How to make burgers. Cutting yeast dough buns

14.09.2019 Meat Dishes

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not indicated

  Various forms of sugar yeast dough buns are known. Even a child can learn how to make such products. Therefore, prepare the dough and call the kids for help. They will like the formation process very much - it is very exciting and interesting. Also see the recipe for the most delicious.

  Required Products:

- pastry - 600-800 gr.,
- sugar
- cinnamon
- butter,
- jam.

How to cook with a photo step by step

  1. Cook the pastry according to your favorite recipe. When the dough “fits” (will increase in volume), you can start the process of forming rolls.

  2. Roll a slice of dough into an oval cake. Tip: how to decide which piece of dough to take? It is worth noting that the size of the used piece of dough only roughly corresponds to the size of the future bun, because when baking the product increases in volume. Therefore, a piece of dough should be half as large as the desired size of the finished bun.

  3. Lubricate the resulting cake with melted butter and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Cut the knife into strips, one edge, leaving it untouched.

  4. Gently roll into a roll.

  5. Then collect in the “bagel". The bun blank is ready.

  6. For another type of bun, also roll a piece of dough into a layer, grease and sprinkle with a fragrant mixture.

  7. Roll into a roll.

  8. Use a sharp knife to cut through the central part, leaving the edges intact.

  9. Expand the inner layers (obtained by cutting) outward so that they peek out. Then roll the bun into a bagel.

  10. The bun in the form of a pigtail is also formed on the same principle. The formation is rolling
  smeared with butter and sprinkled with sugar with cinnamon (or just sugar).

  11. The prepared layer is rolled into a roll.

  12. Then it is also incised in the central part, leaving only one edge untouched.

  13. From the halves obtained, a double pigtail is woven, trying to make the layers peek out.

  14. For a heart-shaped bun, roll a slice of dough into a cake and, as in previous cases, grease with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

15. Roll the resulting workpiece into roll.

  16. Bend the roll in half, with a seam inward.

  17. Cut into two on the bend side, leaving the opposite edge intact.

  18. Expand both sides so that the layers of the bun peek out.

  19. The simplest bun is one that resembles a pigeon. Roll a piece of dough into a tourniquet.

  20. Form a nodule from the obtained blank. Cut the peeling lower edge, imitating the tail.

  21. It is very interesting to form buns in the form of a flower. This is completely uncomplicated. Roll out a large layer of dough, 4-6 mm thick. Cut the circles (6-8 cm in diameter) into circles, for each flower 5 pieces.

  22. Each circle bend two, then again - this is a petal.

  23. Connect all five petals (layers up) into a flower.

  24. Roll a small ball from a piece of dough and attach it in the middle of the flower bun.

  25. Muffins in the form of a rose look no less beautiful. And they also form very quickly. Roll a piece of dough (the size of an egg) into a layer. With a knife, make 4 cuts (opposite), not reaching the central part of the workpiece. In the center, put a teaspoon of the filling (jam or cottage cheese).

  26. Wrap the filling with the first "petal".

  27. Then close the petal on the opposite side.

  28. Do the same with the rest of the petals.

  29. Another option for forming a bun is a figure eight cheesecake. For her, also roll out the dough into a large layer and cut circles (12-14 cm in diameter). Then cut the center of the circles with a smaller cut to form a “bezel”.

  30. From the “rim, form the“ figure eight ”.

  31. Put the resulting part on the middle part remaining from the circle. The result is a "nest" for the filling.

  32. Put the filling inside as you wish.

  33. Put all the buns on a baking sheet and leave for 5-10 minutes to proof. Bake at 1800 ° C until golden brown. To make the finished buns sparkle, grease them warm with syrup (dilute 1-2 tbsp. Sugar in 100 ml of water). See how to cook the world famous.

  34. Tasty, varied and fragrant buns are ready for tea drinking.
  Bon Appetit!

Sometimes I really want to improve my own culinary skills and get a unique dish that will appeal to all family members. Housewives make a special emphasis on desserts that appeal to both adults and children. It is much easier to go to the nearest pastry shop and buy some tea treats. But you can independently make beautiful buns in shape.

