How many ppm drunk. Exceeding the permissible alcohol intake

05.08.2019 Buffet table

It has been known for a long time that alcohol consumption greatly affects the reaction rate and the mental state of a person. For this reason, the Rules of the Road prohibit driving under the influence of alcohol and impose severe penalties on this violation. Therefore, it is very important to understand the established standards and rules of examination, so as not to lose your rights by an unfortunate mistake.

What is ppm

When determining small amounts or parts of certain objects and substances, it is rather inconvenient to use whole numbers. To simplify calculations, people began to use first parts of a number, for example, 1/8, and then a special sign%, which stood for 1/100. Finally, for cases requiring even greater accuracy and reflection of the smallest details, ppm was invented. It represents a percent sign followed by another zero at the bottom (‰).

The term "ppm" means 1/1000 of a number and comes from the Latin expression per mille, meaning "per thousand." The most famous use of this term is to measure the alcohol content of a person's blood. It should be noted, however, that as of the current legislation, the alcohol content in exhaled air is measured in other units: milligrams per liter. In addition, ppm is used to display the salinity of seas and oceans, the slope of railways, and many other phenomena that are small.

Finally, in order to finally clarify the simple mathematical content of the term under discussion, I will give a few examples:

  • 15 ‰ = 0.015% = 0.00015;
  • 451 ‰ = 45.1% = 0.451.

Thus, ppm helps to give calculations with small fractions a form that is convenient for human perception.

Permitted amount of alcohol in blood for motorists in Russia for 2018

In recent years, the legislator's approach to the permissible amount of alcohol in the blood of a car driver has already changed in our country. Until 2010, the law allowed the content of pure alcohol in the blood to be up to 0.35 ppm and in the exhaled air - up to 0.16 milligrams / liter. Then this period was replaced by an extreme tightening of state policy for three years. From 2010 to 2013, any content of ethyl in the body exceeding 0 was punished. Even for one hundredth of a ppm (adjusted for the error of the device), it was possible to legally receive an administrative penalty.

To date, according to the footnote to article 12.8 of the Code on AP, the amount of alcohol in a mixture of gases exhaled by a person should not exceed the same 0.16 milligrams per liter. Any indicators of the breathalyzer below are not recognized as confirmation of the state of alcoholic intoxication. On April 3, 2018, the President of Russia signed a law on amendments to Article 12.8 - the norm for the content of pure alcohol in blood is now permissible at the level of 0.3 ppm. This rule comes into effect on July 3rd.

The idea of ​​introducing the so-called zero ppm, in my opinion, was deliberately unsuccessful for several reasons at once. First, the error of the device measuring the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the air was not taken into account. Even minimal doses were considered the same violation as being in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication. Secondly, it became possible to prosecute for the use of products that are not alcohol, for example, overripe bananas, black bread or juices. And in general, such severity did not make sense, since scanty amounts of alcohol in the air are not able to affect the reflexes of a motorist, provoke an accident. Finally, the road was opened for arbitrariness and machinations on the part of the traffic police inspectors.

How much alcohol can you drink within the acceptable range?

The cancellation of the "zero ppm" action was met with enthusiasm by the majority of motorists. Many of them took this decision of the legislative branch as a permit to drive cars in a state of light alcoholic intoxication. In fact, this is not at all the case. This decision of the authorities was made not to encourage drunkenness while driving, but to avoid mistakes due to technical errors in measuring instruments and corruption of government officials.

It is difficult to answer the question of how much alcohol you can drink before driving. The fact is that the proportion of alcohol in the exhaled air, which is measured by breathalyzers of the traffic police, depends on many factors. In addition to such obvious things as the amount of alcohol consumed and the strength of the drinks consumed, it matters:

  1. The weight. With the same amount of alcohol drunk in a person with a large weight, the concentration of alcohol in the blood will be less.
  2. Floor. In women, alcohol enters the bloodstream faster and more intensively, and is excreted more slowly.
  3. Age and health status. In a young healthy person, alcohol is quickly excreted from the body and has a less noticeable effect.
  4. Individual characteristics of the organism.

From this, only one conclusion can be drawn: there is no universal answer to how much alcohol a person can drink in order to stay within the law. However, there are some averaged indicators established empirically. For example, half an hour after drinking a small bottle of low-alcohol beer (0.33 ml) in most men of average build, the breathalyzer does not detect alcohol vapors in the exhaled air. At the same time, wine and drinks based on it turn out to be much more insidious in practice and do not “fade away” for a long time even after drinking one glass. After drinking strong alcoholic beverages, it is by no means recommended to get behind the wheel. Even a shot of vodka or brandy will lead to unacceptable readings when checked.

