Homemade wheat-rye buns with sesame seeds (dough on dough). Wheat-rye buns

I suggest making buns from rye and wheat flour. Traditionally, buns are baked only from wheat flour, but if you deviate from this rule and when kneading the dough together with wheat flour add rye, you get no less magnificent, but more healthy pastries.

Since rye flour contains less gluten than wheat flour, the dough will stick to your hands when kneading it. If the household has a bread machine, the easiest way is to prepare the dough for rye-wheat buns in it. Small difficulties may arise when forming buns, but they are easily overcome, you just need to sprinkle with flour work surface table and hands.

For use as a topping for buns is a mixture of sesame seeds and oatmeal.


Recipe for rye and wheat flour buns

Dish: Pastries

Time for preparing: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour


  • 1 st. l. honey
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast
  • 150 g rye flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 300 ml warm water
  • 1 tsp salt

Step by step recipe with photo

Dough for rye-wheat buns in a bread machine

According to the operating rules of your bread machine model, put all the ingredients into it and set the mode to “ Yeast dough". Since the test contains enough rye flour, then ready dough will not be lush and high, this should be remembered.

The finished dough must be moved to a thickly floured surface and kneaded with floured hands. The dough will be sticky, so it's a good idea to add more flour to your hands and work surface.

Dough for buns by hand

Activate the yeast in warm water, then pour the yeast mixture into a large container in which the dough will start. Put honey, dissolve it in yeast water, add salt and pour right amount vegetable oil. It remains to add the sifted flour, knead the dough until smooth and put the container with it in an unventilated and warm place for further proofing. In the middle of proofing, knock it out to saturate it with oxygen. Settling time up to 1.5 hours.

How to cook rye and wheat flour buns in the oven

Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and knead with your hands.

Roll out the dough into a thick sausage.

Divide it into eight parts.

Use your hands to form each piece of dough into a ball. This is done as follows: one side of the bun is stretched, and its ends are collected with the help of fingers on the bottom of the bun and fixed there.

Prepare the topping for the buns by pouring half the oatmeal and half the sesame seeds into a saucer. Oatmeal is taken the most common, from which you need to cook porridge, but you can also take muesli.

Brush the surface of the buns with water and dip the greased side into the oatmeal and sesame mixture.

Put the buns prepared in this way on a baking sheet covered with a special baking paper, at a distance from each other.

Put in a warm place for proofing for literally 10-15 minutes. It is convenient to proof the buns in the oven, in which set the temperature to 100 degrees for 2 minutes and do not open the door until the buns increase in size.

Bake buns at 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. This is how ready-made rosy buns look like.

They need to be removed from the baking sheet and transferred to the dishes.

Buns made from rye and wheat flour are soft, fragrant due to the presence of honey in the dough, and incredibly tasty.

Description: I bring to your attention a recipe for delicious and easy-to-make rye buns. I bake such buns every 3 days, we eat with the whole family instead of bread. Depending on the ingredients, their taste varies from rich for breakfast to spicy for lunch or dinner. I add sesame seeds, poppy seeds, ginger instead of cumin, I play with flour. Very interesting caramel flavor obtained by adding a little buckwheat flour. Perfect for those who follow the figure. Try it!

Time for preparing: 180 minutes

Servings: 14


For kids
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On breakfast
For lunch
For an afternoon snack
On the festive table
On nature
For dinner

Ingredients for Rye Buns:

  • Wheat flour - 3 stack.
  • Rye flour - 3 stack.
  • Yeast (Dry) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bran (wheat or rye) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cumin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil (For lubrication)
  • Water (Hot) - 2 stacks.

Recipe "Rye buns":

Sift wheat flour, add yeast, bran, salt, cumin, cocoa. We mix everything.

Pour 2 cups into saucepan hot water, add sugar and butter. Mix and cool to t 38-40 degrees.

Pour the sugar-butter mixture into flour mixture add rye flour.

