Harvesting of chanterelles for the winter. Simple Russian recipes: preservation, drying and freezing

14.09.2019 Buffet table

Ways to cook fried chanterelles.

Chanterelles are very tasty and unusual mushrooms. They contain natural antibiotics and insect repellents. We can say that these are some of the best mushrooms, since insects do not eat them. At the same time, the taste of mushrooms is quite piquant.

Making this dish is easy. It is worth considering that in the process of frying mushrooms emit a lot of liquid, which can turn fried potatoes into stews.


  • 1 onion
  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes
  • Pepper
  • Oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic


  • Wash the mushrooms and try to hold them in the water. Particles of soil and sand often remain in nicks
  • Cut into small pieces and fry in a pan, pouring a little oil
  • When a crust appears on the mushrooms, introduce the onion and sauté until browned.
  • In a separate pan, fry the potatoes until golden, when the vegetable is ready, enter the mushrooms
  • Salt, add pepper and garlic. Cover and simmer for 5-8 minutes

This dish can be supplemented with mashed potatoes or pasta. Quick dinner option.


  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • Oil
  • Spice


  • Soak the main ingredient for 0.5 hours in cold water. This will quickly get rid of debris and sand.
  • Slice and dry a little. Put in a hot frying pan with butter
  • Fry until all the liquid has evaporated, then pour in a little oil
  • Enter chopped carrots and onions to the mushrooms
  • Fry until golden, and add spices and salt

This is a traditional chanterelle recipe. Sour cream gives a gentle and piquant taste.


  • 2 onions
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • Oil
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms


  • Thoroughly clean the chanterelles from dirt and debris and wash them
  • After that, cut into pieces and put in a pan with a small amount of oil
  • Fry until the juice evaporates. Enter the onion and pour some more oil
  • After that, fry until golden and pour sour cream, enter spices
  • Stew under the lid for another 5 minutes

How to fry chanterelles in a pan with meat?

We can say that this is an autumn recipe, since it contains the gifts of nature. Serving a dish costs buckwheat or potatoes.


  • 0.5 kg of pork
  • 0.5 kg of chanterelles
  • 2 onions
  • Oil
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • Spice


  • Wash and chop mushrooms thoroughly. Put them in a pan and sauté until liquid evaporates.
  • Enter the onion and keep it on fire a little longer until the onion is browned
  • Enter sour cream and spices, stew for 3 minutes
  • In a separate bowl over high heat, fry pork slices
  • They will have to become rosy, add 100 ml of broth and simmer under the lid for 45 minutes
  • Put mushrooms in pork and simmer another quarter of an hour together
  • If necessary, salt

This recipe is suitable if you have freshly cut mushrooms.


  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 100 ml cream
  • Pepper


  • Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and cut them into small pieces.
  • Put in a pan with a little oil
  • Hold on medium heat until the juice evaporates and add the chopped onion.
  • With constant stirring, keep on fire for another 10 minutes
  • Pour cream and some water
  • Add salt and spices. Simmer another 12 minutes under the lid.

Before you cook them, you need to defrost. To do this, put the raw materials in a bowl, and let stand at room temperature. Water needs to be drained.


  • 600 g frozen mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • Pepper
  • Oil


  • Defrost mushrooms at room temperature and drain
  • Dry on a towel and put in a hot pan with butter
  • Add the onion and sauté until browned.
  • Enter salt and pepper. Fry for another 10 minutes

Mushrooms can be boiled before frying, this will make them juicy.


  • 2 onions
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms
  • Oil
  • Pepper
  • 2 carrots
  • 100 ml sour cream


  • Boil the washed mushrooms in salted water for about 30 minutes
  • Drain the broth and chop the mushrooms. Dry them on a towel or hold them in a colander
  • After that, pour oil in a frying pan and pour mushrooms from which glass water
  • Enter onions with carrots and fry for 10 minutes
  • Drain sour cream, add salt and spices. Cover and simmer on fire for 7 minutes

Only canned mushrooms that are prepared without the addition of vinegar are suitable for roasting. Simply put, these are boiled canned chanterelles.


