Cabbage rolls vegetable sauce sour cream technological card. Vegetable cabbage rolls - a lean version of your favorite dish

31.10.2019 Buffet table

Prepared eggplants are filled with minced meat, laid out in one row on a greased baking sheet, poured in a little broth or half-filled with sour cream or sour cream sauce with tomato sauce, simmered or stewed in an oven until tender.

For minced meat, carrots, parsley and onions are cut into strips or small cubes, sautéed, and tomato is added at the end of sautéing. The tomatoes are fried separately. Prepared vegetables are combined and heated. Then add garlic, salt, pepper, lightly fried green onions and mix. Minced meat can be cooked with mushrooms or eggs.

On vacation, eggplants are placed on a portioned dish or plate, poured over with sour cream or sour cream with tomato sauce, and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Mushroom dishes

Fresh, dried and pickled mushrooms are used for cooking. Fresh porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus boletus are pre-scalded, morels must be boiled for 8-10 minutes, the broth is drained, then the mushrooms are washed with hot water. The champignons are allowed. To do this, put mushrooms in a bowl with a layer of no more than 20 cm, pour a little water, add citric acid or vinegar so that the mushrooms do not darken, cover with a lid and simmer over high heat for 8-10 minutes, then cool and store in this broth. Dried mushrooms are washed well, soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours, washed again, boiled in the same water in which they were soaked, and washed again. Pickled mushrooms are separated from the marinade, washed.

Mushrooms in sour cream

Prepared mushrooms are cut into slices or wedges, fried in oil until golden brown. Pour in sour cream sauce, boil for 2-3 minutes. You can put sautéed onions. They are used as an independent dish or included in a complex vegetable garnish for meat dishes.

When you leave, put it in a portioned pan or in a ram, sprinkle with chopped herbs, release with boiled potatoes.

Baked mushrooms

In this case, the mushrooms, seasoned with sour cream sauce, are placed in a portioned pan, sprinkled with cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked until a light crust forms. If mushrooms are used as a hot appetizer, then they are cut into small slices, baked and served in a special cocotte dish. On vacation, cocotte makers are placed on a plate, next to them is a small spoon or a special snack fork.

Requirements for the quality of vegetable and mushroom dishes and side dishes

Boiled vegetables should keep their shape, potato tubers may be slightly boiled. The color of the potatoes is from white to yellowish, reddening or darkening of the tubers is not allowed. The color of the rest of the roots, typical of their natural color. Potatoes and root crops are well cleaned of eyes, black spots.

Boiled cabbage should not taste like steamed cabbage. The consistency is soft, delicate. Color from white to cream, for early varieties of Savoy cabbage - from light green to cream, for Brussels sprouts - bright green or brown. Dark spots and redness are not allowed on the surface of cauliflower.

The consistency of mashed potatoes is thick, fluffy, homogeneous mass without lumps of uncleaned potatoes. Color from cream to white without dark inclusions.

The stewed vegetables should taste slightly salty with the aroma of vegetables and milk, the smell of burnt milk and vegetables should not be allowed. The color typical of the vegetables from which the dish is prepared. The consistency is soft. The form of cutting vegetables must correspond to the recipe.

The fried vegetables should be the same shape, fried evenly on both sides. The color of the fried potatoes is yellow, and the individual pieces can be fried until brown. The color of the rest of the vegetables is light brown at the break, typical of the natural color of vegetables.

Cutlets, zrazy, schnitzel should be of the correct shape without cracks, on the surface - a golden brown crust. The color of potato products on the cut is white or cream, the consistency is fluffy, non-sticky, without lumps of unpolished potatoes. The color of carrot cutlets in the cut is light orange. The taste is slightly sweet. The consistency is friable, homogeneous, without large pieces of carrots and lumps of semolina. The color of cabbage products is light cream.

The steamed vegetables must be the same shape and size. The consistency is soft, juicy, with cabbage - elastic. The taste of vegetables from which the dish is prepared is sweet and sour for stewed cabbage. Color from light to dark brown, for stewed beets - dark cherry.

