Recipe for making homemade kvass from honey. Homemade honey kvass - recipe with yeast or raisin sourdough

11.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Before making honey kvass, you need to prepare the required amount of food and dishes. Since all the valuable properties of honey disappear from heating to a certain temperature, it will need to be dissolved in a water bath.

Pour warm water into a cup or glass jar and dilute the yeast in it. Stir well to make the water slightly cloudy. 4 tablespoons of honey - half of the total will need to be melted in a water bath. If this is difficult for you, use liquid honey.

Add honey and transfer yeast water to a large jar or enamel pan, mix well.

Cut the fresh lemon into two halves and squeeze the juice using a juicer or a regular fork. Try to make sure that the bones do not get into the kvass from honey, otherwise the drink will taste bitter.

Stir well again, cover with gauze and put in a warm place at room temperature for fermentation. It is best to put it on overnight - 12 hours will be enough. After the leaven has fermented well, add the remaining honey, stir and transfer the jar or saucepan of kvass to a cool place.

Honey kvass prepared according to this recipe can be tasted after three days. Store the drink in cans or bottles in the refrigerator. Vitamin-rich and delicious kvass can be made without yeast.

Honey kvass without yeast

To make honey kvass without yeast, you need to take ripe sweet berries, fruits or hops.
For a simple intoxicating drink made from honey, you need to take:

  • Rye bread - 1 kg;
  • Hops - 300 gr;
  • Honey - 500 gr;
  • Water - 10 liters;

Cut rye bread into thin slices - no more than 1 centimeter thick. Place prepared bread in a pan or baking sheet and brown lightly. Pour boiling water into a glass jar or enamel pan and throw crackers into it. Leave the water to cool to room temperature.

Boil the hops in a little water and add to the croutons. Mix well and pour in the honey - if the honey is thick or solidified, melt it in a water bath. Stir the infusion well, strain through several layers of the brand and pour into jars or bottles. Take out until ripening in a cool place or refrigerate. It is desirable to keep the drink for 7-9 days.

Another recipe for kvass with honey without yeast is prepared with cherries. For him you will need:

  • Cherries - 5 kg;
  • Honey - 2 kg;
  • Boiled water - 5 liters;

In a large glass jar or enamel saucepan, mix the cherries with honey, pour over warm boiled water. Close the jar with a cotton stopper and leave for 14 days to ferment. Kvass ferments very strongly, so try to take large dishes - up to 20 liters. When the wort is fermented, strain the drink through several layers of cheesecloth and pour into small jars or bottles with corks. Leave the kvass to ripen in a cool place for one week. Cherry kvass with honey turns out to be very beautiful and aromatic. Drink cold or with ice, keep refrigerated.

This is an old soft drink that was prepared in special oak barrels. These drinks are healthy, tasty, and restore the body's energy. There are simple recipes for home use.

Kvass- a traditional Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (wheat, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of fragrant herbs, honey, foundation; also made from beets, fruits, berries. Previously, it often served as the basis of cold stews. Lusatia. kwas "holiday, wedding feast", Art. Slovak. kvas "feast, refreshment, festivities" testifies to the fact that kvass was the main intoxicating drink at holidays and weddings.

Honey kvass (5-6 days)

For 5 liters of water add: 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 kg of raisins, 100-200 g of flour, 25 g of yeast.

The keg with the mixture is corked, after 5-6 days the kvass is ready.

Amateur honey kvass (2-3 days)

9 liters of water, 800 g of honey, 2 lemons, 800 g of raisins, 2 tbsp. flour, 15 g of yeast.

For 800 g of honey, take 2 lemons, cut thinly, pour 800 g of raisins with 9 liters of cold water, stir 2 tablespoons in it. flour and 15 g of yeast. After a day, add 1 liter of boiled water. When the raisins and lemons float to the surface, strain the liquid, pour into bottles, putting in 2-3 raisins. Store horizontally in a cool place. After 2-3 days, kvass is ready for use.

Honey kvass

25 liters of boiled water, 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 kg of raisins, 100-200 g of flour, 25 g of yeast.

Add raisins, flour, water, yeast to the honey. Cork the barrel with the mixture. Fermentation usually ends in 5-6 days.

Amateur kvass

800 g of honey, 9 liters of water, 800 g of raisins, 2 lemons, 2 tablespoons of rye flour, 15 g of yeast.

Put lemons, cut into thin circles, raisins in honey and pour 2 liters of cold boiled water in which flour and yeast are mixed. After a day, add 1 liter of boiled water to the keg. When the raisins and lemons float to the surface of the water, strain the liquid through a sieve. Pour kvass into bottles, cork, put 2-3 raisins in a bottle, and store in a lying position in a cool place. After two to three days, kvass is ready for use.

