Nutritional value of milk and fermented milk products. Nutritional value of milk, its importance in nutrition

06.04.2019 Salads

Fermented milk products are highly valuable food products with dietary and medicinal properties.

Fermented milk products have a pleasant refreshing taste, contain lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and alcohol. These substances stimulate appetite, enhance the secretory and motor activity of the stomach and * intestines. The digestibility of fermented milk products is higher than that of milk. This can be explained by the fact that under the action of gastric juice, fermented milk products form small flakes, more accessible to the action of enzymes. There is information that the presence of lactic acid in fermented milk products increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Fermented milk products have a higher vitamin content. Lactic acid bacteria contained in such products easily take root in the intestine and are antagonists of its putrefactive microflora. Fermented milk products have antibiotic properties, antibiotics nisin, lactolin, etc. are isolated from them.

Fermented milk drinks are perishable products, therefore, a deadline for their sale has been set.

Industrial production fermented milk products is based on the widespread use of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria in modern installations that provide high quality products.

By the nature of biochemical processes, fermented milk products are divided into drinks of lactic acid fermentation and drinks of mixed (lactic acid and alcoholic) fermentation.

Lactic acid fermentation products include

All types of yogurt,

Acidophilic milk,

Acidophilus paste.

Curdled milk are produced from cow's milk by fermenting it with ferments from pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Several types of curdled milk are made.

Common curdled milk is prepared from pasteurized milk using pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci.

Mechnikovskaya curdled milk is obtained by using a sourdough from lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus.

Acidophilic curdled milk is prepared by fermenting from lactic acid streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus.

Southern curdled milk is obtained by fermenting pasteurized milk with sourdough from pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus, lactic acid bacillus with or without yeast added. In different republics, it has different names: matsoni (Georgia), yogurt (North Caucasus).

Varenets is prepared from milk (baked) sterilized or kept at 95 ° C for 2-3 hours and starter culture from a pure culture of lactic acid streptococci with or without addition of lactic acid bacillus.

Sour milk should have a low-fat sour milk taste, a homogeneous clot without gas bubbles. The serum separation can be no more than 3%. The fat content in curdled milk should be 3.2%, in fermented baked milk 6 and 8%. The acidity of these drinks should not exceed 110 ° T, and for southern yogurt - 140 ° T. The titer of Escherichia coli should not be lower than 0.3.

Acidophilic products (acidophilus milk, acidophilus, acidophilus yeast milk,

acidophilus paste) are prepared using starter cultures from pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. In the production of acidophilus, lactic acid streptococcus and kefir starters are additionally used, and when obtaining acidophilus-yeast milk - specially selected races of yeast. These products have the consistency of liquid sour cream, their acidity should be 75-130 ° T. The titer of Escherichia coli is not less than 0.3.

Acidophilic paste is obtained from milk fermented with acidophilic bacillus by self-pressing the clot in coarse calico bags for 14-16 hours at 6-8 ° C. A fat-free paste is produced or with a fat content of 4-8%. The paste contains 12, 20 and 24% sucrose, 80, 70, 60% moisture. Its acidity is about 200 ° T.

Acidophilus paste is effective for constipation and flatulence. Possessing an antibiotic effect, it allows to reduce putrefactive processes in the intestine, is used in the treatment of achilic gastritis, ulcerative colitis, rectosigmoiditis.

Acidophilus yeast milk has active antibiotic properties, it is indicated in the treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal diseases, and furunculosis.

Mixed fermentation beverages include

Kurunga, chal.

In these products, as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, lactic acid, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed.

Kefir is prepared from pasteurized cow's milk by fermenting it with ferment prepared on kefir fungi or specially selected pure cultures, followed by ripening of the fermented curd. The fermented milk is aged in a refrigerator at 6-8 ° C, which is necessary for the development of alcoholic fermentation, which gives the product a sharp, refreshing taste.

Kefir can be fatty from whole milk or skimmed if made from skim milk. The fat content of fatty kefir is not less than 3.2%. In terms of ripening, kefir can be weak (one-day maturation), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day).

Acidity, respectively, ranges from 90 to 120 ° T, alcohol content - from 0.2 to 0.6%. The discharge of whey should be no more than 2%. The titer of Escherichia coli is not less than 0.3.

Kefir has a beneficial effect on digestion, intestinal motor function, reduces the intensity of putrefactive processes in the intestine.

Kumis is prepared from mare's or cow's milk by fermentation with cultures of lactic acid bacteria and milk yeast. It is fermented in tanks or wooden barrels, then the drink is poured into bottles, which are put to maturation in a refrigerator at a temperature of 6 ° C.

When making kumiss from cow's milk, 20% water and 5% are added to skim milk beet sugar... This allows you to get a drink with organoleptic properties and structure approaching kumis from mare's milk.

Kumis should have an acid-alcoholic taste, be carbonated, and resemble thick sour cream in consistency. Depending on the timing of ripening, it can be weak (one-day maturation), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). The acidity of kumis, respectively, ranges from 60-80 to 120 ° T, the alcohol content is from 1 to 2.5%. The titer of Escherichia coli should not be less than 0.3. Kumis has a tonic effect and is used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Kurunga - carbonated lactic acid drink made from cow's milk; widespread in East Asia.

Chal is prepared from camel milk... It is eaten by the population of Central Asia.

Sour cream is a fermented milk product that is obtained by fermenting cream with a sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci. It should be produced only from pasteurized cream, which is heated to 85 ° C. Cooling and ripening of sour cream is carried out in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5-6 ° C for 1-2 days.

Depending on the method of production and fat content, sour cream can be of different fat content: 30%, 40% (amateur), 10% (dietary). Sour cream acidity 30% fat top grade should be 65-90 ° T and 65-100 ° T for 1st grade sour cream.

Cottage cheese. .The process of producing cottage cheese consists in fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria,

218 removal of excess moisture from the clot to obtain a concentrated protein product (protein content 15-16%). The industry has adopted two methods of producing cottage cheese: acid-rennet and acidic.

Depending on the raw material, fatty cottage cheese is distinguished (fat 18%, moisture 65%, acidity 200-225 ° T), semi-fat (fat 9%, moisture 73%, acidity 210-240 ° T), fat-free (moisture 80%, acidity 220-270 ° T).

Cottage cheese has a high biological value. It contains more protein and calcium than milk. Amino acids are balanced in curd, which makes it a valuable source of animal protein. 200-300 g of cottage cheese satisfy the daily requirement for essential amino acids and calcium. Especially important is cottage cheese methionine, which is easily used in the body for the synthesis of choline.

Cottage cheese promotes the elimination of cholesterol from the body, and therefore can have a therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis. There is information that cottage cheese also has a diuretic effect, therefore it is indicated for impaired renal excretory function.

Cheeses are made from milk by precipitation and subsequent processing of casein. The cheese production process consists of the following operations: preparing milk for curdling (normalization, pasteurization, adding bacterial starter cultures), curdling milk, cutting and dehydration cheese mass by heating; molding, pressing, salting, cheese ripening.

