How to cook large beans. Preparing beans for cooking

09.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Beans are a valuable and nutritious food that can replace meat. The culture contains a huge amount of protein, so beans are used in many dietary programs, included in the diet by athletes and active people.

We have known beans for a long time. However, it was the ancient Romans who not only prepared the product, but also used it for cosmetic purposes. The product was finely ground and used as powder and whitewash. Even Cleopatra herself made healing and rejuvenating masks from beans.

Today, with the help of a boiled delicious and fiber-rich gift of nature, people can fight extra pounds. However, it is important to understand that the product must be eaten well-cooked; it cannot be eaten raw. And all because it contains poisonous components that are destroyed precisely during heat treatment.

How long are beans cooked?

It directly depends on the type of beans. So, fresh green beans are processed for 4-5 minutes, frozen - 5-10 minutes. If we talk about white, red beans, then it takes much longer to cook. This process takes at least 1-2 hours.

How to cook beans?


  1. The beans are thoroughly washed and then cleaned of the twigs.
  2. Water is poured into the pan, salted. The duration of cooking will also depend on the ripeness of the plant and its freshness.
  3. Put green beans in a pot of water, the water should be salted.
  4. Determine the readiness of the product by taste. The main rule is not to digest, because in this case it will lose all its taste and become fibrous.
  5. The boiled beans will need to be thrown in a colander, let the water drain. After that, you can use the product to prepare delicious meals.

Red and white in the pan

Any beans (especially red beans) must be soaked before cooking. Dry beans can also be boiled, but the process will take a long time. In addition, it is the pre-soaked product after cooking that does not cause gas formation in the intestine.

So, you can boil red and white beans like this:

Red and white in the microwave

  1. Again, a soaking procedure is required.
  2. Beans are placed in glassware, filled with water and placed in a microwave oven for 10 minutes. The maximum power is set.
  3. Another 20 minutes must be brought to readiness.

Red and white in a multicooker

You can boil 500 grams of dry beans at a time in a five-liter multicooker bowl. First you need to soak the beans.

  1. The beans are washed, laid out in a bowl, filled with water.
  2. In the multicooker, you need to set the cooking mode "Stew" or "Soup". Cook for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. If you cook the product without pre-soaking, the cooking time increases to 3-3.5 hours.
  • Do not salt white and red beans before cooking. Otherwise, the finished product will be tough.
  • In the refrigerator, you can store beans cooked until half cooked for up to three days, but in the freezer - about 6 months.
  • If you are using canned beans, they do not need to be pretreated.
  • You can use the product for cooking different dishes. It goes well with garlic, onions, peppers, tomatoes, and various herbs.

Green beans with pepper recipe

The recipe is for 3 servings. For cooking you will need:

  • Beans - 400-500 grams;
  • Sweet peppers - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Onion - 1 head of medium size;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt and chili - depending on your preference;
  • Fresh basil - 3 tablespoons chopped.

Beans, cultivated seven thousand years ago in Central and South America, are still a favorite dish of many peoples and are among the ten healthiest foods on the planet. The famous legume, which in ancient times was considered the "meat of the poor", is a source of protein and vitamins, and now we know about 200 varieties of beans. It can be pod and grain, red, white, variegated, black, green, brown, large and small. This crop is grown in all countries except the Far North regions, and is popular with everyone who is thinking about proper nutrition.

The benefits and harms of beans for the body

Beans contain 24 grams of protein and 60 grams of "good" carbohydrates, so they are very filling, nutritious and healthy. The low fat content (1%) makes beans a dietary meal that should be included in a lean and healthy diet, since beans provide the body with all vital substances and allow you to "hold out" between meals without high-calorie snacks. The beans contain iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, vitamins of group B and K, valuable fiber. Since beans are not completely digested, they serve as a kind of intestinal brush, which sweeps out all unnecessary from the body. In addition, beans prevent aging of the body, is an excellent prevention of cancer and osteoporosis, strengthens the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and increases immunity. Interestingly, beans contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, so if you eat beans every day, you can get rid of depression, insomnia, and bad mood. The benefits of beans are not in doubt, but people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and stomach ulcers should not abuse beans to prevent gas formation. Also, do not eat raw beans as they can be very toxic.

