Cafe Chocolate. Menu, calorie content of dishes

04.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

That magic word is chocolate! At one glance at a shop window with tiles, most of us do not think about the calorie content of chocolate, thoughts about the diet step aside, the subconscious mind dictates: you need to buy! Passion for this dessert has not passed any country in the world. Since the time when in South America in the 2nd millennium BC they tasted a drink from the fruits of the cocoa tree, chocolate has been walking the planet. How can you calculate the calorie content of chocolate with such a taste!

Today, more than 4 million tons of this product are produced in the world. One Russian, according to researchers, eats an average of 4 kilograms of chocolate products per year, and a Swiss - 19. So we have something to strive for. The question arises: how does the consumption of chocolate products fit into the standards of a healthy diet? The main indicators of products are contained in their characteristics: the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, that is, in nutritional value.

How many calories are in chocolate?

The Mayans used a chocolate drink made from overcooked cocoa beans. Then the calorie content of chocolate was less than 100 calories. Then they began to add honey, grated corn grains to it and the nutritional value increased. When, in 1828, the Dutchman Conrad van Guten came up with the idea of ​​​​squeezing cocoa butter out of cocoa, and solid chocolate was invented in the UK, its calorie content reached almost the current level - about 400 calories. The addition during the production of sugar made the product almost 100 more calories more nutritious. In 1875, milk chocolate appeared in Switzerland, the calorie content of which was already more than 550 calories.. But for the sake of the taste of condensed milk, no special attention was paid to increasing the total calorie content of chocolate. In those days, they didn’t think about overeating at all. The product was very expensive and rarely used.

When analyzing the calorie content of chocolate, like any other product, to assess its health benefits or harms, it is necessary to study the composition of the product.

What is chocolate made of?

For example, in the dark variety of a Russian manufacturer, the calorie content of dark chocolate is 545 calories per 100 grams. Of them:

  • fat - 31g (hydrogenated - 19, polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1.1g, monounsaturated - 10g, trans - fats -0.1g)
  • carbohydrates - 61g (sugar 48g, dietary fiber 7g)
  • proteins - 4.9 g

In a tile of this weight - 8 mg of cholesterol, 24 mg of sodium, 559 mg of potassium, 43 mg of caffeine, 56 mg of calcium, 146 mg of magnesium, as well as a small amount of retinol, iron and vitamin B. That is, in percentage terms, it is a fatty product, containing up to 40 percent lipids. For a properly eating person, it is important what kind of fats are inside.

Cocoa butter or...

The media in what we eat programs have been scaring consumers with terrible palm oil for years. Manufacturers add a cheap product to sausage, dairy, and confectionery products. This fate did not pass and chocolate. If earlier on the label it was possible to read: “cocoa bean butter, cocoa mass, sugar”, now it is difficult to find a tile that does not contain vegetable fats. Under this streamlined concept, in addition to nut oils, coconut or palm oil is usually hidden. Real chocolate should only contain cocoa butter. Such a piece immediately melts in your mouth, as cocoa butter melts at a temperature of 32-36 degrees. In terms of the calorie content of chocolate, it doesn't matter what fat it contains, but in terms of benefits, the difference is huge. Natural cocoa butter is a valuable product that belongs to healthy fats that help increase vascular elasticity and lower cholesterol levels. Palm, coconut do not have such properties. Their effect on blood vessels is not fully understood. It is even rarer to find real cocoa butter in chocolate confectionery. Therefore, the calorie content of chocolates varies greatly and can differ from the calorie content of dark chocolate without sugar by 3 or more times. Similarly, the calorie content of chocolates depends on the type of fat used.

Carbohydrates as an important component of the calorie content of chocolate

The second component in terms of the number of calories in the product is sugar (or fast carbohydrates). The amount of sugar in different types of chocolate varies.

Bitter chocolate has the lowest calorie content, because. contains over 50 percent cocoa liquor and less powdered sugar.

Dessert chocolate is sweeter, containing up to 50 percent cocoa liquor.

Milk chocolate, in which, among other things, cream, milk or milk fat is added, contains up to 30 percent cocoa liquor, and more sugar than others, so the calorie content of milk chocolate is higher.