By the method of curdling milk, there are sour milk and rennet cheeses. In the first case, milk coagulates under the influence of lactic acid formed by the lactic acid flora, in the second case - due to the added rennet. Basically, the industry produces rennet cheeses. Depending on the characteristics of the technological process, cheeses are distinguished:

1) solid (Swiss, Soviet, Dutch, Kostroma, etc.);

2) soft (Dorogobuzhsky, Medynsky, Smolensky, etc.);

3) brine (feta cheese, kobi, suluguni, etc.);

4) melted, which are made by melting the crushed cheese mass at a temperature of 75-80 ° C for 8-12 minutes in the presence of salts - melters.

Cheese is a rich source of biologically valuable protein (15-27 g per 100 g of product), milk fat (20-32 g), calcium (750-1000 mg), phosphorus (400-600 mg), as well as vitamin A ( 0.2 mg), thiamine (0.1 mg), riboflavin (0.5 mg).

For cheese good quality of great importance is the quality of the original milk, adherence to the required maturation time.

Cheese should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 8-10 ° C. When stacking one circle of cheese on top of another, plywood or waxed cardboard pads are required. Every 7-10 days, the circles are shifted, and the appearing mucus and mold are removed by wiping the cheese crust with a clean napkin moistened with weak solution table salt.

Violation of the physicochemical processes of cheese production and the recommended storage conditions leads to the formation of swelling, moldy surface and subcrustal layer in them, sometimes the appearance of an unusual color. All of the above types of spoilage of cheeses allow them to be removed from sale and sent to industrial processing or for technical disposal.

Ice cream is a widespread product. It is a high-value food product containing 3.5-4.5% protein, 2.8-17% milk fat, 12-30% sucrose, calcium and phosphorus salts, vitamins A and B.

Of the many types of ice cream, 95% are creamy and dairy types of ice cream, and only 5% are non-dairy (fruit, etc.).

The raw materials for making ice cream are milk and dairy products, sugar, eggs and egg products, flavors (cocoa, coffee, vanilla, etc.), stabilizing substances with gelling properties.

Deep grinding and shaking methods are widely used in ice cream production.

The latter increase the contact surface of the product with air and increase the risk of product infection.

According to the existing standard, the total number of microorganisms should not exceed 300 000 in 1 g of ice cream, pathogenic and toxigenic bacteria should be absent.

Ice cream is a perishable product, it should be stored at a temperature not exceeding -10 ° C. Melted and re-frozen ice cream poses a particular danger. It must not be allowed to be implemented.

- a complete food product. According to the Nobel Prize laureate, academician I.P. Pavlova, "between the varieties of human food, milk is in an exceptional position as a food prepared by nature itself." Easy digestibility is one of the most important properties milk as a food product. Moreover, milk stimulates the absorption of nutrients from other foods. Every year more than 500 million liters of milk are drunk in the world, the consumption of which brings variety to the diet, improves the taste of other products. Milk has therapeutic and prophylactic properties. The main importance of milk in nature is to provide nutrition for a young organism born.

The nutritional and biological value of milk and dairy products is higher than that of other products found in nature. Milk contains more than 120 different components, including 20 amino acids, 64 fatty acid, 40 minerals, 15 vitamins, dozens of enzymes, etc.

When 1 liter of milk is consumed, the daily requirement of an adult for fat, calcium, phosphorus is satisfied, 53% for protein, 35% for vitamins A, C and thiamine, 26% for energy. The energy value of 1 liter of raw milk is about 65 kcal.

The nutritional value milk is due to its chemical composition. It differs slightly for milk different types and animal breeds may vary depending on their feeding conditions.

Protein are the most valuable component of milk. They make up about 3.3%, including casein 2.7%, albumin 0.4%, globulin 0.12%. Casein refers to complex proteins, phosphoproteins and is contained in the form of calcium salt (calcium caseinate), gives milk white color... In fresh milk, casein forms a colloidal solution; in an acidic medium, lactic acid cleaves calcium from the casein molecule, free caseinic acid precipitates and a lactic acid clot is formed.

Casein is coagulated by rennet (produced by the glands of the gastric mucosa). After precipitation of casein from skim milk whey proteins and some other components remain in the serum.

Whey proteins in terms of the content of deficient essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, methionine, threonine) are the most biologically valuable part of milk proteins, which is important for nutritional purposes. The main ones - lactoalbumin and lactoglobulin - have a high content of growth and protective substances. In cow's milk, these proteins make up 18% of the total amount of protein, in goat's milk they are 2 times more. When heated above 70 ° C, milk loses part of lactoalbumin and lacto globulin, they denature and precipitate. Therefore, to free milk from microbes, it is pasteurized at a temperature not exceeding 70 ° C. In addition, the composition of serum proteins includes immunoglobulins (1.9-3.3% of the total amount of proteins) - high-molecular proteins that act as antibodies and suppress foreign proteins by sticking together microbes and other foreign cells.

Milk proteins contain all essential amino acids and are complete.

Fat in milk it contains from 2.8 to 5%. Milk is a natural emulsion of fat in water: the fat phase is in the milk plasma in the form of small drops - balls of fat, covered with a protective lecithin-protein shell. When the shell breaks down, the free fat forms clumps of fat, which degrades the milk quality. To ensure the stability of the fat emulsion, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum the mechanical effects on the dispersed phase of milk during transportation, storage and processing, to avoid foaming, to conduct heat treatment correctly (prolonged exposure at high temperatures can cause denaturation of the structural proteins of the fat globule shell and a violation of its integrity), apply additional fat dispersion by homogenization.

Milk fat is composed of a complex mixture of acylglycerols (glycerides). Of several thousand triglycerides of milk fat, most of them are acidic, so the fat has a relatively low melting point and a uniform consistency.

Among saturated acids palmitic, myristic and stearic (60-75%) prevail, among the unsaturated ones - oleic (about 30%). The content of stearic and oleic acids increases in summer, and myristic and palmitic acids - in winter. Milk fat contains low molecular weight volatile saturated fatty acids - butyric, nylon, caprylic and capric (4-10%), which determine the specific taste of milk fat. A lower content of low molecular weight acids is a sign of falsification of milk fat with other fats. In addition to oleic acid, there are also small amounts of unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic (3-5%).

Unsaturated and low molecular weight fatty acids impart low melting point to milk fat (melting point - 27-34 ° C). These acids have more valuable biological properties than high molecular weight and saturated ones. Low melting point and high dispersion ensure good digestibility of milk fat.

The disadvantages of milk fat include its low resistance to high temperatures, light rays, atmospheric oxygen, water vapor, solutions of alkalis and acids. Rancidity of fat occurs due to hydrolysis, oxidation, salting.

Associated substances in milk fat are 0.3 - 0.55%. Nasterina accounts for 0.2-0.4%. They are mainly represented by cholesterol in a free state or in the form of fatty acid esters, as well as ergosterol, etc. Along with simple lipids, milk fat contains various phospholipids (lecithin, cephalin, etc.), which have an emulsifying ability, are involved in the construction of shell shells fat. The yellow color of milk fat is due to the presence of carotenoids in it - tetroterpene hydrocarbons (carotenes) and alcohols (xanthophylls). The content of carotenes depends on the feed ration, the condition of the animals and the season (more in summer) and is 8-20 mg per 1 kg of milk fat.

