Innovative technology examples. Development of measures for the implementation of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities

16.03.2019 Healthy eating



State educational institution of higher professional education



Department of Commerce, Commodity Science and Expertise


on discipline: "Organization of commercial activities of trade enterprises"

on the topic: "Development of measures for the introduction of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities

(on the example of the furniture store "Max" IP Volkov ").

Completed by a 3rd year student of 3 CD SP group

extramural education

Dmitry Sergeevich Kabanov

Specialties commerce (trade)


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of innovative technologies in trading activities

1.1 The concept of innovation, their types and classification

1.2 Innovative technologies, their types and methods of implementation

1.3 Stages of implementation innovation activities

1.4 Legal regulation of innovation activity

Chapter 2. Development of measures for the implementation of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities (on the example of a furniture store IP Volkov MV)

2.1 Characteristics of the research object

2.2 Analysis and assessment of the innovative activity of the enterprise

2.3 Development of measures for the introduction of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities


Bibliographic list


Experience and observation are the greatest sources of wisdom that anyone can access. (William Ellery Channing)


One of the priority goals of most countries in the world is to ensure long-term economic growth. Economic growth is accompanied by an increase in production efficiency, a reduction in unemployment, price stability and the expansion of foreign economic relations and other positive economic and social processes. These goals of economic growth can be achieved by using the achievements of scientific and technological innovations, called innovations, in all spheres of economic activity. Despite the fact that Russia still retains its innovative potential, the focus of this potential on the implementation of scientific achievements in production and other areas of activity is extremely small. In the Russian industry in the 90s, innovation activity sharply decreased. Specific gravity enterprises and organizations engaged in the development and use of innovations decreased. The development of innovative processes in Russia is influenced by various groups of factors: economic, technological, political, legal, socio-psychological and organizational and managerial.

The intensification of innovative activity in Russia is the most important prerequisite for the use of scientific and technical potential, the growth of the competitiveness of industrial products, an exit from the economic crisis, and an increase in the standard of living of the population. Considering that currently innovative technologies are playing crucial role in the development of society, that an increasing number of organizations and firms are striving to introduce new technologies in the organization of commercial activities, but they do not always correctly understand their essence and structure, replace them with minor modifications in goods and services, this explains relevance the selected topic.

The purpose this course work is the development of measures for the introduction and use of innovative technologies in the organization of the commercial activities of the enterprise and the assessment of the value of the introduction of innovative technologies in the work of the enterprise, increasing its competitiveness.

To do this, you need to do the following tasks :

1- consider the concepts of innovation, their types and classification,

2- research innovative technologies, their types and methods of implementation,

3- study the stages of the implementation of innovative activities,

4- show the legal regulation of innovation,

5- analyze and assess the innovative activity of the enterprise

6- develop measures for the introduction of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities.

Object research is innovative technology, and subject research is the organization of work on the implementation of innovative technologies in the commercial activities of the enterprise.

The methodological basis of this work was the works of Russian and foreign scientists, such as N. Monchev, A. Tychinsky, I. Perlami, V. D. Hartmak, E. Mansfield, R. Foster, B. Twiss, I. Schumpeter, E. Rogers and etc.

The theoretical basis is marketing, economic theory, strategic planning, quality management, regional economics, firm economics, etc.

In the process of work, the following methods were used: economic and statistical, computational and constructive, the method of expert assessments.

Work structure. The work consists of: introduction, two chapters, conclusions, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.

The introduction explains the relevance of the chosen topic of work, sets out the goal and tasks that were solved in the course of its writing. The first chapter examines the theoretical issues of innovation and innovative technologies, and examines the various stages and methods of their implementation in trade, and also shows the legal regulation of innovation.

The second chapter analyzes and evaluates the innovative activity of the enterprise, and also developed measures for the introduction of innovative technologies in the organization of the commercial activity of the enterprise.

In the conclusion, the main results of this work are presented. The work is illustrated with 4 figures, 2 tables. The bibliographic list consists of 23 sources.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of innovative technologies in trading activities

1.1 The concept of innovation, their types and classification

The concept of "innovation" appeared in the research of cultural studies in the 19th century and meant the introduction of elements of one culture into another. The first most Full description innovation processes were presented at the beginning of the 20th century by the outstanding economist J. Schumpeter, who analyzed "new combinations" of changes in the development of economic systems (1911)

He, in his Theory of Economic Development, published in 1912, considered innovation (new combinations) as a means of entrepreneurship for profit. The author called entrepreneurs "economic entities whose function is precisely the implementation of new combinations and which act as its active element."

Somewhat later, in the 1930s, Schumpeter and Mensch introduced the term "innovation" into scientific circulation, which they considered the embodiment of a scientific discovery in a new technology or product. From that moment on, the concept of "innovation" and related terms "innovative technologies", "innovation process" and others, acquired the status of general scientific categories of a high level of generalization and enriched the conceptual and terminological systems of many sciences.

It is generally accepted that the concept of "innovation" is a Russian version english word innovation. Literal translation from English means "introduction of innovations" or in our understanding of this word "introduction of innovations". Innovation means a new order, a new custom, new method, invention, new phenomenon. The Russian phrase "innovation" in the literal sense "introduction of the new" means the process of using the innovation.

In everyday practice, as a rule, they identify the concept of innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation, which is understandable. Any inventions, new phenomena, types of services or methods only then receive public recognition when they are accepted for distribution (commercialization), and already in a new capacity they act as innovations (innovations). Innovation is more an economic, social than a technical term. For a businessman, they are the main means of increasing profits, the key to new sales markets. Governments are betting on innovation as they try to overcome the economic crisis.

Under innovation

In the Oxford Glossary, innovation is explained as follows: "Any new approach to the design, manufacture or marketing of a product that gives the innovator or his company an advantage over the competition."

The origin of innovations, their purpose, impact and other characteristics create a great variety, which requires a certain classification that will make it possible to identify them. There is a general (traditional) classification of innovations, taking into account their development. Let us first consider the traditional classification scheme according to various criteria (Fig. 1).

rice. 1 Classification of innovations

General (traditional) classification of innovations and innovative products. It is based on the following features: 1. By the source of the idea for innovation can act : a) discovery, scientific idea, scientific theory, phenomenon; b) invention, a number of inventions, licenses; c) rationalization proposals; d) other situations. 2. By sight innovations. An innovation in a material, tangible form can take the form of: a) a product, its structure or device, system and mechanism; b) technology, method, method;

c) material, substance; d) living organisms, plants; e) buildings, buildings, structures, office, workshop or site, other architectural solution; f) information product (project, research, development, program, etc .;

g) services; h) other solutions.

3. By areas of application in the scientific and production process in the field of industry, transport, communications and agriculture, the following types of innovations are distinguished:

Research and development that change the R&D process;

Technical or product lines usually appear in production

products with new or improved properties, lead to a change in the technology of the consumer's business processes;

Technological ones arise when using improved, more sophisticated methods of manufacturing products, lead to a change in the technology of business processes for the consumer;

Information and communication, lead to a change in information processing technologies and communication technologies at the consumer;

Marketing, which lead to changes in market research and work on them, changes in brands of goods and organizations;

Logistic, lead to changes in the organization of flow, supply and sales.

Organizational and managerial, which lead to changes in the organizational mechanism and management system, improve them;

Socio-economic, legal and others that change the social, economic and legal conditions for the operation of the enterprise. 4. By service areas: a) education; b) catering; c) sports and youth; d) culture and show; e) health care; f) legal service and protection; g) tourism; h) trade; i) financial services; j) others.

5. By the level of novelty innovative goods and services can be divided into those with the following characteristics: a) world novelty; b) domestic novelty; c) industry novelty; d) new to the firm; e) expanding the existing range of goods, assortment, portfolio of goods and services; f) updated goods and services; g) goods and services with changed positioning; h) with reduced costs (industrial innovation). 6. By scale of dissemination innovations : a) transnational; b) national and federal; c) regional; d) municipal; e) within the framework of associations and associations; f) within the organization; g) within the subdivision. 7. By breadth of impact innovations : a) global, world; b) national economic, national; c) industry-specific; d) local. eight. By the rate of implementation innovations : a) fast, growing; b) slow, uniform; c) slow, decaying. nine. By stage of the life cycle innovations , with which the innovation process for a given organization begins and with which it ends: a) research; b) development; c) industrial production; d) marketing; e) logistics; f) service support. ten. By the depth of the changes highlight innovation : a) radical or basic; b) improving; c) modification or private. eleven ... By succession: a) discoverers, which can be followed by a stream of new innovations, on which the multiplier effect is based; b) closing, innovations closing a number of industries; c) substitute; d) canceling;

e) retro-introduction.

To innovate in production, trade and other types of labor and services use various technologies, which later came to be called innovative.

1.2 Innovative technologies, their types and methods of implementation

Innovative technologies Are sets of methods and tools that support the stages of implementation of an innovation. Distinguish different kinds innovative technologies, such as implementation, training (training and incubation of small businesses), consulting, transfer, engineering and others.

Innovative technologies can be roughly divided into two directions:

- revolutionary(like the invention of the jet engine),

that is, the intellectual activity of creating a new product aimed at meeting a demand that is absent in the market, but may appear with the appearance of this new product. That is, in fact, this is the creation of a new market. This is a radical, revolutionary path. The more revolutionary a project a scientist proposes, the longer the payback period of this project, the more difficult it is to implement and position it on the market.

- evolutionary(which are simply improving the process or product).