Knead the dough for 10 minutes, periodically beating it on the table. If required, add flour. Depending on the quality of flour, required different amount. Focus on the test. The dough will be sticky at the beginning - this is a feature of rye flour. It should be soft and should not stick to your hands by the end of the kneading.

We form a ball from the dough, grease it on all sides vegetable oil.

We put the dough in a large container pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. We cover cling film, in which we make several holes so that the dough breathes. We put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. After the dough will do and will increase in volume by about 2 times, crush and set for another 30 minutes.

Divide the risen dough into 14-15 pieces. For convenience, I first make the sausage.

From each part, we first form a ball, then an oval, flattened at the top and bottom. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. We spread the buns at a distance of 2-3 cm. In each bun we make a longitudinal, shallow incision, sprinkle with rye flour on top. Leave for 30 minutes for proofing. We bake in a preheated oven at t 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. If you have the same hot oven, like mine, and the bottom of the products burns, then I advise you to put a container of water in the bottom of the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, then remove the container so that the buns are browned.

Buns are ready! Bon appetit!

Bun in a cut.

Rye pastries are very healthy, but the range of products in the store is very poor. If you manage to find delicious bread or buns in the departments healthy eating, then their cost is not very democratic. Why not bake your own?

Rye buns - general cooking principles

Rye buns are never baked with dark flour alone. They always add wheat flour of the first, highest or second grade, in addition, bran may be present in the recipe, but in a small amount. You will also need liquid to knead the buns. It can be milk, water, kefir, diluted sour cream.

What else is put in the dough:

Salt, sugar;

Not always buns are cooked with yeast. Often they are replaced with baking powder. Yeast dough will need time to rise. Rye flour has a higher acidity than wheat flour. Therefore, she does not need to stand for a long time, it is enough for the dough to rise well once, then hold the buns on the baking sheet.

Before baking, rolls can be greased with an egg, just yolk or water. Often products are sprinkled with sesame seeds, poppy seeds. Bran or nuts. Commonly used for baking simple oven. Set the temperature around 180 or 200 degrees. The time depends on the size of the buns.

Simple rye buns on the water

Recipe for simple rye buns with dry yeast and water. They work well as a base for sandwiches, as well as multi-part burgers.


Water 0.25 liters;

220 grams of rye flour;

220 g white flour;

7 g quick dry yeast;

Salt 0.5 tsp;

10 grams of sugar;

40 ml sol. oils.

Additionally one yolk, a little sesame.


1. Combine both types of flour, stir, leave on the table so that it warms up.

2. Heat the water, add prescription sugar to it, add yeast. Stir, leave for ten minutes.

3. Add salt, add vegetable oil. We stir everything and begin to add both types of flour. Knead the dough, knead until smooth and uniform. We cover the bowl with a napkin, leave the rye mass for an hour.

4. Divide the dough that has risen into pieces of 120 g each, this is if the rolls are for burgers. In other cases, the size can be changed.

5. We make neat balls from the dough, lay out rye buns on a baking sheet, leave for another thirty minutes to rise.

6. Add a few drops of water to the yolk to make the mass fluid, stir well. Lubricate the buns. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, but this is optional.

7. Send to the oven. Rye rolls are baked at 200 degrees.

Rye buns without yeast (on kefir)

For such rye rolls, you can use not only kefir, but also any other fermented milk drinks. Perfectly suits curdled milk. The fat content of the main product does not matter.


200 g of kefir;

120 g rye flour;

120-150 g of millet flour;

1 tsp soda;

20 ml sol. oils;

10 grams of sugar;

Salt, one egg.


1. Introduce soda into a warm fermented milk product, stir. Better kefir pour, as the reaction proceeds, the mass will increase in size.

2. Add a couple of pinches of salt, add sugar according to the recipe. Pour in the oil, shake everything well until smooth.

