Is a sandwich good? What foods to make sandwiches for children

23.04.2019 Fish dishes

New Product on the menu small child, who is little familiar with the food of adults, is always anxiety. Is the new food good for you? early age or so-so? Will the child eat your cooking masterpiece or twist your nose? And this is especially true for sandwiches for children. But still, all moms and dads try this “time bomb”.

classic sandwich(the concept comes from the German word butterbrot , that is, bread and butter) is the simplest snack dish. There are many cooking options. Even in cookbook you can not look: there are cold and hot sandwiches, sweet and spicy, based on slices of rolls and bread.

When to teach a child to sandwiches?

Do you remember how the cartoon character cat Matroskin said? It is true that the most correct sandwich consists of bread and sausage, and the sausage should be put on the tongue. Why? Because it tastes better that way!

Yes, a sandwich is fast, tasty and satisfying. In most cases. But, if we consider the benefits of the dish on the example of the widely popular hamburgers that have come to our Slavic cuisine from the west not always a sandwich is useful. Especially for a child.

Teaching a child to sandwiches is easy. When? As soon as he learns to bite and chew. Note: just chew! That is, grind food with teeth, and not just swallow. And such abilities appear in babies at the age of 1.5-2 years.

If mom dared to take this step, then it would also be useful to “scout out” a few tricks, from what to cook such a “delicacy” and how to serve it to the table. A little imagination, skillful hands and the right products they truly work wonders. Sandwiches for kids can be yours signature dish, and your kids will devour them with great appetite.

What products to make sandwiches for children?

Bread with butter served on a plate. Well, what in this "duet" can attract a small child? Is that an unusual shape of a sandwich, say, a heart, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree. But not a fact.

And if you add to the ingredients of sandwiches colorful vegetables and greens to make food easier to digest? Better yet, "draw" it, that is, present a sandwich in the form of a still life. How? Pretty simple. You will first need to artistically cut and place all the components so that you get an intricate animal or picture. The sandwich will seem to come alive, and it will no longer be just a dish that mom said to eat for breakfast, but a dish that you want to eat and ask for more!

For children under 3 years old, sandwiches are not the most best food . Nutritionists believe that the later the baby tastes such a dish, the better. Especially if you use foods such as sausage or sausages for cooking. Firstly, question. Is there meat in the sausage? The answer is ambiguous. Secondly, flavor enhancers, spices and others are added to all types of sausages harmful additives which will definitely not benefit the baby. Thirdly, methods of preparation and storage of this product are often far from GOSTs. Who can now vouch for this?

And what is the substitute for sausage? Ordinary boiled or oven-cooked meat - chicken, beef, turkey, and also vegetables are suitable. Great optioncheese mass or cottage cheese.

Now, as for the butter. An ordinary sandwich is not complete without it, but it is better to soak a healthy sandwich with vegetable or olive oil . Especially harmful (especially for children under three years old!) The addition of ketchup, mayonnaise, salty, spicy, smoked, pickled foods and canned food.

And for the warm fresh bread. Its usefulness is doubtful. And some varieties in general can provoke both indigestion and constipation in a child. Especially useful in sandwiches wheat bread with bran, rye with cereals, pita bread or bread. But if the sandwiches are included in daily diet, then it is better to cook them from yesterday's bread. Or make toast, as the freshly baked product is highly acidic. Hot sandwiches are also not the best option.

Generally, sandwiches for children and sandwiches for adults are very different. Do you know why? Because an adult uses them as a snack. BUT children's body a sandwich can serve as a real meal. After all, a portion for a child is needed less than for an adult, and kids are asked to eat more often. Especially, it happens that such an appetite will clear up during outdoor recreation or during a children's holiday!

If a child loves sandwiches so much that you can’t even imagine without them festive table then make a surprise. For example, prepare sandwiches for children in the form of recognizable animals, cartoon characters, or something else unusual. Turn on your imagination, invent, feel free to experiment! Many pictures and photos can now be found on sites with culinary recipes.