Lactose (milk sugar) is the main carbohydrate of milk, monosaccharides (glucose, galactose, etc.) are present in it in smaller quantities, more complex oligosaccharides - in the form of traces.

Disaccharide lactose - the main source of energy for biochemical processes in the body (it accounts for about 30% of the energy value of milk), promotes the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, barium. In milk, lactose is in a free state in the a- and p-forms. A very small proportion of lactose is bound to other carbohydrates and proteins. Milk sugar slowly penetrates through the intestinal wall into the blood, therefore it is used for nutrition by lactic acid bacteria, which heal the stomach environment. When milk is heated above 95 ° C, the color of milk changes from yellowish to brown due to the formation of melanoidins, which have a dark color, as a result of the reaction of milk carbohydrates with proteins and some free amino acids.

During hydrolysis, lactose is split into glucose and galactose, and during fermentation, under the influence of enzymes, into acids (lactic, butyric, propionic, acetic), alcohols, ethers, gases, etc.

Mineral substances milk contains up to 1%, they contain more than 50 elements. The main ones are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Calcium in 1 liter of milk contains 1.2 g, it is necessary for the formation of bones, regulation blood pressure... Calcium salts are of great importance not only for humans, but also for milk processing processes. For example, an insufficient amount of calcium salts causes slow rennet coagulation of milk in the manufacture of cheeses, and their excess leads to the coagulation of milk proteins during sterilization. About 22% of all calcium in milk is associated with casein, the rest is made up of salts - phosphates, etc. These compounds contain phosphorus, it is also part of casein, phospholipids, etc.

Magnesium plays the same role as calcium and is found in the same salts.

Sodium and potassium are found in the form of salts (ions), and some of them are associated with casein and fat globule shells. Potassium and sodium salts are contained in milk in the ionic-molecular state in the form of readily dissociating chlorides, phosphates, citrates (salts citric acid), etc. Chlorides of sodium and potassium provide a certain osmotic pressure of the blood. Their phosphates and carbonates are part of systems that maintain a constant concentration of hydrogen ions.

Trace elements in milk (iron, copper, silicon, selenium, tin, chromium, lead, etc.) are associated with the shells of fat globules (Fe, Cu), casein and whey proteins (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Al, I, Sen etc. .), are part of enzymes (Fe, Mo, Mn, Zn), vitamins (Co), hormones (I, Zn, Cu). They provide the construction and activity of vital enzymes, vitamins and hormones necessary for the body's metabolism.

Enzymes are biocatalysts for biochemical reactions. So, the production of fermented milk products and cheeses is based on the action of enzymes of the classes of hydrolases, oxidoreductases, granferases and others. Many lipolytic, proteolytic and other enzymes cause profound changes in the composition of milk during the production and storage of dairy products, which can lead to a decrease in their quality. By the activity of some enzymes, one can judge the sanitary and hygienic state of raw milk or the effectiveness of its pasteurization. So, depending on the indicator of the psroxidase activity of milk, a conclusion is made about the effectiveness of its high-temperature pasteurization. The catalase test is used to judge the degree of contamination by extraneous microflora of pasteurized dairy products.

The high sensitivity of alkaline phosphatase to heating is the basis of the method for monitoring the efficiency of milk and cream pasteurization (phosphage test). The enzyme glipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of milk fat triglycerides. In milk, as a result of cooling, lipase can be redistributed from proteins to the shell of the fat globule. In this case, fat hydrolysis occurs, low molecular weight fatty acids (butyric, nylon, caprylic, etc.) are released and the milk goes rancid. Spontaneous milk rancidity due to lipase hydrolysis of fat (lipolysis) is characteristic of old-fashioned and mastitis milk. Lipolysis in regular milk possible after pumping milk, stirring, homogenizing, etc. In cheeses like Roquefort, Camembert lipases of microscopic fungi create a specific taste and aroma as a result of the release of volatile fatty acids during the decomposition of fat.

Hormones are present in milk in small quantities; these are thyroxine, prolactin, adrenaline, oxytocin, insulin. Endogenous hormones secreted by the endocrine glands of the animal enter the milk from the blood. Exogenous hormones are residues of hormonal preparations used to stimulate productivity, assimilation of feed, etc.

Gases, dissolved in milk, have a level of 60-80 ml / 1 l in fresh milk. In this volume of carbon dioxide 50-70%, oxygen 5-10%, and nitrogen 20-30%, there is also a certain amount of ammonia. During storage, due to the development of microorganisms, the amount of ammonia increases, and oxygen decreases. An increase in oxygen content during pumping and transportation of milk gives it an oxidized taste. During pasteurization, the oxygen and carbon dioxide content is reduced.

Extraneous chemicals can get into milk as a result of feeding, increased radiation in the area where animals are kept, etc. Substances harmful to humans include impurities of antibiotics, pesticides, heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites, residues of disinfectants, bacterial and plant poisons, radioactive isotopes. Their content should not exceed acceptable levelsestablished by SanPiN

Factors shaping quality associated with the processing of milk, which is carried out immediately after milking. It is filtered and cooled to the lowest possible positive temperatures. Cooling milk on time helps to extend its shelf life.

Milk supplied to the dairy is checked for organoleptic characteristics, acidity and fat content. The milk received is cleaned from mechanical impurities, then normalized by fat, i.e. reduce or increase the fat content using low-fat milk (return) or cream.

When separating and pumping milk, a partial destabilization of the fat emulsion occurs - the release of free fat on the surface of the fat globules, their adhesion and the formation of lumps of fat. To increase the degree of dispersion of the fat phase, increase its stability, improve the consistency and taste of milk, it is homogenized. For this, the heated milk is sent to homogenizers, where under high pressure it is passed through a narrow slit, as a result of which the fat globules are crushed - their diameter decreases 10 times.

Heat (pasteurization and sterilization) is necessary for the destruction of microorganisms and the destruction of enzymes in order to obtain hygienically safe and more long term storage. At the same time, the nutritional and biological value of milk should be preserved as much as possible, there should be no undesirable changes in its physical and chemical properties.

Pasteurization can be long-term (at a temperature of 63 ° C milk is kept for 30 minutes), short-term (at a temperature of 72 ° C for 15-30) and instant (high-temperature at 85 ° C and above without exposure). In the process of heating, whey proteins are denatured (structural changes in molecules) and the milk acquires the taste of a boiled product or a pasteurization taste. As a result of pasteurization and sterilization, the amount of calcium in milk decreases due to the formation of poorly soluble calcium phosphate (precipitates in the form of milk stone or burnt along with denatured proteins). This impairs the ability of milk to rennet; when producing cottage cheese and cheese, calcium chloride is added to pasteurized milk.

Sterilization milk causes the decomposition of lactose with the formation of carbon dioxide and acids - formic, lactic, acetic, etc. Due to the denaturation of the protein of the shells of fat globules during sterilization of milk, fat melting is observed. Sterilization of milk in bottles consists in processing it in autoclaves under the following conditions: at 104 ° C for 45 minutes; at 109 ° C for 30 minutes; at 120 ° C for 20 min. Sterilization of milk in the flow is carried out at ultrasonic temperatures (UST) 140-142 ° C with exposure for 2 s and subsequent cooling and filling under aseptic conditions. With ultrasonic sterilization, more vitamins are retained in milk than with sterilization in bottles. Most of all, vitamin C is lost (10-30%).