However, the above should not be taken as a call for drinking alcoholic beverages while driving. This, like most other regulations, is based on the experience of millions of people and is designed to ensure the safety of all motorists, their passengers and pedestrians. Even a state of intoxication, which is barely noticeable for the driver himself, strongly affects his ability to make decisions under time pressure, reaction and thinking.

Video: about the number of ppm after drinking some alcoholic beverages

After what drugs is alcohol found in the blood

Obviously, the drugs prohibited for drivers include pure ethanol itself, Medina alcohol solution, various pharmacy tinctures (motherwort, hawthorn and similar), as well as popular heart drops with the addition of ethanol (Valocordin, Valoserdin, Corvalol). There are some more drugs that contain ethyl alcohol:

  • Saledez;
  • Salecept;
  • Pihtanol;
  • Synthomycin;
  • Ingalipt;
  • Bittner;
  • Aflubin;
  • Aflubin;
  • Gentos;
  • Pansoral.

In addition to those listed, there is another type of drugs that can cause an overestimation of the breathalyzer performance without having alcohol in its composition. Among them: Novocain, Pertussin, Levomycetin, Microcid, Etol.

The instructions for use for many medicines contain categorical prohibitions on driving. This requirement can be dictated by various reasons. They can cause drowsiness, impair motor coordination, slow a person's response, cause nausea, low blood pressure, and other dangerous side effects.

The conclusion from the above is simple: read the instructions for those drugs that you are taking. If they indicate a ban on driving a car or the content of ethyl alcohol in the composition, refrain from driving in order to avoid problems with the law.

Number of ppm in kvass, kefir and other products

In those three years, from 2010 to 2013, when the state banned even the minimum levels of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air, a lot of myths appeared in society about how certain foods and drinks can contribute to disenfranchisement.

In accordance with the rules of examination for the state of intoxication, you can demand a second test within 15–20 minutes, so that even the kvass drunk directly on the trip will not entail negative consequences

Indeed, many products contain insignificant proportions of ethyl alcohol:

  • overripe fruits (bananas);
  • black bread;
  • kvass;
  • kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • liqueur-filled sweets;
  • nonalcoholic beer.

The use of the products listed above cannot result in fines or deprivation of rights. According to the results of numerous checks and tests arranged by our fellow citizens, these products, if they provoked an increase in ppm, then completely disappeared within 10-15 minutes. Therefore, you should not be afraid to consume soft drinks, fermented milk and other food products, since they will not lead to a violation of the law.

Video: checking ppm after kvass, kefir, corvalol

How is the amount of alcohol in the blood measured?

To measure the level of ethyl alcohol in the blood or exhaled air, the legislation of our country provides for a special procedure that aims to establish a balance between protecting others from drunk drivers and respecting the rights of motorists who are brought to administrative responsibility.

General concepts

First, you need to understand the basic terms when measuring a driver's blood alcohol level.

An examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication is a measurement of the level of alcohol by a traffic police inspector on the spot (either in the car or at the nearest post) using a breathalyzer.

A medical intoxication test is a measurement of alcohol levels by professional doctors in a medical facility by examining a person's blood. Simply put, a medical examination.

The difference between the two above terms is huge: if the first of these procedures can be completely legally abandoned, then for refusing a medical examination, administrative liability is provided for under Art. 12.26 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Survey procedure

The main documents from which you can glean knowledge about the examination procedure are Decree of the Government of Russia No. 475 and a number of provisions from the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication

  • refusal from on-site survey;
  • disagreement with the results of the examination by the driver;
  • disagreement with the results of the survey by the inspector.

In my practice, I had to meet with dishonest employees of the authorities who give for signature a refusal to undergo a medical examination, and not to be examined with a breathalyzer on the spot. If you inadvertently sign such a document, you will be held liable under Art. 12.26 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

A medical examination takes place as follows:

  1. The traffic police inspector draws up a protocol on the direction for a medical examination according to the form from the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 676 of 04.08.2008.
  2. The procedure must be performed at a licensed healthcare facility by a suitably trained physician. In the absence of a narcologist, this procedure can be carried out by ordinary doctors or even paramedics (subject to the examination in rural areas).
  3. The driver is asked to pass urine. If the required amount of urine is not donated by the motorist, then blood is taken from the vein. In this case, the injection site should be processed without alcohol, which can distort the results of the study.
  4. Based on the results of the medical examination, an act is drawn up in triplicate. The form is established by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 933n.
  5. If even with the absence of alcohol in the blood established by doctors, the driver's condition raises doubts, then the motorist is sent for a chemical and toxicological study.
  6. If the driver confirms the presence of alcohol or drug intoxication, then a protocol is drawn up on an administrative offense and the arrest of the vehicle. Otherwise, the driver can freely continue driving in his vehicle.