In other words, it is a response to market needs or a marketing option. Evolutionary also includes, of course, various changes in the products available on the market. For example, changes leading to lower production costs or making products more marketable. Evolution allows you to maximize the potential inherent in the idea of ​​an existing product and prepare the conditions for the transition to new ideas. Therefore, society needs a combination of evolutionary (marketing) and revolutionary (inventive) directions for sustainable and dynamic development.

Innovative technologies are needed only when they clearly promise a financial breakthrough for the company, will be a "point of growth" for the business. Innovation should play a decisive role in maximizing the company's profits. Chaotic and excessive innovation activity can become an unprofitable and destructive force for an established business or, paradoxically, it will slow down its development.

At the same time, the analysis of the impact of innovation on profitability should go in two directions. First, it is an analysis of the share of the profit of each innovative product in the total profit of the enterprise. Secondly, this is an element-by-element analysis of the profit growth, which will consist of the profit growth due to the expansion of the range of products sold, the increase in selling prices and the reduction of the purchase and delivery costs of the goods. Such an analysis will allow not only to identify possible areas of innovation, but also to substantiate which of them is the most cost-effective.

Two factor a: “Size” and stage of development of innovative technology.

By "size" of technology, we mean the potential market size of products and profitability, the amount of resources and time required to refine the technology, the degree of reliability and protection of the technology.

The stage of development determines the potential significance of the innovative technology at the moment and the associated risks (technological and commercial).

From a developer's point of view, a technology that seems like a beautiful and tempting idea is too unreliable, premature or ineffective for a business, and a good leader and his business prefers stability and less commercial risk.

In modern business, various views innovative technologies:

Implementation dissemination of innovations; achievement of the practical use of progressive ideas, inventions, results of scientific research (innovations). The introduction of innovations requires the restructuring of the existing production, retraining of workers, capital expenditures and at the same time is associated with the risk of not getting the desired result and incurring losses;

Engineering a complex of engineering and consulting services of a commercial nature for the preparation and support of the production process itself, maintenance of structures, operation of economic facilities and sales of products. Engineering covers all stages of the innovation cycle.

Training(teach, educate) systematic training or improvement of certain skills and behavior of the training participants for the correct and competent use of innovative technologies. There are business communication training, sales training, perceptual training, behavioral training, sensitivity training, role training, video training, etc.

Consulting advising manufacturers, sellers, buyers in the field of technological, technical, innovative, expert activities. Services for market research and forecasting, development of marketing programs and so on are provided by specialized consulting companies.
Transfer transfer by one person to another person of the right to own registered securities, new technologies and innovative developments. A change in the ownership of securities is formalized by a change in the entries in the register.

The development of organizations occurs, as a rule, through the development of a variety of innovative technologies. These technologies can affect all areas of the organization. It should be noted that any sufficiently serious technologies in one area of ​​the organization's activities usually require immediate changes in related areas, and sometimes a general restructuring of organizational and production structures.

There are several methods that are used when introducing innovative technologies:

1. Forced method... Provides for the use of force to overcome resistance from personnel. This is a socially costly and undesirable process, but it gives an advantage in strategic planning time. It is used in conditions of a sharp shortage of time and only in those cases when the nature of the resistance is clear and a frank manifestation of force is not required.

2. Adaptive deviation method... In this approach, strategic change occurs through gradual, small changes over a long period. The process is not led by senior management, but by a specially created project team. At any given moment, there will be resistance, albeit weak. Conflicts are resolved through compromises, deals, and leadership moves. This method is useful in a state of the external environment when the danger or opportunity is easy to foresee, and therefore there is no particular urgency to take action. In the event of extreme events in the external environment, the method may be ineffective.

3. Crisis management... The method can be used in a situation when the administration is in a crisis situation, for example, changes in the external environment threaten its improvement and it finds itself in a severe time trouble.

4. Resistance control... If the compulsory and adaptive methods are extreme measures for carrying out changes, then this method is intermediate and can be implemented within the time frame dictated by the development of events in the external environment. The duration of the change process should take into account the time available. With an increase in urgency, this method approaches a forced one, with a decrease in urgency, an adaptive method of making changes.

Table 1

Comparison of methods of introducing innovative technologies

To make changes in the organization of commercial activities, the manager must perform the following tasks:
- analyze the fields of forces,
- identify the main forces of resistance to change and highlight their causes,
- use methods to overcome resistance to change
1) Force field analysis... The change is managed by the manager. He needs not only to plan the change, but also to convince the performers of the expediency of the innovation, that it will be beneficial, and also to neutralize the actions of opponents of the change.
When analyzing a situation, it is useful to highlight driving forces, that is, forces causing and / or contributing to change, and restraining forces, the action of which is directed against the change. Of course, it is important to consider the relative "power" of the forces.

If the driving and restraining forces are equal, then nothing happens. To upset the balance in favor of change, the manager needs to strengthen the driving forces and weaken the constraints. For this, it is first of all useful to identify potential for change that is, potential forces that are capable of becoming the driving forces of change, but are not yet active at the present time. It is the manager's job to awaken this potential.

2) The main forces of resistance to change... There are four main reasons for resistance to change:
1. narrow proprietary interest,
2. misunderstanding of the situation,
3.different assessment of the situation,
4. low tolerance for change.

1. Narrow proprietary interest- This is, in particular, the expectation by individuals of the loss of something valuable (money, status, etc.) as a result of changes. Such expectations are not always justified, and the manager is able to explain the real consequences of the change and suggest any compensatory measures. On the other hand, if, as a result of the reorganization of the governing body, a particular official is deprived of the opportunity to take bribes (for example, as a result of a change in the management scheme, rationalization of decision-making processes or increased control), then he will always fight against such a reorganization. different ways and using various arguments.

2. Wrong understanding of the situation usually associated with misinterpretation of the intentions of the leadership, a low degree of trust in him or a complete lack of trust at all. For example, when citizens do not trust the leadership of the city, any actions of this leadership will encounter their passive or active resistance, even if objectively proposed innovations are beneficial to the citizens. The manager is able to effectively deal with misunderstandings by actively explaining the real essence of innovation, both in meetings and individually.

3. Different assessment of the situation employees compared to management leads to an unfavorable perception of innovation. It is usually based on availability important information, which, in their opinion, is unknown to the management. If such employees express open disagreement, then the problem of their resistance to innovation can be removed through discussion. The information they have will be brought to the attention of the management and thoroughly discussed. As a result, either they will be convinced of the groundlessness of their doubts, or the innovation plans will be amended in accordance with the newly received information, or a fundamental discrepancy in positions will be established, as a result of which the employee will have to change the position or company. It is worse if the different assessment of the situation by employees does not manifest itself in open disagreement. Then the manager will have to apply his "diplomatic" skills. In order, firstly, to detect opposition, and secondly, to understand its causes. Further actions of the manager are the same as in the previous case.

4. Low tolerance for change may be based on the natural conservatism of people, unwillingness to change anything (the desire to save efforts), or on the fear that in the situation created after the introduction of the innovation, the lack of their knowledge, skills, abilities or abilities will be revealed. The manager is able to increase the tolerance for change, explaining its benefits for the organization as a whole and for each individual employee, in particular, disassembling job duties employee after the implementation of the innovation.

3) Methods for overcoming resistance to change... The manager can apply different methods overcoming resistance to change:
- provision of information
- employee involvement
- help and support
- negotiation
- manipulation
- "co-optation"
- coercion
Providing information - one of the most natural methods.
The upcoming technology innovation is shared with everyone in the organization. Once a manager has been successful in convincing people, they will in many cases help the management of the organization implement the change. However, this approach can be time-consuming and labor-intensive if the technology affects many people.

Another method involvement of employees in the design and implementation of innovative technology... In this case, the manager determines only the main positions, leaving the details to the employees. People who are involved in the design of new technology will feel a sense of responsibility to bring about change. On the other hand, this approach can also be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Especially if the participants design inappropriate changes that do not correspond to the overall plan of the manager, and as a result, he will have to spend a lot of effort to channel the energy of the assistants in the right direction.

Help and support on the part of the manager can be very effective remedy if people resist because of the problems of adaptation to new conditions. However, it is possible that not all employees will be able to adapt and will have to leave.

Negotiations with individual employees and their groups(departments, trade unions), with fellow managers, ending with the conclusion of a written agreement, allow you to come to compromises when, instead of real or imagined losses from innovation, the parties receive improvements in other aspects of life and work. A written agreement avoids future conflicts. However, the success of some negotiations can provoke demands for similar negotiations with other groups and delay the transformation process.

These four methods are completely honest and open. However, managers often use methods that may not always be ethically approved.

One of them manipulation people with selective use of information and deliberate presentation of events in a certain order. For example, the positive aspects of innovation are emphasized and the negative ones are hidden (for certain groups of employees), that is, one-sided information is provided, on the basis of which people are involved in innovation, without realizing all the consequences.

Another option is the so-called "co-optation" in which support for the innovation from distinguished individuals (for example, the CEO) or groups (for example, the board of a firm) is achieved by their false participation in the design of the innovation. For example, the CEO of a firm might preside over a technology innovation meeting, and its Board discuss the innovation. But at the same time, the initiators of the implementation of the technologists do not seek to really involve the General Director and the Management Board in the design and implementation of the technology, they only want to enlist their support. In the same time there is a deception in this - ordinary employees have the impression that the innovation is being carried out under the leadership of the CEO and the Management Board. Close to the described method is the widespread custom of starting, for example, scientific conferences with the speeches of respected people - mayors of cities, rectors of universities and others - who have only one drawback - complete incompetence in the problems that the conference deals with. That is why these respected people disappear soon after their speech on general issues.

