Restaurant administrator: job responsibilities. Cafe Administrator Job Description - Sample

26.09.2019 Fish dishes

In all cultural and entertainment centers, institutions, it is necessary to maintain order, cleanliness, and organize work.

For such places, these factors play a very important role. For example, in places where people eat, it is necessary to observe all the rules of sanitary norms, to organize a favorable environment. The administrator of a restaurant, cafe, pub, bar does just that. Such a profession was created long ago in order to be able to monitor all processes during the work of the institution.

In this article we will tell you about all the intricacies and responsibilities of a restaurant administrator.

Restaurant manager

From Latin "administrator" is translated as "manager". Nowadays, the administrator is the person who provides management. It is the responsibility of the restaurant administrator to supervise all employees. That is, it can be called the main thing in the institution during the working process. Its task is to organize the functioning of the institution. This person is responsible for the operation of the facility, for its success and popularity. In a restaurant, the main goal is to have a lot of people visiting it. To do this, the administrator must make every effort so that visitors see him as a professional. After all, a good atmosphere in an institution always has a positive effect on the visitor.

Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

Since the administrator is the manager and has the status of the chief during the labor process, it can be concluded that he has the most duties and powers.

The restaurant administrator must come to work before everyone else in order to monitor the state of the restaurant before the working day. After that, make a plan for the day to improve everything that is needed. The duties of the restaurant administrator include meeting with guests, greeting and receiving them, and sometimes administrators take the visitor to the table. Often this employee does small social surveys in order to find out the opinion of guests about the institution and draw certain conclusions on how to improve the work. Also, the duties of the restaurant administrator include servicing and checking all household appliances, you need to check them for serviceability and normal performance. It is necessary to arrange the work of cooks, bartenders, waiters, to monitor their correct actions and compliance with all settings. Another important part of the administrator's work is organizing the work of the dishwashing department, because the good reputation of the restaurant depends on their work.

The restaurant administrator is responsible for keeping track of all financial moments during the working day, all cash registers must be in good working order, and cashiers must work competently and accurately.

Duties during banquets

Often people celebrate high-profile events in restaurants, this is due to the fact that there is no need to cook anything, then clean up, just come to the restaurant, take a walk, and calmly go home. In order for everything to happen this way, all requirements must be met by the institution. It is necessary to organize a banquet hall or venue. To arrange everything in a beautiful way, so that the vacationers would be pleasant and would like to come here again. All this is the responsibility of the restaurant administrator. It is also necessary to monitor the arrangement of the venue of the banquet with musical accompaniment, for the high-quality and timely preparation of all dishes and drinks. Before the start of the event, the instructions of the restaurant administrator should be worked out, because he has a clear sequence of actions.

The administrator should warmly welcome all guests, take them to their tables, tell them what and where to be, what guests can expect and what to expect. During the banquet, he must monitor the performance of the waiter's work and ask the visitors what they lack and how they can help. At the end of the event, the administrator must thank the guests and guide them to the exit. After that, follow the cleaning in the room.


The restaurant administrator should look personable during the working day. Most often, classic suits are assumed, as they are best suited for this profession. The administrator is the face of the establishment. Therefore, it must have a well-groomed appearance. Taking care of your appearance is a very important part of your responsibilities.

It can be concluded that a difficult and responsible job is a restaurant administrator.

When drawing up a job description for a cafe administrator, it is important to take into account all the control and organizational functions of this profession. In fact, the administrator of the cafe is the main manager and the right hand of the owner of the establishment, and he is in charge of both the establishment itself and the staff. Customer satisfaction is also supervised by the manager. Read on how to fully prescribe all the duties of the administrator, take into account his rights and make him responsible.

Sample of a typical job description for a cafe administrator

The job description does not have strict requirements for the form and content, the main thing is its availability. What exactly to indicate in it and how to draw it up - this decision is made by the director of a particular organization, in this case, a cafe. A typical sample instruction should contain four main sections - general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities. Each of the sections is obliged to most fully reveal its essence and concretize the information component. Often, for drawing up the instructions, a sample of the existing form is taken, which is adjusted to the requirements of a restaurant or cafe.

