Stewed yellow plums without sterilization. Winter plum compote with pits for winter

14.09.2019 Dishes for children

Not a single fruit gives the drinks such a bright saturated shade as plums, even with a minimum of cans. Compote of them is an excellent refreshing dessert and the basis for cocktails, it is remarkable for the simplicity of the recipe and its unique acidity combined with the soft tartness of the plum peel.

Even immature and slightly crushed fruits of any sort are suitable for harvesting. They are well stored without sterilization and preservative in the form of sugar and harmoniously combine with all fruits.

A sprig of lemon balm or clove added to the syrup will add a spicy mint to the finished product.

You can preserve the drink in banks of any volume, as you wish. The main thing to understand is that 1/3 should be filled with fruits. The amount of granulated sugar is calculated depending on how sweet the plum or cherry plum are. For stewed fruit in three-liter jars, about one glass of sugar is taken with a hill if the fruits are sour, and without a hill if the fruits are sweet. As for liter cans, a third of a glass of sugar is added to them.


Per liter jar:

  • plum or cherry plum - 300 g (1/3 cans)
  • granulated sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l


  1. Before laying the drain, the jar should be washed with laundry soap or baking soda. Wash the plums and cut into two parts, remove the seeds and place the halves of the fruit in a jar.

  2. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water to the very top of the neck. We cover with a lid, which should be boiled in advance. We notice 20 minutes and leave to warm up.

  3. After the specified time, we drain the water, which has already managed to stain, into the pan. Add granulated sugar to the liquid. We put on fire and bring to a boil. Let it boil until all the sugar has dissolved.

  4. Then pour the prepared syrup into a jar with plums.

  5. Immediately you need to roll up the workpiece with a key or tighten with a screw cap. Turn the jar with the contents down with the neck. Wrap and leave to cool.

  6. Before winter, compote from plums will become even more saturated in color and taste.

Mistress note

Plum compote can be made more diverse by adding other fruits that are in harmony with this product. A good combination will come from plums and apples, you can add apricots or pears. Here it is up to your imagination and the availability of fruits.

Some housewives add a sprig of mint or lemon balm to the compote for the winter. This aromatic additive gives the drink a hint of freshness and enhances the taste.

If you want to cook a concentrated compote, fill the jar with plums, occupying a 3/4 volume, and in this case more sugar will be needed. And in winter, such a drink can be diluted with boiled water. By the way, sugar is now optional to put. You can do this when opening the workpiece.

Useful organic acids, pectin, gamma vitamins - from A and C to B and PP - all these valuable components are contained in the plum. It is actively used for medicinal purposes and in compliance with diets. And the housewives do not deprive the fruit culture of their attention - they harvest compotes for the winter from plums, as well as jams and jams. There are many ways and ingredients for canning.

To make the plum compote cooked with your own hands tasty, and the process of its preparation simple, it is useful to know the following subtleties of its creation. To calculate the amount of sugar, you need to focus on the taste of a particular grade.

If the fruit is acidic, you can take 400 grams of sugar per kilogram. The sweeter the fruits, the less sugar is required. Compote can be prepared not only with the addition of sugar, but also with honey.

To give the drink an original taste, its recipe can be supplemented with vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and other spices, as well as wine.

You can diversify the taste of compote by adding other fruits. For plums to absorb sugar better, blanching is recommended. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution: in a liter of water, dilute 5 grams of baking soda. Dip the plums into it and heat to a temperature of 90 degrees.

Selection and preparation of plums

Before proceeding with canning, the fruits must be sorted out, get rid of immature or spoiled. They must be washed in cold water, and can also be sorted. Large plums must be cut and separated. Small fruits can be harvested whole.

How to make an amazing plum compote

There are many recipes for making compotes: classic ones, with and without bones left, with citric acid, honey or even wine.

A simple recipe for the winter

For a 3-liter sterilized beverage can, according to a well-known classic recipe, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fruit;
  • 750 milliliters of water;
  • 350 grams of sugar.

