How to salt caviar from fresh-frozen pink salmon. Home-salted pink salmon caviar

20.05.2019 Fish dishes

It is quite easy to carve a fish, for this reason people buy it whole. We will tell you how to salt pink salmon caviar, which remained after butchering. Cook at home delicious snack as easy as pie. You just need to choose the recipe you like and follow the step-by-step instructions.

How to clean pink salmon caviar from the film before salting

Before salting pink salmon caviar, it is necessary to remove all the films at home. Otherwise, the shells will add bitterness to the grains, and the snack itself will look ugly.

There are several cleaning options:

No. 1. Colander

Cut the caviar into pieces, then transfer to a colander. It is important that the holes are of medium size. Pour the contents with boiling water from the kettle, wait for the runoff. Start shaking the colander vigorously over a clean bowl, all the grains will fall into the saucer. The shells will remain in the sieve.

No. 2. Brine

Combine filtered water (1 liter) with coarse salt (30 gr.). Warm up in a saucepan until it starts bubbling. Next, wait for cooling to 45 degrees. Dip the whole caviar into the brine. Arm yourself with a whisk, slowly mix the contents with it. The film will begin to wrap around the whisk bars, releasing the grains.

No. 3. Boiling water and salt solution

Before salting pink salmon caviar, clean it. At home, this is done in 2 stages. First make a solution of 60-70 gr. salt and 1 liter. water. Dip the caviar inside, wait a couple of hours. Transfer to a colander, scald with boiling water and quickly remove the curled film.

No. 4. fork and sieve

Take a wide-bottomed saucepan. Dip a sieve into it, in which caviar lies. Fill the pan with water heated to 60 degrees (not higher). Grab the caviar with a fork, stir in a circle for 10 seconds. The grains will fall into the strainer, and the film will wrap around the fork rods.

No. 5. Manually

This technique is only suitable for fully ripe caviar. Separate with extreme care whole piece with eggs for 6 equal parts. Then slowly crush the slices, but do not press. If everything is done carefully, the grains will fall out by themselves.

The best recipes for salting pink salmon caviar

Since you can salt pink salmon caviar with a lot of various methods, we offer for realization in house conditions only best variations. Delicious and fast!

No. 1. Ambassador of pink salmon caviar according to the classic recipe

  • caviar - 0.4 kg.
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • filtered water - 1 l.

We tell you how to salt pink salmon caviar according to a traditional recipe at home.

1. Pick up fireproof dishes for preparing brine. Pour in sugar, pour in water and add salt. Wait for the bubble to start.

2. Turn off the fire. Let the crystals completely dissolve. Leave the solution so that its temperature is 40 degrees. Place the grains previously peeled from the films in the brine.

3. Wait a quarter of an hour for the lightly salted delicacy to come out, or 45 minutes (for those who want to get more salty snack). After the allotted time, drain the solution.

No. 2. Dry salting of pink salmon caviar

  • caviar - 0.5 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. riding

1. Take care of cleaning the eggs in advance. Put them in a deep bowl along with sugar and salt.

2. Stir with a spoon. Now put a flat saucer on the caviar. Place a mug of water on top.

3. Record 4 hours, then taste. The shelf life is two days, during this period the snack must be consumed.

No. 3. Salting of pink salmon caviar according to GOST

  • salt - 40 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • caviar - 0.25 kg.

If you still don’t know how to salt pink salmon caviar according to GOST, study the step-by-step instructions. At home, making a delicious delicacy is as easy as shelling pears.

1. Put the caviar in the container. You can choose a glass jar or a food grade plastic container.

2. Go over the product with a spoon to even out the grains. Sprinkle with salt. Stir carefully, do not allow grains to crack.

3. Pour oil over the entire surface. Close the container, take it to the cold. In this composition, the snack will last for a long time.

No. 4. Ambassador of pink salmon caviar for long-term storage

  • potatoes (washed, scalded) - 1 pc.
  • caviar - 0.5 l.
  • filtered water - 1 l.
  • salt - in fact

1. Boil and cool the water. Throw in potatoes and add salt. Salt the liquid until the potatoes float. Take out the potatoes.

2. Throw the caviar into the liquid and hold for 7 minutes. Filter through cheesecloth, wait for dripping.

3. Lay the caviar on a dry cloth in 3 layers. Smooth out. get wet upper layer paper towel.

4. Move the workpiece into a glass container and refrigerate.

No. 5. Salted caviar of pink salmon in vegetable oil

  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 15 ml.
  • caviar - 0.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp.

