How to freeze zucchini for a long time? Ideal for freezing are considered .... Freeze zucchini for the winter in various ways

14.09.2019 Grill menu

Freezing is an effective way of harvesting vegetables and fruits for the winter, thanks to which you can save the maximum amount of useful vitamins and minerals in foods. Zucchini is an indispensable vegetable in the kitchen of many housewives, many tasty soups, side dishes, and preparations for the winter are prepared from it and even make different pastries.

Having a neutral taste, zucchini goes well with various vegetables, meat and even fish. Let's talk about how you can freeze zucchini for the winter at home so that they do not lose their useful qualities. We offer excellent and proven methods of harvesting vegetables.

Which zucchini is more suitable for freezing

To preserve useful vitamins and minerals in vegetables, it is better to choose exclusively young and fresh zucchini. In this case, it must be ensured that the skin of the fruit does not have rot and damage.

If you plan to freeze zucchini for a small child, in no case use ripe or, on the contrary, unripe vegetables, with the slightest damage and traces of rot. Vegetables with very hard peels are also not suitable for harvesting for the winter, because the flesh in them is too hard and after defrosting it will be tasteless.

Before performing the freezing procedure, each prepared vegetable should be carefully examined for damage, dark spots and rot.

Before chopping vegetables:

  1. Cut off the place of attachment of the flower and the stalk.
  2. Wash in running water.
  3. It is dried so that the fruit does not have excess moisture.
  4. If overripe fruits are used for freezing, large seeds with adjacent pulp are removed.
  5. If the peel on the zucchini is too stiff, it must be cut off.

After that, you need to bring the zucchini to the state in which you plan to freeze them: cut into thin rings, cubes or cubes, prepare mashed potatoes from the fruits or fry in a pan.

       And what kind of vegetables do you freeze for the winter?

Freezing methods

And now let's talk about how zucchini is frozen for the winter at home and what methods exist.

Freezing rings

This method allows you to cook fried zucchini in the winter. If the fruits were frozen according to all the rules, the fried vegetables will turn out to be as tasty as in the summer.

Defrosting zucchini circles is not necessary before the frying process.

The process of preparing circles:

  1. We cut the washed fruits in the form of thin circles, then blanch, placing in boiling water for 5 minutes. We discard all the contents on a sieve so that the glass is all liquid.
  2. We put the dry slices of zucchini in the prepared bag and place them in the freezer for several hours. Frozen vegetables can be transferred for further storage in the refrigerator.
  3. You can also harvest vegetables without the blanching process. To do this, sprinkle the chopped fruit with a small amount of salt and put it on a wooden board. We wipe off all the moisture released during the process with napkins or a towel and place in the freezer.

Dice vegetables

Any frozen vegetables can be purchased in the winter at the store. But whether this product is of high quality or not is already a question. Therefore, freezing zucchini for the winter at home can be done in the form of chopped cubes.

After cutting vegetables of the desired shape, you can immediately put them in a suitable container and place them in a freezer for further storage.

But this method is not suitable for many housewives, as thawing zucchini in the winter, they notice that the vegetables become rubber. It turns out that in the process of harvesting, it is necessary to remove excess moisture from the fruits, we will consider how to do this correctly.

  1. Cut zucchini, spread in a deep bowl and sprinkle with salt. After about 30 minutes, liquid will start to be released on the cut pieces. We dab it with paper towels, put it in a bag and place it in the freezer.
  2. There is another way to prepare cubes, but it takes more time. Blanched vegetables are blanched in boiling water for three minutes and placed in storage in ice water. After drying the vegetables on paper towels, put them in a bag and place them in the freezer.

Attention! If the cut cubes of zucchini were poorly dried out from excess moisture, then in the process of freezing they simply stick together in a single lump.

The process of freezing grated vegetables

This is another great proven way to harvest fruits. It is not necessary to harvest zucchini in its entirety. Grated vegetables can also be frozen. This method is ideal for cooking vegetables or fritters.

  1. We rinse the fruits in running water and remove too hard and coarse peels if we use overripe fruits for harvesting. If the seeds in the pulp are too large, they must also be removed.
  2. Grind the peeled vegetables on a grater with medium holes.
  3. From the resulting pulp squeeze the juice with your hands.
  4. We spread the resulting pulp into packages and place in the freezer.