To clear whole plums from pollution, cut into two halves. The bones must be separated. Sterilize the cans in advance and stack the fruits in them. Now you can move on to the syrup: pour sugar into the cooking utensils, pour water. Keep on fire until sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the syrup into cans and gently cover them with lids. Place the container in a large pot with water, so that its level reaches the shoulders of the cans. Pasteurize the jars for 15-25 minutes, then roll up using sterile lids.

No sterilization

You can make a delicious plum drink even if you want to preserve it without sterilization. Need to take:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fruit;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 cups of loose sugar.

Prepare fruits and containers as described in the previous recipe. Put plums in jars, filling them a third, and pour boiling water. After 15 minutes, take the lids with holes, close the containers with them, so that the water is poured into the pan. Add sugar there and make syrup. Fill them with cans to the top edge, tightly close.


Experienced housewives assure that a compote of juicy plums with left seeds can be stored at home for a whole year.

To prepare 1 liter of drink you need:

  • 150-200 grams of aromatic plums;
  • 100 grams of loose sugar;
  • 800 milliliters of water.

Place washed plums in jars. To prevent them from bursting, make a few punctures with a toothpick. Pour boiling water into the jar. After 15 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, boil the syrup. Pour it back into the bank, roll it up.


Even someone who is practically not familiar with cooking can make a fragrant compote of juicy fruits without the presence of seeds.

To do this, follow the recipe:

  • 3.5 kilograms of plums;
  • 3 cups bulk sugar;
  • 1.7 liters of purified water.

Wash the fruits, separate the seeds, cutting the flesh in half. Put them in sterilized and dried jars. Boil water, add granulated sugar to it and leave it on the necessary fire for 15 minutes. Pour the prepared plum syrup. Banks again put sterilized for 30 minutes, then close the lids with thread.

Made of white plums

If you take white varieties to prepare an exquisite plum compote, the drink will acquire a bright, sunny hue:

  • 3 kilograms of white plums;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 750 grams of granulated sugar.

Rinse the fruits, cut, thoroughly peeled, carefully lay in ready-made jars to the very neck. Boil the syrup, pour it into a container. Take a basin or a wide pan, place cans covered with lids in it, pour hot water and sterilize for 25 minutes. Tighten, wrap the cans and let cool.

Concentrated plum compote

To treat your relatives with a delicious plum compote in winter, you need to prepare dense fruits, cut them, removing the seeds. Wash, sterilize the container, fill it with plums to the brim. Pour the preparation with sweet syrup. This must be done carefully. Roll up cans with sterilized lids, turn over, allow preservation to cool and put in a cool place.

With citric acid

If sweet varieties are used to cook compote, you can add a little citric acid to the drink, which will simultaneously act as a preservative:

  • 400 grams of juicy plums;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • one teaspoon of citric acid powder.

Wash fruits and dishes thoroughly. Pour plums into jars and add powdered citric acid. From water and sugar, first boil the syrup and pour it into the selected container to the neck. Roll up, turn over the banks.

Of red plums

Stunning beauty drink can be brewed from red plums. You will need:

  • approximately 50 fruits;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Arrange washed fruits with seeds in sterilized jars, sprinkle them with sugar and immediately pour boiling water. Roll up jars with sterilized lids, turn over and cover with a blanket.

With wine

To cook 5 liters of plum compote with wine, you will need:

  • 3 kilograms of plums;
  • 750 milliliters of red wine;
  • 750 milliliters of water;
  • 750 grams of loose sugar;
  • vanillin, cloves, cinnamon to taste.

The drink is prepared according to the well-known classic recipe for compote from plums. When cooking syrup, water is added not only sugar, but also wine and spices.

With honey

Instead of sugar, this recipe involves the use of honey.

In the harvest season from fruit trees, sweet dishes with berries and cold desserts appear on the tables. However, the whole volume of the collected product cannot be eaten, so the question of finding recipes for home canning becomes relevant. If you are interested in plum blanks for the winter, you should try to cook a can of fragrant compote.