General Provisions

The general provisions prescribe the nuances of hiring, requirements for a candidate in terms of basic parameters and questions about his replacement and dismissal. The administrator or manager of the hall is appointed by the order of the head. The general director of a cafe or restaurant may have special requirements for the manager, depending on whether the senior is the manager or his assistant.

A senior manager, in addition to secondary vocational education, by profile or not, must have experience in this area for 2 years or more. For the assistant, work experience does not play a significant role. Depending on the type of institution, there may be special requirements for the availability of certain skills and knowledge, for example, confident computer skills and / or knowledge of foreign languages. The hall manager must be able to effectively communicate with people, have decision-making skills, master the basics of marketing, advertising, psychology, organize staff work and customer service.

Job responsibilities of the cafe administrator

The senior manager of the hall, according to the job description, must keep everything in sight and manage any processes in the institution.

The administrator performs the following job duties :

  • In relation to visitors. Obliged to receive guests, seat them and give advice on the services provided. Accepts complaints from customers, tries to prevent or resolve the conflict.
  • In relation to the staff. It is obliged to organize their work on the preservation of cleanliness in the premises and on the subject territory, as well as monitor the implementation of the instructions of the director or his deputy. Supervises labor and production discipline. Complies with labor regulations and hygiene standards.
  • In relation to the room. Keeps material values, keeps records of them and conducts inventory activities. Supervises the design of the premises and the availability of advertising products.

The work of a manager implies constant interaction with the manager and informing him about the shortcomings and their elimination.


The administrator has the right to professional growth and professional development. The employer is obliged to assist him in this in all possible ways. The manager has the right to receive information about projects of upcoming decisions that relate to the professional activities of the cafe manager. The manager is obliged to be informed and receive information concerning his work from other employees of the institution. The director of the cafe is obliged to assist the manager in the performance of his official duties.


The administrator is responsible first of all, for the safety of all material values ​​entrusted to him by his superiors. It is also important to comply with the requirements of labor discipline and the points of the job description. The manager is held accountable for both the actions of the staff and the satisfaction of the visitors. It is important to be correct and not to divulge secrets that are directly related to the profession. The employer can add additional items to any of the sections of the job description at his discretion, thereby expanding or narrowing the powers of the manager.

26.10.2018, 12:35

A large cafe or a respectable restaurant requires a properly organized management, and the director does not always have time to quickly cope with all the issues that arise. A hired administrator becomes his assistant. This employee is responsible for organizing management and solving day-to-day tasks. The duties of the restaurant administrator should be spelled out in a special instruction.

How to compose

To begin with, this document defines the terms of reference, rights, duties, and also fixes the responsibility of the employee. The instruction is drawn up in free form, its content depends on the specifics of the work of a particular institution.

In fact, the job responsibilities of the administrator of a cafe and a restaurant practically do not differ; these employees perform the same functions. To determine the complete list of functions, a standard document is drawn up. It must be approved by the head of the institution. The manual consists of several basic sections:

Job description section Content
General Provisions.It is necessary to prescribe the requirements for the qualifications of the administrator, his level of education and work experience in a similar position. It is indicated to whom this employee is subordinate in the structure of the organization, the procedure for hiring, dismissing and replacing, if necessary, is prescribed.
Main section.It lists the job responsibilities and rights of the restaurant administrator. This section should contain an exhaustive list of the functions that the employee must perform. If any instruction goes beyond the scope of official duties, the employee has the right not to comply with it.
The responsibility of the employee for non-compliance with the requirements.Disciplinary responsibility is imposed in accordance with the norms of labor legislation.

Also, the instructions can prescribe special requirements and responsibilities that are important for a particular institution, taking into account the specifics of its work.

