Boiled corn is tough what to do. How to cook soft and juicy corn: a few secrets

18.04.2019 Bakery

With the onset of the season, many people want to enjoy such a delicious and useful product like corn. But how to cook it so that it remains soft and does not lose useful properties? We will talk about this in our article.

You will need a wide saucepan for cooking. It is not recommended to break the cobs to make the cooked corn really tasty, so choose a pot that is the correct size. The pot should also be deep and thick-walled.

We begin to put corn in a pre-prepared pan. First, cover the bottom with leaves, and put the ears on top of them. Place the leaves on the sides as well so that the corn will not come into contact with the pot. Put the "antennae" on top - this will preserve the aroma and give a sweet taste.

After placing the corn, pour cold water into the pot. It should completely cover the corn. Close the saucepan tightly with a lid and put on high heat. When the water comes to a boil, reduce the heat and continue cooking for about 40 minutes. Some varieties take longer to cook - about 3-4 hours.

Check that the corn is cooked periodically while cooking. Make sure the water continues to boil even over low heat. Do not allow water to evaporate below the corncob line. If the grains are soft, you can remove the pan from the heat.

If it's winter, but you still want corn, you can cook it from frozen cobs. They are sold in almost every supermarket. Just dip the corn in boiling water. Such corn is cooked for 25-30 minutes.

Microwave corn

There are two ways to microwave corn. For both, you will need corn, washed and stripped of leaves and tendrils.

  1. Fill the corn with water and put it in the microwave for 45 minutes, the capacity is 800 watts. If the whole corn does not fit, you can cut it. Make sure the water completely covers the corn.
  2. We lay the corn in food bags for the microwave. We leave it for 7 minutes, the capacity is 800 watts.

Corn in a pressure cooker

We wash the unpeeled corn, fill it with water and cook. Usually 10-15 minutes is enough for the corn to cook.

Corn in a double boiler

If you can, steam the corn. At the same time, she will keep everything nutrients, and the pleasant sweet taste and aroma will not go into the water.

Clean the ear, rinse it and place it in the steam basket. Cooking time for corn in a double boiler ranges from 10-15 minutes. Just in case, check the instructions that come with each steamer.

Corn in milk

Washed and peeled corn cobs are poured with milk and cooked in the microwave for 30-45 minutes. You can add a little butter to the milk for flavor.

Another way is to boil only corn kernels. They are poured with milk, butter is added and boiled until soft. You can drain the milk and serve. Or, add 2 tbsp to the milk. tablespoons of toasted flour, a little salt and boil.

We literally sell corn on every corner, both raw and boiled, and when buying again I heard a girl asking the seller: how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan and how long it takes. At first I was surprised at this question, because it’s so simple, but then I thought it’s not difficult to cook corn cobs, but there are some subtleties here too. Let's talk about them.

How to boil corn on the cob in a saucepan

As soon as they start selling corn, I immediately remember the summer in the village, when the boys on bicycles brought cobs of young corn from the fields, my grandmother cooked them and we, the kids, ate with pleasure juicy corn sprinkling it with salt. I have not lost my love for corn, and all my household eats it with pleasure, but so that corn does not disappoint, I must initially choose it correctly.

How to cook corn cobs correctly - recipe

Cooking corn in a pan is the easiest and traditional recipe... Remembering my grandmother, she always cooked whole ears in a wide saucepan, so I do, but if there is no such saucepan, then you can break the ears in half.

  • First, the corn must be washed along with the leaves, then cleaned of leaves and hairs.
  • Cover the bottom of the pan with inner leaves that were closer to the cob, put corn on them, cover them with leaves. If you have multiple layers of corn, overlay each layer with leaves, these will give the corn extra flavor and juiciness when boiled.
  • Pour into a saucepan cold water and put on high heat so that it boils faster. But as soon as it boils, reduce the heat. I heard that corn is poured with boiling water at once, I think this option is also possible.
  • An important point - do not put salt right away if you want to get tasty and juicy product after cooking. If you do not like to salt it while eating, you can add salt directly to the pan, but 5 minutes before the end of cooking. But in my opinion, it tastes better when we salt it already in the process of eating, or maybe it's just childhood memories. But that's how we eat corn.

