Freezing raspberries. How to freeze raspberries: ways with sugar and without it

14.09.2019 Salads

Hello dear readers. Raspberry differs from other berries in its beneficial properties. From early childhood, our mothers prepared warming tea with these fragrant berries. He always helped with colds and flu, saved after long winter walks. During the raspberry season, it can be prepared for future use. For this, the option of freezing berries is perfect. It retains not only its shape, but also its benefits, while observing the preparation technology and the freezing process.

  How to prepare raspberries for freezing

For freezing, it is worth choosing dense, not overripe berries, which were collected recently. If raspberries have been lying for some time, then juice is formed, it can wrinkle under its weight.

Such a crop will not be able to remain in a friable state when frozen, as the saying goes “berry to berry”. Another nuance when collecting, it is better to choose cool weather or late afternoon, removed from the bush raspberries in the heat, will quickly darken and let the juice.

  Stages of proper freezing

  1. To pick berries in your garden, it is better to use shallow containers, and small boxes or trays.
  2. Before freezing, it is imperative to sort the raspberries, if it was bought in the market, then rinse. Do this only in a bowl of water, not under the tap. Running water can damage the berries.
  3. After washing the berries, transfer to a paper towel, wait for them to dry completely. If this is not done, then being in the freezer, an ice layer will form on it.
  4. Depending on the size of the shelves in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, put raspberries on a tray in one layer or in a tray. For convenience, you can cover it with a baking mat, then frozen berries will be easier to pour.

  How to freeze raspberries, mashed with sugar

Raspberries are very helpful in the winter, before the freezing, grated with sugar. For this, it is not necessary to use only selected berries.

You will need the same ratio: to 1 kilogram of raspberries, 1 kilogram of sugar.


  1. Berries with sugar are transferred to a container of suitable volume.
  2. Grind in any convenient way: using a submersible blender is most convenient.
  3. A mixture of raspberries with sugar is left at room temperature until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. It is better to choose containers small, portioned. So raspberries do not have to re-freeze.
  5. Tanks and lids, if necessary, are washed and dried until the moisture evaporates completely.
  6. The ground berries are mixed and poured into prepared containers. Close tightly with lids and transfer to the freezer.

You can freeze raspberry juice, for this, transfer the sweet-berry mixture into a colander, covered with two layers of gauze or in a fine sieve. Squeeze the juice, pour it into small plastic bottles or containers and send to the freezer. Such a recipe is suitable for those who do not want to drink tea with raspberry seeds in the winter.

  How to freeze fresh raspberries so that the berries are whole

It is pleasant to surprise children with fresh raspberries on the table in the winter season. To do this, it is enough to freeze it with whole berries. This is very easy to do if you follow these guidelines.

In advance, sort out the crop, remove all the stalks, leaves or trapped insects. If necessary, rinse the berries by carefully pouring them into a colander and lowering them several times in a container of water. Or gently pour raspberries with water.

If there are a lot of bugs on raspberries, you can get rid of them if you add a spoonful of sodium chloride to the washing water. After that, rinse the raspberries already in ordinary water, without removing it from the colander.

If the berries were washed, then completely dry them on a clean cloth or on paper towels. It is preferable to choose a raspberry that does not need to be washed. She’s better frozen.

You will need to lay the berries in one layer on a pallet, which is suitable for the size of the shelf of the freezer.

Once again check the integrity of the berries, if crushed, remove them immediately. Send for several hours in the freeze.

After that, get the pallet, pour iced raspberries into a tight bag, tie it well.

If this sequence is observed, the berries will remain intact, after freezing they will remain in a friable state.

  How to freeze raspberries without sugar

If you don’t have enough time to prepare the jam or no one eats it in the family, and the raspberry crop has already ripened, you can save it. For this, freezing berries without sugar is suitable. This method will allow you to cook jelly or compote in the winter, bake flavored cakes.

Three ways to freeze sugar free

  1. In the container

For this method, prepare raspberries in advance: sort out twigs and bad berries, rinse if necessary, immersing in a container of water (to remove bugs, slightly salt the water), then dry well on a paper towel.

Lay out the sorted berries on the shelf of the freezer, having previously covered it with a baking mat. After freezing, it will be easier to separate it from the surface.

