Is it possible to make kvass an alcoholic drink. Alcoholic kvass: ingredients, homemade recipe

According to technological standards, kvass can contain up to 1.2% alcohol (usually less), but the low strength does not suit many lovers strong drinks. Especially for them, a simple recipe for “drunk kvass” has been developed, the concentration of alcohol in which can be adjusted at your discretion, while maintaining the traditional taste.


  • black bread - 500 grams (or 300 grams of crackers);
  • water - 5 liters;
  • sugar - 0.3-1.5 kg (depending on the desired strength);
  • fresh yeast - 30 grams (or 5 grams dry);
  • citric acid - 3 grams.

Recipe for strong kvass

1. Cut the bread into small pieces of 2-4 cm and fry in a preheated oven (160-180°C) until golden brown. This will give kvass a unique bread flavor. The stronger the roast, the more bitterness is felt in the taste.

Video: We cook invigorating kvass with our own hands. Strength is visible in the energy of the exploding foam. We trust only ourselves

2. Pour the finished crackers into a saucepan, pour 3 liters of boiling water, cover and leave for 2-3 hours.

3. Filter the tincture through a colander and gauze. Pour the liquid into a fermentation container, for example, regular jar. Pour the squeezed crackers again with 2 liters of boiling water in a saucepan. Stand for 50-60 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth, wring out the crumb well (no longer needed).

4. Mix the first and second infusions. Add yeast, citric acid and the first serving of sugar (300 grams). The total amount of sugar depends on the desired strength and sweetness of kvass, these indicators are regulated during the fermentation process. With 1.5 kg added, kvass will contain approximately 12-13% alcohol (the maximum possible value).

5. Mix the contents of the jar and leave for 10 hours in a dark place at room temperature. After 1-2 hours, foam and hiss should appear, which means that the kvass has successfully fermented.

6. Taste the drink, evaluate the strength (sweetness is adjusted in the next step). If the alcohol content is too low and there is no more sweetness, add a new portion of sugar (200 grams) and leave to ferment for 4-5 hours. Repeat the sugar addition procedure until the strength is acceptable.

7. Assess the sweetness of kvass, if desired, add sugar to taste and mix well. Close the jar tightly with a lid, then transfer to the refrigerator (the temperature must be below 14 degrees, but above zero) and leave for 6 hours. If desired, kvass can be poured into plastic bottles. Low temperature stops fermentation, so the sugar will no longer be processed into alcohol.

Store the drink in a cool place in hermetically sealed containers. Shelf life - 7-10 days.

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My top summer refreshing drinks are headed by Mojito, Tarragon and, of course, kvass! Not some sweetish brown drink with a barely perceptible bread aroma, but a real vigorous homemade bread kvass.

To prepare kvass, we need a loaf of black bread, sugar, yeast, water, raisins and a large container. There are several hundred recipes for kvass: fruit, berry, with horseradish, with herbs, with everything at hand. But today we will cook classic homemade bread kvass. The foundation of the basics. First, cut the bread into small pieces.

And dry in the oven Brown color. The darker the crackers are, the darker the kvass will be, respectively. See that the bread does not burn too much, otherwise the kvass will be bitter

Pour crackers into a bowl

And pour boiling water

Leave it like this for a few hours until the water cools down.

Why, you ask, strain, tinker with these jars, crackers, yeast, wait, if you can just go and buy kvass in the nearest store? The question is reasonable and not without meaning, I also mostly consume products prepared for mass consumption. But you don’t need to prove to anyone that homemade products are always tastier than mass-produced ones, right? Compare the taste of tomatoes from the store, carefully stuffed with Chinese nitrates, and plucked from a bush by a neighbor in the country, which she grows for herself.

Strain the resulting liquid into a jar. As you can see, my crackers were not very well fried.