How to make compote from plum for the winter

According to experienced hostesses, the most tiresome thing in creating blanks, if this is not a pair of jars, is an endless process of sterilizing containers. It leads to a significant loss of time and effort, scares off the complexity of novice housewives. To facilitate the task, professionals suggest learning how to cook compote from plums for the winter without sterilization, and if necessary, after transferring this technique to the rest of the berries and fruits. A few nuances of such a workpiece:

  • If you want to avoid sterilization, it is advisable to use the fruits of acidic varieties - they are stored better than sweet. The ideal choice is yellow: they have a good chemical composition.
  • The ratio of sugar to berries is chosen arbitrarily. Classic - 2 tbsp. l / liter Some housewives cook without a sweetener, but then you need to add citric or ascorbic acid, or a handful of currants or a sour apple. Otherwise, sterilization is required.
  • The traditional set of ingredients for a 3 liter can is 2 cups of sugar and the amount of plums that can fill this container to the throat. For this reason, most recipes do not have the exact weight of the fruit.
  • Large plums before canning, you need to cut in half.
  • All products must be fresh, and the berries must be dense if you want to keep their shape. The heat treatment in all recipes without sterilization is mostly short, so the quality of the main ingredients comes first.
  • Standard mandatory product preparation: removal of all damaged areas.

Stewed plum compote for the winter

The highlight of this recipe is not only the lack of sterilization, but also the fact that the cans can be closed without a twist. The main thing is to choose good threaded covers that will fit snugly to the throat, and boil them qualitatively. The many years of experience of the hostesses, who have tested such a simple way to make compotes for the winter, have proved that you can store the resulting product as much as sterilized and twisted.

A set of ingredients for compote:

  • plums - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 9 tbsp. l .;
  • citric acid - 2/3 tsp;
  • water - 3 l.

Plum compote for the winter without sterilization should be prepared as follows:

  1. Warm a large pot of water (it has nothing to do with the list of ingredients) to warm, lower the washed lids there to boil them.
  2. Rinse berries, remove damaged areas, if any. Notch in a vertical line.
  3. Arrange in banks so as to fill only 1/3 of the height. Sprinkle sugar on top (3 tbsp. L. Per liter).
  4. Boil water in a separate saucepan, add citric acid.
  5. Pour boiling water into the jar, filling it to the top - there should be no room for air. Please note that you need to work alternately with each "portion" of compote, and not pour all the water at once.
  6. Quickly remove the lid in boiling water, close the jar, turn over. Continue with the next one.
  7. Before cooling, keep the compote under a tight jacket or blanket: this technology replaces sterilization.

Canned Sugar Free Plums

An ideal recipe for a delicious workpiece for the winter without harm to the figure. No extra calories - just a healthy and tasty drink, which is allowed even for diabetics. A big plus is that the method is very budgetary, since the set of ingredients is as simple as possible:

  • plums - 2 kg;
  • blackcurrant - a handful;
  • ascorbic acid (tablets) - 2 pcs.

Cooking Technology:

  1. Sort the fruits, wash, cut in half.
  2. Arrange in banks so that they are only half full. Pour boiling water, let stand a little.
  3. Drain the liquid, warm it, boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Fill the jars again with this weak syrup, add the crushed ascorbic acid and immediately close. If you use fruits of acidic varieties, tablets can not be used - their chemical composition allows canning without sterilization and sugar.

Stewed plums and apples for the winter without sterilization

The most reliable way to keep the workpiece unscathed is to preserve it using the double casting method, popular at the end of the 20th century. An additional distinguishing feature of this recipe is the minimum sugar content: it is replaced by grapes. You can use any: for a sweet drink black small, for a more neutral taste - long white / yellow. An alternative may be raisins, but it will have to be weighed after steaming.

List of ingredients for winter plum compote without sterilization:

  • medium-sized red apples - 2 pcs.;
  • plums dark red or blue - 0.7 kg;
  • grapes or raisins raisins - 100 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l

You need to cook compote like this:

  1. Wash all the fruits well, cut in half, and deprive the apples of the core.
  2. Pour grapes or steamed raisins with cold water, heat, wait until the color of the liquid changes.
  3. Add slices of plums with apples, wait until everything boils. Maximize power and cook for about a quarter of an hour. In this case, be sure to close the pan so that the compote is infused, and not cooked.
  4. Introduce sugar, boil again, pour into banks and quickly roll up. It is advisable to store the stock no more than the 1st winter.

