Whether tequila is refrigerated before serving. Mexican tequila: how to drink it in its pure form and how to mix it in cocktails

28.04.2019 Buffet table

First of all, each type of cactus vodka has a special aroma and taste inherent only to it. The quality of the agave from which this drink is made is not always the same. The leaves of this cactus can have different sugar content or different degrees of maturity. Also, the aroma of a Mexican drink depends on the container in which it is kept. So oak barrels perfectly convey the notes of the smell of this tree to their contents.

Features of different types

Depending on the aging, there are 4 types of drink:

  • Silver (aka Blanco) is distinguished by its crystal transparency. This species is not kept in barrels, but immediately after distillation is bottled. True, sometimes such a drink is still kept in metal containers, but not more than 30 days. Blanco has a distinct agave flavor.
  • Gold is the same Blanco, only the color of the drink is changed here with the help of caramel or oak essence to yellow or light brown.
  • Riposado is considered one of the highest quality tequilas, as it is aged in oak barrels from two months to one year. Since during this time the tequila does not have time to color properly, it is also slightly tinted with caramel.
  • And the record holder for endurance is Anejo. This drink is aged in oak barrels, the capacity of which should not exceed 600 liters, from one to ten years. Although, until now, Anejo has not been held for more than 5 years.

It is interesting! Tequila is made strictly according to the technology regulated by the law specially developed by the Mexicans. This law not only determines the stages of production of the drink, but also provides for the content of the inscriptions on the bottles themselves.

Features of use

Drinking cactus vodka resembles a kind of ritual, and there are several varieties of it. Surprisingly, the observance of drinking traditions is much more important for Europeans than for the Mexicans themselves, they do not bother at all about this. Most likely, this situation has developed due to the marketing actions of manufacturing companies, the purpose of which was to stir up interest in a fashionable drink and its unusual use.

The basic rule is that tequila should be drunk in one gulp from certain glasses - "cabalitos". In common people, such a pile is called a "horse". The temperature of the vodka should be about 20-22 degrees.
Tip: Tequila is very soft to drink, so remember to keep track of the amount you drink.

In mexican

At home around the use national drink"Round dances" do not lead. They drink it in small portions in one gulp, without drinking anything. Some Mexicans prefer to take a sip of the soft drink from the tequila after the tequila. tomato juice and lime juice with hot peppers- sangrito. Mexicans also like to wash down their vodka with lime juice with a drop hot sauce Tabasco.

Classic european

In Europe, cactus vodka is generally drunk as follows. First, smear lime or lemon on the back of the hand at the base of the thumb or in the area of ​​the triangle between the thumb and forefinger. Salt is poured onto the skin oiled with juice. You can start. Lick the salt and quickly wash it down with about 50 grams of tequila. In some countries, this way of drinking is slightly modified - a couple of "salt-lime" is replaced with cinnamon and orange.

Tequila boom

This is more of a youthful way of drinking. The stack is placed on the table, the tequila is diluted with tonic, and the table is hit sharply and hard to make the tonic boil. After that, you need to quickly drink the drink, until it all "escaped". Strong remedy, capable of knocking down even the most persistent taster.

How to make this cocktail, see the video.


Lovers of creativity can invite you to try a drink from unusual "glasses". Most of the pulp is removed from the lime halves, and the edges are sprinkled with salt. Tequila is poured into improvised glasses. Further - according to the already familiar scheme: lick the salt, drink, eat with lime.

What is mixed with

The taste of agave vodka is perfectly revealed in many drinks, such as tea, coffee, cognac, scotch. It is used to compose different cocktails- with lime juice, liqueurs and even beer. Among the "club" young people are popular cocktails Paloma, Margarita, Chivava. Here, only the fantasy of lovers of a Mexican drink and good health.

More about national symbol Mexico, see the video.

Try another one Reviver- rum. You will get acquainted with the rules and methods, how and what varieties of it exist.

Those who are going to spend a fun evening with friends over a bottle of strong alcohol will be interested to learn how to drink tequila correctly, what are the traditions of its use. The Mexican government patented this product in the late 70s of the last century, the country created a Manufacturers Association and a Regulatory Council to control the manufacture. Therefore, tequila is a quality alcoholic drink. She is known and loved all over the world.