Add sugar

A little yeast. You can soak them in advance, I did not bother

We mix our sourdough. We cover the jar with a cloth or gauze and leave to ferment for a day

A day later, you need to strain the kvass into another container through cheesecloth. I was too lazy to go for the cans, I poured into bottles from under the finished Tarragon. (If I knew how to make homemade tarragon, I would definitely make it)

Everything should have its own zest. That is, each bottle should have a few raisins. I thought the raisins absorb some substances in the sourdough, but it turns out to be additionally carbonated. I threw raisins into a bottle, but with a margin. And followed the instructions. One day keep the drink warm and two days in the refrigerator. According to the memories from childhood, in which a jar of kvass is always drawn standing on the kitchen windowsill, I tightly screwed the cork on the bottle and put it in the forty-degree sun. A few hours later, when I entered the kitchen, I found bubbles hissing from under the lid. Realizing that the pressure in the bottle is already rather high and fearing that it would burst completely, I put the bottle in the sink and slowly unscrew the cap in order to bleed the accumulated gas. The hissing intensified, the cork was tight. I should have thought in advance that the bottle should only be covered, and not twisted. That in the sun fermentation will be very violent. Why unscrew the cap to the end with such pressure in the bottle - BOOM! — don't… BOOM took a fraction of a second, the lid flew out of my hands, the leaven splashed into my eyes. When I rubbed my face laughing and looked around, the whole kitchen was covered in kvass. On the ceiling, large drops gathered from a huge puddle and poured on the floor like leavened rain, all the walls, the refrigerator, shelves, dishes, stove - everything was in leaven, the raisins scattered in different directions. There was some liquid left in the bottom of the bottle. I didn’t think of taking a picture of this landscape, I immediately grabbed a rag. The smell of mash filled the kitchen.

Smelling this aroma, a whole swarm of wasps flocked to the kitchen window and furiously beat their heads against the glass. The first lump, as usual, is a pancake. The second bottle was saved

After the remaining 2.5 days, I drained the kvass from the bottle without shaking the sediment at the bottom. It turned out strong, vigorous, sweet, fragrant kvass. There are definitely a couple of degrees of fortress in it, it is well felt. In connection with the latest changes in the legislation regarding the alcohol content in the blood of motor vehicle drivers, I would not drink such kvass while driving, the breathalyzer can show a result different from 0.00. In my opinion, pouring store-bought kvass into okroshka is generally stupid, but with homemade it turns out very tasty. The cooking process is very time-consuming, but you will be satisfied with the result. How to learn without BAH! cook kvass, you can try other recipes: with apples, berries, etc.

The history of this delicious invigorating drink originates from ancient times, when kvass had a high percentage of alcohol. The surviving word “sour” in the meaning of “drink alcoholic beverages” is still used in common parlance.

After vodka was created, kvass began to be made with a small amount of alcohol, in industrial volumes it was made with low alcohol, and often soft drink approved for use by people of all ages. Kvass is soft drink, which perfectly quenches thirst and has a pleasant taste and nutritional value.

It is easy to prepare at home, but such a drink may not always be safe for drivers. Kvass prepared according to recipes in living conditions, it turns out of various strengths, and it can be both low-alcohol and alcoholic. It all depends on the ingredients that will be used in its preparation. If yeast, malt and sugar were used to make kvass, then the prepared drink will have alcohol, and after taking it you can not drive.

Under the definition of "kvass" drinks of various strengths are collected, made both at food factories in accordance with GOST, and according to home recipes.

Kvass is used mostly in summer time when it's very hot and you don't want to eat. The lactic acid present in the drink has a beneficial effect on digestive system. Sugar substances have energy value and give strength. As a refreshing drink, they can replace beer and other more strong alcohol, which are abused by men, quenching their thirst. It must be borne in mind that commercially available kvass is often a product of falsification and is called “kvass drink”.

If a traditional Russian drink was made at home, then you should find out before use whether yeast was used for fermentation. This need is due to the fact that often after drinking kvass, the breathalyzer shows an excess of the allowed dose of alcohol.

How is kvass prepared?

