by step:

  1. Place the ham in a large saucepan and cover with water. The water should completely cover the meat;
  2. Put celery, onion, garlic, laurel leaves here, put on fire. Let it boil and from this time cook for two and a half hours over low heat, then wait until it cools down;
  3. Remove the skin with a knife, while leaving the fat on the meat. With a sharp knife, make a mesh on the fat and turn the whole piece onto it;
  4. Transfer to a baking sheet and brush with mustard. Spread the ginger in pieces in different places;
  5. Heat the cognac in a saucepan, add honey and sugar to it. Stir the ingredients until the grains dissolve. This is the glaze;
  6. She needs to pour the meat on top. Place in the oven for forty minutes over medium heat.

Pork in wine, baked in the oven

  • 160 ml soy sauce;
  • 1100 g of ham;
  • 0.2 l of sherry;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 10 g of honey;
  • 20 g fresh ginger;
  • spice;
  • 25 ml of wine vinegar.

Time: 10 h.

Calories: 172.

Read also: How I enlarged my breasts by 2 sizes in 1 week

Baking steps:

  1. Strip the meat, rinse it and dry it;
  2. Pour the specified amount of water into a saucepan, put ginger root, various spicy herbs, peppercorns, pour honey, put a laurel leaf into it;
  3. Boil the mixture for five minutes;
  4. Remove from heat, pour in vinegar and cool;
  5. Then add sherry and soy sauce here, mix. Sherry can be replaced with dry red wine;
  6. Pour the meat with this marinade and put it in the refrigerator for the whole night;
  7. Then get the ham out of the marinade, you can stuff it with garlic, wrap it in baking paper;
  8. Transfer the meat to the roasting pan, put in the oven and bake for an hour at 200 Celsius;
  9. Next, unfold the meat and pour it with juice from the bottom, bake until tender, this is about fifteen minutes.

How to deliciously bake a ham in a sleeve in the oven

  • 450 ml of beer;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 15 g granular mustard;
  • 4 kg of ham;
  • 45 ml of oil;
  • 5 g of dry mustard seeds;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

Calories: 242.

Roasting principle:

  1. Squeeze the peeled garlic cloves through a press into a bowl and pour oil here;
  2. Pour in salt and add mustard, you can pepper;
  3. Grate the washed meat with the resulting mixture;
  4. Transfer to a baking sleeve, refrigerate overnight. One part of the sleeve should remain open;
  5. Pull out, pour the beer inside and tie. Make a few holes on top of the sleeve;
  6. Send to oven for an hour and forty-five minutes at 210 Celsius;
  7. Get it out, open the package, send it for another fifteen minutes to brown;
  8. Take it out again, turn it over and bake for another fifteen minutes;
  9. Then cut into slices and serve.

Ham with pickled onions and spices

  • 15 g marjoram;
  • 1 bunch thyme
  • 3 kg of ham;
  • 120 g brown sugar;
  • 220 g of salt;
  • zira;
  • 1 bunch of sage;
  • 20 pieces of pickled onions;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 15 g rosemary;
  • 15 g of juniper berries;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 15 g peppercorns;
  • 5 laurel leaves;
  • 15 g allspice.

Time: 1 day.

Calories: 192.

Baking process:

  1. About three liters of water must be boiled with salt, spices and herbs: dried rosemary, laurel leaves, two types of peppers, juniper, marjoram, sugar;
  2. After the mixture has cooled, pour into a large container and add four more liters of water here, always boiled;
  3. It is necessary to cut off the skin from the ham, but leave the layer of bacon. It should be about one and a half centimeters;
  4. Dip the meat in the brine and keep it there for about twelve hours, turn it over and keep it again for another twelve hours. The entire container must be kept in the refrigerator;
  5. Next, take out the meat and make deep cuts in it. Place pickled onions and peeled garlic cloves in them;
  6. Pour with soy sauce and wrap in three layers of foil, bake according to the calculation: twenty minutes for a pound of meat + another twenty minutes for the whole piece;
  7. Then open the ham and drain the resulting juice into a saucepan. Put it on fire and evaporate half;
  8. Chop the leaves of thyme and sage and add to the juice, add cumin on the eye here;
  9. Pour this sauce over the meat when serving.

