Beets salted for the winter in banks. Marinated beets for the winter "Behind the glass

25.04.2019 Blanks for winter

Pickled beets for the winter in banks  - This is a special preparation that diversifies any second dish. The composition of the snack may also include horseradish, plums, various spices, carrots, etc. Thanks to this, each recipe is interesting and original.

Marinated beets in banks for the winter

Required Products:

Granulated sugar - 25 g
   - cinnamon stick
   - peppercorns
   - laurel leaf
   - horseradish spine - 30 g
   - carnation - 3 pieces
- hot pepper  - a pair of pieces
   - a small spoonful of salt
   - peppercorns - 5 pcs.
   - acetic acid - 190 g

Subtleties of cooking:

Boil the beet root crop, let it cool. Crumble it with a dice or shred. Chips can be used for cooking first courses, and cubes - suitable for cooking salads and side dishes. Make a marinade-fill: in a liter of boiling water dissolve the spices and additives, let boil. Pour in the vegetables, after a day you can try a snack. For long-term storage  roll containers with iron caps.

   Rate and such a variation.

Marinated beets for the winter in the banks: recipes

   Sterilization Recipe


   - litere of water
   - sugar, vinegar, salt - 95 g
   - Carnation with Lavrushka

Boil the roots and let them cool. Crumble the fruit, after cleaning them. Spread the cut into the container, give a little time for cooling. If you want to prepare vegetables for borscht or first courses, then the flesh is better to chop by cutting. Fill the contents with boiling water, hold for a couple of minutes so that it warms up. Drain the liquid, add the remaining components, bring to a boil again. Fill the container, roll up the containers, turn them on the covers and check the tightness.

   Prepare and.

How to pickle beets for the winter in banks


Table vinegar - 3.2 tablespoons
   - a pair of small spoons of coriander
   - beet root crop - 1 kg
   - head of garlic
   - glass sunflower oil
   - sugar - to taste

Peel vegetables, grate for korean salads. If this is not at hand, make a small straw with a knife. Grind up the state of gruel garlic. Chop the coriander. If the spice is in your seed, use a coffee grinder. Pour in vegetable oil. Before you add it to the container, heat up the smoke to go. Distribute in jars. After six hours, the billet will be ready. But if you want to save it for the winter, roll up the container with tin lids.

   Try and recipes described.

Beets whole marinated for the winter in banks

   Select small sized roots so that they fit easily into prepared containers. If there are damaged zones, delete them. Boil some water, carefully add the prepared vegetables, cook for 20 minutes. Wash the horseradish root, clean with a knife, wash again. Grind the whole root on a grater. In a half-liter capacity, put 30 g of horseradish, tightly put beetroot. Make a marinade pouring: take 5 kg of 0.6 kg of granulated sugar and salt, a glass of vinegar essence. Boil the ingredients, fill the contents of the container. Cover with cooked caps, put sterilized. Cork hermetically seal.

Recipe with plums

   Select small beetroot of beautiful maroon color, boil it until ready. Uncooked root vegetables, peel free, chop into small circles. Try the medium sized plum boil for three minutes. Put in jars in layers, alternating with beet circles. Add a variety of fragrant spices: lemongrass berries, radky rose root. Fill the billet with hot pickle, screw on the lids.

Instead of plums, you can also take apples. Pre blanch them and chop them up. You can add two fruits at once. This greatly diversifies the taste of the workpiece. In winter, harvesting can be added to salads.

   Try and.

Beetroot grated marinated for the winter in banks


Bay leaf, carnation
   - 6 sweet pea
   - salt, sugar, 40 g
   - acetic acid - 60 g

Cooking steps:

Wash vegetables thoroughly, cook for 40 minutes. While the vegetables are boiling, make a marinade filling: dilute 60 g of acetic acid and 40 g of cooking salt in a liter of water. Bulk ingredients add to boil, and vinegar - after. Cool vegetables, peel, rubbed into straws. Put in containers, fill with hot fill. In each, throw fragrant peas, laurel leaves. You can add a little grated horseradish. Tara sterilize.

   Rate and.

   Pickled beets entirely in the banks for the winter

Prepare 1 kg of beet root vegetables, wash well, cut off the peel, cook. Ready vegetables  remove from broth, let cool. Distribute in sterilized packaging. AT big pot Pour in a spoonful of salt, five peas of pepper, 25 g of sugar, 90 g of acetic acid, lavrushka. If you like original tastes, pour in the cinnamon stick. Fill the container with boiling marinade so that the contents turn out to be completely filled with liquid. Cooled jars put in the fridge. Screw the cap on the snack for long term storage.

