How to freeze dill for the winter and preserve its beneficial properties. How to freeze dill for the winter in the refrigerator using various methods

At the end of summer, when most of the harvest has already been harvested and stored, spicy dill remains in the beds. If you make a little effort, and this fragrant greens can be saved for the winter, so that on cold days you do not feel a lack of vitamins and do not buy a bunch of greenhouse dill in the supermarket, because herbs grown on their own plot are both more aromatic and healthier.

The only difficulty in storing greens is the rapid loss of moisture. Without using little tricks, the delicate foliage of dill can be used only for a couple of days, after which it withers, loses its aroma and taste. How to prepare dill for the winter and preserve the aroma of this spice, indispensable in the kitchen.

How to keep fresh dill for the winter?

The main cause of loss of juiciness is heat and exposure to light. If you place greens in a dark, cool place, metabolic processes in the foliage are inhibited, and dill can be stored much longer.

Therefore, the washed dill, peeled from yellowed leaves and tough stalks, can be stored in the refrigerator not for two or three days, but up to three weeks. For this, the herbs are placed in bags or containers, tightly closed and left at a temperature of 2-6 ° C. If necessary, such dill harvested for the winter is used for cooking both hot dishes and vegetable salads, decorating game, fish, baked meat.

So that excess moisture does not form in the bag or container, and the condensate does not cause rotting of the dill, the greens are laid out on a napkin or paper towel before being placed in a container until the drops of water are completely dry. Such dill can be stored both in the form of whole branches, and in an already cut form, however, in the latter case, the terms are reduced.

In addition to this method, there are others. You can keep the dill fresh for the winter by placing the stalks of herbs in a container of water, and covering the foliage with a plastic bag. To create constant moisture inside, the bag on a jar or glass is secured with a thread or rubber band.

Bunches of fresh dill can be refrigerated in wrapping paper or in multiple layers of paper towels. Clean foliage, along with the stalks, are dried and completely wrapped in a towel. In this form, in the vegetable compartment, the greens will not wither within 7-10 days; you can extend the shelf life by additionally placing the bundle in a bag or film.

Experienced housewives assure that dill preparations for the winter are better stored if the greens are not washed before being sent to the refrigerator. Indeed, this is how the natural protective layer is preserved on the foliage, but the advice can be used only if the dill is only cooled, its structure and appearance does not change during storage. You can wash the required amount of the product immediately before use, but initially spoiled and yellowed parts of the plant must be removed before storage.

If the dill is to be dried, frozen or otherwise processed, the greens must be washed and dried.

A few pieces of onion placed with herbs in a container or bag will help to use fresh dill longer. But no matter how fresh and juicy dill is, it will not work to extend its life for the whole winter. As much as possible, greens remain fresh only until mid-December. How to save dill for the winter in other ways?

How to dry dill for the winter?

Since the feathery tender greens of dill quickly lose moisture, it will not be difficult to dry this crop for future use. Moreover, it is possible to dry the grass in several ways, and the dill harvested for the winter without loss of taste and aroma is stored in a tightly closed container for up to a year and can be used as an additive to hot dishes.

It is dried dill that has the most intense aroma and taste.

And you can dry the grass without resorting to any devices and heating. How to prepare dill for the winter, preserving the aroma of a spicy plant? Portion bunches of clean greens are hung out in a place protected from direct sunlight. The chopped greens are laid out on clean paper and left in the room or in the fresh air.

In both cases, it is important to protect the dill from insects, sun and wind. Before dill is dried, it is washed and sorted. The greens left on the table must be stirred up. Depending on the initial moisture content of the foliage, weather conditions and the layer of greenery, after 2-3 days, the dill is completely dry and ready for storage.

The cold actively dehydrates the foliage. Moreover, it does not lose color, taste or smell. How to dry dill in the freezer? If the chopped dill is spread out in a thin layer on a pallet and sent to the freezer for 2-3 days, in winter the hostess will have a flavorful vitamin seasoning at her disposal for any household delicacies.

Many housewives prefer to dry the dill in the oven. This is the fastest method, but under the influence of elevated temperature, delicate foliage loses most of the essential oils, turns brown or yellow, which indicates tissue destruction and loss of beneficial properties.

When drying dill, it is more correct to use special dryers, where the process takes place at low temperatures and constant air movement.

How to freeze dill in the refrigerator for the winter?

