Salad with red beans and mushrooms. Bean salad with mushrooms and cheese

26.04.2019 Seafood dishes

The basic ingredients in this salad, I consider mushrooms, beans and, perhaps, fresh tomatoes(But I won't insist on them too much). Mushrooms for salad are suitable for any: pickled, fresh, frozen or dried.

I used dried shiitake mushrooms this time. These Chinese mushrooms were known a long time ago, they are repeatedly mentioned in ancient literature. But interestingly, these mushrooms are considered medicinal! We are accustomed to just the opposite: they say, it is not safe to eat mushrooms. But back in the 14th century, a Chinese doctor wrote that it would be good to use shiitake as a medicine against a whole list of diseases. We will not be treated with them, but enjoy, because fasting can be delicious!

It is worth remembering that from 150 g of dried shiitake, you will end up with about 500 g of ready-made mushrooms.

Salad beans can be boiled yourself, but I took canned white beans and did not regret it.

Onions and garlic will help reveal the taste of other ingredients, and most importantly, they will add piquancy and a slight spiciness to the salad. I added olives to the salad, because, in my opinion, they add a special charm to the flavor bouquet.

And finally, tomatoes. Why do I consider them one of the base ingredients. We all know that beans are quite a bland, neutral product. And bean salads often lack juiciness. The tomato easily copes with this task: it gives the salad juiciness, moisture and, of course, a sort of piquant sourness.

dried mushrooms should be well soaked in water. Rinse several times and only then cook. I make it easier. In the evening I pour mushrooms large quantity cold water I leave overnight. In the morning I drain the water, rinse a couple of times under running water. cold water, squeeze gently. And here is the result - beautiful, elastic mushrooms suitable for any dish.

Compare this photo with the one showing the ingredients. See how the mushrooms have changed? They became beautiful, poured, as if just out of the forest :)

For the salad, I used fried mushrooms. Cooked them in a somewhat oriental manner. I heated the vegetable oil in a frying pan, fried the mushrooms almost until cooked, added a couple of spoons soy sauce(if you do not like soy sauce, then just salt the mushrooms).

On high heat, fry the mushrooms with sauce for several minutes, add finely chopped greens (anything you like) and chopped garlic. After that, I covered the saucepan with a lid, lowered the heat and fried everything together a little. It turned out delicious, fragrant and beautiful.

Now a couple finishing touches: cut the olives into rings, chop the onion into thin half rings and cut the cherry tomatoes into slices. You can change the cutting style of lettuce. I have hard rule, which I have been using for many years: the soloing products in the dish should be the largest. Based on this, I left the beans and mushrooms whole, and cut the tomatoes into slices, and not, for example, into cubes.

We collect the salad: mix all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add greens if desired (I have a little curly parsley).

As for the sauce. For me, oil and soy sauce, in which mushrooms were fried, are enough. But if you want more rich taste, then I would recommend adding a little unrefined sunflower oil (or the one that you love the most, but certainly fragrant, the salad will benefit from this!) And a drop of balsamic vinegar.

Enjoy your meal! And a delicious post!

Salad with red beans and mushrooms holiday dish which is easy to prepare and delicious to eat. A harmonious combination of canned legumes, fried mushrooms, salted cucumbers, hard cheese, boiled eggs are very satisfying and multifaceted. Mayonnaise dressing with black pepper adds spice to the dish, and serving in glasses adds a touch of charm.

There are many options for such elegant salads, we will consider the most interesting stories.

Top 3 salad recipes with canned red beans and mushrooms

Legumes pair perfectly with quiet hunting trophies. This summer was especially rich, many zealous owners in freezers and cellars are full of mushrooms in different types: marinated, frozen. All of these varieties can be used in bean salads on a par with purchased champignons.

Bright salad with chicken mushrooms red beans

Meat and mushrooms are delicious in any way: as a hot dish (the famous julienne, for example), in the form of soup or as the main ingredients of a salad mix. Chicken fillet more tender and less nutritious than pork or beef, so it is often included in bean salads paired with mushrooms. They take smoked, boiled, fried chicken(breast or thighs).