Basic list

In practice, the administrator of a cafe or restaurant usually performs the following set of job functions:

Administrator functionality Explanation
Workflow control.The administrator organizes the activities of the institution, draws up a schedule of shifts and shifts, monitors compliance with the requirements.
Organization of timely training of personnel.The administrator is obliged to monitor compliance with the advanced training schedule.
Control over the production process.Monitoring compliance with the rules and terms of storage of food products, as well as compliance with the standards of sanitation and hygiene in the institution.
Equipment check.Equipment operability control, involvement of specialists to troubleshoot equipment malfunctions.
Work with documents.Preparation of the necessary documentation, filling out reports.
Dispute Resolution.Resolving conflict situations that arise between employees or between staff and customers of the institution.

In addition, the list of responsibilities may include:

  • organization of celebrations and banquets;
  • work with the cashier;
  • selection of qualified personnel;
  • taking inventory and more.

This is not a complete list of functions that an administrator can perform. They depend on the form of work of the institution, the number of employees and not only.

Employee rights

The administrator of a cafe or restaurant, in addition to official duties, has a certain set of rights:

  • notification of managers about discovered deficiencies for quick elimination;
  • making your own proposals to improve the work of the organization;
  • involvement of management in resolving a conflict situation, if this cannot be done on our own;
  • gaining access to information that is required to organize the full-fledged work of the institution.

The list of rights can also be expanded in accordance with the specifics of the restaurant.

Employee responsibility

The administrator of the institution may be held liable in the event of:

  • non-observance of labor discipline;
  • causing material damage to the institution;
  • equipment breakdown and other misconduct (all of them must be spelled out in the job description).

Also, the administrator can be punished for disclosing information that is considered a trade secret. This item must be registered separately.

Let us remind you that liability measures must comply with the provisions of the Labor Code. The main disciplinary measures remain:

  • comment;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

Also, the employee can be held liable for causing damage to the organization.

A correctly written job description ensures that the rules are followed and that each employee performs his duties. This contributes to the successful operation of the restaurant. It is better not to abandon the formalities, as this prevents serious problems in the future.

This article is about the profession of a restaurant administrator. In it, we will consider in detail what requirements are imposed on this specialist, as well as the duties, rights and responsibilities of an administrative employee.

Who is a restaurant administrator

The administrator who runs the restaurant is a person engaged in the organizational work of all employees of the institution... He supervises the work of waiters, cleaners, guards, cloakroom attendants and cooks. The person in the administrative position makes sure that so that the guest service is of high quality and is carried out at the highest level... This person also oversees that all employees comply with corporate ethics.

For everything that happens in the institution, the administrator answers... This person is engaged in the selection of workers and carries out their training. This employee is in the hall of the institution. He can meet guests, escort them to the table. And in case of conflict situations, the administrative officer solves them.

General provisions of the instruction

The job description is a document that any employee is guided by in his work... In this case, the administrator has his own instructions. It contains general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities.

An administrative worker is a specialist. He reports only to his immediate supervisor. Acceptance and dismissal of this employee occurs by order of the director... A person applying for this position must have secondary education or primary vocational education. Experience in catering must not be less than two years old.

The worker must have the following knowledge:

  • orders, orders, regulations, other normative acts that relate to the field of catering;
  • rules that relate to the sale of restaurant goods;
  • rules that relate to the management of staff and the institution;
  • rules that relate to serving guests;
  • the entire range of products and services provided;
  • marketing rules;
  • catering rules;
  • rules that relate to pricing;
  • professional ethics;
  • duties and rights of all employees of the institution;
  • organization of salary payments;
  • rules that relate to internal regulations;
  • rules that relate to labor protection;
  • regulations that relate to labor.

Responsibilities and tasks

An administrative employee working in a restaurant should perform the following tasks duties:

In addition, the administrator must:

  • attentively and politely treats staff and guests;
  • follow all the rules that are set in the restaurant;
  • comply with the rules that relate to safety.

Requirements for a specialist

A person who is applying for this job must have:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • knowledge that allows him to work at a personal computer.

These requirements are basic and mandatory. Also, when applying for a job, other requirements may be imposed:

  • ability to speak foreign languages;
  • know the range of wine products;
  • experience in holding banquets;
  • experience with guests who are VIP clients.

Whether these particular requirements are met will depend on management and from the level of the institution in which an employee is required.