Allowable blood alcohol level abroad

The legally established minimum alcohol content for a driver largely depends on the traditions of the country and the tolerance to alcohol in its culture.

The general norm for the EU is the content of pure alcohol up to 0.5 ppm. This rule is established in almost all European countries.

The stricter attitude towards alcohol driving is mainly concentrated in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. For example, in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania.

On the contrary, a more loyal (up to 0.8 ppm) attitude towards alcohol consumption has developed in Great Britain, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and San Marino.

In North America, blood ethanol is also specified as 0.8 ppm or less as a driver's guideline.

The eastern states are characterized by an irreconcilable attitude towards drunk driving. For example, Japan has zero ppm.

Thus, before driving to any foreign country, the driver should be sure to find out more about its traffic rules, since sometimes they can be strikingly different from the country of residence.

In Russia, there is a fairly reasonable norm for drivers per mille of alcohol in blood: 0.3. This amount is not able to significantly affect the skills of a motorist and cause an accident. For drunk driving in our country, a harsh punishment is provided up to imprisonment for up to two years. At the same time, on this issue, Russia does not break out of the global trend. Therefore, after a good party, it is better to once again take a taxi, and not get behind the wheel.

In Russia, in 2015, the number of accidents committed by drunk drivers increased sharply. Legislators, trying to reduce the number of "alcohol traffic accidents", on the one hand, are tightening the liability for drunk drivers, on the other hand, they are improving legislation in the field of determining the level of alcohol in the blood.

We will tell you in more detail what threatens drunk drivers, what is the permissible level of alcohol driving in ppm in 2019 in Russia. 0.16 mg / L of breath alcohol and 0.35 ppm are the same thing?

The task of legislators is to exclude situations when drivers who have drunk kvass, non-alcoholic beer or other drinks with a minimum alcohol content fall under the revocation of their rights. The experience of the period from 2010 to 2013, when the driver had to exhale absolute zero in ppm, showed the actual impossibility to comply with such a norm.

How many ppm is allowed in 2019 in Russia?

Let's turn to the law: the established indicators are contained in Art. 12.8 of the Administrative Code, or rather, in the note to it. In particular, it states that liability under this article occurs if the driver detects alcohol in a concentration of 0.3 grams per one liter of blood or 0.16 milligrams per one liter of exhaled air.

What is ppm?

PPM is a unit of measurement that characterizes the concentration of alcohols in physiological media. The indicator is 1/1000 of a number and is indicated by a ‰ (that is, 1/10 percent). 1 ppm = 1 gram of pure alcohol per liter of blood.

The permissible rate of alcohol driving in ppm in 2019 in Russia is:

  • 0.356 ppm - on exhalation (0.16 mg / l),
  • 0.3 ppm - in the blood.

This norm was introduced by Law No. 62-FZ "On Amendments to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation", signed on April 3 and entered into force on July 3, 2018. The note now fixes the permissible ethanol rate not only in exhaled air, but also in blood.

The innovation was introduced taking into account the total errors. In other words, this is not permission to drink a little alcohol and drive, but protection for those citizens who may lose their rights by mistake.

The error is often caused by a malfunction of the measuring instruments: the determination of the concentration "by blood" is much more accurate than "by air".

In addition, ethanol can appear in the body not only in alcohol abusers:

  • alcohol can be endogenously produced in humans in the presence of certain disorders and diseases (for example, with yeast infections of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • ethanol is also a part of some medicines, drinks and food (chocolates, kefir, koumiss, non-alcoholic beer, kvass, natural fruit juices, sauerkraut, rye bread, etc.).

Responsibility for drunk driving

Allowable per mille of alcohol is an important indicator, since it affects the qualification of the offense. Recall that drunk drivers who sit behind the wheel can be brought to administrative or even criminal liability. In the first case - under Art. 12.8, art. 12.26 of the Administrative Code, in the second - 264 and 264.1 of the Criminal Code.