Seedless drainage

A simple recipe for fans to catch berries from a drink and eat them instantly, without exchanging for separation of seeds. Stewed plums for the winter without sterilization, prepared by this method, is obtained even by the most inexperienced housewife. The set of ingredients for it is classic:

  • red currant - a handful;
  • yellow plums - half a three-liter jar;
  • sugar - in half a liter can;
  • water - 3 l.

Cooking principle:

  1. Sugar with water, boil - the syrup is ready.
  2. Wash the plums, cut in half, remove the seeds. Divide the flesh in half again.
  3. Thoroughly rinse the jar, half fill with plums. Add red currants.
  4. Pour in syrup, immediately roll up the boiled lid. Cool and clean for storage.

Learn how to cook delicious recipes.

Video: winter plum compote recipe

Greetings, dear readers, today we will talk with you about plum compote and answer the question: How to cook compote from plums for the winter? To do this, prepared the 7 best recipes.

Plum is very useful for the human body, but it is not always possible and want to eat the fruits. Moreover, in winter, plum cannot be bought in good quality, at least in Siberia. Therefore, we will make preparations for the winter.

Compote for quick. For summer drinks.

  Pleasant refreshing plum stew

We wondered how to cook compote from plums for the winter. But sometimes I really want to enjoy such a compote in the summer, and there are already no winter preparations at all. First, let's figure out how to make a delicious compote quickly, without rolling into cans.

In order to quench our thirst in summer, we consume a lot of drinks. But in our family, we always try to use healthy, well, or non-harmful drinks. We love it, especially children, compotes. And their plums turn out a very tasty compote, which can well remove thirst.

It is done very quickly, about 30 minutes. It can be immediately cooled and served. Only the most laborious is to remove the bones.

Ingredients Used:

  1. 2 liters of water;
  2. 1 kg drain;
  3. 200 grams of sugar. (to taste, you can and more).

Step 1.

Need to remove bones from all plums. To do this, cut into palms, after that the regime is divided into small segments.

  We remove the seeds from the plum

Step 2

Bring the water to a boil, cook 15 minutes, then remove from heat and add sugar. Mix until sugar is completely dissolved.

Let's cool our compote  and everything can be served. In the summer heat, it is best to cool the drink.

Preservation of plums for the winter. 4 recipes.

How to cook compote from plums for the winter so that it is tasty and the compote does not spoil? There are many options for stewed plums. But we picked up the most common and delicious. There are classic recipes, there are pitted and pitted, in general, look, choose and try.

Classic is the simplest version of compote.

Of course, you need to prepare cans for compotes and a good mood. It is better to do any actions with the mood, then you will surely succeed.


  1. 400 gr plums;
  2. 200 grams of sugar;
  3. 3 liters of water.

Step 1.

To start we select plums and clean them from seeds. It is better to choose plums almost up to ripe, firm.

Step 2

Need good rinse cans and sterilize. Everything is as usual for any preparations for the winter.

Step 3

About half fill the jar with plums.  Now bring the water to a boil and pour jar of boiling water. So let the plum stand for 15 minutes.

Step 4

Now merge from cans water back to the pan. Bring to a boil again and add sugar. Stir it well.

Step 5

Now fill the cans again. AND twist the lidsand. They should also be boiled. Now put the cans on the lid and wrap them in a warm blanket. After cooling, we remove the banks for storage.

Spicy stewed plums with pits.

Answering the question of how to cook compote from plums for the winter, I remembered my father's spicy compote, very tasty and fragrant.

Vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves are better combined with plums, but you can easily add your favorite spices.

Such a drink can be used as the basis for various cocktails.


  1. 3 kg of plum;
  2. water;
  3. 1 kg of sugar;
  4. 3 liters of dry red table wine;
  5. 1/2 teaspoon vanillin;
  6. 3-5 pieces of cloves;
  7. 1 star anise;
  8. 1 cinnamon (stick) or ground 1/2 teaspoon.