  • Jar of mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • Pepper
  • Oil


  • Put the mushrooms in a colander and let the liquid drain
  • After that, heat the oil in a pan and put the mushrooms
  • Sauté until golden brown and add chopped onion with carrot
  • Fry for another 7 minutes, add salt and spices

Yes, chanterelles can be cooked fresh. The only condition is to clean and wash them well from the ground and sand.


  • 700 g of mushrooms
  • 100 ml of oil
  • 100 l of cream
  • Pepper
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic


  • Wash and clean chanterelles thoroughly from dirt
  • Dry the mushrooms a little after washing.
  • Put them on a hot pan and fry over medium heat until the liquid evaporates
  • Enter chopped onion and garlic. Fry for another 5 minutes
  • Pour some water and cream
  • Cover and simmer on fire for 7 minutes
  • Salt, add spices

Need and how much to cook the chanterelle mushrooms before frying?

The most interesting thing is that there is no definite answer whether mushrooms should be boiled at all before frying. But many housewives prefer to do this. The optimal time for boiling chanterelles is 15 minutes. Do not cook for a long time, you risk getting “rubber” mushrooms.

Yes, chanterelles go well with other mushrooms. They will give the dish a unique look and aroma. You can cook roast with mushroom assortment. Also very tasty precast julienne from mushrooms of different species.

After thawing fresh mushrooms and cooking them, bitterness appears. It's quite normal.


  • Before freezing, try to soak the chanterelles for an hour in cold water, and then boil for 15 minutes
  • If you have frozen fresh chanterelles, be sure to boil them after defrosting, changing the water several times
  • Enter the butter during frying. It will give the dish a creamy and delicate taste.

As you can see, chanterelles are very unusual and bright mushrooms. And they differ in spicy taste and aroma.

VIDEO: Fried Chanterelles

The low calorie chanterelle mushrooms have a pleasant aroma and unrivaled taste. Do you like these mushrooms and want to make reserves for the winter? Try not to pickle forest gifts, but freeze. Frozen chanterelles are stored in the freezer for up to four months, and you will always have a delicious addition to any dishes.

How to prepare for freezing chanterelles

Note that the sooner you freeze the collected mushrooms, the more beneficial properties they retain. The preparation is as follows:

  • Go through the chanterelles and sort. Choose young, strong mushrooms of small size for freezing. Wormy, dried out and spoiled forest fruits are not suitable for winter stocks in the freezer.
  • Clear debris from forest products. Remove the earth and all the dirt.
  • Rinse the chanterelles in running water. If you freeze it raw - you can just wipe it with a damp cloth. Soaking mushrooms is not necessary.
  • Transfer the washed mushrooms to a sieve or colander and wait until the water drains completely.
  • Lay out the forest gifts on a towel and dry a little.

Freeze raw chanterelles

The easiest freezing method:

  1. Lay out the dried mushrooms on a tray, a kitchen board for cutting products or a flat plate in one layer and place in a freezer for 12 hours.
  2. Then take them out and place them in plastic bags or clean plastic containers.
  3. Do not store forest gifts for a long time with this method of freezing, they may appear bitterness.

Frozen boiled chanterelles

Boiling will help remove the bitterness in the mushrooms. Cut large pieces into pieces. Freezing method:

  • Pour water into the pan so that it is twice as much as mushrooms.
  • Place the pot on the stove and boil water.
  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of salt to 1 kg of chanterelles in water. Put forest gifts in boiling water.
  • Cook mushrooms for 7-10 minutes. Remove with a spoon the dirty film that appears on the surface of the water.
  • Remove the wood gifts from the pan with a colander and rinse under the tap with cold water.
  • Place on paper towels or a towel to dry. If the mushrooms are not well dried, excess water in the freezer will become ice. There is nothing wrong with that, but the appearance of the product becomes unsightly.
  • Transfer dry mushrooms into bags and put in the freezer.

