Raw food recipes: making homemade sweets from sunflower seeds. Kozinaki from seeds

06.05.2019 Buffet table

Step 1: prepare the baking sheet.

We take a baking sheet, put baking paper on its bottom and pour 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil on top of it. Gently with a brush to smear we distribute the butter throughout the baking paper... We do this process so that the entire sheet is covered with a layer of it and soaked. Kozinaki will now not stick to the bottom of the baking sheet after it has cooled down. They can be easily sliced ​​and removed from the baking sheet.

Step 2: prepare the seeds.

We take a frying pan. We put it on the stove and turn it on at full power. When the pan is very hot, screw the stove to the middle level. Pour the peeled sunflower seeds into a dry heated frying pan. We don't go far - such the seeds are not fried for a long time, from about 5 to 10 minutes. Mix them constantly with a spoon, so that they are fried on all sides and do not burn. And now it spreads through the kitchen pleasant aroma fried delicious seeds.

Step 3: pour the seeds onto a baking sheet.

Pour the fried seeds onto a prepared baking sheet. And with a spoon we evenly distribute them around the entire perimeter. baking paper... It turns out that the fact that sunflower seeds are edible was learned only at the beginning of the 18th century. They are very useful for the human body because they contain a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids which aid in digestion and strengthen the skin. Now the main thing is to restrain yourself and not eat healthy and tasty seeds before the end result cooking kozinaki.

Step 4: prepare the caramel - part one.

We are distracted from our favorite seeds, which we crunch very often and with pleasure. And we start preparing a lot of an important ingredient in our dish. Cooking caramel. We take a small aluminum saucepan and pour the amount of sugar we need into it. We put the saucepan on a small fire. Within 5 to 7 minutes, the sugar will begin to melt... Unforgettable stirring it with a spoon, this will save us from sticking caramel to the bottom and sides of the pan.

Step 5: preparing the caramel - part two.

The sugar dissolved and began to boil. Our caramel has become darker, acquired brown tint and thickened. The smell of molten, burnt sugar spread through the kitchen. It's time to add following ingredients... We take 1 tablespoon honey and add to the saucepan with melted sugar. Cook the caramel for about another 5-7 minutes... Do not forget to mix everything with a spoon. The caramel darkened even more and boiled. Without removing the aluminum saucepan from the stove, add to the caramel 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 2 tablespoons water... A spoonful of lemon juice can be squeezed over half a lemon, or you can get ready-made lemon juice at the store. I chose the second option. Take care of your hands! When you add lemon juice and water, the caramel will sizzle and splash on the surface. Therefore, we add these ingredients slowly, drop by drop. Mix everything thoroughly and keep on fire for another minute. Lemon will remove the bitter taste of burnt sugar, and water will make the caramel more elastic. We remove the finished sweet liquid from the stove.

Step 6: pour caramel over the sunflower seeds.

Do not let the caramel cool down. Pour the fragrant, hot liquid into a prepared baking sheet, which contains baking paper soaked in oil and our ready-made fried sunflower seeds. On top of the seeds with caramel, crush and level with a spoon, so that our kozinaki are beautiful and without bumps. Our dish is almost ready.

Step 7: cool the kozinaki with seeds.

Ready dish"Kozinaki with seeds" cool in a cool place for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the caramel will not have time to strongly crystallize, and we will be able to beautifully cut our kozinaki. We take a sharp knife and cut the cooked sweetness right in the baking sheet, as we like. After - we leave the kozinaki to cool down further.

Step 8: Serve the kozinaki with seeds.

Carefully separate the finished kozinaki from the baking paper with a spatula and put it on a plate. You can serve kozinaki with tea or coffee, cold liquid sorbet, or lemon juice... When I make kozinaki from seeds at home, my sweet teeth eat them so quickly that sometimes I don't even have time to brew tea. Wonderful homemade sweetness from natural products. Bon Appetit!

- - Kozinaki can be made from different types seeds and nuts. Nuts are very tasty combined with prunes or dried banana.

- - If you want your caramel to be darker in color, then for its preparation you should purchase dark sugar, for example - beetroot.