1. Before salting pink salmon caviar, send it to a sieve and rinse. Transfer to a container. At home, it is better to take containers made of glass or plastic.

2. Mix the missing ingredients to the caviar. Seal the container tightly and refrigerate overnight. Taste.

No. 6. Salted salmon caviar with lemon and herbs

  • white pepper freshly ground - 0.5 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 0.1 l.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • caviar - 0.5 kg.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • greens - 50 gr.

1. Place the prepared caviar in a cup. Pour seasonings, add citrus juice and oil. Mix carefully.

2. Cover the workpiece and send it to the cold for a couple of hours. After a specified period, sprinkle the delicacy with finely chopped herbs, try.

Rules for storing finished pink salmon caviar

In order for the appetizer to please with taste and bring only benefits, follow some tips:

  • store caviar exclusively in a glass container;
  • do not freeze caviar, it loses its taste and benefits;
  • when storing raw materials, maintain the temperature within +4 degrees;
  • at classic salting snack is stored for 3 days.

How to salt pink salmon caviar, we examined. At home, prepare a snack using any of the above methods. stick simple recommendations so as not to spoil the taste.

When buying red fish, pay attention to its belly, if it is thickened, most likely it contains caviar. This product is considered a real delicacy. Every housewife should know how to pickle pink salmon caviar. We will talk about this in the article.

If caviar is caught in pink salmon, in no case should you throw it away. Having properly salted the product, you will get a wonderful snack that can be smeared on sandwiches, used in salads, and decorated with various dishes.

Before you start salting caviar, you need to remove the film (oves) from it. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the eggs.

Chefs suggest using the following methods:

  1. Scalding with boiling water. Pour boiling water into a deep container, place the caviar there for a few seconds. Take a sieve with large holes, wipe the eggs through it. The film should come off well, stay in your hands. If the house does not have a sieve, it can be replaced coarse grater, or even use a badminton racket.
  2. Put the ovaries in cheesecloth, rolled up in several layers. Hold over the stream hot water several minutes, constantly stirring the caviar.
  3. Put the caviar in a deep glass bowl. Insert the mixing attachments (without beaters) into the mixer. Turn on the device at minimum speed, bring it to the ovaries. In a few seconds, the film will wrap around the whisk. To use this method, you need to have certain skills.
  4. You can cut the ovaries a little, and carefully remove the eggs with a spoon or fork. Try to do this carefully so as not to damage the eggs.

As you can see, it is quite simple to separate the film from the caviar. The process will not take you more than 15-20 minutes. If the ovaries are not completely removed, the caviar will be bitter, the taste of the product will deteriorate.

Classic cooking recipe

By classical way caviar is salted in a “wet” way. Cooking time - 3 hours.

The recipe requires simple ingredients:

  • caviar - 250 g;
  • filtered water - 300 ml;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - 5 g.

The cooking process includes the following steps:

  1. Separate the caviar from the film, rinse it with running water, put it on a sieve, let it dry a little.
  2. Boil water, add sugar and salt. Make sure that the ingredients are completely dissolved, there are no crystals.
  3. Cool the water to 30-40 degrees. If this is not done, the caviar will simply boil, the dish will turn out not tasty.
  4. Pour the eggs with the resulting brine, let it brew for at least 2 hours.
  5. Throw the caviar on gauze, the liquid should drain completely.
  6. Spread the caviar in jars and put in the refrigerator.

Caviar prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. If you want to increase the shelf life of the product, add sunflower oil. It should be refined, odorless, so as not to spoil the taste of caviar.

A simple option with vegetable oil

Recipe for salting red fish caviar with vegetable oil is very popular. In this case, the shelf life of the product is extended to 2 weeks.

Required Ingredients:

  • caviar - 100 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar - 3 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the caviar from the film, rinse with cool water, dry.
  2. Transfer the caviar to glass container.
  3. Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil. Try to place the ingredients around the entire perimeter of the container, but you should not mix the caviar. In this case, the probability of damage to the integrity of the eggs is high.
  4. Close the container with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator.

After 9 hours, caviar can be eaten. According to this recipe, it turns out lightly salted. If you love more rich taste add a little more salt.

How to quickly pickle pink salmon caviar

If you need to quickly pickle pink salmon caviar, use the following recipe:

  • caviar - 500 g;
  • coarse salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 3 g.