Cranberry kvass

800 g of honey, 1.2 kg of cranberries, 1/2 teaspoon of brewer's yeast, 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, a few raisins, water.

Mash the cranberries in 5 liters of water, boil the mixture without letting it boil for a long time, then add another 3 liters of water to the cranberries, strain so as not to spoil the colors. Combine both fruit drinks, put honey in them and boil. Put the raisins in the cooled fruit drink and let it stand for several hours. Dilute brewer's yeast with flour with cold boiled water and pour it into the fruit drink. Let it ferment, and when white foam appears on top and the raisins float up, the kvass should be filtered, bottled and put on ice for several days.

Ginger kvass

400 g of honey, 1 lemon, three ginger roots, 1/2 teaspoon of yeast, 4 liters of water.

Add honey, finely chopped ginger and sliced ​​lemon to the water. Boil the mixture and cool. Then add yeast to it, stir, cover with a rag and ferment in a warm place. When the lemon slices float up, pour the kvass into bottles, grind them and put them in storage.

Crackling kvass

1 kg of crackers, 500 g of honey.

Pour boiling water over rye crackers and put in a warm place for a day. On the second day, drain the dried water into another dish and add honey, dough prepared in advance to it. Mix everything well and cover with a canvas. When the yeast floats up, remove it, and pour the kvass into bottles and seal them.

Kvass Petrovsky

Rye crackers - 800g, yeast - 25g, sugar - 100g, honey - 100g, horseradish - 100g, water - 4 liters.

Pour crackers with boiling water and insist in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting wort through cheesecloth into a container, add sugar, yeast diluted in a glass of water and leave in a warm place for 10-12 hours. After the wort has fermented, strain again, add honey, grated horseradish and pour into jars or bottles. Put in a cold place for 3 days.

Hawthorn kvass

Water - 5l, hawthorn - 500g, honey (or sugar) - 2 cups, yeast - 30g.

Cook the washed hawthorn fruits in a small amount of water over low heat for 1-2 hours, rub through a sieve, dilute with water to the desired density, let stand, strain, add honey or sugar, yeast and leave to ripen for 8-10 hours.

Lemon-mint kvass

Water, 250g rhubarb, sugar, honey, two lemons, mint leaves, currant leaves

It is necessary to boil 3-4 liters of water, put in it 250 grams of rhubarb stalks cut into pieces, cool the infusion to a temperature of 60-70 ° C, add three tablespoons of sugar, 7-8 tablespoons of honey, chopped zest and juice of two lemons, add the leaves mint and currant.

All this mixture must be stirred well in order to completely dissolve sugar and honey, and leave to infuse for a day. After that, the drink must be filtered through a dense cloth, poured into a bowl with tight-fitting lids and placed in a cold place. In a week and a half, the aromatic soft drink is ready.

Honey kvass. Cooking recipes

Honey kvass (honeys) not only have good taste, but are also useful for the human body. Kvass quickly quenches thirst, has a positive effect on the course of digestion processes, metabolism. Honey kvass is useful for convalescents and those suffering from anemia (anemia), chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with low acidity, colitis with sluggish peristalsis, etc.). The technology for the preparation of honey kvass differs from the preparation of bread kvass in that natural bee honey is taken as a raw material for the preparation of the wort.

For the preparation of honey kvass, except for natural bee honey use a variety of seasonings. Hops, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, violet root, ginger, vanilla, mint, cranberries, juniper berries, raspberries, cherries, currants and other berries, fruits, rose petals, lemon, orange, raisins, yeast - wine or leavened.

The production of kvass begins with the preparation of the wort. If honeycomb is used to prepare the wort, the honeycomb (wax) floats to the surface of weakly boiling water, and they are removed with a slotted spoon. When boiling non-comb honey, the resulting foam must be removed. The most aromatic and tasty wort is made without boiling water. However, honey kvass from such a wort sour faster than kvass cooked in boiled wort. To prepare the wort, honey is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 6 and flavored with seasonings. You can not dilute honey with water, but use juices of berries and fruits. The honey with water, spices, berry and fruit juices is fermented immediately after mixing. The wort for boiled honey kvass is boiled for 2-4 hours, that is, until it becomes light. Then it is cooled and also fermented.

When the wort is cooked with hops, it is added 15-20 minutes before the boil stops. The finished wort is filtered through a cloth before fermentation. Natural juices are added after boiling and cooling the honey.