Insufficient heat treatment leads to incomplete inactivation of milk enzymes, which cause undesirable biochemical processes... The result can be a decrease in quality, taste properties and nutritional value of products. Thus, lipases contribute to the rancidity of dairy products, and proteinases of bacterial origin cause clotting in the ZT-mole.

As a result of pasteurization and sterilization, such physicochemical and technological properties of milk change as viscosity, surface tension, acidity, the ability to settle cream, the ability of casein to rennet. Milk acquires a specific taste, smell and color, its constituents change.


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Raw cow's milk 3.6% fat, farm (unpasteurized, non-sterilized, unboiled)".

The table shows the content nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible part.

Nutrient amount Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 65 kcal 1684 kcal 3.9% 6% 2591 g
Protein 3.2 g 76 g 4.2% 6.5% 2375 g
Fats 3.6 g 60 g 6% 9.2% 1667 g
Carbohydrates 4.8 g 211 g 2.3% 3.5% 4396 g
Water 87.3 g 2400 g 3.6% 5.5% 2749 g
Ash 0.7 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 30 mcg 900 mcg 3.3% 5.1% 3000 g
Retinol 0.03 mg ~
beta carotene 0.02 mg 5 mg 0.4% 0.6% 25000 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.04 mg 1.5 mg 2.7% 4.2% 3750 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.15 mg 1.8 mg 8.3% 12.8% 1200 g
Vitamin B4, choline 23.6 mg 500 mg 4.7% 7.2% 2119 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.38 mg 5 mg 7.6% 11.7% 1316 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.05 mg 2 mg 2.5% 3.8% 4000 g
Vitamin B9, folate 5 μg 400 mcg 1.3% 2% 8000 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin 0.4 μg 3 μg 13.3% 20.5% 750 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic 1.5 mg 90 mg 1.7% 2.6% 6000 g
Vitamin D, calciferol 0.05 μg 10 mcg 0.5% 0.8% 20,000 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.09 mg 15 mg 0.6% 0.9% 16667 g
Vitamin H, biotin 3.2 μg 50 mcg 6.4% 9.8% 1563 g
Vitamin PP, NE 1.2296 mg 20 mg 6.1% 9.4% 1627 g
Niacin 0.1 mg ~
Potassium, K 146 mg 2500 mg 5.8% 8.9% 1712 g
Calcium, Ca 120 mg 1000 mg 12% 18.5% 833 g
Magnesium, Mg 14 mg 400 mg 3.5% 5.4% 2857 g
Sodium, Na 50 mg 1300 mg 3.8% 5.8% 2600 g
Sulfur, S 29 mg 1000 mg 2.9% 4.5% 3448 g
Phosphorus, Ph 90 mg 800 mg 11.3% 17.4% 889 g
Chlorine, Cl 110 mg 2300 mg 4.8% 7.4% 2091 g
Trace elements
Aluminum, Al 50 mcg ~
Iron, Fe 0.067 mg 18 mg 0.4% 0.6% 26866 g
Iodine, I 9 μg 150 mcg 6% 9.2% 1667 g
Cobalt, Co 0.8 μg 10 mcg 8% 12.3% 1250 g
Manganese, Mn 0.006 mg 2 mg 0.3% 0.5% 33333 g
Copper, Cu 12 mcg 1000 mcg 1.2% 1.8% 8333 g
Molybdenum, Mo 5 μg 70 mcg 7.1% 10.9% 1400 g
Tin, Sn 13 μg ~
Selenium, Se 2 μg 55 mcg 3.6% 5.5% 2750 g
Strontium, Sr 17 mcg ~
Fluorine, F 20 mcg 4000 mcg 0.5% 0.8% 20,000 g
Chrome, Cr 2 μg 50 mcg 4% 6.2% 2500 g
Zinc, Zn 0.4 mg 12 mg 3.3% 5.1% 3000 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Galactose 0.016 g ~
Glucose (dextrose) 0.02 g ~
Lactose 4.8 g ~
Essential amino acids 1.385 g ~
Arginine * 0.122 g ~
Valine 0.191 g ~
Histidine * 0.09 g ~
Isoleucine 0.189 g ~
Leucine 0.283 g ~
Lysine 0.261 g ~
Methionine 0.083 g ~
Threonine 0.153 g ~
Tryptophan 0.05 g ~
Phenylalanine 0.175 g ~
Essential amino acids 1.759 g ~
Alanin 0.098 g ~
Aspartic acid 0.219 g ~
Glycine 0.047 g ~
Glutamic acid 0.509 g ~
Proline 0.278 g ~
Serine 0.186 g ~
Tyrosine 0.184 g ~
Cysteine 0.026 g ~
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol 10 mg max 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 2.15 g max 18.7 g
4: 0 Oily 0.11 g ~
6: 0 Nylon 0.08 g ~
8: 0 Caprylic 0.04 g ~
10: 0 Capric 0.09 g ~
12: 0 Lauric 0.1 g ~
14: 0 Myristic 0.51 g ~
16: 0 Palmitic 0.64 g ~
17: 0 Margarine 0.02 g ~
18: 0 Stearin 0.35 g ~
20: 0 Arachinic 0.04 g ~
Monounsaturated fatty acids 1.06 g from 18.8 to 48.8 g 5.6% 8.6%
14: 1 Myristoleic 0.05 g ~
16: 1 Palmitoleic 0.09 g ~
18: 1 Oleic (omega-9) 0.78 g ~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.21 g from 11.2 to 20.6 g 1.9% 2.9%
18: 2 Linoleic 0.09 g ~
18: 3 Linolenic 0.03 g ~
20: 4 Arachidonic 0.09 g ~
Omega-3 fatty acids 0.03 g from 0.9 to 3.7 g 3.3% 5.1%
Omega-6 fatty acids 0.18 g 4.7 to 16.8 g 3.8% 5.8%

Energy value Raw cow's milk, 3.6% fat, farm (unpasteurized, unrefined, unboiled) is 65 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and other Chemical composition of food products. ...

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the application "My Healthy Diet".

Product calculator

The nutritional value

Serving size (g)


Most foods cannot contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Calorie analysis of the product


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how the product or diet meets the norms healthy eating or specific dietary requirements. For example, the US and Russian Ministry of Health recommends that 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat, and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins Diet recommends low carb intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is consumed than it is supplied, then the body begins to spend its reserves of fat, and body weight decreases.

Benefits of Raw cow's milk 3.6% fat, farm (unpasteurized, non-sterilized, unboiled)

  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and conversion of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins and are involved in blood formation. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, participates in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is a part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Energy value, or calorie content - This is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of a product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie used to measure the energy value of food is also called “ food calorie”, Therefore, when specifying calorie content in (kilo) calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed energy tables for Russian products.

    The nutritional value - the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

    The nutritional value food product - a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

    Vitamins, organic substances required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamins are usually synthesized by plants rather than animals. A person's daily need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and are "lost" during cooking or food processing.