Korean recipe

1 kg of beet root crops are washed well, cut off the peel, rub vegetables on a grater for Korean salads. Rub garlic head, chop a couple of tablespoons of coriander seeds in a mortar. Add the prepared ingredients to the vegetables. Enter a small amount of sugar. Top up with 3 large spoons of acetic acid, mix well. Heat a glass of vegetable oil (smoke should go). Pour it into the vegetables. They will change their color. Again, stir the contents, cool at room temperature. Put the seals in the refrigerator. After 6 hours, the billet will be ready. Screw caps on for long term storage.

The billet can be made and sweet. To do this, boil the vegetables in the peel, cool, remove the cleaning. Crumble the boiled vegetables into small cubes, spread them into liter containers, add the same bay leaves and 5.1 tbsp. spoons of acetic acid. Marinade filling is prepared as follows: in a liter of water dissolve 0.5 tablespoons of salt, a little bitter pepper and cinnamon, 90 g of sugar sand. Boil the filling and add to the vegetables. Cover with tin lids, sterilize for 15 minutes.

   Classic recipe

Beetroot - 5 Stuff
   - Allspice - 5 pcs.
   - salt - a pair of large spoons
   - half a glass of sugar
   - acetic acid - 1/3 cup
   - a leaf of laurel - a couple of pieces
   - carnation bud - a pair of pieces

Stages of cooking:

Wash dirt thoroughly. Remove tails and skin. Washed vegetables shift into a container, cover with water, put on the stove, boil until readiness. Cooking should take about 1 hour and 20 minutes to be ready. Remove the fruit from the water, carefully peel off the peel, remove the tails. Marinate beetroot as a whole or chop it into circles - this is at your discretion. Transfer the vegetables into prepared containers. It is necessary to lay as tight as possible. Between the layers, be sure to place a laurel leaf, a bud of carnation and a leaf of laurel.

   Spit up hot waterinsist half an hour. Drain the liquid, pour a little salt, sugar, put it on the stove. After the beginning of the boiling marinade pour vinegar, stir. Fill marinade fill, tighten with a key. Put seals up the bottom, cover with a warm blanket.

Bulgarian recipe

Onion, beetroot - 1 kg
   - vegetable oil - 195 g
   - a small spoonful of black pepper
   - a glass of water
   - big spoon of cooking salt
   - acetic acid - 45 g

Subtleties of cooking:

Root crops thoroughly wash off the dirt, put in a container, pour water, put boiled on the stove. Cook vegetables until they are ready. It is easy to check with a fork. Peel the roots, crumble cube. Remove the husks from the bow. Chop thin rings. Fold the vegetables into a bowl, sprinkle with ground pepper, and mix thoroughly. Wash the marinating container thoroughly, sterilize by all means. Beetroot beets with pepper lay in glass container. Pour into a container of vinegar, pour water, put on the stove, bring to boil. Beetroot pour salted vinegar, twist the caps.

Variation with sugar sand  and horseradish

Beetroot - 0.2 kg
   - granulated sugar, table vinegar - by big spoon
   - half a glass of water
   - horseradish root - 0.4 kg
   - a small spoon of table salt

Subtleties of cooking:

Remove the peel from the roots, tear off the tails. Also clean the horseradish root, starting at the ends. Wash the roots under cold waterleave to dry for a while. Grind horseradish better with horseradish, installing a special nozzle. Beet corpses cut into 4 pieces, put the pieces into the bowl of a blender, chop small pieces. After chopping add ground horseradish, chop again.

Put the prepared mixture in a medium bowl, add some salt, add table vinegar and sugar. Stir the total content. Dilute a sufficiently dry mixture with water. Stir the mass thoroughly. Wash the storage tank, calcine. Handle also seals. Distribute vegetable mixture  on containers to the top, screw up.

Option with white cabbage

Beetroot - ½ kg
   - granulated sugar - 0.2 kg
   - salt - 50 g
- white cabbage  - about 2 kg
   - 175 grams of vegetable oil
   - a pair of lavrushek
   - garlic clove - 5 pcs.
   - carrot - a pair of pieces
   - fragrant peas - 6 pcs.
   - 145 g table vinegar

How to cook:

Wash the cabbage, free from old spoiled leaves. Chop the flesh into large slices. Wash beetroot and carrot fruits, free from skins and dirt. Grind root vegetables (holes should be large). Peel the garlic teeth, chop into small pieces.

Vegetables shift into a bowl, enter the garlic, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Pour a liter of water into a container, add salt, throw fragrant peas, add vinegar and salt. Marinade bring to a boil. Pour content with marinade-pouring. Distribute in sterilized containers, screw.