The law is harsh on drunk drivers, you can almost always lose your license, the terms and measures differ:

  • when driving under the influence of alcohol, the offender is subject to a fine of 30 thousand rubles;
  • the same amount will be fined if the control was transferred to a drunk person, the driver refused to be examined;
  • if such a driver does not have a license, an administrative arrest lasting 10-15 days is added to the fine.
  • for a repeated violation or for a repeated refusal of a medical examination, liability is incurred under the Criminal Code: a fine of 200-300,000 rubles, up to 480 hours of corrective work, up to 2 years of forced labor, deprivation of rights for 3 years.
  • if the accident resulted in someone's death, you can go to jail for 2-9 years.

How did the allowable ppm change in Russia?

Liability for drunk driving was first introduced in the USSR, in 1956. In 1974, the Union ratified the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, according to which the alcohol content should not exceed 0.8 ppm. In 1988, by decree of the Ministry of Health, the norm was set at 0.2 ppm. In 2003, the permissible rate was raised to 0.5, and later reduced to 0.3, together with the adoption of the new Code of Administrative Offenses in 2008.

Accordingly, until 2010 in the Russian Federation, the values ​​were close to those that are now adopted. Let's remember that earlier it was allowed 0.15 mg / l, and now it is 0.16 mg / l.

In the most stringent years, 2010-2013, this share was 0; if 0.01 mg of ethanol was detected, it could be lost.

And what about other countries?

Let's turn to the experience of other states. The permissible rate per thousand driving in 2019 for drivers of Belarus is 0.3. The value was fixed by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of August 2, 2011, and before that it was higher - 0.5 ppm. If driving at this concentration would result in an accident, the ethanol content would be an aggravating factor.

There are states where the dry law is generally in force, which also applies to drivers. This is the situation in the United Arab Emirates, Brunei. Surprisingly, some countries of tolerant Europe adhere to the same rules: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary.

How many ppm is allowed driving in 2019 in Europe, the USA and a number of others: table

The situation is quite strict in the Baltics and in some of its neighbors: up to 0.2 ‰ is allowed in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Norway, Sweden. In Asia, the PRC adheres to the same rule. Interestingly, the Germans approached the solution of the issue: young and inexperienced drivers are entitled to 0 ‰, the rest - up to 0.5. In some European countries, the permitted indicator sometimes reaches 0.8 ppm.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there has long been an article for exceeding the permissible level of alcohol while driving, that is, for drunk driving. This is logical, given the number of accidents that occurred as a result of the fact that the driver was drunk.

Starting from September 1, 2013, the law on the number of ppm in the driver's blood was changed. According to this law, "zero ppm" is canceled.

What is the permissible level of alcohol in the driver's body?

The question remains relevant, since alcohol is found not only in alcoholic beverages, but also in many other products: in overripe fruits, fermented jam or jam, in kvass or some carbonated drinks, as well as in fermented milk products.

In addition, do not forget that using certain medications (corvalol, valocordin, herbal tinctures), you also increase the level of alcohol in the blood, that is, exceed allowable alcohol intake... It turns out that the tester can record a certain amount of ppm even in a person who does not drink alcohol at all. Accordingly, it cannot go unpunished.

Amendment to the law... Following this amendment to Article 12.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, as well as part three of 12.27, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not exceed 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Otherwise, it will entail consequences in the form of taking measures for drunk driving.

Before amendment, excess of the norm of alcohol in the blood 0.01 ppm resulted in an unfair punishment such as a fine or some other kind.

To date, the allowable rate is 0.16 ppm. So you can drink kefir or kvass when you are driving, but you should stop drinking alcohol, as this will lead to negative consequences.

There are two ways measuring the amount of alcohol in your blood.

1. Using a special device (tester), which records the amount of ppm in the air exhaled from the lungs. while it is 0.16 ppm.

2. Donation of blood in which amount of alcohol should not exceed 0.35 ppm.

Moreover, the second method is considered a more informative and objective research method.

The breathalyzer has an error of 0.05 ppm. That is why the figure has been changed permissible alcohol intake up to 0.16. Thanks to this, prosecution is excluded after drunk kvass or kefir, or eaten bananas.

What is ppm?

The value that shows the amount of alcohol in the blood is called ppm. 0.1 ppm is only 0.045 mg of ethyl in the human body. Thanks to this value, it is possible to accurately measure the amount of alcohol in the blood... It is necessary to take this into account especially when alcoholic drinks are taken before the upcoming trip.

When and how much can you drink?

After determining the permissible blood alcohol rates, the drivers became interested in the question, what can you drink on the eve of the trip and in what quantities so that the level of alcohol in the body is not exceeded in the morning.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, so it is impossible to give a definite answer. But some factors are still worth considering:

  • Height, weight and gender;
  • The presence of diseases in humans;
  • The amount of alcohol consumed;
  • The peculiarity of metabolism.