There are a lot of recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to separate kvass made in accordance with GOST under conditions industrial production, and a drink made at home.

At home, like beer, it is prepared from malt, which is bred in warm water with sugar, and yeast is added to all this to speed up fermentation. At home, in addition to malt, they use bread crusts. Fermentation in this case occurs due to the fact that flour products contain starch, a sugar-containing substance that is actively fermented. This process produces lactic acid and alcohol molecules.

Sometimes, when preparing a soft drink at home, housewives refuse yeast in order to lower the level of alcohol, sometimes, on the contrary, they are added just for this. To give the drink special shades of taste, you can use berries, spices, hops, apples, pears, raisins. All of these additives increase the amount of alcohol in a homemade drink.

This traditional Russian drink can be obtained by fermenting only fruits and vegetables that contain fructose and starch. On the skin of all vegetables and fruits are wild yeast, which interact with sugars, and the fermentation process begins, as a result of which esters, ethanol and fusel oils. Such kvass will definitely give an unacceptably high percentage of alcohol in the blood during the first hour after consumption.

IN malt kvass industrial production does not add hops, this natural yeast component, so the fermentation process goes through the production of lactic acid bacteria, and alcoholic fermentation is stopped by transferring the prepared drink to a cold place.

As part of the traditional ready kvass there is water, sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, which are formed when acids are combined with alcohol. They give the drink a unique taste. If the fermentation process is stopped on time and the drink is made according to all the rules, then it contains from 0.7 to 2.6 percent alcohol. Alcohol is found in almost all types of bread kvass. Industrial kvass is safe for drivers because it contains minimal amount ethanol.

To obtain non-alcoholic kvass, use any herbal product filled with water. For example, to get it from a radish, it is rubbed on a grater and poured with water, left where it is warm for three days, then filtered and put in the refrigerator. Cooking non-alcoholic kvass from birch sap, beetroot and carrot, leaving them warm. Everyone can drink it without fear.

The beneficial effects of kvass on the body

In the past, it was a common drink and its properties are well studied. The drink has a beneficial effect on the body, increasing tone and improving digestion.

Pathogenic bacteria do not develop in kvass, and when they get into it, they quickly die. This product of lactic acid fermentation is similar to kefir, curdled milk, acidophilus, koumiss in its effect on the body. It improves performance gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, metabolism. This drink can be used as a staple food. Its calorie content is able to support the body during forced starvation.

Kvass improves metabolism, contains vitamins, free amino acids, sugars and trace elements. It contains many vitamins B1 and E, which explains its beneficial properties, valuable enzymes.

Is it possible to drink kvass before driving?

Many people whose life is connected with driving a car ask if it is possible or not to drink kvass before driving. If the drink had a high alcohol content, then trouble could arise on the road. It should be remembered that the alcohol content in this drink, while it is prepared at home, increases every day, and in a mature product it can reach 8%. The best way to avoid problems after drinking kvass - wait a while so that the alcohol has time to disappear.

Naturally fermented kvass, bought in a store or made by yourself in a yeast-free way, contains a small percentage of alcohol. If the alcohol content in it is not more than 1.5%, then after drinking only l, a person will receive a dose equivalent to a can of 0.33 liters of 4.5% beer. Within half an hour after drinking, the breathalyzer will determine a slight intoxication. It is better not to drive in this state, but to wait until the alcohol disappears from the body.

Is it possible to drink kvass after encoding?

If during the preparation of kvass there were no violations of technology and there is no more alcohol in it than it should be according to GOST, then such a drink will only be useful, and nothing bad will happen to a person coded from alcoholism. Is it possible to drink kvass after a person has stopped drinking, you need to decide depending on the conditions under which the drink was produced and how many degrees it contains.

Home kvass that is well fermented and fully matured may have the same alcohol content as beer. For this reason, alcoholism and kvass are often incompatible. If encoding was done with medicines based on disulfiram or other substance used in the treatment alcohol addiction, then such a drink can lead to an attack of suffocation and other symptoms that the doctor warned about.