Interestingly, the baked ham is best combined not with any side dish or wine, but with several types of beer, including dark ones. Therefore, there is a recipe using beer as a marinade. So this is a great snack for a man's company.

If you come across a salted pork leg, and you want to bake it, you can do this: put it in a saucepan and pour water there on the very edge of the pan. Boil water, and after two minutes turn off the stove and drain the resulting broth. Further, the meat can be used according to the recipe.

Delicious, juicy, aromatic and spicy meat will decorate any table. It is especially beautiful to serve it whole, straight from the oven. Enthusiastic exclamations are guaranteed!

1. Here are my products:

i also had such a bow

2. We wash the meat, dry it ... and put it aside, and in the meantime, chop the garlic ... MNOGOOOOO

3. Now we take the meat and stuff it with garlic ... making cuts in different places ... this is how it looks ...

4. Stuffed ... now you need to pepper and salt ...

5. Next ... put all the mustard on the meat and rub in ... there should be a LOT of mustard !!! Then the mustard in the finished form of the dish will practically not be visible ... Almost all mustard will be absorbed into the meat and will give it softness and piquant taste! TRY. We leave on the table - for 30 minutes - marinate ...

6. We spread the foil on the table - MANY LAYERS! like this...

7. In the middle of the foil, put a layer of onion (cut into rings - coarsely) ... put the meat on the onion ... and put the onion on top too ...

8. Everything is prepared ... and wrap the meat in an envelope ... and put it in a baking dish

9. I also pour some water on the bottom of the mold ... to prevent the foil from sticking to the mold ...

10. In this form, I put it in a preheated oven to 220 degrees ... The meat will be baked for about 2.5 - 3 hours. The time depends on the mass of the piece - if the piece is larger, then exactly at least 3 hours. As soon as this time has passed - I take out the meat - cut the foil - open it a little and back for 15 minutes - bake the crust a little.

11. As it is a little fried, take out, let it cool a little and cut into pieces ...

12. See ... All the mustard is soaked in the meat. And what a scent is worth at home! MMMM! I prepare such a dish for the New Year's table! My family always reminds me not to forget to cook it :) Bon appetit and be sure to prepare such a dish for the holiday! The meat is very tasty both hot - there and cold! Serve with potatoes, cabbage or just with vegetables.

Time for preparing: PT03H00M 3 h.

Meat dishes occupy a special place in our diet, and it is difficult to imagine a festive feast or summer picnic without fragrant meat. Ruddy pork ham, baked in the oven in foil, will decorate any table, be it a family dinner or gatherings with friends, and cooking is very simple.

The key to deliciously cooked meat is its correct choice, because if you buy a quality product, then the dish will definitely be great.

How to choose a pork leg for baking in foil

Of course, to prepare an excellent dish, you need to devote a lot of time to choosing the main ingredient. So that you can choose the best ham, we will share some simple, but at the same time, irreplaceable tips.

  • To buy an excellent pork leg, it is best to go to the market: there is more choice and the quality of the meat product is much higher than in the store. Do not rush to buy a ham right away, first go around all the counters and choose a place where the freshest product is. And pay attention not only to the knuckle, because the adjacent parts of the carcass lying on the counter must be fresh.
  • It is very easy to determine the freshness of meat by color. The ideal option is pink. If the meat is dark, then the ham is from an old pig. The veins of fat on the ham should be white, yellow and greyish fat indicate that the meat is stale, and possibly spoiled.

  • Be sure to smell the product you intend to buy. Pork has a light sweetish aroma or is generally neutral.

An unpleasant, sour smell suggests that this is a spoiled product. If the ham has a heavy and pungent smell, the meat is old, and in no case should it be eaten.

  • For baking in foil, you need to choose a shank with a skin. During the baking process, the skin will not allow moisture to escape, and the meat will be juicy and soft. When choosing a shank, also pay attention to the skin - it should be light, clean and soft. If it has any damage or cracks, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.
  • You can buy a ham in a store or supermarket in a vacuum package. But in this case, you also need to take your choice seriously - carefully look at the production date and expiration date. Inspect the color and condition of the ham through the transparent packaging. Be sure to make sure that there is no liquid in the package, because this is the first sign of a spoiled meat product.

