The recipe for salted pink salmon "under salmon" dry method and in brine. Lightly salted pink salmon: the best options for cooking at home - how to pickle pink salmon for salmon

30.09.2019 Salads

Salted pink salmon is a very common, inexpensive and healthy product. It contains almost all vitamins and useful elements: vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system, vitamin B12, sodium, calcium, fluorine, sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acid omega- 3. Experts recommend eating pink salmon meat regularly.

Salted pink salmon is especially good, since during cooking a significant part of the nutrients (like all red fish) evaporates. Therefore, many people prefer lightly salted pink salmon - both industrial and home salted.

When buying salted pink salmon in a store, there is a possibility of using dangerous E additives (see), the interaction of which leads to the formation of the strongest conservative poison - formaldehyde, but more often these additives are found in industrially salted herring, but do not at all exclude the use in the preparation of others species of fish. In this regard it is better to buy fish yourself and salt it at home.

I mention salmon in the title of the article. It is not easy to multiply the properties of a given recipe. I stopped buying salmon and trout altogether and now I am content with only pink salmon or coho salmon. The fact is that the expensive fish species of the salmon family (trout and salmon) sold today are a rather dangerous product, although their taste is significantly superior to that of dry pink salmon.

Salmon and trout are mainly supplied to store shelves from special salmon farms (they are also called cage salmon, which is different from salmon). It is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish wild salmon from farm-raised fish.

In Norway, China and Vietnam, the cultivation of salmon in a cage or on a farm is extremely common - it is a big serious business. And where business, the interests and health of consumers, as a rule, practically do not matter. Maximum profit is the main task.

The fats of such fish are obtained from artificial feed, its flesh is sugary in taste, lumpy. This is not surprising - after all, the fish in the cage moves little, does not fight for survival, therefore its muscle mass is weak and even its fins are almost atrophied as unnecessary.

Artificial feed dramatically changes the composition of cage salmon... They add synthetic vitamins and pigments to make the fish meat red and antibiotics to keep the fish from getting sick. Supplements, from which fish grow rapidly, also lead to weight gain in the person consuming it for food.

The dye canthaxanthin, which is added to food, is already banned in Europe and the United States due to its accumulation in the retina and a serious disease that leads to visual impairment. If canthaxanthin got into the retina from the skin, then from the stomach it also has the ability to reach the retina. Dangerous canthaxanthin used on fish farms, as it is half the price of natural astaxanthin pigment.

In 2006, Russia had a temporary ban on the sale of Norwegian farmed salmon due to the discovery of high toxic heavy metals in it.

You don't want to spend a lot of money on the purchase of such a "healthy" fish, risking harm to your body, and i decided to buy my own pink salmon instead of salmon, which, due to its availability, abundance and low cost, is caught in the Far East from its native ocean spaces, and is not grown artificially on farms.

Finally, let's start salting pink salmon.

How to salt pink salmon

Ingredients :

  • frozen pink salmon
  • salt
  • water
  • vegetable oil optional


1. Before salting, separate the fish fillet from the bones.

For salting and not only it is better to take whole fish: it does not undergo any preliminary processing and is sold completely in the form in which it was caught. When buying fillets, they are usually soaked in phosphates and become more porous and absorb water, leading to weight gain.

Frozen pink salmon is taken in order to defrost it a little, to remove the skin from the fish. This is done quite easily: you just need to cut off the head and lightly pick up the skin at the "cut" - it is removed with a "stocking" from the frozen carcass.

In the same frostbitten state, the bones and ridge are also easily and conveniently separated.

3. Prepare a solution for salting pink salmon. Put 4-5 tbsp in 1 liter of cooled boiled water. large table salt (I advise you to always use only this salt - see) and stir it well until it is completely dissolved.

Put the pink salmon fillet in the solution and leave for 15 to 30 minutes. The aging time of pink salmon in brine depends on your taste. I love lightly salted fish and 20 minutes is enough for me, but my daughter likes a little more salted fish, aged for 30 minutes. Although the difference in salinity is not big.