Chocolate is produced not only in bars of different sizes, but also in powder, paste, glaze with the addition of various components, which ultimately make up the calorie content of chocolates and other goodies from chocolate.

In the modern production of a favorite product, so many different natural and artificial additives, fillings, flavors are used that a concrete answer to the question of how many calories are in chocolate can only be given by carefully studying the label.

For example, milk chocolate can have a calorie content of 500 calories per 100 grams., caloric content of dark chocolate - from 450. Manufacturers are sometimes cunning, deliberately reducing the calorie content of chocolates on the package. In practice, in dietary nutrition, even those who are losing weight are allowed a small amount of dark chocolate to maintain a good mood. The advantage when choosing this product is that it is almost impossible to eat a kilogram of chocolate at one time.

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Coffee house "Shokoladnitsa" - sweet calories. Chocolate menu calorie content 2018

Chocolate girl: calorie menu dishes in the table

Chocolate is a sweet pleasant name. Immediately there are associations with a beautiful interior, music and all sorts of delicacies, which are rich in the assortment of this restaurant. For example, with a cup of fragrant cappuccino. Or with a delicious cake.

However, for lovers of a healthy lifestyle, such a picture may not seem too tempting. Tempting dishes sometimes affect weight gain and if you regularly exceed the daily calorie intake, the figure can be seriously affected. The situation will have to be corrected by increasing the load and tightening the diet.

Sometimes you really want to feast on ruddy cheesecakes or pancakes, which are so deliciously prepared by specialists in the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain. And the benefits of coffee have long been proven, so few people remain indifferent to its aroma. How to enjoy your favorite foods without fear of gaining extra pounds?

What makes a coffee shop attractive

  • First of all, it is impossible not to note the European service. High-level service, rich interior, pleasant atmosphere - everything serves to attract visitors to the network of famous coffee houses.
  • The design of dishes, a huge selection of desserts, attractive showcases - all these nuances are undoubtedly inherent in Shokoladnitsa.
  • Delicious food, rich assortment, quality of food also characterize this institution from the best side.
  • Opportunity to purchase hot drinks to take away - for example, coffee or cappuccino, which Shokoladnitsa perfectly prepares.
  • Desserts and drinks in the coffee house are made according to special recipes, delicious pancakes and cheesecakes are offered in various types with all kinds of fillings and toppings.

The originality of the coffee house

I must say that the abundance of various drinks is a special touch that is unique to this chain. More than 50 types of cocktails, juices, coffees and teas, cocoa, cappuccino and other gourmet options are presented in the Shokoladnitsa menu. Fruit mixes, milk mixes and, of course, branded chocolate will attract the attention of even the most staunch adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to consider the portion size and choose for yourself the smallest volume that the coffee shop offers. And, of course, you should remember that the high calorie content of the drink can affect your appearance.

If you are watching your figure, choose cocktails that are prepared with skim milk. Pay attention to drinks marked "light".

Low calorie meals

I must say that there are few such dishes on the menu of the Chocolate Girl. With a fairly rich selection of desserts, pastries and the most ordinary home-cooked dishes, the calorie content is quite high. Those who dream of losing weight are unlikely to find an abundance of products suitable for a diet lunch here. However, if you try, it is still possible to find some food for lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

We offer options for light meals with calories from 118 to 309 kcal.

  • classic croissant with ham and cheese;
  • Belgian waffle with cream and sauce;
  • jelly "Wild berry";
  • dessert "Snow Queen";
  • pancake pie with salmon and spinach;
  • cocoa;
  • cappuccino;
  • Napoleon cake";
  • salad "Caprese";
  • meat solyanka.

Since the Shokoladnitsa assortment includes freshly squeezed juices, fruit desserts, fresh vegetable salads, and hot drinks, the calorie content of which does not exceed the norm, it is quite possible to organize a light and hearty lunch for yourself.

Sample diet for one day

Here's what your coffee shop menu might look like:

Total: 597 + 534 + 315 = 1446 kcal.

That is, with this choice, you can meet the daily calorie intake and at the same time eat quite tasty and relatively harmless to the body.

