Is there a way to preserve a watermelon in an apartment until the New Year? Rules and methods for successfully storing watermelons for the winter.

22.09.2019 Fish dishes

Watermelons are abundant only in summer. At this time, you can enjoy a sweet and refreshing berry at any time. But the lack of sunny fruits is especially noticeable in winter. It is not easy to preserve fruits until the cold weather. After all, it is important that they do not lose their freshness, nutrients and unique aroma. How to keep a watermelon until the New Year?

How to choose

It is impossible to preserve watermelons for a long time if they are not initially suitable for this. Half of the success in business depends on the correct choice of fruits. The purchased watermelon should be of late varieties, so get it at the end of September. Such berries contain a minimum of nitrates, since by this period they ripen on their own. An example of late-ripening watermelons are the varieties "peasant", "lying" or "excellent black". The storage leader is the "chill" variety. He does not lose his qualities up to 5 months.

Pay particular attention to the appearance of the berry. The best indicator of a good long-term storage watermelon is the absence of cracks, sunburn, dents and scratches on the glossy surface.

The size of the fetus plays an important role. It is desirable that it be heavy (weighing about 4–5 kg), medium size, dense, with a bright pattern on the green peel. These signs indicate that the berry is fully ripe and has firm pulp.

It is better to remove watermelons intended for harvesting for future use with gloves. It is not recommended to wash them: the skin is covered with natural fruit wax. It protects the fruit from damage.

Storage conditions and periods

First of all, set aside a place for long-term storage of watermelons. In an apartment, a glazed loggia, a mezzanine, a storage room or any other room with a low temperature and low light are considered to be the most suitable premises. In a private house, a basement, garage, attic, closet or summer kitchen are suitable for storage.

The places in which the watermelons will lie must meet certain parameters.

  • Protected from UV rays.
  • Well ventilated.
  • Cool. The optimum air temperature in the storage is no more than +5… +8 ° C.
  • Air humidity - 60–80%. In a dry room, the fruits will quickly wilt, and in too humid, they will rot.

Subject to the rules of selection and storage, watermelons will not lose their taste within 3-4 months.


When preparing watermelons for storage, do not place them on a hard surface. Spread something soft: thick insulation, sand, straw, sawdust, grain, etc. The stored berries should not come into contact with each other. Also protect them from contact with other fruits and vegetables: fruits quickly absorb foreign odors. Neighborhood with various products will adversely affect their taste.

Turn and inspect the watermelons periodically. You may not have seen a crack or scratch when you bought it. Over time, it will make itself felt by lethargy or rotting of the fetus. It is not worth keeping such fruits. Throw them away at the first sign of corruption.

Popular ways

There are many proven methods, thanks to which the watermelon will last not only until the New Year, but also until spring. Moreover, they will not require special expenses from you.

Dry sand. To use this method, you need a wooden box filled with ½ sand. Immerse the fruit in it with the stalk down. Leave a small distance between them. Store the container on the floor in a cool place. Replace the sand with grain if desired. In dry cereals, watermelons will be stored no worse.

Freezing. Although the pulp loses its consistency when exposed to low temperatures, freezing a watermelon is an easy way to store it. Cut the fruit into freeform pieces. Remove crusts and seeds from them. Place in a resealable container and place in the freezer. Thanks to the all-round effect of cold, the berry will freeze quickly. It will retain its aroma, shape, taste and juiciness.

Subject to optimal conditions, you can save the watermelon not only until the New Year, but also until spring.

Dry bog sphagnum moss. This plant has good absorbency and natural bactericidal power. Sphagnum is soft and safe for fruits. Collect it only in sunny weather so that there is no excess moisture. Choose a wooden box that is sized for the number of watermelons to be stored. Line the bottom with a thick layer of moss. Arrange the berries carefully, covering all sides with the plant. At the same time, the air temperature should not be lower than +3 ° С.

Alabaster. A good effect is provided by processing the peel of the fruit with alabaster. Dilute the product to a mushy consistency. Apply a protective agent to the surface of the watermelon. You should get a layer up to 1 cm thick. The coating will not allow light, moisture and air to pass through.