Harvesting mashed potatoes for the winter

Consider another no less popular way to freeze zucchini for the winter at home. Vegetables harvested in this way can be used for cooking.

  1. We wash the vegetables in running water, remove the thick skin and chop in the form of cubes.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and place the chopped vegetables there and continue to cook until half cooked.
  3. Throw the cut fruit into a colander.
  4. After the excess fluid drains, grind the zucchini to the state of gruel with a blender.
  5. We pack one serving of the finished mashed potatoes in small plastic containers, cover with lids and put in the freezer. It is advisable to defrost the finished vegetable puree exclusively at room temperature.

We tried to detail all the recipes with photos and methods of freezing zucchini. Using all the possibilities of the freezer, you can cook the most delicious and healthy dishes from zucchini not only in the summer season, but also in winter.

Which allows you to keep their nutrients to the maximum throughout the entire period of vitamin deficiency. In addition, resorting to it, it is possible to save space in the pantry, putting less conservation there. You will also save time, effort and money, because this process is fast and very simple, and in summer they cost much less than in winter.

In the article we will tell you in detail whether it is possible to freeze zucchini for the winter, and how to do it in an ordinary freezer.

Are the beneficial properties preserved during freezing?

In terms of vitamins and minerals, it does not particularly stand out among other vegetables.

  It contains:

  • vitamins - A, B, C, H, PP;
  • minerals - potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium.
   This is a low-calorie product - it only 24 kcal per 100 g. However, this is one of the vegetables that are advised to introduce as a first meal for small children, since the substances that make up its composition do not cause allergies and are easily absorbed by the still imperfect infant digestive system.

With this method, like freezing, the zucchini that has just been torn from the garden leaves retains its useful qualities to the maximum - up to 80%. The main thing is to choose the right instances for freezing and adhere to recommendations for proper freezing.

   Modern freezers with a deep freezing system allow you to save almost the entire vitamin-mineral complex and vitamin C (it is by its content that the quality of preservation is determined), as well as the smell and appearance of the products. For six months in a frozen state, zucchini can lose up to 10-15% of ascorbic acid. Losses are about the same as the product loses when stored at room temperature per day.

Important! The less time elapses from the process of picking a vegetable to freezing it, the more valuable substances will be saved in it during freezing.

Selection and preparation of zucchini

The best choice for freezing is young with a thin and light skin. They should be small - 12-20 cm in length and weighing 100-200 grams.

Before the procedure, vegetables should be inspected for signs of damage, stains, spoilage, signs of lethargy.

Freshly picked vegetables need to remove the stalks. Then they must be washed and dried well. If they are purchased, it is advisable to soak them for an hour in water. For drying, a paper or cotton towel is suitable. If time permits, then drying should take from 30 to 60 minutes.

If the zucchini is not too young, it is advisable to clean them and remove the seeds.

Next, you need to bring the vegetables to the state in which you plan to freeze them: cut into cubes, bars or rings, fry, prepare mashed potatoes, etc.

Freezing methods

There are several ways to freeze zucchini. We will look at four:

  • cut into rings or cubes;
  • fried;
  • grated;
  • in the form of mashed potatoes.
   Methods of freezing should be chosen depending on what application you then want to find frozen vegetables.

Did you know? It was found that people who regularly use zucchini are less prone to gray hair.

Rings or cubes

Now, a little more detail on how to freeze zucchini fresh for the winter.
The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Washed, dried and cut into cubes (1.5-2 cm) or rings (1-1.5 cm thick), the vegetables are dried with a paper towel. The less moisture - the better the quality of freezing.
  2. Cubes or rings are laid out in a single layer on a cutting board, plate or other surface, covered with cling film and sent overnight to the freezer. It is important that the cut pieces do not touch each other.
  3. In the morning, already frozen zucchini is removed from the freezer and placed in storage in plastic bags, or special bags for freezing with fasteners.
  When you freeze in this way, you can skip the second point, and immediately place the cubes or rings in one layer in packages. Also, before placing in the freezer, zucchini can be slightly salted.

  There is another way in which the blanching step is added:

  1. After slicing the vegetables, they are blanched: first, they are placed in salted boiling water for three to four minutes, and then they are cooled and allowed to drain water.
  2. After blanching, the vegetables are packaged in bags and sent to the freezer.