Baking yeast buns

Wrapping, as well as finishing, require a neat approach. You can not twist the stripes from the text horrible. To make them beautiful, you need to be smart. An experienced culinary specialist manages to give an unusual and attractive shape to products in a matter of seconds.

Not everyone can bake twisted rolls with original patterns on their own. But in reality, no special skill is required. It is enough to follow each step of the recipe to achieve an effect that affects everyone. The shape of the buns is perfect. The following ingredients:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • packaging of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 25 g of yeast.

Another chicken yolk and 30 ml of milk will be needed to grease the rolls. If you intend to mold curly buns, how to properly wrap them, you must definitely study. The work is as follows:

Following this is the molding of rolls. The recipe for making dough for rolls is one, but you can give them shape in various ways. Each recipe has its own characteristics, so do not deviate from the algorithm of actions.

Nothing pleases the eye like beautiful pastries. There are various ways of folding dough for pies, bagels with filling. Even people who do not have much experience in cooking, for example, enjoy sculpting some intricate figure like a rose.


This form of rolls is very popular. Finished products look very appetizing. how give a beautiful shape:

The surface of the dough is greased with a mixture and sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar, poppy seeds. During molding, products are given a clear shape, this can be done using special devices.

Heart and Butterfly Baking

Most often, children like jam buns. Such products will also appeal to adults, as well as puff pastries. To form such baked goods correctly, you must follow the recommendations for wrapping products.

The dough is divided into parts. Roll out one half in the form of cakes, grease with butter. Pour sugar on top.

Next, you need to roll the cake and connect the edges of the dough. The resulting roll is cut along so that a heart is obtained. It remains only to straighten it. This scheme is also suitable for all other types of buns that you plan to sculpt.

For a butterfly-shaped product, the mass of dough is divided into parts. Roll out and sprinkle with sugar. Form a roll, after which it must be twisted into a tourniquet. Connect the edges in the central part. Cut the roll 1 cm in the center and unfold the butterfly. Her wings should be turned to the sides. After that, you can consider the bun with sugar ready.

Features of baking beautiful rolls

It will be easy for both professionals and beginners to make buns with their own hands. How to wrap them, a step-by-step algorithm of actions will tell. Dough products can be wrapped in the shape of a figure. Such a roll will look beautiful.

After the formation of the rolls is completed, you must send them for baking in a baking sheet. It is necessary to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Baking takes approximately 10 minutes. After that, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. You don’t have to get buns after that. You should also hold the product for 20 minutes.

Homemade muffin stuffed

Rolls can be made in the form of beautiful roses. You can often see such items sprinkled with poppy seeds in stores. They are prepared as follows:

  • Knead the dough and roll.
  • After that, they are divided into equal halves.
  • 1 part is rolled out in the shape of a rectangle so that a not too thin cake is obtained.
  • Lubricate it with vegetable oil and pour a small amount of poppy on top.
  • Roll the dough into the roll again.
  • Cut into pieces, the width of which should be 10 cm.

After that, it remains to form roses.

Braids and curls

The dough is placed on the surface of the table, a small amount of flour is poured. Roll out in the form of a seam of rectangular shape. Pour poppy filling on top and fold them together. Cut into transverse strips. In total, 12 strips should be obtained.

Twist them with spirals three times. Fold in the form of rings. Baking with sugar will be ready 20 minutes after it is sent to the oven. The temperature in it should be at 200 degrees.

Stuffed heart

Sculpt small cakes, smear with vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar. Also sprinkle poppy on top. You can also use cinnamon, this gives not only an exquisite taste, but also a good aroma. Twist the dough into a tube, roll and cut. Form a heart. After that, send the buns for baking. The finished result pleases with its originality and beauty.

Cooking Apple Buns

This recipe will require a slightly different set of ingredients. Have to take:

Flour is combined with dry yeast, sugar, salt and mixed. Add vanilla powder and knead the dough. Heat milk and add dry ingredients. Hammer a chicken egg.