Please note that chanterelles cannot be cooked for too long. They lose flavor in boiling water and beneficial properties.

Freeze fried chanterelles

  1. Any mushrooms are suitable for frying, only throw out worms.
  2. Cut the prepared mushrooms into slices and fry with vegetable oil in a skillet for twenty minutes. Boil initially is not necessary.
  3. See that all the liquid evaporates from the pan, and a golden crust forms on the mushrooms.
  4. Do not take fats instead of butter, with this method of frying chanterelles you can store no more than one month.
  5. Do not add spices and seasonings.
  6. Spread the fried forest gifts on a paper towel and let cool.
  7. It remains to put the chanterelles in packages or in other containers, and send them for storage in the freezer.

Do not re-freeze the chanterelles. Use all mushrooms from one bag for cooking. From frozen chanterelles you can cook soup, add them to salads or stew with potatoes.

Cute redhead mushrooms are quite demanding on processing when creating stocks. If you do something wrong, you can deprive them of their aroma, and the taste will acquire a hue of bitterness. How to cook chanterelles for the winter? Freeze them raw, boiled or fried? Let's consider different options.

Features of working with chanterelles

In the form of pickled pickles, these mushrooms are not as tasty as in fresh ones, so the question naturally arises: how to freeze chanterelles for the winter. The recipes we give in this article.

Only freshly picked, strong, undamaged specimens are suitable for freezing. Wormy, old, with crumbling hats, it is better to cook and eat immediately. It is not recommended to cool raw chanterelles, because after a few weeks of storage in the freezer, they acquire a bitter aftertaste.

Prepare everything for freezing within sixteen to eighteen hours after harvest. However, this rule is relevant for all mushrooms. The faster you process them (clean, rinse, prepare) after collection, the more aroma, taste and vitamins you save. Yes, and they will live in your refrigerator longer.

Frozen chanterelles are stored for three to four months. If it is possible to ensure a temperature below -18 degrees, then they will "live" up to a year. It is not recommended to store them for a longer time, since there is a high risk of product damage.

So, chanterelle mushrooms: how to cook for the winter? You can freeze them raw, boiled or fried.

Method One: Raw Chanterelles

If you do not conduct heat treatment before freezing, then the mushrooms better retain their shape and aroma. Therefore, let's find out how to freeze raw chanterelles for the winter raw.

Without preliminary boiling, it is likely that the mushrooms will get a bitter taste. To avoid such situations, some housewives advise carefully sorting out the chanterelles, removing dried specimens and preparing only the freshest and highest-quality ones for freezing. But once at a time it is not necessary, so such a blank will have to be done at your own peril and risk.

After you went through the mushrooms, wipe them with a napkin. You can rinse, but we do not need excess ice. And the aroma during dry processing is better preserved.

After cleaning, put the chanterelles on a flat surface in one layer (on a plate, tray) and put in the freezer for ten to twelve hours. After that, they can be poured into containers or packages.

Method Two: Boiled Chanterelles

How to freeze chanterelles for the winter, if there is no confidence in raw mushroom preparations, and you want to be one hundred percent sure that bitterness will not appear? Just boil them a little.

Remove debris from the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly. If the mushrooms are too large, cut them into several pieces.

Boil water in a pan so that the liquid is twice as large as the product. Add 1-2 teaspoons of salt per kilogram of mushrooms. Boil the chanterelles for five minutes. Be sure to remove the dirty film that forms on the surface of the water.

If you are still worried, you can increase the cooking time to ten minutes, but keep in mind that the longer the mushrooms are in boiling water, the more flavor they lose. It is impossible to keep chanterelles in water for more than twenty minutes, otherwise they will lose their structure when frozen.

Next, discard their mushrooms in a colander, let them cool and dry with a paper towel. Mushrooms absorb water well, which after freezing will turn into unnecessary ice. Put the mushrooms in containers or bags and put them in the freezer.

Unfortunately, boiling slightly spoils the appearance of mushrooms, so the method is well suited if fresh mushrooms have already lost their shape.