Exists explicit or implicit coercion method when a manager forces them to accept an innovation under the threat of losing their position, job and other benefits. The analogy in relations between states is the use of armed force, that is, war. Employees who have been defeated and enslaved by the manager can put up with it, but in the future, one cannot count on friendly cooperation. On the other hand, coercion is indispensable if it is necessary to quickly carry out unpopular changes dictated by the external situation.

The most common mistake managers make is to use one or a few methods regardless of the situation. The second most common mistake the divide and conquer method, which, with possible short-term effectiveness, leads to big problems in the long run.

A large number of innovative projects remain incomplete or do not give the expected results, because firms are unable to implement this innovative technology. This is because the personnel of the enterprise are not sufficiently prepared for the innovation process. Under preparation is understood a number of activities that help employees understand the importance and need for innovation. Such events may include:

conversations explaining the goals of innovation and the process of implementation itself;
meetings at various levels of management, where there is an exchange of experience on the implementation of innovations;
meetings and conferences between various firms that have introduced similar innovations;
an explanation of the benefits that are provided in connection with this implementation;
stimulating the development of innovative ideas among the entire staff of the enterprise, and not only among certain groups of people;
encouragement and motivation of employees to develop and introduce innovations.
In knowledge-intensive industries, the top management of the firm must be involved in managing the development and use of new technology.

Speaking about innovative technologies and methods of their implementation, one should not forget about such an important factor as the sensitivity to these technologies. The susceptibility of organizations decreases with the growth of production and the development of organizational structures, the predominance of large-scale and mass types of production and sale. The greater the volume of production and sales, the higher the level of manufactured and sold products, the more difficult it is to organize commercial activities and production is amenable to restructuring.

Small, highly specialized organizations are most susceptible to new technologies. They are specialized in meeting the specific needs of consumers and have the ability to flexibly rebuild depending on the nature and pace of development. industrial production... Their organizational management structures are the most mobile and sensitive to modern scientific and technological trends and organizational and economic innovations.

1.3 Stages of implementation of innovative technologies

The development of innovative activities of enterprises in Russia is extremely complicated by the inability of the old innovation management system to the new economic conditions. Large-scale restructuring of property, reorganization of production, conversion of the defense industry pose the problem of the survival of enterprises and their economic growth. The innovation policy of enterprises should be aimed at increasing the production of fundamentally new types of products and technologies, expanding the sale of domestic goods, and this requires the formation and development of innovative entrepreneurship.

Very often, the need for innovation arises within the organization itself. In practice, there are situations when an enterprise itself becomes both a developer and a consumer of innovative technologies. Innovative technologies are stimulated by an increase in demand for products and an increase in sales, as well as a possible increase in prices for some types of resources.

Quite often, an organization, having introduced innovative technologies, then distributes them on a commercial basis to other organizations. The speed of their diffusion (diffusion) depends on the relative need for investment and the effectiveness of each innovation. At the same time, the more organizations used this innovation, the higher the losses of those organizations that did not use it. It also speeds up the distribution process.

The positive effect of the introduction of innovative technologies is obvious. This, as a rule, is a rapid and significant increase in labor productivity, equal to the grocery and further higher commercial effect, a high proportion of productivity gains. This is all due to improvement technological processes... Since technological innovations provide a reduction in production costs, and later on prices, manufacturers with a higher market share of product sales derive the greatest benefit from these innovations.

The most important prerequisite for accelerating the introduction of innovations and raising their scientific and technical level are rapidly developing computer technologies. The development and implementation of innovation becomes one of the main directions of the organization's strategy, as it determines many directions of its development.

The implementation of innovative activities in general implies such stages , how:

Development of plans and programs for innovation activities;

Monitoring the development of an innovation and its implementation;

Consideration of innovation development projects;

Conducting a unified innovation policy;

Coordination of innovative activities in functional and production units;

Provision of financial and material and technical resources;

Ensuring the development of innovation by qualified personnel;

Creation of temporary target groups for complex solution innovative problems - from the goal to the introduction of innovation.

Today a large number of large organizations have created so-called scientific and technical complexes that allow the development and implementation of innovative technologies in production. Assessing the innovative potential of his enterprise, the manager determines his ability to conduct innovative activities, that is, he answers the question for himself whether the enterprise is capable of introducing innovations. Next step on the way to the organization of innovative activities at the enterprise should be the development of innovative goals. Such goals can be: increasing competitiveness and consolidation in new markets by improving existing products or creating a fundamentally new product; reduction of production costs by saving raw materials, energy, etc. based on the use of new technologies.

Here, enterprises have to make an important strategic decision: acquire innovative technologies on the side or develop them on their own. In the first case, the enterprise, as a rule, establishes a strategic partnership with a specialized research or development organization. It should be borne in mind that a one-time acquisition of technology will require the accumulation of significant financial resources in a fairly short period of time. The most effective use of financial investments will require a thorough scan of the market for new technologies and a detailed analysis of the database of organizations specializing in innovative technologies.

In the second case, it seems expedient to create its own research and innovation unit. Compared to the acquisition of new technology, this approach avoids large one-time costs, since the investment amounts are stretched over time. At the same time, a new division, depending on the industry affiliation of the enterprise, can be created by reorganizing the service of the chief technologist or the design department.

When reorganizing a commercial activity, five are usually distinguished stages of change :

Preparation (planning),

- "unfreezing" (preparing the company for changes),

Direct implementation of the change,

- "freezing" (consolidation of the results of transformations) and assessment of the results of the carried out innovation.

These stages include such actions as:

At the preparation stage:

Determination of the main content and level of change;

Drawing up a preliminary plan of change aimed at achieving certain improvements;

Analysis of driving and constraining forces and possible potential to support change;

Determining who specifically will be affected by the changes, what are the reasons for possible resistance;

Deciding who else needs to be involved in planning the change process;

Choosing a strategy for change and methods to overcome resistance;

Isolation and analysis of problems that are likely to be caused by innovative technology;

Drawing up a realistic plan for the implementation of the change and determining the criteria by which the change will be monitored and evaluated;

Determination of the necessary resources (personnel, time, financial, material and others), including external consultants.

At the stage of "defrosting":

Allocating time to relieve psychological stress in the organization;

Selection of methods of training and informing employees that correspond to the strategy of change;

Monitoring progress in preparing changes, and, if necessary, adjusting approaches and plans.

At the change stage:

Change only what is necessary to achieve the desired improvement;

Availability of sufficient reserves of time and other resources in case of unexpected difficulties;

A possible change in strategy if, as experience suggests (yours, employees or consultants), this will contribute to the success of the introduction of innovative technology;

Informing the employees of the company about the success of the transformations.

At the "freeze" stage:

Allocation of the necessary resources to consolidate, "save" the actions carried out at the stage of change;

Consideration of the issue of further training (for work in new conditions) and / or employment of employees;

Implementation of plans (on the use of the results of innovation), taking into account the situation.

At the assessment stage:

Conducting research on the consequences of change and the perception of these consequences;

Maintaining feedback with those who are affected by the changes, both inside and outside the firm;

Informing (employees, company management, external environment, funds mass media and others) on the results of the carried out innovation.

In order to reduce time, some companies attempted to introduce the principle of “simultaneous product development” by functional departments. So when the company Ford changed the sequence of project consideration and sent it in parallel to the technical and financial departments, saving time was three and a half months. In the literature, it was also recommended to go through the stages of developing a new product in parallel, however, a detailed diagram of such a process was not presented. There is a model of parallel-sequential introduction of innovation to the market, the essence of which is convenient to consider using a conditional scheme (see Fig. 2)

Figure 2. Model of the innovation process

The diagram shows an approximate the process of developing and bringing a new designed product to the market... The path from the birth of an idea to its practical implementation consists of ten steps, which can be combined into three key stages:

Generation and selection of ideas;

Analysis, verification and testing of the proposed idea;

Controlling the strategic perspective of a new product, commercializing innovation, generating and redistributing profits.

Analyzing the world experience, one should expect that at the stage of the recovery of the Russian economy, a tendency to reorient the orientation of scientific, technical and production and marketing activities in the innovation policy of industrial organizations will begin to appear, since time requires the creation of new generations of science-intensive products, the development and implementation of technological processes for the level of world standards.

1.4 Legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of innovative technologies

Legal regulation of innovation activity is carried out on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation related to innovation. This regulation is based on the legal protection of the results obtained in the course of innovative activities. Since these results represent new intellectual products and technologies, in so far as they appear as objects of intellectual property. Their legal protection is carried out on the basis of the requirements for the protection of intellectual property established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Patent Law of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts in the field of intellectual property protection.

Regulation of innovation activity occurs on the basis of:

Innovative projections

Innovative strategies

Innovative programs

Innovative projects.

Programs and projects to support innovation.

Based on the innovation strategy, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing a state innovation program, which is an integral part of the program for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the medium term.

The state (federal) innovation program includes:

Federal targeted innovation programs for the most important basic innovations,

Large innovative projects,

Federal programs to support innovation, development of innovation infrastructure.

State regulation of innovation activity is carried out using various legal forms and methods. The main legal form of state regulation is legal acts. These are numerous normative legal acts regulating the procedure for the creation and implementation of innovations, as well as other acts aimed at creating a market innovation infrastructure:

Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy" (dated August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ)

The main directions of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the innovation system for the period up to 2010.