  1. Peel eggs from eggs, rinse with water.
  2. Place the product in a deep dish.
  3. Add remaining ingredients.
  4. Gently mix the caviar, trying not to break its integrity.
  5. Cover the bowl with a plate and put a weight on it to prevent air from entering. A half liter jar of water is ideal.
  6. Remove the container from the refrigerator.

Caviar is salted in this way for 5 hours. If you do not have time to eat the product within 2 days, you can put it in the freezer. You can freeze caviar only 1 time. From the temperature difference, the eggs may burst.

Ambassador dry way

You can salt the caviar in a "dry" way. In this case, the use of brine is excluded. Advantages this method obvious: the shelf life of the product increases.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • caviar - 250 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • water - 1 liter.

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Place caviar (together with ovaries) in a sieve.
  3. Add 20 g of salt to boiling water, let it dissolve completely.
  4. In the resulting brine, lower the sieve with caviar (for 20-25 seconds).
  5. Remove the film so that the caviar does not taste bitter.
  6. Transfer the eggs to a glass or plastic bowl, sprinkle with salt.
  7. Be sure to stir.
  8. Remove the product from the refrigerator.

Caviar prepared in this way will be ready in a couple of hours.

Royal style with cream and onions

If you like culinary experiments, we offer the following caviar recipe.

We will need the ingredients:

  • caviar - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 medium-sized head;
  • cream - 25 ml. A medium-fat product (15-20%) is better suited;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • red and black ground pepper - 2 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the film from the caviar, rinse well and dry.
  2. Transfer the pink salmon caviar to a glass container.
  3. Finely chop the onion. It is better to choose a dicing method. Add finished product to caviar.
  4. Sprinkle with salt (half serving), add pepper, mix gently.
  5. Top the caviar with cream, try to spread it evenly.
  6. Add the rest of the salt. It is no longer necessary to stir the caviar.

Such caviar is being prepared for about 2 hours. After that, you can eat it.

Pink salmon caviar cooked in this way is very tender (due to cream). It can be used in salads or eaten as an appetizer.

Salting frozen salmon caviar

Delicious pink salmon caviar can be obtained from ice cream product. So that the eggs do not burst, they must be properly thawed. In this case, the main thing is not to rush.

Put the caviar with the film in the refrigerator, leave for at least 8 hours. The product will be defrosted in a natural way.

For the recipe you will need ingredients:

  • caviar - 0.5 kg;
  • boiled water - 2 l;
  • coarse salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml.


  1. Remove the film from the defrosted product, place the caviar in a sieve, rinse with water.
  2. Heat 1 liter of water (temperature 40 degrees), dissolve half of the salt and sugar in it.
  3. Dip the caviar in the brine for a few minutes.
  4. Drain the brine, start preparing a new one.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, add the remaining sugar and salt, cool the brine to 30 degrees.
  6. Once again, place the eggs in the brine. This time for 20-30 minutes.
  7. Drain the liquid, put the eggs on a towel, let them dry a little.
  8. Transfer the caviar to a jar, fill with oil.

If you do everything right, the caviar will turn out fragrant and tasty.

With lemon juice and herbs

This recipe is appreciated by real caviar gourmets. Immediately tune in to the fact that the cooking process will take at least 3 hours. But as a result, you will get caviar saturated with bright flavors.

List of ingredients:

  • caviar - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • olive oil - 100 g;
  • ground pepper - 3 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley, basil - to taste.


  1. Clean the caviar from the film, rinse it with running water.
  2. Place in a glass container, add salt, sugar and pepper.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with oil, pour over the eggs.
  4. Mix all ingredients well.
  5. Cut the greens, sprinkle with caviar.
  6. Put the product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Chefs prefer to use white pepper. It gives the dish an unusual aroma and bright taste.

Pink salmon caviar - useful product. Properly cooked caviar is no different from the one sold in jars. Use our recipes and you will get the perfect dish.

It was a pleasant surprise for me to find caviar when cutting fish. Not much, but enough for sandwiches. And then I remembered that our godfathers, who live in the North, pickle it themselves. Of course, they taught me how to salt red salmon caviar at home. It turned out to be so simple and fast that it took me a little more than half an hour to complete everything. And most importantly, it can be consumed immediately after preparation.

How to salt pink salmon caviar at home

Kitchenware: colander, bowl, tablespoon, paper towels.