Beans in the cooking of different countries

Beans are used to make soups, mashed potatoes, cereals, salads, pates, snacks, vegetarian sausage, etc. At the same time, different varieties of beans have their own culinary "specialization" - white beans are better to stew, red beans are good for salads and soups, and black beans, amazingly tender and soft in taste, are ideal as a side dish without any additives. The extraordinarily picturesque lima beans can decorate any dish, since they resemble a beautiful shell in shape.

Mexicans make a spicy meat sauce from beans, Ukrainians add them to their signature borscht, Asians mix beans with rice, Georgians cook lobio with aromatic herbs, and French cook beans with spinach. By the way, sweet pies with poppy seeds and beans served with honey are popular in Ukraine. Beans are a versatile product that can be prepared in thousands of ways and always have a bright, unexpected taste.

Bean Cooking Secrets from the Chef

Beans are a capricious product, but you can easily find a common language with them if you know some culinary subtleties. So how do you cook beans quickly and deliciously for maximum benefit and enjoyment?

  • To combat flatulence, add thyme and mint to the beans before cooking - they will relieve the intestines of gas and give the dish a fragrant aroma.
  • If you want the frankly bean flavor to go away from the beans, be sure to soak them for 8-12 hours before cooking. After that, it is recommended to drain the water and boil the beans in new water, otherwise the cooking time will stretch indefinitely, and the beans will lose their delicate nutty notes.
  • Take your time, simmer the beans. After boiling, experienced housewives change the water again and add a little vegetable oil to it for a mild taste.
  • Salt the beans only at the end of cooking, otherwise they will be too tough.
  • To cook faster, add 1 tbsp to it every 10 minutes. spoon of cold water.
  • Leave the lid on as you cook, and they will retain their vibrant color.

In the days of Cleopatra, beauties used ground and dried beans as a powder, as it made the skin youthful and velvety. Modern women consume beans exclusively internally, but the effect is the same!

Perhaps it will surprise you, but dishes from such familiar and beloved by many beans appeared on our tables not so long ago. Back in the seventeenth century, beans were grown only in the botanical gardens of Europe, as one of the outlandish plants of the New World. And only in the eighteenth century, beans began their triumphant march through the fields, and dishes from them on the tables of Europeans. In Russia, beans appeared in the sixteenth century, but acquired their culinary significance only by the middle of the eighteenth century, conquering the hearts of our ancestors, who called them Turkish beans. Today, beans are widely grown and are undoubtedly one of the most popular and widespread legumes.

Some housewives, considering bean dishes too time-consuming and time-consuming, completely exclude beans from their home menu. And completely in vain. Today we will try to show you that cooking delicious dishes from beans can be not at all difficult, and the result of your work will delight both you and your family. Let's try to figure out and remember how to cook beans together.

In general, when referring to beans in cooking, it is customary to divide them into two different types - green beans and ripe beans. However, by default, speaking of beans, we mean exactly ripe beans, the dry seeds of which are used to prepare many, many dishes. What is not prepared from such beans! Delicious salads and snacks, soups and chili, hot main courses and even desserts. Beans are boiled and stewed, fried and baked, and light soufflés and hearty cutlets are prepared from beans. Beans go well with most vegetables, pasta, dairy products, meat and poultry, which makes dishes from it desirable both on the tables of meat-eaters and on the vegetarian menu. Throw in the excellent pairing of beans with any herbs and your favorite seasonings and spices, and you will easily notice that the range of beans dishes is not limited by anything but your culinary imagination and taste preferences.

Today "Culinary Eden" has collected and wrote down for you the most important tips and little culinary tricks, coupled with proven recipes that will surely help even the most inexperienced housewives, and tell you how to cook beans.

1. When choosing beans in the store, pay close attention to their appearance. The beans must be smooth, uniform in color and size, free from visible damage and signs of pest damage. Be sure to check if there are stuck beans in the bag, because the stuck beans will indicate to you that the temperature or humidity conditions were violated during storage or transportation, and the high humidity of the beans is a sure sign of their deterioration. When buying pre-packaged beans, make sure the packaging is intact. Examine the bag of beans carefully to make sure there is no excess debris or pests in the bag. When buying loose beans, sniff them before buying. Any extraneous odors, the smell of mustiness, mold, dampness, will indicate that you are being offered low-quality, spoiled beans. It is better to refuse such a purchase, it will not be possible to cook a tasty dish from spoiled beans.

