Pork cabbage soup and sauerkraut. Sauerkraut soup with pork

Today I propose to try to cook traditional cabbage soup with pork and sauerkraut according to an uncomplicated and uncomplicated recipe.

All over the world cabbage soup is the personification of Russian cuisine and a part of our national culture. Since the 9th century, the “shchany spirit” has been heard from every peasant hut. But this hot dish has always been loved by all segments of the population. While the poor often dined on empty cabbage soup without short food, the rich could afford various options and with boiled beef, and with fat lamb brisket. Until the 19th century, cabbage soup was thickened with flour dressing, but with the beginning of the use of potatoes, they began to refuse it.

The integral components of any cabbage soup were vegetables (cabbage or herbs: sorrel, nettle) and acid (brine sauerkraut, sour cream). All other ingredients varied by region, budget, and personal preference. But the principle of cooking has always remained unchanged: in a Russian oven in an earthen or cast-iron pot, cabbage soup languished for a long time in the residual soft heat and acquired an extraordinary aroma and taste.

Total cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes
Active cooking time - 10 minutes
Cost - $ 4
Calorie content per 100 g - 50 kcal
Servings Per Container - 6 Servings

How to cook cabbage soup with pork

Pork - 500 gr.(fatty, on the bone)
Potatoes - 3 pcs.
Sauerkraut- 400 gr.
Bulb onions - 1 pc.
Bay leaf - 1 pc.
Salt to taste
Carrots - 1 pc.


We wash the pork (I used ribs) well and chop in portions. Fill with two liters of cold water, bring to a boil and remove the foam, reduce the heat.

Peel the onions and carrots and chop them coarsely. Fry in a dry frying pan without oil for 3 minutes. Add together with the bay leaf to the broth. Cooking under the lid for 1 hour. Remove the pork, filter the broth, peel the potatoes, chop coarsely and put them in the soup. Cooking for 10 minutes.

Sauerkraut (which I have not big amount grated carrots) rinse hot water... Add to the soup and cook for another 20 minutes, salt to taste. Turn off the heat and let it brew for another quarter of an hour. Serve cabbage soup with pork with fresh herbs, sour cream and garlic.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Sour cabbage soup is the most famous dish... They are cooked very thick, "so that the spoon stands," and in order to make the cabbage soup nourishing, they are cooked with fatty pork or cereal (millet), mashed potatoes, mushrooms are added. The longer the sour cabbage soup stands, the tastier it becomes, so they cook it in large saucepan, calculated for several days. And they do not eat on the day of preparation, but the next day, or at least a few hours later. Once upon a time, cabbage soup was even frozen so that at any time you could beat off a piece, heat the cabbage soup in the oven and quickly serve tasty, hearty and aromatic food to the table. By the way, unlike all other first courses, cabbage soup only gains its taste from heating, and the more often you reheat them, the tastier they become. Here is unusual dish Russian cuisine. You can cook it, it turns out not a little worse.

Sauerkraut soup with pork - a recipe with a photo.

Ingredients for a 3 liter saucepan:

- pork with bone or ribs - 500 gr;
- water - 1.5 liters;
- sauerkraut - 500-600 gr;
- potatoes - 5-6 tubers;
- onion - 1 large onion;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l;
- Bay leaf- 1 leaf (optional);
- any greens - for serving (optional).

Recipe with photo step by step:

If you cook sour cabbage soup from sauerkraut on ribs, they need to be cut into 2-3 pieces, if a piece of meat is on the bone, leave it intact. Fill in the meat with 1.5 liters. cold water. We put on high heat, bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat and remove the foam. Salt to taste.

It is more convenient to cook meat in a pressure cooker. After removing the foam, put 2-3 potatoes, cut into large pieces... Close the pressure cooker hermetically, cook the meat and potatoes for 40 minutes. If you cook in ordinary saucepan, then the pork needs to be cooked for 1-1.5 hours, depending on the quality of the meat. It should be soft and easy to pull away from the bone. In this case, add potatoes half an hour before the meat is ready.

