How to cook chinese mushrooms? Salad with wood mushrooms in Chinese.

09.10.2019 Bakery products

Asian cuisine is surprised by gourmets with a variety of extraordinary dishes. Mushrooms with the unusual name "Muer" can be added to salads or cook with them excellent snacks with a unique taste. Today we will discuss how to prepare wood mushrooms, and share interesting recipes.

Exotic snack to your table

Muer Muero mushrooms are called woody. They grow on the trunks of the trees. In supermarkets, such a product is realized dried, so the question of how to prepare wood mushrooms from the pack remains relevant.

On a note! Wooden mushrooms are a unique source of protein, vitamins, micro and macroelements. They are enriched with iron and are considered very useful for human health.

As life practice shows, from dried wood mushrooms, hostesses are preparing snacks, the taste of which emphasize spices and spices. To prepare such a fragrant and incredibly tasty salad, you will have to visit the Chinese shop, since in addition to the usual spices, exotic supplements that are used asian cooks are also needed.


  • 4 things. garlic teeth;
  • 3 packs of dried wood mushrooms;
  • ½ h. L. Poppers of ground black;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower seed oil;
  • ½ h. L. seasonings for Korean dishes;
  • ½ h. L. Ajinoto;
  • ½ h. L. Grooved red pits.


On a note! The longer the wood mushrooms are marked, the more tastier the dish is obtained.

How to prepare a Chinese wood mushroom dried?

Most often on store shelves there are black wood mushrooms. However, they are still white and yellow. All species are edible, and you can prepare delicious spicy snacks, as well as salads. An interesting dish is obtained from white fungi. Before use, they must be prepared because such mushrooms are sold in extruded dried.


  • 2 packs of white wood mushrooms;
  • 1 tsp. paprika;
  • 5 pieces. garlic teeth;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp. sugar sand;
  • 1 tsp. acute red ham pools;
  • 60 ml of refined sunflower seed oil;
  • 2 bulbs.


Original salad

Let's look at another option how to prepare a Chinese wooden mushroom. In combination with light vegetables from wood mushrooms, delicious salads are obtained. To improve taste, you will need a couple of unusual ingredients, for example, oyster sauce and seed seed oil.

On a note! The easiest way to prepare fried potatoes with mushrooms. Pre-mushrooms are soaked, and then fried. Such a dish is not only delicious, but also very satisfying.


  • 100 g of dried wood mushrooms;
  • 2 pcs. Fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 ½ tsp salty salt;
  • 2 pcs. garlic teeth;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • oyster sauce - 1 tsp;
  • seed oil sesame - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. As you already know, pre-dried mushrooms need to soak.
  2. After half an hour, the mushrooms will scatter.
  3. We rinse them with running water and cut into small cubes.
  4. We lay mushrooms in thick-walled dishes, pour filtered water and put on the stove.
  5. Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Boiled mushrooms are laid out in a colander and constrained excess liquid.
  7. Enjoy them.
  8. Fresh cucumbers are rinsed well, drier.
  9. Cut into cubes or straw.
  10. Lay out in a salad bowl, salt to taste.
  11. We leave the cucumbers in this form by a quarter of an hour.
  12. Allocated juice drain.
  13. Grind garlic teeth.
  14. Connect these ingredients with mushrooms.
  15. All mix, water vinegar and oyster sauce.
  16. Add sesame seed oil.
  17. Stir once again and leave for 10-15 minutes to insist.

On a note! Before preparing dishes from wood mushrooms, do not forget to soak them in the water. In principle, half an hour is enough, but some varieties for softening and swelling requires 2-3 hours.

Before starting to cook with the use of Chinese wood mushroom, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. On the package of this product, there is always instructions for use, but there are some subtleties that are not mentioned in it.

So, soak Muer It is necessary in warm water, slightly warmer room temperature. In no case cannot be used hot water, otherwise the sumpsome mushroom mass is obtained, unfortunately. After swinging Mushrooms are required to go through, rinse and pour cold water. In this form, they need to be left in a cool place for no less than 12 hours. After the specified period of time can begin prepare Muer. Water needs to merge, slightly score mushrooms and fill in a small amount of 9%Bosom.

Original Chinese Snack of Wood Mushrooms


    2 packs of dried wood mushrooms

    1 Bank of Canned Corn

    2 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil

    1 Lukovitsa

    2 cloves garlic

    100 ml of soy sauce

How to prepare an original Chinese snack of wood mushrooms:

  1. Chinese mushrooms prepare in advance and cut into small pieces.
  2. Onions cut into thin half rings and fry in vegetable oil on a well-warmed frying pan with mushrooms about 5 minutes.
  3. From banks with canned corn drain all the liquid and add grains to the pan. To add a glass of water into a mixture of 1, stew until the fluid evaporates.
  4. Pour the soy sauce, and then add passed through the press garlic. As soon as the sauce in the pan will begin to boil, the fire must be turned off.
  5. A finished Chinese wood snack is fed in warm form.