Put softened butter in the resulting mixture. Stir with a spoon and continue to knead the dough by hand. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel. The container is left in a warm place for 1 hour. After this is the molding of rolls. For baking apple rolls with jam, you can take fresh apples. To do this, they must first be extinguished in a pan for several minutes. The apples must be removed, and then cut into slices.

Jam-tree braids

The dough is rolled into a cake and cut into medium-sized squares. The central part is filled with jam. Cut squares into small pieces on the sides, not reaching the core. Leave a space of 5 cm in the center, lay it out here. Form a wicker.

To make a baked Christmas tree, roll out the dough in the form of cakes, cut into triangles. Each product is cut from 2 sides into fragments, form a Christmas tree. Top part of baking is greased with a mixture of yolk and milk. Form rolls. They bake well in the oven so that they get a golden hue.

Spirals with jam and roses

Roll out the dough into large formations. Put the stuffing on top. Supplements apple jam with raisins. The edges are overlapping. The finished roll is cut into strips and across. Their width should be 3 cm. About 12 strips will be enough. They are folded in a spiral shape. Put them, greased with jam, bake on a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

To make a rose out of dough, first cut the apples into slices. Boil in water for 5 minutes, add citric acid. Roll out the dough into a layer and cut into strips. All strips are smeared with apple jam, sugar and cinnamon are poured on top.

The strips are placed in the center, after which apple slices are laid on them. Stripes fold in the shape of a rose with an apple.

Curd Products

Few people are able to refuse the curd rolls served for tea. This filling is very popular. You can bake not only sweet rolls. Even salty cottage cheese will be quite appetizing.

Beginners can start with the simplest recipe for curd envelopes. For this, the dough is divided into squares. The curd filling is laid out in the center. Turn the corners in the center and bake until cooked. There are more sophisticated options.

To make roses with cottage cheese, roll dough cakes and cut into three parts, but not completely. Put the filling in the center. Edges wrap around the filling. Folded, form roses.

For people who have some experience in baking, we can recommend recipe for curd buns. To do this, roll out the dough into a rectangle. After this, it is necessary to cut it into squares and put the filling in the center. Notches are also formed at the corners. Roll the dough with the filling and poke the edges into the holes. The second edge must also be wrapped. You can consider the product finished. It remains only to send them to the oven.

Roll out the finished yeast dough with a rolling pin into a layer with a thickness of about 1 cm. Do not roll it too thin, because we want to get air baked goods, not pancakes. Cut circles from the dough with a glass.

Bend the resulting circle of dough in half and connect the ends together, so we get a flower petal. Connect 5 petals, and put a ball of dough on top.

Cover the baking tray with parchment paper. Gently shift our flowers on a baking sheet. I formed flowers immediately on a baking sheet, tightly pressing petals to each other. Leave the buns on a baking sheet for 30 minutes warm. Our beautiful yeast buns will increase in size and the petals will stick together. Lubricate the surface of the rolls with beaten egg yolk.

Put the baking tray with buns in a preheated oven and bake at 180-200 degrees for about 25 minutes until golden brown. Remove the finished buns from the oven and grease with melted honey. Our buns will have a glossy finish and a subtle, honey flavor. Serve the most delicious and, of course, beautiful flower buns made from yeast dough to the table.

Bon appetit and beautiful moments for you!

For the holiday I want to cook something special. And offer a new reading of already known and beloved dishes. So, it's time to get acquainted with new culinary design ideas!

Our review today is devoted to creative cutting of dough - from the simplest to the true masterpieces of flour production.

Putting ideas in a piggy bank!

Buns from strips and layers of dough without filling

You can make beautiful buns from the “sausages” of yeast dough. In order for the strips not to stick together, the sausage must first be greased with an egg. And then already wrap it in a florid line according to the pattern you like.

From a small rolled strip you can make a flower bun, a bow bun, a leaf bun.

For children, we definitely make baking in the form of animals.

You can make a stylish bun with a large bow from a layer of puff pastry.

Roll-based pastries

Original spikelets, rolls and bread can be made on the basis of rolls. Here various schemes for cutting dough with scissors are used.

Spikelet is performed as follows: sprinkle with poppy seeds “sausage” from the dough. Then we make incisions in the roll at an angle of 45 degrees, and lay them out with a “pigtail”.