While the meat is boiling, prepare the vegetables and cabbage. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. l. vegetable oil, put sauerkraut squeezed from the brine (do not pour it out). Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30-35 minutes until the cabbage is soft.

In half an hour or a little more cabbage it will darken, become soft, excess juice will go away. We set it aside for now.

When the meat is almost ready, we start cutting vegetables. Cut the peeled potatoes (2-3 tubers) into strips or large cubes.

Chop the carrots into strips or cut into slices. Cut into small cubes onion.

We take out the finished meat from the broth, separate it from the bone. We take out the potatoes with a slotted spoon and immediately knead with a fork almost in mashed potatoes.

Strain the meat broth so that it does not get into the cabbage soup small pieces bones. Pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Place the sliced ​​potatoes.

Add immediately boiled potatoes mashed in mashed potatoes. Stir. Cook for 15 minutes to full readiness potatoes. If the potatoes are not boiled and put sauerkraut in the cabbage soup, the acid will prevent the potatoes from boiling and will remain tough.

While the potatoes are cooking, lightly save the carrots and onions in oil (without frying). Transfer to a saucepan with almost finished potatoes. Cook for 10 minutes until the vegetables are soft.

Add to the cabbage soup. We give the cabbage soup to a boil, cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. We try it for salt. If necessary, add some salt, and if there is not enough acid, then pour in a little brine from sauerkraut. If desired, at the very end of cooking, you can add ground black pepper and bay leaf to the cabbage soup.

We leave the finished cabbage soup on a warm stove, do not open the lid, let them infuse. Before serving, heat, bring the cabbage soup almost to a boil, pour into plates. Put meat in each plate, sprinkle with herbs and put a spoonful of sour cream. Serve sour cabbage soup hot, with rye or gray bread... Bon Appetit!

By Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

Sour cabbage soup is very popular Russian dish, which appeared a long time ago and over time transformed from a simple stew to a hearty rich national dish... In foreign cookbooks, cabbage soup is called cabbage soup. However, different from regular soup cabbage soup is not eaten freshly prepared, but a day after that, when they are well infused. The more often you warm up the cheeks, the richer they become tasty. The dish is boiled thick so that the "spoon stands", and in some regions of Russia the soup was frozen so that a piece could be quickly chopped off, reheated in the oven and served. Shchi from sauerkraut with pork was considered especially tasty rich, step by step recipe which we will consider in this publication.


  • 1 kg of pork pulp (possible with a bone);
  • 1 large onion;
  • 700 g sauerkraut;
  • 700 g potato tubers;
  • 3 liters of clean water;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2-3 pinches of salt and pepper.
  • Cooking process

    In order to cook sauerkraut soup with pork, you must first cook rich broth... To do this, we wash the meat, place it in a thick-walled saucepan with cold clean water, heat the contents to the boiling point. Remove the resulting foam with a spoon with holes, then cook the broth over low heat for an hour and a half.

    We choose a large potato, peel it, lay it intact 45 minutes after removing the foam. Cook the root vegetable until cooked. After that we transfer it to a plate, add a couple of spoons of broth, knead with a fork until puree without lumps. We return the resulting mass to the pan, continue to cook the broth until the meat is cooked. This culinary technique allows you to make the soup thicker and denser.

    Vegetable dressing

    The recipe for cabbage soup with pork provides for the use vegetable dressing... To do this, wash the carrots and onions, peel the vegetables. Three carrots on a grater, and cut the onion into thin quarters of rings. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, spread the onions to fry. Then we add the carrots and simmer the vegetables until soft.

    Preparing sauerkraut

    Now let's prepare the main ingredient. This preparation may be different and here it is necessary to act according to the situation. If the workpiece is too acidic, we quickly rinse it from excess brine, additionally chop it with a knife into shorter parts. If the workpiece is not very sour, then you can add a little more brine with it for taste. Sauerkraut is cooked for a long time, so it is often added to the pan for ready-to-fry and additionally stewed for half an hour or an hour, periodically adding some water. If you don't feel like cooking too much, you can add it directly to the pot.