Paraffin. Just like in alabaster, watermelon can be stored in paraffin or beeswax. To do this, melt the substance in a water bath. Spread it over the watermelon several times. The layer should be about 1 cm thick. Place the processed berries in a cool place.

The old fashioned way

Straw. Place a thick layer of straw on a drawer, wooden shelf, or on the floor of the room. Place ripe watermelons on top of it, wrapping all around. Under optimal storage conditions, the berries can lie until spring.

Clay. It has long been used for storing watermelons. Prepare a thick, lump-free clay solution. Then spread it over a clean and dry fruit. Store it in a cool place.

Wood ash. First, prepare a large barrel to hold the ash. Then place strong fruits there and cover with ashes again. Be sure to check if there are any coarse fractions in the filler - sharp pieces of coal, unburned chips. They can damage the skin of a watermelon. Cover the box and store in a cool, dry place. Ash will prevent the development of putrefactive bacteria and fungi, absorb excess moisture.

Hanging a watermelon. This is one of the most reliable methods that can be used even while living in an apartment. Buy along with the fruit of the net. Place the berries in them carefully. Hang the string bag on the hooks pre-attached to the ceiling. Watermelons should not be in contact with each other. Otherwise, damage will appear on the crust, moisture will get there and rotting will begin. You can also wrap the ripe fruit in a dense natural cloth and hang it from the ceiling. With this method, the berry has every chance to survive for 4-5 months.

Water is an ideal medium for long-term storage. Many housewives keep fruits in it until winter. It is important that it is cold and completely covers the watermelon. You can put it in an ice hole or keep it in the basement - in a wooden vat or barrel filled with water.

Knowing how to preserve a watermelon until the New Year, you can always pamper your family with a sweet treat. The shelf life depends largely on the method chosen. Adhere to all conditions, especially temperature and humidity levels. Choose the right variety and carefully examine the fruit for defects.

Watermelon, which we are used to enjoying in the midst of the melon season, will become a real highlight of the table in the winter season. The only problem is that saving a sun berry for such a long time is not so easy. But probably! We will now talk about how to preserve a watermelon until the New Year so that it does not lose its taste and aroma.

Of course, in our time you will not surprise anyone with fresh fruit on the New Year's or Christmas table. What you can not find on sale: bananas and oranges, kiwi and pineapples, as well as grapes, persimmons and even fresh strawberries. But a person is so arranged that most of all he wants exactly what is practically inaccessible (for a number of reasons) right now, at the moment. In the winter season, watermelon can be safely attributed to this kind of “desire”: you can buy it, but the price and quality, to put it mildly, are not encouraging. Naturally, a practical solution suggests itself - to try to preserve it by your own efforts.

There are tons of ways and tips on how to keep a watermelon until the New Year. Some of them are practical and effective, others are quite unusual. But let's not rush, let's talk about everything in order: about the methods, conditions, requirements and secrets.

Svetlana spoke about one of the proven storage methods in her article. The method is very simple, but very effective. The author of the post also shares his personal experience.

Choosing a watermelon for long-term storage

Whichever method you choose, the first thing to do is to choose the right fruit, since it will depend on its quality how long it can be stored. So, for long-term storage, you need to choose:
  • watermelons weighing about 4-5 kg;
  • high-quality fruits, on the surface of which there should be no damage: dents, scratches, sunburn, cracks, and so on;

High-quality fruits should not have any damage: dents, scratches, sunburn, cracks, and so on.
  • watermelons of late varieties with a thick skin, since they are able to be stored for a long period of time.

Conditions for long-term storage of watermelons

In order for fresh watermelons to be guaranteed to be preserved until the New Year, they need to create special conditions. Ideally, the storage room should be:
  • dark;
  • well ventilated;
  • cool. For long-term storage of watermelons, the optimal temperature will be +5 ... + 8 ° C, with a relative humidity of 60-80%. Higher / lower temperatures, as well as too dry or excessively humid air will contribute to the fact that the fruits quickly deteriorate.

You can store watermelons both in the house and in the apartment.