Theoretical part

1 Nutritional value of milk, importance in nutrition

2 Classification, characteristics of the assortment of milk

3 Quality requirements, defects

4 Packaging, labeling, storage of milk

Practical part

1 Assortment of milk, sold by the store "Rublevsky" in Gomel. Suppliers

2 Quality of milk sold by a trading enterprise

3 Packaging, labeling, conditions of transportation, storage, ensuring the quality of milk

Conclusions and offers




Milk is a product of mammalian mammary gland secretory activity. I.P. Pavlov called milk an amazing food prepared by nature itself. It contains in optimal proportions all the substances necessary for the normal development of the body: water, proteins, fats, milk sugar, mineral compounds, organic acids, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, gases and other components, of which there are more than 100. Milk assimilation 98-99 %.

The natural purpose of milk is to feed babies that are not yet able to digest other food.

The history of milk is as old as the history of humanity itself. Only after appearing on earth, a person immediately knew the taste of dairy products. Milk was consumed over 6,000 years ago. The most consumed type of milk is cow's milk.

Currently, milk is a part of many products used by humans, and its production has become a large industry, new technologies have also appeared, a new assortment, so it is necessary to study this product more deeply.

My goal term paper is the study of the nutritional value of milk, its importance in nutrition, the study of the classification and characteristics of the assortment of milk, quality requirements. And also to study all types of packaging, labeling and storage of milk.

Objectives of my course work: to study the range of milk sold by a trading enterprise; study and analyze the quality of milk sold by a trading enterprise; examine the packaging, labeling, transportation conditions, storage, ensuring the quality of milk.

1. Theoretical part

.1 Nutritional value of milk, importance in nutrition

Milk - biological fluid that is synthesized in mammalian mammary glands from blood constituents. The mammary glands are located in the tissues of the udder. The udder is divided into two parts. In each part there are two independent glands (anterior and posterior), not connected by ducts, which allows each part of the udder to be milked separately.

Milk contains physiologically valuable nutrients that are well balanced, easily and completely absorbed by the human body.

Milk is an irreplaceable product of mass and everyday consumption, and also serves as a raw material for the production of butter, fermented milk products, cheeses, ice cream, and canned milk.

A person should consume almost 1.5 liters of dairy products (in terms of milk) per day, including 0.5 liters of milk, cow butter - 15-20 g, cheese - 18 g, sour cream and cottage cheese 20 g each.

More than 120 chemicals have been found in milk, including: proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, etc. The energy value of cow's milk is 2797 kJ. One liter of milk satisfies the daily requirement of an adult for fat, calcium and phosphorus, 53% for protein, 35% for vitamins - A, C, B1 (thiamine), 25% for energy.

The chemical composition of milk depends on the species and animals, season, feeding conditions for livestock and other factors. Milk in its composition is a complex system consisting of organic and inorganic compounds. Organic matter: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, vitamins. Inorganic: water, mineral salts, gases.

An important indicator of the chemical composition of milk is dry skim milk residue (SNF), the content of which is used to judge the naturalness (undiluted) of milk. CMO is determined by subtracting the fat percentage from the milk solids percentage.

Protein substancesare the most valuable component of milk, since amino acids formed during their breakdown are a good plastic material for building body tissues. Milk protein is called casein. Casein belongs to complex proteins, phosphoproteins, in milk it is contained in the form of calcium salt, which determines its white color. Casein coagulates under the action of rennet and forms a dense clot, which is used in the production of rennet cheeses and curds.

The simple proteins remaining in the serum - albumin and globulin - are called serum, they do not precipitate under the influence of rennet, they remain in the serum.

Milk fat (an average of 3.8%) is in the form of fat globules covered with lecithin-protein membranes. Which prevent them from sticking together. 1 ml of milk contains 3 billion fat globules with a diameter of 0.5 to 10 microns. When their shells are destroyed during processing and storage, free fat appears, which deteriorates the quality of the product. Milk fat is the best known edible fat in taste, composition, and digestibility. However, its disadvantages should also be noted. Milk fat is not resistant to high temperatures, light rays, atmospheric oxygen, water vapor, solutions of alkalis and acids. Under the influence of various factors, it is hydrolyzed, oxidized, salted, as a result of which it deteriorates.

Milk sugarpossesses a property useful for humans, it penetrates the bloodstream through the intestinal walls more slowly than others, stays in the intestines for a longer time and can be used for feeding with lactic acid bacteria, the development of which has a healing effect on the human body. When heating milk to a temperature above 95 ° С its color changes from pale cream to brown.

Milk sugar plays an important role in the technology for the production of fermented milk products and cheeses. Of milk sugar in these products, in addition to lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, butyric acid and other compounds can be formed.

Mineralsare of great importance in the formation of new tissue cells, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, as well as in the mineral metabolism of the body. The content of minerals in milk is up to 1%. After burning milk, 0.7% ash is obtained. The ash contains salts of organic and inorganic acids, mainly phosphoric, citric and hydrochloric.

Among the mineral salts contained in milk, calcium and phosphorus salts occupy a special place. Calcium milk is characterized by good absorption and, in fact, is the main source of supply of this element to the body. Calcium in milk is absorbed better than calcium in cereals, bread and vegetables. 1 liter of milk contains 1.2 g of calcium. Calcium is essential for bone formation, to regulate blood pressure, and to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Of the microelements in milk, manganese, copper, iron, cobalt, iodine, zinc, tin, vanadium, silver, etc. have been found. Manganese catalyzes oxidative processes in the cell and is necessary for the synthesis of vitamins C, B and D. Copper and iron are involved in hematopoiesis, iodine - in the synthesis of the thyroid hormone thyroxine.

Enzymescontained in milk such as: peroxidase, reductase, phosphatase, catalase, lipase, lactase.

Lipase breaks down fat glycerides into fatty acids and glycerin, breaks down at temperatures of 75-80 ° C.

Phosphatasecauses hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters, degrades at 75 ° C . By its presence in pasteurized milk, it is judged about the impurity of raw milk in it.

Peroxidasedecomposes hydrogen peroxide with the release of active oxygen, decomposes at 80-82 ° C. The peroxidase reaction tests the effectiveness of high pasteurization of milk.

Catalasesplits hydrogen peroxide into water and molecular oxygen. There is a lot of it in the milk of animals with mastitis.

Reductase- a reducing enzyme, accumulates in milk during the development of microflora, and by its amount, it is judged about the bacterial contamination of milk.

Lactasebreaks down lactose into glucose and galactose.

Vitaminsmay be: fat soluble (A, D, E, K) and water soluble(B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, PP, C, H - biotin), folic acid.

Vitamin AND(0.03 mg%) is formed in the animal's body from feed carotene, resistant to heat treatment, easily oxidized in the light and when air is available.

Vitamin D (0.00005 mg%) is formed in the animal body from ergosterol under the influence of ultraviolet rays, resistant to heat treatment.

Vitamin E(0.15 mg%) resistant to high temperatures (up to 170 ° C), it is an antioxidant for fats.

Vitamin FROM(2 mg%) is significantly destroyed during storage, transportation and pasteurization.

Vitamin IN 1(0.04 mg%) withstands heating up to 120 ° C in an acidic environment, in neutral and alkaline it is less stable.

Vitamin IN 2(0.05 mg%) decomposes in a slightly alkaline environment, stable in an acidic environment, when heated to 120 ° C , collapses in the light.