Baked ham in honey marinade: a step-by-step recipe


  • - 1.8 kg + -
  • - taste + -
  • White pepper - 0.5 tsp + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • Rosemary - 3 sprigs + -
  • - 4-5 slices + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -

How to deliciously bake pork ham in foil with honey and spices at home step by step

Pork leg is a budget and affordable product that can be used in cooking even every day. The weight of an average shank is 1.5-2 kg, which means that you can cook meat for a decent company or provide your household with delicious food for several days.

It is best to bake the ham in a marinade - this will make the meat softer and cook faster. You need to cook meat in the oven in foil, since a large ham after traditional baking will be dry, or even burn on top.

If you like toasted skins, unwrap the foil when finished and cook for another 15 minutes at the same temperature.

  • Wash a small pork leg thoroughly in warm water. If the ham is skinned, rub it with a brush or sponge. Then rinse the meat under running water and pat dry well with paper towels.
  • Rub the meat thoroughly with salt and white pepper. Place the ham in a bowl and refrigerate for 1.5 hours.
  • Peel the garlic, wash and cut each clove in two.
  • Remove the meat from the refrigerator and place it on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, make 10-12 indentations all over the ham and stuff the whole ham with garlic.
  • In a small bowl, combine honey (runny) and powdered sugar. Lubricate the pork shank well with the resulting mixture.
  • Take a large piece of foil and fold it in half, and place 2 sprigs of rosemary on the bottom. Then lay out the ham and a sprig of rosemary on top.
  • Wrap the meat tightly but neatly in foil and send to the oven (not preheated).
  • Bake the ham at 210 ° C for 1.5 hours. Then turn off the oven and leave the meat for another 20-30 minutes.

Remove the ham from the oven, carefully peel off the foil and place the meat on a large platter. Cut the food into portions and serve.

Garnish with fresh herbs and cherry tomatoes if desired. For a side dish with a baked ham, you can offer boiled potatoes, grilled vegetables and rice.

Pork leg baked in red wine with oranges

To prepare delicious meat for a festive feast, you do not have to scour for expensive meat products. A pork ham cooked according to a festive recipe will satisfy even the most fastidious guests with its taste and presentable appearance.

To make the meat taste and aroma original and unforgettable, prepare it with wine and oranges. Astringent wine will give the meat a special juiciness, and oranges will give fresh sweetish notes to the taste. Wine should be chosen based on personal taste, but dry and sweet will work best.


  • Red wine - 160 ml;
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • Pork leg - 1 pc. (1.5 kg);
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh basil - 1 bunch;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp l.

How to make a pork leg in wine with oranges yourself

  1. Wash and dry the pork leg thoroughly.
  2. Peel the carrots, wash and dry as well. Slice carrots lengthwise into 4 pieces.
  3. Make indentations in the shank with a knife and stuff the meat with carrots. Then combine salt and pepper in one bowl and rub the shank with seasoning. Place the meat in a large saucepan with a lid.
  4. Warm red wine a little in a saucepan and pour over the ham. Place the meat in a cool place for 4 hours. Turn the meat over during the marinating process so that it is thoroughly saturated with wine.
  5. Pour oranges over with boiling water, then wash well under running water using a brush. Dry the fruit and cut into 1/2-inch rings.
  6. Spread a large piece of foil on the table, grease the center with olive oil. Place 4 orange circles on the bottom and place the ham on them.
  7. Cover the ham with the remaining oranges and gently wrap the foil.
  8. Bake the ham for 40 minutes at 170 ° C and then for 1 hour at 230 ° C.
  9. Immediately after baking, carefully remove the meat from the oven and leave it on a baking sheet at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  10. Then place the shank on a large, wide platter and garnish with fresh basil.

Pork leg baked in the oven in foil will undoubtedly become your signature dish. And although the preparation of such a treat at home is long-term, the taste is unique.

Roasting meat is an old way of cooking.

Even if archaeologists and historians are still arguing about when the Russian oven actually appeared - in the middle of the last millennium or 2-3 millennia earlier, baking ham in the oven in foil very clearly resembles culinary traditions of old Russian cuisine.