2. Having brought the purchase home, once again carefully inspect the beans, selecting those of them that have traces of damage by pests. Store beans in tightly closed glass jars or plastic and tin containers with tight-fitting lids. In order to avoid the possibility of pest infestation of beans, put two or three unpeeled garlic cloves on the bottom of each jar. You can store beans both at room temperature by placing cans of beans in a dark, dry place, or at a lower temperature by placing a container of beans in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator. In general, the shelf life of beans should not exceed 12-16 months.

3. Cooking most bean dishes begins with pre-soaking and boiling the beans. The beans are soaked in cold water for 12 to 24 hours. During this time, the beans swell and soften slightly, which significantly reduces the cooking time. To make your beans cook even faster and turn out softer and more tender, while soaking, add baking soda to the water at the rate of one teaspoon of baking soda for every liter of water. Rinse the soaked beans thoroughly in running water, place in a deep saucepan and cover with plenty of water. Never add salt until the end of cooking, as this can cause your beans to remain tough. Then place the pot over high heat, bring the water to a boil, reduce heat, skim off and cook the beans until tender over the lowest heat, periodically checking to see if the beans are covered with water. If necessary, add some boiling water to the beans as they boil. The cooking time depends on the type of beans and the duration of pre-soaking and can range from 30 minutes to two or even three hours. Just regularly check the readiness of the beans and their softness and remember that the finished beans must be absolutely soft, the concept of Al Dente does not apply to beans.

4. Autumn is a great time to taste the deliciously delicious bean salad with pumpkin and goat cheese. Cut into small pieces 400 gr. pumpkin, transfer to a greased baking dish, drizzle with olive oil and bake in a preheated 180 ° oven for 25 minutes. Cool the finished pumpkin and cut into cubes. Throw in a colander and rinse 400 g in cool water. boiled or canned beans. Break into small pieces 200 gr. soft goat cheese. Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, mix 6 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sweet mustard, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, salt and white pepper to taste. Put the beans in a salad bowl and pour half the dressing. Top with pumpkin cubes and goat cheese slices. Sprinkle everything with one tablespoon of fresh thyme leaves and drizzle with the remaining dressing.

5. One of the most popular appetizers of Georgian cuisine, lobio, will easily decorate both your daily menu and the festive table. Soak for eight hours, rinse and boil one cup of red beans in five glasses of water. The cooking time will be one and a half to two hours. When the beans are completely cooked, pour out one cup of liquid and crush the beans lightly with a crush so that some of the beans turn into puree. Heat 2 tbsp in a skillet. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add one onion, cut into quarters of rings, and fry until golden brown. Place one cup of peeled walnuts and three cloves of garlic in a blender bowl, chop, add the bean broth, and chop again until puree. Add fried onions to the beans, stir and heat for five minutes over low heat. Then add the nut mass, 1 teaspoon of suneli hops, 1 teaspoon of dried savory, salt and red pepper to taste. Stir and cook everything together, stirring constantly, for five minutes. Remove from heat, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of red wine vinegar, mix thoroughly and refrigerate. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro before serving.

6. It is not difficult to make a delicious bean soup with shrimps. Heat 3 tablespoons in a saucepan. tablespoons of olive oil, add one finely chopped onion, one celery stalk, chopped into thin rings, and two chopped garlic cloves. Fry over medium heat for seven minutes. Then add 400 gr. boiled or canned beans, two bay leaves, two sprigs of thyme and 500 ml. hot vegetable broth. Mix everything thoroughly, bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste. Use a blender to puree the soup until smooth, then heat over low heat for five minutes. Boil until tender and peel 20 large shrimps from the shell. Pour the soup into bowls, add a few shrimp to each bowl, drizzle with olive oil and serve immediately.