    We connect and eat!

    We take out the finished meat from the broth, put the peeled, chopped in large pieces potatoes. We put pickled vegetables with frying after 10 minutes, stir, bring to a boil. To get delicious cabbage soup with pork, the step-by-step recipe for which we are considering, you need to cook them with a slow boil for about an hour and a half.

    Half an hour before readiness, add lavrushka, spices. Set aside the sour cabbage soup from the stove, remove the bay leaves, leave to infuse for at least half an hour.

    On a note

  • After adding fresh herbs, be sure to bring the dish to a boil and turn off the heat. If this is not done, the soup will quickly turn sour. And if you digest the greens, then it turns into gruel and loses its nutritional value.
  • To cook cabbage soup from sauerkraut with pork, it is good to take meat with bone.
  • Frying will turn out to be juicier and more aromatic if the vegetables are lightly salted.
  • The colder it is outside, the more you want to sip hot fragrant soup... Let's cook today the traditional Siberian “cabbage soup” from sauerkraut with pork!

    Pork bones with meat - 1kg

    Sauerkraut - 400g

    Bulb onion - 150g

    Garlic - 2 cloves

    Bay leaf - 2pcs

    Salt, pepper to taste

    First of all, we rinse thoroughly pork bones and, placing them in a deep saucepan,

    pour two liters of cold water.

    We put on the stove and bring to a boil. Before boiling, a large head of foam rises above the broth,

    it must be filmed carefully!

    If you want more useful and diet broth, then just drain the first broth, rinse the meat in a saucepan with boiling water and, re-pouring boiling water, continue to cook over low heat as usual. If not, just skim off the foam periodically to keep the broth clean and tasty. boil the bones over low heat for a long time, until the meat easily lags behind the bones. I cooked for 2.5 hours. While the bones with meat are languishing in a saucepan, we will not waste time, but we will prepare all the necessary vegetables.

    We clean and cut into strips potatoes, carrots, onions (unfortunately I got distracted and cut the potatoes into cubes)

    As soon as the meat is cooked, we spread it to cool on a plate, and filter the broth (otherwise, it can then get very small bones!) I got 1.5 liters of pure broth.

    Separate the slightly cooled meat from the bones and cut into pieces (make sure that small bones are not caught in the meat!) I got 210g of pure meat.

    Pour the pure broth into a saucepan and, bringing to a boil, throw in the cabbage. Cook until half cooked cabbage, then add potatoes and onions with carrots. (If you like frying, then first save the onions and carrots in vegetable oil and add to the soup at the very end of cooking) My goal was to cook a delicious, but not very high-calorie soup, so I did without frying.

    When all the vegetables are ready, add finely chopped greens and crushed or finely chopped garlic.

    Mix and remove from the stove.

    Well, that's probably all, our homemade cabbage soup is ready! Pour hot aromatic cabbage soup into a plate, put sour cream on top and sprinkle with fresh herbs.


    Cabbage soup with pork. Recipe with step by step photos

    Sauerkraut soup with pork - recipe

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    Sauerkraut soup with pork

    Sauerkraut is generally considered to be the original national Russian product... However, much earlier than the Russians, the inhabitants of China and Korea began to ferment cabbage. Little known, but historically reliable fact- mentions of the cabbage leavening process are contained in the chronicles, as we would say now, publications from the time of the construction of the Great Wall of China, it was sauerkraut that was fed to the builders.

    Sauerkraut is not only very popular and loved, but also very useful product food! Therefore, nutritionists and doctors strongly recommend eating it. And, of course, the most delicious and very aromatic cabbage soup will be the most favorite way to use it!