  Blanching of the product leads to the fact that its upper part is slightly softened. With rapid freezing, it turns into a thin crust, which reliably retains all the flesh and juice. In addition, it stops the fermentation processes that affect the structure, aroma and color of vegetables.

Important!   It is convenient to carry out blanching by pouring vegetables into a sieve and placing it first in boiled water, and then in a bowl with ice. So you can immediately remove them from boiling water and cool. It is important that the vegetables do not touch the ice.

If we talk about proportions, then for one kilogram of vegetables you will need to take three to four liters of boiling water.


Before freezing zucchini, you can fry:

  1. Washed and dried zucchini cut into rings.
  2. Fried in vegetable oil, pre-roll in flour.
  3. They put it in a sieve or on a paper towel so that excess fat is gone.
  4. Bring to room temperature.
  5. Packed in containers or packages, evenly distributing them and releasing air.
  6. Sent to the freezer.


It is not necessary to store zucchini in a more or less whole form.   Sometimes it is more convenient to deal with a pasty product:

  1. Zucchini wash, dry and peel. At will, clean the seeds.
  2. Rub on a medium grater.
  3. Squeeze the juice.
  4. The pulp is laid out in sachets and placed in a freezer.

Mashed potatoes

There is a great way to freeze zucchini for the winter at home for a child - make mashed potatoes.

  1. Zucchini wash, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. They are placed in boiling water and boiled until they become practically ready.
  3. The cubes are removed from the water and allowed to drain.
  4. When the vegetables have cooled, they need to be placed in a blender and chopped.
  5. Then mashed potatoes are Packed in small plastic containers (one serving), cover them with lids or foil and put in the freezer.
  To freeze quality, use a few tips:
  • It is advisable to place vegetables intended for one dish in freezing bags so that the product is not subjected to repeated freezing. Repeated freezing is strictly prohibited.
  • When freezing vegetables in bags, you must completely remove the air before placing them in the freezer. A straw for a cocktail will help in this, which is inserted into a small hole where the bag closes or is tied.
  • In the freezer, vegetables must be kept in a separate compartment from meat and fish.
  • In packages you can freeze a mix of vegetables and. For example, if zucchini is intended for soup, then pre-frozen and other ingredients can be added to them in a bag. You can also add boiled salted rice. For fritters mix frozen zucchini and

There are several reasons to freeze vegetables, but basically they come down to the fact that it is very economical. In the fall, garden products are very cheap and affordable, especially since many of our compatriots themselves grow crops in these and household plots. Buying vitamin fruits in the winter is unprofitable, and not everyone will decide to give money for squash or pumpkin, and new ways are coming up with how to freeze zucchini for the winter.

By the way, descriptions of the preparation of zucchini and how to freeze them can be applied to zucchini and squash, because all these cultures belong to hard-boiled pumpkins.

In this review, we will focus exclusively on freezing zucchini, although there are many other ways to preserve them:

  • fresh whole fruits in a suitable room;
  • in the form of canned food: pickles, “overseas” caviar and other preparations;
  • in the form of mouth-watering and aromatic jam.

Advice! Cook zucchini jam with lemon, orange and dried apricots, there will be no limit to the surprise of your guests!

Preparing fruits for freezing

Freezing zucchini for the winter begins with their proper preparation. Of course, every experienced hostess knows all these nuances, but nevertheless we will remind them once again to consolidate skills. So, it is desirable to comply with such requirements:

  1. For freezing, use only freshly picked fruits so that they do not lose part of their moisture and nutrients.
  2. Wash the squash thoroughly, cut off the damaged parts from them.
  3. Large zucchini need to be cleaned of a thick crust, young ones are fashionable to cut whole.
  4. For old zucchini, first remove the inner pulp with seeds.
  5. Sliced \u200b\u200bslices or slices of zucchini, preferably dried with paper towels.

Attention! Zucchini has a delicate crust, so it is not necessary to clean them.

In addition to preparing the fruit, you also need to prepare the appropriate container. It uses the principle: the less air, the better. Therefore, vacuum containers are ideal dishes.

In the case of using plastic bags, you should try to expel air from them as carefully as possible.