Step by step cooking

  1. We take 350 g of caviar. That's how much I got. In general, this recipe is designed for about half a kilogram.
  2. To quickly remove the eggs from the film, pour 500-700 ml of very warm water and pour a full tablespoon of salt with a slide. Stir until completely dissolved and lower.

    The temperature should be such that you can keep your hand in it for a while. From very hot water, the precious product will become cloudy.

  3. Carefully tear open the film and put everything in a saline solution and hold for about 5 minutes. From salt, the film and partitions will begin to curl up. This is also done in order to disinfect and remove residual blood.

  4. Carefully remove the eggs from the film.

  5. Strain the contents of the bowl through a colander and rinse several times with running water.

  6. Pour 500-700 ml into the bowl again boiled water, but already room temperature. We dissolve in it 3 full spoons of salt with a slide.

  7. We spread the future delicacy, mix well and leave for 15 minutes.

    No matter how hard we try to do everything carefully, a certain number of eggs will still burst, and the rest will float to the surface. We collect them with a spoon or slotted spoon. To preserve and enhance the color, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of sugar.

  8. Strain through a colander again and let the excess liquid drain. No need to rinse. Many recommend avoiding direct contact with metal and advise putting a piece of gauze on a colander.

  9. We spread a couple on the table paper towels. We spread everything from a colander and blot well.

  10. We shift from napkins to a deep plate, bowl or small jar. Pour in a tablespoon of oil and stir. Thanks to this, a characteristic shine will appear.

  11. All. We cut slices of bread, spread them with butter and put the delicacy prepared with our own hands. You can add a little green onion on top.

Quick option

It is also called "five minutes". This method is often used by fishermen, and it allows you to enjoy the catch almost immediately after cutting the fish. All that is needed for this -
it is to carefully open the film, peel off the eggs with a spoon or any other means at hand, pour a full teaspoon of salt, mix and leave for 5 minutes.

If you add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and mix thoroughly, you can store for about a week in a cool place or refrigerator.

Video recipe: how to properly salt salmon caviar

See how easy it is to salt pink salmon caviar at home in the video recipe.

The disadvantage of this recipe is that it is suitable for storage for no more than five days.. For more long-term storage you need a completely different prepared solution, which is also called brine.

How to pickle pink salmon caviar in brine

Time for preparing: 3-4 hours.
Servings: 1.
Kitchenware: pan, gauze, colander, bowl, spoon.


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour about 2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. The recipe is designed for 700-800 g of caviar.

  2. Pour first 500-600 g of salt.

  3. Stir until completely dissolved and wait for it to boil again.

  4. Now you need to add salt until it stops dissolving. This can take another 300-400 g.

    Some test the degree of salinity with raw potatoes. That is, if it pops up, then it's ready. But the right brine is prepared that way. I got this technology from my grandmother, who worked in the workshop for the preparation of this delicacy. It is interesting that if you lower it into boiling brine raw potatoes in the peel, then it will not be cooked, but baked.

  5. Cool the finished brine to room temperature. If you did everything right, then salt crystals form on the surface.

  6. During this time, we release the eggs from the film in any way convenient for you.

    You can simply scrape it off with a spoon or the blunt side of a knife, or use a metal grill. Some do this with a regular badminton racket or through a special screen. Even a sieve with large holes is suitable, through which the eggs will pass.

  7. Pour the caviar with part of the brine, mix well for a couple of minutes. This will clear it of the remnants of blood and mucus. It also kills all harmful bacteria. The action of the brine can be noticed immediately, as white particles will appear.

  8. Strain everything through a colander and rinse with water.

  9. We shift back to the bowl and pour again in a ratio of 1: 2. That is, for one part of caviar you need two parts of liquid. Try not to get particles of undissolved salt and sand.

  10. Stir and leave for three to five minutes.

  11. After that, put a colander on some kind of vessel, cover with gauze and filter. Gauze is needed in order to prevent the salt from reacting with the metal.

  12. Lightly roll the gauze from side to side to help drain the liquid. We tie the edges and hang for three to four hours. After that we get in moderation salty product ready to eat or store.

Video recipe: how to pickle pink salmon caviar in brine

Watch the video on how to properly pickle caviar for long-term storage.

Any caviar is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.. For long-term storage, it is better to freeze it. To do this, it must be decomposed into portioned containers with lids and quickly frozen.