How much to cook corn in a saucepan

The cooking time depends on the variety and the age of the corn. Very young, milk cobs will be ready in about 10 minutes. But we don't really like such corn, we like it to be a little older, it has more saturated corn flavor and juiciness is also enough. Such corn is cooked for 20 - 30 minutes. You can check the readiness with a toothpick, if the grain is easily pierced, then the corn is ready or taste it, if the softness suits you, then the cooking process can be finished.

Do not be discouraged if you still come across fodder corn, edible and healthy in any case, just not so juicy. Of course, you will have to boil it for more - an hour, or maybe longer.

Do not take out the finished corn immediately from the pan, turn off the heat and let it stand in the water in which it was cooked for 30 minutes, this will also give it additional juiciness and taste. During this time, it will just cool down a little.

How to store corn

  • Having brought the corn cobs home, you should not store them for a long time, it is better to boil them right away. If it is not possible to cook immediately, put them in the refrigerator. It is necessary to clean the leaves immediately before cooking.
  • If you bought or were treated to corn with a surplus, then it can be frozen, after having cleaned it of leaves and hairs and put it in a plastic bag. After defrosting, corn does not lose its usefulness and taste. You can defrost it naturally or by putting it in cold water.
  • It is also not recommended to store boiled corn for a long time, a maximum of 1 - 2 days and then in the refrigerator, putting the cobs in a plastic bag. More long-term storage will affect taste qualities, the grains will lose their juiciness.
  • Repeated heat treatment boiled cobs should not be done, the grains may become hard. They say you can heat it up in the microwave, I don't know, I haven't tried it, for me it is good when cold.

They say in Mexico, corn is cooked not in water, but in milk, adding butter at the end of cooking. Mexicans love to serve corn with both sweet sauces and a fair amount of pepper.

Can boiled corn grease butter, and Americans like to grease a boiled corncob with mayonnaise.

How you eat corn is up to you, but I really hope that the tips on how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan will come in handy and, while the season is in, you will enjoy a delicious and healthy summer dessert.

Bon Appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Corn is useful and nutritious product... It contains vitamins, minerals, saturated and fatty acids.

Corn is a good prophylactic remedy for cardiovascular diseases, normalizes metabolism, promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body and has many other advantages.

And just something, you need to eat 40-50 grams of corn per day in order to supply your body with everything useful substances that it contains. You just need to cook the corn correctly, otherwise all the valuable substances will easily evaporate!

How to cook corn?

In summer, you can often meet corn sellers on the street. But you just don't know - how the "queen of the fields" was prepared, whether she kept her nutritional value... And it will be much better if you cook it yourself at home, because this is not at all difficult to do! How to cook corn at home?

How to choose the right corn?

First you need to buy corn and there are secrets here. There are quite a few varieties of corn: there is fodder corn intended for animal feed and food corn for human consumption. Therefore, when buying corn, take an interest, if there is such an opportunity, where it is grown: on personal plot or in the fields and for what purposes.

Please note that the cob is not peeled from the wrapper and stigmas - this will prevent the corn from drying out, and it is much better to cook it in this form. It is also worth picking the cobs, the greens of which are not frayed or dried out. This suggests that corn was stored for a short time and it retained its properties.

To make the corn soft when cooking, you need to take it only of milk freshness. Young corn is much tastier than ripe corn, because in grains, the process of converting sugar into starch has not yet been completed. Ripe corn- tasteless and not aromatic. Bite through one grain, breaking it off at the very base: if the grain is soft, and there is water inside, it means that the corn is young and you can safely buy it. The harder and drier the seed inside, the more ripe the ear.

How much corn to cook?

It would seem such a simple question: how long does it take to cook corn? And there are several answers. Depending on the type of corn - different time its preparation. If the variety is early (early ripening), then it should be cooked from 30 minutes (for milk freshness - 10 minutes) to 1.5 hours. If you purchased late varieties corn or fodder (this also happens) - the time for cooking will take from 2 hours to 6. That is, young fresh corn cooks much faster than the old one.

How much corn to cook?

The most convenient way for boiling corn cobs is a thick-walled and deep dish with a lid that fits snugly against the dish. It can be a cauldron or a cast iron - the main thing is that the dishes are evenly heated. The cooking fire should be low so that the nutrients are better retained in the corn.

Before cooking, rinse the cobs thoroughly, remove the dirty leaves, do not peel the clean ones. Place unpeeled corn cobs in a bowl, cover them with water 3-5 cm on top and put on fire. To keep the corn soft, do not salt the water when cooking.