Storing a watermelon in an apartment
Undoubtedly, keeping a watermelon for a long period of time in an apartment is much more difficult than in a private house, but it is still possible. There are few suitable places, but they definitely exist.

Storing watermelon fruits in an apartment is possible:

  • in the pantry;
  • on the glazed balcony;
  • and also, as strange as it sounds, in the bathroom.
Storing a watermelon in the house
It is much easier to save the fruits of a watermelon in a private house, here you can find much more suitable places!

So, for storing watermelons in a private house, the following are perfect:

  • cellar or basement;
  • garage;
  • attic;
  • summer kitchen or any cold room, the temperature in which is kept within the range of +5 ... + 8 ° C;
  • As in an apartment, in a private house, the fruits of the "sun berry" can be stored in the pantry. The main thing is to maintain the required level of humidity and air temperature.
Having decided on the place, you need to choose a way to store the watermelon:

We tried to find a variety so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

Method number 1: hanging
In this way, you can store a watermelon both in a private house (in the basement, pantry) and in an apartment (in the closet). To do this, the watermelon is wrapped in a dense natural cloth so that it completely covers it, the fruit is placed in a string bag, and hung on a hook. The fruit should not touch any surface (wall, cabinet, shelf, etc.).

For this, the bottom of the box or shelf on which the storage of the watermelon is planned is covered with a thick layer of straw. On it, at some distance from each other, watermelons are carefully placed with the stalk up. Straw "partitions" are laid between the fruits, added on top of the watermelons so that the straw completely covers the fruits.

Method number 3: in the sand
This method is also suitable for storing a watermelon in an apartment or private house.

  1. Place the wooden box in a cool room and fill it about halfway with dry sand.
  2. A watermelon is laid on the sand with the stalk down (or several, but only in such a way that they do not touch each other). Then the fruits are carefully covered with dry sand, carefully observing that the sand covers them completely.
Advice: Sand is an excellent substitute for dry grain. The fact is that it is in dry cereal seeds that watermelons can be stored for a long period of time.

In addition to the above methods of storing watermelons, there are several more unusual and even exotic ones. If you have a desire, free time, a suitable room, and most importantly - a ripe watermelon, then why not try to preserve the "sunny berry" using one of the original methods?

Method number 4: in water
Yes, it is in the water.

The main condition for such storage is that the water must be cold and completely cover the watermelon: you can lower it into an ice hole or store it in the basement - in a barrel or wooden vat filled with water.

Method number 5: in ash
If you heat the stove (fireplace) with wood or there is simply an opportunity to get ash, you can store watermelons in it too: ash will prevent the development of fungi and putrefactive bacteria, absorb excess moisture, which will keep the fruits for a long period of time. The wooden box is filled with a thick layer of dry, sieved ash. A watermelon is carefully laid on it, which is completely covered with ash. The box is closed with a lid and left for storage in the cellar or basement.

Method number 6: in clay
With the help of clay, you can save many foods from spoilage, so why not try saving a watermelon?

To do this, the clay is diluted with water to a pasty consistency, applied to a watermelon. As soon as the clay dries, the berry is coated several more times, allowing each layer to dry thoroughly. As a result, a layer of clay about 0.5 cm thick should turn out on the watermelon. The clay coating is allowed to dry again, and the watermelon is stored in a cool dark room, hung in a string bag or laid on a bed of sawdust.

Method number 7: in paraffin
In the same way as in clay, watermelon can be stored in wax or paraffin.
To do this, the paraffin or wax is melted and the berry is covered with it several times. As a result, the coating layer should be about 1 cm thick. Store the watermelon covered with wax or paraffin in a cool place.

How long are watermelons stored?

Subject to the rules of selection and storage, the fruits of watermelons can be stored (without losing their taste) for about 3-4 months.

Secrets of storing watermelons

To preserve the sun berry for a long period of time, experienced melon growers advise:
  • store only moderately ripe fruits. The fact is that after picking the berries will no longer ripen, and the shelf life of unripe watermelons is short, and the taste is far from perfect;
  • during storage, watermelons should not come into contact with each other, or with other vegetables (fruits);

  • it is impossible to put sun berries for storage on a hard and hard surface, watermelons should lie on a soft bedding, it can be straw, sand, grain, sawdust and so on;
  • periodically, the fruits of watermelons need to be turned over, while checking their integrity.

