How to cook small trout in the oven. How to cook trout in the oven - step by step recipes with photos

13.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Step 1: clean the trout carcass.

We buy fresh unpeeled trout on the markets. Trout that has been peeled and frozen has lost some of its flavor. Therefore, we need fresh fish for our dish. We take a trout carcass. We rinse it under running water.
We put it on a cutting board. We clean it with a fish knife from small scales. To do this, we hold the tail with one hand, and with the other knife we ​​scrape it "against the grain" - from the tail to the head. We remove the scales from all sides.
Cut the trout belly with scissors and remove the intestines, gallbladder, black thin film on the insides of the fish. Use the same fish scissors to remove the head and fins.
We wash the peeled trout again under water to remove blood, small scales that could remain after cleaning the fish and put it on a plate. Let the fish dry (you can wipe it off with a paper towel).

Step 2: Step 2 stuff the trout.

On a cutting board, cut the butter into flat rectangular pieces with a knife, put them on a plate and put them in the freezer so that they freeze a little.
We take dill and parsley greens, rinse them under running water. Shake off the excess water from the bundles of greens, and finely chop them on a cutting board with a knife. Put the chopped greens on a plate.
Cut the lemon in half. We put one half aside, it will be useful to us. Squeeze the juice from the lemon directly onto the stuffed fish with your hand. Wipe all the trout inside and outside with the squeezed juice.
Stuff the fish, grated with lemon juice, three kinds of ground pepper and salt, with chopped dill and dry coriander. We put it on a cutting board and let it marinate with lemon juice and seasonings for 10-15 minutes.

Step 3: prepare the fish, baking sheet and oven for baking.

Cut into rings, the remaining lemon and set aside by us. We turn on the oven and heat it up up to 180 degrees.
We take a baking sheet and put a sheet of foil on it, put lemon rings on top of the sheet.
We take a baking sheet and put a sheet of foil on it, put lemon rings on top of the sheet. Put the marinated trout stuffed with herbs on top of the lemon. We do it on the open side of the fish, making a few slanting incisions. We take out the frozen butter from the refrigerator and put a piece of butter in each cut on the fish.
Wrap the fish tightly with foil. Better to wrap the trout in two layers of foil. This will ensure that the juice from the fish will not run out onto the baking sheet.

Step 4: Step: 4 bake the fish in foil.

Put the fish laid on a baking sheet in a preheated up to 180 degrees oven. Bake trout in foil for 30-40 minutes... When heated, the frozen butter will gradually melt and saturate the fish marinated with lemon, various peppers and coriander. The lemon that lies under the fish will acidify the side it is on. And it will help to ensure that the foil does not stick to the side on which the fish lies. After 30 - 40 minutes, you will notice with your nose how the spicy, sour smell of baked trout spreads through the kitchen. Believe me, it can be felt even through the foil. The seasonings that we put in, added and improved the aroma, the lemon enhanced the taste of the fish with its juice and added sourness, the butter made the fish softer and covered it with a thin layer, which by the end of baking helped to lightly fry the trout skin on top. We check the readiness of the fish with a fork directly through the foil if it enters easily into the flesh of the trout, then the fish is ready. Trout baked in foil is ready. We take out the baking sheet with trout. Place the trout unopened on a cutting board and make a small cut in the foil. Let's give a couple, gathered under the foil to go out a little. Remove the foil from the completely cooked trout and place the baked fish on a plate.

Step 5: serve the Trout baked in foil.

Trout, baked in foil, serve with warm garnished herbs, lemon wedges with rusk sauce. With a glass of French dry white wine. Don't like wine, it's not scary. This fish is very tasty combined with grape juice. My family is happy to eat such a fish with sour cream, black homemade bread and wash it down with tea. I really hope that you are satisfied with the taste of the fish and the recipe with which you have prepared this wonderful dish! Bon appetit and health!

- - This way you can bake any boneless fish.

- - Trout baked in foil goes well with paprika tomato, onions and basil. If you cut all these vegetables and stuff the trout, the taste will be very pleasant, and on top of that, the fish will already be with a side dish.

- - You can take any trout for baking, and sea and river fish are very tasty after cooking. And they do not have much difference in taste.

- - Sauces such as sour cream, wine, cream are suitable for baked trout.

- - Never cut vegetables, fruits and fish with one knife! Raw fish, like raw meat, contain a variety of microbes, which, when exposed to moisture, can begin to multiply. These germs die after you clean the knife or cutting board you were working on. The knives for raw meat, fish and vegetable products should be kept separate, just like the cutting boards!