Before the appearance of French chefs in Russia, both in peasant families and at the royal court, meat was prepared in the old fashioned way - it was boiled or baked with whole carcasses.

Very often, piglet carcasses were stuffed with other types of meat, roasting them on hot coals, on a spit.

Around that time, it was noticed that the meat on top was burning, and to avoid this, they began to coat the baking carcasses with clay, and a little later - with rye dough, which gave the dish a completely new taste.

So, baking ham in the oven in foil is an ancient culinary processing of meat with the use of modern technical capabilities.

Modern Russian cuisine has preserved the original traditions, expanded the range of products and technologies for their culinary processing, having adopted the experience of neighboring countries.

Ham in the oven in foil - basic technological principles

Nowadays, whole carcasses are rarely cooked, and even a whole part of pork carcasses, but baked meat is still popular with chefs and gourmets.

As a rule, a ham in the oven in foil is associated with preparation for a festive feast. This is also a tribute to the old Russian way of life. In the daily life of the peasants, there were mainly soups, cereals, flour products.

The preparation of meat dishes more often marked the end of the fast. On the occasion of the upcoming holidays and a generous Russian feast, pigs or piglets were slaughtered in wealthier families; in poor families, they tried to cook at least a chicken for the holiday. Here, the dishes were not distinguished by a special variety of ingredients: the meat was prepared in accordance with old Russian culinary traditions and the dishes had a more natural taste.

Russian cuisine varied greatly in social terms. The ham in rich boyar and merchant houses was baked in accordance with the advanced trends of that time. Courtyard cooks were gradually replaced by imported French, German or Dutch culinary experts. They began to cook the meat, pre-cutting it into portioned pieces, flavoring the dish with overseas vegetables and spices. The emergence of heat treatment methods was complemented by traditional Russian technologies: meat and other products were not just baked or cooked.

Combined processing methods appeared: before baking, the meat was boiled, or stewed in the oven, placed in pots and covered with dough.

Modern Russian cuisine does not limit the methods of cooking ham in the oven in foil: neither by the type of heat treatment, nor by the variety of additional ingredients used.

Perhaps, considering the basic technological principles, one should pay more attention to the choice of the main ingredient - pork leg.

The most preferred option is fresh, chilled meat. Appearance the selected back of the pork should have a delicate, pink color, preferably without blood stains and blotches. If the meat is saturated with blood, it must first be soaked, repeatedly changing cold water.

When buying, pay attention to condition of the skin, if you are going to bake the meat along with the skin, which, incidentally, gives the dish some additional benefits. The surface of the pork skin must be intact, thoroughly tarred, without bristles.

You can also tar the bristles yourself, but this operation is much easier to perform when the carcass is not cut into pieces and the juice does not flow out of the meat. When buying meat, be sure to smell it... The smell of tarred skins should correspond to the smell of burnt straw, and not gasoline, which often happens when unscrupulous sellers, wanting to speed up and reduce the cost of preparing meat for sale, grind the carcass with a blowtorch filled with gasoline.

Pay attention by thickness subcutaneous fat... Fatty pieces of meat are suitable for cooking minced meat, but for baking a whole piece, it is better to choose meat with a very thin fat layer, especially if you do not like too fatty foods.

It is much more difficult to determine the age of a slaughtered carcass if it is cut into pieces. Here, basically, one must rely only on the good faith of the seller. The meat of sexually mature boars and females after mating has an unpleasant smell. This quality criterion can also be established organoleptically.

Sanitary and epidemiological control over the quality of meat, as a rule, is carried out by specialized services available in each organized market, issuing a sale permit to the seller. Don't buy meat from spontaneous marketswhere there is a high probability of endangering health.

Roasting using foil is not difficult, but rather, on the contrary, it facilitates the cooking process. Enough know some subtletiesusing foil to bake the meat.

The foil serves as a kind of non-stick coating, preventing the product from burning on the surface. At the same time, it maintains the temperature so that the meat is baked in deeper layers. The use of foil avoids natural evaporation of juice and aroma during the preparation process. In particular, this property of the foil helps when baking large pieces or even a whole ham. In order for the finished dish to have a beautiful, crispy look, at the last stage of baking, the foil is removed and the meat is fried open. For a greater effect, at the same time, the surface of the meat is smeared with mustard, honey or other mixtures to form a more ruddy crust.