Having created the necessary conditions for storing watermelon, adhering to the above recommendations, you can enjoy the fragrant fruits of the sun berry in winter, when there is snow and frost outside the window. Such a treat will undoubtedly cheer you up and fill a frosty day with the taste and aroma of real summer)

Although mandarins are traditionally a symbol of the New Year, sometimes you want to see something more original on the festive table in winter. It may be hello from the summer - watermelon, but then the question arises of how to keep the watermelon safe and sound until the New Year with its pleasant taste, vitamins and microelements.

Finding the perfect watermelon

What is important to do first is to choose the right fruit for storage.

  1. It is believed that watermelons retain all their beneficial properties at home for 3-4 months after harvest, therefore, in order for them to survive the winter, the selected berry must be of late varieties, usually ripening in mid-late September. Moreover, they mature on their own, which means that they do not contain harmful additives that accelerate growth. The most common varieties for long-term storage are Astrakhansky, Bykovsky, Volzhanin and Ikar. They all have juicy sweet flesh and are quite disease resistant.
  2. The berry must be intact - without cracks, scratches, dents, rot, etc., have distinct stripes on the peel and a uniform color, indicating ripeness from all sides. It is better to choose medium-sized fruits - small ones may already be overripe by the time of harvest, and too large ones, on the contrary, may not have time to ripen completely.
  3. The variety selected should have a thick skin and firm flesh.
  4. You should not make a purchase in supermarkets and large chain stores - usually unripe watermelons are delivered there, most likely stuffed with chemicals for safety during transportation and storage in windows. It is better to buy berries from trusted gardeners. And if it was grown independently, then for subsequent long-term storage, the crop should be removed a few days earlier than usual. And, of course, do not overuse the feeding of still growing watermelons with too much chemistry.

Storage rules

It is necessary to store the watermelon correctly. Obviously, this should be done at a low temperature. Of course, you can send it to the refrigerator for several months, but then other products will not have much space. Therefore, it is worth choosing a more free space in which the following conditions will be met.

  1. The temperature is not higher than +5, +8 ° С. In no case should you keep watermelons at room temperature for more than a couple of days - they begin to rot and ferment.
  2. Humidity in the range of 60-80%. With excessive dryness, the watermelon will quickly lose liquid itself and will look sluggish, and in dampness it will quickly rot.
  3. Good ventilation.
  4. Darkness.

A pantry, a mezzanine or an unheated but glazed balcony is suitable for these requirements (although in this case you will have to ensure that the temperature on it is not too low).

Experienced gardeners know how to keep a watermelon at home. The secret is that it must be well prepared for this - wash it thoroughly, trying not to damage the peel, wipe it and let it dry in the air. For maximum drying, you can lay straw overnight, which will absorb excess water.

How to store?

As for specific storage methods, there are several empirically proven options.

  1. Hanging... Watermelon is wrapped in natural fabric or old newspapers and hung in a linen bag, net or string bag. The berry will be provided with ventilation and a uniform temperature and humidity regime.
  2. Falling asleep with sand... The watermelon is placed in a wooden box and covered with sand, trying not to tamp it too hard to leave air. Sand can be replaced with dry grains, but it is important that they are free of insect larvae or other pests.
  3. Straw. At the same time, the watermelon can be either put in a box, or simply placed on a shelf or on the floor, overlaid with clean straw on all sides. Ash (preferably hardwood), dry tow or thoroughly dried moss can also be used instead of straw. But insects and rodents are often found in these products, so the storage place will have to be protected especially carefully.
  4. Clay . Due to its adsorbing and disinfecting qualities, it will protect watermelons from dampness and fungus, and the formed dense crust will protect it from external influences. The clay should be diluted in clean water, preferably in a non-metallic container, mixed thoroughly and applied to the surface of the fruit in a thick layer with your hands or a brush, then allowed to dry well and remove the watermelons in a cool, dark place.