Never thaw at room temperature. From a sharp drop, the eggs will burst and you will have to throw everything away. For proper defrosting, simply transfer the container from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator in the evening. And then in the morning you can calmly make yourself healthy sandwiches. You cannot re-freeze, so initially choose the right size of the container so that you can use the caviar from it in a couple of days.

I hope that my recipes turned out to be useful for you, and you were able to pickle yourself delicious caviar and cook with her excellent snacks! I look forward to your comments.

If you bought pink salmon in a store, brought it home and found an unexpected but pleasant surprise in it in the form of caviar, then this recipe just for you! Naturally, you immediately have a question, how to pickle pink salmon caviar? Do not throw away such value in vain. In fact, salting caviar at home is not difficult and, moreover, quickly enough.

But since you have decided, the main thing is to do everything right, clearly following step by step recipe. Then even frozen caviar will turn into delicious delicacy with which you can please your loved ones. In addition, self-salted caviar at home is a guaranteed quality product, unlike those bought in a store.

At the moment, not everyone can afford such an expensive joy, and not for everyone it can be an integral decoration of a banquet. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to find such a bonus in the fresh or frozen pink salmon you bought, then do not miss the opportunity to salt the caviar yourself. it will be much better than if you boiled or fried it, in which case it will become quite tough and lose its taste properties.


  • Pink salmon caviar
  • Salt (coarse) - 50g + 1 teaspoon
  • Boiled water - 0.5 l
  • Vegetable oil (can be olive) - 1 tablespoon


The first thing we will do is pour salt, in the amount of 50 grams, into a fairly deep bowl.

Then pour 0.5 liters of boiled water into this bowl and stir a little. After stirring, remove to the side, we will need it later.

Now we turn to the actual manipulations with the main ingredient. We need to separate the caviar from the film. This must be done, of course, very carefully, otherwise all the eggs will burst. This process is of course time-consuming and requires endurance accuracy.

The next step is to wash the caviar under cold water. We wash it 3 times. In the photo you can see how it looks after washing.

It's time for boiled salted water, we pour it into a container with caviar. By that time, the salt should be completely dissolved in the water. Let the contents of the bowl infuse for 15 minutes.

After a given time, we need to drain all the water from the bowl and rinse its contents several more times.

We lay out napkins on the table, always in several layers. And then carefully spread the caviar on a napkin with a spoon. We do this in order to remove excess moisture.

The first layer of napkins absorbed most of the moisture, and now we spread a new layer of napkins and again transfer our delicacy there, carefully level it and leave it like that for about 5 minutes.

Well, 5 minutes have passed, it's time for the final step. Pour our valuable seafood into a plate and add vegetable oil in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Mix thoroughly. It gives the caviar a shine and an even more appetizing look. So, the product is ready to use, bon appetit! Now you know how to properly pickle caviar.

By the way, you need to store such a delicacy in the refrigerator and no more than two days. So it is advisable to use it as soon as possible after salting.

How to beautifully serve caviar on the table

The resulting salted caviar pink salmon can be served on festive table as sandwiches spread with butter and topped with a green leaf. Instead, you can also use classic or smoked salmon flavored processed cheese.

Just as pretty original way serving will put it in tartlets. At the bottom of the tartlet you can also put a little butter or processed cheese. Such an appetizer will undoubtedly disperse very quickly, and guests will express compliments to a skilled hostess.

But, of course, you should not forget that caviar can be served in pure form, so to speak, as it is. In order not to deprive guests of the opportunity to enjoy its unique palatability. In this case, you need to put our valuable provisions in small bowls, put a teaspoon there, and preferably a dessert spoon, so that it is convenient for guests to take. And naturally the best decoration in this case, there will be a leaf of dill or parsley.

Choose whichever you like best! But do not forget about the current recommended consumption of this precious product per person per day, it is approximately 5 teaspoons.

Many housewives, when purchasing red fish in department stores, are often guided by the presence of caviar in it. This delicacy is always in high demand. Of course, provided it is properly prepared.

Preparation of ingredients

A useful granular product from the reproductive organs of pink salmon is highly nutritious, contains animal protein and saturated fatty acids including Omega-3s. The calorie content of 100 grams of pink salmon caviar is approximately 220 kilocalories, while its artificial counterpart contains only 63 kcal.

In red fish caviar salmon family contains many minerals, vitamin complexes, as well as retinol, fat, protein, micro and macro elements, saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated and other acids involved in metabolic and recovery processes human body. Without these elements will not work properly nervous system person.

