Fish and seafood in human nutrition. The physiological significance of fish and dishes from it for the human body

23.04.2019 Soups

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Meaning fish dishes in nutrition

There are not so many foods in the world that are rich in both vitamins A, D, E, and phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium and amino acids, which are simply necessary for normal operation hearts and vascular system, stomach and thyroid gland. In fish, all these elements are more than enough. On top of that, this product, which is never more than 30% fat, is very easy and quick to digest: the human stomach digests fish protein in one and a half to two hours compared to the five hours it takes to assimilate, say, beef.

For those who are overweight, the ideal food would be River fish, where per 100 gr. only 2.5 g of fat. Yes, and sick diabetes can use it without restrictions: carbohydrates in such a product - 0.1%.

Chemical composition fish is not permanent. It significantly depends not only on its species and physiological state, but also on age, sex, habitat, fishing time and other conditions. environment.

Fish meat is distinguished by a rather high content of extractive substances - from 1.5 to 3.5%. Thereby fish broths able to excite appetite, stimulate gastric secretion. However, the extractive nitrogenous substances of fish meat contain a significant amount of purine bases, which contribute to the formation of uric acid in the body and the deposition of its salts. Therefore, many fish dishes should be excluded from the diet of the elderly, as well as people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

Fish, competing with chicken in this, is considered one of the the best sources affordable high-quality protein containing all the amino acids necessary for life. Favorably distinguishes it from meat protein by the presence a large number methionine. Its content in different varieties ranges from 10 to 23%. The fats contained in fish are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3. They are needed by the baby's body for the development of the retina and the production of substances that regulate metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. And yet, despite these beneficial features, the smallest should be given low-fat varieties, because they are easier to digest and do not overload gastrointestinal tract kids. The amount of fat in fish varies from 0.6 to 33% and depends on its species, habitat, age and even gender. Varieties with a fat content of up to 4% include haddock, silver hake, pollock, pollock, navaga, river perch, perch. Moderately oily fish (4 to 8% fat) is small trout, herring, sea ​​bass, catfish, bream, catfish, carp. Salmon, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, saury, halibut are considered fatty fish (over 8% fat).

In most commercial fish, the total amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids ranges from 1 to 5%, while in beef and lamb it is 0.2-0.5%, and only in pork about 3%. The fats of some marine fish (saury, horse mackerel, mackerel) contain a significant amount (more than 1%) of unsaturated fatty acids with a large number of double bonds.

Due to the fact that collagen, which is represented by connective tissues, tends to easily turn into a soluble form, fish is usually easily boiled, its tissues become loose, which contributes to a more complete and faster absorption of nutrients. The most protein-rich fish species are salmon, trout, salmon, beluga, in other words, all fish of the salmon and sturgeon orders. The importance of fish dishes in nutrition is also reinforced by their high nutritional value due to the high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. To the greatest extent, this applies to fatty marine varieties of fish - salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, salmon, etc.

Polyunsaturated acids have great physiological activity, have a beneficial effect on the course of intercellular processes, have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce blood lipids, and contribute to weight loss.

The fish contains mineral elements necessary for the human body. Of the macronutrients, compounds of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur are of the greatest importance, of microelements - iodine, copper, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc, fluorine, etc. They provide a normal metabolism and therefore are very valuable in the human diet. Calcium and phosphorus salts are found in fish meat in such a ratio that ensures their greatest digestibility by the human body. There is more fluorine in the meat of small fish. Salmon meat contains significant amounts of iron and copper salts.

Fish contains vitamins, mainly fat-soluble and B vitamins. The largest number fat-soluble vitamins are concentrated in liver fat. A significant amount of vitamin A is found in the muscle fat of eel, halibut, and herring. Most vitamin D in the muscle fat of eel, lamprey, salmon, mackerel, tuna. There is little vitamin C in fish meat - 1-5 mg, but in fresh salmon meat - up to 30-40 mg. The liver of many fish is rich in vitamins A, D and E. Naturally, it should be borne in mind that during long-term storage, freezing, not to mention drying, the nutritional value of fish is largely lost.

Fish meat contains 55-83% water. How fatter fish, the less water in its tissues. So, in the meat of eel, anchovy it is about 55%, and in low-fat varieties perch and cod fish - about 80%. During thermal processing, fish meat loses less water than the meat of slaughtered animals and poultry, so it tastes juicier.

Low-fat fresh fish is the most tasty and healthy, but it belongs to perishable species. food products. Therefore, it is recommended that fresh fish be cooked as quickly as possible.

Fish meat contains an average of 16-20% protein, 2-10% fat, 1.2% mineral elements, including 0.3% potassium, 0.2% phosphorus, 1 mg of iron. In sea fish, there is a relatively large amount of iodine - 50-150 mcg and fluorine - 400-1000 mcg. Of the vitamins, it is necessary to name the B vitamins, including B1 (0.03-0.06 mg), B2 (0.1-0.3 mg), PP (1-5 mg), and, most importantly, vitamins D (2-30 mcg) and A (0.01 - 0.06 mg), which are practically absent in the meat of slaughter animals. Especially a lot of vitamins D and A are found in cod liver oil (up to 1000 mg of vitamin A and up to 550 mcg of vitamin D). A positive feature of fish proteins in comparison with the proteins of slaughter animals is the higher content of such an essential amino acid as methionine.