    1 pack of dry chinese mushrooms

    200 g boiled or smoked chicken

    1 Little Lukovitsa

    1 carrot

    100 g of funchoz

    1 Fresh cucumber

    1 clove garlic

    vegetable oil - for frying

    sugar - to taste

    salt to taste

    soy sauce - to taste

How to prepare a Chinese salad with fungose \u200b\u200band wood mushrooms:

  1. Mushrooms to prepare and cut into large.
  2. Carrots rub on a large grater, cut into thin half rings, mix them with mushrooms and fry on vegetable oil to full readiness.
  3. While the vegetables reach the desired state, cut the chicken meat with straw, fresh cucumbers rub on a large grater, and boil the funchose, throw back on the colander and give cool to a little warm state.
  4. When vegetables are finally ready, and the funchosis will cool, you can upload all the ingredients into a deep salad bowl. Next, the salad needs to fill the soy sauce, salt, pepper, add sugar and crushed garlic and mix thoroughly.
  5. After that, the dish must be removed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the salad is fill.
  6. Chinese salad with funchose and wood mushrooms as an independent dish.
Do you like mushrooms? Prepare more delicious dishes by our recipes!

Oriental cuisine has long been famous for unusual dishes and original recipes. The combination of ingredients, a variety of tastes and exotic aromas are capable of surprising even the most exquisite gourmets. One of the most significant places in Asian cuisine is occupied by mushrooms, which are not one hundred species. Further, how to cook, cook, store similar mushrooms, namely Chinese wood mushrooms.

Residents of the Middle Kingdom are mainly used in food. Wood varieties. The most vivid and common representatives are Muer, Shiitaka, Netco, Matsukta and Kickurage. Previously, they were cultivated in the forests on the fallen trees, and in the modern version, premises with a selected microclimate, where mycelium is grown on specially cut dry stumps, which you can see on numerous photos. Most often, hot dishes, soups and salads are prepared from these gifts. However, in China there are many poisonous species, which, of course, are not used in cooking.

Wooden Chinese Mushrooms: Benefits and Harm

These unusual representatives of wildlife were known for their useful and healing properties since ancient times. The benefits of them consist in the presence of a huge number of trace elements and vitamins, the main of which are iron and calcium. Mushrooms, as an additional prophylactic agent, it is recommended to use people with blood diseases, thrombosis, with deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system. The components that are in the composition contribute to the discharge of blood, thereby improving its circulation. With regular use, the immune protection of the body increases, cholesterol is reduced, breathing becomes fresh and without unpleasant odors. Now these products are actively used in cooking and non-traditional Chinese medicine.

Note! Miracle mushrooms can also bear harm to the human body. Therefore, before use, portability and allergic response of a particular person should be examined.

In itself, edible products are not poisonous, but they, like all other mushrooms, can absorb harmful substances located nearby, so you need to be confident in their origin.

Mushroom types in China

Conditionally, mushrooms on long legs, grown on the stump in China are divided into several subspecies:


A similar type of wood mushrooms occupies the main place in the Asian cuisine. The most famous and popular of them are:

  • Shiitake is the most universal and can be applied in almost all dishes. In a dry form, it is used as a seasoning, giving food an unusual taste and aroma. It is this subspecies that has a "usual" structure: a long leg with a dark brown hat.
  • Muer Muer is extremely useful for humans. Includes a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that have a healing effect. In nature, it is found not only in black, but also in white with yellow colors. Very nutritious and satisfying product, used as the main dish or is an excellent addition to others.

White wood mushrooms or Tremella variety (in common "silver ears") is a traditional representative. They have a sophisticated sweet taste, dried slightly crunch and are designed to prepare unsurpassed soups. The composition is rich in useful components, as well as vitamin D, the abundance of which contributes to the proper physical development of the body. Also, the white type has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates the disappearance of pigment on the skin of the face, are used as additional therapy in the treatment of a huge spectrum of disease. This mushroom representative from the people of China is revered more than Mauer and is used mainly in festive dishes.

Most of the fungi of the above woody varieties on supermarket shelves are presented in dried and pressed form. It is very convenient and practical, they do not occupy a lot of space and do not require special storage conditions and transportation. Mushrooms can be poured with water, and they increase several times in volume. Next, they can be used as fresh and only cut. In a dry form, they perfectly complement soups, main feed and salads.