Baked vegetables (rolls, casseroles) have an even surface without cracks with a golden brown crust on the cut, the thickness of the upper and lower layers is the same, the minced meat is evenly distributed. The color and taste of the vegetables from which the baked dishes are prepared. Vegetables baked with sauce should be completely covered with an even layer of sauce, on the surface - a golden brown crust. The consistency of vegetables is soft.

Dishes and side dishes from vegetables cannot be stored hot for a long time, as their appearance and taste deteriorate, and the nutritional value decreases (vitamin C is destroyed). Boiled dried potatoes and mashed potatoes are stored on a bain-marie for no more than 2 hours. Boiled cauliflower, asparagus, corn are stored in a hot broth for no more than 30 minutes. For longer storage, they are cooled and placed in the refrigerator without a decoction, and as needed, they are heated in a decoction.

Vegetables in sauce or oil are stored in a container under a lid for no more than 2 hours. If longer storage is required, then the vegetables are removed from the broth, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. Then combine with sauce or broth, bring to a boil.

Deep-fried vegetables can be kept cool throughout the day. Stewed and baked vegetable dishes and mushroom dishes are kept hot for no more than 2 hours.

Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce - general cooking principles

Cooking cabbage rolls includes 3 main stages: preparation of leaves, minced meat and the formation of the cabbage roll itself. Then the semi-finished products are boiled, stewed or baked in sour cream sauce. It takes the least amount of time to prepare it. Basically, sour cream is mixed with spices, liquid and simply poured into a dish. Fried vegetables, flour, and other ingredients are added less often.

Cooking delicious minced meat

Any meat share of stuffed cabbage can be used, it is no less tasty with poultry. Onion, garlic, spices and boiled rice are added to the minced meat. The cereals are boiled until tender, avoiding the digestion of the grains. Then the liquid is drained, the product is cooled and sent to the total mass. The amount of rice should not exceed 15% in dry form.

How to prepare cabbage leaves

For stuffed cabbage, it is advisable to use a large head of cabbage. First, the upper leaves are removed, then the stump is cut with a sharp knife. The cabbage is placed with the resulting hole in boiling water and boiled for several minutes. The time depends on the variety and juiciness of the vegetable. It is important not to digest the leaves, but to soften them. A large vein is removed from each leaf before the cabbage roll is formed.

How to wrap stuffed cabbage

Put the cabbage leaf in front of you with the concave side inward. The filling is placed in the hole and the edge closest to itself is placed on top. Then the sides are folded up and rolled. The technique is the same as for stuffing pancakes. Stuffed cabbage rolls are laid with the seam down to maintain the shape of the bundles.

Recipe 1: Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce with turkey

To prepare stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce, you will need minced turkey. You can buy a ready-made product or twist the meat yourself.


400 grams of minced meat;

1 onion;

50 grams of rice;

1 kg of cabbage;

4 cloves of garlic;

1 spoonful of flour;


250 grams of sour cream;



1. Prepare cabbage leaves as described above. Cool it down.

2. Chop onion and 2 cloves of garlic, send into minced meat.

3. Boil the rice until tender, drain the water and send the cereal to the turkey.

4. Add spices to the minced meat, mix.

5. Put the filling on each cabbage leaf and roll the cabbage rolls. How to do this is described in detail above. We fold the bundles into the pan, placing the seams at the bottom so that the leaves do not unfold.

6. Mix sour cream and flour, put in a frying pan or any saucepan, warm up.

7. Add the remaining cloves of garlic, previously chopped. Pour in pepper, salt.

8. As soon as the sour cream becomes thin, add 800-900 grams of water, let the sauce boil.

9. We send the sour cream filling to the stuffed cabbage rolls, cover with a lid and cook the dish for 30 minutes.

10. Put the bay leaf, chopped greens, cover and turn off. Let the dish breathe in the aromas and you can serve it!

Recipe 2: Baked cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

To prepare such stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce, we will use minced beef. We will bake in the oven, the cabbage will turn out ruddy and very fragrant.


700 grams of beef;

4 onions;

1 head of cabbage;

100 grams of rice;

400 grams of sour cream;


2 tablespoons of oil;

150 grams of water or any broth.


