What grape varieties produce red wine. The main grape varieties used in winemaking

12.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Very often, grapes are called divine berries or vitamins in clusters. One cannot disagree with this. About the healing properties of a perennial plant spoke another five thousand years BC. The composition of fruits, seeds, leaves of grapes contains more than 150 types of biologically active substances.

The healing power of the berry is scientifically proven: in modern medicine there is a direction - ampelotherapy, meaning grapevine. Among the variety of plant varieties, red grapes are considered the most useful. What are the benefits and harm to the body of this delicious berry, try to understand this publication.

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Scientists have developed more than 200 varieties of perennial plants. Depending on the purpose of use, varietal accessories distinguish several varieties of red grapes:

  • technical, processed for the preparation of red wine;
  • dining room used as food;
  • pitted raisins used to make raisins.

Among the varieties of red berries grown by winemakers to make a drink, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah (Shiraz), Tempranillo, Nebiollo, Pinotage, Malbec, Zinfandel, Carmener and others are popular. Wine from the specified grape differs in color saturation, sugar, alcohol, tannins, acidity, astringency. The quality of the finished wine is directly related to the area where the plant grew, depends on the experience of the winemaker, storage conditions, time of ripening of the vine.

The healing properties of red grapes have long been known.

We will consider the types of table varieties of red grapes based on the time of its ripening - early ripe, mid-ripening and late ripe species:

  1. Early grades - Delight, Kokur. The first has pink-red oval / ovoid, thin-skinned fruits that grow in large clusters. The sucrose content does not exceed 23%. Kokur is a variety with rich productivity. The brushes are small, and the color of the berries is close to purple.
  2. Mid-season grades - Frankenthal, Ichkimar. The most common is the first variety, growing mainly in the southern part of Crimea. The fruits are large brushes with red fruits in the form of a cone. The last variety of grapes - Ichkimar - has tall bushes with large brushes, dense and sweet flesh.
  3. Late varieties. The most popular is the Anniversary of Moldova. During ripening, it has an increased resistance to diseases and pests. Bunches of medium size resemble a cylinder in shape, large bright red berries. The pulp of the plant is very juicy, with a nutmeg aroma.

What is useful?

According to many medical experts, red grapes are most useful for the human body. Regular consumption of a moderate amount of red berries (no more than 200 g) contributes to:

  • preventing premature cell aging;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • maintaining the health of the circulatory and cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • elimination of chronic constipation;
  • improving brain function and strengthening memory, thereby preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • slowing down the proliferation of tumor cells;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the function of the liver, gall bladder and choleretic system of the body;
  • decrease in acidity of the stomach;
  • weakening the side effects caused by chemotherapy;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood pressure and restoring heart rate;
  • improving the psychoemotional state of a person.

In addition, red grapes are considered an excellent means of preventing colds.

The plant contributes to the improvement of memory properties, so the benefits of red grapes for the body of the elderly and children are especially tangible.

Experts advise students to eat red berries in the sessional period. However, it is better to start using grapes in advance (for 2 - 3 months) in order to feel the maximum benefit.

Useful properties of seeds

Most people prefer seedless grapes. As a rule, this is due to the fact that they do not know how red grapes with seeds are useful.

In fact, they also have healing properties. They are often used to prepare various salads or as one of the main ingredients in the preparation of homemade mayonnaise.

No harm from eating seeds is observed, so the berries are allowed for use with them.

Grape seed extract is a popular dietary supplement sold in the pharmacy chain.  Bioadditive has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, as it strengthens the retina, restores age-related disorders and eliminates eye strain. Thanks to the constant use of dietary supplements based on grape seeds, the quality of attention improves and the reserves of minerals necessary for the body are replenished.

Since grape seeds contain a large number of antioxidants that have a rejuvenating effect, seed extract is part of the cosmetics for the face and body.


Contrary to the proven benefits of red grapes, not everyone can include it in their diet. Tasty berries in limited quantities should be consumed by people with high blood sugar and overweight.

In order not to harm the body and maintain health, it is enough to eat no more than 15 delicious grape fruits per day.