3. First we introduce rye flour, knead thoroughly, then add wheat flour, we achieve desired consistency. The dough should be soft. But when laid out on a flat surface, it should not spread.

4. Let the rye mass stand for a quarter of an hour.

5. Divide the dough into pieces. We form rye rolls of arbitrary shape and size, immediately transfer to a baking sheet.

6. Break the egg, fluff with a fork, grease the buns. You can sprinkle with something, for example, sesame seeds. Bake until done.

Rye buns with onions

The recipe for very fragrant rye buns with onions. They are prepared with yeast on the water, on average, the whole process will take about 2.5 hours.


230 g white flour;

210 g rye flour;

0.25 liters of water (warm up);

0.7 tsp salt;

1 tsp quick dry yeast;

1 head of onion;

Tablespoon of sugar;

50 ml of oil.


1. Mix 0.5 cups of wheat flour with dry yeast and sugar. Gradually pour into this mixture. warm water. Stir so that no lumps appear. Leave the dough for 25-30 minutes, for rye dough this time will be enough.

2. Peel one medium-sized onion, cut into very small and thin cubes, pour into the dough. We put salt, stir.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the dough. Mono for these buns to take a product with a smell. It will be delicious.

4. We fall asleep the rest of the wheat flour and put the rye flour. kneading soft dough with onions, carefully knead it to achieve maximum uniformity. We let it go.

5. Once the dough has risen once, but well, you can sculpt the rolls. We spread the mass on the table, divide into pieces. We roll balls or give products a different shape. Transfer to a greased baking sheet.

6. Leave the rolls to rise on a baking sheet, then grease with an egg, bake.

Rye buns with bran

For such rye buns, you will need any loose bran. Granular products will not work. Usually rye and wheat bran is found in stores, oat bran is less common.


200 ml of warm water;

30 g of bran in the dough;

A little bran for sprinkling;

7 g yeast;

120 g rye flour;

Wheat flour;

30 ml of oil;

25 g sugar;

0.6 tsp salt.


1. Combine bran with rye flour. Stir.

2. Mix warm water for rye dough with granulated sugar. Salt and yeast, leave for three minutes, let all the lumps dissolve.

3. Add butter to the yeast mixture, add rye flour with bran, stir and add wheat flour. Knead until the dough reaches the desired consistency.

4. We clean in a warm place. Let's get up once.

5. Divide the dough into buns. We give them desired shape. You can make balls, balls, knots, weave pigtails. Transfer to a baking sheet.

6. Let's stand still on the baking sheet. Approximately twenty minutes.

7. Lubricate rye pastries with water, sprinkle with bran on top.

8. Put the baking sheet in the oven, bake.

Rye buns with three types of flour

Another yeast recipe for rye buns. Three flour is used here different types: first grade, top grade, rye peeled flour. Yeast ordinary dry from a bag.


Water 0.3 liters;

Salt with sugar;

1.5 tsp loose yeast;

A glass of white flour;

One glass of rye flour;

A glass of flour of the 1st grade or another type coarse grinding;

30 ml of oil;

Egg, sesame.


1. Heat water, the amount is indicated in the recipe. Mix with yeast and wheat flour, add one spoon granulated sugar. Put the resulting talker in heat for 30 minutes.

2. Add 2/3 teaspoon of salt and another spoonful of sugar to the dough, add any vegetable oil, delicious rolls are obtained with olive.

3. Mix everything well, then add rye flour, and then add flour of the first grade. Or we use any other type of coarse grinding, you can find 2nd grade on sale.

4. Knead the dough. If there is not enough flour, then add any white look.

5. Leave the rye dough for a good rise in the warmth.

7. Before baking rye products grease, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Rye buns with milk

A variant of very tasty and sweet buns with the addition of rye flour and butter. This pastry can even be used for sweet sandwiches, it's great to diversify the boring diet of adherents proper nutrition.