There is no gender distinction, but as practice shows, most often in restaurants, the position of administrator is occupied by women who have a pleasant appearance.

The qualities that this employee must possess:

Responsibility and rights

In addition to duties, the restaurant administrator has the following rights:

  • familiarization with the decisions of the authorities that relate to his labor functions;
  • presentation of proposals that relate to the improvement and improvement of his work;
  • interaction with the staff of the institution in order to fulfill their duties;
  • signing documents that are within his competence;
  • requirements for assistance in the performance of their labor functions;
  • report on identified shortcomings in the work of staff and the institution.

In the course of carrying out their work duties, a cafe manager can be held liable... It can occur if:

  • duties are being performed inappropriately;
  • an offense has been committed;
  • material damage has been caused;
  • non-observance of the labor schedule;
  • violation of the rules that relate to safety;
  • violation of fire regulations.

How to write a good resume for a restaurant or cafe manager

When applying for a job, many employers t require a resume from the applicant... A resume is a document that must be drawn up by the applicant, where you can reflect all your work experience and professional skills and qualities.

When writing a resume you need to remember that it should not be large printed on multiple sheets. No employer wants to read a long story about a candidate. Anything he wants to know in addition, he can ask during an oral interview.

Keep your resume short and concise, but should contain all the key points. In this document, you must indicate your full name, as well as your age. Then you must indicate your age.

Necessarily needed enter information about the received education... Next, you need to indicate your work experience. To do this, you need to list all the places in which the applicant worked, as well as the names of positions. It is necessary to indicate what exactly was the responsibility of the previous jobs. If there are any completed courses, then this can also be noted.

At the very end of the document, you need to indicate your professional skills and qualities to help you carry out administrative activities. It is important to note the moment why exactly you are suitable for this position, and why you should be invited for an interview.

Remember that a properly written resume is half the battle. Further, at the interview, you will need to show yourself from the professional side, as a good specialist.

Pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of being a manager include the following key points:

The disadvantages of the manager's work include other points:

  • you should always smile and be friendly, regardless of your mood;
  • you need to spend a lot of time on your feet;
  • you need to memorize a lot of information;
  • guests can be different, including conflicting ones.


Administrator, or as it is called in another way the restaurant manager is the face of the establishment... That is why this employee must always look neat, tidy, have a friendly and attractive appearance. This employee can meet guests, show them what free seats are available, accompany them to the table, and invite a waiter.

The manager is engaged in organizational work, which in itself is not easy, so this work is not suitable for everyone. You must always be focused, be able to memorize a large amount of information, be able to find a way out of conflict situations. The manager should monitor the work of all staff, must monitor the service of visitors, ensure that the hall is clean and tidy.

Also, the manager answers all calls that come to the institution, accepts orders for banquets and celebrations. He also makes sure that the restaurant has all the necessary products. Manager must contact chefs, purchase missing goods so that there is no stop-list for dishes, and customers can order exactly what they want.

This video will allow you to get a deeper understanding of the work of the restaurant administrator.

The profession of a cafe administrator is also known as a hall manager, head waiter or manager. This is the person who manages the activities of the institution as a whole. The main thing that a cafe administrator does is organize the work of staff (cooks, waiters, cloakroom attendants, cleaners, security guards, etc.), control the quality of service, resolve possible conflict situations and create a good mood for visitors.

An administrator is needed in all catering establishments, be it a cafe, bar, restaurant or canteen.

History of the profession

The term "head waiter" appeared in France in the 18th century (from the French ma? Tre d'h? Tel - hotel owner). This was the name of the owner of the inn, where travelers and tourists rested and dined. He met visitors, seated them in the dining room, took orders, made payments, and commanded the servants in the kitchen.

Today the head waiter is the administrator of a restaurant or cafe, without whom it is difficult to imagine any point of the catering.

Duties of the cafe administrator

Typically, the duties of a cafe administrator are as follows:

  • organization of effective work of the cafe;
  • personnel management (scheduling of work, training, control of work processes and compliance with institution standards);
  • control of equipment operation and quality of prepared dishes;
  • control of the timing of the sale of finished products;
  • communication with visitors;
  • help to waiters;
  • preparation of the necessary documents and reporting.

