Virtual breathalyzer online. Driving Alcohol Allowance

27.04.2019 Egg dishes

Control vehicle able alcoholic intoxication not acceptable. Everyone knows this, everyone remembers it, children are taught this and adults are warned. But sales alcoholic beverages growing, and with them, the irresponsibility of drivers.

In order not to share the fate of those unfortunate former drivers doomed to one and a half-year-old hikes to the store for beer, you should not repeat their mistakes, use an alcohol calculator.

Allowable rate Alcohol Driving Permille is a value indicating the power of intoxication. Calculated by quantity ethyl alcohol located in the blood cells.

One tenth of a ppm is equal to 0.045 mg of ethyl alcohol per 1000 mg. The fact is that until 2013, only one was approved by law. permissible value ppm - zero. Since most of the products contain alcohol, in fact, the driver who drank kefir before the road has already broken the law.

And after all, the list of products containing alcohol is not limited only to kvass and kefirs. Alcohol in some proportions is found in foods such as:

  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • sweets with chocolate;
  • medicines
  • not cold juice;
  • citrus;
  • tobacco;
  • sausage with bread;
  • bananas.

Fortunately for those who like to eat before the road, relatively recently, this part of the law was amended. According to which, the permissible level of alcohol while driving is 0.16 ppm in the air and 0.34 in the blood.

When the concentration of alcohol in the blood is at the level of 0.2-0.29 ppm (by the way, the sign of this unit is ‰, but you should not confuse it with percentages), the behavior of an adult looks absolutely natural and adequate, at this stage it is determined that alcohol was consumed is possible only with the help special tests... In the range from 0.30 to 0.59, you can already notice changes in the form:

  • Increased talkativeness.
  • Elevated mood.
  • Relaxed muscle tone.
  • Loss of vigilance and distracted attention.

In the complex at this stage, the risk of getting into emergency situations increases. With a content of more than 5 ppm, severe intoxication of the body sets in, which can be fatal. In this phase, a person is no longer able to control his mind and body.

Than threatens drunk driving

For those citizens who were caught by traffic police officers driving in drunk if the results of the alctometer exceed the permissible limits, the following penalties are provided:

  1. For the first incident, you will have to say goodbye to the rights to the car for 18-24 months and pay up to 30,000 fines.
  2. A repeated case will increase the amount of the monetary penalty up to 50,000, and the term of "disenfranchised" life up to 3 years.
  3. If an individual, during his stay under penalties, will again drive a car "under the chauffeur", he will face an administrative penalty (arrest) from 10 to 15 days.

The State Duma plans in the near future to toughen the punishment for driving while intoxicated. The transfer of the right to drive a car to a person who is intoxicated today will entail punishment for both the driver and the owner of the vehicle.

ATTENTION. When transferring control of your car to a drunk person, the punishment is the same for both.

Watch a video on alcohol legislation in 2018:

Alcohol withdrawal table

Driver's blood alcohol table Despite the fact that a mitigating amendment was introduced several years ago, allowing 15 hundredths of a ppm, this does not give the right to drink a couple of cans of beer and go.

The permissible indicators in Russia are still low, they are only softened for law-abiding drivers who have fallen victim to a device error or the consequences of using any products.

In order to enter the list of law-abiding drivers, after drinking alcohol, calculate the time until complete elimination blood alcohol table.