Leave to freeze for a couple of hours. When the berries are frozen, pour them into plastic containers.

For convenience, you can sign them. Put back in the freezer.

  2. In the package

This method is similar to the previous one. Its difference is that after preliminary freezing, the berries are poured into dense packets and well tied.

Each packaging can be signed. This method is suitable for those who have a small freezer or want to save space in it.

  3. chopped raspberries

Raspberry puree can be frozen without adding sugar. To do this, sort the berries, removing the garbage. You can grind it in any convenient way: through a meat grinder, a submersible blender, or mash it with a fork.

Distribute the resulting mass into plastic containers or small bottles, the most optimal volume of 0.33 liters. Sign and place the containers in the freezer.

  Frozen raspberries - what can you make from it

Raspberries are perfectly frozen, retains their shape after thawing. Such a preparation will make it possible to prepare fragrant desserts with your favorite berry all year round. It will be a great filling for pies, rolls, a component for smoothies or milkshakes. Of course, you can cook compotes from it, the taste will be like fresh berries.

Recipes with frozen raspberries.

  1. Mannik

You will need:

  • kefir - 2 glasses;
  • frozen raspberries with whole berries - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • semolina - 2 glasses;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • soft butter - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Kefir pour into a bowl, pour semolina. Stir, leave to swell for 1 hour.
  2. Remove raspberries from the freezer, leave on the table to defrost.
  3. Whisk sugar and egg with a whisk or blender, add to the kefir-semolina mixture.
  4. Add oil and soda, mix well.
  5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a mold pre-coated with oil, if silicone is used, you do not need to lubricate it.
  6. Drain the liquid from raspberries, spread the berries on top of the dough, deepening a little.
  7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

  2. Lazy oatmeal with frozen raspberries

This option will be an excellent breakfast that does not take away precious morning time. All cooking takes place in the evening, then is cleaned in the refrigerator until morning.

Would need:

Long cooked oat flakes - 25 gr.;

Frozen raspberries (mashed potatoes or berries without sugar) - 40 gr.;

Ryazhenka - 150 ml .;

Sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare a small jar or glass;
  2. Pour oatmeal into it, add fermented baked milk and sugar, frozen raspberries.
  3. Stir, cover with a lid or cling film.
  4. Put in the refrigerator until morning.

If you properly prepare and freeze raspberries, then it will not lose its shape and vitamins. How to choose it correctly:

  1. For freezing, use only dense berries. Refuse overripe, darkened. They will definitely let the juice turn into ice.
  2. Send raspberries to the freezer only chilled. We'll have to wait a while until it cools off from the hot summer sun. In your garden, it is advisable to pick berries in the evening, and having bought them at the market, put them on the table to acquire room temperature.
  3. Any kind of raspberry is suitable for freezing, the preparation technology is the same for them. First freeze, then remove in containers for long-term storage.
  4. It is preferable not to wash the berries before freezing. Under this condition, it will not freeze in one lump, but will be crumbly.
  5. It is more convenient to freeze raspberries in portions, in small containers or bags. If you get it, and then re-freeze it, then a layer of frost will appear on the berries.
  6. If the raspberry crop is overripe, but it is still necessary to preserve it, then the berries can be transferred to containers, with a thin layer, each sprinkled with sugar. You do not need to mix them.
  7. Frozen raspberries retain their vitamins well, can lie in the freezer for up to 6 months.

  How to thaw raspberries properly

Raspberries from the freezer, with proper defrosting, will be no worse than fresh berries.

Slow defrost

Remove the berries from the freezer and place them on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. 30 minutes will be enough, but you can leave it for 1 hour. After this time, get the berries and thaw to the end at room temperature.

Raspberries, which is used for pies, can be thawed if desired, but this is not necessary. So that she does not let the juice in during the heating process, you will need to pour it with potato or corn starch, for every 250 grams of berries, two teaspoons will be enough. If you put frozen raspberries in water for faster defrosting, then it will certainly lose its shape and secrete juice.