On average, one bottle of beer drunk by a man weighing 75 kilograms is excreted from the body for three hours. Moreover, the excess of the norm of the amount of alcohol in the blood will be twice as much of the permissible alcohol norm - 0.16 ppm.

Thus, on the eve of the trip, limit the amount of alcohol consumed by one glass of vodka, a glass of wine or weak beer. In this case, in the morning you will not exceed the allowable blood alcohol rate... You can see detailed information about the experiment on the amount of alcohol consumed in the evening before the upcoming morning trip in the table.

Should I drink kefir and kvass?

0.19 ppm - the value that a breathalyzer can show after drinking two glasses of kvass. But this is for a short time. Therefore, it is worth waiting a little so as not to exceed allowable alcohol intake... 0.00 ppm is the result after drinking 0.5 liters of kefir, so drink it to your health!

A bottle of non-alcoholic beer will show only 0.04 ppm.

Ten minutes after consuming these drinks, the device will show 0.00 ppm. So you can already get behind the wheel and continue driving.

But do not forget the individual characteristics of each person's body. Therefore, from alcohol in the evening, if in the morning you need to drive, it is better to refuse altogether. This way you can avoid unnecessary problems.

Exceeding the permissible level of alcohol. Punishment.

Part three of Article 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of deprivation of rights for a period of not more than three years. But it must be borne in mind that in case of violation the next time, the term is added as soon as the previous one ends.

The second part of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says that if another drunk person is driving, the driver's license is taken for a maximum period of up to two years, and a fine of 30 thousand rubles will be charged.

Most drivers understand the punishment for drunk driving. However, ethanol is also found in the body of people who, on the eve of the trip, did not drink alcohol at all. A number of drugs, as well as food products, have this effect. So, how many ppm is allowed and will not be the reason for the imposition of a fine?

Every driver must be aware of the legal limits for ethanol in the blood established by law. Strict adherence to these indicators allows citizens to manage motor vehicles. Consider how many ppm is allowed in order not to violate traffic rules, as well as to exclude the creation of emergency dangerous moments while driving.

It is known that spirits and medicines contain alcohol. In addition, alcohol is found in a number of foods.

This substance, when consumed, causes a state of intoxication:

  • the work of the cerebral cortex is inhibited;
  • body reactions slow down;
  • coordination of movements and mental abilities are impaired;
  • attention quickly dissipates after taking alcoholic substances;
  • visual acuity is impaired.

PPM is a quantitative value. It makes it possible to determine the degree of intoxication after consuming ethanol-containing substances.

This indicator allows you to identify the presence of alcohol in the body. So, 1/10 of the ppm fraction indicates the content of 0.045 mg of ethyl alcohol in 1 liter of blood.

Ethanol disappears from the human body for a long time. This fact must be taken into account before using intoxicating drinks, food, medicines, if you will soon be driving a car.

If a citizen has consumed 100 g of vodka, it will take about 5 hours to drive. After drinking a glass of wine, you can get behind the wheel no earlier than 4 hours.

Consider how much per thousand is allowed while driving for all drivers without exception.

As of 2018, for citizens who drive vehicles after taking substances containing ethyl alcohol, administrative liability is provided. It occurs when ethanol is found in their blood.

A breathalyzer is used for testing. The driver exhales a certain volume of air through the tube. In this case, the display shows the level of alcohol contained in it. As of 2017, the dose of ethanol consumed should not exceed 0.35 mg / l. If this figure is exceeded, the traffic police have the right to claim that the person they are checking is intoxicated.

Starting from 2018, it is possible to confirm that a citizen drank alcohol on the eve of the trip by taking a blood test. The new permilion limit for alcohol driving in ppm is 0.3 mg / l. Exceeding this indicator threatens car owners with disqualification from driving.

A blood test is also used in cases where confirmation of a citizen's drunken state is not possible through the use of special devices:

  1. The adoption of such a measure is necessary in cases where the person driving the vehicle is unconscious and cannot independently pass the test with a breathalyzer.
  2. The same applies to persons in a state of severe intoxication. Being in an altered state of consciousness, they pose a particular danger while driving.

Persons who are drunk drive vehicles are sent to undergo a medical examination (examination) with a mandatory test.

If the results of laboratory tests confirm that the alcohol content exceeds the norm of 0.3 ppm, this gives reason to consider the person being checked as drunk. For this offense, you will have to bear responsibility provided for by law.