Mushrooms, as mentioned above, are pressed and fasciating in comfortable boxes, a different weight category and are then delivered to all continents. On the shelves of supermarkets and pages of online stores, you can see a huge selection of Chinese wood mushrooms that can satisfy the tastes of the finest gourmets.

Secrets of cooking mushrooms

The Chinese are widely used and prepare mushrooms in national dishes. On the expanses of our country, such mushrooms are supplied only in a dried view in hermetic vacuum packaging or boxes, and the main secret of their preparation is the ability to prepare for use and restore in its original state. Simple soaking, also has its subtleties and features:

  • Free the goods from the pack;
  • Dried product Put in deep container;
  • Fill the semi-finished product with boiled water temperature, so that it covers the entire surface of the fungi. In such a state, they should go to at least 120 minutes;
  • Next, drain the water, rinse the fungi and pour them again with water, but this time is cold;
  • Determine the bowl into the refrigerator on a full 4 hours.

After these manipulations, the purchased goods are fully prepared for further processing and cooking.

Important! Restore the dried semi-finished product with boiling water is in no case allowed. They will lose their structure and, according to the end, you will have an ugly and unsuitable mixture.

Prepare mushrooms easier in everything as follows: Soak the product in soy sauce, weld, and then fry in vegetable oil with onion rings - and you will get a delicious garnish for dinner.

Summing up

Chinese wood mushrooms, whose preparation recipes with photos can be found on the Internet, will become an excellent addition to any kitchen. Combine them with meat products, and bird dishes, vegetables, put into soups, and you will get the original, truly delicious, nutritious and therapeutic nutrition, which, according to specialists of alternative medicine, will perform as a general fuel, will reduce cholesterol levels, alleviate heart disease , vessels and more.

Only at first glance may seem usually. If you go deeper, it remains only to be surprised by their useful properties. The Chinese use mushrooms not only in food, but also actively used in medicine and cosmetology. I propose to get acquainted with the most popular Chinese mushrooms.

1. Shiitake - Brown mushroom with a germ on a hat. One of the most popular Mushrooms of Asia. It has a rather specific taste. Very fragrant. The consistency resembles a sponge - soft and slightly rubber. Most often it can be found in as one of the components of the soup. In stores are often sold both fresh and dried mushrooms. To prepare dried shiitakes to use them, they need to pour a little warm water for a couple of hours, then wash and pour cold water again and leave for a few hours. After that, they increase in size several times. Recommended for this time to put them in the refrigerator. Shiitakes are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It cleans blood and has a positive effect on male activity, as well as used in cosmetology.

2. Veshinka Or oyster mushroom - gray mushroom with flat single-sided hat. This mushroom is sold in all markets and in all supermarkets. One of the cheapest mushrooms in China. Do not require long thermal processing. Food most often use a hat, because The leg is very dense and tough. Oyshemka is very useful and contains iron, calcium and vitamins of group B, C, E. Using the oyster can reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Oyster mushroom eaten in fried and boiled form.

3. Shimecedi - Little mushrooms with brown hats on white legs, grow a bundle. Completed in Japan and Korea. Contain vitamins A and B, clean the body and support immunity. Shihedi has a rich mushroom smell. This mushroom is delicious if you put it out with garlic in soy sauce. Good combined with white mushrooms. They are still used to prepare soups.

4. White mushrooms with curves long legs and small white caps - literally from Chinese is translated as seafood Mushrooms.. As they are called in Russian, I never found. They are very often found in chinese markets. The leg is dense enough. They can be ache or added to soups. These mushrooms are good with garlic in soy sauce. You can cook with ShIMEDGI.

5. Eringa Or the royal oyster - a large white mushroom on a thick leg with a small flat brown hat. Eringa is a very useful mushroom, it contains vitamins of group B and D, minerals. Cleans the body and struggles with oncology. In addition, this mushroom is actively used in cosmetology. Eating mostly only legs. They are dense and have a rich mushroom smell. Delicious in fried form, especially with onions. Among other things, it is consumed by dried or stew.

6. EnoCi (Hebutes or Golden Threads) - Also known as Winter Walkers. Another of the most popular Chinese mushrooms. The Chinese eat anconde in any dishes. These are white thin mushrooms growing by a beam. Even after heat treatment, they remain crispy and seem to creak on the teeth. Prepare them with meat dishes and as a snack. Pre-cut rhizome and divided into separate "strands". Enoxi are tasty with duck, as well as they are good wrapped and fried in bacon as a snack. More Chinese cook soups with them. This mushroom has many useful properties, including fighting cancer. Contains potassium, iron and vitamins of group V.