Fragrant red-sided sweet raspberries are not only a very tasty summer berry, but also an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for colds. Fragrant raspberry tea perfectly helps to increase immunity, reduces temperature, relieves pain and inflammation. Therefore, raspberries are actively harvested for the winter, because the peak of colds occurs precisely in the autumn-winter period, when, unfortunately, fresh raspberries are no longer there. Until recently, the most popular and almost the only way to harvest raspberries was canning. Undoubtedly, a very tasty treat, but in terms of benefits, it clearly loses to fresh berries. And this is not surprising, because during cooking most of the useful substances evaporate, and a huge amount of sugar also does not add to the product's usefulness. Fortunately, modern technology allows you to freeze berries at home, and in this article we will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter.

Freezing outperforms canning or drying in all respects. Firstly, when frozen, the taste practically does not change, and useful properties are not lost. Secondly, it takes much less time to freeze berries than to cook jam or compote, and then sterilize and roll cans. Thirdly, you can decorate ready-made desserts and pastries with whole frozen raspberries, while jam is not suitable for this purpose. By the way, an interesting fact is that in frozen raspberries, several more vitamins and organic acids are stored than in a fresh, plucked day ago. Therefore, it is recommended to freeze this summer berry immediately after harvest.

Having frozen raspberries for the winter, you can even prepare delicious dishes with a summer taste and aroma even in winter, the recipes of which you can find right now:

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Have we convinced you of the benefits of freezing? Then let's figure out how to freeze raspberries at home.

What should be done before freezing?

First you need to decide in what form raspberries will be harvested: whole or grated. To freeze whole raspberries, it is necessary to select only ripe but firm berries that will not lose their shape when frozen and subsequently defrosted before use. For ripening in the form of mashed potatoes, slightly overripe berries are also quite suitable. However, in any case, severely damaged and spoiled berries should be disposed of, as well as removing ponytails, pieces of leaves and other garbage. If you are sure that the raspberries are clean, you can freeze them without washing. But if you cannot guarantee the purity of the berries, arrange a raspberry with an ice shower, rinsing it with very cold water, and then thoroughly drying it.

Before freezing raspberries in the refrigerator, determine the portion size: it is recommended to freeze no more than one or two glasses of berries in one bowl, so that later it is more convenient and economical to use it, because you can not re-freeze raspberries.

When the preparatory phase is completed, you can proceed to immediate freezing.

The main ways to freeze raspberries for the winter at home

There are not so many ways to freeze raspberries, but each of them has its own characteristics. We will talk about this further.

Whole frozen raspberries with sugar

Let's find out how to freeze raspberries with sugar. First you need to do all the manipulations to prepare the berries for freezing, described above. Then you need to prepare suitable containers for storage: they must be clean and dry. Of course, it is better to use small boxes or containers made of plastic. Due to the fact that such dishes have a stable shape, unlike plastic bags, the berries are not damaged and do not crumple. At the bottom of the container, lay a layer of clean dry raspberries and sprinkle it with sugar. Next, alternate layers of berries and granulated sugar until the storage container is full, close tightly with a lid and freeze.

Whole Raspberry Frozen Without Sugar

Another way to freeze raspberries for the winter. Some people do not really like sweets, so they will not like raspberries and sugar. In this case, we suggest you freeze whole raspberry without sugar. To do this, prepared raspberries must be laid out in one layer on a large tray or kitchen plate, which would fit in the freezer. Freeze a batch of berries and pour them into containers or sachets, which again send in the freezer, but already in storage. Therefore, freeze all raspberries. Of course, this method of freezing will take a little longer, but the berries will be whole, beautiful and will not freeze to each other.

How to freeze mashed raspberries with sugar?

Rubbed raspberries with sugar are just as tasty and healthy as whole, but you can’t use it in all dishes. Sweet raspberry puree is great for making jelly, cocktails, sauces, marmalade, baking toppings, but not at all suitable for decorating dishes or dumplings toppings. Therefore, it is better to freeze part of raspberries in the form of mashed potatoes, and part in the form of whole berries. So, how to freeze raspberries with sugar for the winter in the form of mashed potatoes? To do this, you will need a three-liter jar of raspberries, a full glass of granulated sugar and a blender (a food processor or an ordinary potato pusher). Mix raspberries with sugar and mashed, wait until the sugar crystals dissolve and pour into storage containers. If desired, you can remove small bones from raspberry puree and make it more uniform by rubbing through a fine sieve. After that, it is necessary to place the blanks in the freezer for quick freezing, and then transfer them to the storage compartment.