Until recently, there was only one way to give an objective assessment of a person's condition, as well as the presence of ethyl alcohol in his body - through the analysis of its content in the blood. But in some cases, for example, on highways and highways, it is almost impossible to determine in this way whether a drunk person is driving a car or not.

In this regard, mobile devices have been developed to detect the presence of alcohol - portable detectors. Their job is to identify alcohol based on the analysis of the volume of air exhaled from the lungs. When calculating the volume of alcohol in the human body, a number of parameters are taken into account.

These include:

  • the percentage of the alcoholic beverage content to the total weight of the examined person;
  • weight indicators;
  • the sex of the examined person;
  • the total amount of fluid (in the body of the examined person);
  • the amount of ethanol contained (in the volume drunk).

WITH tadia of intoxication of a citizen can be determined independently. For example, take the following parameters: the weight of a person is 80 kg, the volume of vodka drunk with 40% alcohol content is 250 mg, the volume of fluid in the body of an adult is 70%.

Thus, the volume of the liquid will be 80 (kg) x 70 (%) = 56 kg. The amount of pure ethanol in the body will be 250 (mg) x40 (%) = 100 mg. Taking into account the density of ethyl alcohol, we get the volume of pure ethanol: 0.79 g / mol * 100 mg = 79 g.

When calculating, an error is taken into account, which does not exceed 10%, therefore the exact amount of pure ethanol is 71.1 g. Taking into account the above data, it is easy to calculate the number of ppm. It will be 71.1 / 56 = 1.27.

Let us examine the question of the duration of the presence of the concentration of alcohol vapors in the volume of air exhaled by the driver.

The time of elimination of alcohol vapors from the body is influenced by such factors as the individual tolerance of ethanol, as well as many other factors:

  1. Gender of a citizen.
  2. Age and weight.
  3. The number and type of drinks consumed.
  4. Chronic diseases of internal organs (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart).

It is known that ethanol is absorbed at different rates in the human body. For this reason, the duration of its content in the volume of exhaled air will differ significantly. So, in men, alcohol is excreted from the body much faster than in women.

The withdrawal time is also influenced by the volume of alcohol consumed and the mixing factor of various drinks. In addition, the duration of the alcohol content largely depends on whether a person has chronic diseases. So, in people with a sick liver, alcohol is excreted for a very long time.

If a person has been drinking strong drinks for 2 days or longer (binge state), he will not be able to pass through the breathalyzer and be allowed to drive. At the same time, the presence of alcohol in the blood, as well as the volume of exhaled air, is observed for about 72 hours.

And also the duration of the removal of ethyl from the volume of exhaled air is affected by the amount of food eaten while drinking alcohol. If strong drinks were consumed without food, alcohol vapors are detected for a long time. If a person ate and drank heavily, this process occurs much faster.

Table. Duration of elimination of alcohol vapors in the volume of exhaled air.

Persons who have been found to be intoxicated while driving, face an administrative penalty. If, through their fault, road users (pedestrians, passengers of other vehicles) suffer, criminal liability may arise.

If for the first time the driver is found to have exceeded the permissible ethanol content, he will be fined. Transport control will become unavailable for him for a while.

A repeated offense will lead to the fact that the rate of the penalty will be increased many times. In addition, a citizen who breaks the law may or may be punished by forced labor.

If it is found that the fined person drove a car in a state of intoxication, that is, he committed a new offense while serving the old one, he will suffer a more severe punishment than indicated in the sanction of the article.

Drivers should also understand that their unmotivated refusal to pass an alcohol test and be examined in a medical facility is an indirect admission of guilt to drunk driving. At the same time, it is almost impossible to prove your innocence in such a situation.

The owner of a motor vehicle will be fined if he hands over the car to a drunk driver. In addition, a punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver's license is provided for the offender.

Let's analyze the degree of responsibility for citizens who, being drunk, knocked down pedestrians on the roadway:

  1. If the injured person received minor bodily injuries, the perpetrator of the accident faces administrative liability.
  2. If a pedestrian is injured in an accident and he was seriously injured, the culprit faces a prison sentence. In addition, the driver may be involved in forced labor and deprived of his driver's license.
  3. In the event of an accident that resulted in the death of a pedestrian, a drunk citizen faces imprisonment for a long time. At the same time, his rights are also withdrawn. If the accident resulted in the death of two or more people, the drunk driver will go to jail. The court will set the specific time period based on the proven circumstances of the case and other data.

In some cases, the punishment of imprisonment is replaced by the execution of forced labor or a large fine. Throughout the entire term of such punishment, the citizen will be deprived of the right to use a driver's license and drive his vehicle.