Drinking kvass after coding, if it was not medicated, but psychotherapeutic, is also not recommended, so as not to cause unnecessary associations and not return the insatiable desire to drink.

The subconscious of people with alcoholism often works on minimum doses alcohol and makes them transgress all prohibitions. For this reason, a coded person is forbidden alcohol tinctures, drinks with a low alcohol content. Kvass is not recommended for cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and hypertension, which often affects people who have abused alcohol and have undergone coding.

Since kvass is called drinks made in different conditions and by different recipes, then before you drink them, you should understand what exactly they offer you and whether it is possible to use this.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What only folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

This useful and delicious drink has its own history. It originates from the times when kvass contained a large percentage of alcohol. That is why the word "sour" today means the use of alcoholic beverages. After the invention of vodka, the amount of alcohol in kvass decreased, and today it is produced on an industrial scale in low-alcohol or non-alcoholic, allowed for all age categories of consumers. So, what do you need to know about the preparation and alcohol content of this drink?

About the benefits of kvass

This soft drink is especially popular in summer, as it perfectly quenches thirst and has a pleasant taste. Kvass has a positive effect on the body, improving digestion, increasing tone. This is a product lactic acid fermentation. In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to yogurt, kefir, koumiss, and acidophilus. Kvass has a positive effect on metabolism, cardiovascular system. The calorie content of the product can support the body during forced starvation.

Kvass in its composition contains vitamins E and B1, trace elements, amino acids, sugars. The lactic acid contained in the drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Sugar substances give strength. It is worth noting that kvass, which we often buy in the distribution network, is often leavened drink, which is a fake. This means that there is little benefit from it, and sometimes allergic reactions are possible.

About making a drink

There are many recipes for its preparation. It is necessary to separate a drink made according to GOSTs in industrial production, and one that is prepared at home. In the latter case, it is made from malt, water, sugar with the addition of yeast to speed up fermentation. Also, often at home, housewives use to make a drink. bread crusts. In this case, fermentation occurs due to the content in flour products starch and glucose. In the process of ripening the drink, alcohol and lactic acid molecules are produced.

Sometimes, when preparing kvass, in order to reduce the level of alcohol, housewives refuse to add yeast. And to give kvass special taste, add berries, herbs, raisins, apples during the fermentation process. Such additives, by the way, increase the amount of alcohol in the drink.

Another option homemade kvass - fermentation of only vegetables and fruits. They contain starch and fructose in their composition, and on their peel there is wild yeast that promotes fermentation. As a result, ethanol, esters, fusel oils are produced. Immediately after drinking such a drink, when controlling the level of alcohol in the blood, it will show a high percentage of it. If we talk about a product of industrial production, then hops are not added to malt kvass. Fermentation occurs due to the production lactic acid bacteria. This process is stopped by transferring the drink to a cold place. If it is stopped on time, then the drink is made according to all the rules. It contains from 0.7 to 2.6 percent alcohol. Alcohol, by the way, is contained in all types of bread kvass. The industrial product is safe for drivers because it contains a minimum amount of ethanol.

As part of a product made in a production way, there is water, lactic and carbonic acid, sugar.

Kvass and transport management

Many novice motorists are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drive after drinking a drink. If he had a high alcohol content, then trouble could arise on the road. For example, the alcohol content in home-made kvass increases every day. It can reach 8%. Homemade kvass, well fermented, fully ripened, contains as much alcohol as beer. Therefore, in order to avoid problems on the road after using such a product, it is better to wait 5-6 hours.

Kvass, bought in a store or cooked at home in a yeast-free way, does not contain much alcohol. If the product contains no more than 1.5% of it, then after drinking a liter portion, a person will receive an alcohol dose equivalent to a can of 4.5% beer with a capacity of 0.33 liters. Then, within half an hour, the breathalyzer will determine the mild degree of intoxication. In this state, you do not need to drive. It is necessary to wait until the alcohol disappears from the body.