Dice freeze

Before freezing, zucchini is cut into pieces of the optimal size from the point of view of the hostess.

Simple freeze

Simple freezing is called that it does not require any special cunning actions, however, not everyone likes this method in view of the fact that the pieces are too watery. It is done like this:

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini is blotted with towels to prevent excess moisture.
  2. Pieces are placed in a plastic bag, which is tied so that as much air as possible comes out of it.
  3. The packages are flattened and placed in the freezer.

Freezing with salt in two steps

With this method, slices of zucchini do not stick together, and after defrosting they retain their shape. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the process.

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bslices need to be sprinkled with salt and aged for 15-20 minutes.
  2. At the same time, a lot of juice is allocated, so it needs to be drained, and dry the pieces with a towel.
  3. Put the pieces in one layer on a dish or baking sheet and send for preliminary freezing.
  4. When the slices freeze slightly, transfer them to prepared bags and pack and further freeze.

With preliminary blanching

Freezing zucchini with preliminary blanching also gives the effect of removing excess fluid, which positively affects the appearance and taste of the final product.

  1. Boil water in a large pot.
  2. In a colander or metal sieve, put the sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini and put in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Immediately cool the pieces under the stream, or lowering them into another pan with previously poured cold water.
  4. Dry with paper towels.
  5. We pack and put it in the freezer.

Comment! In this method, you can also use double freezing, as in the previous recipe.

Circle freeze

This method is suitable for someone who loves zucchini fritters. Small zucchini are suitable for this recipe, in which the seed chamber has not formed. The approximate diameter of such fruits is 5-6 centimeters.

  1. Cut zucchini into pieces of the desired thickness, 0.5-1 centimeter.
  2. Apply blanching or simple drying with towels.
  3. Use double freeze.
  4. Pack in plastic bags.

Advice! Regardless of the method of freezing, pack up so that the packaging is enough for cooking at once.

Freezing straws

This freezing method is suitable for those who like to add grated zucchini to dishes when cooking.

  1. Rub the zucchini on a coarse grater.
  2. Carefully squeeze the juice from the zucchini.
  3. We lay out and pack in packages.

Mixture freeze

For quick preparation of vegetable stew or appetizing salad, you can freeze zucchini along with other vegetables or herbs. Together with zucchini you can freeze:

  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • carrots;
  • parsley;
  • parsnip;
  • celery.

To prepare the mix you need, you need to cut the zucchini and other vegetables in the way you want, mix, put in bags and send in the freezer. After defrosting, you will have a great mix for quickly cooking a vegetable patty or stew.

Fried zucchini

Is it possible to freeze zucchini for the winter after heat treatment? It turns out that cooked vegetables can also be stored in a freezer. Why do this, you ask, maybe to speed up cooking in the winter, if in the summer there is a lot of time. Be that as it may, we act like this:

  1. Cut zucchini into slices, salt, pepper, roll in flour or breadcrumbs.
  2. Fry the circles on both sides and cool.
  3. We pack it and put it in the freezer.

Advice from the author! Combine mayonnaise with grated cheese and chopped garlic. After frying, put this mixture on the zucchini circles and send to the preheated oven for 5-10 minutes. After you try the finished zucchini, you do not want to freeze them!

Freezing zucchini puree

For baby food or other needs, you can make mashed potatoes from zucchini with its subsequent freezing.

By the way! in this case, you can also mix zucchini with other vegetables.

We act in this order:

  1. Cut the zucchini into pieces and cook in boiling water until half cooked.
  2. We discard the pieces on a sieve and let the water drain.
  3. Grind boiled products in mashed potatoes with a blender or in a mixer.
  4. We spread the mixture into portioned packets and freeze.

Food storage

In principle, zucchini can lie in permafrost forever, but still it is better to use them during the winter until a new crop. The storage rule here is that it is possible to defrost a product only once.


There are several ways to use frozen zucchini. Ready-to-eat vegetables: mashed or fried it is enough to send in the microwave or in a frying pan right in the freeze.

For freshly frozen vegetables, they do otherwise. Of course, you can defrost cooked zucchini at room temperature, but it is advisable to place a bag with freezing on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

After defrosting, you need to drain excess moisture from the bags and only then use zucchini for cooking.