For baking, only the pulp, without bones, is often used, but it should be borne in mind that bone juice gives a more interesting taste: especially when cooking pork or another dish that can be served cold. It must be remembered that long bones and pork skin contain collagen, a substance from which gelatin is obtained. This property can be useful in the preparation of cold pork appetizers baked in the oven.

If the ham is cooked in portions in the oven, pre-boiled or stewed, then the foil is sometimes replaced with dough, which is covered with ceramic pots or other baking dishes, which gives the dish an interesting originality.

The variety of ingredients used to garnish the flavor of the ham in the oven in the foil helps avoid flavor repetition. Combinations of pork with fruits and dried fruits, vegetables, other types of meat, cereals. Sauces made from honey, mustard, tomatoes, wine or wine vinegar, citrus juices, and beer are used to prepare pork dishes in the oven. A wide range for the preparation of pork ham is made up of spices and herbs.

Preliminary preparation of meat for baking can also include different methods of mechanical processing: cutting, preparation of stuffed semi-finished products, stuffing, beating.

The roasting time depends on the size of the prepared piece, the technical capabilities of the oven and the pretreatment of the meat. Fresh ham, weighing 1-1.5 kg, is baked for at least an hour at 180-200 ° C.

Large pieces of ham for baking are pre-soaked in brine or marinade for 24 to 72 hours, reducing the holding time for smaller pieces, according to their size.

Recipe 1. Ham in the oven in foil: boiled pork on the bone


The back part (or shank, pork), on the bone 3.5-4 kg

Water (should cover the meat)

Salt (for aqueous solution, 15%)

A mixture of black peppers, ground 100-120 g

Coriander, ground 50 g

Dried garlic 70 g

Sodium nitrite 80 g


A whole piece of pork ham, with the skin, we check and clean the surface of the skin, carefully scraping off impurities with a knife.

Soak the meat, along with the skin and bone, in ice water until the blood is completely removed: the pork should acquire a delicate pink color. The water must be changed 2-3 times during the soaking process.

Dry prepared meat before marinating.

Use a large saucepan to hold the entire ham with the saline solution. Measure out the right amount of water so that it covers the meat by 3-5 cm.

Prepare a saline solution in a small amount, preheating the water and dissolving kitchen salt in it. The amount of salt is 150 g / 1 liter.

Pour the prepared solution into a saucepan with meat and water, then move it to a cool place for 48-72 hours.

Dry salted meat by squeezing out the remaining water slightly.

Make an incision on one side, down to the bone. Unroll the meat layer, skin side down, without completely removing the bone. Prepare a mixture of ground spices and sodium nitrite (it will help preserve the natural pink color of the meat) and grate the flesh on the inside. Fold the bone back up, aligning the cut line and securing it with staples.

Wrap the entire ham in foil, shiny side inward. The foil seam should be located at the top so that the juice does not flow out, and to be able to check the readiness of the boiled pork. If the foil is thin, roll it in two layers.

Place the bag of meat on a baking sheet and place in the cold oven. You need to bake the meat at 180 ° C for at least four hours.

Recipe. Oven ham in foil with Georgian spices

A set of products:

Ham, pork (boneless back, with skin) 2 kg

Adjika (spicy and very salty) 200 g

Mustard (dry powder) 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Soak the ham in water for at least two hours, then wipe it dry with paper towels.

Lubricate liberally with adjika, if adjika is not hot enough and does not have a steep salting, then you need to add half a tablespoon of salt and red pepper (this is necessary for the marinade).

Oiled ham, not very tight, wrapped in foil and sent to the refrigerator for five hours.

After the time has elapsed, put the marinated ham and bake for 120 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° Ϲ.

Remove the finished ham from the foil and coat it with honey mixed with mustard powder. Reduce the degree of the oven by 170 - 180 ° Ϲ, baking until golden brown, slightly drying the juicy ham.