4.After we put the fillets on a paper towel or napkins, let the solution soak a little and then put the salted pink salmon in a jar or container, adding a small amount of vegetable oil between the layers.

It's no secret that lovers of tasty and satisfying food, fish dishes are singled out as a separate article in their diet. But already among fish dishes, red fish delicacies stand out separately. In Russia, the most popular are sandwiches and canapes using salmon caviar and meat. Making a sandwich at home always turns out quickly and tasty; this does not require special dishes, cooking, frying, etc., just bread and fish. But if you carefully study the preferences of people, then most of the variety of red fish breeds will choose salmon. Why is salmon so popular with gourmets? Everything is very simple. The meat of this fish, in addition to a delicate and appetizing pink color, has a pleasant buttery taste and texture.

Few people know that you can cook ordinary pink salmon in such a way that it will be impossible to distinguish it from salmon. But first of all, let's consider how these two species of red fish differ. First of all, it is the habitat in the wild. Salmon is found in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Barents Sea, and is also found in some northern lakes in Norway, Russia and Finland. Pink salmon lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in the eastern part of the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean, and spawns in the fresh waters of the upper reaches of rivers flowing into these oceans.

Salmon and pink salmon also differ in size and weight. Salmon are much larger, average representatives of this genus can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh about forty to fifty kilograms. Pink salmon is not so "huge", rather modest. Large representatives reach seventy centimeters in length and weigh from two to five kilograms.

It is safe to say that cooking with these fish species is quite popular. Meat and salmon and pink salmon are used in salads, soups, canned food, cold snacks. There are also many recipes for salting these fish species.

Salmon meat is also different from pink salmon meat. Salmon has a pleasant pink-reddish color with white veins. It is in the veins that the largest amount of fat is concentrated. When cooked, the meat retains its juiciness and looks very appetizing. Pink salmon meat has a more orange hue without white veins, and is drier and friable in taste. Accordingly, the price for salmon is almost twice as high as for pink salmon.

But it doesn't matter! A folk trick will come to the rescue. There is such a dish - pink salmon for salmon. How to pickle pink salmon so that it is indistinguishable from salmon by its taste? Salmon meat has a more viscous structure, it is denser and more elastic. It is quite possible to salt pink salmon and give it an equally attractive look and taste. In short, salt the pink salmon, we get a kick-ass salmon.

Pink salmon for salmon recipe:

First you need to cook the fish, peel and separate the fillets. To do this, it is better to freeze pink salmon, it is easier to cut frozen meat into slices. Do not make them too thick, maximum three centimeters.

Then you need to prepare the brine. It must be sufficiently saturated, otherwise it so happens that salted pink salmon is obtained. For one glass of cold boiled water, five to six tablespoons of salt. One kilogram of fish needs about 1.3 liters of brine.

Keep the meat in the brine for five to ten minutes. Salted pink salmon is soaked with a napkin or towel, laid out on a plate and poured with vegetable oil, preferably odorless, and put into the refrigerator for thirty to forty minutes. It turned out that during the time spent in the refrigerator, the fish was saturated with salt and oil and acquired the necessary taste.

Best of all, fish salted in this way is suitable for making delicious sandwiches and canapes. Spread a thin layer of natural butter on white bread, and put fish slices on top. Don't forget to cut the lemon or lime wedges. To decorate the dish, you can use imagination and creativity so that the resulting fish looks more appetizing on the table. Experiment lovers can add spices to the brine.

I would like to note that today salmon is grown on fish farms, where special dyes are added to the fish feed so that the meat looks more attractive when sold. Pink salmon is not bred in captivity and, accordingly, the meat is much cleaner ecologically. The price criterion is also on the side of pink salmon. Therefore, if there is a strong desire to taste delicious fish, then you should not spend money, but after spending a little time, get a tasty and healthy dish, such as "salmon salmon under salmon".
Red fish cold snacks are always in demand on any table. Perfectly go with wine drinks and beer. Useful tips for decorating a simple dish can be found on the Internet.