7. It is even easier to prepare an exquisite spicy cheese soup with red beans. Cut one small onion, one carrot, two celery stalks into small cubes; chop three garlic cloves. Heat 3 tablespoons in a saucepan. tablespoons of olive oil, add vegetables and fry, stirring occasionally, for eight minutes. Then pour in 300 ml. dry white wine, stir and simmer all together over low heat for 10 minutes. In a separate saucepan, boil 1 ½ liter of vegetable stock or water, add 150 gr. chopped soft cream cheese and 100 gr. finely grated Parmesan, stir over low heat until the cheese is completely dissolved. Pour the prepared cheese mass into a saucepan with vegetables stewed in wine, stir and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add 400 gr. boiled or canned red beans, season with salt and pepper to taste, stir and cook together for another 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Sprinkle chopped parsley and thyme over the soup before serving.

8. Chicken drumsticks stewed with white beans and thyme are very tasty. Soak in advance, boil until tender and discard 500 g in a colander. white beans. In a deep skillet, heat 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and sauté six chicken drumsticks over high heat until golden brown, 5 minutes on each side. Transfer the drumsticks to a dish. Add another 1 tbsp to the pan. a spoonful of oil, two finely chopped onions, three chopped cloves of garlic, 250 gr. cherry tomatoes, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped parsley and leaves from five sprigs of thyme. Simmer everything together over medium heat, stirring frequently, for two minutes. Then add the chicken drumsticks, beans, salt and white pepper to taste. Stir, cover the skillet with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer all together for 25 minutes. Remove from heat and let it brew for another 10 minutes.

9. Unusually aromatic, tasty and very satisfying beans are obtained with lamb cooked according to the Lebanese recipe. Soak 250 g for 12 hours. white beans. In a deep saucepan, place one kilogram of lamb on the bones, chopped into portions. Pour in 2 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and simmer under a lid over medium heat for an hour and a half. Then add the beans, 1 teaspoon of allspice and 1 teaspoon of cumin and cook together for another hour. Heat 2 tablespoons in a skillet. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add two finely chopped onions and five chopped garlic cloves. Sauté for five minutes until tender, then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste, stir and simmer for another five minutes. Transfer the stewed vegetables to a pot of beans and lamb, add salt and red pepper to taste, mix thoroughly and simmer everything together for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro before serving.

10. Dominican chefs offer us to taste a delicious dessert made from beans. Soak 500 gr. soft red beans in warm water for six hours. Drain and chop the beans in a blender. Transfer the chopped beans to a saucepan, add four cups of hot milk, one cup of concentrated milk, three cups of brown sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, two cinnamon sticks, six cloves, ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg. Mix everything, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, for 20 to 30 minutes until thickened. Remove all whole spices, add 1 cup raisins and 6 tbsp. tablespoons of butter. Cook over low heat for another 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and refrigerate. Serve in wide glasses, garnish with fresh fruit pieces and whipped cream.

And the site "Culinary Eden" on its pages is always glad to offer you even more important tips and interesting recipes, which will definitely tell you how to cook beans.

Not every housewife knows how to cook beans for various dishes and different types. There are more than two hundred types of beans in nature. There are white and red beans, black and purple beans, green beans and legumes, and there are even certain types of decorative and fodder beans. The most popular and widespread type of kidney beans is considered to be red kidney beans. Many people love beans, because they are not only tasty, but also very useful for our health and the body in particular. In terms of protein content, beans may well compete with meat products, so bean dishes are regular guests on vegetarian and fasting tables. Beans have a pleasant taste with nutty notes, which allows you to combine them with various seasonings, as well as to prepare some sauces based on them ..

First of all, to boil the beans, you will need the beans themselves, a colander, and also a wide saucepan in which the cooking process will actually take place.

  • First, the beans must be cleaned of mechanical impurities. To do this, pour the beans on the kitchen table and separate garbage, various pebbles from it, and also throw out the beans that are not suitable for cooking (old or wrinkled, as well as with other flaws).
  • Then proceed to rinsing the beans. Place it in a colander and rinse thoroughly under a copious stream of running water.
  • Now the beans need to be soaked for about 8 hours, it is better to do this overnight. Put the washed beans in a saucepan and cover it with water. There should be twice as much water as the beans themselves.
  • After eight hours, drain the beans and refill them with the same amount of clean water. Put the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and continue to cook the beans for an hour.