We store correctly

The fruits cannot be folded in several layers: if the peel does not crack from the pressure, then it will definitely wrinkle a little. It is better that the berries do not touch each other at all, lying separately or with a thick layer of something soft between them. So not only will they not crush each other, but they will not suffer if one of them nevertheless begins to rot and mold. It is not recommended to store watermelons with other fruits and vegetables, as they absorb foreign odors very easily. It is important that the watermelon does not lie on a hard surface, otherwise the rind, at least to some extent, but will certainly be crumpled, which will affect the shelf life. Be sure to spread something soft enough.

Berries suspended in a net for the winter can be left alone, unless it is cold or too warm in the storage area - then they need to be removed to more suitable conditions. And the fruits buried in the sand or wrapped in dry grass, on average, once every 2-3 weeks, must be examined for safety and turned over. If it is noticed that one of them has begun to deteriorate, then you should not continue trying to save the watermelon. If the spoiled part is small, you can cut it off, and eat the rest right there, and otherwise immediately get rid of the rotten or moldy product.

It is important to understand that after collecting and harvesting for storage, watermelons practically do not ripen. And if a greenish unripe fruit was originally acquired, then from lying for many months over the fall and winter it will not become tastier and sweeter.

How long can you store a watermelon?

When buying a good watermelon and following all the recommendations for its storage, it is quite capable of remaining not only until winter and New Year, but also until spring. Moreover, using the same rules, you can save other popular melon and pumpkin crops until the holidays.

Long-term storage alternatives

If there are doubts that it will be possible to preserve the watermelon for so long, or there are no suitable conditions for storing it in the house, then this berry can always be put on the New Year's table in a canned form. Not only the delicious pulp itself will be used, but also the usually thrown out crusts. By boiling them with sugar, they make watermelon jam. The pulp is crumpled and filtered, and the resulting juice is boiled to form a thick, sweet syrup called watermelon honey. Both thick and thin watermelon varieties, whole or cut into pieces, are salted in brine, with cabbage, apples and even in the sand. It turns out to be a very original appetizer, although some people may not like it out of habit.

In large stores in winter, you can buy overseas watermelons. However, firstly, their price is ten times higher than that of domestic products in the summer season, and secondly, they will be much less tasty. And the point here is not in some bad varieties, but exclusively in the fact that for long-term transportation the fruits are harvested very unripe, and no matter how long they lie, they will not be able to mature significantly.

Do you want to surprise your family and friends at the New Year's table? Offer them to enjoy ... a watermelon as a dessert! Yes, yes, this juicy berry can well be stored in its original state for 3-4 months, so if you still do not know how to preserve a watermelon until the New Year, I can help you with my advice.

It makes sense to store a watermelon in winter only if you have chosen or bought a suitable fruit for this. Early maturing varieties, as well as specimens with damaged skin, cracks and dents, will not lie in your home for a month. If you want the watermelon to be stored, even if not all winter, but long enough, first you need to choose it correctly. Let me tell you a few secrets of this process.

  • Buy fruits in mid or late September - by this time late-ripening varieties ripen, which, as a rule, are not stuffed with nitrates so that they ripen faster.
  • Late-ripening thick-bore fruits of such varieties as "Astrakhansky", "Blagodatny", "Volzhsky", "Bykovsky", "Dessertny", "Ikar", "Melitopolsky", "Podarok Kholodova", "Stoks" are best kept at home. "Chill".
  • The rind of the watermelon should be thick, firm, bright green, firm and shiny. Make sure that it does not have the slightest damage: scratches, cracks, dents and sunburn.
  • It will be better if the fruits intended for storage turn out to be slightly unripe, with greenish tails, white veins and a weak bloom on the peel. The sound from hitting the watermelon should be loud enough. Such fruits will ripen perfectly during storage, and their shelf life will be much longer.
  • Do not buy watermelons piled on the side of the road, lying on the ground and stored without a canopy. Fruits that have been in direct sunlight for a long time, have been lying on the ground for a long time and have absorbed exhaust gases will not please you with either long storage or excellent taste.
  • It is best to purchase watermelons from certified outlets. The seller must have a health book and all the necessary documents. The fruits must certainly be located on the flooring and under a canopy, and it is desirable that the seller stores them in one layer, but not in a huge heap.
  • Don't go for the largest pieces; the weight of the watermelon that you want to save for the winter should be about 4-5 kg.