Disadvantages of food in coffee shops

  • The menu offers a variety of sweet and flour products, the calorie content of which reaches 1000 kcal.
  • For the preparation of desserts, dyes and seasonings are used, which do not have a very positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The calorie content of the dishes is not indicated in the menu of the Shokoladnitsa.
  • Small portions may require you to order an additional order to satisfy your hunger.
  • Drinks are very sweet, so it is better for your figure to prefer tea, which is brewed here according to a special recipe.
  • The chocolate girl does not spare fat cream for cakes, which often includes butter, cream, condensed milk - high-calorie foods.

What dishes are most harmful to the figure

If we consider the entire menu that this network offers today, then hot drinks are the most high-calorie. A cup of chocolate with a volume of 240 g contains 1335 kilocalories. Therefore, it is better to prefer cappuccino, which is no less tasty, but at the same time its calorie content is only 208 kcal.

Chocolate fondue with fruits (1172 kcal) is the leader among sweets. Such a dangerous delicacy can be replaced with any fruit dessert that the Chocolate Girl offers to choose from in sufficient quantities.

Cheesecakes, pancakes, pasta - all these goodies are frightening with their calorie content, since it exceeds 600. Some desserts are inferior to these flour products, so we recommend choosing jelly or salads.

To know exactly what dishes and in what quantity you can eat without fear of getting better, you should carefully study the calorie table.

Calorie table of chocolate dishes

Name Volume (g.) Number of kcal.Cold drinksHot drinksdessertspancakes
Ice tea classic 540 125
Ice tea "Raspberry with cream" 550 284
Ice cappuccino "Chocolate Girl" 525 403
Ice cappuccino "Caramel" 525 278
Milk shake 450 748
Coffee and caramel frapetto 565 314
Freshly squeezed orange juice 370 80
Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice 370 53
Freshly squeezed carrot juice 370 41
Freshly squeezed apple juice 370 56
Americano 100 52
Espresso 30 21
Cocoa 240 265
Cocoa with marshmallows 240 290
MegaCacao 400 442
Cocoa Light 240 262
caramel 152 197
Carmen 160 568
La Fantasy 160 602
small hot chocolate 50 278
MegaChocolate 240 1335
Non-alcoholic mulled wine 160 71
Green tea with ginger 205 115
Glace 210 186
Cappuccino 320 215
Cappuccino "Chocolate Girl" 270 300
Cappuccino Strong 320 208
caramel cappuccino 320 224
MegaCappuccino 400 269
Cappuccino Light 320 127
latte 240 131
caramel latte 240 158
Latte "Banana Caramel" 240 188
Latte almond 240 171
Latte Halva 400 362
Latte Light 270 94
mocha 240 227
Mocha Light 270 227
Creamy coffee 400 333
Belgian waffle 230 126
Passion fruit and strawberries 220 134
panna cotta 160 361
Strawberries with cream 155 347
Chocolate fruit fondue 415 1172
Tiramisu 160 522
blueberry cheesecake 135 443
Eclair chocolate 80 363
"Chocolate Girl" 195 635
With meat 210 535
With cheese and ham 170 442
with salmon 190 436
With cottage cheese 260 482
with poppy 210 620
Crimson 222 463
Cheesecakes with sour cream and sauce 210 644
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How to save weight when visiting a coffee shop?

  1. Don't go to Chocolate Shop on an empty stomach. Drink a glass of still water first.
  2. If you are seduced by the smell of coffee and you decide to visit your favorite coffee shop, order an espresso, cappuccino or cocoa and let yourself eat one eclair. But keep in mind that these treats will replace your whole meal, because the calorie content of these products will exceed 500 units.
  3. Choose your dessert carefully: it's best to eat only one. If it includes a flour base, order a lighter drink like juice or lemonade.
  4. Go to a coffee shop with a friend or friend so that you have the opportunity to share a particularly high-calorie treat for two.