Method Three: Fried Chanterelles

How to freeze chanterelles for the winter fried? Peel the mushrooms, chop and fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil for twenty minutes. All excess moisture must be evaporated. It is undesirable to use animal fats instead of butter, since in this case, frozen mushrooms can be stored for no more than one month.

After that, wait for the mushrooms to cool completely, then lay them in bags or containers and refrigerate them.

Unlike porcini mushrooms, butter and boletus, boiling chanterelles before frying is optional. Also, when frying, you can immediately add onions and herbs.

The fourth method: "bouillon cube"

Now we’ll tell you how to freeze chanterelle mushrooms for the winter, if you plan to use them mainly for making soups.

Prepare the mushrooms (peel, chop) and boil, but do not drain the broth. Wait for cooling.

Take a plastic container and place a plastic bag in it. Place the boiled mushrooms in it and pour in the broth. And right in this form, send it to the freezer.

When the broth hardens, remove the resulting tile from the container and place in the freezer.

During the long cold winter, from the resulting semi-finished product, you can easily cook a delicious and fragrant soup or stewed potatoes with mushrooms.

Proper defrosting

It is important to know not only how to freeze chanterelles for the winter, but also how to defrost them. It is advisable to do this in stages. First, move the mushrooms from the freezer to the refrigerator (on the lower shelf), and then complete the process at room temperature. It is not recommended to use the appropriate microwave mode for this purpose.

Thawed chanterelles should be cooked immediately. Leave them in the refrigerator for several days and do not re-freeze. Therefore, in the process of creating blanks, it is better to put the chanterelles into containers in small batches - about the amount that you plan to add to one dish.

If you frozen mushrooms in different ways (raw, boiled, etc.), then for convenience sign the packages, since in the future it will be difficult to distinguish where which ones are.

Chilled mushroom semi-finished products can be fried, boiled, added to soups, used as a filling for baking or dumplings, etc.

What other chanterelle blanks are

How to freeze chanterelles for the winter, we figured out. But there are other blanks for the cold season. For example, pickling. If you do not want to mess with the banks, then the mushrooms can simply be dried.

Only chanterelle caps are suitable for drying, so you will have to do something different with the legs. Do not forget that only unspoiled mushrooms are "allowed" to the workpiece.

You can dry them either in the oven at low temperatures (65 degrees or less), or in a natural way. Store in an airtight jar or bag.

In this form, they can lie up to three years, if they are protected from high humidity, but it is better not to risk it and eat for a year. Before use, they will need to be soaked in broth or water.

So, chanterelle mushrooms. How to cook for the winter? Freeze them raw, fried or boiled? Or maybe just salt or dry? The choice is yours.

Many people like to pick mushrooms. But not everyone knows how to keep them for a long time. What you need to know about storing chanterelles?


You can save mushrooms by salting, canning. In combination with fried potatoes, they form an amazing dish. Therefore, if you managed to collect a considerable crop, you can safely salt the chanterelles. If you want to keep the original appearance of this product, it is recommended to freeze it.   In this case, you will get the whole set of proteins, amino acids, vitamins in one dish. Freezing such mushrooms is not too complicated.

The mushroom must be processed immediately after harvest. If the temperature in the apartment is not high, then these representatives of the mushroom kingdom can be stored for no more than 24 hours. Initially, it is necessary to carefully sort through the product, exclude wrinkled, old copies. Do not forget to clean the mushroom from various debris, for example, sand or twigs, needles or leaves.

The storage of such mushrooms is not at all troublesome. Take a close look at the back of the chanterelle hat. Usually it is here that a lot of dirt accumulates. Wash the product with a stream of water, then put it on a towel to dry. Do not spare time for this stage, because excess moisture can only do harm. After drying, put everything in containers (bags), and put them in the freezer.

Many housewives are interested in how to remove bitterness from chanterelles? To do this is very simple, you just need to boil them first. Pour the product into the pan, fill with cold water, wait until it boils. Do not forget to salt and remove the foam. Boil the product for no more than 20 minutes.