Similarly, we perform spikelets stuffed with poppy seeds or cinnamon with sugar.

From a roll with sugar and cinnamon you can make a rosy wreath.

If you cut the roll into parts and place on a baking sheet, then you can cook cinnamon rolls. When ready, fill the buns with chocolate icing, concentrated syrup, nuts with sugar or other delicious decoration.

Pie Edge Decoration

Open pies and pizza can be decorated in a special way, filling the edge in advance and filling it with filling.

Original stuffed pies

Pies are loved by adults and children. You can surprise and delight loved ones by performing them in the form of roses, animals, curls, apples and other fruits and vegetables. Thus, you can make thematic pies for a specific event or for a specific person.

Stuffed pies

Large stuffed pies can be decorated in the form of a funny turtle. The relief on the shell can be done using the prints of cups or dumplings.

Stuffed flower pie can be made with any sufficiently thick filling or with a combination of two fillings. We lay out the filling on the lower layer - we form the center and the ring. Then we cover with a second layer of dough and fix the center with a plate. We fasten the ring along the edge and make cuts, unfold the dough, like flower petals.

We make stuffed pie-ring with peeling filling using special cuts in the center of the dough layer and bend it to the edge.

The stuffed pie in the form of a fish is made from puff or yeast dough.

The rustic pie with minced meat and eggs is also quite beautiful and colorful. This dish will surely please your guests!

From small round pies with filling, we form a bunch of grapes, decorate with carved leaves and a vine. Here is the finished culinary masterpiece!

Stuffed cake may be perforated. For such a cake, a thick filling of pieces of meat, cabbage, apples is suitable.

Two-tone pies

Two-color pastry pies and rolls are very original. We make them according to the principle of the well-known Zebra cake, coloring half of the dough with cocoa powder. And then it all depends on your imagination. You can put snow-white balls of dough into a baking dish and fill it with the dark part of the dough, you can bake colored cakes and make a cake out of them, or you can combine two layers of light and dark dough, make two rolls and of them colored butterflies.

Decorative bread

Meeting our guests with bread and salt is our custom. But where to get beautiful decorative bread? It turns out that it is quite possible to bake it yourself. There are a lot of worthy options. Get to know them:

Open pies and pies

Open pies and pies can be decorated not only with the original edge.

Pies from puff pastry with the effect of an opening flower are made of two square layers, notching the top.

Charlotte with apples is now done in a new format. On the shortbread dough we spread the curd filling of the consistency of thick sour cream, decorate with apple roses on top.

Pies with berries and jam filling are decorated with decorative pieces of dough.

Open pies made of puff pastry with meat filling.

Pies and pies are decorated with the edge of the dough and sausages. To do this, put a sausage between two layers, fix it, make cuts and turn it around.

With pieces of boiled sausage, you can make rose pies.

An open pie with pear and cottage cheese is very useful. We fill the base from shortcrust pastry with pears, sliced \u200b\u200brings, without separating them. We spread them in the form of a flower and fill them with liquid curd filling. We bake.

Pie - make a pear from a puff layer and half a pear. Original and simple!

Pie "Santa Claus"

For the New Year holiday, it is worth baking a cake with one of its symbols. We suggest making a cake with the image of Santa Claus.

Now, fully equipped, we begin to experiment with the original baking!

Used photos:,,

We all enjoy various buns with pleasure. We see that they come in different shapes. And every time we want to know the taste of the rolls of another baking and shape. And how to create or weave such delicious buns out of dough? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Now you will learn how easy it is to create buns of different configurations. Yeast dough allows you to create different interweaving pieces of dough to create sometimes even complex shapes.

  • Bun Dough Recipe
  • buns made of yeast dough: buns with spindle sugar;
  • how to make braid buns;
  • how to sculpt buns Chrysanthemum;
  • Weaving the simplest forms of buns video tutorial

Bun Dough Recipe

Cooking time 40 minutes. Dough rise time 2 hours.