The main directions of the state investment policy of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology

Fundamentals of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of science and technology for the period up to 2010 and beyond

State regulation of innovation activity can be direct (directive) and indirect, with the use of economic levers and incentives. Figure 3 shows a detailed and most substantiated scheme of state support for innovative activities, which clearly examines the methods, measures and norms of legislation.

The state supports and stimulates innovation by:

Improving the legislative and regulatory framework for regulating innovation;

Participation in financing from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state extra-budgetary funds for innovative programs and projects, as well as the creation of innovative infrastructure facilities, including for the development of small and medium-sized innovative businesses;

fig. 3. State measures of influence on innovation activity

Organization of purchases for state needs of science-intensive products and advanced technology in order to ensure their guaranteed distribution;

Creation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of preferential conditions for the implementation of innovative activities and incentives for Russian and foreign investors who invest in the implementation of innovative programs and projects.

The state carries out all types of regulation of innovation activity - organizational, economic, financial, regulatory and legal. The highest form of regulatory activity - it is the development and implementation of innovation policy, management of innovation activities. Such a policy is developed on the basis of the approval of the priority value of innovative activity for modern social development. The state creates organizational, economic and legal conditions for innovation.

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 195-FZ " On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Formation of Favorable Tax Conditions for Financing Innovation Activities »

The federal law envisages providing taxpayers financing innovative activities with additional preferences and benefits for value added tax, corporate income tax and a single tax paid when using the simplified taxation system.

In particular, transactions on the sale (transfer) of exclusive rights to inventions, industrial designs, utility models, programs and databases are exempted from value-added tax, as well as a list of research and development works exempted from the said tax is determined.

The Government of the Russian Federation is empowered to approve an additional list of funds to support scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, the funds of which received by organizations within the framework of targeted financing are not included in the tax base for corporate income tax.

A coefficient of accelerated depreciation is introduced for property used for scientific and technical activities, and the standard of expenses in the form of deductions for the formation of the Russian Fund for Technological Development and other funds for financing research and development work is increased.

In the interests of taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system, it is possible to classify patenting costs as expenses, Scientific research and development projects.

President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, speaking about the Russian innovation system, noted that “on the one hand, we have already created and working its basic elements, but the tools for supporting innovation are weakly linked to each other, and the individual links of the technological cycle are fragmented and poorly matched to each other. In fact, this is not a system, but a set of close but disparate things, and therefore the infrastructure elements already created in our country cannot play a decisive role in promoting innovative products, and as a result, both the scale and the very return from innovation remain low. ".

The President-elect recalled that in Russia "the share of industrial enterprises engaged in the development and implementation of technological innovations does not exceed 10%, and the share of innovative products in the total volume of industrial production is only 5.5%." In connection with this, he set the task: to increase the share of enterprises engaged in technological innovation to 40-50%, and the share of innovative industrial products / in the volume of output / - up to 25-35%. At the same time, internal expenditures on research and development should grow from the current 1% of GDP to 3%, and first of all - by increasing private business spending on science.

D. Medvedev emphasized that "these are absolutely real benchmarks that the domestic innovation system should reach by 2020". "This is our direct responsibility, and the program ensuring their unconditional achievement should become one of the key sections of the concept of the country's socio-economic development until 2020," - he said.

He also noted that the effectiveness of the innovation system depends "on objective knowledge of global development trends." According to him, forecasting "is carried out in our country separately, in individual industries and technological areas, and the calculations themselves sometimes do not agree with each other." The president-elect of the Russian Federation set the task "to develop an objective long-term forecast of the country's scientific and technological development," moreover, until 2030. In addition, it is necessary to overcome the "disunity between the scientific and corporate sectors of the innovation system."

To solve these problems, it is necessary to pass the laws "On technology transfer" and "On patent attorneys" as soon as possible. "They contain legal provisions that will stimulate innovation," - explained D. Medvedev. "In addition, it is necessary to increase the demand of the real sector of the economy for technology and innovation, - he is convinced. - Owning and disposing of them should become a profitable asset capable of dramatically increasing the capitalization of enterprises. "

Development of the innovation system - "This is, in fact, a structural shift in the Russian economy and a real way out to a model that allows achieving advanced development." And this is "the goal set by the majority of countries," stressed D. Medvedev.


In the course of considering the theoretical foundations of innovative technologies in trading, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- Under innovation in a broad sense, it is understood the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic solutions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature.

technologies innovative . Innovative technologies - these are sets of methods and tools that support the stages of implementation of the innovation. There are various types of innovative technologies, such as implementation, training (training and incubation of small businesses), consulting, transfer, audit, engineering and others.

The state carries out all types of regulation of innovation activity. The legal framework for innovation is provided by such regulations as the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, laws adopted in accordance with it and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation related to innovation.

Therefore, the creation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the rational organization of the introduction of innovative technologies into commercial activities will allow the organization as a whole to increase the competitiveness of manufactured and sold products and the profitability of its activities.

Chapter 2. Development of measures for the implementation of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities (on the example of the furniture store "Max" IP Volkov MV)

2.1 Characteristics of the research object

The object of this study is the store of upholstered and cabinet furniture "Max" IP Volkov (hereinafter simply the store "Max"), which was formed in January 2008, and is located at the address: Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, st. Kuznetsova 11/38.

Shop "Max" is a legal entity and builds its activities on the basis of the registration certificate and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The store sells upholstered and cabinet furniture, and interior items. Buyers are provided with a wide range of goods and a wide range of services for the delivery, installation and assembly of furniture, as well as clarification functionality, features and warranty service.

The store owns separate property, as well as property taken on a contractual lease and recorded on its independent balance sheet, can, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, perform duties, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The Max store has the right to have stamps and letterheads with its own brand name, its own logo, as well as a trademark registered in accordance with the established procedure and other means of visual identification.

The main purpose of the store is to make a profit. To make a profit and to meet their own needs, they have the right to carry out any types of activities that are not prohibited by law.

The main activities of the store are:

Sale of furniture from various manufacturers (furniture from Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Vichuga, etc.);

Realization of interior items (paintings, tapestries);

Delivery of furniture to customers' homes and offices;

Furniture drifting onto the floors;

Assembly of furniture at home and in clients' offices;

Warranty service of furniture during the period of operation;

Head of the work, as well as general management of the store director - Volkov Maxim Vladimirovich. He reports to several salespeople, an accountant and technical staff. Sellers act as consultants, cashiers, loaders, and carry out other tasks in the sale and maintenance of furniture. They report for the work performed and provide a report on a daily basis, which contains data on the volume of sales, information on store attendance, demand for a particular product, store rental costs, security, etc.

The duties of sales consultants include:

Monitor the appearance of the store. It is necessary for buyers to feel comfortable and at ease. A good aesthetic perception of the store contributes to a benevolent and trusting disposition of customers towards the entire organization,

Deal with the placement of goods and price tags. It is necessary to group goods in such a way that buyers can easily find the products they are interested in and extract maximum information from the price tags,

Know information about the timing of the delivery of goods in order to inform customers if the goods are not currently available,

Form an order book while working with clients,

Work with suppliers. Conclude contracts for the supply of products on the most favorable terms,

Supervise the work of technical personnel,

To be a qualified and trained employee, in terms of quantitative characteristics - to know the volume of products sold, in terms of quality characteristics - the ability to interest the buyer, answer all their questions and create psychological comfort.

Interaction with senior management and customers, as well as the work that salespeople perform can be reflected in the diagram shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4. Organizational structure of commercial activities

To effectively perform their function, the employees of the Max store must have certain knowledge in the field of psychology and be able to plan the structure of inventory items in such a way that customers can always see in the assortment what they are interested in at the moment, for which they take various courses on advanced training. Furniture store "Max" works with various suppliers, not only in the Ivanovo region, but also in other regions of the country. The sale mainly includes upholstered and cabinet furniture, and little emphasis is placed on kitchen and office furniture. The store works with both exhibition goods and catalog sales. The main assortment is presented in table 2.

Table 2- Characteristics of the assortment of the store "Max".


Overall dimensions, cm



price, rub.

"Solo" sofa

"Solo" armchair

Upholstery - rip velor, flock-artificial

"Fantasy - 1" sofa - book

Upholstery - rip velor, flock-artificial

"Fantasy - 1" armchair

Upholstery - rip velor, flock-artificial

"Gamma" corner sofa

Upholstery - flock on flock, woven chinil

"Gamma" daybed for children

Upholstery - multitin, lasertach

"Slavyanka-9" wall


"Plot-1" wall


"Arch 15M" wall


"Arch 16M" wall


"Ipatiy 6 DM" wall




Wood + MDF


Wood + MDF

Corner cabinet


Wood + MDF

Corner curbstone


Wood + MDF

Side table


Wood + MDF

Left wardrobe

Wardrobe (open with hooks)

HDPE lined with synthetic facing material

4-door wardrobe for dresses and linen

HDPE lined with synthetic facing material

The working microclimate in the store is benevolent, mutual understanding and friendship reigns between employees, regardless of their position in the management hierarchy. But at the same time, each employee knows his rights and obligations, strives to fulfill them in accordance with the requirements. If questions arise, then turning to each other for help is not considered shameful, but, on the contrary, such behavior is encouraged.