0.28 l of milk;

55 g sl. oils;

11 g yeast;

40 g of sugar;

0.25 kg of rye flour;

0.25-0.28 kg of wheat flour;

1 tsp salt;


1. Melt the butter. You can also use margarine for the dough.

2. Mix warmed milk with yeast, add sugar and salt to them, wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved in the liquid.

3. Shake one egg, add.

4. Pour in the previously prepared oil. For flavor, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, buns with them are much tastier. We stir.

5. We introduce flour, we try to fall asleep first rye product. Then achieve the desired consistency with wheat flour.

6. As usual, we remove the dough in a warm place and wait for a good rise.

7. We make any buns or small loaves. We shift them to a baking sheet, wait for the rise.

8. Grease with an egg that did not go into the dough, bake.

Rye buns with poppy seeds in 40 minutes

Another recipe for rye buns without yeast. They are prepared on sour cream very quickly and simply.


200 g sour cream;

70 ml of kefir;

1 pack of ripper;

One glass of rzh. flour;

wheat flour;

Spoonful of sugar;

Salt, a small egg;

A couple of tablespoons of oil;

Poppy bag.


1. Mix kefir with sour cream, salt, add a spoonful of granulated sugar. You can pour more if you need sweet rolls.

2. Add vegetable oil. Pour rye flour with a ripper, mix.

3. Add wheat flour to the dough, as needed. Knead very soft, slightly sticky mass.

4. Divide the dough into small balls. We make the size from one egg. Transfer to a baking sheet, grease with egg, sprinkle with poppy seeds.

5. Set to bake at 180 degrees.

Rye flour has a coarser grinding and a sieve should be used for sieving the appropriate one.

You can additionally enrich pastries from dark flour with ground oatmeal, corn, buckwheat flour. They are also very beneficial for the body.

Rye dough often sticks to your hands, when cutting, grease your palms with vegetable oil as often as possible. The tabletop also needs to be processed.

Rye flour buns are not only tasty, but also healthy for the body flour product. They are baked from grinding a dark grade, but it does not hurt to add the highest or first grade wheat flour to the batch. It is permissible to change the recipe by adding bran, but it is advisable to observe the measure.

Rye buns

Cooking rye buns is not difficult at all. For the correct kneading of the dough, you need to take milk, water, kefir or sour cream.


The recipe for rye buns includes yeast, but if desired, it is easy to do without them. For baking you will need the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp;
  • rye flour - 3 tbsp;
  • water - 0.5 l.;
  • powdered yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk;
  • sesame - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml.

If there is no sesame, then pumpkin and sunflower seeds, flax seeds, poppy seeds, coriander, caraway seeds, etc. will do.

Cooking steps

  1. For enrichment with oxygen, wheat flour must be sifted. Pour it into a large bowl, combine with yeast, you can pour a little bran, cocoa powder, mix.
  2. Pour 0.5 l of heated water into a saucepan, measure the required amount of salt and sugar, completely dissolve the bulk components, add oil. Leave the mass for a certain period of time to cool to about +38 ° C, then sift rye flour through a large sieve, pour in and combine with all other components, making the mass as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Lightly dust the worktop with flour. Knead the dough until elastic, beating it on the board.
  4. Spread a large dish with vegetable oil, put the dough, which is formed in the form of a ball, and also grease with oil. Cover everything with a film, making 2 small holes in it with a toothpick, and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. During this time, the dough should rise.
  5. When the volume of the dough grows several times, it should be kneaded and wait another 30 minutes.
  6. The finished dough is divided into equal parts, which are shaped into a ball, after which, pressing from both sides, make the workpiece oval.
  7. Pour a little into the pan cold water, put on top parchment paper, which is lubricated sunflower oil. The formed buns are located at a distance of about 3 cm.
  8. The top is smeared with whipped egg yolks and sprinkled with sesame seeds, other seeds or nuts. It is left for some time to proof.
  9. After 15-20 min. products are placed in the oven. At 180 ° baking time will take no more than 25 minutes. Readiness is determined by a toothpick. A delicious golden crust should form on top of the bun.