Serving rules and selection of appetizers

Experts believe that the shape of the glass affects the perception of the drink. Traditionally, tequila is served in glasses or glasses - narrow, widening upwards, with a thick bottom, with a capacity of 30-60 ml. Its strength is 38-50% vol. If you drink too much, you will definitely have a hangover in the morning.

Tequila can be served at pure form With light snacks or in a cocktail as an aperitif to create a relaxed atmosphere before a festive evening. But it is more appropriate as a digestif - a drink that improves digestion after meals. The most suitable for this is mature tequila (Añejo), aged for 1-4 years. It is more viscous, has a rich and multifaceted taste. It is drunk not in one gulp, but in small sips, like other aged alcohol. Best served with her hot chocolate, coffee or vanilla ice cream.

Most often, tequila is drunk moderately chilled. Depending on how long the evening lasts, you can eat it with light, cold or hot dishes. Will most emphasize the taste of a Mexican drink Mexican cuisine- spicy and spicy.

What to drink tequila with?

If you limit yourself to 2-3 glasses, fruits will be enough for a snack: pineapple, grapefruit or orange.

You need to know how they drink and what to eat tequila, if the party drags on. In the midst of fun, you can refresh yourself with the following dishes:

  • chicken legs stewed in orange juice with cinnamon;
  • soft cheese;
  • delicious and simple Mexican burrito, which is a wheat or corn tortilla stuffed with meat, chicken, vegetables or mushrooms, but always with a spicy sauce.

Although fatty food prevents intoxication, alcohol aroma is lost when combined with hearty hot meals. Traditionally, tequila is washed down with sangrita (in translation - blood). This soft drink based on tomato or pomegranate juice with chili, served chilled in the same stack. How to drink tequila with Sangrita? Leisurely. A sip of alcohol is slowly washed down with Sangrita so that it envelops the entire mouth with a sharp-sour spice.

Tequila with lime and salt

The traditional drinking ritual is original and attractive. If the whole company drinks tequila with salt, performing movements at the same time, it's fun. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Place a drop of lime juice at the base of your thumb.
  2. Sprinkle salt over the area.
  3. Place a slice of lime between your index finger and thumb.
  4. Lick the salt, drink and snack on lime.

To sharpen taste sensations, connoisseurs exhale before licking the salt, and after they put lime into their mouths, inhale. If you do the opposite, the taste softens.

Why is tequila drunk with salt and not some other spice? Blue agave juice, from which the drink is made, has a sweet taste. Salt weakens and aggravates it. taste buds... You can not apply it to your hand, but sprinkle a slice of lime or lemon and then have a snack of alcohol.

Lime is a juicy, delicate, aromatic citrus with a refreshing bitterness. The answer to the question why tequila is drunk with salt and lime is simple: because it is delicious.

Tequila cocktails

The popularity of tequila went up in the 70s of the last century, largely thanks to cocktails. The most famous of them is Margarita. There is hardly a bar in the world where it is not made. In this case, salt is also used - it is crowned with the rim of the glass, having previously moistened it with lime juice. The point is that it gradually licks off the edge, shading the taste of the drink. But when making a cocktail, it is unacceptable for the salt to get into the glass.

Margarita is not sugary-sweet, but if the taste contrasts too much with the crown of the rim for you, do not sprinkle one edge of the glass with salt. Tequila tastes better with lime. Lemon juice can be used instead, but the cocktail will turn out to be less piquant and rich in taste.

Tequila is good in combination with juices of citrus fruits and other sour fruits or astringent taste, liqueurs, syrups. Cocktails are often served with ice - cubes or frappe. It is easy to prepare margarita and other cocktails at home. Do not drink lamb dishes with an ice drink - meat with the most refractory fat may not be digested.

There is a way of drinking called Banderita (flag): sangrita is poured into one glass, tequila into the other, and lime juice into the third. The color sequence of the stacked stacks resembles the color of the national flag of Mexico. In this order, without pauses, after the first drink we drink from the rest of the glasses. In a volley.

How to drink Olmec tequila?

This is the most famous brand. Every lover of original alcohol should know how to drink and how to eat Olmec tequila. It depends on what class it is: ordinary (simple), premium or super-premium. The strength of the drink, color and quality depend on the composition and aging.

Simple contains 51% agave juice, other alcohols, caramel, oak, vanilla additives. In Europe they drink it the traditional way or substituting orange and cinnamon for lime and salt.