2.3 Analysis and assessment of the innovative activity of the enterprise

Taking into account the current situation in the furniture markets of the central region, one can see characteristic feature - the assortment is overwhelmingly represented by domestic products, and the share of imported manufacturers is extremely small. The sale of furniture in the Ivanovo region is mainly represented by such brands as "Your Day" (Kostroma), "Alexander-mebel" (Ivanovo), "Vichuga", "Ariadna" (Nizhny Novgorod), which have proven themselves well in Russian conditions. But recently, analyzing the market offers, we can conclude that there is a tendency to import imported furniture of other brands (Red apple, Linea Italiana, Master Berg, San Marino, etc.). Consequently, the assortment of furniture from other brands will constantly grow.

Over time, furniture products are improved and modified. Various electronic innovative technologies were used for its production, ensuring reliability and durability, helping to find the right options, assembly options, colors, as well as reducing the cost of shopping trips and saving time.

In order to successfully fit into the existing market situation, it is necessary to properly assess your place in it. It is necessary to clearly understand how the internal potential of the organization corresponds to the current market needs.

Analyzing the commercial activity in the Max furniture store, I would like to highlight several parameters of the enterprise's innovative activity, according to the general classification of innovations:

1.the enterprise sells new types of products, their designs, devices, systems and mechanisms;

2. uses new technologies for the sale of goods, methods and methods of implementation;

3. sells products made from new types of materials;

4. has in use modern types of equipment;

Consider new species product, its design, devices, systems and mechanisms. Selling various types of upholstered furniture, the company also offers the buyer a variety of mechanisms for their transformation, which help to turn a comfortable sofa into a double bed in seconds. First of all, you need to know that sofas are divided by transformation mechanisms into two groups - "guest" and "universal". "Guest" is not intended for daily use, their purpose is to create additional places for late guests. "Universal" should serve daily, or rather weekly.

Universal sofas:

The principle of action is similar to the well-known "book": the seat moves forward, opening the linen drawer, and the back "falls" into the vacant space. Such a sofa can be placed close to the wall. But: when extended, the seat "rides" on the floor, and when unfolded, such sofas are quite bulky. However, these shortcomings are compensated by a full, maximally spacious bed, the height of which corresponds to the bed. "Eurobook" based on beech guides and spring blocks can be considered one of the strongest and most durable mechanisms.

sedalift ".

"Dolphin" ("Kangaroo"):

It is used in all corner sofas. First, an additional section rolls out from under the main seat. Then it is lifted by a special loop and installed in the same plane with the main seat, thus forming a full-fledged berth. The manipulations themselves resemble the movement of a diving dolphin, hence the name. This is a reliable and simple mechanism that can be controlled by a child. "Dolphin" can withstand heavy loads and is well suited for constant use, although, like all "moving out" sofas, it is difficult to lay it out on carpets with high pile. The sleeping place turns out to be flat, high and spacious. In corner sofas, as a rule, there is a rather spacious linen box, which, unfortunately, is impossible in straight sofas with a "dolphin" (see below the mechanism "Roll-out")

"Breeze": -

"Roll-out"- another mechanism designed for daily use. This mechanism allows you to get a sofa of a relatively small size in the assembled form, since about 1/3 of the berth is retracted into the back and 1/3 under the seat. But, unfortunately, the mechanism allows you to get a berth with a height of no more than 25-30 cm against the usual 40.


A kind of "roll-out "- "Telescope":

It allows you to get a sofa of fairly miniature dimensions (assembled): 2/3 of the berth is in the seat and 1/3 in the back. It works as follows: first, the seat itself, consisting of two parts, located one above the other, is pulled forward by the sidebar (lower front panel). The third part, which will become the headrest, is hidden in the backrest. Usually, the models have a small linen drawer. It should be remembered that the specificity of the mechanism does not make it possible to make the sleeping place habitually high (20–28 cm instead of 40 cm), and about 70% of "roll-out" sofas suffer from the difference in heights at the berth and the softness of individual parts of the prefabricated mattress.

"Accordion": Easily unfolds forward, accordion-like. It is necessary to raise the seat (until it clicks), and then the berth moves out by itself. When assembled, the sofa takes up minimal space. The sleeping place is flat and high. Most often, the "accordion" has removable covers on all elements and allows you to build in a small box for linen. In the latest generation models, it is possible to add hinged armrests, backrests, decorative tables, etc. Make sure that the carpet does not interfere with the easy sliding of the sofa, otherwise you risk spoiling the mechanism.

"Accordion" - the extraordinary ease of folding the sofa - this is its main plus. The sofa transforms into a comfortable bed with one movement of your hand forward. The sleeping place is high and level. A spacious linen drawer makes the sofa functional, and the presence of removable accessories (armrests and backs) allows you to change the look of the sofa depending on your mood.


The most famous universal sofa is considered to be the "book" (or "click-clack"). Such a mechanism is simple in everyday life, but sofas based on this mechanism cannot be placed close to the wall, a 20 cm gap is necessary for the backrest to move freely. Alas, sofas based on this mechanism do not differ in a variety of shapes, but the price is also low. Ease of unfolding, roomy linen drawer - these are undoubtedly the advantageous sides of the click-clack mechanism. When choosing such a model, pay attention to the retractable support legs - if they are not there, you run the risk of sitting together on the edge of the unfolded sofa and ending up on the floor.

The characteristic sound accompanying the transformation process served as the name of a later modification of the "book" mechanism - "click-gag" (it has been improved and has a third back position - "relax", when the body is in a reclining position, and is often equipped with movable armrests, which are also can be expanded). The "book" and "click-clack" are unfolded by reclining the backrest and slightly moving the seat forward. The "book" is considered not particularly reliable, since its locks are made of insufficiently hard metal and wear out relatively quickly. The click-clack mechanism is simple and reliable, but it cannot be placed against a wall. Positive properties"Books" and "click-clack" - the utmost ease of use, the sleeping place is quite even, with constant unfolding the fluffy carpet or expensive parquet will not suffer. "Click-clack" allows you to "put on" removable covers on the sofa and build in a wooden or fabric box for linen.


Mechanism option click-gag

Guest sofas


The variety works on the principle of unrolling a scroll. A foam mattress and a folding bed are placed inside the seat. When you pull on the hinge hidden in it, the sofa unfolds. The transformation mechanism here allows manufacturers not to limit themselves in design delights, respectively, the models are more original and representative in appearance... This sofa option is recommended for living rooms. On Russian market there are "French" ("mixtoile"), "American" and "Italian clamshells". The "French folding bed" "unfolds" in three stages with the seat cushions removed. "American clamshell" - similar, but in two stages. The "Italian folding bed" is the most expensive and is considered the most reliable among the "folding beds"; it is a double "flip" that does not require removing the seat cushions. In general, the process of transforming "clamshells" is a bit tedious. Another drawback of the sofa - "Scroll": nowhere to store bedding. However, it is very comfortable to sleep on these sofas. Foam mattress. All mechanisms are equipped with an orthopedic lattice (pine or beech).

The company uses new technologies for selling goods, methods and methods of implementation. All products are displayed to customers, that is, the entire store is a continuous showcase of goods that attracts the attention of passing customers. Unlike the outdated, but most popular, direct method of selling goods, this trade enterprise progressive sales methods are applied:

Sale with an open exhibition of goods;

Sale of goods pre-ordered according to the sample;

According to the principle of free access of buyers to goods;

Sale of goods with an open exhibition both on counters and counter showcases, as well as on stands and other types of equipment in the trading floor, it is that the buyer independently selects the goods, and the seller standing behind the counter or located in the trading floor gives the necessary information, calculates the purchase price, receives money and packs the goods. With this method of selling goods, there is no need for cashiers.

This method of trading is convenient for buyers, as they do not have to walk through the sales area from the seller to the checkout and then back to the seller. Free access of buyers to the product and its selection accelerate the service process, increase the store's throughput, reduce distribution costs, and increase turnover.

Sale of goods pre-ordered by sample is carried out as follows. The buyer gets acquainted with the assortment of new collections from the catalog, and then orders the product he likes. The seller accepts the order and hands it over to the director. Then the director sends this order over the Internet to the supplier and after a while the goods arrive at the store.

The sale of goods by samples is characterized by the fact that the buyer, having familiarized himself with the sample of the goods, pays its cost and receives or orders another copy of the selected goods in the store. This view makes it possible to rationally use the area of ​​the trading floor, to more widely show goods by their models, sizes, colors, colors and prices. When selling furniture by samples, there is no need to bring all these bulky goods to the store. Having paid for the selected sample, the buyer receives the purchased products with home delivery directly from the bases or directly from the manufacturers. With this method of trade, unnecessary transportation is reduced, the quality of the goods is preserved, and conditions are created for a wider display of goods.

Sale of goods with free access to them, buyers, provides an opportunity for an independent free choice of goods with the least amount of time. An active assistant to the buyer is a sales assistant who helps to select a product, pay for the purchased purchase, pack it and hand it over to the buyer.

The main requirements correct organization sales of goods with free access to them are as follows:

1. the buyer must clearly see all the goods laid out (displayed) or placed in the trading floor;

2. the store should organize good verbal and silent information to help customers quickly buy the goods they need;

3. goods should be laid out and arranged according to groups, types, sizes and prices;

4. The assortment of goods at the seller's workplace should be constantly replenished.

V Soviet time The main material for the manufacture of furniture was wood. The main material of modern furniture production is various types of wood-based panels. The products sold by the Max store are made of new types of materials.

Currently, the company specializes in the sale of:

Kitchen sets wide range with facades made of MDF PVC, softforming, laminate;

Cabinet furniture (wall-slides from MDV PVC, etc.).

The most common furniture material in Russia is particle board (chipboard), which are made from sawmill waste, woodworking and plywood production.