Drink / Driver Weight 59 to 69 kg 69 to 79 kg 79 to 89 kg 89 to 99 kg From 100kg Volume
Beer 4% 0 h 34m 0 h 31m 0 h 27m 0 h 25m 0 h 20m 0.1 l
1 h 40m 1h 30m 1h 15m 1h 07m 0h 59m 0.3 l
2h 51m 2h 30m 2h 11m 1h 55m 1h 42m 0.5 l
Beer 6% 0 h 51m 0 h 46m 0 h 40m 0 h 36m 0 h. 30m 0.1 l
2h 40m 2h 15m 2h 0m 1h 40m 1h 35m 0.3 l
4h 20m 3h 45m 3h 15m 2h 50m 2h 30m 0.5 l
Gin and tonic 9% 1 h 20m 1 h 10m 1 h 01m 0 h 51m 0 h 45m 0.1 l
3.55m 3h 21m 2h 56m 2h 37m 2h 21m 0.3 l
6h 30m 5h 31m 4h 54m 4h 22m 4h 0m 0.5 l
Champagne 11% 1 h 36m 1 h 24m 1 h 11m 1 h 06m 0h 58m 0.1 l
4h 47m 4h 08m 3h 30m 3h 11 pm 2h 52 m. 0.3 l
8h 02m 6h 53m 6h 04m 5h 19m 4h 57 m. 0.5 l
Port wine 18% 2 h 38m 2 h. 16m 2 h 01m 1 h 43m 1 h 37m 0.1 l
7h 50m 6h 43m 5h 52m 5h 13m 4h 42m 0.3 l
13h 05m 11h 11m 9h 47m 8h 42m 7h 50m 0.5 l
Tincture 24% 3 h. 30m 2h 55m 2 h 41m 2 h 22m 2 h 08m 0.1 l
10h 28m 9h 08m 7h 54m 6h 50m 6h 12m 0.3 l
17h 24m 14h 55m 13h 05m 11h 35m 10h 26m 0.5 l
Liqueur 30% 4 h 22m 3 h 42m 3 h 18m 2 h 56m 2 h 42m 0.1 l
13h 05m 11h 11m 9h 47m 8h 42m 7h 50m 0.3 l
21h 45m 18h 39m 16h 19m 14h 30m 13h 05m 0.5 l
Vodka 40% 5 h 57m 5 h 02m 4 h 21m 3 h. 50m 3 h 32m 0.1 l
17h 25m 14h 44m 13h 03m 11h 36m 10h 26m 0.3 l
28h 59m 24h 51m 21h 40m 19h 202m 17h 19m 0.5 l
Cognac 42% 6 h 15m 4 h 59m 4 h 40m 4 h 02m 3 h 35m 0.1 l
18h 16m 15h 35m 13h 40m 12h 11m 10h 58m 0.3 l
30h 25m 26h 06m 22h 55m 20h 19m 18h 18m 0.5 l

It is only worth noting that the data presented in the table cannot be considered one hundred percent, since the process of removing alcohol from the blood is unique for each person and depends on many factors. We can only indicate approximately.

To speed up the process of alcohol breakdown in the body and its withdrawal, it is recommended:

  1. Drink a cup strong tea or coffee with sugar.
  2. Take contrast shower treatments.
  3. Sleep.
  4. Take a walk on fresh air at least 1 hour at a fast pace.

In many cities, there are special services that will help a drunk driver get home in his own car, this can be a way out in a situation when you cannot get behind the wheel yourself, but you don't want to go to pick up your car from the place of a cultural event in the morning.

In a situation with traffic police, you cannot use it as proof of your innocence.

Precise breathalyzer

Factors affecting the rate of cleansing the body from harmful substances are also:

  • Age: With age, the metabolic rate decreases, as a result of which the speed of getting rid of the body from the effects of alcohol.
  • Alcohol consumption frequency: For those who abuse fire water, the processes occur more slowly than for those who rarely drink.
  • Health status.

If we talk about small amounts of alcohol consumed, then a glass of white wine will completely come out of the blood after 2 hours. Two bottles of beer will limit your driving by 4. As for other volumes and drinks, here it is impossible to give an exact answer.

It is best to forget about the car for a while and plunge into a sound healthy sleep (at least 8 hours) and then, after a few more hours of wakefulness, get behind the wheel.

It is very convenient to have a breathalyzer. It is not expensive, it does not take up much space. Just check yourself before every trip. Business for a few minutes, and how much money and nerves you save.

Drink alcohol or not, as well as in what quantities and when only the person himself decides. We must not forget only one thing - they don't drive drunk, they go to prison when drunk.

What are breathalyzers

Professional models of devices that determine the presence of alcohol in the body are called alcometers. According to the principle of their work, they do not have serious differences from breathalyzers, but:

  • Give more accurate readings.
  • Suitable for a large number measurements (50,000 and more per year).
  • Equipped with memory cards and printers, allowing data to be stored and printed right at the test site.

Such breathalyzers are used by traffic police officers and at enterprises. The devices must undergo periodic verification, which is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Without such documentary evidence of the correct and adequate operation of the device, its readings cannot be used in the course of the trial.

Floor M F
In blood
Alcohol has almost no effect.

You can drive a car.

Your weight 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Liters drunk 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Milliliters drunk 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 825 850 875 900 925 950 975
Alcohol% 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 42.5 45 47.5 50 52.5 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70 72.5 75 77.5 80 82.5 85 87.5 90 92.5 95 97.5 100
Food (snack) absent normal

We offer to take an alcohol test online

An online virtual breathalyzer will calculate the amount of alcohol in your blood without the need for a real measurement. You only need to know exactly how much and when you drank. Why then buy a breathalyzer? Not everything is so simple, and here's why ...