Vitamin IN 3 (0.38 mg%) resistant to heat, stimulates the development of bacteria.

Vitamins AT 6 (0.05 mg%) and AT 12(0.0004 mg%) are retained during milk pasteurization.

Vitamin PPresistant to technological processing of milk.

Vitamin Hstimulates the activity of microorganisms, is resistant to oxidation and heat.

Bactericidal substances - immune bodies (lysines, agglutins, antitoxins) have a destructive or suppressive effect on microorganisms that have entered milk. The time during which the bactericidal properties of milk appear is called bactericidal phase (or period). The bactericidal period lasts 3 hours at 30 ° C, 12 hours at 15 ° C, 36 hours at 5 ° C. Foreign substances (pesticides, nitrites, etc.) can get into milk, their content and control are regulated by standards.

Hormonessecrete endocrine glands. They are regulators of complex biochemical processes and carry out communication between individual organs. Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and thyroxine, lactic acid secretes milk.

Dyes - carotene, chlorophyll, xanthophyll enter milk from feed.

Water- the main part of milk, the amount of water determines the physical state of the product, physicochemical and biochemical processes in it.

Along with cow milk, milk from other farm animals is used in the national economy. The average chemical composition of milk from various animals is shown in Table 1.1.

Average chemical composition of milk of various animals.

Table 1.1

Sheep milk -in comparison with cow it is richer in fat and protein and is characterized by higher acidity and density. The fat globules are larger. It is not used as a drink due to its specific smell. It is used for the production of feta cheese and other types of brine cheeses.

Goat milk -similar in composition to bovine, but contains more albumin. Fat balls goat milk smaller. Due to the lack of coloring substances, it is paler, but contains more vitamin C. It is used in a mixture with sheep for the production of cheeses.

Mare's milk -called albumin. It is a white liquid with a bluish tinge of sweet taste; it differs from cow's in a high lactose content, less fat, salts and proteins. When souring, mare's milk does not clot, casein falls out in the form of small tender flakes. Mare's milk has high bactericidal properties; in composition and properties it differs little from that of women. It is used to make kumis.

.2 Classification, characteristics of the assortment of milk

Cow's milk depending on the heat treatment, it is marketed pasteurized and sterilized.

-pasteurized with a fat content of 1.5; 2.5; 3.2 and 6%;

-protein 1.0 and 2.5%;

-fortified (with vitamin C) - low-fat and 2.5 and 3.2% fat;

-milk with cocoa or coffee with fat content of 1.0 and 3.2%;


-baked milk with a fat content of 4 and 6%.

The following assortment of milk goes on sale: Volkovysskoe, Minskoe; cow pasteurized Berestye, pasteurized Light; cow pasteurized, enriched with bifidoflora, Rosinka; pasteurized Lugovoye; sterilized with lactulose; iodized Jodis; pasteurized, enriched with iodized protein; pasteurized Green Valley; fortified Vita; pasteurized Polesskoe, Molodetskoe, Vitalakt, etc.

For feeding infants, ion exchange milk and vitalact-DM are produced.

Ionic milk obtained by processing milk with a cation exchanger, while removing 20-25% of calcium, which is replaced by an equal amount of sodium and potassium; produced without additives, with vitamins of group B and C.

Vitalakt-DM produced from a homogenized mixture consisting of normalized cow's milk, cream, sunflower refined oil, sugar and other additives.

Sterilized milk released in paper bags with a polyethylene coating inside. The fat content is 3.2 and 3.5%.

For direct consumption, pasteurized or sterilized milk is used.

Solid called normalized or reconstituted milk with a certain fat content - 3.2% and 2.5%.

Restored called milk prepared in whole or in part from canned milk. To obtain reconstituted milk, dry whole milk dissolved in warm water and stand for at least 3-4 hours for the maximum swelling of proteins, elimination of watery taste, and also to achieve normal density and viscosity. The mixture is then purified, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and poured.

High fat milk prepared from normalized milk with a 6% fat content, homogenized.

Ghee is called milk with a 6% fat content, subjected to homogenization, pasteurization at a temperature not lower than 95 degrees and aging for 3-4 hours.

Protein milk contains an increased amount of dry fat-free substances. It is produced from milk, normalized in terms of fat content, with the addition of powdered or condensed milk.

Fortified milk prepared from whole or low-fat milk enriched with vitamins A, C, D2.

Low fat milk - This is the pasteurized part of milk obtained by separation and containing no more than 0.05% fat.

Heat treatment milk is necessary to destroy microorganisms and destroy enzymes in order to obtain products that are hygienically safe and with a longer shelf life. For this, pasteurization and sterilization of milk is used.

Pasteurization can be long-term (at a temperature of 63 ° C milk withstands for 30 minutes), short-term (at a temperature of 72 ° C - for 15-30 s) and instant (high-temperature at 85 ° C and above without holding). Heat treatment should maximally preserve the nutritional and biological value of milk, not lead to undesirable changes in the physical and chemical properties of milk. During the heating process, whey proteins are denatured (structural changes in molecules), and the milk acquires the taste of a boiled product or a pasteurization taste. As a result of pasteurization and sterilization, the amount of calcium in milk decreases due to the formation of poorly soluble calcium phosphate (it precipitates in the form of milk stone or burns along with denatured proteins). This impairs the ability of milk to rennet; when producing cottage cheese and cheese, calcium chloride is added to pasteurized milk.

As a result of pasteurization and sterilization, the physicochemical and technological properties of milk change: viscosity, surface tension, acidity, the ability of milk to settle cream, the ability of casein to rennet. Milk takes on a specific taste, smell and color. The constituents of milk change. Milk is sent to the distribution network at a temperature not higher than 8 ° C.

According to the standard, milk is classified as follows:

GOST 37-91. Cow oil. Technical conditions

GOST 1349-85. Dairy canned food.

GOST 3622-68. Milk and dairy products.

GOST 3623-73. Milk and dairy products. Methods for determining pasteurization

GOST 3624-92. Milk and dairy products. Titrimetric methods for determining acidity

GOST 3625-84. Milk and dairy products. Density determination methods

GOST 4495-87. Whole dry milk.

GOST 5867-90. Milk and dairy products. Fat determination methods

GOST 8218-89. Milk. Method for determination of purity

GOST 10970-87. Skimmed milk powder. Technical conditions

GOST 23327-98. Milk and dairy products.

GOST R 51917-2002. Milk and milk products.

GOST R 52054-2003. Natural cow's milk - raw material.

milk food range quality

1.3 Quality requirements, defects

The quality of milk is assessed by organoleptic, physicochemical and bacteriological indicators.

Milk must meet, in terms of organoleptic properties, GOST № 28283-89 “Drinking milk. The method of sensory evaluation of smell and taste, color and consistency. "

By appearance and consistency milk is a homogeneous liquid without sediment. Cream sludge is not allowed in high-fat milk and baked milk.

Color milk should be white with a slightly yellowish tint, melted milk - with a creamy tint, low-fat - with a slightly bluish tint.

Vkuwith and smell milk must be clean, without foreign taste and odor not characteristic of fresh milk.