An easy way to drink - before drinking a glass, eat small pepper Chile. Gourmet - serve alcohol by keeping it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, in frozen 30 ml glasses. They drink in one gulp, and when the heat begins to spill over, they eat something spicy. Even fit fresh cucumber sprinkled with salt and pepper. Good appetizercold cuts and salad with corn and hot sauce.

The colorless young Olmeca is used to make cocktails that envelop the throat with pleasant warmth or refresh, but always delight the eye. The most beautiful are layered drinks. Old recipes from unusual ingredients and proportions become recognizable and fashionable.

High-end alcohol is obtained from 100% blue agave juice, fermented and distilled 3-4 times. It is required to consider what they drink Olmec tequila with highest quality... She is able to compete the best varieties whiskey and cognac, its taste is so deep and perfect that there is no need to dilute or supplement it with anything.

It is popular among young people to drink tequila in this way:

  • pour 50 ml of tequila and 100 ml of Sprite into a tall glass;
  • cover with a napkin and tap the glass several times on the table;
  • drink frothed drink immediately.

How tequila is drunk in Mexico

Salt and lemon with tequila are a long-standing tradition - they softened the taste of insufficiently distilled alcohol and eliminated a burning sensation in the throat. The classic way- "lick, knock, eat" - remains popular in Mexico. The Mexican can also sprinkle salt on his tongue and squeeze lime juice into his mouth after taking a sip of alcohol. Drink alcohol with tomato-lime juice with hot pepper... Mexicans add their favorite tequila when preparing dishes, in tea and coffee, but they do not mix it with other alcohol.

Mexicans regard tequila as an entertainment not associated with a feast, so there are few snacks for it. They can just sip it in small sips, enjoying amazing taste... Or pour into chilled glasses and, after waiting for a few seconds, drink in one gulp.

In addition to Margarita, cocktails are popular:

  • Vampire,
  • Charro negro,
  • Bach gold,
  • Tequilibrio,
  • Mapet,
  • Cucaracha, etc.

In Mexico, everyone drinks tequila the way they like it. The main thing is to have fun and know when to stop.

Tequila is a delicious cactus Mexican vodka. It is not customary to dilute this drink with something, if we are not talking about cocktails. But you can drink it down various drinks, including the so beloved by Russians cola and sprite, washed down with it and cola.

Interestingly, in Mexico itself, along with tequila, it is customary to use sangrita - a spicy and sour drink. What is the best way to drink tequila? This is worth understanding.

Carbonated drinks

Why is she so popular? It is known that cola is a carbonated drink. This means that alcohol will act faster, and the pleasant feeling of slight intoxication will last for a long time.

Tequila with cola is the most popular option in Russia.

And you can make this cocktail from tequila and cola:

  • tequila - 50 ml;
  • cola - 150 ml;
  • ice cubes (about 200 grams);
  • half a small lime.

This cocktail is very popular in the USA and can be ordered at any bar there. And it's easy to make it at home. An important detail: Cola is usually used to wash down golden tequila. Why is difficult to say. Probably just looks nice in a glass. But silver tequila is usually washed down with a sprite.

Tequila with a sprite is also a good option. Sprite has a lighter taste than cola, and its sugar content is somewhat less.

Popular and the simplest cocktail called "Tequila Boom", which came from the USA:

  1. A low glass is taken (it is customary to drink tequila from such);
  2. 1/2 of the sprite is poured into it (you can use any other carbonated drink, but usually a sprite is mixed with tequila);
  3. 1/2 part tequila;
  4. The glass beats hard on the table (so as not to break, you can take a napkin or towel);
  5. the cocktail is drunk in one gulp.

If we compare the sprite with cola, then the majority still prefer the first option.

Mineral water

Strong alcohol mineral water usually not washed down. But there is one exception: mineral water helps in the sense that it removes negative impact alcohol on the body. More precisely, it helps to reduce blood pressure... If there are at least some health problems in this case, it is permissible to add about 1-2 tablespoons to a glass of alcohol mineral water... But not carbonated, but ordinary.


Tequila with juice is a more “feminine” version, as is commonly believed. It is believed that it is better to drink the drink with an orange one, although this is more a matter of taste. It is not advised to use nectars and "heavy" juices such as plum or cherry: they will kill the whole taste of Mexican vodka.

Sunrise is one of the most popular orange and tequila juice cocktails.

It's not very difficult to cook it:

  • tequila - 50 ml (usually silver is used for sunrise);
  • sweet reddish syrup (grenadine is taken in bars, but the options may be different);
  • Orange juice- 150 ml;
  • ice (cubes).