- - For boiling caramel, always take aluminum pan with a thick bottom. In such a saucepan, there is less risk of caramel burning.

- - Instead of lemon in caramel, you can add 1 tablespoon of regular table vinegar(3 - 6%) or 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (5%).

- - If you do not have a special brush for greasing baking sheets and baking paper, do not be discouraged! Gently spread the vegetable oil over the baking paper with your hand.

- - When room temperature caramel is stored for no more than two to three weeks.

Good day, dear readers of my blog!

We all love you fresh vegetables and fruits. And this is great! However, they can also get bored, and we can be drawn to sweets. Today I will tell you a recipe for raw food homemade sweets, very tasty and sweet. Homemade sweets are prepared very quickly as usual. And it will be delicious for the whole family. I guarantee. Few people will understand what our sweets are made of, they are so delicious. This recipe definitely goes into the heading, because such raw-food homemade sweets can be easily given to your favorite kittens without fear, because there is only benefit, since, unlike store counterparts, it contains only natural ingredients.

And if you are a raw foodist, then this is not at all a reason to give up sweets. Dried fruits are a great dessert. But please note that to make raw sweets, you only need to buy the right dried fruit - i.e. those that are dried in the sun, and not in ovens, when high temperatures... You can read about how to choose the right dried fruits in my article.
Among all raw food recipes the recipe for these sweets is one of my favorites.

Ingredients for making raw candy:

Sunflower seeds (NOT roasted) - 1/2 cup;

Sesame seeds - 5 rounded tablespoons;

Dates - a handful;

Raisins - a handful;

Sesame oil - 1 tablespoon

For sprinkling raw candy:


Sesame seed.

Recipe for making raw homemade chocolates:

Note that instead of food processor it is quite possible to use a blender (if your blender is powerful enough and "takes" this mixture without using water). I do not recommend adding water to the dough, since in this case the dough will turn out to be liquid and you will have to freeze the candies. And I wanted to create raw, homemade candy without freezing.

  • Peeled seeds 400 - 500 grams;
  • Granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • Honey 1 - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Citric acid - a small pinch (you can use lemon juice);
  • Water 25 ml.

Cooking process:

Put the peeled seeds in a dry frying pan and fry until a beautiful golden color, stirring continuously, so as not to burn.

Set the fried kernels aside, make the sweet syrup yourself.

I decided to add a little citric acid to my syrup, which will add sweetness slight sourness... You can replace the lemon with lemon juice, 1 teaspoon will be enough, which will need to be mixed with water and then added to the syrup.

Pour into a deep stewpan granulated sugar, add honey and citric acid... Mix everything. Then pour in the water and heat the ingredients over low heat.

Heat the caramel, stirring constantly. When the color of the syrup begins to darken and it begins to thicken, then it's time to remove it from the heat.

Immediately pour over the fried sunflower seeds with boiling candy and stir vigorously. Try to keep all the seeds "bathed" in syrup.

Baking paper or cling film grease vegetable oil(refined), place the hot mass of seeds on the paper and flatten it into a square or rectangle.

Leave until the candy hardens, for about 30 - 40 minutes. Then take a sharp knife and wet it cold water... Cut the kozinaki into small squares or diamonds.

You cannot cut hot kozinaki, they will fall apart and you will not get real oriental beauty.

Serve sunflower seeds with freshly brewed tea or a cup of coffee. Such delicious treat will be, by the way, if you decide to throw a party in oriental style.

As you can see, making homemade kozinaki is very simple. Don't be afraid to experiment in your kitchen. Enjoy your meal!

This recipe suggests cooking do-it-yourself candies - sunflower seeds... Actually, this recipe will appeal to those who love sweets. Yes, some may say that it is very harmful. But sometimes you want to pamper yourself. Sometimes it is even necessary.

If you are in a bad mood and you don't want anything. The weather is pressing, apathy for everything. There is a way out! Prepare candies for yourself with your own handles - roasted nuts from seeds. You will see how your mood will immediately rise. One has only to eat a couple of such sweets. And how delicious they are. Fried sunflower seeds, and even caramel. What could be tastier. Well, let's get started. First of all, of course, you need to know what you need to make candies with your own hands, roasted nuts from seeds.