I would like to note that not only red beans, but also ordinary white beans are cooked according to this principle. There are no significant differences in this process. But there is not always so much time left to soak the beans for eight hours, because sometimes it becomes necessary to boil the beans for a certain dish as soon as possible.

How to cook beans if you don't have time to soak them? Try the following tip.

Step 1

Pour water into a large saucepan, boil it, and pour the washed beans into boiling water.

Step 2

Close the pan with a lid and bring the beans to a boil again, after two minutes turn off the heat and leave the pan with the lid on to stand in a warm place for an hour.

Step 3

For borsch

The vast majority of people love red borscht. Moreover, this first course can be prepared both with the addition of meat (in broth) and without it - this is already to everyone's taste, this will not change the taste. But if you cook borscht without beans, then the end result may be a little disappointing, because it is the beans that give the red borscht the taste of completeness. Let's try to figure out how to cook borsch with beans.

You'll need:

  • A glass of legumes;
  • 300 grams of meat - this is provided that you decide to cook borscht on meat, but if not, then this item can be skipped;
  • Medium potatoes (3 pcs.);
  • Half a head of cabbage;
  • One carrot and one medium onion;
  • Small beets (2 pcs.);
  • Large tomato (2 pcs.);
  • One bell pepper:
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Spice;
  • Fresh greens.

  • In the evening, soak the beans in cold water to soak.
  • The next day, pour the meat with cold water and cook over the fire. After boiling the water, reduce the heat, remove the resulting foam and leave to cook until the meat is half cooked.
  • Then add the presoaked beans to the meat and continue to cook until the meat and beans are tender.
  • Put the potatoes cut into small pieces into the boiling broth.
  • Separately in a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the diced onion and grated carrots on a coarse grater. Add vegetables to the pan with the rest of the ingredients and cook until the beets are tender.
  • Then fry the beets grated on a coarse grater in vegetable oil. Add a little salt and a pinch of sugar to the pan where the beets are fried, stir, cover and continue to simmer until the beets are cooked.
  • Add shredded cabbage, stewed beets, bell peppers, diced tomatoes to a saucepan. Mix the ingredients, salt the borscht, add bay leaves and other spices to taste. Boil the borscht for five, then add finely chopped greens to it, cover and leave to infuse for about 7-10 minutes.

Bean borscht is ready. Red borscht is served with a spoonful of sour cream.

Many salads contain such an ingredient as boiled beans. How to cook beans, we have already described in detail above. Now let's make a simple and delicious boiled bean salad.

You will need:

  • Beans (250 g);
  • Potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • Several tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Onion head;
  • One and a half tablespoons of vinegar;
  • A bunch of fresh parsley or cilantro;
  • Salt.

Cooking sequence:

Cook the beans according to the instructions above. Take time to prepare the recipe on the day you have time so you can pre-soak the beans in the evening. So in the future, your salad will turn out to be especially tasty and tender. Cook the beans until soft, then strain.

Boil the potatoes separately and cut them into small cubes. Grind the onion head using the same principle.

Mix the ingredients of the salad, add salt and pepper to taste, finely chopped parsley. Season the salad with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and a small amount of vinegar, which can be replaced with lemon juice. Enjoy your meal!

Check out the recipes and cook.

Do you just need boiled beans for a new dish? But you have no idea: how to cook beans, and how much to cook beans? Don't worry, you will learn all this from this article.

It is worth noting that beans are rich in natural protein, in this they are inferior, perhaps, to meat. In addition, beans contain various vitamins, magnesium, calcium and iron, and other trace elements useful to the human body. Beans can easily replace meat during fasting. Boiled beans are also ideal as a side dish for meat or fish. The main thing is to be able to cook this product correctly.