1. Boil rice, decant water.

2. We pass the minced meat with two peeled onions through a meat grinder. Add a clove of garlic if desired.

3. Add cooked rice to the minced meat, salt, pepper and mix well.

4. Prepare cabbage leaves. How to do this, see above.

5. Wrap cabbage rolls.

6. Chop the remaining onions and fry in two tablespoons of oil.

7. Put the onion on the bottom of the mold; you don't need to grease anything.

8. Next, lay out stuffed cabbage rolls in one layer, the seams should be on the bottom or side, but not on top.

9. Stir the sour cream with water, salt the sauce and pour into a mold with cabbage rolls.

10. Bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees. The time can be extended if necessary.

Recipe 3: Stewed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

Braising involves the addition of a small amount of liquid or sauce, and cooking is due to the evaporation of moisture. For these stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce, you can use any minced meat. If you mix several types of meat, it tastes better. A dish is being prepared on the stove.


700 grams of meat;

2 onions;

200 grams of sour cream;

70 grams of rice;


1 head of cabbage;

4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

70 grams of butter;

1 carrot.


1. Peel the onions with carrots, chop finely and fry until golden brown with the addition of vegetable oil specified in the recipe.

2. Boil rice until tender.

3. Add vegetables, rice, salt and any spices to the minced meat, mix.

4. We form cabbage rolls from prepared leaves of cabbage and minced meat.

5. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan and fry the cabbage rolls on both sides. We transfer to a saucepan with a thick bottom or deep frying pan, saucepan.

6. Dilute sour cream with a glass of water, you can take the broth. Add spices, pour into cabbage rolls.

7. Cover, bring to a boil, remove heat and simmer for an hour. We do not let it boil intensively, we turn the temperature down to a minimum.

Recipe 4: Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce in the oven

Can't wrap stuffed cabbage or not a whole head of cabbage? Well, okay! There is a simple and easy way to make stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce that any housewife can handle. The recipe is without rice, but if there is a great desire to put cereals, then why not?


500 grams of any minced meat;

500 grams of cabbage;

2 onions;


200 grams of sour cream in the sauce;

150 grams of sour cream for lubrication;

150 grams of water;

2 tablespoons of semolina.


1. Chop the onion and mix with the minced meat.

2. The cabbage should be finely chopped, like for a salad. If there is a meat grinder with a coarse mesh, then you can skip through it. A fine mesh will not work, the mass, and, consequently, the minced meat will be liquid.

3. Combine cabbage with meat, add spices, semolina, eggs and mix well.

4. We form cabbage rolls from the resulting mass, more precisely cutlets. The size and appearance can be any. You can give an oblong shape, round, flat.

5. Put the lazy cabbage rolls in a baking dish.

6. Mix sour cream with water, salt, pepper and pour. Salt a little, as in the process almost everything will be absorbed, and the dish may become salty.

7. We send to the oven for 30-40 minutes. Then we take out, grease the cabbage rolls with the remaining sour cream, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes. Ready!

Recipe 5: Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce with tomato

According to the recipe, tomato paste is used, but you can also put ketchup or any sauce with success, everything will work out too.


Cabbage leaves;

8 tablespoons of sour cream;

700 grams of minced pork with beef;

0.5 cups of rice;

4 tablespoons of tomato paste;

2 onions;

50 grams of oil;

2 carrots;

Garlic, spices.


1. Boil the rice. We drain the water.

2. Fry chopped carrots and onions in oil. You do not need to stew vegetables, make a high heat and bring to a golden color.

3. Add half of the vegetables to the minced meat, put rice there, you can add chopped garlic. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Add tomato paste to the second half of the vegetables, fry for a minute. We put sour cream. As soon as it melts, add 700 grams of water. Salt the sauce.

5. Put stuffed cabbage rolls in a saucepan, pour sauce from a frying pan, cover and cook for 50 minutes. Tomato paste inhibits the softening of fibers and if the cabbage is winter, then this time may not be enough and you can add more.

Recipe 6: Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

If there is a multicooker in the kitchen, then cooking cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce becomes even easier! A light and fresh aroma of this dish will be given by Bulgarian pepper.