When determining the volume of alcohol in the blood of males, which does not exceed 0.3 ppm, it is considered that a person is absolutely sober and can drive vehicles. If these data fluctuate between 0.3-0.5, then the effect of ethanol on consciousness is insignificant.

If the level of ethanol indicators fluctuates within one and a half ppm, this indicates an easy stage of intoxication. It is strictly forbidden to drive a car in this state. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds 1.5, but not more than 2.5 ppm, it is considered that the degree of alcohol poisoning is average.

The ethanol concentration, equal to 3 ppm, indicates a strong intoxication of the examined person. The presence of ethyl alcohol in a volume of up to 5 indicates a severe degree of poisoning. Above these indicators, as a rule, the diagnosis indicates a fatal outcome.

As we have already said, the proportion of water in the male body is about 70%. This means that ethyl alcohol wears out much faster when compared with that of a woman. So, a man's body is able to process about 0.15-0.17% of the total volume of alcohol consumed in 60 minutes.

The concentration (in ppm) of alcohol in the blood in women

It is known that the absorption of alcohol in women is faster, and for its elimination it takes much longer than in men.

This is due to the fact that the fluid content in the female body is only 60%. Therefore, the rate of ethanol elimination in 60 minutes is 0.1% of the volume of drinks drunk.

The higher the strength of an alcoholic beverage, the longer the ethanol it contains is excreted from the body. Moreover, this statement is the same for citizens of both sexes equally.

Consider food items that are not recommended to consume immediately prior to travel. They ferment and release some alcohol.

These include:

  • juices;
  • fermented milk products;
  • overripe bananas;
  • kvass.

This also includes oranges and zero alcohol beer. It is also not advisable to use mouth fresheners, since they contain ethanol.

As for the drugs, their list is quite large, since medical alcohol is an indispensable component of many of them.

Let's list the most popular medicines:

  1. Rhinital (ethanol-containing homeopathic medicine).
  2. Kanephron N.
  3. Biovital (hawthorn extract with alcohol content).
  4. Bittner (alcohol content reaches 40%).
  5. Licorice root (syrup).
  6. Levovinisole.

Among the drugs with a high content of ethyl alcohol (43%) should be highlighted:

  1. Asinis in drops.
  2. Aflubin.
  3. Vokara and Gentos.

A separate group should include heart medications, which are used by many drivers. They should be taken with extreme caution on the eve of a trip.

These medicines include:

  1. Valocordin.
  2. Barboval.
  3. Valoserdin.

These drugs are based on ethyl alcohol and phenobarbetal. And also note the notorious Corvalol, which, in addition to alcohol, contains barbiturates in its composition.

You should not buy drugs that are actively advertised in the media, removing all the signs of alcohol intoxication and the characteristic smell. In nature, such drugs simply do not exist. Perhaps they block the characteristic odor, but they do not affect the performance of the breathalyzer.

It should be noted that knowledge of the established norms for the content of ethanol in the blood and their strict implementation will save drivers from the serious consequences of an accident, as well as from paying significant amounts of fines due to their own carelessness.

In our country, according to the standards established in 2010-2013. should have been zero. But at the moment the law has been canceled, as it faced a lot of dissatisfaction, because there are food products that contain a small percentage of alcohol. Their use does not in any way affect driving a vehicle, but the analysis will certainly show the presence of a certain percentage of alcohol in the driver's body. To date, the permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm for 2019 in Russia is 0.16 ml / l of exhaled air, in the blood the permissible rate of alcohol is 0.3 grams per liter.

In some European countries, it is allowed to drive a vehicle after taking intoxicating drinks. The traffic rules of these states allowed a certain amount of alcohol in exhaled vapors or in the blood of a vehicle driver.

What are the punishments established for motorists driving any kind of car and motor vehicle in a state of intoxication?

He faces the following penalties:

  • collection of a fine amounting to 30,000 rubles;
  • deprivation of rights to drive vehicles from one and a half to two years.

If a motorist, then it is considered that he admitted himself drunk. For such a refusal, similar methods of punishment are applied.

When transferring control of a vehicle to a drunk driver, the owner of the car and the drunk driver himself will incur the same punishment - deprivation of rights for up to 24 months and a fine.

When the driver stops again in an altered consciousness (intoxication with alcoholic substances), the following measures can be applied to punish him:

  • collection of a fine up to three hundred thousand rubles;
  • works, the maximum period of which can be 20 days;
  • compulsory work, up to 48 months;
  • imprisonment up to 48 months;
  • for three years deprivation of driving license.
What threatens a drunk driver who has an accident involving a pedestrian

A drunk driver who knocks down a pedestrian and causes minor harm to health is only threatened with an administrative penalty.