7. Straw mushroom - Gray mushroom small size, similar to pebbles or egg (without leg). To taste resembles champignon. It is because of its unusual form, it remained not identified by me for a long time as a mushroom. It grows on the beds covered with straw, hence he got his name. Distributed in the countries of Southeast Asia. The straw mushroom is collected even before his hat opens, because In this form it contains more useful substances. Do not require long thermal processing. The Chinese add them to soups or fry. To the same extent this mushroom is good and pickled.

8. Agriculture or wildlife (Agrocybe Chaxingu) - literally with Chinese translates as a tea tree mushroom (Tea Tree Mushrooms). Brown mushroom on a fine leg with a small brown hat. Contains calcium, magnesium, zinc. It has antioxidant properties, increases immunity. Sold on all Chinese sites in dried form. In supermarkets are sold fresh. Appreciates with its useful properties. Most often used in medicine.

9. Chinese woody muer mushroom (Wood ear) - black, slippery flat mushroom. Just like Shiitake, enjoys great popularity in China. In the package it can be confused with a variety of sea cabbage - brown and slippery. Elastic and as if rubber. Contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and many vitamins. Enhances immunity. In stores these mushrooms are sold packaged in small packages or in pressed form in briquettes. To prepare pressed wood mushrooms to eat them need to be soaked in warm water. After that, Muer is recommended to rinse and leave to mock in cold water half a day. In cafes and restaurants, this mushroom can be found in the form of a snack or as a separate dish - stewed with vegetables. Tastier all tree UCHO as a separate appetizer is pickled with vinegar, carrot and celery.

10. White Chinese woody mushroom - Looking like a dried sponge or coral. It can often be found in the store next door to dried berries and herbs. Wood mushrooms belong to the category of more expensive, but due to its light weight, the portion can be purchased in just 8 yuan. Contains calcium, magnesium and iron. Contributes to the withdrawal of toxins and prevents the formation of tumors. Salads and soups are prepared from white wood mushrooms.

11. Inher Or silver ears (snow mushroom, coral mushroom) - like a white woody mushroom. Transparent white, as if glady. When soaking increases in the amount of 8 times. Sold in boxes pieces. He also belongs to the category of expensive mushrooms. Rarely it can be found in the supermarket. Stored in the refrigerator. It is very useful, contains phosphorus, iodine, iron and amino acids. Used in medicine. It has a lightweight sweet taste, well combined with seafood and vegetables. The Chinese prepare it for special cases.

12. Bamboo mushroom Or a lady with a veil (Bamboo Fungus) - a mushroom on a thick white leg with a hat in the form of a grid. It has a very unusual appearance. The leg is porous, like a sponge, and there are no hats as such, instead of it the grid, enveloping the top of the mushroom. Bamboo mushroom takes place in the list of the most unusual mushrooms. It is rarely found in the store in cheese and dried. This unusual mushroom is used for medical purposes. One of his names Phallus Indusiatus. In Asia, it is considered delicacy and aphrodisiac. It has a specific smell. Hence such a name.

Asian cuisine, in particular, its separate components, sometimes cause many questions. And against the background of all these incredible delicacies, Chinese wood mushrooms seem very homemade relatives. They fit perfectly into the dishes of many kitchens of the world, making a unique piquant note. Therefore, we will talk about how to prepare wood mushrooms.

Residents of the Middle Kingdom allocate several subspecies of wood mushrooms. It is with them now we will meet.


Wooden Mushrooms Shiitaka for many hundreds of years come into the ingredient composition of the national cuisine. It is this Chinese mushroom that visually resembles our Russian mushrooms. It also has a leg and a hat, although it grows exclusively on the trees.

Shiitake, when he just removed, has a pleasant dark brown shade. During the drying process, it changes it to the darker, becoming almost black. On the counters of supermarkets, you can find both fresh and dry shiitake. If we talk about benefits, they are completely universal and can be used in all dishes.

The only thing to be pre-done is to pour dry shiitake with clean water. Such a procedure will help to restore them lost moisture. And then mushrooms can be used in cooking.

Dry mushrooms can be used as a fragrant seasoning, emphasizing the taste of other products.


This Chinese woody mushroom contains a huge amount of protein and vitamins. In addition, Mauer is an excellent source of iron. Mushrooms contribute to an increase in appetite, and also strengthen the health as a whole.

But Muer - not always a black mushroom. You can see white (delicious) and yellow mushrooms. In supermarkets you can find white dried Muer, very nutritious and tasty. Its composition contains amino acids and polysaccharides necessary to our organism. In addition, the wood mushroom contains phosphorus and iron.