After eating berries, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with water, since the fruits contain a large amount of acids that have the ability to corrode tooth enamel.

Could there be harm to the body?

Red grapes, whose benefits are undeniable, can also harm the body. This happens mainly with unlimited consumption of delicious berries. The following people should not eat large amounts of red grapes:

  • suffering from high acidity and having diseases of the stomach;
  • having high blood sugar (diabetes mellitus);
  • in diagnosing intestinal upset.

Excessive consumption of red grapes can aggravate the course of existing pathological processes.

Useful video

The video will tell you how to prepare a delicious dessert of red grapes:


  1. Red grapes, useful properties, contraindications and harm of which are described in the article, must be present in the human diet.
  2. Its moderate use allows you to maintain the health of vital organs and systems, will favorably affect the general well-being of a person.
  3. Tasty and healing berries can be consumed both raw and in a variety of dishes.

Connoisseurs of this noble drink know that the taste, color and aromatic bouquet of wine depends on the grape variety.

Visiting a wine tasting, you can fully experience the variety of tastes and benefits of red or white grape varieties.

In this article we will try to consider the most popular wine varieties of this culture, so that your winemaking will bring the expected result.

"Chardonnay" - the main variety for the preparation of sparkling wines

Who is unfamiliar with this white grape variety? Its beautiful sonorous name Chardonnav takes its roots from Burgundy and Champagne. And immediately I recall the film "D, Artanyan and the Three Musketeers." Chardonnay wines are rich in secondary and tertiary aromas, which are already evident in the process of preparation of the drink.

Depending on the technology of preparation, they can be either light, with the aroma of white fruits, notes of citrus and flowers, or saturated, sugary, with the taste of honey or sweet pastries.

Experienced winemakers claim that this grape is just perfect in all respects for making wine, since it berries are distinguished by their resistance to various influences. It is impossible to make a bad drink from this variety.

Planting of grape seedlings should begin either in spring or in autumn. The main condition in the spring should be good warming up of the earth and steadily warm air temperature, and in the fall - early frosts, so that the planted bush has time to adapt well to external factors.

In terms of ripening Chardonnay can be attributed to the early varieties, only 130 - 150 days, provided CAT 2800 C - 3200 C.

The vine ripens by mid-September. Therefore, for planting it is better to choose regions with a short growing season and low rainfall in the autumn, otherwise the vine will be damaged by returning spring frosts.

To delay ripening, in other regions, cut the vine after swelling of the kidneys, which causes some stress in the bush and slows down the process of cluster ripening by 14 days.

Chardonnay belongs to the middle-yielding grape varieties. The average weight of a berry is about 3g, and the average weight of a bunch is about 180g. The number of fruitful shoots per bush is about 52%.

Chardonnay wines are rich in aromas and tastes. Depending on the method of preparation, you will find notes of honey, vanilla, white flowers, marzipan, pear, mango, pineapple and even honeysuckle. Given the long exposure, the shades of hazelnut and dried fruit appear in the wine.

When preparing wine in oak barrels - notes of butter are felt in taste, due to the conversion of malic acid into butyric acid, and fried toast. Oak barrels are a priority for the preparation of this type of wine.

The taste of the drink depends on the place of growth of the oak, its age and grade, as well as the level of its roasting. To further improve the taste of wine, oak chips are added to the fermentation must.

The prepared wines are ready to drink immediately, but it is better to let them stand for at least 5 years, but not more than 30.

The wine aged in the glass is complemented by the aroma of cream, hazelnuts and oriental spices.

Since this variety needs a good fertile soil composition, it is necessary to allocate more places than usual for each bush so that the vine should be open for access to sunlight from all sides and not be obscured by nearby planted bushes or trees.

Clay, limestone or chalk soils are preferred to select a landing site. When planted in excessively hot regions, wines from Chardonnay are inexpressive and flat, and when the berries ripen in cold weather, the drink is characterized by high acidity.

Chardonnay frost resistance is average. The grapevines can withstand temperatures up to -20 С. Therefore, in the northern areas of growth, this grape should be covered for the winter, and in the southern - it wintes well enough without insulation.