Food and healing qualities fish have been known to mankind since ancient times. Fish was in demand not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. Fish glue was considered a good remedy from hemorrhage, burbot liver was used to remove the walleye, and tench meat, which was applied to the soles of the feet, helped with fevers. Now such methods of treatment, of course, have gone down in history, but in modern medicine many substances derived from fish are still used. This is insulin, and pancreatin, and compolon ... Everyone knows the fish oil obtained from cod liver. In addition, it has been found that the tissues of many fish species have antiseptic properties.

American scientists as a result of a long-term large-scale study came to the conclusion that constant use baked or fried fish helps prevent the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. For 12 years, for this, the diet of the population over the age of 65 was carefully studied and compared. As a result, it turned out that those who ate sea fish several times a week suffered from heart arrhythmia much less than those who ate it once a month or less. Experts explain it beneficial influence on the work of the heart of the same fatty acids, which were mentioned above. The researchers hope that by convincing the population of the benefits of fish products, a significant reduction in the incidence of atrial fibrillation can be achieved.

In European countries, they are also trying to instill in people the concept of the benefits of fish compared to meat products. The results of studies in France showed that people who eat fish suffer from colon cancer much less often than lovers of meat dishes.

By eating sea and ocean fish, we can protect ourselves from the risk of stroke and sudden death due to the cessation of the heart. Even eating one fish dish a week, we reduce the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest by half. Help us again fatty acid. According to statistics, weekly consumption of fish reduces the risk of stroke by 22%, and consumption 5 times a week - by 54%. Other seafood has a similar effect, for example, algae, like seaweed.

River fish is also considered in its own way useful and necessary in nutrition. By nutritional properties it creates quite worthy competition the best varieties meat, and is absorbed by the body faster and easier. This gives it the right to be widely used in diet food, be one of critical components diet of children and the elderly.

Do not forget the importance of fish dishes in clinical nutrition: fish diet often recommended for obesity.

It must be borne in mind that the quantity and composition useful substances and trace elements in fish are subject to seasonal fluctuations. Quite a few important role play and habitat conditions, and the food supply of the reservoir, and the age of the fish itself. The most nutrient-rich fish is before spawning, and during the period of spawning and after it - on the contrary.

The value of fish dishes is great not only for strengthening the cardiovascular and digestive systems. from right and balanced nutrition, one of the indispensable elements of which is always fish, depends on the duration of our life, the work of the brain, the quality of memory. Fish oil, as a supplier of fatty acids, helps blood circulation, and the better blood circulation is, the faster nutrients enter the brain cells.

As you can see, the importance of fish dishes that we use in our diet is often diminished. Despite the fact that Russia can be called one of the "marine" countries, in its central regions, the fish has not become traditional product nutrition, without which it is impossible National cuisine. There is much to learn from the Europeans.

The benefits of fish in human nutrition

We all love to eat tasty and satisfying food, but no one thinks about the usefulness of the food we eat. From early childhood, every person has heard at least once in his life that tasty cannot be healthy and vice versa.

Partly, it is. Appetizing fried potatoes, fatty meat with a crispy crust, pies - all these foods have a detrimental effect on our health. Cholesterol in the blood rises, as a result we get heart disease, obesity and a number of other problems.

How to be? Is it possible to eat without harming your health? There is an exit. Fish cooked according to the rules will not only become your favorite dish, but will also protect the body from many diseases. The benefits of fish in human nutrition are obvious.

In nutrition, it is important to use food balanced with vitamins and amino acids; fish satisfies these requirements. Selenium, calcium, zinc, fluorine, a high content of phosphorus - you will find all these elements in a fish dish. For the formation of thyroxine, the thyroid gland needs iodine, which is found in excess in seafood.

Problems overweight they will never touch you, because the fish product contains practically no fat. Nutritionists around the world advise eating fish. Protein-rich food, easily absorbed by the body - now you will not feel heaviness in the stomach after dinner. At the same time, the fish is very nutritious food- the feeling of hunger after a meal will not overtake you for a long time. Not in vain in times Soviet Union were introduced fish days! It is also worth noting that fish is an Orthodox food, and on such great church holidays as the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, Palm Sunday, the Assumption of the Virgin, it was the main dish.

The benefits of fish in human nutrition cannot be overlooked, as well as the benefits in psychological stimulation. having dinner delicious seafood you will relax, calm down and fall asleep easily. The monks who eat fish products have a quiet and calm character, they do not show their emotions, which cannot be said about people who eat animal meat.

Fish is important not only in human nutrition, but also in medicine. Since ancient times, glue made from fish has been used to stop bleeding, a thorn in the patient's eye has been removed with burbot's liver, and tench has been used to treat fever. Many medicines are made from an aquatic inhabitant - these are fish oil, insulin, compolon, pancreatin. There are many extractive substances in fish that stimulate appetite, which makes it possible to make biological supplements.

The basis of the diet of the inhabitants of Japan is seafood, which is why Asians rarely get sick and have longevity. Europeans welcomed oriental cuisine and appreciated its taste and traditions.

Fish dishes have been popular at all times. Jellied; boiled, baked and fried fish; meatballs and much, much more decorate our tables.