Recipe 3. Ham in the oven in foil with chanterelles


Pork pulp (back) 3 kg

Loin 500 g

Salt, pepper mix

Onions, sweet 0.5 kg

Flour 70-100 g (for sautéing)

Chanterelles, fresh (or frozen) 1.5 kg

Porcini mushrooms, dried

Cream (10-15%) 1.0 l

Dill, chopped 120 g

Garlic 50 g

Sour cream 20% 250 g


Cut the washed and soaked back of the pork fillet into cubes or large cubes, 3x3 cm.

Cut the loin into thin strips, white or shallots into medium cubes.

Rinse the boiled chanterelles and discard, removing the water.

Put the meat in a deep, refractory form (preferably ceramic or transparent, which can be served on the table), between it pieces of loin, onion and a plate of garlic.

Season with spices, salt.

Cover the tin with foil and bake until half cooked by placing the dish on the middle shelf or placing a tray of salt at the bottom.

After 40 minutes, remove the meat and put the mushrooms on top. Cover the baking dish again and continue baking for another 15 minutes.

Prepare a homogeneous mixture with cream, dried mushrooms, chopped dill, golden brown wheat flour and sour cream, combining all the products in a blender, on low speed. Brew the mixture, until sour cream thick, with continuous stirring.

Pour the white sauce over the meat with mushrooms, but do not cover any more with foil. Add the temperature to 20-25 ° C and bake the dish until golden brown.

Serve boiled potatoes with chopped dill, garlic and butter for a side dish.

Recipe 4. Ham in the oven in foil, stuffed with liver

Grocery list:

Pork fillet (ham) 2 kg

Carrots 350 g

Liver, beef 800 g

Sauteed onions 450 g

Oil (for passivation)

Cheese, hard, grated 500 g

Cream, drinking 300 ml

Garlic, salt, spices


Prepare the pork leg by stripping the fillet from the films and removing the fat. Cut the rectangular fillet into thin layers (1.5 cm), in a zigzag; expand the layer of meat and beat off, paying special attention to the places where the layers are connected. You should get a rectangle of the same thickness, plastic enough to wrap it in a roll.

Prepare the liver by removing the film and bile ducts. Cut it into small bars or thin slices, lightly roll in flour and simmer with grated carrots; combine with sautéed onions and beat the finished liver with vegetables using a blender, bringing to a puree state. Add garlic and cream. Place the meat on a silicone sheet.

Cover the prepared meat layer with liver pate, not reaching the edge by 5-6 cm. Roll up the roll and carefully transfer it to the foil. Wrap the roll with foil: the seam of the roll should remain at the bottom, leaving the seam of foil at the top. Place the roll on a baking sheet and bake for about 50-70 minutes. Take out the roll for a few minutes and unfold the foil, sprinkle with a layer of grated cheese and bake, putting the form in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Stuffed roll is served hot and cold, with garlic-nut sauce and vegetable garnish.

Recipe 5. Ham in the oven in foil with prunes

A set of products:

Salt and pepper to taste

Ham (fillet) 1 kg

Hot mustard 3 tbsp. l.

Pickled rings, one large onion

Sour cream 500 ml

Honey (liquid, buckwheat) 100 ml

Garlic 30-50 g

Prunes 300 g


Grind the garlic and half of the prunes into a gruel with a blender and mix with sour cream and mustard.

Salt and pepper the ham, make the required number of transverse cuts, a small depression.

Season with spices and place whole prunes in the notched grooves.

Putting on foil, fill with sour cream sauce.

Wrapped tightly in foil, leave in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 120 minutes.

Then we bake until tender at a temperature of 180 - 200 ° Ϲ.

Take the ham out of the oven 10-15 minutes before the end of baking. Having freed the ham from the foil, grease it with honey, distribute the pickled onion rings, sprinkle with the rest of the marinade, bake until golden and crispy.

Recipe 6. Oven smoked ham in foil with apples

Ingredient List:

Carbonate, pork (smoked) 1.5 kg

Star anise (or anise), ground

White wine (dry) 300 ml

Pepper mix

Apples, sweet and sour 0.5 kg (net)

Honey or molasses (for glazing)


Cut the smoked pork carbonate into slices.

Line the mold with foil and place the pieces of meat in one layer.

Pour wine over the meat and add ground spices.

Close the mold tightly and leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

After insisting, put apple slices on top of the meat, along with the skin and pour over with sweet honey syrup.

