Tasty meatballs with vegetable gravy.

03.04.2019 Dishes from seafood

Delicious and tender meat meatballs with vegetables - excellent rash dinner For the whole family. Prepare from the mixture of minced meat and vegetables in about equal proportion And stew in sour cream and tomato sauce.


  • 400 g meat minced meat
  • 300 g of raw potatoes
  • 1 Carrot (100 g)
  • 1 bulbs (70-80 g)
  • 1-2 clove garlic
  • 1 middle egg
  • salt pepper
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 1 tsp. Tomato paste
  • bay leaf
  • chopping hops-sunnel

From this number of products it turned out 10 meters.


Meat with onions and garlic scroll on the meat grinder, in the end scroll the carrot. If you have finished minced, bought in the store, then the bow can be simply shallow, and rub the carrot on the middle grater.

Potatoes three on medium or large grater, well pressed from juice and add to mince. We send a whipped egg there. Solim and Pepper to taste.

Mix and get such a mince for meat meatballs with vegetables:

We form round meters with a diameter of about 5 cm.

Each temp toll in flour and fry on vegetable oil to light crust.

We shift the meatballs into a wide dishes - a pan or a deep pan where they will steal.

Prepare sauce. To the sour cream add tomato paste.

We gradually pour a glass enough hot water From the kettle and stir up to homogeneity. Solim to taste.

We pour meat meatballs with sauce, bring to a boil and on a small fire of cars under the lid of 15 minutes.

A tablespoon of flour without a slide is divorced in a halfpan of cold or slightly warm water, Stir so that there are no lumps. For loyalty, it is possible to strain through a small sieve. After the meatballs moved to 15 minutes, we pour divorced flour into a pan. We also add a pair of laurel leaves and a pinch of some seasonings, Khmeli-Sunnels, for example.

Close the lid and the pastry for another 15 minutes, then turn off the stove.

Meat meatballs with vegetables are good and how independent dish, and with any garnish, as we, in general, are accepted. Products for them, as you see, completely ordinary, and are prepared very easily. Probably, other vegetables can be added, but I cook it is always very tasty. If meatballs serve as separate dish, it is possible to offer them thick natural yogurtAlso very tasty.

How to cook fragrant and delicate meatballs? Any hostess wants to know it. After all, this dish is very tasty and satisfying, it is easily prepared and fast enough.

There are many recipes for their preparation - they are boiled in a saucepan and in a slow cooker, baked in the oven. Prepare from meat, from chicken, from fish. Also prepare with a lulled, and served with broth.

This dish is prepared worldwide. In Turkic peoples, it is called Küfta. In Sicily, fried such products are called Arancini. In Sweden is one of the main national dishes And it is called Swedish meatballs.

In appearance, this is a meat stuffed dish in the form of balls, with the addition various croup. By the way, this is their difference from the kitlet. The most common is the preparation of beef beef and rice meatballs.

For the preparation of a delicious dish of this kind, you need to know several small tricks. To begin with, we will define what appearance Products you want to get.

Features of cooking

"Hedgehogs" - the meatballs are so called because of the boiled rhisini out of the ball. Children are especially adored. And most likely just because of the name.

For the preparation of "hedgehog" is taken long Fig, Better fired. Such rice does not affect the cooking process, will retain its form. And necessarily only raw, in no case can not cook it.

If we want to get smooth products, without protruding rice, you can take it round. However, and long will also fit.

So that the meatballs are delicious, you need to know how to make mince. there is little secret. I learned about him when I lived in Uzbekistan. When you connected all the ingredients, it must be perfectly kneaded. And then the most interesting will begin. Farm must be discarded.

When I saw for the first time that mince "beat off, I was in a huge perplexity. What is this done?, I was incomprehensible. On my question, I was answered, so tastier will be.

In essence it looks like this. Puffs are gaining in a handful and throw it with force back to a bowl, or on the table, or on cutting board. And so more than once, not two minutes, 5 minutes, at least. And it happens that this is done and much longer in time.

Already later I learned that thus achieve that all the ingredients "united", exchanged their juices. Fig, with this method of manufacture, it becomes almost transparent, having appaped meat and onion juice. After "drivening", it follows some time to give mince.

Here is such a small nuance. And now I propose to go to the recipe.