The easiest way to cook trout is to bake it in the oven. You can bake both whole fish and trout steaks, fillets. For whole baking, consider buying rainbow or golden trout. As a rule, such trout are small in size, weighing on average about 200-300 grams. Larger fish are best cut into steaks or fillet only.

Trout is a very tasty and tender fish and does not require a lot of seasonings and spices. The easiest way to cook trout in the oven is to drizzle with olive oil or melted butter, lemon juice, season with pepper, and that's enough.

Whole trout can be baked with or without the head. The head can then be used to prepare fish broth. You just need to remove the gills first.

Trout is baked at a temperature of 170-200 degrees. It is better to set a higher temperature first and then lower it.

When baked in foil, the aromas and flavors of the fish are better preserved. But perhaps it seems to me so.

Before baking in foil, lightly grease the foil and then lay out the fish. It is not necessary to wrap the fish in foil tightly, but to form, as it were, a bag.

You can bake the fish in a bag or sleeve.

Depending on the size of the trout, the cooking time ranges from 10 minutes to half an hour.

From herbs, when baking, you can use tarragon, rosemary, dill or parsley. Herbs can be taken fresh or dried.

And now the recipes for baked trout in the oven. All recipes are not dogma. Feel free to make your own changes. I'm sure the trout won't get any worse.

Oven baked trout recipes

Whole trout baked in the oven

This baked trout recipe is the simplest. I have a mirror trout. But you can also bake rainbow trout.

Trout - 1 piece (about 200-250 grams)

Butter - 50 grams

Lemon - 1 piece

Lemon juice - 1-2 tablespoons

Fresh parsley - 2 tablespoons (or rosemary)

Salt pepper

How to cook trout:

Peel and wash the trout. Cover the form with foil.

Melt the butter and let it simmer for a minute, about a minute.

Put the fish in the mold. Drizzle a little melted butter on both sides of the trout. Season with salt and pepper.

Put a few circles of lemon and a sprig of parsley or rosemary inside the trout. Lemon can also be placed on top.

Place the trout dish in the oven and bake until tender.

Mix the rest of the oil with lemon juice. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Drizzle over cooked trout with this sauce when serving.

Trout fillet in the oven

Trout fillet - 1 piece

Butter - 4 tablespoons

Shallots - 1 piece (or leek)

Garlic - 2 cloves

Lemon - 1 piece

Dill - 1-2 tablespoons

How to cook trout:

Melt the butter in a small saucepan or bowl. Peel the shallots and chop finely. When using leeks, take only the bleached portion.

Saute the onions for 3-4 minutes, until the onions are tender.

Finely chop the garlic or pass through the garlic.

Wash the lemon and remove the zest. Cut in half and squeeze juice from one half.

Add garlic and lemon zest to the onion. Fry for another 40-60 seconds and remove from the stove.

Allow to cool slightly and add lemon juice.

Line a baking dish or baking sheet with foil or baking paper. Lay out the prepared trout fillet.

Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with the cooked onion and garlic mixture. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill on top.

Put the fish in the oven and bake at 200-280 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. Depends on the size of the fish.

Transfer the finished trout fillet to a dish. Drizzle with lemon juice squeezed from the other half. Sprinkle with the remaining dill.

According to this recipe, you can also cook salmon or salmon fillets.

Baked trout with lemon and rosemary

This recipe for baked trout in the oven is also great for baking other fish such as salmon, salmon or catfish.

Trout fillet - 450-500 grams

Garlic - 1 clove

Lemon - 1 piece

Fresh rosemary - 1.5 tablespoons

Salt pepper

How to cook trout:

Wash the rosemary and chop coarsely.

Wash the lemon. Remove the zest, and squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Crush the garlic with a knife handle or a garlic press.

In a bowl, combine lemon zest, olive oil, garlic, rosemary and lemon juice.

Wash and dry the trout fillet. Rub with salt and pepper.

Cover the form or baking sheet with foil. Place the fillets, skin side down. Lubricate with the prepared mixture.

Put in the oven and bake at 180-150 degrees until the fish is cooked.

Do not place the baking sheet close to the oven heater. Better in the middle or down.

Baked trout fillet in nut breading

To prepare fish according to this recipe, it is better to use river trout fillet.

Trout fillet - 300 grams

Pecans - 100-150 grams (or almonds)

Rosemary - 1.5 teaspoon

Egg - 1 piece

Flour - 1 tablespoon

Salt pepper

Rinse and dry the fish. Season with salt and pepper.

Grind the nuts in a blender or coffee grinder.

Combine chopped nuts and rosemary (dried) in a bowl.