All organs that support vitality need to receive the necessary minerals. important features. Their deficiency leads to various disorders, dysfunctions and, ultimately, to diseases. To enjoy delicious and useful delicacy, you need to prepare it first. The first step is to choose a fish with caviar. There are many criteria for this, but you should know only the main ones.

  • It is best to choose whole fish from a fresh catch. Undoubtedly, this is preferable to purchasing a frozen product. But the situation is complicated by the fact that fresh fish is sold only in the places of catch, for example, in the Far Eastern waters.
  • If this is not possible, then try to choose carcasses from trays with females. Now in many supermarkets, and just in the fish departments of stores, there are separate storage rooms for females and males. Fish are separated by gender precisely for the purpose right choice product. For those who need more fish fillet, choose males, and who is looking for caviar - females.
  • The presence of caviar is indicated by pink blotches on the fish belly, as well as visually this part is much larger, elastic and dense to the touch.

  • Caviar in the abdomen of the female appears only during the spawning period, in summer. The rest of the time it may not be. Therefore, it is necessary to find out when the next batch of frozen fish was caught.
  • If this is not possible, then when buying, rely on external characteristics fish. First of all, it is the color of the scales. Male salmon usually have a brighter coloration than females. Those are smaller in size. The head of the male is curved, with powerful jaws and teeth. Females have a more rounded head shape, without pronounced predatory signs. The male has a characteristic hump on its back, thanks to which the fish got its name. Females do not have such features. But they are fatter due to caviar, they have a highly developed tail fin.
  • The following signs speak of the freshness of fish and a frozen product: the absence of plaque on the gills, the integrity of the caudal fin, the absence yellow color on the abdomen and whole eyes. Moreover, in frozen fish, they are slightly cloudy.

After choosing the fish, you need to properly cut it, separate the caviar and prepare it for further cooking. First, remove the ovary film. Yastyki is a shell of caviar that preserves it. Caviar without shell is considered quality product, which lends itself better to salting. The ovaries are removed according to a special scheme, which includes various methods.

  • With the help of boiling water. To do this, the product is placed in heated water for a while and immediately removed. Then, caviar is passed through large holes in a colander or sieve. The film is thrown away, and the eggs are left.
  • With the help of gauze. Put the caviar in a piece of gauze, roll it up and hold it for a few seconds under a slight pressure of hot water, kneading your hands. The yastik shells will depart, whole eggs will remain.
  • Using a mixer. Caviar is placed in a container and processed with a soft whisk at a minimum setting. The method requires skill, so beginners are better off using simpler options.
  • With brine. A quarter cup of salt and caviar are dipped into a liter of hot water. Then with a whisk, slightly whisking, remove the shells by hand.

  • It takes longer to remove the ovaries by hand, but the kernels without heat treatment are better. The caviar is simply carefully sorted out, the shells themselves are separated from it.
  • With a fork. Caviar is placed in a sieve, lowered into hot (not boiling) water. Stirring with a fork, separate the grain shells, prying and winding them around the fork. As the films are cleaned, they are removed from the device, and clean eggs are left in the sieve.
  • With salt water. Caviar is simply poured with cold, well-salted water and left for a couple of hours. Then the caviar is placed in a sieve and poured over with boiling water. At the same time, the shells burst and move away.
  • If you purchased a damaged caviar with a burst shell, you need to put it in salt water. At the same time, the bursting eggs acquire a whitish hue. They need to be removed, separated from the total mass, and the rest of the caviar should be freed from the ovary in any way described.

Cleaning a fish product in this way is quite simple. The whole procedure will take from 10 minutes to half an hour, depending on the amount of caviar. It is necessary to remove the ovaries, otherwise the product will turn out to be of poor quality and will be bitter. You can also cook caviar in ovaries. This method involves salting caviar directly in the shell, without purification. Caviar in a film is folded into a bowl and covered with salt. After half an hour, you can either eat it, pour it with oil, or rinse and clean it of yastiks by rubbing it through a sieve.

Caviar in the shell is stored for a short time, so you need to calculate its quantity so that you can use it all without a trace.

Salting recipes

The finished delicacy is put on bread and butter, any sandwich base, tartlets, and is also used as a snack, in salads and others. culinary dishes. You can successfully cook pink salmon caviar at home, at home in the kitchen. If you succeeded in the previous steps, then the subsequent process will not be an exception. Cooking is quite simple: you need caviar, spices and water. Salting of both fresh and frozen caviar is carried out.