Fiberboard (Fibreboard) is a sheet material made in the process of hot pressing of a mass of wood fibers formed in the form of a carpet.

MDF is a board material made from dried wood fibers, treated with synthetic binders and formed in the form of a carpet, followed by hot pressing (with a density of 700-870 kg / m3) and grinding. This is a more advanced board material compared to particleboard and fiberboard.

MDF is widely used in the manufacture of kitchen furniture, because they tolerate the effects of kitchen steam very well - they do not swell, do not warp. And the high mechanical strength of MDF allows them to be used in the manufacture of furniture facades. Moreover, many experts are inclined to believe that MDF boards are moisture resistant and mechanical characteristics superior to natural wood. Another feature of MDF boards is their resistance to various fungi and microorganisms, which makes MDF products hygienic and safe in everyday life.

Another important aspect is the cost of the material. MDF products are often 60 to 70 percent cheaper than similar solid wood products. Sometimes MDF costs the buyer half the price of solid sawn timber. MDF boards are faced with natural or synthetic veneer, paper-resin film, PVC film (polyvinyl chloride). Veneering of MDF boards with laminate is very popular. The laminate coating makes the MDF board more durable, and a variety of colors and textures of the coating can satisfy the most demanding taste.

In addition, MDF is a fairly soft material and makes available any processing methods, so you can make a beautiful panel, rounded corners. Therefore, it is the favorite facade material of modern designers. Carved kitchen cabinets, graceful headboards - all these are MDF furniture. MDF boards are an excellent environmentally friendly material for the production of environmentally friendly, durable, durable and beautiful furniture.

The modern stylistic and color variety of furniture is achieved through the use of protective and decorative coatings. The most widespread technologies are for the production of laminated and laminated boards.

Lamination- lining with foils based on paper impregnated with melamine resins, curing under the influence high temperatures and pressures. This coating is scratch resistant to chemicals.

Under lamination in the furniture industry, it is understood the cladding of a wood board with a polymer film or paper-resin film with complete polycondensation of the resin and subsequent application of a layer of paint and varnish material.

Softforming- manufacturing technology of laminated chipboard used to create furniture facades.

Recently, the company acquired new types of cash register equipment that meet all Russian and international standards. The first requirement for cash registers is the need to work with the so-called "peripherals", namely the presence of a display, a barcode scanner, and a credit card reader. Another important criterion is the delivery of specific software complete with equipment. These are programs that support Front-office, which allows you to synchronize the work of a cash register with each other, a computer, processes data received from each cash register, and also implements fiscal functions.

Gaining momentum in sales, the company continues to expand the market for its products. At present, strong business long-term relationships have been established with furniture salons and furniture manufacturers in such Russian cities as Nizhny Novgorod, Rybinsk, Vladimir, Kostroma, Vichuga, Yaroslavl, etc. The company's products enjoy well-deserved success in Ivanovo, where the company has its own retail network, in which 2 furniture showrooms are successfully operating.

The company is pursuing a fairly active innovation policy at its own expense. At the moment, there is a search for funds to purchase an innovative technology of a new generation - the Virtual Showroom "ELARBIS-Vision", which will simplify and speed up the process of choosing the required furniture finishing option. It is a convenient and effective tool. It allows you to vividly demonstrate on a computer screen realistic 3D models of furniture in various designs. Showroom "ELARBIS-Vision" allows you to examine the selected models in detail and see them in different options finishes. It can be a tool for demonstrating new products and determining the demand for them. Thanks to this innovative software, the innovative activity of an enterprise selling furniture can take place in three directions, which also imply the possibility of their inclusion in the enterprise innovative development project:

Implementation of new sales methods, innovative marketing of furniture products, innovations in furniture advertising.

Development of new and improvement of old methods of purchasing goods, optimization of the procurement cycle;

Improving the ways of assembling and installing furniture;

Development and implementation of new sets of furniture, development of new design and furniture designs;

The enterprise conducts active work in the first two of the indicated directions. The company is improving implementation methods, as well as recruiting qualified specialists to develop new models and designs of furniture, taking into account the wishes of customers.

Taking into account all of the above factors, the innovative activity of the enterprise can be assessed as quite high and progressive.

2.4 Development of measures for the introduction of innovative technologies in the organization of commercial activities

The analysis of the organization of the enterprise's commercial activities revealed significant shortcomings - insufficient attention is paid to the innovative development of information technologies and marketing, which entails a serious slowdown in the pace of development of both the enterprise itself as a whole and its innovative activities in particular. The activity of information programs is in a depressed state, and advertising is more of a situational phenomenon.

The reengineering of the structure of the enterprise must be carried out in a comprehensive manner, reforming all its services and divisions according to an innovative type of development. But in this case, a smaller restructuring can be used for a furniture distributor. First of all, in order to eliminate the deficiencies found, it is necessary to make some changes to the organizational structure of the enterprise by adding a marketing department to it. To ensure an innovative way of development of the enterprise, the marketing department will have a double meaning: firstly, through the methods of marketing research, the marketing service will supply suppliers with innovative ideas for new furniture models; secondly, it will be a conduit for the innovative development of the enterprise through the use of innovations in marketing activities.

In market conditions economic justification the decisions made plays an important role. You cannot rely only on subjective opinion; calculations are needed to confirm the correctness of managerial decisions. For an enterprise to function successfully, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of its commercial activities, depending on the constantly changing market environment. This will make the enterprise sustainable, profitable and competitive, ensure its development, and foresee the future.

By conducting a systematic and in-depth analysis of the marketing situation in the market, the marketing service provides the opportunity to:

Quickly, efficiently and professionally respond to changes in market conditions and the needs of the target consumer segment for the enterprise;

Conduct marketing research in the market in order to identify the needs of consumers, as well as the best ways to satisfy them through the proposal of new products;

Accurately and in a timely manner to find and take into account the factors affecting the profit received for specific types of goods sold and services provided;

Determine the costs of trading activities (distribution costs) and trends in their change, which is necessary to determine the selling price and calculate the profitability;

Find the best ways to solve the marketing problems of the enterprise and obtain sufficient profit in the short and long term.

The work of the marketing department will allow the company to use its funds more rationally, work profitably, ensure a high level of profitability and have a high coefficient of innovation activity. For the proposed structural changes, it is quite enough to attract one employee - to the position of a marketer and the purchase of another personal computer.

To increase the level of sales, increase efficiency and competitiveness, the enterprise needs to introduce a new software... One of such innovative technologies is the ELARBIS-Vision program. This is a new tool designed specifically to help furniture manufacturers and sellers increase sales.

The program helps to improve sales efficiency through high-quality furniture demonstrations and quickly find the desired option. Using this technology, the company will have a unique opportunity to simplify the process of choosing an upholstery material by the buyer and, thereby, reduce the time for making a positive purchase decision. In addition, the use of ELARBIS-Vision technology will reduce retail space, since most of the furniture the buyer will be able to see as realistically as possible on the computer screen. Using the showroom "ELARBIS-Vision" in a furniture showroom will provide an opportunity to show the buyer not only the models presented in the showroom, but also to acquaint him with samples that can be brought to order. From a marketing point of view, the program can be use as an advertisement... If a large monitor (plasma or LCD TV) is placed in a conspicuous place in a furniture showroom connected to a computer from the ELARBIS-Vision showroom, this can attract the attention of people passing by and push them to the idea of ​​purchasing new furniture.

The company will be able to save significant funds on study of demand for products that are only planned for production. In this case, 3D models of such products are demonstrated at the points of sale, and managers collect customer reviews for further analysis.

By installing the Elarbis virtual showroom on a laptop, the company will receive mobile sales office or order table. In this case, the company will be able to save significant funds on the lease of retail space and open order tables in almost all shopping centers. Sales can also be carried out directly at the customer's own place by going to his home. The convenience of the program lies in the fact that it does not require specialized equipment and can be installed on any modern computer. The program does not require any special training of the user and is mastered within a few minutes. The program interface is simple and intuitive and functional at the same time. It is enough that the seller has basic skills of working with a mouse - this is all that is needed to fully work with "ELARBIS-Vision". The most important quality aspect of the ELARBIS-Vision system is the creation high-precision 3D models products.

When preparing three-dimensional models of furniture, all the features of the products are taken into account: sizes, proportions, additional elements, types of seams, folds and much more. Each model undergoes internal control for compliance with the original and, if there are any inaccuracies, is sent for revision. This approach allows you to get three-dimensional furniture models as close as possible to "living" ones.

When displaying furniture in the ELARBIS-Vision showroom, it is possible use of the interior environment... This method of demonstration helps to enhance the customer's impression and to convince the product and the interior for which the product is being purchased.

Moreover, in the interior version of the demonstration there is the possibility of changing the color of the walls, floor or lighting (daylight or artificial lighting). The interior environment can be easily turned off. It is possible to connect interiors that match the style of the product on display. Walls, ceiling and floor can become invisible in positions that obstruct view. Thus, the room will always look like an exhibition stand.

Advantages ELARBIS-Vision technologies are based on the fact that it will significantly save retail space, and in some cases even abandon them. The program can be installed on an unlimited number of jobs. The enterprise will be able to make copies and send them to their dealers for use at the point of sale.

When using this technology, the furniture salon "Max" will be able to intensify its innovative activities, increase the competitiveness of the products sold and increase the level of profit.


In the course of the research in the practical part of the work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Furniture store "Max" works with various suppliers, not only in the Ivanovo region, but also in other regions of the country. The sale mainly includes upholstered and cabinet furniture, and little emphasis is placed on kitchen and office furniture. The store works with both exhibition goods and catalog sales.