By the way, there are rumors that Sunrise is a favorite cocktail of Hillary Clinton, one of the most likely candidates for the presidency of the United States. And Americans know a lot about alcohol and cocktails!


Orange juice is the second most popular drink after cola in Russia. strong alcohol, tequila is no exception. First, it contains a large number of antioxidants, which reduces the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. Secondly, orange juice helps remove the "alcohol" flavor from spirits.

Cocktails that include both tequila and orange juice - great amount... But it is better not to mix liquids, but it is banal to wash down Mexican vodka with this juice. And the taste buds will remain safe and sound, and a strong hangover can be avoided - everything is great. The only condition: the drink must be freshly squeezed. If not, then with the same success alcohol can be washed down with tap water.


Pineapple is rarely used for drinking strong alcoholic drinks. The reason is extremely simple: it has too "light" taste, the taste of alcohol (alcohol) cannot be neutralized with its help. True, in American bars there are many cocktails, which, in addition to the basics, also include rum. In such cocktails, it is not only customary to add Pineapple juice, you can drink them with it. The taste will be light, slightly banana-like.


Cherry juice is too “heavy in taste”, it will interrupt with its smell and taste any alcohol, even rum, not to mention tequila. Therefore, it is best to drink them pure alcohol, that is, strong. But cocktails are not. On the other hand, there are people who hate the unpleasant "vodka" aftertaste. And cherry will cope with it as well as possible.


Tomato juice is one of the most famous drinks on the planet, which is used for drinking alcohol. On the one hand, it is light, does not interrupt the aroma of tequila, on the other hand, it will not unpleasant sensation burning sensation. In Mexico, they are washed down with alcohol in almost all restaurants, bars, cafes. In terms of popularity, it is second only to orange.

Tequila with lemon and salt is a must for a hot party. But this is not the only way to consume of this drink... Learn how tequila is drunk in Mexico.

In the article:

Tequila: a short excursion into history

Blue agave fruit

Tequila - strong alcoholic product... Its production is based on blue agave juice. This plant is widespread in the vicinity of the city of Tequila (Mexico).

  1. The history of tequila is noted by Pedro Sancheza de Tahle, at the plant of which mass production of this drink was launched at the end of the 17th century.
  2. The rapidly growing popularity of tequila led to the cultivation of blue agave (from 1758), a plant whose sap forms the basis of the beverage. The controversy over how tequila is drunk goes back to this time.
  3. In the 18th century, the production of tequila came under royal control.
  4. The year 1795 is marked by the issuance of a license for the production of the “Jose Cuervo” alcohol line, which still exists today.
  5. The holding of the Olympic Games in Mexico City (1968) brought tequila worldwide fame.
  6. Modern and cocktails based on it are an integral part of the bar list.

Tequila - how they drink in Mexico and here

The popularity of tequila is due to the quality of the taste and the extravagant manner of consumption. Compliance with the ritual, how to drink tequila, gives a simple action a certain zest.

Tequila is a drink that does not admit rules and restrictions. There is no unambiguous definition of the way it is used. And yet, several common options for ingesting a drink can be noted, both in pure form and:

The color combination is reminiscent of the Mexican flag. All drinks are taken in turn.

Manner of use alcoholic beverages and the complex composition of cocktails are governed exclusively by individual preferences.

Best tequila snack

As a rule, tequila is not drunk with meals, that is, it is not eaten in the conventional sense. It is often used as a flavored additive in tea or coffee.

If you are planning a feast with tequila as the star, you should still consider a snack.

A light snack is an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon. Grapefruit or pineapple will also work.

To prevent the effect quick intoxication you can use cold snacks. Here the only exception is sweets. ... This alcoholic product does not go well with dessert dishes ... The following snacks are good:

  • soft cheese;
  • mushrooms;
  • olives;
  • smoked meats.

It is advisable to season the appetizer with sauce or hot pepper.

Salsa sauce

Mexican natives prefer Salsa sauce:

  • chopped tomatoes;
  • olives;
  • garlic;
  • chilli;

Grind everything in a blender. Season to taste:

  • salt;
  • lemon juice;
  • pepper;
  • olive oil.

The amount of ingredients is determined based on the desired degree of pungency of the dish.