Meatballs with beef minced meat and vegetables with filling

We need:

  • Beef mince - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 3/4 cup
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Onions -2 heads
  • Potato -2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper -1 pcs.
  • Carrots -1 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Greens - parsley, dill.
  • Vegetable oil 3-4 st. spoons.
  • Red pod pepper.
  • Salt, black ground pepper, Bay leaf


  1. Prepare mince. Meat for him should be taken fresh or chilled. Of fresh meat Any dish is always tastier. We twist it on the meat grinder. Onions cut into small cubes, try to cut into a lamb.
  2. So that the meters were really tasty, you need to satisfy mince different ingredients. They give it finished dish unique rich taste. We add to the mince fine-chopped greens, spices, there may be paprika, and basil, and oregano, and rosemary, and saffron. Mandatory Solim, Perchym, add a crushed clove of garlic.

  1. We drive the egg, add washed rinse. And start to mix mince in any way described above. Let's laugh.
  2. Take the Kazan, or tolstoyed saucepan. If there is neither one, nor the other, we will do roaster in the pan, and then put it in conventional saucepanin which we will subsequently prepare.
  3. Tomatoes throw boiling water, remove the skin, cut into cubes. Carrot, bulgarian pepper And clean and cut potatoes and cut the bar.
  4. Pour into Kazan 3-4 tbsp. Spoons of oil, warm it. Share tomatoes, give them the opportunity to extinguish until homogeneous mass. You can pour a completely slightly hot water so that tomatoes are better stealing.
  5. Add Carrots and Bulgarian Pepper. Mix everything, put out another 5 minutes. Prepare hot water (boil in the kettle).
  6. During this time, mix mince again. Proper-made mince is not liquid, but enough elastic, elastic. The meters from it are formed easily, do not disintegrate.
  7. To Kazan add chopped potatoes, pour some hot water. Mix everything. Now carefully put our products, and quietly, along the edge of the cauldron (in order not to damage them) add hot water. Some pre-roasted the mells, and then lay, and poured with water. But I think it is absolutely unnecessary. Meatballs and so do not break down. And the taste of them will be exquisite and gentle.
  8. Give the opportunity to boil, add a piece of red pillary pepper. (How to love fighter, or not). But add necessarily, at least the smallest. Fig is friendly with such a spider as Zira (Cumin). Add it too a little, pinch. You can pre-trim it in the palms.
  9. Sung wash, remove the sample. Consider the fact that the minced meat is salty, and the water in the process of cooking is partially evaporated, and partly the preparations of the workpiece. Therefore, be careful, do not reduce.
  10. Dog fire, close the lid. Boil on slow fire. Do not open the lid for about 30 minutes. Then we open, add another crushed clove of garlic, black ground pepper and bay leaf.
  11. After another 10 minutes, our delicious meatballs are ready. But do not open the lid immediately, give 10 minutes to stand. And do not agree to open a minute before, as if you did not persuade your loved ones. They were most likely to be resorted to the kitchen on the smell. The smell will not only have in your apartment, but also throughout the entrance. And if the neighbors come on the smell, treat them, and share the recipe.

Pull out carefully, to spread meatballs into each plate, and from above vegetable stew. Take a small amount of broth. It should be served with sour cream, sprinkled with a mixture of chopped greenery.

Here is our tasty dish And ready. Try, I think everyone will like it. When my friends gather to visit me, and I ask them to cook, they often say: "And meathelters, you can?" You can, of course you can. You're welcome. And you, eat on health!

Bon Appetit!

I propose to prepare delicious meatballs. They turned out very gentle due to the fact that there are vegetables in mince, and vegetable sauce and Bulgur perfectly completed them.


For the preparation of meatballs with vegetables, it will be necessary:

For Teftelek:
350 g mincedah (I have beef) ;
1 zucchini;
1 small carrot;
0.5 pcs. reptile onion;
4 (approximately) Art. l. mankey;
1 egg;
For vegetable garnish (Sauce):
400 g pumpkins;
1 celery stem;
1 tomato;
0.5 pcs. reptile onion;

thyme (I have dried).

Stages of preparation

For cooking meatballs shallow grater, I joked (I got 120-150 grams of pressed zucchini). Farm mixed in the bowl, zucchini, raced onions and carrots on the shallow grater. Added egg, seasonings and a gun, all mixed well.

From the resulting minced meal, the balls of the desired size were glad.

Roasted in a frying pan ruddy crust, removed the meatballs from the frying pan.

For cooking vegetable sauce Chopped pumpkin with small cubes, carrots, onions, garlic and celery too shreddling. On the same frying pan, where meatballs were roasted, slightly roasted onions, garlic, celery. Then she got a tomato on the grater, added a pumpkin, she faced.

I put out about 5 minutes, posted meatballs on vegetables.