Another edible wood mushrooms that are popular in China - Shangu. As a rule, on the counters of stores they come in a dry form, so they must be soaked. After that, they increase and take their original shape in the form of an umbrella. The mushrooms have a very rigid leg, so they do not use it into food. Sion has a rich aroma.

They are also called winter mushrooms. In China, the cultivation of Siangu is given a special place, and the country itself takes the second place in their production in the world. Mushrooms are rich in amino acids and enzymes, and also contain a significant amount of vitamin D.

Preliminary preparation of mushrooms

Any Chinese woody mushroom, which is imported into our country, is always dried and sealed in vacuum packaging. This option of transportation does not impair nutritional properties or taste. But this is only if you are dedicated to the methods of recovery.

Preparation of mushrooms to further processing is reduced to banal soaking. But here there are its subtleties.

How to cook wood mushrooms: soaking technology

Professional chefs use the following option:

  1. Remove polyethylene and remove mushrooms.
  2. Place dry mushrooms in a deep bowl.
  3. Add clean boiled water temperature to them. The fluid should cover the mushrooms, but at the same time there should be free space in the saucepan. Remember that mushrooms are significantly increased in size.
  4. Wood mushrooms should spend in water full of two hours. Then they are washed. And again poured with clean water, but already very cold.
  5. The dishes with mushrooms need to be removed in the refrigerator for 4 hours. After this time, the mushrooms are fully prepared for further use.

Pretty long procedure. The Chinese do not bother themselves so much. They pour a dry mushroom mass not too cold water and leave for a couple of hours. Then mushrooms wash and start cooking.

Remember that it is impossible to restore dry mushrooms with hot or boiling water. In this case, instead of high-quality fungi, you will get a naplety mass.

If all the recommendations are observed, then in the bowl you will be waiting for beautiful dark brown wood mushrooms. It is necessary to remove the bottom in the mushroom leg, as this is the place of fastening the mushroom to the tree. The hat and the rest of the legs can be used when cooking dishes. It should be borne in mind that the legs are tough, but the hats are very tender.

Recipes dishes from Chinese mushrooms

First we will prepare a salad of wood mushrooms.

You will need:

  • wood mushrooms (already exposed) - 300 grams;
  • canned corn - 1 bank;
  • bulb - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • soy sauce - 100 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 2 large spoons.

Mushrooms need to be cut into arbitrary slices, and a bulb - thin half rings. Fry mushrooms together with onions about 7 minutes. Put the corn to them, pre-drained all the water. Add a glass of water to the pan and evaporate all the liquid. Garlic need to skip through the press, connect it with soy sauce and add to the pan. As soon as the contents of the frying pan boils, the salad is ready. Serve it warm, and to make a dish of more satisfying, you can add roasted chicken or turkey fillets.

No less tasty and sharp snack with Chinese mushrooms.

You will be needed:

  • wood mushrooms -300 grams;
  • bulb - 1 piece;
  • garlic - a pair of teeth;
  • salt and red pepper;
  • vinegar - tablespoon.

Cut the mushrooms already swept in advance for small smooth pieces. Connect salt with vinegar and pick them up. Thoroughly grind onions and garlic, and then lay them out in a hot frying pan. Do not forget to add oil for frying. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state and lay out the mushrooms here. Preparing a dish under a closed lid on minimal fire for about 20 minutes. Be sure to mix snack in the cooking process. The resulting fragrant dish is perfect for refueling or sauce rice, meat or vegetables.

Second course

The next delicious recipe is wood mushrooms with veal.


  • mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • cullery clipping - kilogram;
  • onions - 3 bulbs;
  • garlic - two heads;
  • soy sauce - 250 grams;
  • ginger (grated root) - 250 grams;
  • starch from potatoes - 250 grams;
  • sesame oil - 20 grams;
  • sesame seed - teaspoon.

Mushrooms need to be chopped too large. Veal cut into thin slices and fry in a frying pan. Take for cooking dishes with high sideboards. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions and garlic, as well as ginger postcaded to meat, add soy sauce and sesame oil (it can be replaced by conventional vegetable oil). Pour here still half a glass of water and extinguish until ready on slow fire. Starchs are in the water and at the very end of cooking enter it into the dish.

Features of Chinese cuisine

All dishes prepared on these recipes demonstrate the true taste and aroma of Chinese cuisine. To balance the burning of Asia, try to apply them to dishes having a calmer taste. As such, our favorite potato mashed potatoes or, as an option, steam rice.

Wood mushrooms can be prepared as we used. Just fry in a frying pan with home or cook a classic mushroom soup. Good luck!