One of the most common ways to keep greens fresh is by exposing them to low temperatures. You can freeze dill both in cut form and in the form of whole bunches. How to freeze dill in the refrigerator for the winter? The washed and sorted greens are dried, laid out in containers or bags and placed in the freezer.

Do not use large containers, as vegetables and herbs are not re-frozen and should be used as soon as possible.

Frozen dill foliage retains its properties, including taste and smell, for up to 6–8 months. And using this method, you can provide a vitamin supplement to dishes until the next summer season.

Small bundles can be wrapped in plastic wrap. Dill and regular foil preserves well.

Freezing chopped dill in ice cube trays is gaining popularity. How to keep dill for the winter in such a convenient form for use?

  • If the leaves are pre-chopped finely with a knife, then ordinary water, melted butter or vegetable oil will help to fasten the green mass in a small volume of the mold. In this case, 2 parts of the herb and one part of the filler are used. After hardening, such cubes are transferred to a bag and stored at subzero temperatures for up to 4-6 months.
  • If the herbs are crushed into a puree in a food processor or blender, it is not necessary to add water or oil due to the juice that appears. Green cubes are homogeneous, have a bright taste and rich aroma of fresh dill.

It is not necessary to make cubes from only one dill. To flavor broths, stews, sauces and other dishes, you can choose compositions from your favorite herbs and spices.

For example, for a mushroom soup, a spice-flavor mixture other than dill can include parsley, basil, and some thyme. It is good to add a cube to borscht in winter not only with greens of dill prepared for the winter, but also with parsley, chopped and garlic.

How to keep dill salted for the winter?

To preserve the taste, color and smell of the herbs collected from the garden to the maximum, the greens are salted. The old way helps out today. Salted dill is a great dressing for all hot dishes.

  • Before preserving the dill for the winter with the help of table salt, select fresh young dill without hard petioles and shoots.
  • Raw materials are washed, dried and placed in glass jars, sprinkled with salt layer by layer.
  • The contents of the containers are compacted, and when the released juice covers the greens, they are closed with lids.
  • The pickles are kept refrigerated and used as needed to add flavor and aroma to soups and side dishes.

If desired, greens with salt are crushed and mixed in a blender before being placed in jars, after which the mass is laid out in clean jars.

Dill is an irreplaceable spice when housewives pickle cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms. But greens that are on the sidelines are worthy of becoming an independent dish. To pickle dill, only juicy greens are selected without umbrellas and coarse stems. Vegetable raw materials are washed, placed in small jars and poured with hot marinade. After sterilization, the jars are closed and sent to a cool storage place. You can serve the appetizer with fried meat and game, mushrooms and other marinades. Such preparation of dill for the winter will add spice to vinaigrette, pickle, beans and potatoes.

Harvesting dill for the winter - video

How to properly freeze dill or parsley in foil for the winter.

Dill belongs to green plants, and also belongs to this category: spinach, parsley, celery, sorrel, rhubarb, horseradish, katran, etc. Gingerbread plants include: lemon balm, chervil, coriander, marjoram, snakehead, savory, peppermint, etc. These plants contain a number of biological compounds, the most important of which are phytoncides, aromatic substances, vitamins, mineral salts, phenolic compounds, alkaloids. Green and gingerbread plants have a pleasant taste and smell, the ability to stimulate the appetite. They are also valuable because they give early greens in spring, they are a valuable seasoning for pickling and pickling, and they improve the taste of food.

Dill - a ubiquitous garden plant. All parts of the plant are used for home canning. Fresh dill leaves and stems contain up to 20 mg% vitamin C, flavonoids, phytoncides; in the green parts of the plant and seeds - from 1.5 to 4% of volatile essential oil. I just freeze fresh dill, so I decided to tell everyone this my way. Greens in winter after such a freeze turn out just like fresh. It is also very convenient to store and use such small packages.

I collect greens dill only green, before the appearance of flower brushes, and together with twigs on the stem. Then I wash, dry and cut off the smallest branches and not one by one, but take a large branch and immediately pull all the greens off the branches with my hand.

I immediately chop the large stems and twigs into small pieces, pour them onto a tray and dry them for a couple of days under the newspaper for my dried seasoning for soups and main courses. Then I pour it into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Then you need to unwind part of the foil from the roll, put the dill, trying to seal it better with your fingers, but still carefully so as not to tear the thin foil. Wrap it in about 2 - 3 folds and tear it off from the general roll. By the way, who can tell you which side to wrap the foil inward: glossy or matte?