You can ferment honey using yeast and yeast-free methods. In the yeast method, pure culture or diluted wine yeast (with raisins) is added to the wort. In yeast-free fermentation, the wort with the juices of berries and fruits is fermented with kvass yeast and left open. The beginning of fermentation is considered the appearance of white foam on the surface of the wort, which then becomes bubbly. The disappearance of foam is a sign that the main fermentation is over.

Young honey kvass is closed and taken out on a glacier or in a cold cellar for the process of slow fermentation and maturation for 1-2 months. The duration of this process of making honey kvass at a low temperature makes it more tasty, aromatic, transparent and persistent. It is not recommended to raise the temperature of the fermenting wort above 12-15 ° C. It is better to bring the kvass to full readiness (after fermentation and ripening) at a temperature of 2-4 ° C (in the cellar), since under these conditions no by-products are formed that reduce the high quality of kvass. Wort is clarified after fermentation and maturation; then the kvass is filtered through a cloth. You can lighten honey kvass with egg white (the protein of one egg per 3-5 l of kvass) or fish glue (1 g for 5 l of kvass).

The difference between the preparation of yeast and non-yeast honey kvass lies in the fact that before the main fermentation in the wort, set the distribution of wine or kvass yeast of pure cultures (100 g per 18-20 l of wort). That is why the fermentation of the wort lasts 1-3 days, after-fermentation - 2-4 weeks, aging - 1-2 months. After bottling, honey kvass is stored for more than 2 weeks. Yeast kvass, of course, is less stable than yeast-free. It is better to pour kvass into champagne bottles, tie the sealed bottles with wire. This is done 3-8 weeks after the start of the preparation of honey kvass. Bottles with honey kvass are stored lying on ice in a cold cellar. If honey kvass is kept in the cold for at least 3-4 months, during this time it is clarified without the use of egg white or fish glue.

White honey kvass. For 4 kg of honey they take: hops - 100 g, violet root - 6 g, cardamom grains - 2-3, water - 25 liters. The yield of honey kvass is 25 liters.

Red honey kvass... For 4 kg of honey take: hops - 100 g, violet root - 6 g, cardamom grains - 2-3, burnt sugar - 1 tablespoon, water - 25 liters. The yield of honey kvass is 25 liters.

People's kvass... Add rye flour to the malt and mix in chilled water. Stir the dough well so that there are no lumps, transfer to an enamel bowl and put in a well-heated oven or oven for a day. Then heat the oven again and put the dough in it on the second day. After two days, put the dough in a sauerkraut (wooden or enameled) and dilute, slowly and gradually adding 12 liters of warm water, stirring continuously. Cover the diluted wort and place in a warm place for 15-20 hours. Prepare a sourdough from flour, yeast and a glass of water. Carefully pour the settled wort into a well-steamed and washed keg or enamelled fermentation vessel, where at the same time pour the suitable yeast starter and honey (or molasses). Mix thoroughly, leave the wort to ferment in a warm room for 12-16 hours. When the wort is fermented, the kvass should settle. Pour the clarified kvass into bottles, which are stored in a supine position on a glacier or in a cellar. To prepare 8 liters of kvass, you need: flour from rye malt - 3 kg; simple rye flour - 4 kg, honey - 1 kg, sourdough flour - 200 g, liquid yeast - 3 tablespoons.

Bread kvass with honey and horseradish... Cut the horseradish root into small shavings. Heat honey and mix with the remaining portion of kvass. Put horseradish shavings in kvass filled with honey and refrigerate for a day. After a day, strain the drink, it is ready for use. For 1 liter of kvass honey is required - 25 g, horseradish - 5 g.

Simple folk honey kvass... Put honey in boiling water and stir well. When the liquid has cooled to 20 ° C, add yeast, lemon juice or citric acid and leave to stand for 10-12 hours. Cool and bottle, cork. For 5 liters of water you need: honey - 800 g, yeast - 25 g, lemon - 2 pcs.

Honey drink... Put honey, citric acid in dry white wine and bring to a boil. Then refrigerate, add ice cubes and mix with soda water. One serving of the drink requires: wine - 70 g, honey - 30 g, citric acid - 1 g, carbonated water - 80 g, food ice - 20 g.

Kvass heals! 100 recipes against 100 diseases Maria Ostanina

Honey kvass

Honey kvass

Honey or honey kvass was the second most popular in Russia after bread kvass. Honey kvass was prepared on the basis of natural bee honey. Therefore, it retains all the healing properties of honey, and listing these properties would take many pages of this book.

In the manufacture of honey kvass, the same chemical processes occur as in the manufacture of bread kvass. The only link missing is malt making. Honey wort is made, it ferments, then honey kvass is usually clarified.