Growing late-ripening varieties on your own and wanting to preserve them for the winter, try to calculate the harvest time correctly: about 5-7 days before full ripeness. Remove the watermelons carefully, transport them to the storage location as carefully as possible, using a soft bedding for each fruit, and do not leave the berries in the scorching sun.

Cellar storage

If you are interested in how to keep a watermelon as long as possible, you can be sure that the best refuge for a watermelon during the winter will be a cellar or basement. How long your fruits will be stored in this case depends on what conditions you provide them.

The ideal temperature for storing watermelons in winter is 1-4 ºC above zero. In this case, the humidity should be 70-80%. And do not forget about organizing good ventilation in the cellar.

Before storing the fruits, it is advisable to process them correctly. First of all, let the berries lie for 1-2 days under the straw so that their bark gets rid of excess moisture. Then treat each fruit with a solution of 2% lime, which will protect them from germs and fungi. Now you can proceed directly to storage in the cellar using one of the following methods.

  1. On the shelves. The shelves, which are at a distance of about 1 m from each other, must be covered with soft natural material: straw, dry peat or pine needles. After that, spread the watermelons, making sure that they do not touch the sides. At least once a week, the fruits must be turned over and rotten specimens must be removed.
  2. Under the ceiling. If the harvest is small, during the winter you can store it in nets and string bags, hanging them in the cellar from the ceiling. Arrange the fruits so that they do not touch each other. Before placing the watermelon in the net, it is advisable to wrap it in newspaper or parchment.
  3. In sand. Put a layer of sand on the bottom of a large box, place a watermelon there and completely cover it. It is quite difficult to monitor the condition of the fruit buried in the sand, however, if you have chosen and processed the watermelon of the appropriate variety correctly, it will be stored as long as you need, even until February.
  4. In the ashes. Instead of sand, you can take wood ash left over after burning firewood in a stove: the material change will not affect the shelf life.
  5. In the straw. Lay a layer of straw on the shelves or directly on the floor, place watermelons on it and sprinkle each piece with it. Do not forget to periodically dig up the fruits and check if they have deteriorated.
  6. In moss. You can store watermelons throughout the winter not only in straw, but also in moss. To do this, stock up on this gift of nature in the fall, and make sure that it is dry and clean. Allow the moss to dry out in the sun for a few days before storing it, and then place it tightly over each fruit in the cellar.
  7. In the shell. Watermelons are perfectly stored in a shell made of clay, alabaster, wax or paraffin. Coat each berry with a layer of liquid solution (about 1 cm thick) and let it set. After that, the fruits can be laid out on shelves in the cellar or suspended from the ceiling. The shelf life in such an individual cocoon can be 4-5 months.
  8. In water. You can keep your watermelon fresh in a large tub of cold water. In this case, the surface of the fruit must be absolutely intact, and the liquid must be changed at least a couple of times a month.
  9. In the ground. You can store the fruits right at the summer cottage, in a deep hole. Lay a layer of straw or wood shavings 10 cm thick on the bottom, then put watermelons treated with a 25% solution of lime in the pit, sprinkle them on top and sides with shavings and cover them with a layer of soil 30 cm.This way you can save a very large harvest, but watch out its safety is quite problematic.

Storage in the apartment

How to store watermelons in a basement or cellar is clear; now let's figure out how to organize their storage at home, in an apartment. Maintaining the optimum temperature for these berries at home can only be in the refrigerator. Some owners, before placing the fruit there, keep it for about an hour in the freezer at a temperature of -10 ºС. Using pre-freezing, you can extend the shelf life of this berry, but it will clearly lose some of its beneficial properties.