The same advice applies if you only accept sandwiches from useful products, and your child categorically refuses to eat this, for example, does not like vegetables, greens, eggs in food. A cheerful muzzle of an animal or a favorite cartoon on a children's plate will always arouse not only interest, but also the appetite of the baby. As you know, the most capricious "nehochuha" will appreciate in the dish not only the taste, but also its appearance.

We wish you fun creations for children and bon appetit!


What food is considered the most unhealthy? Of course, sandwiches and sandwiches - a combination of bread with butter or fatty cheese, with meat or bacon - what could be even more high-calorie and heavy on the stomach? But such a combination can be found in any cuisine of the world: in Britain we see a sandwich, in the USA - its fellow burger, in Mexico - a burrito, in the East - shawarma, in Italy - pizza, but in our latitudes - a sandwich! And even those who sit on proper nutrition, carefully monitors the diet, plays sports, can afford such food. Can sandwiches be complete and balanced? What should they be? We understand in more detail.

Where did the sandwich come from?

The appearance of a sandwich (under that name) is attributed to the British - Earl John Sandwich the Fourth, who spent hours and even whole days at the card table and ignored full meals. But he wants to eat something, and therefore he taught his servants to bring him instead of a plate with dishes a piece of cooked meat sandwiched between slices of bread - so, in fact, he still did not get his hands dirty with fat, which made it possible not to tear himself away from the card game for even a moment. give me a sec.

Why are sandwiches considered unhealthy?

The reputation of all these dishes is rather "tarnished" or, more correctly, just the opposite. It is believed that eating a dry piece of bread with filling is unhealthy. From childhood, we were taught that it is much healthier to eat full meal with a side dish, and even better - a bowl of soup, warm and rich. In the UK, on ​​the contrary, it is believed that no liquid should be consumed during meals, which is why they so rarely eat soups. Both the first and second statements are wrong. Food moves normally through the digestive tract only when it is moistened, but saliva does an excellent job of this under normal conditions.

Another stereotype is the abundance of bread, which is considered very harmful and high in calories. According to many, it contains empty calories, that is, it will not bring any benefit, but only extra pounds. Actually, this is not the case: bread (made from whole grain wheat flour) contains an abundance of fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and phosphorus. Giving up bread will not give you a guarantee of weight loss, only a calorie deficit in the overall diet can do this. And bread is an indispensable source of carbohydrates, which are also very necessary.

And they also say that there is incredible food in bread. harmful yeast and gluten, which can cause allergies. Yeast, in fact, is able to positively influence digestive system(if consumed in moderation). If you're so afraid of yeast, here's another one for you. scientific fact: at high temperatures they (and these are living microorganisms) die, and are unable to multiply further. Still not convinced? Then buy unleavened bread Well, now there is a large selection of it. And the harm of gluten is completely overgrown with myths: only 7% of the world's population is allergic to it, and 1% have intolerance

What is the benefit?

Choosing quality bread from rye or whole grain flour, you will provide your body with a sufficient portion of carbohydrates and fiber. It is quickly absorbed, saturating the body with energy. There are not so many calories in an average slice - up to 100 kcal, that's for sure. Therefore, one meal or snack may well consist of sandwiches - it is desirable that such meals be in the morning. It is convenient to take a sandwich with you to work or have a bite to eat while you run about business - in a word, in the modern dynamic rhythm of life, this perfect solution. By the way, instead of bread, it’s quite possible to take pita, ciabata, pita bread, panini, bagels, and even cereal bread, if you don’t trust bread at all.

What to put on a sandwich?

The word "butterbrot" itself means "bread and butter" in German. Really, butter It is quite possible to spread a thin layer on bread or toast. Butter is considered a “rehabilitated” product from harmful to beneficial, which has an abundance useful substances for our body. Mild butter can be used as a substitute for butter. cream cheese, peanut butter, avocado pulp. But it’s better not to put purchased sausage on bread - it’s much healthier to bake the meat in the oven, cool it and use it, cut into slices, just for sandwiches. In general, protein on a sandwich is essential, and here you can use not only meat, but also fish (especially sea red), as well as eggs (for example, make an omelette specifically for sandwiches). Be sure to complement the sandwich with some vegetable product- a leaf of lettuce, a slice of tomato or cucumber, sweet pepper, a slice of onion.