Break the egg into a plate and beat with a fork.

Pour flour into a plate.

Dip the trout fillet in flour, shaking the excess. Then dip in an egg and roll in nuts, lightly pressing the fillets to better cover the fish.

Place the fish on a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper and place in the oven. Lightly grease the foil with vegetable oil.

Bake until crisp, first on one side. Then gently turn over to the other side and allow a crust to form.

Rainbow trout in foil in the oven

Rainbow trout - 4 pieces (weighing 150-200 grams)

Lemon - 1-2 pieces

Fresh dill - 8 branches (or tarragon)

Olive oil - 1 - 2 tablespoons

Salt pepper

Clean the carcasses of fish from the entrails and peel the scales. Rinse well and dry.

Cut 8 squares out of foil, 3-5 centimeters larger than the fish carcass.

Place them on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil.

Wash and dry the dill.

Rub the fish with salt and pepper on both sides. Place on foil squares. Put 2 sprigs of dill or tarragon inside each fish.

Wash the lemon and cut into thin circles. Put 2 circles inside each fish.

Top the fish with olive oil.

Cover with other foil squares of fish, pressing well around the edges.

Put in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-180 degrees.

Remove the finished fish from the oven. Carefully cut the top foil with a knife or scissors and transfer the fish to a dish. Drizzle over the juice released during baking, garnish with dill or tarragon, sliced ​​lemon.

Baked trout with white wine

Trout - 2-3 pieces

White wine - 200 ml

Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

Lemon - 1 piece

Salt pepper

How to cook rainbow trout:

Peel the fish. You can bake the fish headlong or cut it off. If with the head, then remove the gills and rinse well. Dry the fish carcasses with paper towels.

Make several diagonal cuts on each side of the carcass.

Brush the fish on each side with olive oil.

Wash the lemon and cut into slices.

Salt and pepper inside the carcass to taste. Insert a slice of lemon into the cuts. Put the rest of the lemon slices into the fish cavity.

If there is a lemon left, place it under the fish and on top. Pour wine over the fish. You can take red wine, but then the color of the fish meat will change. Therefore, it is best to cook with white wine.

Cover the form with foil and place in the oven. Bake the trout for about half an hour at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

Baked trout stuffed with bacon

This recipe works well for baking rainbow or golden trout.

Trout - 1 piece (weighing 350-450 grams)

Bacon - 2 pieces

Butter - 50 grams

Lemon - 1 piece

Spicy pepper - 2 tablespoons

Green onion - 2 tablespoons

Garlic - 1 clove (small)

Dill - 2-3 branches

Salt pepper

How to cook trout:

Gut the carcass, clean and rinse. Pat dry with a paper towel.

Squeeze lemon juice.

Wash and chop the onion.

Remove the seeds from the piquant peppers. Cut in small pieces.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife or pass through a press.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Add green onions, peppers, garlic and lemon juice to it. Stir and season with salt and pepper.

Cover the form or baking sheet with foil. Lay out the prepared trout. Fill the fish cavity with the prepared filling.

Put a sprig of fresh dill and a slice of bacon on top of the filling. Wrap the foil.

Put the fish in the oven and bake at a temperature of about 200-180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Depends on the size of the fish. It may take longer if the fish is larger. In this case, you also need to take more ingredients for the filling.

Transfer the finished fish in foil to a dish and let it lie down, without unrolling, for 4-5 minutes. Then unfold the foil, and transfer the fish to a plate. Remove bacon and garnish with fresh dill and lemon wedges.

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Trout meat is very tender and aromatic. How many culinary masterpieces can be prepared from it. But in order for it to turn out soft and tasty, you should strictly monitor the baking time. There are many recipes for cooking this fish; you can bake it whole or in pieces. Even with sauces. In any case, the fish is amazing.

The most common recipes for baked trout in the oven. According to nutritionists, trout in this species is an excellent dietary option. It can be used to prevent heart disease and in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Baking allows you to preserve all the taste and nutrients of the fish. In addition, to cook fish in this way, a minimum of effort and expense is required.

Oven baked trout is a simple dish that every housewife can cook with just a few ingredients. But as a result of simple manipulations, a dish will come out that will act as a self-sufficient dinner or an addition to the festive table.

To remove scales, it is better to use a small knife with special notches. Removal of scales both in growth and against growth is allowed.

To begin the evisceration process, a large incision must be made, extending from a few centimeters from the tail to the fins on the chest. You can use scissors or a sharp knife. Remove the insides carefully. Take your time to get rid of films and blood clots, as they can spoil the taste and undermine your efforts.