Special attention should be paid to canned fish and preserves - their diversity is pleasing to the eye. in oil, in tomato sauce, smoked and fried, with the addition of spices - all this can be found on the benches of any store. Which one then New Year will do without caviar? About this view fish snack you can talk endlessly. Caviar has become a symbol of Russian kindness and generosity. This product is rich in proteins, fats, lecithin, vitamins A, B and D. Caviar is preserved in a special way, which preserves all useful and healing properties this delicacy.

We all have been fishing at least once in our lives, and some individuals devote their entire lives to this hobby. Fishing is very interesting and an exciting activity. You can sit for hours waiting for a bite. And so! O miracle! What incredible sensations you experience when you pull a fish out of the water!

Carefully take your catch off the hook and brag to your friends. Evening comes, everyone's stomachs are bubbling in anticipation of delicious hearty food. A fire is made, the smoke from which easily intoxicates, and the real Russian fat fish soup warms and cooks. What could be better? The cooking process is extremely simple, and the result exceeds all expectations. The dish is ready - everyone sits around the sparkling coals and absorbs the culinary delights with incredible appetite.

The benefits of fish in human life on the face are good health, strong immunity, strong and carefree sleep. You should not buy expensive medicines to prolong your life and heal, just eat right. Fish will help you with this, its diet is varied.

fish seafood ear

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There are not so many foods in the world that are rich in both vitamins A, D, E, and phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium and amino acids, which are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and vascular system, stomach and thyroid gland. In fish, all these elements are more than enough. On top of that, this product, which is never more than 30% fat, is very easily and quickly digested: the human stomach digests fish protein in one and a half to two hours, compared to five hours for the absorption of, say, beef.

For overweight people, the ideal food will be river fish, where 100 gr. only 2.5 g of fat. Yes, and patients with diabetes can use it without restrictions: carbohydrates in such a product are 0.1%.

The chemical composition of fish is not constant. It significantly depends not only on its species and physiological state, but also on age, sex, habitat, fishing time and other environmental conditions.

Fish meat is distinguished by a rather high content of extractive substances - from 1.5 to 3.5%. Thanks to this, fish broths are able to excite appetite, stimulate gastric secretion. However, the extractive nitrogenous substances of fish meat contain a significant amount of purine bases, which contribute to the formation of uric acid in the body and the deposition of its salts. Therefore, many fish dishes should be excluded from the diet of the elderly, as well as people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

Fish, competing with chicken in this, is considered one of the best sources of affordable high-quality protein containing all the amino acids necessary for life. It favorably distinguishes it from meat protein by the presence of a large amount of methionine. Its content in different varieties ranges from 10 to 23%. The fats contained in fish are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3. They are needed by the baby's body for the development of the retina and the production of substances that regulate metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. And yet, despite these beneficial properties, the smallest should be given low-fat varieties, because they are easier to digest and do not overload the gastrointestinal tract of babies. The amount of fat in fish varies from 0.6 to 33% and depends on its species, habitat, age and even gender. Varieties with a fat content of up to 4% include haddock, silver hake, pollock, pollock, navaga, river perch, pike perch. Moderately fatty fish (from 4 to 8% fat) are small trout, herring, sea bass, catfish, bream, catfish, carp. Salmon, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, saury, halibut are considered fatty fish (over 8% fat).

In most commercial fish, the total amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids ranges from 1 to 5%, while in beef and lamb it is 0.2-0.5%, and only in pork about 3%. The fats of some marine fish (saury, horse mackerel, mackerel) contain a significant amount (more than 1%) of unsaturated fatty acids with a large number of double bonds.

Due to the fact that collagen, which is represented by connective tissues, tends to easily turn into a soluble form, fish is usually easily boiled, its tissues become loose, which contributes to a more complete and faster absorption of nutrients. The most protein-rich fish species are salmon, trout, salmon, beluga, in other words, all fish of the salmon and sturgeon orders. The importance of fish dishes in nutrition is also reinforced by their high nutritional value due to the high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. To the greatest extent, this applies to fatty marine varieties of fish - salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, salmon, etc.

Polyunsaturated acids have great physiological activity, have a beneficial effect on the course of intercellular processes, have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce blood lipids, and contribute to weight loss.

The fish contains mineral elements necessary for the human body. Of the macronutrients, compounds of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur are of the greatest importance, of microelements - iodine, copper, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc, fluorine, etc. They provide a normal metabolism and therefore are very valuable in the human diet. Calcium and phosphorus salts are found in fish meat in such a ratio that ensures their greatest digestibility by the human body. There is more fluorine in the meat of small fish. Salmon meat contains significant amounts of iron and copper salts.

Fish contains vitamins, mainly fat-soluble and B vitamins. The largest amount of fat-soluble vitamins is concentrated in liver fat. A significant amount of vitamin A is found in the muscle fat of eel, halibut, and herring. Most vitamin D in the muscle fat of eel, lamprey, salmon, mackerel, tuna. There is little vitamin C in fish meat - 1-5 mg, but in fresh salmon meat - up to 30-40 mg. The liver of many fish is rich in vitamins A, D and E. Naturally, it should be borne in mind that during long-term storage, freezing, not to mention drying, the nutritional value of fish is largely lost.

Fish meat contains 55-83% water. The fatter the fish, the less water in its tissues. So, in the meat of eel, anchovy it is about 55%, and in low-fat varieties of perch and cod fish - about 80%. During thermal processing, fish meat loses less water than meat from slaughtered animals and poultry, so it tastes juicier.