Then you need to throw the chanterelles into a colander, rinse, put on a towel. Plastic containers or bags are best suited for freezing. Mushrooms need to be frozen in small portions, because their repeated defrosting is not recommended. You can also freeze stewed or boiled chanterelles with liquid. In the future, they will be the basis of hodgepodge, stew, soup.

It is important to remember that storing this product for more than four months is not recommended, and defrosting should be done at room temperature.


How to dry chanterelles? Initially, mushrooms are selected that are suitable for drying. One way is drying in the sun. Chanterelles are strung on a string, then hung out of the balcony. In order for the mushroom to dry well, the place must be protected from insects, and also blow well. Storage of the forest product (drying) does not allow moisture, moisture. This process takes approximately 1 week.

A more reliable way is to dry the representatives of the mushroom kingdom in ovens or Russian ovens.   It is first necessary to carefully clean the mushrooms. Washing them is not recommended, otherwise they will absorb a lot of water. Then they start cutting: the caps are separated from the legs, the latter, if necessary, cut into circles. Further, everything is laid out on a baking sheet or wire rack.

Heat the oven to a temperature of 45 degrees. When the chanterelles are slightly dry, add temperature. Slightly open the door to allow free air circulation. Small hats are the first to dry, ready mushrooms must be removed on time. From the dried chanterelles in the winter you can cook delicious dishes.

Before cooking, chanterelles should be washed and cleaned, boiled for minutes in an enamel bowl with plenty of salted water, removing the foam.
  As an option, pre-soak chanterelles in milk for 1-1.5 hours in order to rid chanterelles of possible bitterness.
In a slow cooker, cook the chanterelles in the "baking" mode for 30 minutes.

How to cook chanterelles

   1. Before cooking, the chanterelles must be very well cleaned of debris and thoroughly washed several times through a colander.
  2. Soak them in cold water or milk for an hour and a half so that the mushrooms become more tender.
  3. Put the mushrooms in the pan.
  4. Pour chanterelles with cold water, twice as large as the volume of the mushrooms themselves (for 1 cup of chanterelles 2 cups of water).
  5. A little salt; adding salt is not necessary if, after boiling, the mushrooms are planned to be used in other dishes that must be salted during the manufacturing process.
  6. Chanterelles are cooked for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  7. The foam appearing during cooking should be removed periodically.
  8. After the chanterelles are cooked, drain the water through a colander.
  9. To boil dried chanterelles, it is better to soak them for three hours. Then cook in slightly salted water for no more than 20 minutes.

How to cook chanterelle soup

Chanterelle Soup Products
  Chanterelles - a pound
  Potato - 300 grams
  Carrots - 1 piece
  Onions - 2 heads
  Flour - 1 tablespoon
  Cream - 100 milliliters
  Parsley - a few twigs
  Bay leaf - 2 leaves
  Salt and pepper - to taste

Chanterelle Soup Recipe
  Pre-washed and chopped chanterelles warm in water, when boiling, change the water - and cook for minutes. Peel potatoes, cut into slices, add to a pot of boiling water. Cut the onion into thin rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater - and fry over low heat with 1 tablespoon of flour and cream for a couple of minutes, then add to the soup. Add salt, pepper and cook for another minutes. Sprinkle with herbs, cover the soup with a lid and leave for minutes. Serve chanterelle soup with sour cream and pleasure!

Chanterelle Recipe in Sour Cream

Products for the preparation of chanterelles in sour cream   Half a chanterelle, the lower (light) part of a bunch of green onions, sour cream with a fat content of 30% - 3 tablespoons, salt and pepper - to taste.

Recipe for chanterelle mushrooms in sour cream   Rinse chanterelles, dry, cut large chanterelles. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil, add mushrooms, mix, salt. Fry until the water evaporates and until mushrooms are rosy (- minutes). Then add sour cream, mix, simmer over low heat under a lid for minutes. Your chanterelle mushrooms in sour cream are ready! .