To remove the gill plates, make additional incisions (on the side and under the jaw). The head does not need to be cut off; it is enough to make one deep cut in the lower part.

How to cook delicious trout in the oven

Oven baked trout in foil recipe with lemon


  • 1 rainbow trout (400-500 g)
  • ½ lemon,
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive or other vegetable oil,
  • 1 small bunch of parsley
  • coarse salt,
  • freshly ground pepper,
  • baking foil


Wash the fish, remove entrails, gills, rinse and dry again. Place the fish on folded foil in 2 layers. Rub the trout carcass inside and outside with coarse salt and pepper. Wash the lemon and cut into thin slices. Squeeze the juice from one or two slices of lemon, combine it with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Coat the fish with olive oil and lemon juice. Cut the remaining lemon slices in half. On one side of the trout, make small cuts at an angle of 45 ° and insert halves of lemon slices into these cuts. Wash, dry and chop parsley greens. Fill the trout belly with herbs.

Raise the foil, fix its edges so that the fish is well covered with foil on all sides. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes (baking time depends on the weight of the fish) at 180-190 ° C. At the end of baking, carefully open the foil and let the fish brown a little. Put the baked trout on a dish, sprinkle with chopped herbs, lightly salt and pepper.

Not a very complicated recipe, agree? But fragrant and juicy with a lemon scent, golden trout is ideal for both an everyday dinner and a festive table.

How to bake trout with potatoes


  • half a kilogram steak of sea trout or a carcass of river fish;
  • a kilogram of potatoes;
  • cherry tomatoes - 400 g;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • one large onion;
  • spices.


If you are using river trout, then after initial processing (cleaning from scales, removing gills and entrails), cut the fish into portions or separate the fillets from it. It is recommended to cut the sea red fish into medium-sized slices. Salt the prepared fillet, season with fish spices and dried herbs if desired. Peel the potato tubers. Cut the potatoes into large slices. Line a baking dish with foil or oil. On the bottom, spread the onion, cut into thick rings, in an even layer. Place the marinated fish fillets on top of the onions and cover them with a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt, black pepper and other spices to taste. The last layer is cherry tomatoes. Bake the dish in the oven at 190 degrees. Cooking time will be approximately 35 minutes, focus on the characteristics of your oven. The dish is done as soon as the potatoes are tender.

Trout baked under creamy steam

For 3-4 servings:

  • 1 kg of fresh freshwater trout
  • 100 g cream 20%
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Vegetable oil


Gutted and peeled fish should be lightly rubbed with salt and freshly ground black pepper - both outside and inside, in the belly. I do not recommend using a lot of salt - it is very easy to miscalculate.

Pour about 100 g of 20% cream onto the fish grated with salt and pepper. Now the fish can be set aside for 20-30 minutes, turning it over from time to time so that the cream "works".

After 20-30 minutes we put the fish on the skewers. In our case, the skewers will play the role of a kind of support, allowing the fish itself to be suspended over the dishes - by analogy with meat on a skewer over coals. It is best to pierce a fish carcass in the following places: one skewer — through the eye to ensure the head is in a horizontal position — it will come in handy. The second skewer is under the central pelvic fin. The third is under the pelvic fin in the tail. The bones of the head and bones of the fins will help keep the fish in place while it is baking. Arbitrary piercing of the carcass with skewers may not provide this. If the length of the skewers allows, the second and third carcasses can be strung on them in the same way. If it does not allow, it is better to use additional skewers. Most importantly, the entire structure should be constructed in such a way that the fish is above the dishes without touching it.

Now the cream, in which the fish was laid, must be poured into the abdomen of each carcass, and the rest pour into the bottom of the dish. I draw your attention to the fact that the heads fixed with skewers do not allow the cream to spill out. Or, in any case, they keep a significant part of the cream in the abdomen.

Finally, it is advisable to drop a few drops of vegetable oil on the cream poured on the bottom of the dish - this will prevent them from burning during the entire cooking process.

Place the dishes with fish on the oven rack so that the heads are oriented to the back of the oven, where the temperature is higher than at the door (preheat the oven to 200 degrees). Bake for about 20-25 minutes without touching anything.

The best and correct indicator that a fish is ready is the color of its abdomen: with a good, dark golden tint. The attack of the cream evaporating at the bottom of the dishes on the thickest part of the fish - the back - is guaranteed to bring the product to readiness. And the cream poured into the belly allows you to avoid such a common problem when baking as overdrying fish. In short, you just need to try it!