The most tasty and healthy low-fat fresh fish, but it belongs to perishable types of food. Therefore, it is recommended that fresh fish be cooked as quickly as possible.

Fish meat contains an average of 16-20% protein, 2-10% fat, 1.2% mineral elements, including 0.3% potassium, 0.2% phosphorus, 1 mg of iron. In sea fish, there is a relatively large amount of iodine - 50-150 mcg and fluorine - 400-1000 mcg. Of the vitamins, it is necessary to name the B vitamins, including B1 (0.03-0.06 mg), B2 (0.1-0.3 mg), PP (1-5 mg), and, most importantly, vitamins D (2-30 mcg) and A (0.01 - 0.06 mg), which are practically absent in the meat of slaughter animals. Especially a lot of vitamins D and A are found in cod liver oil (up to 1000 mg of vitamin A and up to 550 mcg of vitamin D). A positive feature of fish proteins in comparison with the proteins of slaughter animals is the higher content of such an essential amino acid as methionine.

The nutritional and healing qualities of fish have been known to mankind since ancient times. Fish was in demand not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. Fish glue was considered a good remedy for hemorrhage, burbot liver was used to remove walleye, and tench meat, which was applied to the soles of the feet, helped with fevers. Now such methods of treatment, of course, have gone down in history, but many substances derived from fish are still used in modern medicine. This is insulin, and pancreatin, and compolon ... Everyone knows the fish oil obtained from cod liver. In addition, it has been found that the tissues of many fish species have antiseptic properties.

American scientists as a result of a long-term large-scale study came to the conclusion that the constant use of baked or fried fish helps prevent the risk of cardiac arrhythmia. For 12 years, for this, the diet of the population over the age of 65 was carefully studied and compared. As a result, it turned out that those who ate sea fish several times a week suffered from heart arrhythmia much less than those who ate it once a month or less. Experts explain this by the beneficial effect on the work of the heart of the same fatty acids mentioned above. The researchers hope that by convincing the population of the benefits of fish products, a significant reduction in the incidence of atrial fibrillation can be achieved.

In European countries, they are also trying to instill in people the concept of the benefits of fish compared to meat products. The results of studies in France showed that people who eat fish suffer from colon cancer much less often than lovers of meat dishes.

By eating sea and ocean fish, we can protect ourselves from the risk of stroke and sudden death due to the cessation of the heart. Even eating one fish dish a week, we reduce the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest by half. Fatty acids help us with this again. According to statistics, weekly consumption of fish reduces the risk of stroke by 22%, and consumption 5 times a week - by 54%. Other seafood has a similar effect, for example, algae, like seaweed.

River fish is also considered in its own way useful and necessary in nutrition. In terms of nutritional properties, it creates quite worthy competition for the best varieties of meat, and it is absorbed by the body faster and easier. This gives her the right to be widely used in dietary nutrition, to be one of the most important components of the diet of children and the elderly.

Do not forget the importance of fish dishes in medical nutrition: a fish diet is often recommended for obesity.

It must be borne in mind that the amount and composition of nutrients and trace elements in fish are subject to seasonal fluctuations. An important role is played by the living conditions, and the food base of the reservoir, and the age of the fish itself. The most nutrient-rich fish is before spawning, and during the period of spawning and after it - on the contrary.

The value of fish dishes is great not only for strengthening the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Proper and balanced nutrition, one of the indispensable elements of which is always fish, depends on the duration of our life, brain function, and the quality of memory. Fish oil, as a supplier of fatty acids, helps blood circulation, and the better the blood circulation is, the faster the nutrients enter the brain cells.

As you can see, the importance of fish dishes that we use in our diet is often diminished. Despite the fact that Russia can be called one of the "marine" countries, in its central regions, fish has not become a traditional food product, without which the national cuisine cannot be imagined. There is much to learn from the Europeans.

Nutritional and biological value of fish

Fish and fish products occupy a significant place in the diet of the population. Nutritional and biological value lies in the fact that fish is a source of:

complete protein,

easily digestible fat,

Rich in fat-soluble vitamins;

Fish, especially sea fish, contain a significant amount of various mineral elements.

Due to the low content of connective tissue, fish after heat treatment acquires a delicate texture, is easily digested by the human body and is well absorbed.

Fish contains complete proteins, the main protein is ichthulin, as well as albumin, etc. Protein makes up an average of 15-19% of the edible part of the fish, is balanced in amino acids. The protein has a rather high content of methionine, lysine, tryptophan, which makes fish necessary in baby food. Compared to meat, fish has 6 times less connective tissue, which ensures its rapid digestion.

Amount of fat varies greatly depending on the type of fish.

Skinny (up to 3%) - pollock, ice, crucian carp, cod, etc .;

Moderately fatty (3-8%) - pink salmon, catfish, carp, sprat, sea bass, etc.;

Fatty (8-20%) - salmon, sturgeon, halibut, etc.; very fatty (more than 30%) - lamprey, eel, etc.

Fat has a high biological value due to an increase in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, etc.), fat-soluble vitamins A, D, vitamins of group B. The content of PUFAs in cod liver oil is especially high. Fish fats are easily oxidized and spoiled, so fish and fish products should be stored at low temperatures.