Frozen raspberries can be stored in the refrigerator for about 12 months, that is, you can cook delicacies from tasty and healthy berries throughout the year, until the next season. Tasty cakes

The summer season allows you to saturate the body with useful trace elements and vitamins. At this time there are a lot of fresh berries that are beneficial. Unfortunately, in winter it is either difficult to find fresh berries or they are not affordable. You can solve the problem by harvesting them in the form of compotes and preserves, however, this option is not too attractive. Raspberry jam, when cooked, loses two-thirds of its benefits. Experts recommend freezing the product fresh. The main thing is to know how to freeze raspberries.

When preparing raspberries for freezing, be sure to consider the storage location of the product. If you have a large refrigerator or a separate freezer, this is not a problem. It is enough to put the berries in a separate container and put it away from meat and fish products that have a strong smell. If the refrigerator is small, you need to carefully select the container. It should have a tight-fitting lid. Such containers can be found in any hardware store.

It is also better to first defrost and wash the freezer to remove odors.

You can use for storage and plastic bags, which have a special fastener. This will allow you to pack the berries in small portions, which can be used immediately after harvesting. This will make it possible to exclude secondary freezing, after which a significant part of the vitamins is lost. In addition, a large amount of raspberries can lose shape under its own weight before it freezes.

Product selection and preparation

So that after defrosting you get dry raspberries, and not a sticky mass covered with a layer of ice, you need to know the rules of this process:

  1. Only freshly picked, whole berries should be selected for freezing, without defects or damage. This is an important circumstance that must be observed.
  2. The collected raw materials should be carefully sorted, setting aside the crumpled and rotten berries, as well as removing the leaves and other garbage that got there. If the raspberries are not too clean, it is best to wash them carefully.
  3. To remove insects, raspberries need to be soaked for 15 minutes in salted water at room temperature. After the time has passed, remove the garbage with a slotted spoon, and wash the raspberries several times to remove salt.
  4. Processed raspberries should be dried on a cotton towel that absorbs excess moisture. For freezing, only dry berries are used. The container must also be clean and dry.

It is best to initially freeze raspberries in one layer, carefully spreading it on a special board so that the berries do not touch each other. Cover with cling film and put in the freezer for several hours. When they freeze, they are transferred to prepared containers.

Many advise you to refuse packages, although this is convenient, but use small containers, since raspberries are quite fragile. If the choice is made in favor of this method of storage, then you need to put them in a separate place in the upper layer.

It is important that freezing occurs at a temperature of no higher than minus 18 ° C. This, the so-called deep freezing, allows you to save all the useful properties of the product throughout the year.

How to freeze raspberries at home

The main thing when freezing is to avoid mistakes. To do this, you need to carefully study the entire procurement process:

  1. It is not recommended to use ripe raspberries for freezing. She starts up the juice and spills out.
  2. Berries prepared for freezing must first be cooled for several minutes in the refrigerator or in a draft. Otherwise, condensation will form, and in the freezer they will be covered with a layer of ice.
  3. With dry freezing, do not wash raspberries. It is better to use it for mashed potatoes or desserts.
  4. At temperatures below 18 ° C, all harmful bacilli and bacteria die, so do not be afraid that unwashed berries will be dangerous after defrosting.
  5. For convenience, it is better to use small flat containers with a lid. They will fit a little product. It is worth remembering that you can not fill the container to the very lid. It is better to leave a small gap between the lid and the product.

The ideal option would be the choice of plastic containers. Glassware may burst, and ironware may oxidize. The minimum freezing temperature is -18-22 ° С, the maximum - up to -40 ° С.
  Let us consider in more detail the various types of freezing.

Whole berry

To freeze raspberries without cooking, the berries are sorted and prepared as described above. If necessary, rinse and dry. Having spread fresh raspberries on a board or a flat surface, they are cleaned in a freezer. After a few hours, they are laid out in prepared containers and sent for storage.

Whole Raspberries with Sugar

Usually this method is used if the berry is very ripe and juicy. The basic actions are the same as with ordinary freezing. The difference is that each layer is sprinkled with sugar.