Behind the scenes of the Moscow chain of coffee houses: video

Not a single restaurant, including Chocolate Girl, is responsible for the fact that after visiting it your weight may increase. Keeping track of nutrition is the main task of everyone who values ​​\u200b\u200bits health and dreams of beautiful forms.

chocolate bar: calories. chocolate bar Calories

bf bolise hot
1 serving (150g)
bf bolise cold
1 serving (220g)
bf cocoa
1 serving (240g)
bf cocoa
1 serving (400g)
bf cocoa banana
1 serving (200g)
bf cocoa banana
1 serving (360g)
bf Cocoa Viennese
1 serving (200g)
bf Cocoa Viennese
1 serving (360g)
bf cocoa with marshmallow
1 serving (240g)
bf cocoa with marshmallow
1 serving (400g)
bf caramel hot
1 serving (152g)
bf caramel cold
1 serving (252g)
bf carmen hot
1 serving (160g)
bf carmen cold
1 serving (260g)
bf la fantasy hot
1 serving (160g)
bf la fantasy cold
1 serving (260g)
bf little hot chocolate
1 serving (50g)
bf MegaCacao
1 serving (400g)
bf MegaCacao banana
1 serving (360g)
bf MegaCacao Viennese
1 serving (360g)
bf MegaCacao with Marshmallow
1 serving (400g)
bf MegaChocolate
1 serving (240g)
bf Oreo
1 serving (254g)
bf Chocolate
1 serving (100g)
bf Chocolate
1 serving (240g)

Calorie and Nutrition Information for popular products from Shokoladnitsa:Other products from Shokoladnitsa

The most popular varieties of Chocolate products:

View all Chocolate Products

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chocolate girl

Steam cutlets with mashed potatoes
Chicken breast with puree
Chicken breast with grilled vegetables
Steam cutlets with red rice
Chicken breast with red rice
Beef steak with grilled vegetables
Beef steak with red rice
Steam cutlets with grilled vegetables
Meat lasagna
"Alfredo" with chicken
creamy cream soup with champignons

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chocolate girl

Cheesecakes with fresh berries
with cheese and ham
"legendary" with chocolate
with julienne
With suluguni and spinach
Cheesecakes with sour cream and raspberries mashed with sugar
Homemade pancakes

Download price list

Calorie Fitness Salad [Chocolate Girl]. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Fitness Salad [Chocolate Girl]".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per serving of the edible portion.

The energy value of Fitness Salad [Chocolate Girl] is 180 kcal.

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application. Basic

Chocolate is a sweet pleasant name. Immediately there are associations with a beautiful interior, music and all sorts of delicacies, which are rich in the assortment of this restaurant. For example, with a cup of fragrant cappuccino. Or with a delicious cake.

However, for lovers of a healthy lifestyle, such a picture may not seem too tempting. Tempting dishes sometimes affect weight gain and if you regularly exceed the daily calorie intake, the figure can be seriously affected. The situation will have to be corrected by increasing the load and tightening the diet.

Sometimes you really want to feast on ruddy cheesecakes or pancakes, which are so deliciously prepared by specialists in the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain. And the benefits of coffee have long been proven, so few people remain indifferent to its aroma. How to enjoy your favorite foods without fear of gaining extra pounds?

What makes a coffee shop attractive

  • First of all, it is impossible not to note the European service. High-level service, rich interior, pleasant atmosphere - everything serves to attract visitors to the network of famous coffee houses.
  • The design of dishes, a huge selection of desserts, attractive showcases - all these nuances are undoubtedly inherent in Shokoladnitsa.
  • Delicious food, rich assortment, quality of food also characterize this institution from the best side.
  • Opportunity to purchase hot drinks to take away - for example, coffee or cappuccino, which Shokoladnitsa perfectly prepares.
  • Desserts and drinks in the coffee house are made according to special recipes, delicious pancakes and cheesecakes are offered in various types with all kinds of fillings and toppings.

The originality of the coffee house

I must say that the abundance of various drinks is a special touch that is unique to this chain. More than 50 types of cocktails, juices, coffees and teas, cocoa, cappuccino and other gourmet options are presented in the Shokoladnitsa menu. Fruit mixes, milk mixes and, of course, branded chocolate will attract the attention of even the most staunch adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to consider the portion size and choose for yourself the smallest volume that the coffee shop offers. And, of course, you should remember that the high calorie content of the drink can affect your appearance.

If you are watching your figure, choose cocktails that are prepared with skim milk. Pay attention to drinks marked "light".

Low calorie meals

I must say that there are few such dishes on the menu of the Chocolate Girl. With a fairly rich selection of desserts, pastries and the most ordinary home-cooked dishes, the calorie content is quite high. Those who dream of losing weight are unlikely to find an abundance of products suitable for a diet lunch here. However, if you try, it is still possible to find some food for lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

We offer options for light meals with calories from 118 to 309 kcal.