In the old days, most often for such a drink, they used warmed and strained honey and strained in water and kalach, replacing yeast. The mixture stood for some time and fermented in a warm place, then it was poured into barrels. The quality of such kvass largely depended on the properties of the honey used. For example, noble people took the best honey for a drink, and the peasants were content with simpler varieties.

Honey kvass is amazingly aromatic! They treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract: it helps a sore throat, accelerates coughing. This kvass is an excellent regulator of metabolism and the work of all internal organs. It enhances immunity, improves blood composition, slows down the aging of the body, perfectly quenches thirst and gives the body energy!

Since ancient times, honey has been used to treat many diseases, including due to its bactericidal properties. Mother D'Artagnan's famous balm included beeswax, honey and plantain.

Herbs and spices and other plant components are often added to honey kvass - hops, cinnamon, cloves, violet root, mint, vanilla, juniper, rose petals, etc. Therefore, the variations in the taste of honey kvass are countless.

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Sea buckthorn kvass - 1 glass of sea buckthorn berries, - 200 g of sugar, - 30 g of yeast, - 3 liters of water. Method of preparation: Mash prepared sea buckthorn berries with a pestle, mix with sugar. Pour cold boiled water, add yeast and leave at room temperature.

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Kvass Kvass is one of the oldest Russian drinks. Until the end of the 19th century, it was prepared as a low-alcohol drink based on rye malt with the addition of aromatic and spicy herbs (mint, thyme, oregano) or berry and fruit juices (raspberries, lingonberries, apples, pears). It was cooked

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Bread kvass It is the most widespread, and the most favorite of the kvass. This thick, full-bodied drink is made from cereals or bread. This variety of kvass owes its useful qualities, first of all, to the kvass wort, which is made from barley,

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Vegetable kvass Vegetable kvass, like fruit and berry, was not favored in wealthy houses, and it was completely in vain. Vegetable kvass also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals - it is just a storehouse of health. Such kvass is prepared in the same way as fruit or berry.

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Ginger kvass 50 g of rose petal powder and ginger powder, 1 kg of black bread, 25 g of yeast, 500 g of granulated sugar, 10 l of ginger water. Cut the bread into small pieces, dry, add ginger water and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain, add yeast, granulated sugar,

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Kvass with thyme For 20 g of cherry leaves and herb of thyme, 1 liter of ginger kvass, 50 g of granulated sugar. Boil dry cherry leaves and thyme herb in a glass of kvass, pour into the rest of the kvass, add granulated sugar, mix and leave for 10-12 hours. Strain, bottle and

Kvass is a favorite drink in our country. Even before the formation of Kievan Rus, the Eastern Slavs owned the art of making various kvass.

Honey kvass (honeys) are distinguished by good taste, they are useful for the human body. Kvass quickly quenches thirst, has an excellent effect on the normal course of digestion processes, metabolism, is useful for those recovering and suffering from anemia (anemia), chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with low acidity, colitis with sluggish peristalsis, etc.). The technology for making honey kvass differs from the preparation of bread kvass.

so that natural bee honey is taken as a raw material for the preparation of wort.

To prepare honey kvass, you must have: natural bee honey, hops, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, violet root, ginger, vanilla, mint, cranberries, juniper berries, raspberries, cherries, currants and other berries, fruits, rose petals, lemons, oranges , raisins, yeast - wine or leavened (pure culture of the M-kvass-naya-5 race in a dose of 10 granules per bottle).

The production of kvass begins with the preparation of the wort. If honeycomb is used to prepare the wort, the honeycomb (wax) floats to the surface of weakly boiling water, and they are removed with a slotted spoon. When boiling centrifugal (non-comb) honey, the resulting foam must be removed. The most aromatic and tasty wort is put, that is, not boiled with water. However, honey kvass from such wort sour faster than kvass cooked in boiled wort. To prepare the wort, honey is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 6 and flavored with seasonings. Honey can not be diluted with water, but blended with juices of berries and fruits. The honey with water, spices, berry and fruit juices is fermented immediately after mixing, and the wort

for boiled honey kvass, boil for 2-4 hours, that is, until it becomes light. Then it is cooled and fermented.

When the wort is cooked with hops, it is added 15-25 minutes before the boil stops. The finished wort is filtered through a cloth before fermentation. Natural juices are added after boiling and cooling the honey. You can ferment honey using yeast and yeast-free methods. In the yeast method, pure culture or diluted wine yeast (with raisins) is added to the wort. In the case without yeast fermentation, the wort with berry and fruit juices is fermented with kvass yeast and left open. The beginning of fermentation is considered the appearance of white foam on the surface of the wort, which then becomes bubbly. The disappearance of foam is the end of the main, or main, fermentation.