Pink salmon is not very expensive, but very useful fish in all respects. Pink salmon meat contains a whole complex of microelements that have a beneficial effect on human health. These include iodine, fluoride, calcium, sulfur and other elements that improve the functioning of the digestive system, the brain, as well as the heart and blood vessels. If the fish is improperly cooked, then most of the components will simply evaporate. Most of all nutrients remain if the pink salmon is not subjected to heat treatment. In this regard, the most suitable option for its preparation is salting.

Nowadays, most housewives do this on their own, since you don't really have to rely on a purchased high-quality product. Very often people speak out about low-quality pink salmon purchased in stores. Basically, this is an expired fish product that can seriously affect human health.

Pink salmon meat is suitable for use in various dishes: it can be cooked into soup, it can be salted, grilled, added to salads or eaten raw. Slicing red fish is always one of the components of the festive table. As a rule, the presence of red fish on the table indicates the level of the family's well-being and its great taste.

The recipe for such a preparation is very simple and any housewife can master it. This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, therefore, in a very short time, lean pink salmon turns into a dish that can be eaten.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg of pink salmon fillet.
  • 1.3 liters of boiled water.
  • 5 tablespoons of salt.
  • Black peppercorns.

First you need to cut the fillet into suitable pieces. Then proceed to the preparation of the brine. To do this, take already cooled, but boiled water and dissolve salt in it, stirring the composition regularly. After that, in this brine, for about 10 minutes, pieces of fish are placed. After this time, the fish pieces are removed from the brine and dried with a paper towel.

At the next stage, the same pieces of pink salmon are neatly stacked in layers in a suitable dish. At the same time, each layer is watered with vegetable oil. The final stage is placing the fish in the refrigerator for about half an hour. After this time, salted in this way pink salmon can be served to the table, along with herbs, onions and lemon.

Why not salmon, but pink salmon?

Naturally, salmon, if cooked in this way and served at the festive table, will cause a stir, since it is tastier than pink salmon. But there is one "but" here that must always be taken into account. The thing is that salmon, as a very tasty fish, is grown artificially in some Western countries, using genetically modified chemical compounds. In addition to the fact that salmon is much more expensive than pink salmon, it can be dangerous to human health.

As for pink salmon, few people grow it artificially. Therefore, it is almost impossible to buy artificial pink salmon. If pink salmon is available for sale, then it is most likely a fish caught in the vastness of the ocean, and not on some farm located in one of the countries of America.

How to prepare fish for salting?

It is very important to properly prepare the fish for the salting process. Better, of course, if it is fresh fish, but it can be purchased only in those places where they are engaged in fishing. Most likely, it will be a freshly frozen carcass, which must be defrosted, and, moreover, correctly. You should never force this process and allow the fish to defrost naturally in the refrigerator. It is necessary to give the opportunity for all the water to go away, after which it is cut and washed under running water. When cleaning fish, care should be taken not to leave bones in the meat.

Pink salmon fillets should be soft. To accurately calculate the required amount of salt, it is advisable to weigh the fillets. It is advisable to also cut off the head with fins and tail. The fillet is cut into pieces, no more than one and a half centimeters thick, so that the meat is well saturated with the brine with spices.

Simple and inexpensive recipes for salting pink salmon for salmon

There are three simplest and cheapest ways to cook pink salmon. Despite this, pink salmon turns out to be tasty enough to be put on a festive table in the form of slices or to make classic sandwiches.

Pink salmon "for salmon"

To do this, you need a small assortment of products:

  • 3 tablespoons of salt.
  • The same amount of sugar.
  • 100 ml of vegetable (sunflower) oil.
  • 1 kg of pink salmon fillet.