Also, the functions of the cafe administrator may include:

  • staff recruitment;
  • conducting inventories;
  • managing the assortment of prepared dishes;
  • work with the cashier;
  • organization of banquets.

Cafe administrator requirements

The requirements for a cafe administrator are very simple - work experience. He is always needed.

As a rule, you need:

  • know the basics of working in a restaurant;
  • be able to organize the workflow;
  • use a PC.

Depending on the nature of the institution, certain requirements may be imposed on the age, appearance of the employee or knowledge of a foreign language.

Sample Cafe Administrator Resume

Resume sample.

How to become a cafe administrator

You can get a higher education in the specialty "Organization of services in public catering" or complete courses in restaurant management. However, in this profession, experience is everything, and a beginner can only count on the position of assistant administrator.

Cafe administrator salary

The average salary of a cafe administrator is 30 thousand rubles a month. A beginner will be offered about 20 thousand rubles a month. An experienced administrator earns around 40 thousand rubles a month.

Restaurant manager functions

A restaurant manager is a person that the clients of this establishment usually don't know about. But it is the tasks of the restaurant manager that include the function of planning the work of the establishment, the direct organization of work and, of course, its verification. If the customers are happy with everything, and there is a positive opinion about the restaurant, the manager is probably doing his job well.

The key responsibilities of the specialist who occupies this position is to provide high-quality and efficient customer service. The general list, which characterizes the duties of a restaurant manager, is as follows:

  • Organization and holding of a banquet;
  • Specific division of duties between restaurant employees;
  • Training, motivation and adaptation of employees;
  • Monitoring the implementation of labor protection and safety measures;
  • Compliance with the rules of sanitary norms;
  • Compliance with cooking standards;
  • Inventory;
  • Monitoring the shelf life of food products;
  • Cash collection and keeping cash records;
  • Conducting meetings with applicants and reviewing the resume of restaurant managers;
  • Prevention of conflicts between visitors and restaurant employees.

As a rule, specialists who have experience of working as a waiter or hall administrator in a restaurant or cafe apply for the position of a restaurant manager. The salary depends on the level of training, work experience and, of course, the profitability of the institution itself.

The restaurant manager is obliged to have an impeccable appearance and be a model for other employees. It is not permissible to be late for work or leave the workplace before the restaurant is closed. In most cases, the restaurant manager arrives at work one hour before opening time.

Occupation cafe administrator

He is obliged to check that absolutely everything is in perfect order and only later open the restaurant. As statistics show, the majority of restaurant managers are women under the age of 30 (over 60%).

Alas, the duties of a restaurant manager do not include high-level knowledge of English. Consequently, only barely more than 20% of job applicants are fluent in a foreign language.

Kohl analyze all the information, it is permissible to conclude that the manager is the direct chief of staff of a restaurant or cafe. An effective manager works for the economic success of the enterprise, he is ready to quickly and correctly make error-free decisions.

Other offers related to the restaurant business and other areas can be found on the portal of the recruiting center "Abriks".

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Main responsibilities and job description of a restaurant administrator

Job description of the restaurant administrator of the 1st category

1. General Provisions

1.1. The 1st category administrator belongs to the professional category.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

1.3. The 1st category administrator should know:
- decrees, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning the service sector;
- management structure, rights and obligations of restaurant employees and their mode of work;
- rules and methods of organizing service for restaurant visitors;
- types of services rendered by the restaurant;
- the layout of the restaurant halls and utility rooms;
- fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;
- fundamentals of marketing and advertising organization;
- the basics of aesthetics and social psychology;
- labor legislation;
- consumer protection legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and norms of labor protection.
- the basics of administration;
- ethics of business communication.

1.4. Appointment to the post of administrator of the 1st category and dismissal from office are made by order of the general director on the proposal of the senior manager.

1.5. The 1st category administrator reports directly to the senior manager.

1.6. During the absence of the administrator of the 1st category (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

1st category administrator:

2.1. Provides timely and high-quality cultural services to visitors in accordance with current service standards.

2.2. Coordinates the work of the administrators of the 2nd category and other employees of the restaurant subordinate to him, controls their entry to work. Checks the appearance of employees subordinate to him.