Cooking trout fillet in pieces in the oven


  • fish fillet - 500-600 g;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • fresh champignons - 200 g;
  • low-fat hard cheese - 150-200 g;
  • natural Greek yogurt without flavorings - 100 ml;
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • salt,
  • a mixture of different peppers.


If the fillet is used frozen, then it must first be defrosted. Grate freshly washed, dried fillets with a mixture of freshly ground peppers and salt (preferably coarse salt) to taste. Leave to marinate for 5-10 minutes. Prepare the rest of the products for further processing: cut the tomatoes into slices, the mushrooms into thin slices, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Wipe a refractory earthenware or ceramic baking dish with olive oil. Lay out the fillets in an even layer at a short distance from each other. On each piece of fish, put a mug of tomato and several plates of champignons. Sprinkle the ingredients on top with grated cheese, after which they are poured with Greek yogurt, decorated with sprigs of parsley or chopped herbs. Prepare the dish at a temperature of 200 degrees. Cooking time is a quarter of an hour. Oven baked trout is served, accompanied by vegetable garnish, for example, leafy salad.

How to bake whole trout in the oven

Trout symbolizes life, and the Celts believed that when a woman eats this fish, she is more likely to become pregnant and a new life will appear in her womb. The Irish mythical hero Tuan, for example, was eaten by the Queen of Ireland while in the guise of a fish; and then Tuan was reborn from her womb.


  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
  • ½ cup butter
  • 4 trout carcasses, washed
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • ½ bottle of dry white wine
  • Juice of 1 lemon


Combine chopped parsley with butter and divide into 5 equal portions. Rub salt and pepper into each fish and place them on the oven patch. Put one part of the butter mass on each fish, and set aside the rest for now. Pour wine over the fish, cover, then cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 175 degrees. Then add the lemon juice and the remaining oil, spreading it out in small pieces. Cover again and cook for another 10 minutes.

How to deliciously bake trout - 4 easy recipes

Multicooker baked trout

Ingredients (2-3 servings):

  • 300 g trout a few green onions
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter
  • a pinch of ground red pepper,
  • tarragon,
  • salt to taste


Gut the fish (do not remove the skin), remove the fins, wash, cut in half along the ridge, then dry. Grease the bottom of the bowl with butter, put the trout in the bowl, skin side down, salt and pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions and tarragon. Close the lid, start the Multi-Cook program, set the temperature to 110 ° C for 20 minutes. Serve with a slice of lemon and boiled asparagus.

Grilled trout


  • 5 small trout,
  • 3 tomatoes,
  • 1 bell pepper,
  • 1 head of onion,
  • dill and parsley,
  • 1 lemon
  • pepper,
  • salt to taste.


Gut the fish, rinse, rub inside with salt and pepper. Do not take off the scales. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes. Cut tomatoes into cubes, bell peppers into strips, onions into half rings. Chop the greens. Stuff the fish with chopped vegetables, herbs. Wrap marinated fish and lemon circles in foil and grill.

Trout with shrimps baked in foil over charcoal


  • 5 carcasses of fresh river trout
  • 25 large shrimps
  • 1 lemon
  • pepper


  1. Cut the lemon into wedges. Fry shrimps on a wire rack.
  2. Gut the trout, rinse, salt and pepper, put lemon wedges and fried shrimp on it. Wrap in foil, put on charcoal and bake for 20 minutes.

Trout baked with onions in the airfryer


  • 700 g trout fillet
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
  • pepper,
  • salt,
  • green onions


Beat the egg lightly with salt. Salt and pepper the fillet pieces, roll in an egg and flour. Bake for 30-35 minutes in the airfryer at 260 ° C with high ventilation on the top rack. Sprinkle the cooked fish generously with chopped onions.

  1. Defrost the trout naturally by placing it in the refrigerator and then leaving it on the kitchen counter. It is not recommended to rush using a microwave oven or using the "water bath" method.
  2. To obtain juicy, aromatic and tender fish, pre-marinating is recommended.
  3. To cover the fish with a hard brown crust, 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, unfold the foil by cutting the baking sleeve.
  4. Sour cream sauce and olive oil will add juiciness and tenderness to the steaks.
  5. A whole fish is cooked for an average of 30-40 minutes. It is not recommended to keep the fish for more than 40-45 minutes, as there is a high probability of overdrying the delicacy.
  6. Trout, like baked pink salmon, is in perfect harmony with vegetables. Can be baked with a delicious multi-layered "pillow" of potatoes, tomatoes and onions.
  7. A combination of parsley and dill sprigs is suitable for decoration.

Excellent soft taste, low calorie content, but amazing nutritional value and benefits will make trout an ideal dish for family feasts. Bon Appetit!