In this interesting video, the hostess talks not only about how to freeze zucchini for the winter, but also how to use prepared raw materials in the winter.

Many housewives and summer residents are very concerned about the question: Is it possible to freeze zucchini for the winter in the freezer? We hasten to please you - of course you can, and even need to. And the volume of the workpiece is limited by the capacity of the freezer of the refrigerator.

When living in a region where frosts come early and last all winter without thaws with a plus temperature, processed zucchini can be stored in an unheated annex (on the balcony) - if there is a supply of vegetables that have been whole since autumn.

Basic Rules

Vegetables with such characteristics are ideal for freezing zucchini for the winter:

  • unripe fruits (desirable);
  • without signs of rot, maximum with small, barely begun signs of spoilage on the peel.

Before chopping zucchini:

  • wash, free from the stalk, the place of attachment of the flower;
  • dry thoroughly;
  • cleaned from seeds and adjacent pulp, if the fruits are overripe;
  • in large fruits, the upper layer of the peel is cut off if it is dense, stiff.

Preparation process

The algorithm for preparing zucchini to freeze:

  1. Thoroughly rinse a batch of vegetables to be frozen.
  2. Dry wipe each fruit.
  3. Peel large fruits from peel, seeds and chaff adjacent to them.
  4. To grind.
  5. Blanch (optional).
  6. Cook in advance: fry in slices until cooked, cook sautéed, caviar - if desired.
  7. Squeeze out the mass if crushed with a grater or blanched.
  8. Dry slightly, spreading in a thin layer on a table, baking sheet, large flat plate, a mass of cubes, whetstones, circles.
  9. Collect in a bag (vacuum, ordinary), put on a cutting board, the size of which is less than the width and depth parameters of the freezer.
  10. Put the packaged product in the chamber.

Slicing options

The shape of individual fragments is determined by focusing on a dish in which zucchini frozen for the winter will be used. So, the types of slicing:

  • rings (thickness 0, 7–10 mm) - for frying, use in complex sandwiches, pizza;
  • cubes / cubes - for cooking stews, squash appetizer caviar;
  • grinding with a grater - for fritters, caviar, cooking cream soup, baby puree.

Question blanching

After you have more or less sorted out the question of how to freeze zucchini for the winter, another no less important point pops up - blanching, is it necessary? It is done at will. Some housewives do not like the taste of zucchini after freezing, if it was not blanched before sending the vegetable mass to the refrigerator.

A simple experience will help determine your own taste preferences.:

  1. First, a blanched and not blanched portion of zucchini is frozen.
  2. The next day, both preparations are prepared in the usual way.
  3. The most liked result will help determine the method of harvesting zucchini for the winter.

What to fold?

Prepared zucchini can be packaged:

  1. In plastic / metal food containers.
  2. In ordinary plastic bags.
  3. In bags with a vacuum lock.
  4. On a flat board (suitable for preparing a pair of servings).

Temperature and shelf life

Vegetables are perfectly frozen both in an ordinary refrigerator freezer (-12 ° C; -18 ° C), and in a freezer with boxes for deep-freezing food (at a temperature: -24 ° C; -26 ° C). So how many frozen zucchini are stored? Up to 10 months (once thawed squash mass is not recommended to be re-frozen).

Freezing methods

Zucchini freeze:

  • shredded;
  • without preliminary blanching;
  • without preliminary drying (cut and immediately put into the freezer);
  • previously boiled in boiling water for 2 minutes;
  • mixed with chopped herbs, spices;
  • combining with chopped vegetables, past / not roasted (pepper, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant).

In the freezer

Let's take a look what we need in order to freeze zucchini in the freezer:

  1. Wash the vegetables.
  2. Remove moisture from the fruit by wiping with a towel or leaving to dry naturally.
  3. Prepare filling containers: plastic containers, plastic bags with or without vacuum clamp.
  4. To get the tool: cutting board, knife.
  5. Trim ponytails, remove scuffs, specks of spoilage, growths.
  6. Cut large fruits into halves, free them from the peel, seeds, adjacent pulp.
  7. Grind zucchini.
  8. Dry slightly if there is no desire to blanch.
  9. Blanched briefly immerse in ice water, and then lay on a sieve, waiting for the draining of all the liquid.
  10. Place the treated mass in containers, bags, on a board and remove for an hour in the freezer.
  11. After half an hour, remove the containers, shake / mix the contents (so that the mass retains flowability).
  12. Mugs spread out on a baking sheet, on the board, quickly assemble and place in the container, putting each piece on the edge, or pour into a bag.
  13. Take processed zucchini to storage.