Fish, especially marine, contains a large set of mineral salts and trace elements - iodine, copper, fluorine, zinc, etc.

extractives in fish less than in animal meat, but they have an active effect on the secretion of the digestive glands. Extractive substances easily pass into water when cooking fish. Fish meat is well digested, but has a mild taste, so the fish is "boring", this should be taken into account when compiling 7-10-day menu-rations for organized groups.

Live, chilled, frozen, salted, smoked fish is used for food. Frozen fish is almost as good as chilled fish in terms of nutritional value.

Fish products

A wide range of fish products is used in nutrition: salted, dried, smoked fish, herring, canned fish, caviar, as well as non-fish products - shrimp, crabs, mussels, squids, etc.

According to the salt content, salted herring is divided into slightly salted (4-10%), medium-salted (11-14%) and hard-salted (more than 14%). Medium- and hard-salted fish and herring are eaten after soaking, which reduces their nutritional value.

Smoking is used to improve the organoleptic properties and safety of fish. Distinguish between cold and hot smoking. Pre-salted fish is subjected to cold smoking. Cold smoking is considered as a combined method of preservation, since fish at an elevated temperature (not higher than 40 ° C) is affected by a complex of factors - salting, drying and the effect of smoke. Cold smoked fish is not a perishable product. Hot smoking is a kind of heat treatment of fish. Hot smoking is carried out at a temperature of 80-100 ° C for 3-5 hours, salt is added for taste. finished product has a delicate texture, contains a large amount of moisture, has a limited shelf life - no more than 72 hours at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C.

Sturgeon caviar and salmon fish contains about 30% complete protein, 10-14% high fat biological value, vitamins A, D, E, group B, rich in minerals (sulfur, phosphorus, iron, etc.). The quality of caviar largely depends on the sanitary regime of processing and storage. Caviar is a perishable product; to increase storage stability, it is pasteurized in hermetically sealed cans or glass jars at a temperature of 60-65 ° C for 2-3 hours.

Non-fish seafood is a source of high-grade proteins, contains small amounts of fat, exceeds the content of microelements in animal and fish meat, contains vitamins B, E, etc. Non-fish products are included in the recipe of many dishes - salads, pastas, etc. Non-fish products have good digestibility.

Signs of good and bad quality fish

Fish is a perishable product due to its delicate texture and significant moisture content in tissues, the variety of ways microorganisms penetrate into muscles, and the presence of mucus on the surface - a favorable habitat for bacteria. The causative agents of putrefactive decomposition of fish are bacteria that develop at relatively low temperatures, and therefore fish are more susceptible to spoilage than animal meat. The surface of the fish and its intestines are significantly contaminated with microorganisms, among which there are pathogens that enter from the water of the reservoir: B. botulinum, Salmonella, bacteria of the intestinal group - Shigella, etc. There is also a significant amount of bacteria and viruses that cause fish diseases (pike plague, gill rot , rubella carps, etc.).

The leading indicator in assessing the quality of fish is its organoleptic properties. Fresh benign fish has the following features: bright red color of the gills, transparency of the cornea and mucus covering the scales, bulge of the eyes, meat consistency density, absence of swelling and damage to the abdomen, tight connection of the scales with the surface of the fish, absence bad smell all parts of the fish. Some retraction of the eyes and partial separation of the scales from the surface of salted fish is not a sign of spoilage.

Spoilage of fish is caused by microorganisms that penetrate the tissues in various ways - through the gills into the blood, through the intestines and the surface layers of the fish. The mucus quickly loses transparency, acquires an unpleasant odor, from the mucus microorganisms penetrate into the surface layers, as a result of which the gills lose their usual color and become gray-green, the scales begin to ruffle and fall off due to the breakdown of the connective tissue of the surface layers, the eyes sink and become cloudy , the abdomen swells and tears due to rapid reproduction with the formation of intestinal bacteria gases, the intestines may fall out of the anus; from the intestine, microorganisms enter the blood vessels that run along the spine, causing hemolysis of the blood, the blood penetrates through the vascular wall into the muscle tissue, staining it pink. This phenomenon is accompanied by the decomposition of fish tissue proteins and the appearance of a putrefactive odor in them - a clear sign of fish spoilage. Due to the decomposition of proteins, softening of the muscle tissue occurs - the consistency of the fish becomes flabby, the meat is easily separated from the bones.

The organoleptic quality indicators of salted fish can decrease during oxidation and rancidity of fat located in the surface and deep layers of the carcass - the defect is called "rust" and occurs during prolonged or improper storage of salted fish.

Epidemiological and hygienic assessment of fish

B. botulinum spores living in the water enter the intestines of fish and further into the muscles, it is possible to get directly into the muscles when the fish is injured while fishing with gaffs and hooks. According to the current rules, sturgeon fish with traces of wounds and bruises cannot be used for the preparation of balyk products, since the formation of botulinum toxin occurs in a short time.

Fish that live in polluted water bodies are susceptible to infection with bacteria - the causative agents of acute intestinal infectious diseases. The main preventive measure of these diseases is the protection of the environment - the prohibition of water pollution by sewage infected with

Salted fish, stored without brine and refrigeration, is exposed to salt-loving microorganisms - Serratia salinaria, which form single, and later merging red mucous spots on the surface of the fish. The disease is called magenta and is not dangerous to humans. Slightly affected fish after washing with 20% saline solution can be sold with heat treatment. If 2/3 of the surface is damaged, which is always accompanied by putrefactive decomposition of the affected tissue, the sale of fish is not allowed.