Before serving, it is better to let the buns cool down a bit. You can eat with sour cream, ryazhenka, milk. For those who do not like to use yeast, you can replace it with soda. For such rye buns, you will need kefir or another fermented milk product.

  1. Soda is poured into 200 g of kefir in an amount of 1 tsp so that the acid extinguishes the soda.
  2. Add 10 g of sugar and 1 tsp. salt, 20 ml of sunflower oil, sifted rye and wheat flour.
  3. Mix everything, make a soft dough, leave for half an hour, then form buns of any desired shape.
  4. Put the products on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Cover the surface of the buns with beaten chicken yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  5. After a short proofing (about 20 minutes), place in an oven preheated to 180 ° and bake until cooked.

If desired, it is a good idea to add crushed onion. There are several nuances to improve the quality of baking:

  1. Since rye flour has a coarser grind, the meshes in the sieve should not be too fine.
  2. To enrich the product, making it even more useful, you can grind oat flakes or add flour from buckwheat, corn.
  3. So that the dough does not stick during kneading, treat the countertop with sunflower oil and grease the palms.

Having shown imagination, any housewife can cook this pastry according to her own recipe.

Rye buns are not only very tasty, but also distinguished by their beneficial properties.

Range rye pastry presented in small quantities in modern stores and I must admit that it is very strange to observe such a resonance, because the recipes are very different and all interesting.

If there is to find delicious rye buns, they will be presented in the departments healthy food at an expensive price.

In this article, you can learn how to bake rye flour buns at home without much effort.

Cooking principles

Rye flour buns are made exclusively from dark flour. But remember that the batch must be diluted with wheat flour of the first, highest or second grade.

The recipe is subject to change if you decide to add bran, but know to always keep a sense of proportion.

To make the right batch for buns, you need to use liquid. For example, even the most plain water, sour cream or milk, kefir.

The recipe may include: sugar, salt, cl. butter or chicken. eggs. Cooking buns is not always worth using yeast. The recipe may call for the use of a baking powder.

Yeast dough will need time to rise, such is its nature. The dough will not have to stand for long, because it will be kneaded on dark flour, which has a higher acidity than wheat flour.

The dough will need to be allowed to rise properly once, and only then the buns will need to be supported on a baking sheet.

Before baking rye delicious buns, I advise you to grease their chickens. yolk or water. Baking can be sprinkled with poppy seeds or sesame seeds. The option of decorating with nuts or bran is not excluded.

The buns are baked in the oven. The temperature in the oven should be about 200 gr. The baking time will depend on the size of the buns you have personally shaped.

Easy rye bread recipe

Components: 3 tbsp. rzh. flour and the same amount of psh. flour; 1 tbsp dry yeast; 2 tbsp bran (can be used as rye composition, and wheat); 50 gr. sl. oils; 1 tbsp cocoa powder; 3 tbsp brown Sahara; rast. butter; 2 tbsp cumin; salt.

The number of components will allow you to cook about 14-16 rolls, everything will depend on the size of the blanks made by you personally.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I sow the flour in a large container. I mix psh. flour with bran, yeast, cumin and salt. I mix well. Add cocoa powder to the bowl and mix again.
  2. Pour 500 ml of hot water into a saucepan, mix with butter and sugar. It is necessary that the last component is completely dissolved. The mass must be allowed to cool to 38 gr. about. Pour the resulting liquid into the flour mixture. I mix it so that it becomes homogeneous in composition. rye flour I also sift and introduce into the mass so that it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour and put the dough on top. I knead for 10 minutes so that the mass becomes elastic. I beat the dough on the table several times.
  4. I take a large container and smear its surface with rust. oil. I put the dough in it, forming a ball out of it. I smear and grow it. oil. I cover the container with a film, punch a couple of holes with toothpicks and leave it aside for 60 minutes. This is necessary in order for the dough to rise, and therefore it is important that the place is warm and there is no draft.
  5. The dough will become several times larger, and therefore it needs to be taken out, kneaded and again left warm for about half an hour.
  6. After the specified time, I take out the dough, divide by 15 equal parts and form a ball, then an oval, pressing down from above, then from below.
  7. I cover the baking sheet cold water, I put parchment on top and grease the rust. oil. I put all the buns at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