Summer and autumn - time for blanks. Many housewives are trying to make a variety of canned stocks for the winter, so that in the cold season to please the household with tasty and healthy dishes. Beetroot is one of the rather popular types of root vegetables, which is used to prepare a mass of dishes: soups, salads, snacks. You can eat fresh beets, boiled or pickled. Many experienced housewives  boast many recipes for pickling beets at home. It is possible to use for the preparation of roll-ups both the root crop itself and the young stalks of beet, from which a very tasty beetroot soup is obtained. You can also add apples, ginger, honey and enjoy delicious and healthy snacks in the winter.

Many housewives are interested in how to pickle beets at home for the winter, without spending a lot of time and effort on the process itself. The easiest recipe for cooking canned beets consists of several stages: cleaning root vegetables, preparing cans, laying beets, preparing a marinade, and final sterilization finished product. First of all, you need to clean the roots from the skin and thoroughly wash them. If the beet is very large, then you can cut it into several pieces so that it easily crawls into the jar. For seaming is best to use one-liter containers. The next stage is cooking beets in water. The estimated time is 50 minutes. While the roots are boiled, you need to prepare jars and lids. Banks need to be thoroughly washed and sterilized, with metal lids you need to do the same.

After the beets are cooked, the water needs to be drained, and the roots are spread on banks. Can cool boiled product and cut it into cubes or grate. You can also bookmark the whole root vegetables. To marinated product had a tart taste, you can add to the banks on the bay leaf and a few rosettes of cloves. The next stage is the preparation of the marinade. The recipe for beet marinade is very simple: one liter clean water  You need to take 50 grams of salt and sugar, 60 grams of vinegar. Marinade is brought to a boil. In order not to let the vinegar out, it is recommended to add it to the water after it boils. Boiled marinade is poured into cans, then containers should be covered with lids and rolled up. In order to preserve better stored, it is recommended to cover the hot cans with a blanket.

If the household is very fond of borsch, then there is nothing difficult in how to pickle beets for the winter, along with the young shoots. This preservation results in a tasty and healthy dressing for borscht, it is also convenient that the process of cooking the first dish becomes easier and shorter in time. Prepare canned tops often in the summer, shoots should be young and juicy. Also suitable for seaming young root vegetables. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the foliage along with the root crops, tear off the leaves so that only the shoots are left. Then you need to cut the shoots and beets into small pieces. The resulting mass is required to decompose into clean cans, also add a few cloves of garlic, beets of bay leaf and a few peas of allspice to beets.

The next stage is the preparation of the marinade. Per liter of water you need 100 grams of sugar, 30 grams of salt, 100 ml of vinegar. The liquid with spices is brought to a boil and poured into cans. Then you need to put sterilized jars with tops. For these purposes, a deep and wide pan is needed, into which banks are exposed and the space between them is filled with water. The liquid should reach the neck of the glass containers, but not fall into them. After the water in the pan boils, you need to reduce the heat and hold the jars in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. After this time, the banks with the finished beet tops  removed from the pan, tightly closed with screw caps or rolled up. Be sure to cover the hot container with a blanket or rug, this will increase the time of sterilization of the product.

There is another recipe for marinating beets for the winter in the form of spicy snack or soup dressings. This recipe requires long-term processing of the root, but the result exceeds all expectations: spicy and fragrant beets like everyone without exception and can be used as an appetizer or side dish for meat. Large beets need to be peeled and grated. Cooking utensils are best used. korean carrot. The resulting mass is recommended to lay out in enamelware. In the shredded root you want to add 2 heads of large crushed garlic, 20 grams of dried coriander and 6 tablespoons of salt, sugar and vinegar. Then in a metal dish you need to boil 400 grams of sunflower oil and pour the hot liquid into the beets. It is advisable to mix all the ingredients well. The last stage - the layout of the product on sterilized banks. It is best to store the finished seaming in the refrigerator.

We present recipes for pickled beets, which is very tasty. It is better to take those that do not contain vinegar. Worth trying different variants, find a suitable option and canned it. Such winter twists not only preserve the quality of the product longer, but also make it easier for the woman to cook.

How to pickle

There are many options. Few people know how to pickle beets for the winter correctly. You need to wash the roots and put in water, pre-mixed with salt and vinegar. Proportions are selected according to the individual preferences of the hostess. On average, it takes 2-3 tbsp. l these ingredients. In the marinade, the vegetable is boiled for about an hour, after which it is cooled and removed from the skin and spread in sterilized jars.

Many people will like the recipe for marinating beets for storing blanks in sterilized jars. Beet leaves as in the dining room. Beet marinade is filtered, boiled and poured into banks. The finished spin is covered with a lid and after cooling it is placed in any convenient place. For preservation, it is better to use a small root vegetable, since the large one will need to be boiled longer, and after cooking, cut so that it fits in the jar.