The sandwich was born during the siege of Allenstein Castle in 1553. The young Nicolaus Copernicus, who served as commandant there, noticed that the soldiers often dropped their rations on the ground, and suggested smearing bread with butter so that the dirt could be easily seen and cleaned off. After the innovation, the health status of the fortress defenders improved dramatically. We are accustomed to the opinion that a sandwich is part of a "camping kitchen" and has nothing to do with health benefits. We believe that peptic ulcer disease is an indispensable attribute of the diagnosis of sandwich lovers.

You can put an equal sign between "tasty" and "healthy" provided that you correctly select all the components of the sandwich. Want to test how well you know how to put together the perfect sandwich?

Here is a list of sandwich components, conditionally divided into groups:

  1. group - lavash, White bread, whole grain bun;
  2. Group - pork carbonate, boiled sausage, chicken breast;
  3. group - mayonnaise, ketchup, butter, mustard.

A good choice- lavash. Its main advantage is the absence of yeast. Your gut will say "thank you". But since pita bread is most often baked from wheat flour, there is a risk of getting a food intolerance associated with a protein - gluten.

Great choice- Whole grain bread. As the name implies, it is made from unpolished grain, which retains a maximum of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Experts have noticed that as soon as a person switches to such bread, his need for the services of a trichologist is sharply reduced. Naturally, the effect of whole grain bread is not limited to the benefits for hair.

Bad choice- White bread. It's not just about gluten. Refined flour is a source of "fast" carbohydrates, the sole purpose of which is to make us fatter by several kilograms. Excellent Choice- chicken breast. A maximum of high-quality protein with a minimum of fat turns a sandwich with it into a "building material" for the body.

Unwanted Choice- carbonate. Yes, it has a lot of easily digestible protein, but it comes with the same easily digestible fat, which raises blood cholesterol levels. Carbonate has the right to decorate a sandwich with itself, if you combine it with some kind of "neutralizer" of cholesterol - for example, eggplant caviar.

Not the most the best choice - boiled sausage, if you are not sure that the manufacturer does not change the proportions in minced meat in favor of tendons, offal, soy powder, etc.

Terrible choice- mayonnaise, especially if it is not a homemade or vegetarian version. Manufacturers do not limit themselves to the motto "The fatter, the tastier" - they also add flavors, stabilizers and preservatives to the product as taste improvers, which by no means make mayonnaise a dietary dressing.

Bad choice- butter. extra calories and nothing else! And the arguments in favor of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D) are too weak an excuse for a cholesterol bomb embedded in oil.

A good choice- ketchup, unless it is the winner in the "Spiciest" category. AT tomato paste more lycopene is concentrated than in fresh tomatoes, and this substance is still the only hope of mankind to resist cancer.

Recommended Choice- mustard. For those who do not suffer from inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. In any case, it is better to give preference soft varieties seasonings, especially since this practically does not affect the main advantage of mustard - the ability to speed up metabolism and prevent one hundred percent absorption of fats.

Oil up!

The law of the sandwich that always falls butter-side down has finally been disproven! It turns out that if butter is smeared on bread with pressure, while changing its shape to a concave one, this will not allow the sandwich to turn over during the fall.

Sandwich by:

MOU SOSH with. Lepekhinka


by technology


Harm or benefit?

Supervisor: Gusmanova G.Z.

Research topic:


Golushko Svetlana

Problem question:

Is a sandwich good or bad?

Purpose of the study:

Does eating a sandwich adversely affect health?

Research hypothesis:

The number of obese adults in advanced economies is on the rise. Perhaps this is related to excessive use sandwiches as beautiful and nutritious food.


    Analyze what is attractive and useful sandwich.

    Conduct a survey among students MOU secondary school with. Lepehinka "Do you like sandwiches?"

    Find information about the dangers of eating sandwiches.

    Find out which sandwiches and under what conditions will only be useful.

Sandwich (from Butterbrot - with ) - a snack, which is a slice of bread, on which additional food products are placed.