  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Sugar.
  • Water.

Seed roasted candies - recipe

That's the whole simple composition of sweets. Agree, anyone can cook them. And most importantly, it is completely inexpensive. One has only to buy seeds. Well, there is sugar in any home. Not to mention the water. The main thing when buying sunflower seeds is to make sure that they are not expired. Otherwise, the seeds may turn out to be rancid and tasteless. Those who live in Ukraine understand where I bought sunflower seeds. To be honest, the seeds of this brand are excellent.

Well, let's get down to making chocolates with our own hands. We will prepare roasted nuts from seeds with you. Where do you actually need to start. And you need to start by roasting the seeds. Place the seeds in a dry skillet. And fry the seeds with constant stirring. Be sure to stir the seeds. If you put a pan with seeds on the stove and move away from the stove, the seeds will simply burn out. So take some time for this. When the seeds are fried, pour them into a plate.

Now you need to prepare the caramel. To do this, add sugar to the container in which you will cook the caramel. Then pour in a little water. I add everything by eye. If you suddenly overdo it with water, then it's okay. You just have to cook the caramel a little longer.

Put the caramel to cook. While the sugar has not melted, then the caramel can be mixed with a spoon. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, stop stirring the caramel. Otherwise, it may crystallize. Boil the caramel until a ball. How to check it. If you think the caramel is ready, then drop a drop in cold water... If a ball has formed in the water, then the caramel is really ready.

And now everything needs to be done very quickly. Pour boiling caramel into the seeds. Be very careful at this stage. The caramel is very hot. Do not burn yourself.

As soon as you pour the caramel into the seeds, stir the mixture immediately.

And very quickly spoon the caramel-seed mixture onto parchment paper... Once you have formed all the candies, place them in the refrigerator. There they should completely freeze. It only takes twenty minutes.

Do-it-yourself sweets from sunflower seeds are ready. They freeze very quickly. Just some twenty minutes, and you can eat ready-made, by the way, prepared with your own hands, which is important in our time.

And you can treat your family to roasted nuts from seeds. Or invite friends and drink tea with them. If your friends are busy and you are not in a good mood, then make yourself a cup of delicious green tea... And sip some tea with the candies you cooked from sunflower seeds. The taste of roasted seeds combined with caramel is something.

As always, hello, dear readers! In the past, an ardent sweet tooth, I still have the habit of making sweets, only now I give preference to healthy sweets, I cook them with pleasure, eat myself and treat others. My piggy bank with recipes for sweets has been replenished with one more delicious dessert sugarless. I assure you, sweet seed balls are very tasty, be sure to cook them for yourself and your loved ones!

How to make a sugar-free dessert

Since I switched to healthy and natural nutrition, of course I am. But it had to be replaced with something, otherwise, for example, my life would have lost its colors. This is understandable, because the body's need for sweets is inherent in nature, and I don't really want to go against nature. Thus, in order not to harm your health, ordinary white sugar I substitute fruits, berries, honey, maple syrup, stevia. It is this dessert that I recommend to make with maple syrup, although it also turned out delicious with honey, but rolling the balls was problematic.


  • Sunflower seeds - 1 cup
  • Pumpkin seeds- 0.5 tbsp.
  • - 6-7 tbsp.
  • Sesame seeds - 1/3 tbsp

Cooking technology:

The benefits of sugar-free desserts

Desserts without white sugar ideal for baby food, maple syrup and seeds almost never cause allergic reaction, but it is still recommended to start introducing any product gradually and in small quantities, by the way, as I have already noticed, children do not eat much useful sweets, as they saturate the body very quickly, and this is a very good sign! Desserts made with healthy sweeteners do not add extra pounds, do not worsen the condition of the skin, but only strengthen the body, especially having a positive effect on hormonal background... After a cup of tea with a sugar-free dessert, long time there remains a feeling of joy, I have long noted how children begin to laugh defiantly after desserts without sugar, while white refined sugar makes them naughty, inattentive, aggressive and often sick.