Raspberry puree

To get mashed potatoes, raspberries are ground using a blender or mortar.
  Usually the bones are not removed, since they are small and practically not felt. The ratio of berries and sugar is 1: 3. The composition is poured into containers and sent to the freezer. If stored in a refrigerator, shelf life is six months.

Seedless raspberry puree

To get seedless puree, it is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, but additionally wiped through a colander. The finished product is stored in the freezer.


Frozen raspberries without sugar is an excellent nutrient for people who monitor their health. Pre-prepared in the classical way, the berries are packed in bags or containers and sent for storage. It is even better to freeze raspberries with other berries, as a result, you get healthy vitamin mixes that are nice to eat in winter.

In container

Harvesting in containers is an ideal option that allows you to save all the vitamins and useful properties in the berries. The main thing is to prepare the berry correctly. You can put whole raspberries and mashed potatoes in containers.

With sugar

The collected berries need to be prepared properly, add sugar in proportion: a glass per kilogram of raspberries and mix gently, without violating their integrity. Pack the resulting product in containers or bags and send to the refrigerator or freezer.

To get the maximum benefit from the prepared product, you need to know how much it is stored in the freezer without losing its qualities:

  1. If the storage temperature is within -18 ° C, the shelf life is one year.
  2. A higher temperature, to -15 ° C, reduces the shelf life of up to six months.
  3. A storage temperature of -12 ° C means that you need to eat the product for three months.

It should also be borne in mind that whole berries are stored slightly longer than pureed ones.

Rules for defrosting berries

  1. It is better to freeze freshly picked berries, they have much more nutrients.
  2. To keep in shape, it is necessary to cool raspberries. It will not become sour after defrosting.
  3. Mash should be a wooden spoon or spatula. This will avoid oxidation from the metal.
  4. The container must be small in order to use its volume immediately after defrosting.
  5. Defrost the product in the refrigerator. This will preserve the integrity and aroma of the fruit.
  6. Repeated freezing is excluded. With it, berries lose two-thirds of their beneficial qualities.

To enjoy raspberries in winter, you just need to learn some rules for freezing this berry and strictly follow them.

Many have loved raspberries since childhood, this fragrant and sweet berry, with dewdrops on velvet skin, it seems to melt in your mouth, leaving an incredible feeling. That is why many are interested in how to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly, in order to preserve useful qualities and taste, enjoy the berry in the cold season.

  How to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly?

The low glycemic index of this berry allows a person to feel full for a long time.

The berries have a lot of vitamin K, which:

  1. Assists in the fight against depression and fatigue.
  2. It makes muscle tissue stronger.
  3. Positive effect on the state of the immune system.
  4. Helps the work of the heart muscle.

The composition contains vitamins C and A - powerful antioxidants.

They eliminate the effects of free radicals in the human body, protect against premature aging, form collagen, which means they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Raspberry Freezing Rules

High-quality harvesting for the winter provides, first of all, compliance with all conditions of freezing and storage.

If you strictly adhere to the rules, the product will retain its shade, taste, aroma.

Moreover, in frozen raspberries, water-soluble vitamins, organic acids are not only not neutralized, but there will be more of them.

Heat treatment leaves only a small part of all this vitamin abundance of fruits, approximately 25%.

Freezing raw materials is the best solution for those who want to eat a healthy and tasty product even in winter!

In comparison, only 30% of ascorbic acid is stored in dried raspberries.

When freezing, other vitamins are also lost - about 25% of thiamine (vitamin B1), 4-18% of riboflavin (vitamin B2).

But retinol during freezing is almost not lost, but its amount decreases during prolonged storage.

Preparing the berries for freezing correctly

So, the raw materials for freezing should be well ripened.

If the raw materials are collected from their garden, they should be laid out and held a little on a tray so that the small pests scatter.

Raspberries need to be peeled:

  • from the stalk;
  • foliage;
  • other rubbish.

Raspberry flesh is tender, so product processing should be carried out with extreme caution.

Ripe or rotten fruits should not be frozen. It is good to sort the fruits by the degree of ripening and size.

And if the product is purchased in a supermarket, then it should:

  • to sort out;
  • lower the sieve with the fruits into a bowl of water;
  • take out and dry on a paper towel.

Large and dense berries can be selected in order to freeze them separately, and small and softer berries can be ground.