This variety is quite adaptable to any conditions, but a little demanding on the mineral composition of the soil. If it is poor in nutrients, then this will not affect the quality of grapes in the best way.

Unfortunately, Chardonnay is extremely susceptible to infection with mildew, gray rot, leafworm and oidium, which provides for the constant protection of the vine. It is also susceptible to damage by ticks. The shoots of a planted bush ripen well. The formation of the vines is preferably done in a standard manner, with a large supply of perennial shoots. Pruning is carried out on 4 kidneys.

Grape variety "Bianca" ("Bianco")

The white grape variety comes from Hungary. The ratio of sugar and acid in juice is good enough for a technical grade - 28-7%. This makes the Bianca variety high-quality for the preparation of any white wines, from semisweet dessert wines to dry wines with a high alcohol content.

In addition, Bianca is used to make brandy alcohol and grape vodka.

In the south of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, it is already possible to start planting Bianca from the end of March. The main condition is that the soil is warmed up to +8 C, and the average daily air temperature is up to +10 C. In the middle lane, the best time for planting will be mid-April - the first half of May.

When planting in autumn, you should also consider the climate in the region. The best option will be October, when the vine has already thrown off the foliage, the soil is not very moist and the first frosts are still far away.

By maturity, Bianca is early grade. In the Kuban, you can harvest in August.

Variety Bianca has a fairly high fruitfulness and productivity. With a single-stemmed small cup-shaped form of the bush, the fertility is highest and makes up 83% of fruitful shoots. With an increase in the distance between the bushes, productivity decreases by 2 times.

PulpBianchi is very sweet and juicy. The taste characteristics of the wine are harmonious and full, differ depending on the place of growth and can have notes from floral, exotic to honey with a creamy tint.

When planting bushes, Bianchi can be placed quite tightly. The distance between the seedlings is 0.5-0.7 m, and between the rows 1.5-2 m. In this case, it is better to plant cuttings with the removal of a small bowl. Such an intensive plantation will bear fruit well for 10-12 years.

Features of care. Bianca good frost resistant variety. The vine is able to withstand up to - 27 C, which greatly simplifies the care of grapes in the autumn-winter period. The eye load can be moderate (about 3 eyes during pruning). This variety is quite resistant to most fungal diseases, therefore, requires a little preventive treatment.

"Regent" - the best brand of vintage wines

Variety Regent comes from Germany, where it was bred in 1967. It is distinguished by black-violet color of berries and good juiciness. In Germany, fine wines are produced from this grape. The vine has a restrained growth force. Bunches weighing up to 300 g, cylindrical and medium in size.

There is no definite answer to the question when it is preferable to plant grapes. The advantage of planting in the spring is a long sunny period to strengthen the seedling, especially if it was infected with mold or rot.

Planting dates are stretched from mid-March to early summer, which depends on the climate in the region. During the autumn planting, the growing season is significantly lengthened, the problem of storing prepared seedlings until spring is also eliminated. But especially effective measures should be taken to shelter a young vine for the winter.

By maturity dates to medium-late varieties (about 135-140 days).

High yields. The number of fruitful shoots on the bush is up to 80%, and the number of clusters per shoot is 1.4.

The taste of Regent berries is harmonious with herbal notes. They make the highest class wine. The Germans put it on a level with the Pinot Noir variety. Due to the capacious amount of tannins in the drink, wines from Regent have a dense southern taste.

Pink - famous for the aroma of raspberries and summer fruits, and red - a rich dark color and density of the drink. Depending on the age of aging, the quality of this wine is only improving.

Distinctive features when planting grapes Regent no. But, nevertheless, it is worth considering the proximity of the location of groundwater on the site and, if necessary, lay good drainage at the bottom of the landing pit.

The best option in the southern areas is landing on the edge, or on a slope. Thus, the grapes will be lit evenly by the sun. If this is not possible, then it is better to grow a vine near the wall.

So the vine bushes will receive the missing heat from the heated stone. The formation of the bush is allowed any medium volume. The load on the vine can be medium to large.

This grape variety is extremely resistant to frost and can withstand winter temperatures up to -27 C, which does not require additional shelter in the fall.