In the fridge

Frozen zucchini can only be stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. The zucchini processing algorithm is the same as for the mass intended for storage in the freezer.

Eggplant storage

Now we turn to the question of whether it is possible and how to freeze zucchini with eggplant for the winter? Answering the first question, we assure you that yes, it is possible.

First you need to remove excess bitterness from the eggplant. How to do it? If not all housewives blanch the zucchini before freezing, then almost everyone exposes the eggplants to a small heat treatment to make their taste more pleasant.

You can also remove bitterness from eggplant in a dry way: by holding mugs or slices of eggplant for some time sprinkled with salt. After twenty minutes of salt “therapy”, the little blue ones are washed, dried with a towel and subjected to further processing using the method of preparing zucchini for freezing.

Grated squash

Zucchini, ground with a grater, is needed for making pancakes, mashed soups, dishes for baby food. Grated zucchini mass freezing algorithm:

  1. The fruits are washed.
  2. Remove the stem and the place of attachment of the flower.
  3. Ripe seeds are removed from large vegetables and peeled.
  4. Rub the pieces on a grater (the size of the holes is chosen, focusing on the further use of the workpiece).
  5. The mass is squeezed, salted to taste, flavored with spices, placed in a plastic container, a plastic bag.
  6. The packaged mass is placed in the freezer.


There are many variations on how to freeze zucchini for the winter for various dishes, below we will consider the most popular and sought-after ones.

For quick stew

Two zucchini 200 g wash, peel, stalk, receptacle. Then:

  • chop zucchini;
  • peel two onions, cut and fry (oil to taste);
  • add a couple of grated carrots to the grated onions, stew the mass until almost ready;
  • put out four red bell peppers separately in a small amount of oil;
  • cool heat-treated vegetables and mix with squash;
  • place the semi-finished product in a bag, then give a flat look;
  • put the workpiece for quick stew in the refrigerator.

With greens

In order not to keep zucchini and greens in separate packages, they can be mixed before being sent to the freezer. First, wash the vegetables and parsley / dill, then release from excess water. Clean billets are crushed (zucchini cubes, greens as usual), mixed, Packed, sent for cooling to the freezer.

Fried zucchini, flavored with fresh dill and garlic, is especially honored in early summer, when everyone wants to diversify their winter-fed diet with fresh vegetables. To prepare a full-fledged dish, you will need to add tomato paste or tomatoes, garlic (at the end), other vegetables to your preparation.

Using the capabilities of the freezer, you can cook typical summer dishes from zucchini not only in season, but also at Christmas, on any winter or spring day. The main thing is to timely prepare more frozen vegetables.

Video briefing

If you decide not to read the instructions, then we offer you a detailed video that talks about how to freeze zucchini in three ways and all the subtleties of this process.

Few vegetables can boast such amazing versatility in combining with other products. Zucchini perfectly complement meat, they are suitable for cooking vegetable casseroles and stews, and are also used as a solo component in various dishes, for example, go well with sour cream, cheese and herbs.

Zucchini can also be prepared with vinegar, resorting to the method of preservation, but it is in frozen vegetables that the most vitamins and the original taste are preserved. How many ways to freeze? In fact, a lot, and it is not necessary to adhere to one recipe for creating multifaceted blanks for the winter.

How to prepare zucchini?

You can freeze absolutely any vegetables: young zucchini, mature zucchini with a thick skin, as well as such a variety of vegetables as squash. For workpieces, it is better to take zucchini with a completely healthy peel, fresh, without a hint of rotting processes. Do not use products that have been stored for more than 2-3 weeks after harvest. Ideally, you should freeze zucchini, just collected from the garden:

Vegetables are thoroughly washed with warm water and eliminate the stalks;
it is necessary to dry the fruits using a paper or a clean waffle towel, since when freezing, it is necessary to completely eliminate excess moisture;
  if young zucchini with soft skin is used, then it is not necessary to remove it, but old, “seasoned” zucchini must be peeled from rough peel;
  young zucchini do not have seeds, but mature ones must be cleaned of all entrails.