2.3. Ensures compliance with the standards of service to visitors.

2.4. Carries out control over the safety of material values.

2.5. Advises visitors on issues related to the services provided by the restaurant.

2.6. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.7. Considers claims related to unsatisfactory customer service, takes the necessary organizational and technical measures.

2.8. Monitors the observance of labor and production discipline by subordinate employees, rules and regulations of labor protection, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2.9. Reports to the senior manager about the existing shortcomings in the service of visitors, the measures taken to eliminate them.

2.10. Adheres to the established work schedule. Leaves at the workplace by 8.30, accepts the hall and material values ​​as part of the commission. Present at the general assembly at 9.00.

2.11. Checks the preparation of the restaurant hall for work:
- cleanliness of the hall, bar counter, toilet room, utility rooms;
- lighting and background sound;
- table setting;
- the state of the station;
- stock of dishes for distribution.

2.12. Distributes waiters by positions and assigns additional responsibilities to them. Monitors the constant presence of waiters at the position at the entrance and at the VIP table.

2.13. Greets and places guests in the hall.

2.14. During his shift, he monitors the cleanliness of the hall and the sanitary condition of all utility rooms, lighting, background sound, energy saving.

2.15. Carries out work to improve the qualifications of waiters, bartenders.

2.16. Carries out timely delivery of dirty linen for washing. Keeps records of table linen handed over to the laundry.

2.17. By the 25th day of the current month, it submits for approval to the management the schedules for the work of waiters, bartenders, cashiers, cloakroom attendants, cleaners, and washers for the next month. At the end of the work shift, the administrator must:
- fill out the timesheet;
- write an administrator's report, reflect everything that happened during the shift and other information and reporting documentation;
- submit reporting documentation to the relevant departments.

2.18. Every Wednesday at 16.00 attends the organizational meeting.

2.19. During his shift, he monitors the assortment of the restaurant and bar, the condition of the equipment and inventory.

The administrator of the 1st category is prohibited from:
- leave the workplace without the permission of the immediate supervisor;
- smoking in unidentified places and drinking alcoholic beverages on the territory of the enterprise;
- in the workplace: eat and chew chewing gum; to read; stand with arms crossed on your chest; use profanity or slang vocabulary, contemptuous intonation, be rude; remain indifferent to the requests of visitors or employees; have your own cash with you;
- connect any heating devices, boilers or other devices without the consent of the administration;
- to place personal vehicles in the parking lot of the enterprise;
- visit the enterprise outside of working hours without the permission of the administration;
- enter the restaurant in non-working clothes, without proper change of shoes.

3. Rights

The 1st category administrator has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from structural divisions information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for by this Job Description.

3.2. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

3.3. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction for consideration by the immediate supervisor.

3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The 1st category administrator is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Purchase books on HR administration

Handbook of a personnel officer (book + diskM)

This publication contains practical recommendations for organizing the work of the personnel department and personnel records management. The material is clearly systematized and contains a large number of specific examples and sample documents.

The book is accompanied by a disk with forms of documents and regulations in the Garant system, regulating various issues of labor relations and personnel work.
The book will be useful to a wide range of readers, personnel workers, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

Are you ready for the arrival of a labor inspector? (2013)

The author explains in detail what the labor inspectorate is and what the limits of its powers are, how inspections of compliance with labor legislation are carried out and how they can end, what violations can lead to a fine, and which ones will entail disqualification of the head of the organization. The book provides practical recommendations for employers-organizations and individual entrepreneurs, which will help to avoid the claims of labor inspectors. When preparing the book, all the latest legislative changes were taken into account.
Author: Elena Karsetskaya
The book is addressed to the heads of organizations of all forms of ownership, employees of personnel services, accountants, individual entrepreneurs, as well as everyone who is interested in compliance with labor legislation.