Trout is a wonderful fish that can be used to make many great dishes. The product retains the greatest number of useful properties during baking in the oven. It is about the trout recipes for the oven that we want to talk about in our article.

Useful properties of the product

The popularity of fish is due not only to its excellent taste, but also to the presence of numerous beneficial substances contained in it. For example, fish has a high content of vitamins E and D. Also, the product is famous for fatty acids better known as omega-3. Fish also contains zinc, magnesium, selenium. Trout is a great option for a healthy and low-calorie diet. The most successful way to cook trout is in the oven. There are many recipes for such dishes. In our article, we want to cite only a few of them.

Trout recipes for the oven - with a photo - will help you understand the nuances of cooking. All of them are quite simple and do not require any special skills.

If you have purchased fresh fish, then try to cook it right away. Frozen trout should be thawed before cooking. We clean the fish, wash it. It can be baked whole or the head and tail can be removed. This does not affect the taste of the fish.

How to cook trout in the oven? The recipes in the article will help you figure it out. In general, cooks recommend baking whole fish if its weight does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. If the trout is larger, then it can be cooked by cutting it into portioned pieces - steaks. In order to get a tasty and juicy dish, you should definitely marinate the fish. You can use white wine, kefir, lemon juice, spices and onions as a marinade.

The peeled and washed carcass must be poured with marinade and left for five to six hours. Trout is very tasty in the oven in foil. The recipe for such a dish will come in handy for any housewife. Moreover, the simplicity of preparation does not at all affect the taste. Fish in foil is baked in its own juice, and therefore it turns out tender and juicy.

Trout can be stuffed with vegetables, lemon slices, and herbs. Bake trout in the oven, the recipes for which, by the way, are quite simple, it is better at high temperatures, but not for long. As a rule, the cooking process takes no more than twenty minutes. It all depends on the size of the carcass and the temperature.

Garlic, lemon, fresh herbs, ginger, rosemary, onion, dill, tarragon and thyme are used as additional ingredients for cooking trout. If you add these ingredients before baking trout in the oven according to the recipe, you get a very tasty and aromatic dish. But oil is usually not used for such a fish, since it itself is quite fatty. Trout is very good in combination with rice, tomatoes, eggplant and bell pepper.

Fish with herbs and lemon

The classic recipe for cooking trout in the oven is based on the use of herbs and lemon, which give the dish a special taste and aroma.


  • trout carcass,
  • rosemary,
  • Dill,
  • vegetable oil,
  • ground pepper,
  • salt,
  • lemon.

We will bake the whole trout in the oven. The recipe (the photo below will allow you to appreciate all the beauty of such a dish), proposed below, we hope you will like it.

For cooking, we need a form, which must be covered with foil. Lubricate the surface with oil. Put the sliced ​​lemon slices on the bottom of the mold. The trout carcass must be gutted and washed. Lubricate it inside and out with pepper and salt. Put a lemon and a sprig of rosemary and herbs inside the abdomen. We put the fish in a mold and cover it loosely with foil. If you plan to bake several carcasses, then for each you need to make your own foil envelope.

Cook the prepared trout for no more than ten minutes. Then we open the foil and bake the carcass for the same amount of time. Serve hot trout on the table, adding greens.

Fish in a creamy sauce

The following recipe for baked trout in the oven (photo of the dish is presented below) will allow you to prepare a delicious dish with a delicate creamy taste.


  • cream (230 g),
  • trout fillet (220 g),
  • garlic,
  • butter (60 g),
  • mustard (tbsp. l.),
  • lemon,
  • black pepper,
  • greens.

We turn on the oven in advance so that it can warm up well. Rub the fish with salt and pepper and put it in a baking dish. Put chopped onion on top. In a deep plate, mix the cream, butter (ghee), chopped garlic, pepper, mustard and salt. Fill the fish with the resulting mass. Next, we put the form in the oven. Cook the fish for 10-15 minutes. When serving, the trout is poured with lemon juice and garnished with herbs.

How to cook trout in the oven? Even gourmets will like the fish with cheese recipe.


  • trout (750 g),
  • cheese (140 g),
  • two tomatoes,
  • lemon,
  • fish dressings,
  • salt,
  • cream (230 ml).

Cooking trout steaks in the oven couldn't be easier. The recipe (see photo of the dish below) will help you deal with the nuances.