Exists great amount types of sandwiches - from classic with sausage or cheese to multi-layered different varieties meat, vegetables, herbs and sauces or pâtés. From a sandwich is different in that it contains only one piece of bread (while in a sandwich the filling is sandwiched between two pieces of bread). Sandwiches are widely used as they are quick to prepare and easy to carry.

The most common type of sandwich is a slice of bread with any of the snack foods (cheese, ham, sausage, caviar, meat, fish, canned food). You can decorate them with leafy and spicy vegetables, pieces of egg and lemon, olives, sauce, mayonnaise with gherkins, etc. Sandwiches are served on dishes, in vases with flat edges or on plates covered with napkins. Sandwiches are not subject long-term storage so they are cooked just before serving.

Tasty and varied to feed the guests on a holiday can, probably, each experienced hostess. They prepare for the celebrations in advance, make up the menu, buy products. What if the guests came unexpectedly? How to treat them, spending a minimum of time on cooking? Of course, the easiest and fastest way to cook sandwiches. And besides, it is a very tasty and nutritious treat.

We conducted a survey among students of the MOU secondary school with. Lepekhinka"Do you like sandwiches" which showed that 90% of our schoolchildren have sandwiches for breakfast every morning, 10% eat sandwiches at least 2 times a week.

That iswe proved the advantages of sandwiches : they cook quickly, they are tasty, nutritious, beautifully presented and not expensive.

Every time before going to bed we decide: from tomorrow only healthy food... And in the morning... What could be easier than having a glass of tea or milk with sandwiches for breakfast? Many of us cannot get rid of the Soviet habit of eating sandwiches in the morning.

In the course of the study, nutritionists tested buffet products - all these cheesecakes, fruit pies, rolls and ... sandwiches that you can warm up in the microwave if you wish. The results were unexpected. And if a piece chocolate pie predictably “pulled” 600 kcal, then a sandwich with cheese and meat turned out to be stuffed with more calories than sweet fruit pie, in which they found about 400 kcal. There were 500 calories in a sandwich. You will be surprised, the researchers said, when you learn that some of these buffet sandwiches contain much more fat, salt and calories than the most big hamburger.

A sandwich is harmful NOT ONLY in terms of high-calorie content.
Firstly , this is a dry food, and the stomach will be long and painful to digest such food.
Secondly , the components of the sandwich are solid carbohydrates, preservatives, cholesterol.

Atregular consumption of sandwiches, which contributedeposition of fat in the body. Man startsgain weight and eventually becomes obese.

The number of obese adults in advanced economies is on the rise. For example, in the UK it has tripled since 1980. In 2012, about seven out of 10 men and six out of 10 women in the UK had overweight or obesity.

I hope this information will help us painlessly part with this "product" or at least make our sandwiches less harmful.

But no matter how much, say no harm, few people deny themselves such pleasure.
Since you're eating sandwiches,try to inflict on your own body as little harm as possible . Forstart remember : a sandwich is better not to mix with anything. They should not seize soup, potatoes and meat.
Sandwich with white bread, what could be more harmful to your stomach? Stop at least on blackand ideally , of course, a loaf or wholemeal bread.
A sandwich with butter is considered one of the most harmful sandwiches, but if it is also with cheese, then this is generally cholesterol in its purest form .
How easier sandwich, all the better. FAST FOOT style: put sausage on the bun, cheese, ketchup on top, pickle and fresh tomato- will beat off the feeling of hunger for the whole day, but in a month with successlead to exacerbation of gastritis and weight gain.
Make no mistake that vegetables on a sandwich will add health or help you digest this nightmare. They are more for aesthetics. A circle of cucumber or a sprig of parsley will not let your body the right amount vitamins and won't make the sandwich healthier. So it is more useful to eat our boiled sausage than overseas cucumber.
In the same row - sandwiches with raw smoked sausage, in excess of containing preservatives, allergens and unnecessary substances.
Boiled sausages, ham contain a lot of carbohydrates and preservatives. Do not despair: sandwiches with these products, of course, are not the best food, but quite acceptable.
The perfect sandwich - with a piece of tongue or boiled meat. The more protein on your sandwich, the better for your body. If it's all still laid downfor bread, then you can pamper yourself with a sandwich several times a week. There will be no harm.