Salted fish is affected by the larvae of the "cheese" fly, which lives in warm regions. The larva - the jumper - lives on the surface of the fish, easily moves by jumping at a distance of 30-40 cm, therefore it can quickly spread in the fisheries. The larvae feed on fish, violating the integrity of its outer integument, at the same time infecting them. Slightly affected fish (without putrefactive decomposition) are freed from larvae by immersion in saline solutions and subjected to urgent sale. With a significant damage to the fish or the presence of putrefactive decomposition, the fish is rejected. The territory and premises affected by the larvae are cleaned and disinfected with a 10% bleach solution.

Dried, dried, smoked fish is affected by shashel - the larvae of the kozheed beetle, which feeds on the tissues of the intestines and muscles of the fish, destroying it from the inside. In the absence of damage to soft tissues, the fish is subjected to fumigation - the effects of fumes that are poisonous to the larvae. With a significant lesion, the fish is rejected. The territory and premises affected by the kozheed beetle are subjected to cleaning and disinfection.

Bacterial diseases

Fish rubella, pike plague and other diseases occur when fish are infected with filterable viruses that are not dangerous to humans. Diseases are characterized by the appearance of red spots, ulcerations, knots on the body of the fish, ruffling of the scales and local putrefactive decomposition. When conducting a hygienic examination, the degree and nature of external changes and the presence of putrefactive decomposition of tissues are taken into account. As a rule, the fish is rejected.

In order to break the epidemic chain in the helminth development cycle, it is necessary to prohibit the consumption of massively infected fish, with a small infection of fish - to prohibit its consumption in raw (stroganina) or half-baked form, to prohibit feeding raw infected fish to pets.

Due to the fact that plerocercoids are unstable to the effects of high temperature and strong saline solutions, a reliable way to neutralize fish is to carry out sufficient heat treatment - boiling, frying small pieces for at least 15 minutes, strong salting with an exposure of at least 10-12 days. In the manufacture culinary products from fish in public catering establishments or the food industry, strict sanitary control must be established for the effectiveness of the heat treatment of semi-finished fish products.

Opisthorchiasis. Refers to invasions with focal prevalence. Diseases are registered in America, Holland, France, Japan. In the USSR, diseases were noted in Siberia (Ob, Irtysh), in the areas of the rivers Southern Bug, Volga, Kama, etc.

Prevention of opisthorchiasis consists, as with diphyllobothriasis, in carrying out environmental protection measures and observing personal prevention measures. The resistance of metacercariae to unfavorable influences should be taken into account; recommended for a longer heat treatment- cooking in pieces for at least 20 minutes, strong salting with an exposure of at least 14 days.

Infection of fish by nematodes. Larvae of roundworms, twisted in the form of a spiral, silvery, 5-6 mm in diameter, are harmless to humans. Nematodes are mainly affected Far Eastern fish- herring, pollock, cod, etc. Places of damage - the inner surface of the abdominal cavity, gills, muscle tissue. With a slight lesion of the abdominal cavity and gills, the fish is cleaned, the carcass is used in food. If the muscle tissue is damaged, the fish is rejected, because during the cold and heat treatment of the fish, the spiral of the larva unfolds and becomes noticeable, which causes discomfort in people.

Hygiene of fish processing enterprises

There are several types of fish processing enterprises: coastal factories, fishing trawlers with fish processing workshops on board, and fish processing plants processing semi-finished fish products received from coastal factories and trawlers.

Fish factories have a variety of shops for the preparation of fish products - fish salting, smoking, caviar, canning, culinary, refrigerator, etc. In addition, each coastal fish factory must have an economic territory, auxiliary, technical and other premises. The location of the premises should ensure the flow of the technological process. The interior finishing of the production workshops is carried out taking into account the specifics of production: the installation of waterproof floors without gaps with a slight slope towards the ladders, wall decoration with ceramic tiles, drainage into the receiving wells, provision of workshops with hot and cold water, supply and exhaust ventilation. Shops should be protected from flies and rodents. The arrangement of equipment should create convenience for cleaning and disinfection. The equipment must have a smooth inner surface, be easy to clean, table tops must be all-metal.

Enterprises should pay special attention to the procedure for collecting, storing and exporting fish production waste. Sanitary treatment of the territory and industrial premises should be carried out regularly - during the day and at the end of work according to the following scheme: mechanical cleaning of the surface from mucus and dirt, washing with hot (60-70 ° C) alkaline solutions of soda ash (1.5-2 %) or caustic soda (0.3%), disinfection with a bleach solution containing 0.3-0.5% active chlorine or 1.5% chloramine solution with an exposure of 30-60 minutes. Metal inventory and tables after washing are treated with live steam. Sanitary treatment of barrels is carried out in special scalding machines.

The preparation of fish products must be carried out under strict sanitary control.

The salting of fish is carried out in wooden, metal, cement vats, rising 25 cm above the floor. From above, the vats are closed with lattice lids. Ambassador of fish in the open air is prohibited. Ice used for transferring fish must be prepared from pure water with a colititer of at least 330. Refrigerators for quick freezing of fish should have a temperature not higher than -30 ° C, and for storing frozen products - not higher than -15 ° C. canning consists of a block of premises for defrosting and cutting raw materials, cooking sauces and marinades, heat treatment of fish, seaming cans, an autoclave, cooling and utility rooms: a canning shop, pantries of tomato paste, vegetable oil, vegetables, etc.).