Bake for ten minutes, then remove the foil and brown the surface of the dish.

Transfer to a platter, garnish with herbs for a complete look.

Recipe 7. Ham in the oven in foil with cheese and pineapples

A set of products:

Back part 3 kg

Pineapple, canned 1 can

Adjika, hot 200 g

Herb Blend

Lemon juice 50 ml

Cheese, hard 200 g

Cooking method:

Mix Adjika with herbs and lemon juice, grease the ham, wrap in plastic and leave for an hour.

Cut pineapples, cheese into cubes and roll in a pickled ham, tied tightly with thick cotton thread.

Wrap the roll in foil and bake at 160 - 180 ° Ϲ until tender.

When the roll is ready, grease with honey and bake without foil for 10 - 15 minutes.

    When baking meat in a whole piece, after turning off the oven, do not take it out immediately to give it a “rest”.

    If you don't know which spices go well with meat, use the classic options: pepper, garlic, and bay leaf. The main thing is to observe a sense of proportion so as not to drown out the aroma of the main product. Add sugar or honey to improve flavor and juiciness.

    It is convenient to use a thermometer for roasting meat. It will always help you determine the temperature inside the piece, if you need to keep it whole before serving, without cuts.

    Defrost pork in the refrigerator, in a sealed container or plastic wrap. Rapid defrosting will degrade the quality of the meat.

If you are lucky and have a whole pork leg, you need to be able to bake it deliciously. Such a piece of meat will last for a long time, and it can serve not only as an appetizer, but also as a component of other dishes. And how to bake correctly and juicy, our recipes will tell you.

Step by step recipe

How to bake a whole pork leg in the oven:

  1. Wash the carrots, peel them off, cut them lengthwise. After that, cut into strips, you can not be too thin;
  2. Peel all the garlic cloves. Separate the larger ones from the smaller ones. It is the large teeth that should have 2/3 of the mass of all the garlic in their pile. And it is them that need to be cut into four parts;
  3. Fine prongs should be passed through a press into a small bowl;
  4. Pour a fairly large amount of salt here;
  5. Add black pepper, you can use suneli hops or a special seasoning mixture for meat. Mix;
  6. Pour all the oil here, stir again, leave for fifteen minutes;
  7. Take a washed and dried ham. You cannot remove the skin; if necessary, you can scorch and scrape;
  8. Take a knife, about the width of your finger, and make deep cuts in the ham. The distance between them should be about two centimeters. Such holes should be made on all sides of the leg;
  9. Next, dip your finger into the oil marinade, trying to hook as many spices as possible, and smear all the holes well with the mixture;
  10. After that, put carrots and ham on a straw in the same holes, sometimes you can put several pieces of both at once;
  11. Grate the meat with the remaining marinade on top, leave for twenty minutes to marinate, transfer to a baking sheet, pour a little more oil on the bottom;
  12. Put in the oven at the maximum temperature, soak for ten minutes;
  13. Then change the heat to medium and cook for about three hours. During this time, it is necessary to turn the ham a couple of times, be sure to water it with oil from the bottom every half hour.

Oven baked ham in foil

  • 15 ml mayonnaise;
  • 700 g ham;
  • 15 ml sour cream;
  • spices for meat;
  • 10 g mustard.

Time: 8 h.

Calories: 264.

Baking process:

Pork leg in honey glaze

  • 2 laurel leaves;
  • 10 g fresh ginger;
  • 60 ml of brandy;
  • 3 kg of ham on the bone;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 15 g mustard;
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 15 g of honey;
  • 90 g sugar.

Time: 4 h.

Calories: 250.

The culinary process step by step:

  1. Place the ham in a large saucepan and cover with water. The water should completely cover the meat;
  2. Put celery, onion, garlic, laurel leaves here, put on fire. Let it boil and from this time cook for two and a half hours over low heat, then wait until it cools down;
  3. Remove the skin with a knife, while leaving the fat on the meat. With a sharp knife, make a mesh on the fat and turn the whole piece onto it;
  4. Transfer to a baking sheet and brush with mustard. Spread the ginger in pieces in different places;
  5. Heat the cognac in a saucepan, add honey and sugar to it. Stir the ingredients until the grains dissolve. This is the glaze;
  6. She needs to pour the meat on top. Place in the oven for forty minutes over medium heat.