At the top of the buns I make longitudinal cuts of 1 pc. on each. I sprinkle rzh on top. flour and send on a baking sheet for proofing.

Half an hour will be enough to send the rye buns to bake in the oven, about 25 minutes at 180 gr., And the pastry will be ready. She will be covered beautiful crust Brown as in the photo.

My advice to you before submitting ready-made buns to the table, you should let them cool down a bit. You can even brew fragrant at this time Herb tea or cocoa. Rely on your personal preferences here.

Kefir buns without adding yeast with rye flour

Recipe with photo rye cakes not complicated. The composition includes kefir, but you can replace this ingredient with any other fermented milk products. For example, I like curdled milk. As for fat content, it does not play any role.

Components: 120 gr. rzh. flour; 150 gr. psh. flour; 200 gr. kefir; 1 tsp soda; 10 gr. Sahara; 20 ml sol. oils; 1 PC. chickens. egg; salt. To decorate the buns, you need sesame seeds.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add soda to kefir. I mix. The acid of the product will perfectly extinguish the soda. It is better to take a large container, because when the reaction begins, the mass will become larger in size.
  2. I add some salt and add sugar. I introduce the oil, mix it so that the composition becomes homogeneous.
  3. The next step is to introduce hw. flour, add psh., the consistency should be soft. When laying the dough on the surface, you should not encounter the problem that it spreads.
  4. The mass should be allowed to stand for 25 minutes, then I divide it into pieces and form homemade rye buns, they can be of any shape. I lay them out on a baking sheet in random order.
  5. I cover the surface with whipped chicken. egg with a fork. Sprinkle with sesame seeds on top, bake in the oven until fully cooked.

Rye homemade buns stuffed with onions

Cook at home very fragrant and healthy buns that will be stuffed with onions. You need to cook them on a yeast batch, and therefore it will take about 2.5 hours to cook, but know that the result is worth it.

Components: 230 gr. psh. flour; 210 gr. rzh. flour; 250 ml of warm water; 1/3 tsp salt; 1 tsp dry yeast; 1 PC. onion; 50 ml sol. butter and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. 0.5 st. psh. Mix flour with dry yeast and sugar. I pour warm water into the mass, mix. It is necessary to remove all lumps, otherwise the baking result will be spoiled. The dough should be allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Rye dough rises faster than wheat dough, so this time is enough.
  2. I cut the onion into small cubes and add it to the dough, put salt and mix. I pour the rast. butter in the dough.
  3. I add the rest of the psh. flour and introduce rye. I mix the dough with onions, then I crush it to make it homogeneous. I leave it aside so that the dough rises.
  4. When the mass increases, it is worth starting to form buns. I put the mass on the surface of the table and divide it into parts.

I put the mass on a baking sheet, be sure to grease the rast. oil. I give a little time for proofing, grease the chicken dough. yolk and send the baked buns to bake in the oven.

  • Rye flour differs from wheat flour in a large grinding. A sieve should be used with much larger holes so that the flour can be sown better.
  • To enrich pastries from rzh. flour, it is worth using ground oatmeal, corn or buckwheat flour. These products are helpful.
  • During kneading, the dough can stick to your hands, it is worth lubricating the palms of the rast. oil, and also treat the countertop with it.

Cook sweet rye buns to your heart's content, delighting your loved ones with delicious pastries!

My video recipe