Sterilization of canned food should be carried out according to the "formulas" developed for each type of canned product.

The culinary production has premises for defrosting and layering fish, frying fish in deep fat and baking fish, for preparing ready-to-eat frozen dishes, jelly and aspic dishes. The expedition with refrigerating chambers is isolated. When preparing culinary products, the rules of technology and sanitation must be followed to ensure the production of products that are epidemiologically impeccable. When preparing the jelly, the fish mass obtained after cooking is subjected to secondary boiling for 20 minutes and immediately poured into a layer of no more than 4 cm into clean baking sheets scalded with boiling water. The jelly is cooled in cooling chambers provided with ventilation, and then in cold chambers. When cooking jellied fish pieces of fish that have not cooled down after cooking are placed in portioned clean tin forms and immediately poured with broth brought to a boil. The cooling of jellied fish is carried out in the same way as the cooling of jelly. When frying fish in deep fat, control over the quality of frying fats and the procedure for their use should be aimed at eliminating the accumulation of thermal oxidation products in fats that have an adverse effect on the human body.

The preparation of portioned dishes brought to full culinary readiness with subsequent freezing should provide for the preservation of their nutritional and biological value and the most complete release from microorganisms.

Fish dishes occupy a significant specific gravity in catering products.

Their nutritional value is determined primarily by the content of complete proteins. These proteins are rich in tyrosine, arginine, histidine and lysine. The total content of nitrogenous substances in fish ranges from 13 to 21%. The digestibility of fish proteins is 97%. One serving of a fish dish, not counting the side dish, contains, depending on the type of fish and the yield, from 14 to 30 g of protein.

The fat content in fish ranges from 0.1 to 33%. Fish oil contains biologically active unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and D, phosphatides, cholesterol. The digestibility of fish oil is about 90%. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, fish oil has low temperature melting, easily oxidized, and the quality of the fish deteriorates. Fatty acids with 4-6 double bonds are oxidized especially quickly, and there are 1.5-2 times more of them in marine fish than in freshwater. So sea ​​fish keeps worse even when frozen. Fish contain very active enzymes that oxidize fats during storage, and this leads to the accumulation of substances with an unpleasant odor and taste. Particularly active enzymes contained in marine fish.

Mineral composition fish is very diverse. So, in the ashes of marine fish, there are 7 times more sodium and chlorine compounds than in the ashes of freshwater ones. Marine fish contain a lot of iodine salts.

Fish is also important as a source of fat-soluble vitamins. So, Atlantic fatty herring contains 30 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 g of the edible part, keta - 16 micrograms.

The tissues of some fish (carp, herring, smelt, etc.) contain the enzyme thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine. This enzyme is so active that the inhabitants of countries where it is customary to eat raw fish experience acute B1 deficiency. During heat treatment, thiaminase is destroyed and therefore it negative impact can only affect the use of stroganina (raw frozen fish).

A feature of fish meat is the high content of extractive substances. There are more of them in the meat of marine fish than in the meat of freshwater and, in addition, they have a different composition. This explains the specific taste and smell of sea fish dishes. In fish meat there is practically no glutamic acid, little creatine and creatinine - substances that play an important role in the formation of "meat" taste. There are few purine bases in fish (almost 100 times less than in beef). This is of great importance when using fish in the diet of the elderly and sick people.

However, the meat of some fish (mackerel, tuna, saury) contains an increased amount of histidine (especially dark meat), and it turns into histamine during storage and heat treatment. In small quantities, it is useful, but in large quantities (more than 100 mg%) it is harmful. So:

* Do not use the above fish in the preparation of dishes for children and adolescents;

* when using fish with dark meat, it is better to cook cutlet mass;

* fish should not be stored after defrosting;

* it is desirable to process fish in the places of catch.

The specific smell of fish is due to a whole complex of volatile substances, including mono-, di-, triamines. There are 2.5-3 times more of these compounds in marine fish than in freshwater, and ammonia - 10-15 times. Volatile substances accumulate during storage. The smell of trimethylamine is unpleasant, reminiscent of the smell of fish oil and blubber and is kept in the oral cavity, on the surface of the hands, etc. for a very long time. Since the amount of amines in the meat increases with the age of the fish, large specimens of fish have a more pronounced smell. With this in mind, you should choose sauces that have a pronounced aroma and taste (tomato, Russian, garlic, etc.) for fish dishes, boil fish with a sharp specific smell with a lot of spices or in a spicy broth, serve lemon with fish dishes .

nutritional value fish dishes can be enhanced with side dishes and sauces. As a side dish, boiled and fried potatoes are usually used, which contain a lot of carbohydrates that are not found in fish. Many sauces for fish dishes contain a significant amount of fat (Polish, Dutch, sour cream), so they are served with skinny fish.

Fresh fish is cooked boiled, stewed, fried, baked. Fish is rarely stewed. Stew it not to soften, but to give a special taste. Salted fish it is recommended to boil or allow. Depending on the method of heat treatment, fish dishes are divided into boiled, poached, fried, baked, stewed.