It is easiest to store fruits in the refrigerator, but how to keep a whole watermelon when the refrigerator is jam-packed with other foods? If your apartment has a glazed balcony or loggia, you can organize storage there too: provided that the temperature does not drop below zero in winter. You can keep watermelons on the balcony at home in the same way as in the cellar: on racks suspended from the ceiling, in boxes with sand, sprinkled with straw or moss, coated with clay or wax ... The shelf life of the fruits with properly organized storage will be at least three months.

But I would not recommend storing watermelons at home at room temperature, since they will not be able to lie for a long period of time in such conditions. Although you can try to keep these fruits in the closet or in the mezzanine, placing them on a soft bedding and constantly turning them over. However, on the balcony or in the refrigerator, your crops will last much longer.

Storing cut fruit

So, we figured out the storage of whole fruits at home or in the basement, but how to save a watermelon if it has already been cut? And how much, in principle, can a cut watermelon be stored?

I will say right away: it is best to eat this berry in one sitting, especially when it comes to the summer period. This treat can become toxic even after hours in the sun. So if you really need to keep a cut watermelon at home, it is best to hide it in the refrigerator right after a meal.

To do this, put it on a plate with the cut down, wrap it together with the container in cling film and store in the refrigerator for no more than two days. This period is due not only to the fact that bacteria very quickly start in the cut watermelon, but also to the loss of its taste by the fruit by the end of the second day. By the way, make sure that there are no pungent-smelling foods in the refrigerator, since watermelon perfectly absorbs foreign odors.

If you want to keep the cut fruit longer, you can try storing it in the cellar by placing it in a basin and covering it with a lid. How long can you store a watermelon in such conditions? Its shelf life can be up to 4 days at a temperature of 1-3 ºС, however, I would recommend eating this delicacy the next day, before it has time to lose its taste and aroma.

Your brownie.

In winter, you want summer products so much, and therefore it will be useful to learn how to preserve a watermelon until the New Year. This fruit will cause a real sensation at a festive feast, while its taste will not change at all since the summer season. To do this, it is enough to know how to properly store a watermelon at home, and since there are few such rules and they are all easy to use, it is quite possible to keep juicy summer fruits both in an apartment and in a private house until winter.

In winter, you really want summer products, and therefore it will be useful to learn how to preserve a watermelon until the New Year

Only late varieties of berries with thicker skins are suitable for long-term storage. Therefore, when choosing, you should pay attention to any sort of watermelon, the chill of which is not terrible:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Pulse;
  • Astrakhan with stripes;
  • Dessert;
  • Kholodov's gift.

In addition, the storage of watermelons will be correct if they are carefully selected: without cracks, damage, dents and other significant defects. For these purposes, it is better to acquire the fruit in September or even October. First of all, this rule provides for a reduction in the shelf life of a watermelon. And you can achieve a guaranteed result if you grow such a berry of a suitable variety at home. Moreover, it is also not as difficult as it might seem.

Thus, before proceeding to consider the question of how to freeze a watermelon for the winter, you should choose the right berry. That is, the product must be free of visible defects, it can even be immature (you can recognize this by tapping, the sound must be ringing), weighing up to 4 kg.

How to keep a watermelon in the refrigerator

Since there is a refrigerator in every home, there is no need to deny yourself the pleasure of eating summer products in the winter. Of course, the technique is not rubber, the space in it is limited, but still one watermelon will fit in any refrigerator.

It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to preserve a quarter or half of such a berry until winter, only the whole fruit is allowed to be stored for a long time.

The technology for storing watermelon in the refrigerator is very simple:

  1. The fruit is first washed out gently so as not to damage the peel.
  2. After wiping off with paper towels. It must be completely dried.
  3. Then the berry should be wrapped in a thick layer of newspaper.
  4. We cover the lower shelf of the refrigerator with a cloth, on which we put the prepared watermelon.

The shelf life for such storage is a maximum of 4 months, if you follow all the recommendations. In this case, it is necessary to turn the fetus every 2 days.

There are several popular methods. And they are all based on the correct temperature.

Besides the fact that the watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator, it can also be done using the freezer. However, freezing must be correct, since such a berry, after defrosting, can change its texture due to the content of a large amount of water. There are some simple rules for effective freezing:

  1. The freezer must have a quick defrost function. Otherwise, most of the nutrients and vitamins will be lost.
  2. The first 2 hours the fruit needs to be frozen in fast mode, and after that you can set the usual freezing.
  3. At a temperature of minus 19-23 ° C, the shelf life can reach 1 year.