Mix of champignons and shrimps

Often in restaurant establishments, the appetizer is served as a mix of mushrooms and shrimps:

  • mushrooms (raw) medium cut sprinkle with lemon juice;
  • dice the shrimp and pineapple;
  • you can mix all the ingredients, or you can lay it out in layers;
  • season the salad with sour cream-mayonnaise sauce, hot peppers and herbs.


And, of course, a Mexican delicacy - Buritto (a mix of meat and vegetables in pita bread). A mix worth trying:

  • meat;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • chilli;
  • garlic.

Everything is fried with the addition of salt and spices, then wrapped in pita bread.

If you are planning a long feast, you should take care of hot dishes.

Here's what else to eat with tequila:

  • fried poultry and pork;
  • pickles;
  • mashed potatoes and other snacks served with traditional vodka.

The percentage of the strength of tequila and vodka is approximately at the same level.

It must be borne in mind that hot and dense dishes dull the taste of the drink.... Therefore, in order to evaluate the quality of alcohol, the first couple of glasses are worth a bite classic slice lime or lemon.

Tequila glasses are traditionally narrow, high with a solid bottom. If we are talking about a cocktail, then the capacity is selected accordingly.

Good mood, warm company, suitable atmosphere and tequila are all you need to feel the real Mexican heat.

Tequila is the same symbol of Mexico as vodka is of Russia. However, the drink was invented by the Europeans. Arriving on a new continent, they saw interesting custom Indians drink low-alcohol juice of agave during the holidays. This "drink of the gods" was called pulque. Spanish conquistadors - lovers of stronger distillates, distilled local drink, which is why mezcal appeared. Thoroughly peeled to the transparency of a tear, it turned into tequila. And if mezcal appeared already around 1535, then with the last drink there were long metamorphoses. When refined, he wore different names... Mostly it was "agave wine" or brandy mezcal. Tequila got its current name from the town of Tequila, which is located in the Mexican state of Jalisco, west of Guadalajara. The drink quickly gained popularity in the north, in the United States. In our country, this distillate is just beginning to win hearts. This article will focus on the question of how to drink tequila correctly.

First meeting

If you've never tasted tequila before, be careful with your choice of products. The market, especially the Russian one, is flooded with counterfeits. From acquaintance with such "tequila" you can develop a persistent rejection of this drink. If you expect it to be “the same vodka, only from a cactus,” you are cruelly mistaken. Tequila tastes like nothing else. If, of course, a drink. There are two important points on the label. The first is the composition: 100% And the second is the location of the state of Jalisco. All other regions only have the right to bottle tequila. The drink is served in Mexico in tall and narrow earthenware glasses with a thick bottom. They are called cabalitos, which means horses. We'll talk later about what is drunk with tequila. But when you first meet, just do small sip and hold it in your mouth. Feel the full taste and then swallow, feeling the warm wave travel down the esophagus. By the way, tequila, unlike vodka, is not chilled before serving. The best qualities it opens at room temperature.

The Mexicans themselves believe that this drink is good in itself, and does not need accompaniment. It is served for both an aperitif and a digestif, but not with food. Mexicans do not eat tequila, but wash it down, and even then on rare occasions. It is best to consume the glass in one gulp. This is what the common Mexican people think. Gourmets believe that the drink should be consumed with salt. Better yet, snack on Caribbean limes. Why is tequila drunk with salt? Scientists have found the answer. Salt aggravates the sensitivity of the receptors on the tongue. What about lime? It acts like coffee beans for the nose: clears the tongue for further perception. This trio - tequila + salt + lime - has spawned many ways to consume the distillate.

Authentic recipes. "Sangrita"

Before considering what tequila is drunk in Western Europe and the United States, let's explore a local Mexican custom. Mescal, the common ancestor of the club drink, was usually consumed in one gulp from small cups. At the same time, they didn’t eat alcohol, didn’t drink it or sniff it. But tequila is a sophisticated drink, and glamorous youths are not like stern macho. Therefore, in Mexico, three ways to consume this distillate were born. We have already described the first one. This is already a classic trio with tequila, salt and lime. This method has a lot of nuances, up to erotic fantasies, which we will talk about later. The second way to drink tequila is with Sangrita. Just do not confuse this orange and tomato juice with the addition of hot pepper with "Sangria" ( Spanish wine, where it is customary to put citrus pieces). It is customary to drink a glass of tequila in one gulp. After that, you can already slowly sip "Sangrita".