The choice of the method of heat treatment of fish depends on the characteristics of its structure and tissue composition, on the ratio of water and protein, fat and protein in the muscles. For frying, it is better to use fish that has juicy and tender meat (cod, blue whiting, navaga, halibut, fatty herring, eel, etc.). Fish with denser meat (chum salmon, pink salmon, saury, mackerel, tuna, etc.) should be boiled and stewed, because thanks to the sauce that is served with boiled and stewed fish, the dish turns out juicy.

2.1 Importance of fish dishes in nutrition

Fish have exceptionally high nutritional qualities and occupies an important place in our diet. It is a source of complete animal protein and is highly valued as a medicinal dietary product. Fish products are widely used in the daily diet, and fish products are distinguished by spicy or salty taste or a pleasant specific aroma, serve as a great snack. People who eat mainly fish get sick less, especially in old age they are spared from senile ailments that affect those who eat meat.

The abundance of fish dishes in Russian cuisine is due to natural conditions, wealth of reservoirs. In the old days, traditional fasts also contributed to the widespread use of fish. Fish was allowed to be eaten during periods of many fasts and dishes from it were called "half-fast". During the period of all fasts, the use of meat and dairy food was forbidden, and then fish dishes acquired special significance.

The assortment of hot fish dishes in our old kitchen was very large. Cooked fish boiled, fried, poached, baked, fried in dough, steam.

Some of the fish dishes were quite difficult to prepare. In general, fish dishes were decoration holiday table in " fast days”, and for this design they attached great importance at the feasts.

Baked fish is the easiest to prepare. It can be prepared both at home and in the field. Even in ancient times, fish was baked in clay under a smoldering fire. Real anglers still use the old-fashioned way, only instead of clay they use food foil. With this method of cooking, the fish remains very juicy, unlike frying.

2.2 Characteristics of the raw materials used for the preparation of fish dishes

chilled and frozen fish is produced by the industry in uncut form (not gutted), flogged (gutted) with or without a head. Separate types fish (cod, sea bass, halibut, carp, bream, pike perch, catfish and some others) can be sold in the form of fillet frozen briquettes.

Perch - perch, pike perch, sea bass, ruff, bersh. Having very tasty, not fatty meat and giving good sticky broths.

Salmon - salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, nelma, white salmon, trout are different fatty meat.

Sturgeon - sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, - the most valuable fish with gentle and tasty meat.

Cod - cod, burbot, saffron cod, pollock, silver hake - marine fish that has become widespread. The meat is skinny small bones very little. Fish is rich in minerals and proteins and is widely used in dietary nutrition. It has a sharp specific smell, used for eating cat mass, fried and boiled dishes.

Carp - bream, carp, carp, crucian carp, tench, vobla, tripe, ram, marinka, silver carp, grass carp - mainly freshwater fish. It is distinguished by tight-fitting scales, the presence of a large number of small bones, and an average fat content.

Herring - herring, salaga, sprat, sardine, sprat - come in salted, canned, much less often fresh. Fresh herring is cooked fried.

Flounders - flounder, halibut, halibut halibut - are distinguished by a flat body shape, their processing has its own characteristics. to remove an unpleasant odor, dark skin is removed from the flounder.

2.3 Primary processing raw materials

According to the method of working off, fish are divided into three groups: scaly, scaleless and sturgeon.

Small-scaled fish - saffron cod, burbot - are treated in the same way as scaleless fish.

The workshop should have chef's knives, paper clips, a sieve, mortars, choppers, cauldrons with a grate, baking sheets, spatulas and buckets.

Primary processing of fish consists of the following operations:



Preparation of semi-finished products.

Butchering refers to the removal of scales, entrails, fins, head, bones and skin.

Most of the fish comes in frozen form. It is thawed in air or in water.

The faster the fish thaws, the better it is preserved. taste qualities and the ability to retain moisture. At room temperature thaw sturgeon, catfish, notothenia, frozen fillet, put them in one row on tables or racks in blank shop and incubated for 6 to 10 hours. The thawing time depends on the size of the fish. Weight loss during thawing of fish in air is 2%.

Scaled and scaleless fish are thawed in water. For 1 kg of fish take 2 liters of water. An increase in the thawing time of fish leads to a deterioration in the quality of the fish.

Thawed fish is not stored, but immediately used for cooking.

AT culinary practice It is customary to divide fish according to the methods of cutting into two groups:

a. with a bone skeleton of scaly and scaleless rocks;

b. with a cartilaginous skeleton (sturgeon fish).

The fish is cleaned manually with a chef's knife, grater-like and mechanical scrapers. The cutting of fish used as a whole is most often used for small fish gross weight 75-200 grams, with gills removed; more big fish beheaded. The scales are cleaned from the tail to the head, the fins are chopped off with a knife, the belly of the fish is cut from the anus to the head with a medium chef's knife, the insides are removed - then the gills.

Filleting (filleting) of fish

The mass of fish is not more than 1.5 kg. To obtain fillets with skin, costal and vertebral bones, the fish is processed (they clean the scales, cut off the fins, cut the abdomen, remove the insides) if the scales and skin are not used, the scales are not removed. After that, the back is cut along the vertebral bone, half of the fillet is cut off, inserting a knife along the vertebral bone from head to tail, then the vertebral and costal bones are cut off.

To receive clean fillet put the fillet skin down, make an incision in the pulp at the base of the tail, holding the tail with the left hand, with the right hand, leading the knife along the skin, separate the fillet.

The fillet is used for the preparation of normal semi-finished products, cutlet and dumpling masses and minced meat.