Well resistant to mildew, gray rot, oidium, phylloxera. There are vineyards where the Regent is grown without any chemical treatments from pests and diseases, which makes it possible to produce an environmentally friendly product.

Pinot Noir is one of the oldest varieties

Its homeland, like Chardonnay, is Burgundy. The clusters are rather small, with a length of 7 to 12 cm, and a width of 5 to 8 cm, of a cylindrical or cylindrical shape.

Berries about 15 mm in diameter are dark blue with a bluish bloom. The skin is thin, but quite durable. The pulp is juicy, sweet and tender. The juice is colorless. The taste is delicate and harmonious..

A peculiarity of the Pinot Noir variety is the shape of its leaves - they are distinguished by rough wrinkling and wide open lateral cuts.

The planting dates of this variety are no different from all other varieties. Pinot Noir grapes can   plant like spring(March 15 - May 15) so in the fall  (end of September - beginning of November).

This grape variety is a late species. Its ripening period is about 5 and a half months at CAT 3000 C. The technical maturity of this grape occurs by the end of September.

Pinot Noir is extremely sensitive to landing conditions. If the vineyard grows in hot climates, then the bunch sings too quickly, preventing the bouquet from developing.

ProductivityPinot noir low- only about 55c / ha. But, under favorable conditions and care, it can reach 103c / ha. The number of fruitful shoots on the bush is from 60 to 90%. The number of grapes in the fruiting shoot is about 1.6, and in the developing - 0.9.

This grape variety produces wonderful white, pink or red wines - table and sparkling, with a light or rich, dense or fruity aroma. Even an experienced winemaker cannot guess in advance exactly what the taste of the drink will be, because this variety is extremely unpredictable.

In successful years, Pinot Noir wines are called elegant, with a delicate charm and aroma. They are one of the most expensive wines with excellent aging for true connoisseurs of taste.

When choosing a time, it is necessary to take into account the climate of the region and the quality of planting material. With late planting, after the end of the recommended deadlines, seedlings develop poorly and are stunted. Also, when planting in waterlogged soil, grapes can die.

Pinot noir negatively reacts to plain and low relieftherefore it is advisable to choose gentle slopes with moderate dry calcareous soils for laying the vineyard.

This grape variety has a low resistance to mildew and oidium, and higher resistance to gray rot and bunch leaf. When the roots are affected by phylloxera, the grape bush dies at 6-8 years after planting, therefore, this grape variety needs treatment from diseases and pests.

It is not resistant to frost (can withstand up to -20 C), but with severe spring frosts, damage to the main eyes is possible. In this case, shoots develop from replacing buds. This feature allows you to restore productivity the very next year. When pruning the vines leave 2-3 eyes.

"Saperavi" - an ancient variety native to sunny Georgia

Saperavi berries are medium and large in size, dark blue with a bluish waxy coating. The skin is thin and the flesh is quite juicy pink. Shoot ripening is good. Bushes are above average. The average weight of a bunch is about 150g. It has a conical, sometimes irregular, branched or loose shape.

Cooked wine rich dark color has a rough taste and unusual aromatherefore requires a long exposure.

Since the advantages of this variety are revealed precisely when planting in warm regions, in the spring it can be planted from the end of March, and in the fall it can be planted from September to November.

Belongs to late gradessince the growing season is 5 months. The period from the beginning of budding to full ripeness of berries under conditions of CAT 3000 C is about 150 days.

The productivity of Saperavi is 80-100ts / ha.

The juice initially contains an excess of acids, which are often stored during fermentation and aging, which gives a rude taste to young wine. With a long exposure from 5 to 30 years, the quality of the wine improves. It begins to manifest in it creamy taste, aromas of raspberries and dried fruits.

Saperavi is characterized by endurance and the ability to grow on different soils. But, he also does not tolerate drought and areas with swampy, saline or over-compacted soil. It does not tolerate a thickened landing.

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194 times already

Grapes throughout the history of mankind have been chanted countless times. In addition, in the Bible, the wine made from it is mentioned not only as a means to entertain the soul, but also as a cure for many diseases.