Authentic recipes. "Tabasco"

The third method is also not quite familiar to the European stomach. Pour tequila into the cabalitos and set aside. Fill an ordinary glass cup with lemon or lime juice (preferably fresh). We drip Tabasco sauce into it. It is important not to overdo it: this seasoning is very spicy, because it is made from hot chili peppers, acetic acid and salt. Stir the sauce in the juice with a spoon. Next, we proceed as in the previous recipe. Drain a glass of tequila in one gulp and drink it slowly with juice. This method allows you to appreciate the rich aroma and taste of the wonderful distillate of blue agave sprouts. Well, now let's consider what they drink with tequila outside of her homeland - Mexico.

Types of Mexican vodka

Having crossed the borders of the native land and becoming a welcome guest at youth parties, first in the USA, and then in Europe, tequila "overgrown" different variations... The most famous are "Silver" (aka "white"), "Gold", "Olmeka" and "Chocolate". And for each of these types, their own ways of drinking have been invented. As vodka is premium, so is tequila. Olmeca and Gold are considered more refined. "Chocolate" is a separate story, a variation invented for those who do not like the spicy-salty taste. Great way cheer up a too constrained girl at a disco - after all, tequila is easy to drink, and at first you do not feel its insidious alcoholic effects... When asked what to drink with chocolate tequila, connoisseurs assure that it goes well solo. A pleasant, velvety aroma of cocoa replaces the dessert, and only in the aftertaste you feel light alcohol... But chocolate tequila (as well as other types) feel great in cocktails.

What to drink with Olmeca tequila

This is a type of premium beverage. But do not think that blue-blooded tequila should be consumed in any special way. This cognac assumes the presence of a cabinet upholstered in leather, cigars, bow ties and other problems of etiquette. Tequila is a club drink, one might say, youth. Therefore, you need to enjoy them with youthful enthusiasm. So what to drink with Olmeca tequila? All the methods are suitable for this type as for the "silver", white distillate. The most common method is called "lick, knock over, bite." It consists in the following. Squeeze a slice of lime between your thumb and forefinger. Pour salt into the recess. In the other hand we take cabalitos with a drink. On your marks! Attention! March! We dip the tongue in salt and, before the crystals have time to dissolve, we overturn the glass. And then we eat it with bitter lime.

German way

It is similar to the previous one. Only salt is replaced with cinnamon, and bitter lime is replaced with sweet orange. This is how the Germans answered the question of what to drink with Gold tequila. You can sprinkle cinnamon on the back of your hand, in the indentation between your thumb and forefinger. This is what they do in the company. A more prim way to use Gold tequila is to dip the wet edges of the glass in icing sugar mixed with cinnamon, then pour the drink. Place a saucer with orange slices next to it. But the Germans went even further and included tequila in the number of erotic games. Instead of a palm, cinnamon is sprinkled on the body of the beloved, the role of a glass is played by the navel ... However, such alcohol consumption presupposes a chamber environment.

"Rapido", Mexican ruff and more

The inventive youth of the club has come up with a ton of ways to drink tequila with. For example, scrape the pulp of a lime, and make something like a glass out of the skin. They are powdered with salt and poured with tequila. After that, the cups are eaten. The Spanish method is called Rapido ("fast") or "tequila boom". Add tonic to a glass of distillate in a one-to-one ratio. Cover the glass with a palm and hit the table sharply. There is a "boom" - the tonic begins to hiss and foam. Naturally, you need a glass with a thick bottom, otherwise the drink will be on your clothes, and your fingers will be covered in blood from broken glass... Another way is especially for those who adhere to the everyday principle: "Vodka without beer is a wasted money." It is called "Mexican ruff". Tequila is poured with Corona Extra in a ratio of 1:10. And here is Tequila con gusano(with a worm) indicates a low quality of the distillate.

Tequila cocktails

Many interesting mixes have been created on the basis of this Mexican distillate. The most famous and popular cocktail- "Margarita". All the ingredients that we named when we answered the question with what is the best way to drink tequila are involved in its manufacture. We dip a wide glass in salt so that its edges are dressed with "hoarfrost". Pour in one part of the tequila. Add an equal amount orange liqueur and lime juice. A few more ice cubes and you're done. Now let's look at how to drink chocolate tequila in cocktails. This type of distillate goes well with currant liqueur, Chivava, brandy, grenadine and other syrups.