    To make sauerkraut and pork cabbage soup, you will need:

    sauerkraut - 500 g

    tomato paste - 1 tbsp l.

    parsley root - 1 pc.

    onions - 2 pcs.

    parsley to taste

    potatoes - 4 pcs.

    bay leaf - 1 pc.

    Method of preparing cabbage soup from sauerkraut and pork:

    1. So, we start by washing the pork meat thoroughly, and then chopping it into portions(6 pieces, about 50 g each). Next, we send them into a saucepan, fill in cold water and send it to the fire. As soon as the water boils, salt it, reduce the heat to a minimum and periodically remove the foam from the broth. Peel the parsley root and one onion, rinse them, and then put them in the broth to the meat (whole) to give it a pleasant vegetable flavor.

    2. At this time, squeeze out the sauerkraut, rinse it and put it in a colander or sieve to glass the water, then chop it with a knife. We shift the cabbage into a separate saucepan, fill it with water and boil it for 15-20 minutes.

    3. We will prepare the sautéing for now. To do this, peel and thoroughly rinse the onions and carrots. Then finely chop the onion (while leaving 1 onion for the broth), and rub the carrots on a coarse or medium grater. Preheat in a skillet enough vegetable oil and sauté the prepared vegetables on it (for a few minutes, until they are soft and golden yellowish). At the same time, do not forget to stir periodically so that they do not burn. At the end of frying, add a little tomato paste, stir it with vegetables and let everything fry for a couple of minutes. Now add a little broth and simmer for another 5-6 minutes.

    4. Wash the potatoes properly, peel them, then cut them into strips. We take out from ready-made broth parsley root and onion and put softened cabbage in a saucepan, let it boil for another 10 minutes, and then add the chopped potatoes. It will be ready in 10 minutes (when boiling potatoes, be sure to remove the foam).

    5. As soon as the potatoes are ready, put the cooked sauerkraut in a saucepan, mix everything thoroughly and add salt and black ground pepper to taste (be sure to try cabbage soup for salt). We continue to cook the cabbage soup for another 5-7 minutes, after which we add the bay leaf, cover the saucepan with a lid and remove it from the heat. Let the soup brew for another 10-20 minutes.

    During this time, we will have time to thoroughly rinse and dry the parsley, which then needs to be finely chopped. So, pour the ready-made cabbage soup from sauerkraut and pork in portions into plates, and sprinkle the dish with a large amount of chopped greens on top and season with chilled sour cream.

    Bon Appetit everyone!


    Recipe: Cabbage soup with sauerkraut - With pork ribs

    pork on the bone - 300 grams;

    vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;

    spices for soup - to taste;

    onion - 1 pc. ;

    sauerkraut - 200 grams;

    potatoes - 2 pcs. ;

    sour cream - for serving;

    frozen greens - to taste

    First you need to boil the pork. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and put the ribs, previously washed in running water.

    When the water has been changed, put the pork pan on the fire and continue cooking. The main thing is to change the water in time. If you miss this moment and change it when the meat is almost cooked, then the broth will turn out to be empty. As a result, the cabbage soup will not be so tasty.

    Remove from the finished broth rack of pork ribs and add potatoes.

    While the potatoes are boiling, you can prepare the frying. Carrots should be peeled, washed, and then chopped into a coarse grater.

    Onions must be peeled, washed and chopped.

    You need to put a frying pan on the fire, heat it and pour in vegetable oil. After that, you can put chopped onions and carrots.

    Vegetables should be sautéed until golden brown.

    The meat must be separated from the bones and cut into small pieces.

    Pork and vegetables can be added to the broth and cooked for another 10 minutes.

    At the end of cooking, add sauerkraut to the cabbage soup. this product worth wringing out. If the cabbage is too sour, then you can rinse it in cold water... This will remove the acid. Sauerkraut should be added only after the potatoes are boiled. Otherwise, the vegetables will remain hard due to the acid.

    You need to cook the soup for another 15 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, put greens in the sauerkraut cabbage soup. Alas, I had only frozen, but you can also fresh.