"Wet" salting method

Salting of fresh fish product is carried out in a "wet" way. First, pink salmon caviar is taken, freed from shells, the kernels are washed, dried and put in a separate container. Next, put on fire a pan with 500 grams of water. As soon as the liquid is heated to 40 degrees, add a large spoon table salt, a little sugar, stir well until completely dissolved and pour 300 grams of peeled selected caviar.

Make sure that the water does not overheat, otherwise the caviar will boil and become unsuitable for eating. The caviar is kept for a couple of hours, then the curing mixture is drained through a sieve or colander, and the caviar is dried on gauze and put into any container suitable for this, putting it in the refrigerator for storage. Caviar according to this recipe is stored for no more than three days.

"Dry" salting method

If there is a “wet” method, then there must be a “dry” method of salting. When using it, take 200 grams of a purified base, fall asleep with 25 grams of fine table salt. Then the product is placed in a tray with a lid and cleaned in the cold. Caviar salted in a “dry” way will be ready in a couple of hours.

On a production scale, the ambassador is no different from the usual home method. The difference is only in scale. For cooking, they take a kilogram of caviar, one and a half liters of water, a glass of salt and half a glass of good sunflower oil. Caviar is cleaned, washed and poured into a separate cup. Put a large container of water on the fire, bring to a boil and turn off the stove. The amount of salt is determined using peeled potatoes. If it floats, then there is enough salt, and if not, you can continue to pour it. Then the potatoes are removed, the solution is cooled and caviar is put into it. For salted version it is enough to hold the caviar in the curing liquid for 10 minutes, and for more long storage it will take 30 minutes.

Salted caviar with sunflower oil

Recipe for salted caviar with sunflower oil- the most popular, due to its ease of execution and quick readiness. The ambassador is produced with the calculation: for 100 grams of product - three grams of salt and sugar and five grams of sunflower oil. It is best to take refined and deodorized vegetable oil, then the shelf life of the finished product will increase to two weeks. The kernels, freed from the shells, are washed, dried and placed in a clean container.

Add all the ingredients on top, shake lightly, cover and put in the refrigerator. Stirring is not recommended, otherwise the structure of the caviar may be damaged.

Creamy red caviar

For those who are ready for experiments and new solutions, we recommend making creamy red caviar. You will need 300 grams of pure pink salmon caviar, one onion, 30 milliliters of low-fat cream, a small spoonful of salt and a mixture of red and black ground peppers. Prepared and well-dried caviar is placed in a plastic tray. At the same time finely chop the peeled onion, sent to the tray, salt and pepper.

Lightly stirring, pour in the cream, spreading over the entire surface. Sprinkle again with salt, cover and put away in refrigerator compartment. After a couple of hours, the product is ready for consumption.

Red caviar with citrus and basil

The option of salting red caviar with citrus and basil is cooked for about three hours. But then both adults and children will eat it with pleasure. It will especially please true gourmets, as well as all lovers of fish delicacies. You will need half a kilo of selected caviar, two large spoons with a top of salt, half a glass of high-quality vegetable oil, a spoon granulated sugar, juice of one lime, white pepper and a sprig of basil.

Properly prepare the product in glass, for which they use glass jar with sealed lid. Caviar is folded into it, pouring from above citrus juice and oil. After pouring pepper, salt and sugar, mix gently and sprinkle with chopped herbs. The jar is closed and placed in the cold for three hours.


The caviar product of red fish is often sold frozen. In this case, the preparation consists in proper defrosting, cleaning and salting of caviar. To keep the eggs intact, they are thawed gradually, first placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When the product is thawed, it is exfoliated, washed and prepared for further use. They are prepared in the same way as raw ones, with the only difference that thawed caviar is a more delicate product.

For 500 grams of gourmet base take two liters drinking water, half a glass of salt, two large spoons of sunflower oil, sugar on the tip of a knife. On medium heat, a liter of water is heated to 50 degrees. The spices are dissolved and caviar is placed there for a couple of minutes. Then it is taken out, folded on a napkin, and the water is poured out. Next, a new batch of brine is prepared according to the same scheme: they heat the water (this time to 40 degrees), dissolve the spices and launch the caviar there again, increasing the time to 15 minutes. The brine is drained, and the caviar is dried on a clean cloth base and sent to glass, filled with purified vegetable oil. fragrant product will be ready in three hours.