Step 1.

We carefully sort, wash the plums. You can use different varieties in one jar. Get some sort of assorted. After fill the cans by about half  plum. Banks are necessarily sterilized.

Step 2

Now pour water and wine into the pan, put on low heat. Add sugar and vanillin, mix. After boiling add all the other spices.

Step 3

After 5-7 minutes of cooking, remove the pan and filter. The resulting syrup is poured into jars and twist them. Covers must be boiled. Turn the cans over onto the lid and wrap them in a warm towel.

That's all, after cooling, we remove the banks for storage.

  The resulting spicy plum compote

"Assorted" - yellow plum compote

Yellow plum differs not only in color but also in taste. It is sweeter and more aromatic. Compote turns out to be very tasty, to the delight not only of children, but also of adults.

  compote "Assorted"

It is better to use such varieties as: "Altai", "Honey White", "Svetlana". And also to diversify with ordinary varieties, but preferably later: “Giant”, “Vengerka”, “President”.


  1. 450 gr plums (assorted);
  2. 300 gr Sahara;
  3. 3 liters of water.

Step 1.

We sort and wash the sink. Sterilize jars and lids.

Step 2

Fill the jars with half the plum, fill with sugar. Pour boiling water. Immediately roll up the cans.

Step 3

We put the banks on the lid and   wrap in a warm blanket. After cooling, we put it into storage.

Stewed pitted plums with nuts.

Walnut gives the compote a very refined taste. In addition to nuts, you can add to taste: gooseberries, cherries, apples or peaches. Try it, very tasty. You can just do with a nut.

How to cook stewed plums for the winter with nuts? everything is just enough. For such a compote, it is better to use late grades of plum.


  1. 300 gr plums;
  2. 1 pc on a jar of apricot, apple or peach (take small apples or cut them in half);
  3. Nuts. You can choose any, to taste (walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.). We count 1 nut on 1 plum;
  4. 450 grams of sugar;
  5. 3 liters of water.

Step 1.

Good rinse and select plums.  We also wash the nuts thoroughly and pour boiling water, if you need to peel them.

Step 2

We get the seeds from the plum. But not as they did above. You need to carefully pull out, as little as possible damaging the integrity, here's a video on the topic:

Now in the sink in place of the bones, put the nut.

Step 3

Now cut the fruit into pieces and put it in a jar together with the plum. It is better to do in layers: a layer of plum, then slices of fruit, then a layer of plum. So up to half the cans. Banks are necessarily sterilized.

Step 4

Pour jars of boiling water and cover with lids for 5-7 minutes.

Step 5

Merge pickle in a pan, add sugar and boil. After that pour it into the jar again and roll it. Turn the jar onto the lid and wrap it in a warm blanket. After cooling, we put it into storage.

Since our plum is boneless, such a compote it is recommended to store no more than 12 months. But I think such a tasty compote will end much earlier 🙂.

Stewed plums for weight loss.

  Stewed plum does not harm the figure

How to cook stewed plums for the winter so that it is useful? Plum in itself is very beneficial. In addition to vitamins, it cleanses the intestines from toxins and normalizes digestion. And also remove cholesterol.

So there is a compote option for housewives who want to lose weight. Many diets allow the use of plums. But the main condition in such a compote is the lack of sugar. Such a compote will not harm the figure.


  1. 500 g of plum;
  2. 2.5 liters of water;
  3. fresh mint.

Step 1.

Pour water into the pan and bring to a boili am.

Step 2

While the water is boiling   cut the plum in half and get the seeds. We fall asleep in water.

Step 3

  Cook for 8-10 minutes and remove from heat. Now just let it brew for 1-2 hours. At the end, you can add a couple of sprigs of mint.

Step 4

Strain and can be consumed.

The fastest compote recipe

  Quick plum compote recipe

Often there are times when there is no time at all, but you want compote. Such a compote is not for the winter, but in the summer in hot weather with ice - the very thing is that it cools and tones.


  1. 250 grams of plum;
  2. 2.5 liters of water;
  3. 50 grams of sugar.

Step 1.