History and Description

Scientists consider grapes one of the first plants cultivated by humans in prehistoric times. In particular, written references have been preserved testifying to its cultivation in Egypt and Mesopotamia in 5-6 millennia BC. e.

Over time, this fruit has spread all over the world, and today plantations that cultivate various grape varieties can be found even in Australia and in South America. The shoots of this plant are called the vine, and its fruits grow in clusters, which consist of 5 dozen or even several hundred berries, depending on the variety. As for berries, they have different sizes and oval or spherical shape. If we talk about color, then it can vary from bright yellow and green to dark blue, purple, black and pink. Vine bushes bear fruit long enough, on average, up to 80-100 years. 30% of the berry content is glucose. In addition, the fruits contain organic acids, minerals, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2 and provitamin A. Juice is obtained from the grapes by squeezing, from which then after fermentation wine of various strengths is obtained. The main thing that characterizes grapes is the varieties, the description of which will be given below.


Today, grapes are usually divided by area of \u200b\u200buse as follows:

Table varieties

As already mentioned, viticulture has a history of many thousands of years, during which hundreds of varieties were created, including table grapes.

For their assessment, a special 10-point scale was developed. Moreover, unlike technical varieties, for dining rooms, not only taste is important, but also appearance, since they are often the decoration of banquet tables. Also, the ripening factor is important for assessing the quality of such grapes. In particular, early (very early and just early), early-middle, middle, medium-late and late varieties are distinguished. In quantitative terms, this parameter is expressed as the number of days that must elapse from the moment the buds appear until the berries fully ripen.

Early grape varieties

Among the specialists involved in the cultivation of this plant, to this day the Pearl of Szabo variety is considered the standard of early ripening. This Hungarian variety is more than 100 years old, and its fruits can be tasted already on the eightieth day after the buds have opened. Its distinctive features also include a pleasant musky taste and high fruitfulness. The only drawback is the small size of the berries, which makes the “Sabo Pearl” uncompetitive compared to other varieties ripening quite early. However, many gardeners are happy to plant it in their plots in order to be able to enjoy delicious berries in mid-summer.

In addition to Sabo Pearls, the definition of “early ripe grape varieties” includes Ekaro-35, ripening on the 88th day, Halahard - on the 89th day and Serafimovsky - on the 89th day. At the same time, it is known that gardeners continue to work on developing more mature grapes. In addition, the issue of obtaining frost-resistant options is relevant. Among the domestic varieties, one can also note the super early table variety Donskoy agate, which ripens well even in cloudy weather and has a large, conical, somewhat loose bunch consisting of large berries of almost black color, rounded in shape. Arkady belongs to the precocious. This is a table variety with medium-tall bushes, having a high yield. Its clusters are very large and dense, and the berries are white.

Medium varieties

In Russia and Ukraine, in order to harvest at least September in September, they were forced to grow grapes of species belonging to the category of early ripe. However, today, due to climatic changes observed on the planet, medium grape varieties have become popular that ripen within 130-145 days from the beginning of bud blooming at the sum of active temperatures of 2600-2800 ° C. In addition, medium-late varieties are known, which include for example, the French table grapes Alfons Lavalle and the quite popular American variety Isabella, whose berries are picked in clusters weighing 140 g of moderate density and almost cylindrical in shape.

The best grapes for growing in Russia

In addition, in Russian climatic conditions, good results can be achieved by growing the following varieties:

  • American grade Valiant. It is strong-growing and shows good resistance to low temperatures and has berries of dark blue and blue color. In this case, the sugar content in the fruits can reach 20 percent. In addition, Valiant is suitable for decorating garden plots, as it is an excellent choice for landscaping hedges and garden pavilions.
  • Augustine is a table variety that belongs to the category of early ripening options. This is a very unpretentious, reliable and high-yielding variety. Its clusters can be stored without tearing from the bushes for 20 days. The Augustin grape cluster is conical, large, medium density, consisting of large elongated white berries that have a harmonious taste and are slightly translucent in the sun. Suitable for decorating hedges and garden arbors.