Red Bean Salad Ingredients canned mushrooms chicken

  • boiled chicken meat - 200 g;
  • beans - 180 g;
  • mushrooms - 150 g;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • pitted olives - 100 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • greens - optional.

The procedure for preparing a salad of beans, chicken, red onion mushrooms

First prepare the products. Boil meat and eggs separately until tender. Cool down.

At this time, wash vegetables and cut onion into half rings, pepper into strips.

Canned mushrooms are cut into slices or strips after the marinade is drained from them.

In a deep spacious bowl, mix onions, peppers, mushrooms, red beans, from which the juice has been drained.

Chilled fillets are sorted into fibers. Peeled eggs are cut into strips. Meat and egg sticks add to the bowl. Salt, pepper, mix. Spread in culinary ring or slide, decorate with olives if desired.

You can decorate with crackers or chips. Snacks will give a salad with chicken mushrooms red beans a nice crunch. This recipe is perfect as a main dish for romantic dinner, for example. The food comes out mega-satiating and bright: a classic mixture of red, white and green. Salad can also be served in tartlets, then croutons are not needed. Get a good snack.

Photo for inspiration

Nutritious salad with red beans, ham and mushrooms

What do we take

  • beans - 200 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • jacket boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.


it puff dish able to satisfy the most severe hunger. All you need is to fry champignons or forest mushrooms with onions in sunflower oil. To do this, cut the mushrooms, put them in a pan with two tablespoons of oil and fry for five minutes, then add half rings onion, salt, mix. Another seven minutes - and turn off the heat. Let them cool down.

There is nothing difficult in preparing a salad with red beans, tomatoes and mushrooms. Just beautifully laid out necessary components- and it will be juicy, appetizing, tasty. The dish can be laid out in a ring, on flat dish or in glasses.

The first layer is beans (before laying, put them in a colander to stack the marinade) and a little mayonnaise.

Then mushrooms with onions, sauce. Sprinkle with grated potatoes and make a mesh. Then the cheese layer. At the end - ham, cut into cubes. Tomato pulp without seeds, also cut into pieces. A generous portion of dill or green onions, chopped with a knife, will not hurt either.

Garnish with a sprig of parsley or to your liking.

Photo for inspiration

Bean dishes are close to meat dishes in their nutritional value - they contain a lot of protein, are high in calories and satisfying.

A bean salad with mushrooms is quite suitable for the role of a second course, and so that the complex sugars contained in the beans do not disturb digestion, the beans must be soaked for several hours in clean water before cooking.


For 2 servings:

  • dry beans - 100 g
  • champignons - 100 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.


1. Look at the beans, select spoiled and damaged beans. Rinse it and fill it with water in a large container (the volume of water should be at least 4 times the volume of the beans).

Leave the beans soaked for 8-10 hours. First, they will be covered with small wrinkles, and then they will take water and smooth out - after that they can be boiled, but in order for indigestible sugars to dissolve in water, it is better to extend the soaking time to 10 hours (you don’t need to leave it longer, as the beans will begin to sprout).

2. Drain the water in which the beans were soaked. Cover the beans again with plenty of water and boil until tender. Salt before the end of cooking.

3. Boil well-washed champignons for 5 minutes in salted water and transfer to a colander. Cut the cooled mushrooms into beautiful pieces and lightly fry for hot pan In oil. Fry quickly so that the mushrooms are covered golden crust but didn't dry out.

4. Cut the onion.

5. Fry it until transparent in vegetable oil.

6. Mix all the ingredients, add salt (if necessary) and put the mayonnaise.

7. Mix the salad well and let it brew a little - during this time the onion will additionally marinate.

8. Garnish the dish with parsley or basil leaves and serve in serving glasses.

Note to the owner

1. The nutritional value beans and mushrooms is quite high, so it would be wise to look for light dressings. The easiest way is to buy low-fat mayonnaise instead of high-calorie mayonnaise and improve its taste with mustard or grated horseradish. Another option is to insist table vinegar on lemon and orange peel(1-2 hours or longer), then strain, add any refined oil. Balsamic cream sauce is in harmony with all the products involved in the recipe. True, in domestic supermarkets it is either in short supply or expensive. But many people bring this “black delicacy” from the Balkans, knowing how tasty appetizers like this are with it.