Collection of job descriptions

The collection includes job descriptions drawn up in accordance with the qualification characteristics contained in the Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37, as well as in accordance with other regulations on tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).
The collection consists of two sections: the first includes industry-wide job descriptions of managers, specialists, technical executors, and the second contains job descriptions by industry (editorial and publishing, transport, banking, trade, research, education, healthcare).
For heads of organizations, employees of human resources and legal services.

The restaurant administrator is responsible for everything that happens in the establishment and, in fact, is the restaurant manager. The administrator selects personnel and trains them, meets and sees off visitors, manages all work processes and is responsible for the quality of the restaurant's work (cleanliness, politeness, atmosphere, delicious cuisine and other aspects), and also solves all non-standard issues.

Places of work

The position of a restaurant administrator is required in such establishments as:

  • restaurants;
  • cafes, bars, snack bars;
  • sports and entertainment clubs with a dining room;
  • hotels and hotels.

History of the profession

Despite the fact that catering is already several thousand years old, restaurants and cafes have become common establishments not so long ago. It can be considered that France was one of the first countries to turn food into a cult and almost a ritual act. It was there that, two or three centuries ago, the owners of establishments began to pay special attention to serving visitors.

How to Hire the Right Restaurant, Cafe Manager

The first managers were the head waiter (hotel owner - translated from French). They met the guests, organized rest and decent food for them.

The profession of a restaurant administrator appeared already in the 20th century, when there were a huge number of restaurants, cafes, bars and canteens, and there was a need for competent managers and directors.

The duties of the restaurant administrator include:

  • meeting visitors;
  • maintaining comfort and a pleasant atmosphere for guests in the hall;
  • personnel management (training newcomers, scheduling work, motivating employees, monitoring the work process);
  • work with documentation, reports, inventory;
  • resolution of conflict situations.

The duties of the restaurant administrator also include:

  • organization and holding of banquets;
  • cash management and accounting;
  • fulfillment of official orders of the head.

Requirements for the restaurant administrator

Basic requirements for a restaurant manager:

  • higher education;
  • work experience of at least 1 year;
  • knowledge of PC (P-Keeper, MS Office, 1C).

In addition, additional requirements may be put forward:

  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • knowledge of wines;
  • experience in organizing and holding banquets;
  • experience in working with VIP clients.

Sample Restaurant Administrator Resume

Resume sample.

How to become a restaurant administrator (manager)

The profession does not require special basic education, although higher education is encouraged.

To become a good administrator of a cafe or restaurant, you need to gain some work experience and have organizational skills - usually all restaurant managers in the past were themselves waiters, bartenders or cooks.

Restaurant administrator salary

The salary of an administrator, restaurant manager almost always consists of a fixed salary in the amount of 20-30 thousand rubles a month and bonuses based on performance. The average salary of a restaurant administrator is 30 thousand rubles a month.

Profession of Restaurant Administrator: Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

The restaurant administrator, along with the waiters, represents the face of the restaurant and manages its activities.

History of the profession

The flourishing of the restaurant business began 300 years ago.

It happened in France, where, with the development of the catering industry, the requirements for the quality of customer service have increased.

Restaurant administrator: his role, functions and a detailed list of responsibilities

Initially, the owner of the cafe or restaurant, the head waiter, who met the guests, organized rest and meals, acted as an administrator.

Later, managers appeared in large establishments. The profession of the administrator of catering establishments arose in the XX century, when managers and directors were needed in restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens.

Where restaurant administrators are needed

Catering establishments need competent managers:

  • ubiquitous restaurants;
  • widespread bars, cafes, eateries;
  • all kinds of entertainment and sports clubs with cafes and bars;
  • hotels and hotels with their own restaurants.

Responsibilities of the restaurant administrator

The administrator is responsible for the work of the restaurant team. He is obliged to meet visitors, communicate with them, seat them in the hall, taking into account the wishes, observe the waiters, control customer service, and resolve conflict situations.

In addition, the administrator must work with documentation, draw up reports, do inventory, organize banquets, starting with the preparation of the menu, the general plan of the celebration, decoration of the hall and ending with decorating tables, choosing the color of tablecloths and the shape of bows.