First, the trout must be cut into portioned steaks, the thickness of which should not exceed two centimeters. Next, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with grated cheese and cream. Cover the bottom of the form with foil, which we coat with oil. We spread tomato mugs, then fish steaks. Pepper and salt the trout. Sprinkle the fish on top with grated cheese and spices. We send the form to the oven for 15-20 minutes. As you can see, cooking trout steaks in the oven (the recipe is given in the article) is not difficult.

How to cook rainbow trout in the oven? The recipes recommended by experienced chefs are always based on the use of a variety of marinades. They help to make the dish aromatic and tasty. In addition, the fish becomes even more tender. Marinades are generally able to work wonders even with the most hopeless products. But when it comes to trout, this is always a guarantee of an incredibly tasty dish.


  • half a liter of kefir,
  • trout,
  • sour cream (two tbsp. l.),
  • spices,
  • salt,
  • garlic.

Let's start cooking with the marinade. Pour kefir into a deep container and mix it with the pulp of garlic, chopped onion, spices and salt. We grease the trout with the resulting mass from all sides. Then we put it in a bowl, cover it with a lid on top and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Even if the fish stays in the marinade all night, it won't get any worse. Therefore, you can marinate it in the evening, if in the morning you are going to bake it.

Recipes for rainbow trout for the oven (with a photo of some dishes from this fish can be found in the review) do not limit cooks in how to bake the fish: in a mold or foil. But it is still preferable to use the latter option. Then you are guaranteed to get the most tender juicy dish. We put the fish in foil and send it to the oven. Twenty minutes later, you can put it on the table. If you have not calculated a little over time and the guests have not yet arrived, then you can not open the foil and wait for their arrival. The packaging keeps warm for a long time.

Even at the beginning of the article, we mentioned the variety of options for cooking trout in the oven. The recipes and photos of dishes presented by us allow only to a small extent demonstrate the range of possible options. If you want to cook not only fish, but also complement it with a side dish, then you can immediately bake it with vegetables. Such a complete dish is prepared quickly and does not take much of your time. But as a result, you will receive a nutritious and dietary product. It's no secret that baked vegetables and fish are the basis of proper nutrition. Trout steaks, cooked in the oven (see the recipe below), retain almost all their useful properties and do not gain excess fat, as when cooking them in a pan.


  • two trout,
  • champignons (10 pcs.),
  • bell pepper,
  • a tomato,
  • vegetable oil,
  • garlic,
  • chilli,
  • lemon,
  • salt.

Red fish is one of those foods that are good for all types of cooking. Such fish is difficult to spoil with something. And yet, a selection of photos and recipes for trout for the oven will not hurt any hostess.

In order to cook fish with a side dish, you must first start preparing vegetables and mushrooms. Fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil, then add the mushroom slices. At the end of cooking, add chopped bell peppers and tomatoes. Vegetables must be seasoned with salt and pepper. Next, simmer the mass over low heat until tender.

As a sauce, you can use a mixture of lemon juice with vegetable oil and garlic pulp. For baking fish, we need foil. Grease its inner surface with garlic sauce. Fill the trout with a mixture of mushrooms and vegetables. Next, carefully wrap the foil and fasten the edges. Likewise, you can cook trout steaks in foil in the oven. The recipe for the dish does not limit the hostesses in options. In this case, each steak must be placed in a separate foil envelope, and put the vegetable-mushroom mass on top. Portions can be served on individual plates and offered to guests.

If you bake the fish whole, then you need to cut it before serving, without violating the integrity.

Fish and potatoes

If you want to cook trout in foil in the oven, the recipes and photos given by us in the article will help you choose the right option. Of course, the fish itself is incredibly tasty. But very often housewives want to get a full dinner or lunch, and it is not always possible to spend time on preparing a side dish. In this case, you should cook trout with baked potatoes.


  • trout (350 g),
  • sour cream (120 g),
  • lemon juice,
  • four potatoes,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt,
  • seasonings,
  • pepper.

Since we will bake fish and potatoes, it must first be boiled in uniforms. After cooling, cut it into circles. Peel and chop the onion in the form of rings.

We turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up. Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil and grease its surface with mayonnaise or fatty sour cream. We spread a layer of onions and then potatoes. Pepper and salt the products. Put fish steaks on top. Next, fold the foil, fastening the edges. We bake the dish for 30-45 minutes. Delicious trout with potatoes is ready. When serving, you can add herbs.

Fish with rice

Since fish is in perfect harmony with rice and vegetables, you can prepare a full-fledged hearty dish based on them.


  • trout (380 g),
  • zucchini (230 g),
  • salt,
  • carrot,
  • ground pepper
  • rice (270 g),
  • cream (230 g),
  • greens.