The fish is cut into large pieces. Salt and sugar are mixed together. A dish for salting is taken and a thin layer of sugar and salt is poured onto its bottom. After that, pieces of pink salmon are placed on top of the mixture and sprinkled on top again with a mixture of salt and sugar.

The fish prepared in this way is placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After this time, excess salt and sugar mixture is removed from the pieces, after which the fish is poured with vegetable oil.

Lightly salted pink salmon in brine with "salmon"

Range of products:

  • Pink salmon, fillet.
  • Salt, 5 tablespoons.
  • Water, 1 liter.
  • Sunflower (or other) oil.

The salt dissolves in cold, clean water, preferably boiled. The fish fillet is cut into small pieces. The same fillet slices are placed in brine for half an hour at room temperature. If you wish, you can add some spices, but there should be very few of them, otherwise the whole taste of the fish will be lost. If there are few of them, then they will not interfere.

Pink salmon "under salmon" with lemon

Pink salmon cooked with lemon is especially popular among fish lovers. In fact, making such a delicacy is quite simple, even at home.

To prepare this delicious dish, you will need:

  • Pink salmon fish - 1 kg fillet.
  • Salt - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • Two lemons.

Fillets prepared from pink salmon should be cut into pieces, depending on personal preference. In this case, one should take into account the fact that the larger the pieces, the longer they will cook. Salt, sugar and black pepper are mixed together. The pieces are carefully rubbed with a dry mixture from all sides. Lemons are cut into thin wedges. Pieces of fish are laid out in the prepared dishes, while each piece should be shifted with a lemon wedge. After that, the fish is left for 10 hours. After this time, the fish is poured with vegetable oil and left for another 3 hours, after which the pink salmon can be served.

How to serve and eat pink salmon

Since pink salmon meat contains the whole complex of vitamins and microelements, it is advisable to consume it every day, which will lead to a balance of all vital components of the human body. For the festive table, pink salmon is served with onions and herbs, cutting it into small pieces.

Actually, there are many options for filing. Toasts and sandwiches with red fish, decorated with parsley leaves, are very popular, and someone prefers regular slicing so as not to mix the taste of pink salmon meat with spices.

How useful is pink salmon

Pink salmon meat is valued not only for the presence of vitamins and microelements, but also for its protein content, which is easily absorbed by the human body. But all the advantages of pink salmon can be nullified if it is improperly cooked.

Before cooking pink salmon, it's best to use some tips, for example:

  1. Better to buy a whole carcass of freshly caught pink salmon.
  2. To speed up the salting, it is advisable to increase the amount of sugar.
  3. It is better to cut the frozen fish into pieces before defrosting.
  4. Fish will cook faster if you put it under pressure.
  5. The longer the fish is in the brine, the saltier it will be, but you cannot keep it in the brine for more than 3 days.
  6. In order for the pieces to be evenly saturated with brine, they must be turned over regularly.
  7. To make the fish slightly salted, it can be soaked in water and dried.
  8. The meaty the fillet is, the easier it is to cook.

Red fish meat has always been prized for its incredible taste and considered a healthy delicacy. Particularly popular is the slightly salted representative of the seas, which is so convenient to use in salads and snacks. Today we will tell you how to salt pink salmon at home, because unlike, for example, salmon, it is more affordable. It is worth considering that it is not so oily, and besides, it has a bitter taste. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right mixture for pickling it and use odorless vegetable oil.

Dry salting of pink salmon at home

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like red salted fish. True, many can afford such a delicacy only on special days. But you can find a way out of this situation by simply salting the fish yourself at home. And it is not necessary to buy trout or salmon, because you can use a more affordable species for salting. For example, pink salmon.

Salting such fish is quite simple, the difficulty lies only in cutting it. It is necessary to remove the ridge, fins, remove the skin and clean the carcass from all the insides. The tail and head can be left and a rich ear can be cooked from them. The main thing is to do everything carefully so that the meat separates well from the skin.