Products for 1 kg of dough:

  • 1.5 tablespoons of milk powder
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin
  • 130 grams of butter
  • 1 glass of water
  • 750 grams of flour
  • 25 grams of dry (pressed) yeast
  • 2 eggs

Preparation of yeast dough:

  1. Take 1/4 cup of water, pour in 1 tablespoon of sugar and crumble the yeast. Stir and allow to rise.
  2. In a large bowl, sift the flour, the rest sugar, vanillin, milk powder and mix well. Pour warm boiled water, warm melted butter and approached yeast into the resulting mass, beat eggs (Photo 1).

Knead the dough (Photo 2).

At first it sticks very strongly to your hands, but you don’t need to add extra flour, you just need to knead well for at least 10 15 minutes.

3. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and put in heat until it rises (Photo 3).

When the dough comes up, knead it, knead a little, and you can make buns.

Buns made of yeast dough: buns with sugar form Vereteno;

Weaving time 1.5 minutes per 1 bun.

Products for 20 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

How to make pastry rolls step by step:

  1. Roll the sausage from the dough, divide it into pieces and roll it from each bun. Roll the koloboks into cakes with a diameter of about 10 12 cm. Lubricate each cake with a beaten egg and sprinkle sugar on top (Photo 1).

2. Roll the cakes into rolls (Photo 2).

3. Cut the roll in half, not reaching the end by 1 1.5 cm (Photo 3).

4. Twist the obtained two strips among themselves as on (Photo 4). Fasten the ends together.

When the buns are woven, they need to be placed on a baking sheet, leave to stand for 20 minutes, then cover the top with a beaten egg. Bake in a preheated to 180 degrees C oven until ruddy.

Spindle-shaped buns; with sugar ready.

Beautiful buns from yeast dough Flowers;

Weaving time 1 minute per 1 bun.

Products for 15 20 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Modeling the shape of buns Flowers ;:

  1. Divide the dough into small koloboks (with a children's cam), make a sausage from each kolobok (Photo 1).

2. Tie the sausage in a knot (not tight), not completely tightening (Photo 2) and so that one end of the dough is longer than the other.

3. Take the short end of the dough and braid around the knot. Next, on the other side, braid the long end of the dough around the knot (Photo 3).

4. Fasten one end on the side and thread the other in the middle (Photo 4).

The top of the rolls can be sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar or crushed nuts. But first cover it with a beaten raw egg. You can pour the buns with melted chocolate, but then you must first bake them and cool a little.

Muffins of the Flower form; ready in the oven.

How to make buns shaped pigtails;

Weaving time for one bun 1 minute.

Products for 15 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Sculpting buns in the shape of a pigtail;

  1. Divide the dough into koloboks, from which make a sausage (Photo 1).

2. Lay out the sausage as in photo 1: the end of B should be stretched a little, unlike the end of A.

3. Insert end A into the loop (it is visible in photo 1) and fasten it from the back (Photo 2). Only the end of B. remains free.

4. Oval, which formed (visible in photo 2), twist once with an eight (Photo 3).

The end of B remains at the top of the figure 8. Slide it back behind the product and thread it into the figure eight free hole (Photo 4).

It remains to shift the buns on a baking sheet, let stand for 20 minutes and grease with a beaten egg. Then into the heated oven, as well as the other buns above.

Buns shaped Pigtails; ready.

How to sculpt buns shaped Chrysanthemum;

The weaving time of one bun 1.5 2 minutes.

Products for 15 pieces:

  • yeast dough
  • sugar
  • 1 egg

Weaving buns Chrysanthemum; step by step:

  1. Divide the dough into koloboks, roll an oval from each. Cut the oval into thin strips (Photo 1).

Twist the oval into strips into a roll, but do not twist directly, but along an oblique (Photo 1 and Photo 2).

Do everything carefully, the weave should not be tight.

2. Twist the obtained roll with a snail (Photo 3),

fasten the back of the product (Photo 4). Then place them on a baking sheet, let them part, grease with a beaten egg and bake in a heated oven.

Chrysanthemums It will be more interesting if the ovals, before cutting, grease with an egg and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Chrysanthemum shaped buns; from yeast dough ready.

Weaving the simplest forms of buns - video tutorial

Good luck baking with beautiful bun shapes.