Wine grape varieties

The most famous wine-growing regions of the world are the countries of the Mediterranean basin, Germany, Hungary and Chile. In the CIS, Georgian and Crimean wines are especially famous, and wine grapes are also used to produce the famous Armenian cognac. Wines are also produced in Moldova. In addition, grapes for making wine have been grown in Australia for more than 150 years, where it was brought from Europe.

Among the most valuable and well-known varieties are Aligote (Mahranuli), French Cabernet Sauvignon, also known as Lafite, Kokur white, bred in ancient times in Egypt, White Muscat, German Muller Thurgau, the famous Georgian Rkatsiteli, French Chardonnay, an Armenian 3000-year-old variety Mskhali and Hungarian Furmint are the main raw materials for the production of excellent Tokai wines, which Hungary is famous for. These best grape varieties come in many varieties. However, for the manufacture of excellent wines, which are very popular among true connoisseurs of this solar drink, they are used.

White grape varieties

Despite the prevailing opinion that white wines can be made only from berries of green or yellowish-green color, such drinks are also obtained from pink or red grapes. The fact is that, regardless of what color the skin of the fruits is, colorless juice is inside them. At the same time, white wines are usually sweeter and lighter than red ones and have a lower strength. The main feature of the production of such drinks is the organization of the fermentation of grape juice in the absence of peel berries.


Experts believe that the best grape varieties (white) are grown in France. In particular, the already mentioned Chardonnay variety is recognized as their queen. Chardonnay white wines are also produced today in California, Australia, Italy, Argentina, Germany, South Africa, Austria, Chile and New Zealand. In order to get the original oak flavor, they are kept in special large oak barrels. In this case, an expensive elite drink is obtained. As for mass production, they use simple oak barrels or add oak chips and even a special essence. Obviously, in such cases there can be no question of getting a really high-quality wine that will appeal to true connoisseurs.


Considering the grape varieties white, it is impossible not to mention the German Riesling. It is noted that the most delicious wines are obtained from berries grown in the Moselle River basin in Germany. In addition, there are excellent vineyards in the Alsace region of France, and this variety is also cultivated in Hungary, Austria, Argentina and the United States. If white wines from Chardonnay are known for their oak flavor, then drinks from Riesling are distinguished by the taste of pears and green apples and a floral-fruity aroma.


The history of the white Muscat grape variety dates back to the time when the pharaohs ruled Egypt. Some researchers even associate its creation with the name of Cleopatra, which is completely unreasonable, since it is proved that it existed several centuries before the era of the reign of this queen. Today, Muscat is cultivated all over the world, including South Africa and Australia. There are many different types of grapes, as well as wines made from them. In particular, they can be both light and dry, with a low level of alcohol, and sparkling, very sweet and strong.

As you can see, over many millennia of their history, people have been able to perfect grapes donated according to ancient Greek legend to mortal Olympic gods, and have learned to create excellent wines from it. By the way, it is believed that the culture of drinking wine can even judge the level of development of the country and people.

These varieties are used directly to create wine and juices. Despite the fact that their taste is average, there is something that makes the technical fruits in demand. These are two distinguishing features:

  • a small amount of pulp in the fruit,
  • high juice content in them and a small mass of berries.

How to make wine

The best raw materials for wine production are grapes.  It is inexpensive, and the final product is excellent. Most grape musts are sweet, but sugar is still used to make the drink.

White wine manufacturing technology

The production of the drink can be carried out from red, white and pink varieties. Berries should have a high sugar content and medium acidity.

The production process itself includes several stages:

  • good fruits are picked without damage and rot;
  • juice is squeezed out of them;
  • waiting time until the juice settles;
  • sulfur dioxide is introduced into the juice - 1 gram per 10 liters;
  • fermentation of the drink occurs;
  • at the end of fermentation, the wine is separated from the yeast;
  • liquid sedimentation and sediment removal are performed;

The technology of making rose wine

The production technology of the product is not simple. In this case, it is important not to allow the color of the drink to become saturated, and to prevent the oxidation of wine. As raw materials for the preparation, pink, red and white grapes are taken.

Red varieties can be:

  • with colored juice - Odessa Black (Odesskiy chernyy)Saperavi   (Saperavi);
  • with unpainted juice - Cabernet Sauvignon   (Cabernet Sauvignon)Mattress (Matrasa).