As soon as the pink salmon fillet is ready, you can start salting it.

  1. For 1 - 1.5 kg of fish, we need three tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of sugar.
  2. In a plate, mix salt and sugar and take a container, on the bottom of which we pour the prepared mixture.
  3. Put a piece of fish on top of it and sprinkle it with salt and sugar. We put the second workpiece on top and also fill it with a dry mixture.
  4. We close the container and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Fish fillet, pickled in haste

Salting pink salmon is a quick and inexpensive way to prepare delicious fish. It can be served in different ways. For example, as a snack, on sandwiches, rolls and stuffed pancakes. There are a lot of recipes for salting such fish and they are all simple in their execution.

But there are two main ways:

  • dry when only spices are used;
  • and wet, in which the fish is salted in a marinade or brine.

We offer you the simplest recipe for wet pickling pink salmon in a hurry.


  • pink salmon (1 kg);
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • six peppercorns;
  • bulb;
  • bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the prepared pink salmon fillet into pieces and put it in a container for salting.
  2. We make the pickle separately. To do this, take ½ liter of water, dissolve salt in it and fill the carcass with saline. We put the oppression and leave the workpiece at room temperature for 2 hours.
  3. Then we drain the brine and fill it with a new one made from a glass of water and a spoonful of vinegar. We wait 10 minutes and drain the liquid again.
  4. Onion mode in half rings, add it to the fish along with pepper, bay leaf and vegetable oil. Mix and after 20 minutes the fish will be ready.

Salt pink salmon "under the salmon"

Pink salmon is a very useful fish, because it contains a whole complex of trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, blood vessels and digestive organs.

The less heat-treated pink salmon is, the more it retains nutrients.

Salting is considered the surest way to prepare it, especially since the recipe below will allow you to tastefully and simply pickle pink salmon "a la salmon".


  • pink salmon (1 kg);
  • five tablespoons of salt;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • water.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pink salmon fillet into pieces.
  2. Add salt to boiled water (1.3 liters) and stir until it is completely dissolved. Dip the fish pieces into a salted solution for 15 minutes. Then dry them with a towel and put them in a container in layers. At the same time, we saturate each layer with vegetable oil.
  3. We put the fish in the refrigerator for 30 - 40 minutes.

How to deliciously salt fish in brine

Unlike salmon or trout, pink salmon is not such a fatty fish, so it is better to salt it in brine.

It is quite simple to prepare it, you only need salt, spices and a little time.


  • fillet of pink salmon;
  • five tablespoons of salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • bay leaf;
  • two carnation buds;
  • three black peppercorns;
  • five peas of allspice.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pink salmon fillet into small pieces and put them in a container for salting.
  2. Cooking the brine. To do this, we take water (for 1 kg of fish - 1 liter of water), add all the spices to it and put it on fire. As soon as the brine boils, cook it over low heat for 8 to 10 minutes.
  3. We take out all the seasonings from the finished marinade and let it cool down to room temperature.
  4. Pour the pieces of fish with the resulting liquid, put the load and put them in the refrigerator for two days. Then pour out the brine, dry the fish and put it in a container.

Cooking in mustard sauce

For salting pink salmon, you can use different recipes for making marinade. We offer an interesting way of pickling in mustard sauce. The fish is obtained with a spicy refined taste.


  • pink salmon;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • five tablespoons of olive oil;
  • two tablespoons of vinegar;
  • a spoonful of sweet mustard;
  • a spoonful of hot mustard;
  • dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fish fillet into equal pieces.
  2. We take a deep container, grease its sides with olive oil and pour a little on the bottom.
  3. Layer the fish blanks, add dill, salt and sugar. We close the lid and put in the refrigerator for two days.
  4. Serve salted fish with mustard sauce. To do this, mix two types of mustard with vinegar and olive oil.