Then I seal the earrings - I just gently squeeze the roll with my palm so that the air comes out, and then the edges: or I wrap it inside on the greens during the process itself (like an envelope).

or I fold / twist like "candy"

The better you seal the rolls, the less space they will later take up in the freezer.

And I add 2 - 5 pieces. into the general package. Only immediately when wrapping the rolls, provide for the width of the bag so that they then lie exactly along the width of the bag, and not diagonally. I always put a note inside with the inscription, so that later in the winter you can find out what is in that bag. And I tie the bag very tightly, sometimes a couple of times. Likewise, I freeze parsley and celery and fennel greens.

To use it like this: take out the roll, put it under hot water for 1 - 2 seconds, so that later the foil can be easily turned away, put the roll on the board, you can unfold 1 bow of the edge (if possible :-)) and chop as required. Greens are very easy to cut, one might say chopped, they are very green and fragrant. If the entire roll is not used at once, fold back the edge, seal the roll again with your hands and put in a separate bag. All frozen greens are stored in separate and prefabricated bags in the large freezer, and there is usually only 1 bag in the small freezer of the refrigerator.

P.S. Once on a culinary forum I was asked once in one recipe - “ how to freeze dill for the winter"Well, I just told you all a separate topic, just in case, and I will be glad if my method of freezing all kinds of healthy greens is useful.

Dill is one of the most popular spicy herbs in our country, which is very convenient to store for future use. In the cold season, dill will replenish the diet with vitamins, will allow you to enjoy fresh and aromatic food even with a limited set of vegetables. And the most qualitative way of harvesting is to freeze dill for the winter. A distinctive feature of dill is the complete preservation of aroma and even texture when frozen. Frozen dill is no different from fresh, and even the beneficial composition is lost only to a small extent. If during drying the aroma of dill hopelessly changes, then freezing retains it completely. And your favorite soups, salads, hot dishes or snacks, even on the coldest day, will delight you with a bright summer character.

Preparing dill for freezing

To freeze any product, including herbs, you should choose high-quality greens. Young dill, fresh, just harvested from the garden and not wilted, will allow you to achieve a truly complete preservation of its characteristics. Never use overripe dill that has begun to wither, or greens plucked from bushes after flowering. If you grow your own dill, harvest it during the morning or at noon.

Otherwise, preparing dill for freezing is very simple:

  1. Go through the greens and remove the roots, cut off the coarse stems, leaving only young leaves and twigs.
  2. Rinse the dill thoroughly, let the water drain.
  3. Spread the herbs on towels and dry them slightly (but don't let them fade).

Methods for freezing dill

Freezing dill for the winter is easy, the main thing is to properly prepare the greens and choose the best freezing method for you. The best can be called freezing whole dill in the form of bunches and freezing it in the form of ice (for example, in cubes): these are the methods that will allow you to preserve both useful substances and color with aroma.

Freezing whole dill

This method of freezing allows the most complete preservation of the smell and taste of greens, the most "reliable" and productive. Dill, frozen in bunches, is chopped in the same way as fresh herbs.

In order to prepare dill for the winter in this way, you must:

  1. Prepare the dill and arrange it in small bunches, just enough to be used one or more times. The smaller the tufts, the easier it will be to separate and use the dill. If you don't have time, freeze the dill in large bunches: it will break more, but it will still separate well.
  2. Line the quick freezer compartment with cling film or wrap it over a large board, plate, pallet. Spread out the bunches of dill on the base and place in the freezer.
  3. After freezing, fold the dill into separate bags or wrap it in plastic (you can transfer it to a container, layering with culinary parchment).
  4. Close containers and bags tightly and place in storage compartment.

Features of use: it is easy to separate a few branches from frozen dill or cut a piece from the whole bunch for use and slicing.

On a note: dill can be frozen not separately, but immediately in bags or containers, where the bundles need to be stacked more tightly. This will preserve the aroma even more strongly.

Freezing chopped dill

The main advantages of this method relate to the subsequent use of herbs. Pre-chopped dill will not need to be chopped, it is ready to be added to any dish. But with this method of freezing, much more nutrients are lost, and the dill itself becomes less tasty and only partially retains its aroma.