Salad with boiled chanterelles

  Boiled chanterelles - 200 grams
  Boiled chicken fillet - 250 grams
  Onions - 1 head (80 grams)
  Olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons (can be replaced with vegetable odorless)
Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 medium pieces
  Greens for decoration (you can take dill or parsley) - several branches
  Sour cream - 40-50 grams

Salad Recipe with Boiled Chanterelles and Cucumbers
  1. Cut the chanterelles into strips.
  2. Dice about 1 cm cubes of chicken.
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion head.
  4. Chop pickled cucumbers.
  3. Add oil and mix well.
  4. Put the products in a salad bowl.
  5. Immediately before serving, season with sour cream and garnish with herbs.
  It is not recommended to season with sour cream in advance.

Fun Facts

  - Chanterelles are very easy to process before cooking - just wash with water, because chanterelles due to the content of quinomannose have "immunity" from insects and worms.

The chanterelle season is from mid-June to October. The season itself is in mid-August. Chanterelles grow mainly in mixed or birch forests. They also love sandy soil, open glades or forest edges. These mushrooms always grow in clusters, so they are convenient to collect. Almost never are rotten and wormy.

Chanterelles are very convenient to transport in buckets and baskets, since mushrooms practically do not wrinkle, even with a large dead weight.

When collecting it is important not to confuse the chanterelles with false - poisonous - mushrooms. You should know that false ones have a rounder hat, a bright color and a hollow leg. - If there are a lot of mushrooms, you can freeze them. Moreover, so that the mushrooms do not become bitter, and also so that they take up less space, it is recommended to freeze boiled mushrooms. If, in this case, the mushrooms are bitter, a little brown sugar should be added during cooking.

Chanterelles are low-calorie and contain only 19 kcal per 100 grams. Meanwhile, chanterelles are considered heavy food, so eat mushrooms with restrictions.

The average price of quick-frozen chanterelles is from 300 rubles / 1 kilogram (data for Moscow as of June 2017). When choosing chanterelles, preference should be given to forest mushrooms - they are more useful and they are more crispy. Chanterelles grown under artificial conditions have less vivid taste and contain less nutrients.

The benefits of chanterelles: B vitamins (getting the body energy from food), beta-carotene (protecting the immune system), vitamin D (growth, healthy bones and teeth), PP (redox processes).

How to Pickle Chanterelles

Pickling Products
  Chanterelles - 1 kilogram
  Water - half a glass
  Table vinegar 9% - half a glass
  Salt - one and a half tablespoons
  Sugar - half a tablespoon
Lavrushka - 2 leaves
  Black Peppercorns - 5 peas
  Nutmeg - at the tip of a knife
  Carnation - 1 inflorescence per can

How to Pickle Chanterelles
  Sort the chanterelles, remove the rhizomes, peel, wash and cut. Pour water into a saucepan, put on a fire, put mushrooms. Cook for 20 minutes after boiling, regularly removing the foam. Add vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, lavrushka, nutmeg to the mushrooms, cook for another 5 minutes. Arrange the mushrooms in banks, pour the marinade and put in each jar of cloves. Close cans with lids, turn over and wait for cooling. Store jars of pickled chanterelles in the refrigerator for 1 year.

How to salt chanterelles

Products for salting chanterelles
  Chanterelles - 1.5 kilograms
  Garlic - 3 heads
  Bay leaf - 2 leaves
  Carnation - 6 inflorescences
  Dill - a few twigs
  Salt - 5 tablespoons
  Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons
  Black Peppercorns - 10 peas

How to cook salted chanterelles
  Peel the chanterelles and rinse gently. Pour water into the pan, add 1 tablespoon of salt, bring to a boil and put the chanterelles. Add herbs and spices, cook for 15 minutes. Peel and chop the garlic. Mushrooms and brine to move in a basin, salt, put garlic. Put the oppression on top and leave it in a cool place for 12 hours. Then put the chanterelles in the banks and close. Fully salted chanterelles will be in a month.