Quick salting of pink salmon in one hour

Despite the fact that pink salmon is a fairly dry fish, a quick way of salting will turn it into almost tender and juicy, noble salmon. This recipe will allow you to enjoy delicious fish within an hour after salting.


  • fillet of pink salmon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • water.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fish fillet into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Dissolve salt in boiled cold water (five tablespoons of salt per liter of water).
  3. Dip the fish pieces into the saline solution for 8 - 10 minutes. Then we take them out, dry them and put them in layers in a container, pouring vegetable oil over each layer.
  4. We put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Lightly salted fish in one day

For the preparation of lightly salted pink salmon, the main thing is to purchase quality fish. The pulp of a good pink salmon has a uniform color, while it is dense and quickly recovers when pressed.

A simple recipe is to rub a mixture of salt and sugar into a fish fillet. For 1 kg of fish, two tablespoons of both ingredients are enough. If desired, you can add chopped bay leaves and a few peas of black pepper to them. Thoroughly fill the fish with the prepared mixture and put it in a container along with vegetable oil. We put it in the refrigerator for exactly one day.

Juicy and fragrant slightly salted pink salmon can be prepared according to another recipe in which lemon will be used. The main thing here is to choose a juicy citrus with a thin skin.


  • pink salmon (0.8 - 1 kg);
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of sugar;
  • ½ glass of oil;
  • two lemons;
  • black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into pieces. The thinner they are, the faster they will succumb to salting.
  2. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
  3. Mix salt, sugar and pepper. Rub the fish pieces with the finished mixture and put them in a container in layers. Put lemon slices on each layer and put the blank in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  4. After this time, fill the fish with lemon with vegetable oil and keep it cool for another 4 hours.

How to deliciously salt pink salmon after freezing

Pink salmon differs from other fish species in its specific color, which is why it was nicknamed "pink salmon". It is impossible not to single out the moment that this inhabitant of the seas is rich in fatty acids, which means that its use brings great benefits to our body.

Many housewives are interested in different questions about how and how much to salt pink salmon. But before you start salting fish, you need to consider two important points.

  • The first is that you need to cook it immediately after defrosting.
  • The second is the presence of a weak bitterness in the meat. Such an unpleasant aftertaste will be minimized by salt, and spices will add a subtle flavor note.

Spices such as dill, parsley, white and black peppers, bay leaves, garlic, rosemary and mustard go well with pink salmon. For salting, it is better to use rock or sea salt, and it is recommended to do this in a container made of glass, ceramics or plastic.

There are also different ways to deliciously salt pink salmon after freezing:

  1. Lightly salted pink salmon. With this method, the fish is kept in a saline solution for a certain time.
  2. Spicy salted fish. Aromatic herbs and spices are added to the salty solution.
  3. Dry salted pink salmon. Fish fillets are rubbed with salt and sugar.
  4. Salted pink salmon in oil. The marinade for salting fish is prepared on the basis of vegetable oil.

Salting pink salmon at home guarantees the high quality of the final product, because in our recipes we do not use conservatives and shock absorbers that harm the body. Therefore, be sure that your signature lightly salted fish will not only be tasty, but also as healthy as possible.

How pink salmon is prepared for salmon, we will consider the recipe for salting at home today. This red fish is relatively inexpensive and very beneficial for our body. It contains various useful elements for the human body, in particular, it contains iodine (normalizing the activity of the thyroid gland), in addition, calcium, sulfur, and fluorine.

Pink salmon meat is rich in protein, it is easily digested and goes to the so-called building needs of our body. Its presence has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal tissue. In addition, this fish contains nicotinic acid, it helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Salted fish at home is more useful, since it does not contain preservatives, which the manufacturer usually adds in order to increase its shelf life. As you know, on any festive table, the presence of red fish will indicate a delicious product.