Of physical and chemical indicators for milk, the fat content, density, acidity, purity, temperature, and the presence of phosphatase are normalized. An indicator of freshness is acidity. The acidity of pasteurized milk should be no more than 21 ° T, with the exception of high fat milk (6%) - no more than 20 ° T and protein - no more than 25 ° T. The acidity of sterilized milk is not higher than 20 ° T, milk for baby food - no more than 19 ° T.


The density of milk must be at least 1.024-1.030 g / cm 3 depending on the fat content.

Of microbiological indicators the total number of bacteria in 1 ml, the titer of Escherichia coli, pathogenic microorganisms are determined.

Milk defects

More in all, taste and odor defects reduce the quality of milk.

Fodder flavor, silage, barnyard smelland other odors are more often caused by the adsorption of feed odors by the milk.

Sour tasteoccurs when lactic acid bacteria develop in milk.

Bitter tasteappears in milk when long-term storage in a chilled state as a result of the development of putrefactive microflora. Under the same conditions, a rancid taste can also appear when, under the action of lipase, fat glycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids.

Metallic tasteoccurs in milk during storage when the metals of utensils with disturbed half-day are dissolved.

Foreign tastes and smellsmilk is purchased during transportation along with odorous products (onions, oil products, chemicals).

Salty and rancid aftertasteshas old milk due to change mineral composition and increased lipase content.

1.4 Packaging, labeling, storage of milk sold in the "Rublevsky" store (produced by suppliers)

For packaging milk, mainly polymer-coated paper bags (tetra-pack, tetra-brick, pure-pack), plastic bags, flasks and other types of containers are used. A lot depends on the shape of the package: the convenience of the purchase for the buyer, the type of transport container, the stability of the packaging in the process of production and distribution of goods. The sharper the corners in the packages (tetra-pack), the faster they are damaged, leak, which entails certain losses. For stacking tetra-packs, a special container has been developed and used - hexagonal boxes made of low-pressure polyethylene. Milk in pure-pak and tetra-brik packages in blocks of 10-12 pieces is covered with a heat-shrinkable film and placed in a container-equipment. Fin-pack - a soft polymer bag is also convenient for the distribution of milk. The use of these packages allows you to refuse the use of returnable glass containers... However, we must remember that all our polymer containers are not yet disposed of and contaminates environment... On the packaging of containers, the following designations must be applied by embossing or indelible paint: the name or number of the manufacturer or trademark; type of milk; volume in liters (on packages); the number or day of the deadline for implementation; designation of the standard.

When pouring milk into flasks or cisterns, a label is attached to the container or hung with a label with the same designations. Additional information for buyers is the application of information on the composition of the product, calorie content on the packages. Drawings and pointers for opening containers, storage conditions and periods. Package labeling should be clear and colorful.

Keepmilk should be kept in clean and ventilated areas without access to light. Pasteurized cow's milk should be stored at temperatures from 4 + -2 no more than 5 days from the end of the technological process, sterilized milk at temperatures from 0 to 10 ° C - 6 months, at temperatures from 0 to 20 ° C - no more than 4 months ...

Relative humidity should not exceed 80%. If the humidity in the room is higher, mold may develop.

It is forbidden to store milk together with meat and fish products, vegetables, fruits and spices in order to avoid the appearance of foreign smell and contamination in it.

In refrigerated chambers and utility rooms, milk is stored on podkazovye and shelves. Packaged dairy products are stored in the container in which they were delivered to the store.

At the seller's workplace, milk is placed in refrigerated cabinets or refrigerated counters. In the absence of cooling means, the milk supply taken out to the trading floor must be calculated for a two- or three-hour sales period.

2. Practical part

.1 Assortment of milk sold by the store "Rublevsky" (produced by suppliers)

I work in the "Rublevsky" store located at 69, Kosmonavtov Avenue, owned by the open joint-stock company of trade "Rublevsky".

The type of this store is combined, since the forms of service in it are traditional, that is, through the counter, and self-service. This store specializes in food products, but there is also a "corner" with industrial goods.

The store operates under a license (Appendix A). The number of employees in this store is 56 people.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe store is 1,024.1 m 2, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading floor is 379.2 m 2

The trade turnover for the month is 605,000,000 million rubles, for the quarter - 1,815,000,000 million rubles, for the year - 7,260,000,000 million rubles.

The assortment of milk in this store is quite large, as the store works with many suppliers of dairy products. Milk is delivered to the store on time, very rarely when suppliers delay delivery, and if this happens, then only for a good reason. This also applies to the quality of the supplied milk.

Assortment and suppliers of dairy products in the Republic of Belarus:

Table 2.1.1

Babushkina Krynka JSC Mogilev, st. Pavlova, 3.

No. Product nameFat contentVolume, lRetail price, rub.Packaging1 Milk pit. paste 2.4% 11210 film2 Milk pit. paste. 3% 11370 film 3 Milk drink. paste 1.5% 1940 film 4 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11680lin-pak5 Milk pit. paste 2.5% 11460lin-pak6 Milk pit. fuel 4% 0.51010lin-pack 7 Baby milk 3.2% 0.2620 tetra-brick

Table 2.1.2

TD Rumyantsevsky, Gomel, st. Br. Lizyukov, 1.

No. Product nameFat contentVolume, lRetail price, rub.Packaging1 Milk pit. paste 1.5% 1950 film 2 Milk pit. paste 2.7% 11 300 film 3 Milk drink pastes 3.6% 0.5820 film 4 Milk pit. paste 3.6% 11560

Table 2.1.4

SOZH JSC State Farm Combine

No. Product nameFat contentVolume, lRetail price, rub.Packaging1 Milk pit. paste 3.5% 11540

Table 2.1.5

Savushkin product JSC, Brest, st. Y. Kupala, 108.

No. Product name Fat content Volume, lRetail price, rub.Packaging 1 Milk pit. pasta 3.1% 12730 pure-pack2 Milk pit. paste 2.6% 12030 film 3 Milk pit. paste 1.8% 11790

Table 2.1.6

TD Milk lace, Gomel, st. Br. Lizyukov, 1a

No. Product nameFat contentVolume, lRetail price, rub.Packaging1 Milk pit. paste 2.8% 11 330 film2 Milk pit. pasta 1.5% 1950 film 3 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11450 film 4 Milk drink. paste 3.6% 11560 film 5 Milk drink. paste 2.8% 0.5760 film 6 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 0.5830 pure-pack 7 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11590 pure-pack 8 Milk drink paste 3.2% 11460 film 9 Milk drink. pasta 1.5% 11010

Table 2.1.7

Gormolzavod No. 1, Minsk, st. Soltysa, d. 185

No. Product nameFat contentVolume, lRetail price, rub.Packaging1 Milk for children 3.2% 250 g 830 tetra-brik2 Milk pit. paste 1.8% 11370 tetra-brik 3 Milk pit. paste 3.2% 11450 film 4 Milk drink heat 2.5% 0.51030 film 5 Milk pit. paste 1.5% 1940

Based on social survey the best milk recognized milk from the Gomel supplier. The reason for this is the taste and price of milk. The more purchased milk among the elderly is milk with a fat content of 1.5% in a foil bag, since it is cheaper. And younger people pay less attention to the price and prefer milk with a higher fat content. Therefore, milk from this supplier is ordered in larger quantities than milk from others.