And the last - what to drink. Carbonated waters, beer, juices and instant coffee only complicate the assimilation of a sandwich. The most neutral optiontea . Of course, you need to try to make itsugarless .

About the benefits and harms of sandwiches for the stomach and beauty

Yes, eating sandwiches is bad, but who said that business lunch more useful? It is bad that many people eat sandwiches both in the morning for breakfast and for lunch.

If nothing can be done about it (for example, Scandinavians also eat sandwiches twice a day), you just have to think over the composition of the sandwich and make it so that it is useful.
That is, try to have as little cholesterol, carbohydrates as possible and no preservatives. Best choice for sandwichesrye or bran bread . Use instead of oilcheese and instead of sausageboiled meat .
Some sandwiches:
-From meat and vegetables
For a piece of rye or bran bread put a piece boiled beef 1 cm thick, rings on top onion and sprinkle everything with celery and parsley.
- With shrimps
On a piece of bran bread, put the crushed mass of two shrimp, 1 avocado, one hard-boiled egg, salt and pepper.
- Cheese and vegetable
For a piece rye bread put a thin layer of cheese, slices of cucumber, tomato, sprinkle chopped egg and greenery.


    Do you love sandwiches?

    How often do you eat them?

    What sandwiches do you prefer?

Every time before going to bed we decide: from tomorrow only healthy food... And in the morning... What could be easier than having a glass of tea or milk with sandwiches for breakfast? Many of us cannot get rid of the harmful Soviet habit of eating sandwiches in the morning.

In the course of the study, nutritionists tested buffet products - all these cheesecakes, fruit pies, rolls and ... sandwiches that you can warm up in the microwave if you wish. The results were also unexpected. And if a piece of chocolate pie predictably “pulled” 600 kcal, then a sandwich with cheese and meat turned out to be stuffed with more calories than a sweet fruit pie, in which they found about 400 kcal. There were 500 calories in a sandwich. "You will be surprised," the researchers said, "when you find out that some of these buffet sandwiches contain much more fat, salt and calories than the largest McDonald's hamburger."

I hope this material will help us painlessly part with this "product" or, at least, make our sandwiches less harmful.

For those who do not know: a sandwich is bad

Firstly, it's dry and digesting such food will be a long and painful stomach.

Secondly, the components of the sandwich - solid carbohydrates, preservatives, cholesterol.

But no matter how much you talk about harm, few people deny themselves such pleasure.

Since you are eating sandwiches, try to do as little harm to your own body as possible. To get started, remember: sandwich is better not to mix with anything. They should not seize soup, potatoes and meat.

Sandwich with white bread, what could be more harmful for your stomach? Stop at least on black, and ideally, of course loaf or wholemeal bread.

A sandwich with butter is considered one of the most harmful sandwiches, but if it is also with cheese, then this is generally cholesterol in its purest form.

The simpler the sandwich, the better. Style fast food: put sausage on a bun, cheese, ketchup, pickled cucumber and fresh tomato on top - it will discourage hunger for the whole day, but in a month it will successfully lead to exacerbation of gastritis and weight gain.

Make no mistake that vegetables on a sandwich will add health or help you digest this nightmare. They are more for aesthetics. Cucumber slice or parsley sprig will not give your body the right amount of vitamins and won't make the sandwich more useful.

In the same row - sandwiches with raw smoked sausage, containing preservatives, allergens and tannins in excess.

Boiled sausages, ham contain a lot of carbohydrates and preservatives. The ideal sandwich is with a piece of tongue or boiled meat. The more protein on your sandwich, the better for your body. If all this is still laid on a piece of bread, then you can pamper yourself with a sandwich several times a week. There will be no harm.

And the last - what to drink. Carbonated waters, beer, juices and instant coffee will only complicate the absorption of a sandwich. The most neutral option tea. Of course, you need to try to make it sugarless.