  • classic croissant with ham and cheese;
  • Belgian waffle with cream and sauce;
  • jelly "Wild berry";
  • dessert "Snow Queen";
  • pancake pie with salmon and spinach;
  • cocoa;
  • cappuccino;
  • Napoleon cake";
  • salad "Caprese";
  • meat solyanka.

Since the Shokoladnitsa assortment includes freshly squeezed juices, fruit desserts, fresh vegetable salads, and hot drinks, the calorie content of which does not exceed the norm, it is quite possible to organize a light and hearty lunch for yourself.

Sample diet for one day

Here's what your coffee shop menu might look like:

Total: 597 + 534 + 315 = 1446 kcal.

That is, with this choice, you can meet the daily calorie intake and at the same time eat quite tasty and relatively harmless to the body.

Disadvantages of food in coffee shops

  • The menu offers a variety of sweet and flour products, the calorie content of which reaches 1000 kcal.
  • For the preparation of desserts, dyes and seasonings are used, which do not have a very positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The calorie content of the dishes is not indicated in the menu of the Shokoladnitsa.
  • Small portions may require you to order an additional order to satisfy your hunger.
  • Drinks are very sweet, so it is better for your figure to prefer tea, which is brewed here according to a special recipe.
  • The chocolate girl does not spare fat cream for cakes, which often includes butter, cream, condensed milk - high-calorie foods.

What dishes are most harmful to the figure

If we consider the entire menu that this network offers today, then hot drinks are the most high-calorie. A cup of chocolate with a volume of 240 g contains 1335 kilocalories. Therefore, it is better to prefer cappuccino, which is no less tasty, but at the same time its calorie content is only 208 kcal.

Chocolate fondue with fruits (1172 kcal) is the leader among sweets. Such a dangerous delicacy can be replaced with any fruit dessert that the Chocolate Girl offers to choose from in sufficient quantities.

Cheesecakes, pancakes, pasta - all these goodies are frightening with their calorie content, since it exceeds 600. Some desserts are inferior to these flour products, so we recommend choosing jelly or salads.

To know exactly what dishes and in what quantity you can eat without fear of getting better, you should carefully study the calorie table.

Calorie table of chocolate dishes

Name Volume (g) The number of kcal.
Cold drinks
Ice tea classic 540 125
Ice tea "Raspberry with cream" 550 284
Ice cappuccino "Chocolate Girl" 525 403
Ice cappuccino "Caramel" 525 278
Milk shake 450 748
Coffee and caramel frapetto 565 314
Freshly squeezed orange juice 370 80
Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice 370 53
Freshly squeezed carrot juice 370 41
Freshly squeezed apple juice 370 56
Hot drinks
Americano 100 52
Espresso 30 21
Cocoa 240 265
Cocoa with marshmallows 240 290
MegaCacao 400 442
Cocoa Light 240 262
caramel 152 197
Carmen 160 568
La Fantasy 160 602
small hot chocolate 50 278
MegaChocolate 240 1335
Non-alcoholic mulled wine 160 71
Green tea with ginger 205 115
Glace 210 186
Cappuccino 320 215
Cappuccino "Chocolate Girl" 270 300
Cappuccino Strong 320 208
caramel cappuccino 320 224
MegaCappuccino 400 269
Cappuccino Light 320 127
latte 240 131
caramel latte 240 158
Latte "Banana Caramel" 240 188
Latte almond 240 171
Latte Halva 400 362
Latte Light 270 94
mocha 240 227
Mocha Light 270 227
Creamy coffee 400 333
Belgian waffle 230 126
Passion fruit and strawberries 220 134
panna cotta 160 361
Strawberries with cream 155 347
Chocolate fruit fondue 415 1172
Tiramisu 160 522
blueberry cheesecake 135 443
Eclair chocolate 80 363
"Chocolate Girl" 195 635
With meat 210 535
With cheese and ham 170 442
with salmon 190 436
With cottage cheese 260 482
with poppy 210 620
Crimson 222 463
Cheesecakes with sour cream and sauce 210 644

How to save weight when visiting a coffee shop?