Renewability of the assortment of drinking milk for April 2011

Table 2.1.6

Product name Number of items Renewability% Drinking milk of all ages including new items 4251

Conclusion: in April 2011, the assortment of milk in the store was updated by 4%.

Marking analysis

Consumer labeling of products should contain the following information data:

product name: "Pasteurized milk" Mozyrskoe ";

mass fraction fat: 2.7%;

name and location of the manufacturer: PUE "Mozyr dairy products", Belarus, 247760, Mozyr, st. Proletarskaya, 114;

trademark - in stock;

volume: 1000 l;

composition of the product: no, because not recombined;

nutritional value: proteins, fats, carbohydrates;

storage conditions: store at a temperature of 4 ± 2 С;

-storage conditions and period of use of the sterilized product after opening the package: 2 days at a temperature of 4 ± 2;

date of manufacture: 06/16/2011 at 16.06

designation of this standard: STB 1746-2007;

designation of a technological document in the presence of expiration dates other than those established by this standard:

information on confirmation of conformity (if any) - not available, since milk is not long-term storage;

barcode identification - available;

Appendix E.

Conclusion: Milk meets the requirements of STB 1746-2007.

The certificate of quality and safety indicates:

the number of the certificate and the date of its issue;

supplier name and address;

name and grade of the product;

batch number;

date and time (h, min) of shipment;

batch volume, l;

test results data (mass fraction of fat, density, acidity, purity, temperature at shipment);

number and date of issue of the accompanying veterinary certificate (certificate) and the name of the organization of the state veterinary service that issued it;

designation of this standard.

On the labels of milk-based baby food products there should be an inscription: “For baby food”. The font size of such an inscription cannot be less than the main font used.

On the packaging, adapted milk formulas and subsequent formulas must bear a warning inscription “For feeding children early age breastfeeding is preferred. "

2.2 Quality of milk sold by the trading enterprise

Before milk enters the refrigerator shelves in the sales area, it is tested for quality. Each batch of milk is accompanied by a copy of its quality certificate (Appendix B). Simultaneously with the verification of documents, they inspect the transport in which the milk was delivered. If milk is delivered to the store using dirty vehicles, it will not be accepted. The transport that delivers milk has a sanitary passport.

They also check the condition of containers and markings during an external examination of the entire batch of milk. After inspecting the container and checking the correctness of the labeling, the batch of milk is taken by quantity and its uniformity is established. In the case of mixing batches, the products are sorted into homogeneous batches.

When inspecting the container, pay attention to the presence or absence of a leak, determine by eye the completeness of the milk filling.

If milk is found with hidden defects, an act "Acceptance of goods by quality and quantity" is issued. Issued in 2 copies. One copy remains in the store, and the second is handed over to the supplier. In the future, milk is subject to exchange. Suppliers never refuse to do so and in good faith fulfill all the terms of the contract.

Drinking milk sold by this store complies with GOST № 28283-89 “Drinking milk. The method of sensory evaluation of smell and taste, color and consistency. "

2.3 Packaging, storage ensuring milk quality, labeling

Milk arrives at this store already prepackaged and packaged. The packaging of milk is different and since the assortment is large, milk is delivered to the store in different packages.

Milk sold by this store comes in paper bags with polymer coating (tetra-pack, tetra-brick, pure-pack, lin-pack), plastic bags, flasks and other types of packaging. A lot depends on the shape of the package: the convenience of the purchase for the buyer, the type of transport container, the stability of the packaging in the process of production and goods movement.

Milk arriving at this store has the following designations on the packaging, embossed or indelible paint:

1)mass fraction;

2)fat content;

)manufacturer, address;

)date of manufacture;

)expiry date;

)food and energy value;


)volume and barcode;

The store provides all conditions for storing milk. It is stored in a special chamber where no light comes in and there is constant ventilation in the room. Also the rules of commodity neighborhood are followed. Milk boxes are placed on pallets. Store pasteurized at a temperature of 4 + -2 ° C for 5 days, sterilized from 0 to 10 ° C - 6 months, from 0 to 20 ° C - 4 months.

Conclusions and offers

Milk -biological fluid that is synthesized in mammalian mammary glands from blood constituents. Milk contains physiologically valuable nutrients that are well balanced, easily and completely absorbed by the human body.

The chemical composition of milk depends on the species and animals, the season, the feeding conditions of the livestock, and other factors.

After analyzing the quality of milk sold by this store and studying the suppliers, the assortment of milk, we can note the following: that when receiving milk, they evaluate not only the goods, but also the container and the car on which this product was delivered. Transport must have sanitary transport, be clean, have all the conditions for transporting milk. Also, the supplier's representative must have accompanying documents on the availability and quality of the product.

When comparing two samples of drinking milk, it turned out that milk, both upon receipt and during storage in the trading floor, did not change its organoleptic properties and meets the requirements of the normative and technical document GOST No. 28283-89 “Drinking milk. The method of sensory evaluation of smell and taste, color and consistency. "

When buying milk, each person makes a choice motivated by different indicators: price, taste, packaging, volume. Therefore, the assortment should be wide enough to suit different segments of the population.


My suggestions for improving customer service: add a section of "novelties" to the trading floor, that is, put the received new items in this section. And also to improve control over the trading floor, with the help of security officers.


1)Commodity handbook food products - Vol. 1 M .: Economics, 1987.

2)Mikulovich LS et al. "Commodity research of food products" - Minsk: BSEU, 1998.

)Mikulovich LS et al. "Commodity research of food products" - Minsk: Vysh. Shk, 2007.

)Kastornykh M.S., ed., Commodity research and examination of edible fats, milk and dairy products, Moscow: 2003.

)Shalygina E.A., General technology of milk and dairy products, Moscow: Kolos, 2001.

)Shepelev A.F. Commodity research and examination of milk and dairy products, Rostov, 2001.


Expiration date: 5 days

Date of the study: 05/18/2011.

Table 2.2.1

Name Indicators of the standard Research results Conclusion Appearance homogeneous liquid without sediment homogeneous liquid without sediment meets the requirements of the standard Color white with a slightly yellowish tinge white, slightly with a yellowish tinge meets the requirements of the standard Odor and taste clean, free of foreign, odorless and off-odor non-flavored liquid, off-flavor and off-odor odorless off-flavor and off-odor . homogeneous, liquid without sediment. complies with the requirements of the standard

Conclusion: pasteurized milk of 1.5% fat in quality, at the time of acceptance, meets the requirements of STB 1746-2007 "Drinking milk".

Organoleptic assessment of the quality of drinking milk 1.5% fat

Name of product: Pasteurized milk 1.5% fat

Date of manufacture: 05/18/2011

Expiration date: 5 days

Date of the study: 05/18/2011.

Table 2.2.2

Name Indicators of the standard Research results Conclusion Appearance homogeneous liquid without sediment homogeneous liquid without sediment meets the requirements of the standard Color white with a slightly yellowish tinge white, slightly with a yellowish tinge meets the requirements of the standard Consistency homogeneous, liquid without sediment, homogeneous, odorless liquid without sediment. .clean, without foreign smells and tastes, meets the requirements of the standard

Conclusion: Drinking milk 1.5% fat during storage did not change its organoleptic properties. Complies with the requirements of STB 1746-2007 "Drinking milk".