Among the features of production, it is worth highlighting that the extraction should be carried out extremely carefully, so that twigs and bones do not penetrate into the wort. After wringing in the wort, to ensure a pink tint, the skin of the fruit is left for 3-4 hours. Then it is removed and the technology of making white wine is repeated.

Red wine production technology

The drink is made from black and dark red varieties - Merlot (Merlot), Cabernet, Saperavi. Anthocyanins, the substances contained in the skin of the fruit, give color to the finished product.  The manufacturing process is characterized in that the seeds from the berries should not be removed during crushing.

A crushed mixture of grapes, their skin and seeds is called a pulp. Ferment is added to it, consisting of wine yeast in a ratio of 2% of the total mass. Then the resulting mixture is stirred and placed in a container for fermentation. The container itself is covered with a sheet of plywood.

Wine grapes (video)

In the process of making wine, the wort should be mixed periodically. Active fermentation should go within 3 days. If everything is done correctly, by the end of fermentation the wort will acquire a rich red color and grape aroma. If there is no such result, the pulp should be left to ferment for a few more days. Then it is separated from the wort, wine is squeezed and mixed with must. The resulting drink is bottled in a container and left for a couple of months to acquire a good taste.

Popular grape varieties for white wine

The aroma, taste and color of the wine directly depend on the variety and type of grape from which it is prepared. Not only the characteristics of the berries are important, but also what the care of the vine was like.

Grade name The main characteristics of the variety and the drink from it Berry quality
Furmint The Hungarian variety, from which quality dessert and table wines are made, drinks are obtained strong 16-degree, the color of the wine is golden The average sugar content of berries is about 20% per 100 ml, juice - 78%, acidity - 8.1 g / l
Sauvignon Used to create table wine, the percentage of alcohol in the drink is 13%, the aroma of the drink is similar to the flavor of gooseberries Juice content in fruits - 77%, fruit peel is dense, sugar content - 18% per 100 ml, acidity - from 6.4 g / l
Muscat It is used for the production of quality dessert wines, the smell is grape The grapes are round, medium in size, the flesh is tender, the sugar content is up to 30%
Riesling A capricious variety that ripens for a long time, Riesling wines can be stored for a long time, the aroma of the drink is orange, green apple, fried bread The berries are medium, round, white-greenish, the skin is thin, the flesh is sweet, the taste is harmonious
Pinot Blanc Used to create table wine, the taste of the drink has a touch of apple, wine is produced in Italy and France The berries are round, greenish, have a pleasant taste, the acid content in the fruits is low.
Chardonnay From the Chardonnay variety, wine is produced in America, Russia, and France. The taste of the drink is pleasant, with a touch of apple, pear, vanilla Fruits are small, roundish, greenish-yellow, few seeds
Valentina (Valentina) Used to create table wine, the taste of the drink is harmonious with a hint of sage, there is a scent of muscat Grapes are large, elongated, golden, tender flesh, few seeds

The best grape varieties for red wine

A variety of varieties are suitable for creating red wine. Their fruits vary in taste and some other characteristics.

Grade name

The main characteristics of the variety and the drink from it

Berry quality
Pinot noir Grown in Burgundy, France and Switzerland, the wine does not lend itself to blending, and the quality of berries depends on weather conditions, the aroma of the drink is floral or coffee High acidity, average tannin content, medium-sized berries, round, juicy pulp
  Cabernet Sauvignon It is one of the most popular in the world; the taste is tart, full, heavy wine, vanilla or fruity aroma Fruits are round, dark blue, medium in size, juicy pulp, seed content - from 1 to 3 pcs.
  Zinfandel Croatian, actively used in California for making wines, the aroma of a drink is floral or fruity The acidity and content of tannins in fruits is high, sugar content is 30%, ripening is uneven
Sangiovese Italian grape variety is used to create various wines, the aroma of the drink is sweet, vanilla, the taste has a bouquet of currants, plums, coffee The acidity is high, the content of tannins is average, the ripening of berries is later, the skin of the fruits is thin
  Syrah It is actively used for the preparation of red wines, grown in Chile, Argentina, France, wines from the Syrah variety are saturated, the currant, plum, black pepper aromas The tannin content in the fruits is high, the fruit yield is low, the ripening period is medium
Tempranillo The Spanish grape variety is grown in the Pyrenees, the taste profile of the drink obtained from the grape is neutral, the aroma is cherry, plum, tobacco Acidity varies, the average tannin content, the berries are small, the sugar content is low
Merlot A common grape variety to create red wine, grown in France, the drink turns dark purple, the aroma of the wine is fruity Ripen quickly, the content of tannins is high, the pulp is juicy, the skin is durable