Simple and fast

For quick express cooking use following recipes. They take half a kilogram of caviar, clean it from films, rinse thoroughly. Then the product is transferred to a special dish. All other ingredients are added, shaken gently so as not to disturb the structure of the nuclei and closed with an airtight lid so that air does not enter the container. It remains to remove the container in the refrigerator and after two to three hours the product can be eaten.

To prepare caviar with lemon, they take a pound of fish product, wash it, clean it in the prescribed way and put it in a glass jar. Then sprinkle with a spoonful of salt, and thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices are placed on top, pour over 100 grams of vegetable oil, close and put in the refrigerator. The dish is also fast and ready in two hours.

For long term storage

Fish delicacy made in this way is stored for several weeks. Prepared for long term storage in a special way. For one kilogram of caviar, you will need three liters of water, a kilogram of salt and sunflower oil to taste. Water is poured into a large container and put on fire. As soon as it boils, add salt, waiting for complete dissolution, and then cool to a warm state. Cleaned caviar is placed in saline solution for half an hour. After this time, the brine is drained, and the caviar is carefully laid out on a cloth.

Dried kernels are irrigated with refined sunflower oil and put in a glass container. Now the main “trick” of the recipe: on top, the jars are sealed with oiled paper specially designed for this. In the absence of such, they take the usual White list, soak it vegetable oil. Close on top regular lids. It turns out a canned product.

Asparagus with pink salmon caviar

If desired, you can cook delicious gourmet dishes, such as asparagus with pink salmon caviar. We need 400 grams of asparagus, 100 grams of salted salmon caviar, half a glass chicken broth, the same amount of dry white wine, yolk three eggs, sprig of rosemary, lemon, sprigs of parsley. Asparagus is cleaned and cooked by boiling in the usual way in a saucepan. Prepare the sauce separately. Warm up the broth by adding dry wine, rosemary and well crushed egg yolks. Cook until thick sour cream and salt.

The prepared asparagus is laid out on plates, poured over with sauce and a portion is added. salted caviar pink salmon. The dish is decorated with half a lemon and herbs.

Pink salmon stuffed with caviar and scrambled eggs

For pink salmon stuffed with sour cream and nut cream with caviar and scrambled eggs, you will need two carcasses of fish, 100 grams of salted caviar, the same amount of sour cream, three chicken eggs, two tablespoons of flour, zhmen pine nuts without husks, half a glass of dry wine, dill sprigs, sunflower oil and salt. Fish carcasses are thawed, washed, sprinkled with wine and rubbed with salt. Allow to soak and fry in oil on both sides until golden brown.

An omelet is prepared separately. To do this, break the eggs, rubbing them with a whisk. Pour flour, salt. They are baked in a hot pan, like pancakes. Caviar is put into the finished omelet and rolled into rolls. Beautifully laid out on a platter. Ready fish carcasses are stuffed with sour cream mixed with pine nuts, and spread on a plate along with omelet rolls, decorate with dill. The dish can be consumed chilled.

Pink salmon caviar pate

Delicious pink salmon caviar pate can be spread on croutons and bread. It's easy to prepare. Take 150 grams of salted caviar, a little salt, four boiled eggs. Add half a glass of sunflower oil, lemon juice and one onion. First they clean boiled eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Finely chop the onion, mix with yolks, caviar, vegetable oil and salt. The resulting composition is whipped with a whisk.

With excessive density, dilute with a small amount of cold boiled water. Then everything is sent to the refrigerator, cooled for half an hour. Ready meal store no more than two days. Pate goes well with sandwiches.

With help simple advice familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the selection process, preparation and preparation of fish caviar.

  • When buying pink salmon, do not look at its size. Often, caviar is found in small fish, as they are females.
  • Store the finished product exclusively in a glass or ceramic dishes at a temperature not lower than -4 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of a fresh salted product should not exceed two days. Therefore, try to cook in small portions, but constantly, so that the supply of delicacy does not run out.
  • Before serving as sandwiches and snacks, salted caviar can be flavored with fruit or ordinary vinegar and odorless sunflower oil. This marinade should be absorbed, then the dish will become even tastier.
  • When preparing and peeling caviar from the shell, try not to lower it into very hot water for a long time, otherwise its protein will harden and become tasteless.