In case of an accident involving a drunk driver, resulting in serious injury or death of a pedestrian, the driver faces special punishment:

Is it possible to cheat the device

This question worries many motorists and professional drivers. There are various ways among the people to deceive the breathalyzer. The surest way to get around the punishment for drunk driving is still one method - to get behind the wheel of your own or someone else's car completely sober.

Even if you can deceive the device, remember that a law enforcement officer has the right, even after the testimony of the breathalyzer, to send you to a medical institution for examination.

Do not forget that the permissible number of ppm driving in Russia has changed since 2018 and amounts to:

  • 0.16 in the air exhaled by the driver;
  • 0.3 in the blood of the driver driving the vehicle.
What foods contain alcohol in their composition

Many drivers never even thought that there are products that contain a certain percentage of alcohol.

  • Chocolate candies.
  • The bananas are overripe.
  • Lactic acid products.
  • Non-alcoholic beer.
  • Kvass.
  • Warm juices.
  • Sausage and black bread sandwich.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Oranges.
  • Fresheners for the oral cavity.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Confectionery.

That is why the permissible number of ppm driving in Russia has been revised since 2018.

How long does it take for the body to remove ethyl alcohol

It is not for nothing that ethyl alcohol is considered a poisonous substance. He is able to quickly destroy the human body. When alcohol is consumed, all human organs are affected. First of all, the whole "battle" with alcohol is taken over by the liver. The rate of alcohol elimination depends on her condition.

With alcohol intoxication of the body, the reaction decreases, coordination is disturbed, and inappropriate behavior is observed.

Do not forget that absolutely all people are individual, and alcohol is removed from everyone in different ways. For example, in men, alcohol is eliminated faster than in women, since the body of the fair sex contains about 10% less water.

The male body is able to excrete alcohol at a rate of 0.12-0.16 ppm per hour. In the female body, the indicators are much lower, 0.086-0.1 ppm per hour.

Drink names Volume / ml Body weight / time
65 kg / h, min 75 kg / h 85 kg / h 95 kg / h 110 kg / h
Cognac 150 5,10 6,16 4,50 3,55 3,42
300 19,35 17,29 15,10 13,56 12,34
500 31,26 27,50 24,29 22,40 21,15
Vodka 150 6,54 6,10 5, 28 4,15 3,30
300 18,25 16,50 15,10 13,16 12,52
500 30,57 26,35 23,25 21,49 19,46
Wine 150 3,30 3,10 2,29 1,53 1,32
300 9, 37 8,13 7,19 6,18 5,37
500 14,17 12,34 11,55 10,32 9,40
Champagne 150 3,38 3,05 2,30 1,54 1,28
300 6,55 5,30 4,23 3,30 2,49
500 7,55 7,20 5,43 5,05 4,23
Gin and tonic 150 2,45 2,10 1,40 1,10 0,38
300 5,37 4,21 3,32 2,51 2,10
500 8,15 7,27 6,40 5,28 3,58
Beer 150 1,10 1 0,50 0,47 0,30
300 3,29 2,23 1,53 1,24 1,05
500 4,31 3,40 2,27 2,10 1,50

The given evaporation time of the alcohol content from the body in this table is an average and does not give 100% of the result in your case.

Studies conducted by specialists have shown that everyone who took this event had different elimination times for ethyl alcohol from the body, but within 1 hour.

Some statistics

Over the past year, traffic police officers identified more than 12,000 people drunk while driving. Due to the fault of the drivers, about 4,000 people died in alcoholic intoxication, and 22,900 people received injuries of varying severity.

In 2017, about 1,000 children died on the roads of our country, and more than 24,000 children were injured.

From all of the above, it is worth concluding that it is dangerous to drive while drunk. It is better to give up driving a car, even if the consumption of alcoholic beverages was yesterday. A huge number of accidents happen due to the fault of drunk drivers, children are often the victims.

Cancel parties, give up alcohol. If this is not possible, after drinking alcohol, do not drive, call a taxi. Those 200-500 rubles that you give to the taxi driver can save not only your life, but also the lives of other people.

Since this year, the amount of alcohol allowed in the driver's body has been changed, but do not forget that all responsibility from your actions and behavior lies solely with you.

Watch the road, yourself and take care of your family and friends!

How many ppm is allowed in 2019 - the permissible level of alcohol while driving updated: February 10, 2019 by the author: admin