Has in use modern types of equipment;

The company is pursuing a fairly active innovation policy at its own expense.

To eliminate the deficiencies found, it is necessary to make some changes to the organizational structure of the enterprise by adding a marketing department to it.


In a market economy, the existence of Russian companies is significantly complicated by the increasing competitive activity of enterprises that are striving to gain leading positions. Maintaining the dynamics of the organization, creating conditions for its successful development and effective functioning helps to avoid unjustified increase in costs, retain customers and withstand competition.

Innovation activity is a system of measures for the use of scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potential in order to obtain a new or improved product or service, a new method of their production to meet both individual demand and the needs of society for innovations as a whole.

In the theoretical part of the work, the following tasks were completed:

The concepts of innovation, their types and classification are considered,

Investigated innovative technologies, their types and methods of implementation,

Studied the stages of implementation of innovative activities,

Shows the legal regulation of innovation,

The following conclusions were made:

- Under innovation in a broad sense, it is understood the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic solutions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature.

The origin of innovations, their purpose, impact and other characteristics create a great variety, which requires a certain classification.

To introduce innovations into production, trading and other types of labor and services, various technologies, which later came to be called innovative . Innovative technologies - these are sets of methods and tools that support the stages of implementation of the innovation.

There are a variety of techniques and methods that a manager (entrepreneur) can use when making changes in the organization of commercial activities; they are used depending on the stage of implementation of this or that innovative technology (innovation).

The state carries out all types of regulation of innovation activity.

The social aspect of innovation is also significant. It is known that the human factor in any of the processes occupies a dominant position, therefore, the management of any organization must take into account how and what innovations will affect the team, whether the cost of introducing an innovation will be much higher due to the fact that the team will not accept it and will strong resistance.

In the practical part of the work, an analysis was carried out and an assessment of innovative activity was carried out on the example of the Max furniture store.

Measures have been developed to introduce innovative technologies into the organization of the commercial activity of this enterprise.

In the course of the research in the practical part of the work, the following conclusions were made:

The store sells upholstered and cabinet furniture, and interior items. Buyers are provided with a wide range of goods and a wide range of services for the delivery, installation and assembly of furniture, as well as an explanation of the functionality, features and warranty service.

The sale mainly includes upholstered and cabinet furniture, and little emphasis is placed on kitchen and office furniture. The store works with both exhibition goods and catalog sales.

Over time, furniture products are improved and modified. Various electronic innovative technologies were used for its production, ensuring reliability and durability, helping to find the right options, assembly options, colors, as well as reducing the cost of shopping trips and saving time.

The enterprise sells new types of products, their designs, devices, systems and mechanisms;

Uses new technologies for selling goods, methods and methods of implementation;

Sells products made from new types of materials;

The analysis of the organization of the enterprise's commercial activities revealed significant shortcomings - insufficient attention is paid to the innovative development of information technologies and marketing, which entails a serious slowdown in the pace of development of both the enterprise itself as a whole and its innovative activities in particular.

To increase sales, enhance innovation, increase efficiency and competitiveness, as well as increase profits, an enterprise needs to implement new software. One of such innovative technologies is the ELARBIS-Vision program. This is a new tool designed specifically to help furniture manufacturers and sellers increase sales.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize once again that in the modern, constantly changing world, heightened competition, an organization cannot survive if it does not correspond to the main trends, if it does not provide services that correspond to the ideas of consumers, if it does not use the new achievements of scientific and technical progress.

All new trends and trends, requirements from consumers are reflected in the innovative activities of the organization. The creation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the rational organization of the introduction of innovative technologies into commercial activities will make it possible for the organization as a whole to increase the competitiveness of manufactured and sold products and the profitability of its activities.

Bibliographic list

1. Bezdudny F.F., Smirnova G.A., Nechaeva O.D. "The essence of the concept of innovation and its classification" // Innovations. - 1998. - No. 2.-3. - S. 4.

2. Schumpeter J. Theory of economic development. - M .: Progress, 1982. –S. 169-170.)

3. "Management of research, development and innovation projects" / Ed. Valdaitseva S.V. - SPb .: SPbSTU, 1995.

4. Kotler F. "Fundamentals of Marketing" - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1990., p. 160

5. Oxford Explanatory Dictionary - M., 1995

6. Stocking A.I. , "Entrepreneurship and Innovation", Part 1.

7. "Wikipedia" - an online encyclopedia;

8. Rodionov I. I. - Lecture 5. “Specificity of a product attractive for venture financing”.

9. "Glossary" - a dictionary of highly specialized terms;

10. Evenko L.I. "Organizational management structures

industrial corporations of the USA: Theory and practice of formation ", M .: Finance and statistics, 1996

11. A.I. Orlov - "Management", Textbook, M .: Knowledge, 1999.

12. Shaburishvili MV Collection of scientific works "Conditions for increasing the efficiency of the Russian economy".

13. Gunin V. N. Management of innovations. Module 7. - M .: Infra-M, 1999.

14. Kokurin D. I. "Innovation activity". - M. - EXAMEN, 2001.

15. Morozov Yu.P. "Methodological foundations of the organization of management of technological innovations in the conditions of market relations" / Abstract of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics. - N. Novgorod, 1997.

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17.http: // - Fundamentals of innovative technological management.

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19. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On innovation and state innovation policy in the Russian Federation" // Innovations. - 1998. - No. 2-3. - S. 32-38.

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Universal sofas:

"Eurobook" ("Alternative", "Pantograph"):

Removing the back cushions and armrests

Pull the sofa seat forward by the handle

We lower the back to a horizontal position

The sleeping place is ready

The mechanism of the type is also suitable for daily use. "Sedalift". It is a semi-roll-out mechanism with clamshell elements. The berth first rolls out from under the seat, and then rises to the level of the seat and unfolds. Sedalift is most often used in corner sofas.

"Dolphin" ("Kangaroo"):

Starting position

Moving the transformation mechanism forward

Grabbing the handle of the lifting mechanism

Moving up and down, we bring the mechanism to a sleeping position

Raising the ottoman seat gives access to the linen drawer

The sleeping place is ready

"Breeze": Dolphin variety, with one difference - the berth moves forward and away from you

"Roll-out": Reliable and easy to use. High berth by moving the sofa seat forward and folding the backrest into the vacant space.

Then, having installed it in the upper position, continue extending and roll out the head of the sofa. To transform the sofa into the Relax position, roll the lower part forward and, using the lifting loop, raise and set the section hidden in the roll-out part to a horizontal position.

A kind of "roll-out "- "Telescope":




Mechanism option click-gag, which is equipped with raster (movable) elbows, which can also be expanded into three or four positions.

« Puma ":

Guest sofas


Removing the armrest cushions

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The only path leading to knowledge is activity. "

Bernard Show.

In the January Address of the Head of State to the people "New decade - new economic recovery - new opportunities of Kazakhstan" it was noted: "By 2015, the National Innovation System should fully function, and by 2020, it should already yield results in the form of developments, patents and ready-made technologies, implemented in the country ”. Therefore, the introduction of modern information technologies that meet international educational standards, as well as the provision of all necessary conditions for the fruitful work of teachers, lecturers, masters of industrial training are strategic priorities in the field of education. After all, information technology helps teachers bring the educational process to a qualitatively new level.

Today, many teachers use modern technologies and innovative teaching methods. These methods include active and interactive forms used in teaching. Active provide for an active position of the student in relation to the teacher and to those who receive education with him. During the lessons, they use textbooks, notebooks, a computer, that is, individual means used for teaching. Thanks to interactive methods, there is an effective assimilation of knowledge in cooperation with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of learning, during which a group of students works on the material being studied, and each of them is responsible for the work done.

The word "innovation" (from the Latin "innovation") appeared in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of the new into a certain sphere, implantation into it and the generation of a number of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, a process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is an activity to rotate innovation into a certain social practice, and not an object at all.Innovation, accurately translated from Latin, does not mean "new", but "into the new."Innovation means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. With regard to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer facilities and telecommunication networks made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as a basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

Innovative learning methods - modular learning, problem learning, distance learning, research methodological training, project method, social partnership, etc.

Interactive methods contribute to the high-quality assimilation of new material. These include:

Creative exercises;

Group assignments;

Educational, role-playing, business games, imitation;

Excursion lessons;

Lessons-meetings with creative people and specialists;

Classes aimed at creative development

lessons-plays, making films, publishing newspapers;

Use of video materials, the Internet, visibility;

Solving complex questions and problems using the methods of "decision tree", "brainstorming".

The main goal of innovative education technologies is to prepare a person for life in a constantly changing world.The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the personality of a student in comparison with the traditional system.

Therefore, innovative teaching methods contribute to the development of cognitive interest among students, teach to systematize and generalize the material being studied, to discuss and debate. Comprehending and processing the knowledge gained, students acquire the skills to apply them in practice, gain communication experience. Undoubtedly, innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional ones, because they contribute to the development of the child, teach him independence in cognition and decision-making.