Salmon is much more expensive than pink salmon, moreover, it is grown on specialized farms, where so-called genetically modified compounds can be used as feed, which is not very good. But few people breed pink salmon artificially, so there are more chances to buy it, so to speak, in its present form, grown in its natural environment.

Salting pink salmon for salmon at home

Preparing pink salmon for salting

First of all, pink salmon at home should be thawed naturally, so that all excess liquid moves away. After that, the fish carcass is cleaned of entrails, washed well, then the fins, head, tail are cut off. Then they carefully remove the skin (you need to own a similar technique), remove all visible bones, that is, prepare the so-called fillet, which can be salted in different ways.

The finished fillet layer can be slightly frozen, so it will be easier to cut into pieces of the required thickness. All methods of salmon salting will resemble the more expensive and tasty fish - salmon, and all thanks to proper preparation. So, let's get acquainted with some recipes.

Pink salmon fish - recipe for salmon

So, for salmon salmon salmon, you need the following ingredients:

Pink salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
Salt - 3 tablespoons;
Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil - 100 grams.

To salt pink salmon under salmon at home, cut the pink salmon fillet into slices. Then we mix sugar with salt and choose a container where the fish will be salted. At the bottom of the container, pour a mixture of sugar and salt on top, put a few pieces of fillets and again a layer of salt and sugar. Repeat this process until all the red fish are placed in the dish.

We send the container with pink salmon for about three hours to the refrigerator chamber. Then we take out the container. The humpback salmon is salted now and therefore we soak the fillet pieces with a napkin from excess salt and brine. Then we put it in a bowl and pour it with vegetable oil, it is better to take a deodorized version of this product so that the fish does not have the smell of sunflower.

The fish is ready to eat, very fast and tasty. It can be served as an independent dish, garnished with fresh dill sprigs on top, or you can put the fillet on the bread for a delicious sandwich. Enjoy your meal!

Pink salmon, salted under salmon with lemon

Perhaps pink salmon with lemon is the most popular recipe, but it takes a little longer to cook the previous one. You can prepare this delicacy yourself, you just need to stock up on ingredients and make such a salting at home. She will need the following products:

Pink salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
Salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
Granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon;
Ground black pepper - one pinch;
Fresh lemon - 2 pieces;
Vegetable (deodorized) oil - 100 milliliters.

Cut the prepared pink salmon fillet into thin pieces, which can immediately be used as an independent dish or as an addition and decoration to other culinary inventions. It is necessary to take into account such a moment, the larger the slice, the longer it will have to be salted.

Next, mix the dry ingredients, in particular salt, sugar and ground black pepper. Pour this mixture over all the fillet pieces. Next, cut the lemon into thin slices. Then in the prepared container we put the pink salmon in layers, together with lemon slices. In this form, she must lie down for at least ten hours to salt out.

Next, fill the finished product with vegetable oil in the amount of 100 milliliters. Then we leave the red fish to add salt for another three hours. After this time, you can taste it as an independent dish, or you can fantasize in culinary terms and serve it in the form of rolls with green onions on toasted bread, and so on. Enjoy your meal!

Some helpful tips

It is better to buy pink salmon whole, that is, in the form in which it was caught, and not gutted. To speed up the salting of red fish, you can increase the dose of granulated sugar in the recipe, in addition, it will be ready faster if you put it under a press.

If you decide to salt the pink salmon in chunks without filleting, then you should cut it in a frozen state, then the slices will be smoother and more beautiful. The longer the pink salmon is salted, respectively, the stronger the taste of the salt will be. Salting is not recommended for more than three days. Pink salmon in a cool refrigerator is salted longer than in a warm one.

In order for the fish to be better saturated, it is necessary to turn it over periodically. If you did not keep track of the time and the fish turned out to be very salty, but you want to try slightly salted red fish, then after the end of salting it is recommended to rinse it well in chilled boiled water.

If you are bored with these recipes, then you should cook pink salmon fish in the oven. A different taste will bring new sensations to your life.