600 grams of minced meat (any);

100 grams of rice;

Cabbage leaves;

150 grams of sour cream;

1 bell pepper;


2 onions;

50 grams of butter.


1. Chop one onion and combine with minced meat, add rice previously boiled in water.

2. Salt minced meat, pepper, mix.

3. Wrap stuffed cabbage rolls.

4. Melt a piece of butter in a slow cooker, add the chopped onion and fry for 10 minutes. Then add the chopped Bulgarian pepper.

5. We put stuffed cabbage rolls.

6. Make a filling of sour cream and 350 grams of water, salt and pour into the multicooker container.

7. We set the stewing program for small cabbage rolls for 40 minutes. If the products are large, then we extend it for another 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 7: Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce with buckwheat

Who said that only rice is put into minced meat? He did not try stuffed cabbage with buckwheat! A fragrant, healthy and very tasty dish can become a leader on your table, especially since there is nothing complicated in cooking.


500 grams of minced meat;

120 grams of buckwheat;

2 onions;

2 cloves of garlic;

400 grams of sour cream;


2 tablespoons flour;

Cabbage leaves;

2 spoons of tomato ketchup.


1. Cook buckwheat. It is important to cook a crumbly porridge, so pour water 1: 1, let it be better that the cereal is a little tough.

2. Fry the onion cut into small cubes and send it to the minced meat, add the garlic, buckwheat porridge, season with spices and mix.

3. Form cabbage rolls and place in a saucepan.

4. Fry flour in a dry frying pan. Half a minute is enough for it to acquire a creamy shade.

5. Add sour cream to the flour and mix vigorously so that no lumps form. We warm up the mass.

6. Now add 700 grams of water to the sauce. We pour boiling water to save time. If everything does not fit in the pan, then add half. Pour the rest into a saucepan.

7. Boil the sauce for a minute, salt, pepper and pour the cabbage rolls. Cook until cooked through, about 35-40 minutes.

Cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce - tips and tricks

Cabbage rolls will be more aromatic and tasty if they are fried on both sides in a pan before stewing or boiling. You can use any oil: vegetable or butter.

The most delicious stuffed cabbage rolls are obtained from mixed fatty minced meat. The most dietary and low-calorie ones are made from turkey and chicken. In this case, the bird is used without the skin.

No sour cream for the sauce? You can use cream, and even milk. But in the latter option, you will have to exclude the addition of liquid.

If you add fried vegetables to the stuffing for stuffed cabbage rolls, then it will be much tastier.

The sauce can be used with cabbage rolls like soup. But in this case, do not make it too greasy, dilute the sour cream with at least two parts of water (broth) and do not forget to add vegetables and herbs.

Assortment and features of the technology of cooking dishes and culinary products from vegetables

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If you think that cabbage rolls without meat cannot be tasty and satisfying, then you are mistaken. After all, lean cuisine can be not only tasty, but also varied.

Minced meat can be replaced with cereal, vegetable or mushroom. And if there is not much time for the formation of cabbage rolls, then you can cook lazy cabbage rolls.

Vegetable cabbage rolls - general principles

To make the stuffed cabbage really tasty, choose dense, non-cracked cabbage. Vegetable cabbage rolls are especially tasty from young white or Peking cabbage.

Perhaps the most time-consuming process that scares housewives is the preparation of cabbage leaves. But, knowing a few tricks, softening the cabbage will not be difficult:

1. Whole boiled head of cabbage. The vegetable is thoroughly washed, the top leaves are removed, deep cuts are made around the stump from the bottom and the cabbage is released into boiling water, boiled for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the variety. Take out the cabbage, carefully remove the leaves. If the inner leaves remain tough, the head of cabbage is released into the same water again. The procedures are carried out until a sufficient number of leaves are collected. It is important not to overexpose the cabbage in boiling water so that the leaves do not boil, otherwise they will break during the formation of stuffed cabbage. By the way, the water remaining after cooking can be used as a base for gravy.

2. Cooking cabbage in the microwave... The prepared head of cabbage is placed in a plastic bag of a suitable size and sent to the microwave for 5 minutes, setting the maximum power. After the forks are carefully removed and disassembled. If necessary, as in the previous version, send the cabbage for reheating. Here, you should be especially careful when removing the head from the bag, you can easily burn yourself with the steam.