The freezing technique is a little more complicated:

  1. Prepared dill is finely chopped or chopped in a blender (not until gruel).
  2. A portion of dill, sufficient for 2-5 times of use, is poured into a strip on a piece of cling film, then the "sausage" is tightly wrapped in several layers of film, creating a briquette.
  3. Ready-made dill briquettes are placed in the freezer in the quick freeze mode.
  4. After freezing, the greens are transferred to a paper bag, box or container and sent to storage in other sections of the refrigerator.

On a note: dill can not be wrapped in film, but poured into a container or use plastic bags for freezing (small size), tightly tamping chopped greens in them.

Features of use: chopped dill is already ready for consumption and culinary experiments. It is enough to cut off a piece of briquette and add the dill to the dish.

Freezing ice with dill

This method perfectly preserves the color and aroma of dill, allows you not to lose a drop of essential oils and juice. And storage of ice with greens does not require much space. But the process of freezing dill using this method will take more time.

The technology for freezing ice cubes with dill is very simple:

  1. Prepare your herbs by skipping the drying step.
  2. Chop the dill finely or use a blender to chop.
  3. Divide the moist greens into ice-freezer tins.
  4. Fill the molds with drinking water to the brim.
  5. Freeze the ice.
  6. Remove the dill ice from the molds and place in a tight bag or storage container.

Use dill ice cubes in the same way as chopped dill.

Storage rules

For the best preservation of frozen dill, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • never leave greens unpacked;
  • do not store dill in the quick-freezer compartment;
  • to preserve the aroma and taste, use hermetically sealed containers or plastic bags, film, be sure to wrap the greens in several layers (optimally, in 3 layers or bags);
  • wrap the dill in cooking parchment for layering or portioning.

How to use frozen dill

Never defrost dill that has been frozen for the winter. The greens must be removed from the freezer immediately before adding to the dish and used without defrosting. During the thawing process, you will lose most of the aromas, and the frozen greens will not affect the taste, temperature and consistency of the dishes. Dill thaws literally in seconds, there is not a lot of water in it (only ice with dill will increase the amount of liquid in the dish and take longer to cook).

Dill frozen for the winter is similar in every way to fresh. It can be used to decorate ready-made meals, and in the preparation of hot and cold appetizers, salads and side dishes, hot dishes of meat, fish and seafood, soups and borscht, as well as in smoothies, juices and vegetable cocktails.


Hello my dear readers! Only yesterday we considered, and today I was asked in the comments to one of the articles how to freeze dill for the winter in the refrigerator. A very topical question! In winter, the aroma of dill can transform any, even the simplest dish!

I categorically does not want to grow dill in my garden. Already I put it in loose soil with humus, and fertilize, water, I say an affectionate word - I do not want it, and that's it. Seedlings almost immediately stiffen, which plunges me into a downright childhood disorder. I tried, I tried, but that's how it is.

But my husband's uncle is in Hungary, which is practically "around the corner" of dill so much that even chickens do not want to eat it. spoiled, however, the layers. Give them young nettles! And my uncle brought us the dill. For which we are incredibly grateful to him!

How contradictory a human being is. There was no dill - a problem, but appeared - so the problem is triple. Where to put dill in such quantity? Freeze for the winter, of course! There is still enough space in the refrigerator, or rather, in its freezer. And I also have a freezer - oh! The husband laughs: "Where are you going to put everything else?" Nothing, I will share the good with my mother and daughter-in-law. They will probably also need frozen dill in winter.

Is it possible to freeze dill for the winter in the refrigerator and freezer

Yes, of course you can! If you choose which is better - dry dill or freeze, I always choose freezing. For certain purposes, dry dill is also needed - for salting crispy cucumbers for the winter, for preparing lightly salted cucumbers and other pickles and marinades. But for the preparation of a huge number of dishes, it is frozen dill that is suitable, since it retains (unlike dried), when properly prepared, its useful properties, taste and aromatic qualities are almost at the level of fresh.

We found out that you can freeze dill. Now let's decide how to do it correctly and better. There are several common and not very common ways. Let's start looking at them in order.