Some caveats

This program device has its own limitations. He counts ppm with the condition that you drank alcohol once. You understand that in life this does not happen often. not everyone drinks even a liter of beer in one gulp. It also does not take into account other factors: do you drink alcohol in the sauna, do you move after that, do you sweat, how well you have a snack ...

Also keep in mind that in spite of the indications given by an online breathalyzer and even a real breathalyzer, you still cannot drive a car without risk, since in addition to the physical effect of alcohol, there is an effect on your psyche. And in the latter case, not only the strength of the drink plays a role, but even just a "reminder" for the body that you "took".

Conclusion - do not trust your subjective feelings, euphoria, use the indications of devices. But vice versa, if the device "allows" to get behind the wheel, and you feel drunk or just bad - be careful!

About non-virtual breathalyzers

Remember that the traffic police may have a much more accurate, not at all virtual, breathalyzer. There is only one way out, as you understand, - to buy a real breathalyzer, a professional device, or ... not to risk it under any circumstances.

In the meantime, your courier has not brought yours, use the breathalyzer (breathalyzer) online for health!

To select a breathalyzer, use

The topic of drunk drivers is now very common in the media. mass media, and the state introduces a lot. What if you are drunk and need to drive soon? How to tell if there is alcohol in the blood? For this purpose, it was developed alcohol calculator online... He fairly accurately calculates the time to remove alcohol from the blood, after which you can get behind the wheel of a car. It is worth remembering that even if you have or, it will not save you from disaster if you get drunk behind the wheel. To obtain accurate calculation results, the Widmark and Seidl formulas, which are used by forensic experts, are applied. This alcohol calculator can be considered one of the most accurate. Rest assured that our calculator will calculate as accurately as possible how long after taking alcoholic beverages you can get behind the wheel.

Think about whether you need such consequences?

Remember that the driver is responsible not only for himself, but for the life and health of passengers.

Ppm calculator

Studies have shown that approximately 30% of road traffic accidents occur when drivers are drunk. In order not to put yourself in danger, never drive drunk, even a little. Use alcohol calculator online and determine when to drive. Now you can easily lose your license if there is even very little alcohol in your blood. Therefore, use the capabilities of the calculator 100%.

Remember that the results of calculations on the calculator are not evidence in court or a substitute for a breathalyzer. The time of elimination of alcohol and blood is individual for each person, so for the calculation we took the average data. The developers disclaim all responsibility associated with its use.

The degree of intoxication of a person

There are several degrees of intoxication of a person, in which in no case should you get behind the wheel, even if you need to drive to the nearest corner. Doesn't even guarantee you a successful road.

Mild degree (0.5 - 1.5 ppm) - a person becomes more courageous, sociable, active, feels comfortable, muscles relax. This degree manifests itself immediately after drinking alcoholic beverages.

The average degree (1.5 - 2.5 ppm) - the tongue begins to become tangled, it is difficult to understand a person, coordination of movements is impaired, partial memory loss is possible. It is in this degree of intoxication that people often quarrel or start a fight.

Strong degree (2.5 - 3 ppm) - slurred speech, loss of coordination, loss of memory, loss of consciousness or spontaneous urination is possible.

Alcohol poisoning occurs at 3 - 5 ppm of alcohol in the blood. Such a binge can even end fatally. If there is more than 5 ppm in the blood, it is almost impossible to save a drunk without special drugs and skills.

How many ppm is allowed

According to the most fresh rules, the following alcohol content in the driver's body is allowed:

  • 0.16 ppm in exhaled air;
  • 0.35 ppm in blood;

We have taken these laws into account, so our calculator gives answers in accordance with the new amendments to the rules.

In general, it is better to go in for sports. Then you are not afraid of any breathalyzer.

The alcohol calculator will help you to independently determine the level of alcohol concentration in the blood, taking into account the amount of alcohol drunk, its strength, your gender and weight, as well as the hours that have passed since drinking alcoholic beverages, and also tells you how much alcohol will leave the human body.

Blood alcohol calculator

It should be understood that the calculation is based on average statistical data and may not correspond to reality, since it does not take into account the individual characteristics of each organism. The exact level of alcoholic intoxication can only be determined by a professional breathalyzer.