In the freezer, watermelon can also be stored cut. To do this, you must first remove all the seeds, cut the pulp into pieces and place in a closed container.

Storage conditions in the apartment

If you decide to store watermelons in an apartment until the New Year, then first of all you need to decide on a place. The most reliable is a refrigerator, but this is not always an option, since such a large berry will have to be stored for several months, and it takes up a lot of space. Of course, you can cut it, but frozen watermelon often loses its taste. If it is inconvenient to keep the watermelon in the refrigerator, then it is better to find another place for it.

In the search process, the following main criteria should be taken into account that the repository should have:

  • the storage temperature of the watermelon should not exceed + 8 ° C;
  • ventilation;
  • exclusion of light and sun rays;
  • the humidity level should be between 60-80%.

There are not so many places in the apartment that will meet the above criteria, but they are still available. Such repositories include:

  • glazed balcony;
  • a room with a low temperature, which is poorly lit;
  • mezzanine.

In such places, the stored watermelon will not lose its juiciness and taste.

Since storage is not the only requirement for long-term storage of summer berries, it is important to decide specifically on a method from which not everyone can fit. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with each in order to choose the most suitable room storage option for watermelon:

  1. Hanging. This is the easiest way to store such a large berry, even in an apartment. To do this, you only need to wrap the fruit with natural matter, then put it in a string bag and hang it from the ceiling.
  2. Any watermelon can get the chill it needs from the sand. To use this method, you will need a wooden box in which you need to put the berries and bury them in the sand. All this is recommended to be stored in a cool and unlit place. For these purposes, you can also use grain instead of sand.
  3. Using straw. Living in an apartment and not having a basement, it is difficult to store a watermelon in the refrigerator from summer to winter. But this is not a reason to give up treats for the New Year holidays, because you can create basement conditions in the apartment. To do this, lay out a thick layer of straw on a shelf or in a box, then place the fruit in this place, overlaying it with additional straw.

Having created the right storage conditions, the whole family can enjoy a delicious watermelon in winter.

The advantages of a private house or summer cottage

It is possible to preserve all the qualities of a watermelon before the New Year holidays in apartment conditions, but it will still be much easier to do this in a country house or in a private house. The main difference between such places is the basement, as well as the ability to store the fruit in suitable conditions. So, for example, you can easily wrap several berries with a cloth at once and hang them in string bags on the ceiling in the basement, where the temperature regime and humidity level are suitable, while they will not interfere with anyone until the onset of winter. You can store watermelons in the cellar in the same ways as in the apartment, only in this case you will not have to artificially create the necessary conditions and put any restrictions so as not to harm the stored fruit.

It is very convenient to place barrels of sand in the cellar, where the watermelons will be located. The sand does not have to be changed, and due to the temperature in the room, the berries will be constantly cool.

Barrels can also be used to store watermelons in water. The water will be constantly cool, so all the taste of the fruit will remain until winter. The liquid must completely cover the berries, otherwise the sun and light rays that fall on the watermelons will not allow them to be preserved for a long time. Using this storage method, you need to periodically change the water - if not every day, but at least 3 times a month.

In addition to the basement, in a private house there are several other excellent places where you can store watermelons until winter:

  • garage;
  • attic;
  • summer kitchen, if you do not cook in it;
  • pantry.

In addition to the above storage methods, you can use other equally effective ones:

  1. With ash. The bottom of the small box should be well sprinkled with ash, put the summer fruit and pour a little more on top. After that, the box should be tightly closed, placed in a cellar or other suitable place in the house.
  2. Watermelons are able to retain their taste for 3-4 months if they are treated with paraffin or wax. With the selected material, carefully cover the fruit with a brush, and the layer thickness should not exceed 1 cm.
  3. Berries are perfectly stored in clay, which must first be diluted with clean water to the consistency of sour cream. The fruit is processed with this material, and when it dries, it is stored in a cold place.