  1. Don't go to Chocolate Shop on an empty stomach. Drink a glass of still water first.
  2. If you are seduced by the smell of coffee and you decide to visit your favorite coffee shop, order an espresso, cappuccino or cocoa and let yourself eat one eclair. But keep in mind that these treats will replace your whole meal, because the calorie content of these products will exceed 500 units.
  3. Choose your dessert carefully: it's best to eat only one. If it includes a flour base, order a lighter drink like juice or lemonade.
  4. Go to a coffee shop with a friend or friend so that you have the opportunity to share a particularly high-calorie treat for two.

Behind the scenes of the Moscow chain of coffee houses: video

Not a single restaurant, including Chocolate Girl, is responsible for the fact that after visiting it your weight may increase. Keeping track of nutrition is the main task of everyone who values ​​\u200b\u200bits health and dreams of beautiful forms.

There are a lot of establishments in the chocolate range in our country. Only “Shokoladnitsa” has more than 300 own cafes and a great many open franchises.

Definitely, “Chocolate Girl” has its own style in decoration: stripes, bronze, forging, dark textiles, leather armchairs and sofas. But the menu is classic for Russia, inconsistency: Caesar salad and Carbonara pasta, next to pancakes, dumplings and borscht, cheesecake and bagel, side by side cheesecakes and Napoleon cake.

However, it is difficult to choose something healthy: the composition of the dish is described extremely superficially, the calorie content is not indicated in the menu, and it was not possible to obtain detailed information about the dish from the waiter.

Based on our own knowledge, we chose lean borscht (170 rubles), Mexican roll (230 rubles), raspberry and basil smoothies (220 rubles for 350 ml), and green tea with ginger (210 rubles). The waiter, noticing how preoccupied we look, aggressively began to offer all sorts of desserts. Most likely, this is part of his job responsibilities, but even after the third refusal of “cheesecakes, or at least pancakes,” he did not come to his senses and, at any opportunity, persuaded himself to treat himself to sweets.

Surely, in the “Shokoladnitsa” desserts are of decent quality, but in any case they are not suitable for a “perspective view”. But the raspberry smoothie with basil is just great.

Surely, this is all because sugar was generously added to it and polished with syrup, but let's not talk about sad things. If the menu did not lie with the composition, then in 350 ml of such a drink there are approximately 280 kcal. Green tea with ginger was no less generously seasoned with syrup and honey. It was delicious, that's already there, but the calculation of calories was difficult.

Borscht was brought first. The portion size is small, the vegetables are cut into disgracefully finely - so they cook faster and the dish looks more satisfying.

The taste of the lean borscht from “Shokoladnitsa” is rich, full and the vegetables are cooked as they should, and not to a snotty state. We do not know how much the composition of this soup corresponds to what we found on the Internet, but we will assume that its calorie content was approximately 220 kcal (5 g of proteins, 12 g of fat and 26 g of carbohydrates).

It's time for rolls. The serving is good, the cakes are beautifully fried and the smell of food is very soulful. But, looking inside, we were upset. They obviously saved money on the stuffing here.

The menu says that the composition of the roll includes the “original sauce”, which reminded us of light mayonnaise. For our taste, the cook went too far with cheese and regretted the vegetables. Approximate calorie content is 460 kcal, but we cannot 100% vouch for our calculations.

Our result: there is practically nothing good in “Shokoladnitsa”. Portions are frankly small - an adult hungry man did not have enough soup, a sandwich and tea to eat. At the same time, the price tag, while seeming democratic, is not far behind establishments with much more refined and high-quality cuisine. In St. Petersburg, for that kind of money, you can have a great lunch in some home cafe or a popular gastropub, where the food will definitely be an order of magnitude tastier.

Shokoladnitsa is a network of coffee houses in Russia and neighboring countries. The company itself calls itself the trendsetter of coffee fashion in Moscow. It is difficult to dispute this, because the first coffee house in Moscow was their brainchild. Since 1964, the chain of coffee houses has been growing, seriously competing with its neighbors in the food court in shopping centers.

The coffee shop menu is not limited to coffee and desserts. In Shokoladnitsa you can have a full meal of European cuisine. All of them are prepared to order, which does not allow us to classify Shokoladnitsa's products as fast food.

Why is Chocolate Tasty or How Harmful are Additives?