Since the degree of maturity of the ears is predetermined, you already know how long the corn will boil (if young - from 10 minutes, mature 2-3 hours). Color and smell are not indicative of corn readiness. Readiness can be determined by taste. When the time is up, try one grain. If the grain is easy to chew and soft on the inside, then the corn is done.

It is best to eat corn freshly cooked. Chilled corn doesn't taste so good. Just make sure that she stands a little, so as not to burn yourself. The finished ear can be greased with butter and sprinkled with salt to taste.

How to cook corn in a double boiler?

Many people do not even think that corn can and even needs to be cooked in a double boiler. After all, from classic cooking cobs in water, steamed corn is juicy and more rich taste... The secret is simple - the nutrients and sweetness of corn do not go into the water, but remain in the product.

Pre-clean each ear of leaves, stigmas and tendrils, rinse, and then put in a steam basket. Each steamer comes with instructions with a plate, which indicates how long it takes to cook any product. Typically, corn is cooked in a double boiler for 10-15 minutes. When serving, rub the corn with butter and salt.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Take milk-fresh corn. Before cooking, it must be rinsed and cleaned of hairs and leaves. Break or cut the cobs in half, but if your crockery allows you to place whole corn, you don't have to.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Place the cobs in a bowl, cover with water so that the corn is completely hidden under it, cover with a lid. Set the timer for 45 minutes at a power of 800 watts. From time to time it is necessary to check the water level in the dishes, if there is not enough water, press pause and top up.

The second way to microwave corn is much easier, only you need microwaveable food bags. Peel and rinse the corn, put it in bags, and tie it up so that the air in the bag does not come out. Set the timer for 7 minutes at a power of 800 watts. After the time has passed, the corn is ready!

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker?

If the ears are young, they cook almost instantly in the pressure cooker. Rinse the corn and put it in the pressure cooker without peeling it. Add enough water so that the corn is completely immersed in it, you can resort to the instructions of your device. Boil the cobs for 10-15 minutes (if the corn is old - 40 minutes). Serve hot corn, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in milk?

Rinse and clean the ears thoroughly before boiling. It is more convenient and faster to cook corn in the microwave or pressure cooker. Put the cobs in a bowl, pour milk, about 0.5 cm of milk should be on top of the corn. Add 50 grams of butter. Cover and simmer in the microwave for 30-45 minutes.

There is another way to boil corn in milk. Take milky corn, rinse it, peel it and separate the kernels from the cob. Cook the grains in milk until soft. Add butter. You can serve such corn yourself, only you first need to drain the milk and salt the corn. Or, without draining the milk, add lightly toasted wheat flour(2 tablespoons), season with salt and boil, stirring occasionally.

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Rinse the corn and place the cobs on the leaves in a double boiler. Cook young corn in a double boiler for 5-10 minutes. Stern or old corn cook in a double boiler for 40 minutes. To cook corn in a double boiler, add 1 cup of water to create steam.

How to cook corn in the oven

Rinse the corn, peel and place tightly in a deep baking dish greased with butter. Pour boiling water over the corn so that it barely covers the corn. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, put the form with corn in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

Wash the corn, put it in a pressure cooker, add water so that the corn is completely covered with it, boil young ears for 10-15 minutes, old or fodder ones - 40 minutes.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Fast way - no water
For boiling corn in the microwave without water, the type of corn is important - it can only be young corn. Put corn in food plastic bag, tie tightly and cook for 10 minutes at 800 watts. Or, cut off part of the cob, leaving the corn in the leaves, and cook in own juice within 5 minutes at the same power.

Slow method - with water
Only young corn is suitable for microwave cooking. Wash the corn, put it in a container for microwave ovens, fill with water and cover. Set the microwave for 45 minutes and 700-800 W. It is important to ensure that the water in the microwave does not boil away, and, if necessary, add boiling water to the container.

Calorie content of boiled corn
130 calories per 100 grams.

Shelf life of corn
Store raw corn before cooking for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.
Boiled corn is eaten immediately after cooking, after which its taste and nutritional properties are gradually lost. Store boiled corn in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.

Keep boiled corn necessary directly in corn broth. Already 2 hours after boiling, the corn will begin to lose its taste, therefore, it is necessary to cook the amount of corn that is supposed to be eliminated at a time.