Place a container of water on the stove, on fire. Bring to a boil. While the water is on the stove, wash the drain and dry a little.

Step 2

Pour the plum into water, sugar and bring to a boil. After that, remove from heat and let the compote brew.

That's all. It is better to serve such a drink with ice.

  We cook compote in the bank

How to cook stewed plums for the winter and not only, we figured out. But there are quite a few secrets that housewives use to make compotes simply gorgeous.

  1. Water  for compotes better use peeled. It is possible through the filter, but better spring.
  2. Sugar can be used any, at your discretion (reed, white, fruit ...)
  3. Sugar is better to put less than more. In order not to overwhelm. If anything, it can be added before use.
  4. If the compote turned cloyingly sweet, then you can use apples "Antonovka". You need to cut the apples into slices and cook with compote again for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Spices for compote are crushed into large pieces. A pinch of salt will open the aroma to 100%.
  6. To preserve all the nutrients in the compote, bring to a boil over low heat.  And in water, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid.
  7. Fresh compotes are best store in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5-14 ° C. Or in the freezer, but not more than 1 month.
  8. Before adding berries and fruits to the compote, I blancht. For this, the berries are put in drushlak and dipped in boiling water for 3 minutes, and then they are rapidly cooled. And you can pierce the fruit from the sides in several places with a needle.
  9. Taken out from compote fruits can be served as a separate dessertt or use in baking.
  10. Better compotes and any other store workpieces in dark, dry roomswhere there is no direct sunlight.

That's all with us, I think you liked it. Enjoy your appetite, share recipes on social networks, write comments, bye everyone.

Updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotina Maria

Compotes for the winter - recipes with photos

Do not be lazy, prepare compote from plums for the winter. Take a sip of the syrup with a delicate aroma, feel the tenderness of the plum and praise yourself more than once ...

3 l

45 min

100 kcal

5/5 (6)

One has only to imagine how you open a jar with plum compote on a cold winter day, inhale the delicate aroma of summer ... But to keep this delicious summer impression is not difficult at all. A little creativity, a little knack and knowledge of a simple recipe - compote is ready. My the recipe is nowhere simpler.How to cook compote from plums?

For starters, of course, choose a plum. This is a simple matter. There is now plenty of varieties on the market. But common sense tells us that a compote needs a different drain than, say, a compote or jam.

Choose the smaller plum. Ideally - small or medium plum. It is also advisable to medium ripeness so that in the compote the plum does not fall apart and does not become sour.

What other ingredients are needed for a simple recipe? Sugar and water. Sugar is also worth a look. It is better to take a product of a good manufacturer that meets the standards. Otherwise, the compote can ferment.

How to cook stewed plum for the winter

In advance prepare glass jars. Many sterilize them. I don’t see the point, because then we still put non-sterile plum in them. Therefore, I just wash the cans well with laundry soap and soda. The main thing is to perfectly rinse the soap solution with water. Then I pour boiling water from the kettle. I turn it over to glass water, give a little time for drying. Banks are ready.

  • It is better not to roll up a large number of cans with compote immediately. This is tiring, and instead of the joy of the process, you can just get tired. And good housewives know that the process of cooking any food should be accompanied by positive emotions. If it so happens that there is a lot of draining at once, attract household members to the process: instruct to wash cans or sit to separate the bones from the drains.
  • You can rinse and dry the cans in advance. The main thing is to put them in a clean place and cover them with lids. Before cooking the compote, it will be enough to pour them over with boiling water.
  • It is convenient to pour hot water into the pan from the jar with the already emptied plums by closing the neck with a special “leaky” lid. Now these can be bought at the store. And once my grandmother taught me to simply cut holes (for larger compotes from plums and ranetki, larger ones for compotes from berries - smaller) in an ordinary thick plastic cover.

Storing compote from plums

You can store compote with other blanks. Optimally in a cool place, for example, in a cellar or refrigerator, a cold pantry. Do not store in rooms with a large temperature difference. On the balcony, where there are freezing temperatures in winter.

With high-quality cooking, compotes for several months are quite normally stored in kitchen cabinets or pantries of ordinary apartments.