Set up a freezer to freeze berries

It is very important to observe the conditions for freezing berry products.

Experts believe that for the harvesting of fresh berries and fruits, the optimal temperature regime is within minus 18-24 ° C.

As we understand it, it is impossible to create such a temperature regime at home in an ordinary refrigerator.

Therefore, we can only harvest a small amount of berries, which will be consumed over the next 3 months. To do this, it is allowed to freeze and preserve raw materials at a temperature of only minus 8 ° C. But, it is important to understand that after 3 months, the number of useful elements will begin to decline.

It is necessary:

  1. All the time to maintain the desired temperature in the chamber.
  2. Never re-freeze after thawing.
  3. Do not overexpose raspberries for very long storage.

Such a product loses all the healing properties.

4 popular ways to freeze raspberries

Here are some ways you can do it:

  1. Whole berries with and without sugar.
  2. Whole berries with mashed potatoes.
  3. Raspberry Smoothie.
  4. In the container.

Any method is suitable for reliable preservation of fruits for the winter.

Popular recipes for making raspberries for the winter:

  • Grated raspberries for the winter with sugar

Grate the berries in any convenient way, add granulated sugar to taste and pour into any wide container (containers, disposable glasses, packages from under dairy products). If you do not put granulated sugar, then in winter you can make yourself a vitamin face mask. In order to use the contents, it is necessary to hold the container in the refrigerator for a little time. And if you fill in the baking dish with dainty, then a quick compote of raspberry hearts, roses, stars, in a glass, in dry heat will pleasantly delight children.

  • Whole sugar-free frozen raspberries

The raw materials must be spread out in a thin layer on a tray and sent for several hours to the freezer. After the berry freezes, it must be carefully poured into PE bags, let out as much air as possible and put in the freezer for long-term storage. It is comfortable to store a large volume of the crop that way. Such a blank will make an excellent dessert wine or compote. It is good to add such raspberries to desserts, pastries, cocktails.

  • Freeze raspberries in a container

The principle and technology are not very different from the method described above. The difference is only in the convenience of storage and preservation of the fruits themselves - in the container the product does not break, does not deform, it will look as if the fruits were just removed from the bush. Cutting board or plate must be wrapped in foil, and lay out the fruits so that they do not touch each other. Then you need to cover the workpiece with cling film and put in the freezer. After 12 hours, when the fruits are properly frozen, everything must be transferred to a clean container with a tight-fitting lid. Then it will be correct to send it in a dense PE package, sign it.

  • Freeze raspberries with sugar

In a container of plastic, in a single layer, you need to lay the fruits and pour sugar on top to taste. Then you need to make a second layer, and so on until the container is completely filled. When the container is full, it must be well closed and put in the freezer. Get out of need.

Another interesting way

Whole berries with mashed potatoes are useful. Part of the berry products must be laid on the bottom of a clean, dry container. From another part of the raw material, select more ripe and softer fruits, pour sugar over to taste, grind in a blender or knead with a blender. Cooked puree should pour whole raspberries, close the container with a lid and put in the freezer. You can fill in layers.

Freezing in any of the ways will make it possible to enjoy tasty and healthy berry products in winter.

How to freeze raspberries beautifully - video

  1. Only frozen raspberries collected on that day are suitable for freezing. The one that lay even for 24 hours in the refrigerator will lose part of the vitamins, wither, darken or become sour.
  2. Before freezing, the batch of fruits must be inspected, all crumpled and leaked specimens removed. It’s good to make fruit juice out of them or add to the pie, but for preparation in the freezer, they will not work. Even a small amount of juice will make it impossible to freeze raspberries in bulk, it will merge into a monolith, and when you try to break this lump, it will fly apart into small pieces, there is no aesthetics.
  3. It is not necessary to wash the freshly harvested product before dry freezing.

If there is a desire to prepare as many healthy berry products as possible, then raspberries can be frozen in a form that is comfortable for storage.

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Dry, crumbly is not obtained at all. Something went wrong, and it stuck together into a block, which only an ice ax can break, is covered with a layer of hoarfrost? How to freeze raspberries in a freezer, so that one to one, to crumble with peas, so that juice does not flow.