Cooking pot
For boiling corn, a wide and deep pot is most suitable, so that corn can fit with a margin. If there is no such pan, break each corn into 2-3 pieces.

Benefit boiled corn Corn is rich in vitamins A (regulates metabolism), C (immunity), E (protects the body at the cellular level), thiamine (vitamin B1, which is responsible for the growth and development of cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems), (ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and is responsible for the health of the skin, nails and hair). Corn is rich in fiber (helps cleanse the body of toxins) and potassium (providing the body with fluid), it is well absorbed by the body.

How to choose the right corn
The seeds of young corn are light yellow, the cobs themselves are small and not very long, the rows of corn are perfectly even, dense, of the same color. Like on a picture. :) If you want to make sure that the corn is young, cut the grain - you should highlight the juice, white as milk. Or, cut the stump - it should be light, whitish. Pale yellow maize - middle "age", will take longer to cook. Overripe, with bright yellow grains, will cook even longer, up to 2 hours. Consider the area where the corn was grown - southern corn tends to be softer.

Recipe: baked corn in sour cream Cut off the kernels from the cobs of boiled corn (5-6 pcs.), Pour over sour cream (half a glass). Put the corn with sour cream on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese, add a little butter. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve the corn with herbs. See how else

The aroma of boiled corn brings us back to childhood, where this scent is mixed with the scent of the sea, vacation, carelessness and freedom. To plunge into these memories, there is nothing easier than to boil an ear of corn, sprinkle it with salt and eat it with pleasure. Isn't it tempting? In this article, you can find basic tips and different ways on the topic of how to cook delicious corn so that your whole family will like it. Learn how to choose, cook and serve it. So let's get started.

Choosing corn

It's no secret that young table varieties of corn are best suited for cooking. It is also called milk. Determining it by sight is quite simple:

Has a light yellow, almost white color

The grains have not grown too tightly yet

Can be either short or long

When pressed, the grain gives in, but returns to its original shape

Inside the grain is soft, juicy and white

Pay attention to these distinctive features... Often they sell either already overripe, or even feed corn... It is more yellow and harder. Cooking such corn for a very long time, and it will not taste at all. Do not hesitate - try before you buy, and then the question of how to cook corn and how to make it soft will no longer bother you.

Maize preparation

Before boiling milk corn, rinse it under running water and remove the old dusty leaves. It is not necessary to remove all the leaves; for example, they can be removed from the cobs and placed on the bottom of the pan. Before cooking the corn, you can soak the corn for an hour in cool water. But what if you did buy overripe corn? How do you cook corn in this case? Try to peel it of leaves and fibers, break it in half and pour a mixture of water and milk into equal proportions... She should lie like this for about 4 hours. Then you can cook such corn in the usual way.

Boiling corn

It is important to know how to properly cook corn in a saucepan in order to get really delicious result, not gum. If you're still wondering how much to boil corn to keep it juicy, read on for our tips. You need to throw the corn into the already boiling salted water, otherwise it will become hard. Water is usually salted 5 minutes before readiness, or sprinkled on the cobs altogether before use. How much and how to cook corn on the cob depends on how mature it is:

Young - 20-30 minutes

Mature - 30-49 minutes

Overripe - about 2-3 hours

The way to cook corn in a saucepan is the most familiar, however, you can cook soft, fragrant cobs in a multicooker, pressure cooker, double boiler and even an oven or microwave.

Multicooker. After preparing the corn, pour about 1 liter of water into the multicooker bowl, put a special tray for steaming and turn on the "Steam" or "Steam" mode for 30 minutes (milk corn) and 50 minutes (mature corn).

Double boiler. Pour water, put the completely peeled corn on the wire rack, turn on the double boiler for 30 or 50 minutes, by analogy with a multicooker.

Pressure cooker. The method is similar, but the cooking time is 15-20 minutes.

Oven. To prepare corn in this way, the cobs are greased with butter, sprinkled with spices, and then wrapped in foil and sent to the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C.

Microwave. Each ear must be wrapped paper towel, wet quickly, squeeze gently excess water and put on flat dish... We turn on the maximum power for 5 minutes. The corn is ready.

Today you have learned many ways to cook corn deliciously and quickly. Just don't stop there, experiment: try baking corn with other vegetables, or just eat a delicious cob with salt and a slice of lime. There are so many things you haven't tried yet. If you liked our article - share it with your friends and eat all together to your health!