Alcohol concentration: 0 ppm

You can get behind the wheel through: 0 h

Diagnosis: Sober, alcohol content within physiological limits

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Of course, the time at which alcohol leaves the body also depends primarily on the individual characteristics of each person, since the rate of absorption of alcoholic beverages differs among all people. However, there are a number of factors that influence the timeremoving alcohol from the body:

First of all, it is your height and weight. A person with a greater body weight and greater growth, respectively, will need a larger amount of alcohol for intoxication.

What's your gender. As a rule, women get drunk earlier than men.

Genetically inherent sensitivity to alcohol.

The state of the body as a whole at the time of drinking. If you drink on an empty stomach, then intoxication occurs much earlier and remains in the blood for a longer period.

Nevertheless, the calculator presented on our website will help you roughly calculate the time for removing alcohol from the body.

Alcohol withdrawal table

The withdrawal of alcohol from the body, as noted above, occurs depending on and taking into account more than one factor. The figures presented in this table are indicative and may vary. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous for any driver to have a table at hand that allows at least approximately to determine the ppm of alcohol in the blood.

Attention! You carry out the calculations yourself, and the site owners, as well as the developers of the alcohol calculator, do not bear any responsibility for the results of the calculations and their consequences.


How much alcohol is kept in the blood table

Amount of drunk
Drink (capacity) 1 2 3 4 5
Beer (500 ml) 2 h 6 h 5 h 12 h 7 h 18 h 9 h 24 h 12 h 30 h
Champagne (200 ml) 2 h 4 h 3 h 8 h 5 h 13 h 7 h 17 h 8 h 22 h
Wine (200 ml) 3 h 7 h 6 h 14 h 8 h 21 h 11 h 29 h 14 h 36 h
Cognac (50 ml) 2 h 5 h 4 h 10 h 6 h 13 h 8 h 21 h 10 h 26 h
Vodka (100 ml) 4 h 10 h 7 h 19 h 11 h 29 h 15 h 29 h 19 h 38 h

Time of withdrawal of alcohol in the blood in men

Time of withdrawal of alcohol in the blood in women

What is it needed for alcohol calculator

If the next morning after a party you have a hard day at work or a trip by car, it doesn't hurt to know how much you can drink today. For such cases, keep in mind the idea that you do not have to do complex calculations yourself using formulas or act at random. There is a convenient alcohol calculator online... With it, you can calculate the amount of alcohol you can afford.

What are the calculations of the alcohol calculator based on?

Before proceeding with the calculations, remember that the body of each person is individual and tolerates intoxication in different ways. The calculator only calculates average values, therefore alcohol calculator will not be able to take into account all the nuances. You can look at the calculations to see a rough picture, but if in doubt, it is better to give up alcohol this evening.

How to use an alcohol calculator

In order to breathalyzer online accurate the result is shown, enter the appropriate data in each field. Your personal and drinks that you consume. After clicking the "calculate" button, the following information will be available:

  • the degree of intoxication;
  • the concentration of ethanol in the blood;
  • three options for the time of removal.

Information for drivers

According to the current rules, any value of the breathalyzer other than zero is unacceptable for a person who is driving. therefore alcohol calculator for driver can be very useful. With it, you can quickly calculate how long it is permissible to get into your car. If a breathalyzer online shows the result above the norm, it is better to call a taxi or cancel the trip.

Even a mild degree of intoxication (0.5-1.5 ppm) can lead to tragedy, because attention becomes weakened, courage and a feeling of invulnerability appear. What about the following? With an average (1.5-2.5), drowsiness appears, coordination is disturbed, aggression appears, and even memory lapses are possible. Severe (2.5 to 3) is marked by complete memory loss and lack of coordination. Confusion is likely in the form of involuntary urination. Three to five ppm - we are already dealing with alcohol poisoning - you can die without even driving. Therefore, it is better not to bring it to this. If a blood alcohol table shows more than 5 ppm, urgent medical intervention is required. Otherwise, the probability of death is extremely high.

Removing alcohol from the body

A few rules for speedy sobering up: maximum amount sleep, a heavy meal with big amount carbohydrates, cold and hot shower and pharmacy miracle cures for hangovers will help shorten the unpleasant period. But it must be remembered that the rate of alcohol withdrawal is influenced not only by the characteristics of alcohol, but also by your gender, age, weight, as well as overall alcoholic experience. The more experience you have with alcohol, the longer and more unpleasant the hangover.

Answer the question, how much alcohol is in the blood, the table will help. However, it is better to study it and draw the appropriate conclusions now, BEFORE the start of the feast.