How to freeze dill for the winter in the refrigerator - several proven methods

Freezing fresh dill in bags

This is one of the simplest, non-troublesome and reliable methods. Many housewives choose it. At the same time, it allows us to preserve the maximum of the most valuable properties, for which we love aromatic greens so much. What we have to do:

  1. Take only the freshest high quality greens for harvesting.
  2. Wash very conscientiously under running water and then submerging in clean water in a basin or deep bowl.
  3. Cut off thick stems, if available.
  4. Dry by spreading on towels. Additionally, you can still ventilate by hanging the bundles in the fresh air for a short time.
  5. Cut in small pieces.
  6. Fold into a bag, you can with a zip lock.
  7. Place in the fridge freezer or freezer.

My remarks

  • I do not recommend letting air out of the herb bag, as many recipes recommend. The bag should be inflated like a balloon and then sent to the freezer. After complete freezing, you need to make a hole in the bag through which air will escape. If you remove the air before freezing, then the greens lie in the bag in a frozen lump. And from an inflated bag - crumbly, just as it was cut.
  • I sometimes freeze herbs in thin packaging bags and then put them in a sturdier plastic bag.
  • This way you can freeze dill along with parsley, sorrel or green onions.

How to freeze cubes in ice cube trays

A very common and convenient method. He took cubes and immediately sent them to borscht or pickle - just as many as needed. If you pour olive oil instead of water, then use such cubes for making salads. They will need to be thawed before use. If butter will serve as a filling, then you will get a vitamin "spread" for the winter. Before spreading on bread, it will also need to be defrosted a little until the mass is easily spread over a piece of fresh bread. How we will do:

  1. Choose selected herbs, wash, dry, cut.
  2. Place in ice cube trays.
  3. Pour cold boiled water. Or olive oil. Or you can use melted butter.
  4. To freeze. Put the finished cubes in a bag or container.

    On a note!

    You can also freeze dill in sturdy chocolate molds.

My remarks

Despite the obvious advantages (portion size, the ability to quickly cool hot soup, for example), the method also has significant disadvantages:

  • If there is a lot of greens, then the freezing process will obviously be delayed, which is very inconvenient.
  • The ice cube trays actively absorb the strong dill aroma. We'll have to allocate separate ones specifically for freezing.
  • Cubes take up quite a lot of space, and we additionally freeze water, which takes up additional volume.
  • It is not possible to sprinkle anything with such grass.
  • Conclusion: you can freeze this way, but the amount of this workpiece should be very limited.

How to freeze in a container

  • Rinse small plastic containers thoroughly with warm water, wipe dry, dry.
  • Prepare herbs in the same way as for freezing in a bag.

Dill is not only a delicious herb, but also a healthy seasoning. He is able to give many dishes a unique aroma and original taste. It contains many minerals, trace elements, vitamins, which are simply necessary for the human body. There are many ways to preserve dill for the winter so that you can add it to meals at any time of the year.

Keeping dill fresh without freezing in an ordinary household refrigerator cannot be called long. The greens quickly begin to wilt and become unfit for human consumption. But if you did not plan to store it in the refrigerator for a long time, then you just need to follow simple rules, so that the greens do not turn yellow and didn't start to fade too early. To do this, you can resort to the following trick:

  • put a bunch of plants in a jar, but do not wash it or cut off the roots;
  • pour a small amount of clean water into the jar, and cover the green leaves with a plastic bag;
  • place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Now you know how to keep dill fresh. In this form, the plant will remain succulent for two weeks! But you can keep it fresh for a longer period: just plant it on the windowsill in the kitchen! Fresh aromatic greens will not only delight with their taste at any time, but will also become a bright decoration. So now there should be no questions about how to store fresh dill in the refrigerator. This method will also work with parsley or other garden herbs.

It is best to plant an already formed plant in pots. Someone is trying to grow dill on a windowsill from seeds. Of course, this is quite possible, but often only in summer. For winter time, you will need a powerful phytolamp illumination.

Of course, dill can be easily purchased in the store in winter. But it is the summer plant that contains more vitamin C ... So it's worth finding outhow to keep dill fresh and aromatic for the winter. To do this, you can resort to other storage options:

  • salting;
  • drying;
  • freezing in cubes;
  • simple freezing.

Product preparation rules

It does not matter which storage method was chosen, the product must be properly prepared before this. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Rinse collected or purchased herbs under clean water. Alternatively, you can dip the stems into a deep container of water. Hold them there for fifteen minutes, and then just rinse under running water.
  2. Spread a towel on the kitchen table, put the stems on it in a thin layer, cover with paper napkins on top. The greens must dry naturally before further manipulation.