  • Never mix different types of beans, as their cooking time differs.
  • Before cooking the beans, they must be carefully sorted out, sifting out "defective" beans of a strange color, or chipped beans. And rinse thoroughly under cold running water.
  • Before cooking, the beans must be soaked for 4-10 hours in cold water. During the soaking process, you need to change the water several times, and be sure to make sure that it does not heat up, it is better to put it in the refrigerator. In the process of soaking, oligosaccharides are released from the beans - substances that can cause gas formation during digestion, and make it difficult, as well as moisture returns to the beans, due to which the cooking time is shortened.
  • After the end of soaking, the beans must be rinsed again.
  • When boiling beans, do not cover the pot with a lid, otherwise the beans will darken.
  • You need to salt the beans only at the end of cooking. If you add salt to the beans at the beginning of cooking, this, firstly, will increase the cooking time, and, secondly, the beans will turn out tough. Sometimes the recipe requires tough beans, so you know how to do it.
  • During the boiling process of beans it is necessary to maintain a volume of water twice the volume of the beans themselves.
  • If during cooking you find that there is not enough water in the pan, add only boiling water to it, in no case cold water, otherwise the beans will crack.
  • To make the beans more tasty, you should add sunflower or olive oil during cooking; three tablespoons in a large saucepan will be enough.
  • First, boil the beans over moderate heat in a small amount of water, after the water boils, mark for 10 minutes, then the water must be completely drained and replaced with new water, but in large quantities. Wait for the boil again, then reduce the heat and simmer for the required time, depending on the variety.
  • Remember, raw beans should not be eaten. Be sure to cook the beans, because undercooked beans contain toxic substances that are dangerous to humans, which decompose during cooking. The beans are cooked, if they become soft, then you need to check several beans, and if one of them is not yet ready, the cooking must be continued.
  • When choosing the volume of beans for boiling, remember that when cooked, the beans will increase 2-3 times.
  • Do not stir the beans when you are cooking them.

How much to cook beans

The cooking time depends not only on the type of beans, but also on how much they were stored, on the size of the beans, and the quality of the water in which you cook them, soft water reduces the cooking time, hard water, on the contrary, increases. Usually, after soaking, the beans are cooked for 40-90 minutes. Cook for 40 minutes, then check the hardness of the beans every 10 minutes. Since the cooking time depends to a greater extent on the type of beans, we will consider its various types.

How much to cook green beans

It all depends on whether it is fresh or frozen. Cooking fresh green beans takes 4-5 minutes, and frozen 5-7 minutes. However, if the beans are overripe, then the cooking time should be increased by a couple of minutes, but nevertheless, it is better to choose young green beans, they have more useful properties. If you are boiling green beans, you can safely add salt while cooking. Green beans are very useful for anemia, hormonal changes among pregnant women. Also, green beans are considered a dietary product.

How to cook red beans

Red beans are cooked for 40-80 minutes, if they were previously soaked, if this was not the case, then it will take 2-3 hours to cook. When cooking, you can add tomato, bay leaf and garlic to heighten the aroma. Salt only when ready.

How to cook white beans

White beans are not as fleshy as red beans. How much to cook white beans? It usually takes 30-50 minutes to cook. White beans can be left unsoaked or soaked for a short time. Closely supervise the boil of the white beans after 30 minutes so that they are not overcooked, check for readiness every 5 minutes. White beans are ideal for soups.

How to cook beans without soaking

Sometimes cooking takes as long as you simply do not have at the moment. How to cook beans quickly? This is quite possible, you should, when cooking, repeat the water change procedure 2 times. After the beans boil for the first time, wait 15 minutes, drain the water completely, pour cold water, and put on fire again. After the second boil, change the water again. After two times, the cooking time will be reduced to 30-40 minutes. If you do not want to completely replace the water, then you can several times (3-4) when boiling water, add a few tablespoons of cold water to it, but this can only be done at the beginning of cooking. That is, to quickly cook beans, you need to use a temperature difference. You can also shorten the soak time. To do this, pour the prepared beans with a small amount of water, boil it, then set it aside from the heat and close the lid, let it brew for 1 hour. Then cook as usual. The quickest way to cook beans is to buy them frozen. So how much to cook frozen beans? The frozen beans will be ready after 15-20 minutes of boiling.

In this article, you learned how to cook various types and varieties of beans. Now you can easily prepare a dish containing any beans.