Squash is usually peeled, because even in young fruits it is quite dense and unpleasant.

Freezing zucchini for the winter - recipes to choose from:

Freezing cubes and cubes

Zucchini, cut into cubes or cubes, are great for soups, stews, various casseroles and sautéed. There are several ways to freeze. The first:

1. Zucchini thoroughly remove excess moisture using a paper towel.
2. Then cubes or sticks are immediately laid out in bags or containers, closed, removing air.
3. The last step is to make the bags flat by distributing the zucchini in them in one layer.
4. Clean everything in the freezer.

Such a freezing of zucchini at home for the winter has a minus - the possibility of obtaining tasteless, rubber fruits. But such a procedure takes a minimum of time. And here is the second way:

1. Sliced \u200b\u200binto pieces of zucchini sprinkled with simple salt (2 tbsp. L per kilogram).
2. After 15 minutes, drain the excess juice and dip the zucchini with a towel.
3. Lay the vegetables in bags and put them in the freezer.

In this method, it is important to dry the squash well, otherwise they will stick together. You can first spread the cubes on a pallet and freeze, and then pour into a bag. The third method is the most difficult, but effective:

1. The method involves a short cooking of zucchini. Prepare two pots with cold and boiling water.
2. In a boiling zucchini shift using a colander. Cook for 3 minutes, remove and immerse in a cold pan. You can add ice to it.
3. After 3 minutes, they take it out, lay it on a towel. Well dried and laid out in bags.

You can also freeze the zucchini and cubes of zucchini with other vegetables. For this, all components are prepared separately, and then they are mixed in one container and packaged in bags.

Freezing zucchini in circles

For this method, young and small zucchini with thin skin are usually used. They are cut into circles, not peeling, dried and immediately put into bags. You can pre-spread on a sheet and freeze, and then pour into a container for storage.

Like cubes, circles can be blanched for about 3 minutes. Zucchini is not cut very thinly - from 5 mm to 1 cm, so that later in the cooking process after defrosting they do not creep out and retain their taste.

Freezing zucchini for the winter at home in other ways

1. Freezing fried zucchini. Having spent a little time on cooking zucchini, in the winter you will get a useful semi-finished product that you only need to heat up! Use for this recipe young zucchini, sliced \u200b\u200bin circles. They are salted, crushed in flour and fried in oil, then the remaining fat is removed on a paper towel, completely cooled and sent to the freezer, laid out in bags.
2. Blanks for fritters. Another easy way to freeze is to cook grated zucchini. To do this, you can use a variety of fruits, including squash. They just rub, squeeze the juice well, you can use a press for this. They are laid out portionwise in packages, frozen.
3. Freeze mashed potatoes. Any zucchini is cut into cubes and boiled until fully cooked. Then the excess water is removed, the vegetable preparation is mashed in a belder and laid out in plastic containers.

Any frozen zucchini is stored on average 10 months. You can’t freeze them again, as the taste will not be the same, and the consistency will leave much to be desired, and there will be no benefit in such a product.

Is zucchini freezing good: reviews of those who have tried

Anna, 29 years old

“Frozen zucchini without recipes. Just cut them into boats, and others into half rings. Boats, without defrosting, stuffed and sent to the oven in the winter, was not bad. And once defrosted the rings - ugly steel such as snot. And tasteless. ”

Galina, 54 years old

“Before, it was always cubed into soups and stews without blanching. Well everything worked out. Now I want to make slices with blanching so I can eat cheese, sour cream and herbs in the winter. Dill and greens, by the way, are also freezing! ”

Anastasia, 38 years old

“Different varieties were freezing. Those without special fibers are better suited for soups, but fibrous ones are good for fritters and other dishes. In the store I bought frozen a couple of times - there were rubber ones. So I advise everyone to choose "their" variety for freezing! "

Nina, 30 years old

“Zucchini in the winter is my masthead. I always freeze it with tons, because in our garden they grow in incredible quantities. Frozen and on a diet in the spring, all the better chemicals purchased. I cook in different ways, sometimes new varieties let me down, but on the whole everything turns out well, I like it! ”