At this, the preparatory measures for the preparation of greens can be considered completed. It remains to be seen which storage option is suitable in order to harvest green stems with maximum vitamin preservation.

Preserving greens with freezing

Most often, housewives choose the option where they want to freeze greens in the freezer. There it can lie for a whole year without losing its rich taste and useful properties. It is worth noting that the beneficial qualities will remain 100% when frozen. Therefore, there will be no doubt that the frozen product has all the benefits that it had in the summer before it was exposed to cold exposure.

So, how to store dill for the winter, there are two ways: store it whole or in chopped form. Each of the options is convenient and should be considered in more detail.

In order to freeze the whole plant, you need to do the following:

  1. Place dried and washed stems in whole twigs in the freezer for two hours.
  2. Remove the twigs, place in small portions in perforated polyethylene bags. You can use cling film - as it is more convenient for anyone.
  3. Place the bags in the freezer.

Done! In winter, you can take out dill and start cooking your favorite dishes with it! Before that, it is not even necessary to defrost it. Whole twigs can be added to the soup for a rich flavor. But you can prepare portioned bags with chopped herbs for winter, which will remain to be sent to any dish. For this you need:

  1. Grind the washed and dried plants, the pieces should be small - by a centimeter, no more.
  2. Fold in portions into bags or containers with an airtight lid. It can be laid in a thick layer.
  3. Arrange the pieces in the freezer.

It is very convenient to use such semi-finished products in winter. And how fragrant the salads turn out! No one would guess that they contain dill, harvested since the hot summer. By the way, many people do not store the plant in bags and containers, but in plastic bottles.

Making ice cubes

They often resort to a more interesting method of storing greens, or rather, in the form of ice cubes. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare the stems in the usual way, chop finely enough with a sharp knife.
  2. Place the greens in small portions into ice cube trays and fill the remaining space with water.
  3. Place the molds in the freezer.

The finished product can be taken out of the freezer as needed and added as a fragrant seasoning when preparing first courses. It is worth noting that the semi-finished product should not be subjected to repeated defrosting and freezing - this will ruin the taste of the preparation.

Salting method for the winter

This option is also in demand among housewives. In this form, dill can really be stored for a very long time, if necessary, delighting you with its taste. The salting process is very simple:

This method of harvesting allows you to save the plant without losing quality and taste until next spring. Salted dill is perfect as a soup dressing or aromatic seasoning for potatoes and various cereals. But it is worth remembering that the dill seasoning turns out to be very salty; when preparing a dish, you need to be careful not to oversalt it.

How to properly dry greens

Drying is a proven recipe that allows you to preserve the plant for a long time, without any special effort. This method of preparation allows one of the longest storage times of the product. At home, several design options are available for housewives. Dried herbs are convenient to use when preparing both first and second courses.

You can dry it naturally. To do this, it is dried with whole stems.... It looks like this:

According to this method, the branches of a flowering plant are also dried directly with umbrellas, in winter they are added to dishes as a seasoning. Together with umbrellas, the plant is suitable for the preparation of any preservation of vegetables.

But dry chopped dill can be called a classic of the genre.... It is also prepared very simply:

  1. Cut off any thick stems from the fresh plant. Chop the remaining fresh twigs.
  2. Sprinkle the herbs on the table and cover the top with a towel.
  3. After two hours, spread the product on the paper in a fairly thin layer. It is best to do this in a dry place.
  4. Remember to turn the greens over from time to time to dry them completely.

When dry, it remains to put the plant in a storage container and store it on the kitchen shelf. Drying is one of the best ways to preserve the characteristic flavor of a given greenery.

You can dry the product in the oven. This way you will also provide yourself with vitamins in the winter. Everything is simple here: chop the prepared stems and pour a thin layer onto a baking sheet. Put it in an oven preheated to 50 degrees, leaving the door ajar. Stir regularly or it may burn. Then cool the workpiece and place it in convenient storage containers.

Dried dill storage rules

So that your own seasoning does not deteriorate over time and does not lose its flavor, you need to store it correctly. These rules apply not only to dill, but also to other garden greens, dried for the winter. You need to adhere to the following rules:

It's so easy to preserve fragrant greens for a whole year. All suggested methods are fast and convenient. You can use each of them to decide which one you like best. In any case, if you follow the instructions carefully, the fragrant stems will delight you with their aroma both in autumn and winter. And in the spring, you can again resort to preparing dill for the winter.

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