2. Important nuance technology: champignons should be fried not only very quickly, but also at maximum heat, moreover, without a lid. In a closed brazier, they are sure to turn out tasty, but until the crust appears, the mushroom pieces will become very tiny and almost lost in the salad.

3. The root of the leek is also used in legume-based mixtures, and then onions are not required. You can also put 20 grams of lemongrass, cut into rings, into the pan (you don’t need to take feathers, because after frying they are tough and useless in relation to vitamins).

When it's time for dinner, the whole family somehow gradually pulls itself into the kitchen and sits down in anticipation delicious meals. This is especially true on weekends. Everyone sleeps until late, but wakes up for dinner and comes to the kitchen in search of something tasty to eat. It so happened that all my household members simply adore salads and are always interested in whether we have any salad in the refrigerator. Salads can be prepared from various products. But more and more often the thought occurs to me that sausage salads are not so healthy, so I try to add more natural and healthy ingredients. My family loves mushrooms, so in order to not just fry them, which sometimes bothers me, I cook from them variety of salads. Mushrooms in salads are always appropriate and give them a special taste. Let's cook today delicious salad with mushrooms and beans. Have you ever thought that beans are extremely rare on our menu and I decided to correct this moment. Now I cook a delicious and healthy salad with mushrooms and beans that all my family likes. I advise you to use my recipe with a photo to replenish your piggy bank with unusual and healthy salad. Check out others.

Required products:

- 200 grams fresh mushrooms(champignons),
- 200 grams of beans (I have canned),
- 2 pcs. chicken eggs,
- 1 onion,
- vegetable oil for frying mushrooms,
- 1 tables. l. mayonnaise,
- salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Cut the champignons into medium pieces, do not cut finely, because after heat treatment mushrooms are reduced by almost three times.

Fry all the mushrooms in vegetable oil with the addition of finely chopped onions. Mushrooms a little salt, you can pepper.

hard boiled chicken eggs crumble into medium squares.

In a salad bowl, mix fried, completely cooled mushrooms, chopped eggs and canned beans (we drain all the marinade from it). However, you can put ordinary well-cooked beans in the salad. Just to speed up cooking, it is better to put ready-made canned beans.

Lightly flavor the salad with mayonnaise and mix several times. It turns out no less tasty

Your salad will turn out really tasty if you get delicious canned beans. I recommend opting for large white beans in natural brine. To be sure which beans you buy, buy beans in glass jar. So you can see what you are buying. It is this variety large beans has a very gentle and sweet taste.
This easy-to-make salad can be dressed each time to your liking. For example, if you are fasting, then add olive or vegetable oil to such a salad. On any other day, you can season the salad with mayonnaise.

We will prepare a delicious salad with canned beans, mushrooms, cheese. We use mushrooms fried champignons with shallots.

Taste Info Vegetable salads / Salads with mushrooms


Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 20 minutes. Yield: 2 servings.

How to cook a salad with beans, cheese and fried mushrooms

Open a jar of white beans, and drop them first on a sieve to remove all excess brine.

Chop into thin slices fresh mushrooms champignons. Cut the peeled shallots into thin rings.

Transfer the beans to a bowl where you will mix the salad.

On a small amount vegetable oil fry mushrooms with onions until tender. Salt and season mushrooms with spices at the end of roasting. Otherwise, the mushrooms will release juice and not turn golden. Let the mushrooms cool slightly and place in a bowl of beans.

The next step is to grate boiled eggs and hard cheese on coarse grater add to salad. For a change in such a salad, you can also add pickled cucumbers or fresh bell pepper.

Dress this salad to your liking. It can be sour cream, mayonnaise, or olive oil. Add to ready salad chopped green onions or parsley with dill. Now cover the salad with a film and put it in a cool place for 1-2 hours so that it is soaked and infused.

Divide the salad between salad bowls before serving. Such hearty salad with beans can be served as a snack or even in some cases instead of the main course with a piece of delicious and crispy baguette or pita bread.

Salad with canned white beans, fried mushrooms and cheese will brighten up both a weekday and a holiday. In addition, the dish is simple and does not take long to prepare. Enjoy your meal!