3. Freezing cabbage... The method is unusual, rather lengthy, but effective. The cabbage is prepared: the top leaves are removed, washed, dried. Then they put it in a bag and send it to the freezer for at least 4 hours, depending on the size of the head. Next, the cabbage is defrosted and divided into leaves.

4. Using the oven. Leaves are carefully removed from the prepared cabbage, cutting them off at the stump, making sure that the leaf does not break, then the cabbage leaves are wrapped in foil and sent to the preheated oven for 5-7 minutes. The process is complex, fresh cabbage leaves are not easy to separate from the fork without spoiling their appearance. But it is this type of heat treatment, unlike the others, that preserves all the taste and useful qualities of cabbage.

1. Vegetable cabbage rolls with mushrooms


Fresh cabbage forks;

2 onions and 2 carrots;

A bunch of parsley;

Fresh champignons - 5 pcs.;

Rice groats - 350 g;

Frying oil - half a glass;

Black pepper, salt - pinch at a time.

Cooking method:

1. Disassemble the scalded cabbage by the leaves.

2. Rinse the groats, soak in hot water for a few minutes, then rinse again.

3. Peel the carrots, rinse, grate, chop the onion with a knife, peel the mushrooms, rinse, cut into pieces.

4. Put a little onion with carrots and mushrooms in a hot frying pan with butter, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes.

5. Finely chop the parsley.

6. In a small cup, mix the swollen groats with vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, salt and pepper.

7. Spread a small amount of filling on each cabbage leaf, wrap it in the form of an envelope.

8. Put extra cabbage leaves in a deep cast-iron container, stuffed cabbage on top.

9. Prepare the filling: put the remaining onions and carrots in a separate frying pan, fry a little, salt, pepper, add water, bring to a boil.

10. Pour the cabbage rolls with the prepared sauce, adjust the lowest heat and simmer for a little less than half an hour.

11. When serving, put the cabbage rolls on plates, pour over the sauce, garnish with salad greens.

2. Grilled stuffed cabbage rolls


A large head of Chinese cabbage;

Rice groats - an incomplete glass;

Canned corn - 200 g;

Peanuts without husks - 2 handfuls;

Dill - half a bunch;

Frying oil - 20 ml;

Salt - a pinch;

Some ketchup.

Cooking method:

1. Disassemble the scalded cabbage by leaves, cut out all the rough parts.

2. Boil the washed rice in slightly salted water.

3. Fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan.

4. Prepare the filling: mix the grains of canned corn with finely chopped dill and toasted peanuts chopped in a blender, add a little salt.

5. Put 2 teaspoons of the filling on each leaf, wrap with an envelope.

6. Grease the grill grates with oil, put the prepared cabbage rolls, fry on all sides.

7. Serve on a portioned platter sprinkled with ketchup.

3. Lazy vegetable cabbage rolls with pumpkin


Any rice groats - 200 g;

Plain cabbage is a small piece;

Onion head;

1 carrot;

A small piece of pumpkin;

3 tomatoes;

Salt, black pepper - 10 g each;

Mushroom broth - 400 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into strips, grate the carrots with coarse teeth.

2. Peel the pumpkin and chop into small cubes.

3. Chop the cabbage into small squares.

4. Soak the groats in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water, rinse the rice.

5. Put onions, carrots in a hot frying pan, fry for a couple of minutes over moderate heat.

6. Add cabbage and pumpkin, simmer, stirring occasionally, add salt and pepper.

7.Put the chopped peeled tomatoes.

8. Add cereals to vegetables, stir everything well.

9. Pour in some hot water and simmer everything over medium heat until vegetables and cereals are completely softened.

10. When serving, put the vegetable mixture on portioned plates, next to it, put a piece of fried meat of any kind.

4. Vegetable cabbage rolls with beans, potatoes and mushrooms


2 small heads of cabbage;

20 potato tubers;

3 onion heads;

Red beans - 6 handfuls;

Fresh porcini mushrooms - 4 pcs.;

Dry porcini mushrooms - 1 handful;

A little tomato paste;

Pepper, salt, sweet paprika seasoning - half a teaspoon;

Frying oil - 130 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Soak beans in water for 2 hours. Soak dry mushrooms for a few minutes.