The main task of TVE at the present stage is to train specialists who are able to react in an unconventional, flexible and timely manner to the changes that are taking place in the world. Therefore, to prepare students for professional activities in the future, innovative teaching methods are used in TVE. These methods include problem learning, which provides for the formation of skills for solving problem problems that do not have an unambiguous answer, independent work on the material and the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Also, innovative teaching methods include interactive learning. It is aimed at active and deep assimilation of the studied material, the development of the ability to solve complex problems. Interactive activities include simulation and role play, discussion, and simulated situations. One of modern methods is learning through collaboration. It is used to work with social partners, as well as in small groups. This method aims to effectively assimilate teaching material, the development of the ability to perceive different points of view, the ability to cooperate and resolve conflicts in the process of joint work. The innovative teaching methods used at the present stage in TVE also provide for a method, the priority of which is moral values. It contributes to the formation of individual moral attitudes based on professional ethics, the development of critical thinking, the ability to represent and defend their own opinions. Innovative methods have made it possible to change the role of the teacher, who is not only a bearer of knowledge, but also a mentor, initiating the creative search of students.

In this regard, the education system should aim at the formation of a new type of specialist who would be able to independently extract, process, analyze the necessary information and effectively use it at the right time. This can be achieved with the transition to multilevel training of highly qualified specialists (bachelor - master - doctor).

Today there is no teacher who would not think about the questions: “How to make a lesson interesting and bright? How to engage students with your subject? How to create a situation of success for each student in the lesson? " What modern teacher does not dream of students working voluntarily and creatively in their class; did you learn the subject at the maximum level of success for each?

And this is no coincidence. The new organization of society, a new attitude to life, impose new demands on the school. Today, the main goal of training is not only the accumulation of a certain amount of knowledge, abilities, skills by the student, but also the preparation of the student as an independent subject of educational activity. At the heart of modern education is the activity of both the teacher and, no less important, the student. It is to this goal - the upbringing of a creative, active personality who knows how to learn, improve independently, and the main tasks of modern education are subordinate.

An innovative approach to teaching allows you to organize the learning process in such a way that the lesson is both fun and beneficial for the learner, without turning into just fun or a game. And, perhaps, precisely in such a lesson, as Cicero said, "the eyes of the hearer will light up against the eyes of the speaker."

Innovative technologies:



    problem learning technology

    differentiated learning technology

    technology of teaching and research activities in the classroom

Educational innovative technologies:

    health-saving technologies

    group activity technology

    technology KTD (collective creative affairs).

The relevance of innovative learning is as follows:

Compliance with the concept of humanization of education;

Use of student-centered learning;

Search for conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of the student;

Compliance with sociocultural needs modern society

independent creative activity.

The main goals of innovative training are:

Development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and

creative abilities of students;

Formation of personal qualities of students;

The development of skills that affect educational and cognitive

activity and transition to the level of productive creativity;

Development of various types of thinking;

Formation of high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities.

These goals also determine the tasks of innovative learning:

Optimization of the educational process;

Creation of an environment of cooperation between a student and a teacher;

Development of long-term positive motivation for learning;

Inclusion of students in creative activities;

Careful selection of material and methods of its presentation.

Innovative learning is based on the following technologies:

Developmental training;

Problem learning;

Development of critical thinking;

Differentiated approach to teaching;

Creating a situation of success in the classroom.

The main principles of innovative learning are:

Creativity (creativity orientation);

Assimilation of knowledge in the system;

Non-traditional forms of lessons;

Use of clarity.

And now I want to move from the general methodological principles of innovative teaching to methods.

When using innovative technologies in teaching Russian language and literature, the following techniques are successfully applied:

Associative row;

Supporting synopsis;

Brain attack;

Group discussion;


Key terms;

Video films;

Didactic game;

Linguistic maps;

Text research;

Working with tests;

Non-traditional forms of homework, etc.


The development of innovative activities of enterprises in Russia is extremely complicated by the inability of the old innovation management system to the new economic conditions. Large-scale restructuring of property, reorganization of production, conversion of the defense industry pose the problem of the survival of enterprises and their economic growth. The innovation policy of enterprises should be aimed at increasing the production of fundamentally new types of products and technologies, expanding the sale of domestic goods, and this requires the formation and development of innovative entrepreneurship.

Very often, the need for innovation arises within the organization itself. In practice, there are situations when an enterprise itself becomes both a developer and a consumer of innovative technologies. Innovative technologies are stimulated by an increase in demand for products and an increase in sales, as well as a possible increase in prices for some types of resources.

Quite often, an organization, having introduced innovative technologies, then distributes them on a commercial basis to other organizations. The speed of their diffusion (diffusion) depends on the relative need for investment and the effectiveness of each innovation. At the same time, the more organizations used this innovation, the higher the losses of those organizations that did not use it. It also speeds up the distribution process.

The positive effect of the introduction of innovative technologies is obvious. This, as a rule, is a rapid and significant increase in labor productivity, equal to the grocery and further higher commercial effect, a high proportion of productivity gains. All this is due to the improvement of technological processes. Since technological innovations provide a reduction in production costs, and later on prices, manufacturers with a higher market share of product sales derive the greatest benefit from these innovations.

The most important prerequisite for accelerating the introduction of innovations and raising their scientific and technical level are rapidly developing computer technologies. The development and implementation of innovation becomes one of the main directions of the organization's strategy, as it determines many directions of its development.

The implementation of innovative activities in general implies such stages, how:

Development of plans and programs for innovation activities;

Monitoring the development of an innovation and its implementation;

Consideration of innovation development projects;

Conducting a unified innovation policy;

Coordination of innovative activities in functional and production units;

Provision of financial and material and technical resources;

Ensuring the development of innovation by qualified personnel;

Creation of temporary target groups for a complex solution of innovative problems - from the goal to the implementation of the innovation.

To date, a large number of large organizations have created so-called scientific and technical complexes that allow the development and implementation of innovative technologies in production. Assessing the innovative potential of his enterprise, the manager determines his ability to conduct innovative activities, that is, he answers the question for himself whether the enterprise is capable of introducing innovations. The next step on the way to organizing innovative activities at the enterprise should be the development of innovative goals. Such goals can be: increasing competitiveness and consolidation in new markets by improving existing products or creating a fundamentally new product; reduction of production costs by saving raw materials, energy, etc. based on the use of new technologies.

Here, enterprises have to make an important strategic decision: acquire innovative technologies on the side or develop them on their own. In the first case, the enterprise, as a rule, establishes a strategic partnership with a specialized research or development organization. It should be borne in mind that a one-time acquisition of technology will require the accumulation of significant financial resources in a fairly short period of time. The most effective use of financial investments will require a thorough scan of the market for new technologies and a detailed analysis of the database of organizations specializing in innovative technologies.

In the second case, it seems expedient to create its own research and innovation unit. Compared to the acquisition of new technology, this approach avoids large one-time costs, since the investment amounts are stretched over time. At the same time, a new division, depending on the industry affiliation of the enterprise, can be created by reorganizing the service of the chief technologist or the design department.

When reorganizing a commercial activity, five are usually distinguished stages of change :

Preparation (planning),

- "unfreezing" (preparing the company for changes),

Direct implementation of the change,

- "freezing" (consolidation of the results of transformations) and assessment of the results of the carried out innovation.

These stages include such actions as:

At the preparation stage:

Determination of the main content and level of change;

Drawing up a preliminary plan of change aimed at achieving certain improvements;

Analysis of driving and constraining forces and possible potential to support change;

Determining who specifically will be affected by the changes, what are the reasons for possible resistance;

Deciding who else needs to be involved in planning the change process;

Choosing a strategy for change and methods to overcome resistance;

Isolation and analysis of problems that are likely to be caused by innovative technology;

Drawing up a realistic plan for the implementation of the change and determining the criteria by which the change will be monitored and evaluated;

Determination of the necessary resources (personnel, time, financial, material and others), including external consultants.

At the stage of "defrosting":

Allocating time to relieve psychological stress in the organization;

Selection of methods of training and informing employees that correspond to the strategy of change;

Monitoring progress in preparing changes, and, if necessary, adjusting approaches and plans.

At the change stage:

Change only what is necessary to achieve the desired improvement;

Availability of sufficient reserves of time and other resources in case of unexpected difficulties;

A possible change in strategy if, as experience suggests (yours, employees or consultants), this will contribute to the success of the introduction of innovative technology;

Informing the employees of the company about the success of the transformations.

At the "freeze" stage:

Allocation of the necessary resources to consolidate, "save" the actions carried out at the stage of change;

Consideration of the issue of further training (for work in new conditions) and / or employment of employees;

Implementation of plans (on the use of the results of innovation), taking into account the situation.

At the assessment stage:

Conducting research on the consequences of change and the perception of these consequences;

Maintaining feedback with those who are affected by the changes, both inside and outside the firm;

Informing (employees, company management, external environment, mass media and others) about the results of the carried out innovation.

In order to reduce time, some companies attempted to introduce the principle of “simultaneous product development” by functional departments. So when the company Ford changed the sequence of project consideration and sent it in parallel to the technical and financial departments, saving time was three and a half months. In the literature, it was also recommended to go through the stages of developing a new product in parallel, however, a detailed diagram of such a process was not presented. There is a model of parallel-sequential introduction of innovation to the market, the essence of which is convenient to consider using a conditional scheme (see Fig. 2)

fig 2. Innovation process model

The diagram shows an approximate the process of developing and bringing a new designed product to the market... The path from the birth of an idea to its practical implementation consists of ten steps, which can be combined into three key stages:

Generation and selection of ideas;

Analysis, verification and testing of the proposed idea;

Controlling the strategic perspective of a new product, commercializing innovation, generating and redistributing profits.

Analyzing the world experience, one should expect that at the stage of the recovery of the Russian economy, a tendency to reorient the orientation of scientific, technical and production and marketing activities in the innovation policy of industrial organizations will begin to appear, since time requires the creation of new generations of science-intensive products, the development and implementation of technological processes for the level of world standards.