It turned out that Shokoladnitsa does not publish the composition of dishes anywhere. On the one hand, by doing this they protect themselves from copying, but on the other hand, the buyer remains completely unaware of what he eats.

Do not take products of unnatural color, as they are probably flavored with dyes.

Why do people get fat from coffee in Shokoladnitsa

The secret of delicious coffee drinks is sugar and sweet additives. Illustrates this "Latte Halva", containing 362 kcal and 27g of carbohydrates per standard serving.

Almost all drinks in a coffee shop involve a large amount of sugar in the composition. This is often the secret of their taste. Everyone knows how sugar affects the brain. We enjoy sweet coffee, and this is dangerous for the figure.

For many people, going to the Shokoladnitsa is ordering a sweet cappuccino, a beautiful and mouth-watering cake, and enjoying it in peace and quiet. Needless to say, how such a "campaign" will affect the appearance, and in the future - on health.

Pitfalls for a fitness adept.

When you decide to visit the Chocolate Shop, you need to be prepared for little tricks that can make you eat more. The first one is small portions. Still, 270 g for pasta or 170 g for a roll is not enough for a strong man to eat. For a thin girl, this is normal. But the problem is that she is unlikely to go to satisfy her hunger in a coffee shop.

The next attraction for visitors is a beautiful and cozy interior. It would seem that this is bad? Judge for yourself where you would like to spend more time: in the food court in front of or surrounded by dozens of tables of the same type or in the warm noble hall of the Chocolate Girl. Sitting in the Shokoladnitsa is really nice, the atmosphere of the coffee shop does not let you leave without ordering “something else”.

The third lurking danger is missing information about the nutritional value of food. It is not on the site, it is problematic to find out from the staff. Imagine the situation: an adherent of a healthy diet wants to eat without harm to the figure, and therefore chooses the latter between pasta and Caesar salad. He will receive from this as much as 767 kcal and 68 g of fat. Would this happen if the information was freely available?

The most harmful dishes in Shokoladnitsa

The harm of the Chocolate Girl lies in the high calorie content of the dishes. And the highest calorie content of the menu is in the "Desserts" section. All of them are essentially contraindicated for adherents of proper nutrition, but apple strudel stands out as the most high-calorie dessert.

If we consider drinks, then Mega Chocolate stands out among them, which contains 1335 kcal, 91 g of fat and 112 g of carbohydrates.

Still remember the choice between Caesar and pasta? In fact, this choice is doomed in advance. Pasta "Carbonara" contains 1260 kcal, 70 g of fat and 105 g of carbohydrates. It turns out that one such meal practically covers a person's need for fats for a day, but satisfies hunger only for 3-4 hours.

Life hack from StyleFitness: the least harmful dishes in Shokoladnitsa

There are other foods in Chokoladnitsa that are acceptable for those who do not want to accumulate fat. Moreover, not even all desserts are contraindicated. For example, dessert "Passion Fruit and Strawberry". For a fairly large serving of 220 g, there are 134 kcal, 0.5 g of fat and 29 g of carbohydrates. Ideally, you can split the serving in half and thereby halve the amount of sugar.

Drinks are even easier. Pay attention to tea, which is no worse than coffee in quality in this coffee shop. The calorie content of tea is indicated only with sugar, and therefore we will not give it. If you ask for tea without sugar, there will be practically no calories in the drink, as well as harm. In addition, without sugar, the true taste of the drink is felt.

And among the dishes there is something to pay attention to. Creamy mushroom soup, due to its consistency, lingers longer in the stomach, and therefore leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time. And this dish will give you 162 kcal, 8.5 g of protein, 9.7 g of fat and 10.8 carbohydrates per 210 g serving.

Calorie table of the main dishes of the Chocolate Girl:


Serving Weight (g)


Protein (g)

Fat (g)

Carbs (g)

Milkshake with chocolate


club sandwich

Panini with chicken

Roll mexican

Dessert "Passion Fruit and Strawberry"

Pancakes "Chocolate Girl"

Mega chocolate

Pasta Carbonara

pasta bolognese


Apple strudel

Caesar salad"

Champignon cream soup

Style Outcome

Chocolate is one of the few places where you can eat without obvious harm to the figure, but a coffee shop will not replace chicken breast and buckwheat taken from home.