2. Cut out the cabbage stumps from the cabbage heads. Scald the cabbage with hot water, disassemble the leaves, cut off all the rough parts.

3. Prepare the bean filling: in a pan with butter, fry half of the onion, chopped into crumbs, add the beans, heat a little, salt and pepper. While warm, grind the beans and onions in mashed potatoes.

4. Prepare the mushroom filling: chop fresh mushrooms with a knife, fry in a pan in heated oil with the other half of the onion, salt and pepper.

5. Peel the potatoes, grate along with the remaining onions, salt, pepper, stir.

6. Put the potato mass 1 tablespoon in hot oil in a frying pan and fry like pancakes. Transfer the potato pancakes to a clean bowl.

7. Twist each cabbage leaf into a small bag.

8. Put a tablespoon of filling on each potato pancake, put the potato pancake in a small bag, tuck the edges inward. And do this with all the leaves, while alternating the bean and mushroom fillings.

9. Place the stuffed cabbage in layers in a deep cast-iron container, add a little salt, sprinkle with paprika. When placing stuffed cabbage rolls, place the swollen dry mushrooms on them. Pour a layer of cabbage rolls with bean filling with boiled water, and cabbage rolls with mushroom filling - with liquid from soaked dry mushrooms.

10. Place the cast iron in a hot oven at a moderate temperature, cook for 60 minutes.

11. Prepare the gravy: in a small cup, dissolve the tomato and water, pour into the cast iron with cabbage rolls, simmer in the oven for a few more minutes.

12. Put the cabbage rolls on plates, pour over the resulting sauce.

5. Vegetable cabbage rolls with turnips


Head of cabbage;

Five medium turnips;

2 onions;

4 cloves of garlic;

A small amount of sunflower oil;

10 g of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Peel turnips and onions, cut into thin strips, fry in oil.

2. Scald the cabbage with hot water, separate the leaves. Chop small leaves finely with a knife and mix with turnips and onions, add chopped garlic.

3. Place the filling on the large leaves, form into envelopes.

4. Place the cabbage rolls in a deep cast-iron container, simmer under a lid over moderate heat.

5. Serve hot with sour cream.

6. Vegetable cabbage rolls with bell pepper


1 forks of cabbage;

2 carrots;

4 bell peppers;

A couple of onions;

4 celery leaves;

Half a head of garlic;

A glass of sour cream;

A small amount of vegetable oil;

Half a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and chop all vegetables, fry all with chopped celery leaves in a pan with oil.

2. Pour hot water over the cabbage and separate the leaves. Chop small ones and place with vegetables, add chopped garlic, salt.

3. Put the vegetable filling on the cabbage leaves that are suitable for the size, wrap in an envelope.

4. Put cabbage rolls on a frying sheet, pour sour cream with diluted water, put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

5. Serve stuffed cabbage rolls on a flat plate, sprinkle with the gravy in which they were baked, you can put a piece of baked or fried pork next to it.

Since vegetables and cereals are a part of vegetable cabbage rolls, the dish is independent and does not require an additional side dish. However, cabbage rolls themselves can be an excellent side dish for any meat.

Sauces will make the taste of vegetable cabbage rolls richer, use sour cream, tomato paste, herbs, garlic for their preparation.

Vegetable cabbage rolls are especially tasty hot.

Cooking technology of stuffed vegetables: vegetable cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers and zucchini


Material and technical equipment.

Equipment: PESM-4SHB, ShZHESM-2K, food warmer, VNTs-10,

production tables.

Inventory, utensils tools: knives and cutting boards with

marking "OS", "OV", shovels, hoe, chef's fork, slotted spoon,

baking trays, pans, saucepans, boilers, small tablespoons

plates, gravy boats, trays, containers, pots, colander, portioned

Raw materials: fresh white cabbage, bell pepper, zucchini, fresh

or dried mushrooms, carrots, onions, parsley, fresh

tomatoes, eggs, rice groats, vegetable oil, cheese, sauce.