Grapes to create brandy

Cognac is a strong alcoholic drink that is made on the basis of ethyl alcohol and grapes.  The technology for creating a drink is directly related to viticulture. To create cognac, various varieties of culture are used.

Name of grape variety Features of the variety and the drink from it Characteristics of berries
Aligote French, used as cognac material, the taste of brandy obtained from the Aligote variety, soft, color - with a straw tint Ripening early, the shape of the fruit is round, the color is greenish, the flesh is juicy
Uni Blanc The Italian variety used to create brandy, the drink is light and easy to taste. Medium, round, white, firm skin, fleshy flesh
Colombard French variety used to create Borderian cognac with a great aroma and normal acidity White, round, medium size, dense skin, juicy pulp
Folle Blanche The first grape variety used to create cognac, the drink is soft and aromatic, the variety is used to create drinks by such well-known houses as Tesseron and Leopold Gourmel Medium, rounded, greenish, waxy coating present
Semillon A white variety actively used to create cognac as a blend. The skin is thin, the flesh is melting, the shape is round, the sizes are medium, the color is golden

Grapes - the main raw material component involved in the creation of wines and cognacs.  But to get the finished product, and choose the right kind of culture. This is the only way to create a delicious and high-quality alcoholic drink with your own hands.

How to make homemade wine (video)

Red grapes  It has been known for a long time, but it is much inferior in popularity to black and white varieties.

Beneficial features

The composition of red grapes includes a large number of nutrients and vitamins. For example, due to the content of vitamins of group B berries positively affect the functioning of the nervous system. There is vitamin PP in red grapes, which is anti-allergenic. Due to the content of ascorbic acid, with regular consumption of these berries, increased immunity and protective functions of the body, which is very important especially during the period of active spread of viruses and infections. Red grapes also have vitamin A, which is necessary for vision.

It is also worth noting that these berries have a fairly low calorie content, which allows them to eat during weight loss and to people who monitor their figure. It is proved that with regular consumption of red grapes, the level of hemoglobin increases, which in turn has a positive effect on the state of health in general. Berries have antibacterial and antioxidant properties.  Red grapes still have anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

By lowering blood viscosity and blood cholesterol berries reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Red grapes have the ability to block the effects of inflammation, which helps prevent the occurrence of diseases of the respiratory and immune systems. Some experimental data showed that in red grapes there are compounds that are excellent cancer prevention. The composition of red grapes contains dietary fiber, which favorably affects the work of the digestive tract and helps prevent constipation.

Cooking use

Red grapes are used for the preparation of various drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, for example, wine, compote, juice, etc. Raisins are also made from berries. By the way, wine prepared on the basis of red grapes has a rich taste and delicate aroma. In addition, red grapes are used in the recipe of various desserts, for example, in jelly, pastries, etc.

Red grape benefits and treatment

The benefits of red grapes have been known for a long time and it has scientific evidence. So experimentally it was proved that such berries have a positive effect on the digestive system. It is recommended to include red grapes in their diet for people during the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, liver and joints.

It is noted that with regular consumption of these berries, the body will be better able to tolerate and recover from stressful situations and loads. In addition, red grapes help withstand the effects of stress and nervous disorders. Berries are useful for digestion, as they can reduce the acidity of the stomach and improve gastritis and ulcer conditions.

Red grape harm and contraindications

Red grapes can cause harm to people with individual intolerance to the product.   Contraindications to the use of berries are in people with diabetes.