Each housewife wants to prepare a delicious dish that will become a full-fledged lunch or dinner, and at the same time not waste a lot of time on it. The recipe we propose, in our opinion, is just such an option.

We put water on fire and bring it to a boil. Meanwhile, we wash the rice in running water. Next, we transfer it to a baking dish. Pour boiling water over it so that it is all covered with liquid. Add some salt. Peel the onion, chop it and put it on top of the rice. Put slices of carrots and zucchini on top.

Peel the trout, rinse and cut into small pieces. We spread the fish on vegetables. For further cooking, we need a sauce. We will cook it from sour cream and herbs. Rinse the dill and parsley and chop finely. Next, put the greens in the cream, mix everything. Pepper and salt the mass. Pour fish and vegetables with the resulting sauce. We bake the dish for 40-45 minutes. As a result, we get very juicy fish with vegetables and crumbly rice.

To prepare such a dish, you must have a roomy and deep enough baking dish. You can, of course, use foil, but in this case, the layers of food can mix. In the form, the dish looks amazing when served.

Trout with nuts and lemon

Trout is a delicious fish that goes well with a variety of foods. One of the most successful options is the combination of fish with lemon and other citrus fruits. Almost all recipes are based on the use of lemon juice. But even if lemons are not indicated in the recipe, you can safely add them yourself. This will not make the dish worse. On the contrary, you will certainly be delighted with new flavors.

We offer to cook trout with nuts and lemon.


  • three lemons
  • trout (1.2 kg),
  • ground pepper
  • parsley,
  • fresh tarragon,
  • salt,
  • a quarter glass of tarragon.

To prepare the dish, we need trout fillet. Cover the baking sheet with foil and lightly grease the surface with oil. Put the fish fillet down with the skin. Sprinkle generously with pepper and salt on top.

In a saucepan, heat the oil and wait until it has completely melted. Next, pour the finished mass into the fish. Sprinkle the trout on top with tarragon and parsley. Place lemon slices tightly on each fillet. There should be a lot of them. Next, put the baking sheet in the oven. We bake the fish for up to ten minutes.

In the meantime, we reheat the remaining oil in a saucepan. Pour chopped nuts there. We mix everything. Serve the finished fish on the table, adding fresh lemon slices and pouring with butter and nuts.

Delicious trout

Whole-baked trout is a spectacular dish that can be a festive decoration. Fish goes well with any vegetables.


  • trout,
  • lemon,
  • carrot,
  • pepper.

If you have a large enough fish, you can bake it whole. To do this, we clean it and wash it. We make cuts on the surface. Salt and pepper the carcass. Put the fish on a greased baking sheet and put slices of lemon, carrots and onions in the slots. Spill the trout on top with lemon juice, wrap the foil and send the dish to the oven.

There is also a second option for preparing such a dish. Cut the fish into portions. Cut carrots, onions and lemons into circles. Cover the baking sheet with foil and grease the surface with oil. We spread the pieces of fish, alternating them with slices of vegetables. Sprinkle the trout on top with plenty of lemon juice. Roll up the foil and leave it to marinate for 15 minutes.

Cooking nuances

Trout is good because its noble taste goes well with a variety of products. So, for example, mushrooms and vegetables will add even more tenderness to a dish, and potatoes, rice and pasta will make food more satisfying. Cream and sour cream also make the fish tender and juicier. But with the help of spices and citrus fruits, trout acquires a subtle unique aroma.

Of course, the most delicious dish can only be prepared from fresh trout. When purchasing a fish, you need to pay attention to its condition. The gills should be bright and the skin should be supple and free from damage. Fresh fish should have a fairly pleasant aroma.

In the event that you are purchasing already frozen trout, then you need to be able to properly defrost it. In no case should the carcass be immersed in warm and hot water, no matter how you rush. This will spoil the taste of the fish. First, put the carcass on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several hours, and then let it thaw at room temperature.

Only after complete defrosting, we clean and wash the fish.

The taste of trout is well complemented by white wine, olive oil, garlic, oranges, lemons, mushrooms. The fish can be flavored with Provencal herbs. But as a side dish, you can use vegetables that are baked with trout.

Cooks recommend baking a small fish whole, and cutting a larger one into steaks. Foil and a roasting sleeve are ideal for cooking. Firstly, they help keep the oven and baking sheet clean, and secondly, the fish cooks much faster, while remaining incredibly juicy and tasty. In addition, these cooking accessories help preserve the beneficial properties of the trout during cooking. Cooking becomes much easier with them.

We hope that the photos presented by us in the review, recipes for trout for the oven (in foil, and other options) will certainly be useful to you.