Rules for freezing raspberries at home

Freeze raspberries - step by step instructions and a guide to action. Make no mistakes, read carefully!

1. We saw dark berries, the color of which is unfavorably different from the rest, bright red - they are, overripe. Note to the economical housewives: do not use crumpled, yesterday's, overripe - it will let the juice go dark and, at best, the drupe seeds will crumble.

2. For freezing - only cold. It is easier for gardeners: they have collected the required volume - cool in a draft in the open form. Without cooling, get condensation, in the chamber it will become ice. It is more difficult for the city dwellers - one still needs to hunt for perfectly dry and fresh.

If you freeze raspberries in a freezer with a temperature from -22 ... -30 C, cool more, to + 5 ... + 10 C - the temperature difference is greater. To do this, put the berries in the open form on the lower shelf of the refrigerator - not for long, for 10-15 minutes.
  However, for the usual so-called the measure will not be superfluous: let the berries not dry perfectly - the temperature is higher, frost and grains of ice may appear.

3. Dry freeze - dry in everything: do not wash it! If you want to wash, just don’t ask where the frost and frost came from, why the berries stuck together.
  You will get a mess in the worst case, at best - frozen, which will have to be broken or thawed in one piece. You will see how all the juice flows and bitterly visit: why didn’t I listen (a)?

Note: all potentially dangerous bacilli, bacteria and other troubles they perish, like all living things at low temperatures. But the owners of old refrigerators, where the temperature is high, up to -18 C, will have to be content not only with raspberries and ice, but also with heat treatment of the finished product.

4. Do not think about containers down. Understand when you get out of the refrigerator. The best are flat containers with a lid: they close tightly and fit compactly in the chamber. The volume can be arbitrary within a reasonable, but more convenient - up to 0.5 liters. Note: do not overlay a lot: you will often open it - you will get a fur coat of frost on raspberries. If very much and very often - get ice.

How much to put in containers - up to 500 g or 0.5 l, this is the ideal volume. The thinner the layer, the faster the berries freeze. If desired, they can be poured in one container or in a bag.

Important: do not use glass, metal containers: the first one may crack, the second one is simply not designed for low temperatures, and the reaction is not predictable. Do not use, even if stored, rubbed with sugar - there are plastic storage containers for this. And the lid of them is hermetically closed, and they do not take up much space.

What to do if there is no container - freeze in a bag, in an ordinary plastic or plastic bag. Choose stronger, apply less and do not be embarrassed: this is not primitive. In the absence of containers, this is the best capacity - they are easy to tie, it is easy to achieve a full vacuum and can be compactly packed.

There is a lot of hoarfrost in the photo: we know how to freeze raspberries without sugar so that it does not exist, but often we get containers and hide again, sadness 🙂

How to freeze raspberries with sugar, if it is very ripe, very juicy - pour in layers, without stirring, pack - the algorithm of actions is the same. But the best is sugar-free, healthy and versatile.

To grind with sugar, break in a blender or mixer. It is not necessary to get rid of seeds. Sugar ratio -!: 3. Stored up to 5-6 months. Next - just pour into a container, wrap in a bag. Frozen, grated thick as jelly - but does not crumble, flows freely.

5. At what temperature to freeze raspberries - the optimal batch is -18 ..- 22 C (for freezing in a refrigerator, a small freezer), from 22-35 C and up to 40 C for refrigerators.

How to thaw raspberries - and if it starts up juice?

To defrost raspberries and get dry, apparently no different from fresh, and to taste, so that juice does not flow, remember:
  defrost slowly - very slowly: send on a wide dish to the lower shelf of the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, and if there is time - an hour (time depends on temperature), then transfer. Thawed completely at room temperature, from +20 C.

Why take time - and so that frost does not form, which becomes water will wet the berries. Those, in turn, will start up the juice. Yes, and the consistency of the fruit with rapid thawing is broken - and noticeably.

Useful: housewives are often worried about the question - whether it is necessary to defrost for a pie, for baking - the answer is clear: no. Just sprinkle the berries with starch at a rate of 250-300 g 2 tsp, then sugar. All manipulations are carried out immediately before the formation of the cake - so as not to melt.

But for dishes where heat treatment is not required, you need to defrost - as mentioned above, very slowly.