Pork in wine, baked in the oven

  • 160 ml soy sauce;
  • 1100 g of ham;
  • 0.2 l of sherry;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 10 g of honey;
  • 20 g fresh ginger;
  • spice;
  • 25 ml of wine vinegar.

Time: 10 h.

Calories: 172.

Baking steps:

  1. Strip the meat, rinse it and dry it;
  2. Pour the specified amount of water into a saucepan, put ginger root, various spicy herbs, peppercorns, pour honey, put a laurel leaf into it;
  3. Boil the mixture for five minutes;
  4. Remove from heat, pour in vinegar and cool;
  5. Then add sherry and soy sauce here, mix. Sherry can be replaced with dry red wine;
  6. Pour the meat with this marinade and put it in the refrigerator for the whole night;
  7. Then get the ham out of the marinade, you can stuff it with garlic, wrap it in baking paper;
  8. Transfer the meat to the roasting pan, put in the oven and bake for an hour at 200 Celsius;
  9. Next, unfold the meat and pour it with juice from the bottom, bake until tender, this is about fifteen minutes.

How to deliciously bake a ham in a sleeve in the oven

  • 450 ml of beer;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 15 g granular mustard;
  • 4 kg of ham;
  • 45 ml of oil;
  • 5 g of dry mustard seeds;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

Time: 9 h.

Calories: 242.

Roasting principle:

  1. Squeeze the peeled garlic cloves through a press into a bowl and pour oil here;
  2. Pour in salt and add mustard, you can pepper;
  3. Grate the washed meat with the resulting mixture;
  4. Transfer to a baking sleeve, refrigerate overnight. One part of the sleeve should remain open;
  5. Pull out, pour the beer inside and tie. Make a few holes on top of the sleeve;
  6. Send to oven for an hour and forty-five minutes at 210 Celsius;
  7. Get it out, open the package, send it for another fifteen minutes to brown;
  8. Take it out again, turn it over and bake for another fifteen minutes;
  9. Then cut into slices and serve.

Ham with pickled onions and spices

  • 15 g marjoram;
  • 1 bunch thyme
  • 3 kg of ham;
  • 120 g brown sugar;
  • 220 g of salt;
  • zira;
  • 1 bunch of sage;
  • 20 pieces of pickled onions;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 15 g rosemary;
  • 15 g of juniper berries;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 15 g peppercorns;
  • 5 laurel leaves;
  • 15 g allspice.

Time: 1 day.

Calories: 192.

Baking process:

  1. About three liters of water must be boiled with salt, spices and herbs: dried rosemary, laurel leaves, two types of peppers, juniper, marjoram, sugar;
  2. After the mixture has cooled, pour into a large container and add four more liters of water here, always boiled;
  3. It is necessary to cut off the skin from the ham, but leave the layer of bacon. It should be about one and a half centimeters;
  4. Dip the meat in the brine and keep it there for about twelve hours, turn it over and keep it again for another twelve hours. The entire container must be kept in the refrigerator;
  5. Next, take out the meat and make deep cuts in it. Place pickled onions and peeled garlic cloves in them;
  6. Pour with soy sauce and wrap in three layers of foil, bake according to the calculation: twenty minutes for a pound of meat + another twenty minutes for the whole piece;
  7. Then open the ham and drain the resulting juice into a saucepan. Put it on fire and evaporate half;
  8. Chop the leaves of thyme and sage and add to the juice, add cumin on the eye here;
  9. Pour this sauce over the meat when serving.

Interestingly, the baked ham is best combined not with any side dish or wine, but with several types of beer, including dark ones. Therefore, there is a recipe using beer as a marinade. So this is a great snack for a man's company.

If you come across a salted pork leg, and you want to bake it, you can do this: put it in a saucepan and pour water there on the very edge of the pan. Boil water, and after two minutes turn off the stove and drain the resulting broth. Further, the meat can be used according to the recipe.

Delicious, juicy, aromatic and spicy meat will decorate any table. It is especially beautiful to serve it whole, straight from the oven. Enthusiastic exclamations are guaranteed!