Young honey kvass is closed and taken out on a glacier or in a cold cellar for slow fermentation and maturation for 1-2 months or more. Long-term fermentation of honey kvass at a low temperature makes it more tasty, aromatic, transparent and persistent. It is not recommended to raise the temperature of the fermenting wort above 12-15 ° С. Bring kvass to full readiness (add-

fermentation and ripening) is better at a temperature of 2-4 ° C, since under these conditions by-products are not formed that reduce the high quality of kvass.

The difference between the preparation of yeast and non-yeast honey kvass is that before the main fermentation, diluted wine or kvass yeast of pure cultures (100 g per 18-20 l of wort) is added to the wort. That is why wort fermentation takes 1-3 days, after-fermentation - 2-4 weeks, aging - 1-2 months. After bottling, honey kvass is stored for more than two weeks. It should be remembered that yeast kvass is less stable than yeast-free. Wort is clarified after fermentation and maturation.

To clarify, kvass is filtered through a cloth. You can lighten honey kvass with egg white (the protein of one egg per 3-5 liters of kvass) or fish glue (1 g per 5 liters of kvass).

It is better to pour kvass into champagne bottles and tie the sealed bottles with wire. This is done 3 to 8 weeks after the start of the honey kvass preparation. Bottles with honey kvass are stored lying on ice or in the freezer of the refrigerator. Withstand honey kvass in the cold for at least

3-4 months, and during this time it clears up without pasting, that is, without the use of egg white or fish glue.

Here are some recipes for making some honey kvass.

White honey kvass

For 4 kg of honey - 100 g of hops, 6 g of violet root, 2-3 grains of cardamom, 25 liters of water. Kvass yield 25 l.

Amateur kvass

3 1/2 cups honey, 5 cups raisins, 2 lemons, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of rye flour, 15 g of yeast, 9 liters of water.

Place the raisins and thinly sliced ​​lemons in the honey. Pour 8 liters of cold boiled water in which rye flour and yeast were previously mixed. After a day, add another liter of boiled water. When the lemons and raisins float, strain the liquid through a fine sieve. After that, pour the kvass into champagne bottles, having previously put in each bottle 2-

3 highlights. Store horizontally in a cool place. In a few days, the kvass is ready.

Red honey kvass

For 4 kg of honey -100 g of hops, 6 g of violet root, 2-3 grains of cardamom, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burnt sugar, 25 liters of water. Kvass yield 25 l.

Simple honey kvass

For 4 kg of honey -200 g of hops, 200 g of yeast, 15 liters of water. Kvass yield 15 liters.

People's kvass

For the preparation of 8 liters of kvass: 3 kg

rye malt flour; 4 kg of plain rye flour, 100 g of honey, 200 g of sourdough flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid yeast.

Add rye flour to the malt and knead in chilled water. Stir the mass well so that there are no lumps, transfer to an enamel dish and put for a day

into a well-heated oven or oven. Then heat the oven again and put the dough in it on the second day. After two days, put the one stripped off dough into a sauerkraut (wooden or enameled) and slowly and gradually pouring in 12 liters of warm water, dilute it with continuous stirring. Cover the diluted wort and put in a warm place for 15-20 hours. Prepare a sourdough from flour, yeast and a glass of water. Carefully pour the settled wort into a well-steamed and washed keg or enamelled fermentation vessel, where at the same time pour the suitable yeast starter and honey (or molasses). Mix thoroughly, leave the wort to ferment in a warm room for 12-16 hours. When the wort is fermented, the kvass should settle. Pour the clarified kvass into bottles, which are stored in a supine position on a glacier or in a cellar.

Bread kvass with honey and horseradish

For the preparation of 1 liter of kvass - 25 g

honey, 5 g horseradish.

Cut the horseradish root into small shavings. Heat honey and mix with the remaining portion-

her kvass. Put horseradish shavings in kvass filled with honey and refrigerate for a day. After a day, strain the drink, it is ready for use.

Latvian honey kvass

For 5 liters of water - 800 g of honey, 25 g of yeast, 2 lemons.

Put honey in boiling water and stir well. When the liquid has cooled to 20 ° C, add yeast, lemon juice or citric acid and leave to stand for 10-12 hours. Cool and bottle, cork.

For 1 serving: 25 g of honey, black pepper, bay leaf, ginger, cinnamon, cloves - to taste.

In Central Asia, honey is called so. A delicious honey drink is prepared from it. Put ginger, cinnamon and cloves, black peppercorns, bay leaf in boiling water and bring to a boil. Then remove from the stove, close the lid tightly and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then add honey, mix everything thoroughly and strain. Serve hot.