The sequence of technological operations.

Operation # 1... Organization of the workplace.

Operation No. 2. Food preparation.

Do the following:

1) carry out the primary processing of all products that make up the dishes: vegetable cabbage rolls; pepper, stuffed zucchini (sorted out, washed, soaked dried mushrooms in cold water);

2) put to cook:

Rice (until half cooked);

· hard boiled eggs);

3) prepare (while rice, eggs are boiling) vegetables for stuffing:

· Remove the cabbage stump;

· Remove the seeds from the pepper (by cutting off the top);

· Remove the skin from the zucchini (if it is coarse), cut the zucchini into cylinders (height 3 ... 5 cm), remove the seeds from the zucchini;

4) put vegetables in salted water to cook, prepared for

stuffing, and mushrooms (until half cooked);

5) drain, cool and peel the eggs;

6) put the rice in a colander (let the water drain);

7) take out with a slotted spoon from the broth, boiled until half cooked

zucchini, pepper, cabbage (as the leaves are boiled),

cooled by allowing water to drain;

8) chop vegetables into strips (onions, carrots), finely chop

tomatoes, mushrooms, eggs, parsley;

9) sauté vegetables: onions and carrots together, and tomatoes

separately, the mushrooms are fried;

10) grate cheese.

Operation No. 3 Cooking minced meat for stuffing vegetables.

Combine boiled rice, sautéed vegetables (onions, carrots), finely chopped eggs, salt, ground black pepper; divide the minced meat into 3 parts: one for stuffing zucchini, another for stuffing peppers (add sautéed tomatoes), the third for stuffing cabbage rolls, adding finely chopped parsley and fried mushrooms.

Operation No. 4.Cooking semi-finished vegetable cabbage rolls.

1.disassemble the boiled cabbage into separate leaves,

2.beat off the thickening hoe

3.the minced meat is placed on the broken leaves

4.wrap semi-finished products in the form of an envelope

5. put on a tray, put in a refrigerator before heat treatment.

Operation number 5.Cooking semi-finished stuffed peppers,


Prepared zucchini and pepper are filled with minced meat; put on a tray, put in a refrigerator before heat treatment.

Operation number 6.Heat treatment of stuffed vegetables.

Semi-finished stuffed cabbage rolls are fried in a pan on both sides until golden brown; put each type of semi-finished stuffed vegetables separately on greased baking sheets. Zucchini are sprinkled with grated cheese, cabbage rolls and peppers are poured with sauce; put stuffed vegetables in the oven to bake; zucchini are baked until half cooked, cabbage rolls and peppers - until cooked; zucchini, baked until half cooked, pour over the sauce and bake until cooked;

Stuffed vegetable dishes can be prepared and served with sauces: sour cream, sour cream with tomato, mushroom, etc.

Stuffed cabbage can not only be baked, but also stewed.

Quality requirements.

Vegetable cabbage rolls. Appearance - cabbage rolls are sprinkled with sauce and sprinkled

Consistency - soft, juicy, cabbage and minced meat should not crunch when chewed.

The color is ruddy on top, on the cut it corresponds to the color of the raw material from which the minced meat is prepared.

Taste and smell - moderately salty, with the aroma of used vegetables and spices; the smell of steamed cabbage is not allowed.

Stuffed zucchini, pepper. Appearance - zucchini or pepper watered

sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

The consistency is soft, juicy.

The color is slightly ruddy on top, on the cut it corresponds to the color of the raw material from which the minced meat is prepared.

The taste and smell are moderately salty, with the aroma of used vegetables and spices.

Submission rules.

When serving dishes from stuffed vegetables, use dishes: a ram, a portioned dish or a small dinner plate.

The products are placed neatly in a ram, a plate or a portioned dish of 2 ... 3 pcs. per serving, pour over the sauce in which the dish was stewed or baked.

Stuffed vegetable dishes are served as separate meals.

Terms of implementation.

You cannot store these dishes for a long time. Stuffed vegetables are stored on a bain-marie in a container with a closed lid, sold within no more than 2 hours.