For sterilization, the jars are covered with metal lids and placed in a saucepan with water. 0.5 liter containers are sterilized 10 minutes after boiling, then sealed and turned upside down. Marinated beets for the winter in banks kept for a long time.

You can make pickled beets without sterilization. To do this, select a few small root vegetables, boil them and clean. For the marinade 1 tbsp. l Large salt is added to 1 liter of water and boiled, then the vegetable is poured and rolled for the winter. Due to the lack of prior heat treatment  canned beets without sterilization will retain almost all of their beneficial features.

Preparation option: to make marinade of onion, salt, sugar, bay leaf and vinegar. Then do everything according to the already known scheme. Beetroot with vinegar is prepared without sterilization, therefore, it is better to store such twists in the refrigerator.

A small root vegetable is boiled in a saucepan along with vinegar and granulated sugar until the grains are completely dissolved, pour the rest of the beets (1.5 kg). Cook it for about an hour. Peel the vegetable at the end of cooking and strain the marinade and boil again. You can find many recipes for pickling beets in own juice. All of them retain the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

Different recipes

Classic beets:

  • vegetable - to taste;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vinegar - 70 ml;
  • cloves - to taste;
  • pepper peas - to taste;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

All ingredients (except the main) mix and pour 1 liter of water, boil. Boiled root vegetable to clean and chop a convenient way, put in jars. Vegetable pickle marinade (necessarily boiling) and roll up. This pickled beets fast food  will be the basis for many dishes, and can also be successfully used as separate dish.

Korean beets are particularly piquant for the winter:

  • beets - 1 kg;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • black and hot peppers  - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 6 pcs.

Marinated beets (recipe): thoroughly wash the vegetable, leave the spine and leaves. Pour the fruit with cold water and boil. After cooking, drain off the excess, peel off. Boiled beets are grated, mixed with sugar, salt and vinegar. Use masses to fill up the prepared jars and wait for the juice to appear. Mix the previously crushed garlic with spices, hold on the fire for about 10 seconds. Banks roll up and put in storage. This blank beet will decorate any holiday table.

Unusual recipes

This vegetable is popular in the cuisine of many nations. The Caucasus is famous for its dishes. You can use several recipe blanks invented there.

Ossetian beetroot. It will take:

  • vegetable - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • basil - 1 tsp;
  • savory - 1 tsp;
  • cilantro - 1 tsp;
  • ucho-sunel - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 pcs .;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs .;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs .;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml.

Salt with sugar and spices pour water, boil for about 2 minutes. Pour the cooked and present marinade from beets, spin the cans with pre-boiled and chopped beets with vinegar packed in cans, interspersed with layers of garlic and hot pepper

Marinate beets in Georgian:

  • vegetable - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • apple cider vinegar - 4 tbsp. l
  • ucho-sunel - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • saffron - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs .;
  • garlic - 4 pcs .;
  • black and red pepper - to taste.

Beets, pickled for the winter in cans, are prepared as follows: put laurel and black pepper in a saucepan, add 0.5 liters of water, then boil for 5 minutes. Add salt and sugar, boil for 2 minutes, after adding vinegar remove from heat. Boil the vegetable, chop the garlic and chop the greens. In a bowl, mix all the spices, put in a jar bay leaves  and pepper, from marinade. New layers of beets, garlic, herbs and spices. Continue applying layers until the can is completely filled. Pour all the hot marinade and spin.

Recipe for pickled root vegetables. It will take:

  • vegetable - to taste;
  • water - 10 l;
  • salt - 500 g

For preservation, you can take any amount of vegetable and water, the proportions of salt will also be selected in accordance with the displacement of water. This beet marinade additionally does not require any spices and ingredients. The root vegetable, laid in the jars, must be filled with marinade, so that it covers the fruit by about 5 cm, press it down and place it in a warm place for a week.

When the mixture begins to ferment, a foam is formed on it, which must be removed. After that, the workpiece is taken out in a cold place, where the process will slow down a bit. If there is no cold place, fermentation can be slowed down by unfolding the billet in sterilized jars.

Marinating beets at home can occur by different recipes. All of them retain the color and beneficial properties of the root, facilitate cooking and do not change taste  This indispensable on the table vegetable.

Beetroot is the basis of many dishes and snacks, but more often the product is marinated for the winter. Such a move ensures that in the cold season the whole family will be able to enjoy a delicious snack. The benefit and harm of beet studied thoroughly, so its value is no doubt.

Marinated beets with classic technology

  • laurel - 2-3 pcs.
  • beets - 0.75 kg.
  • sugar - 135 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - 25-30 grams.
  • vinegar 6% - 0.2 l.
  • peas - 11 pcs.
  • purified water - 0.45 l.
  1. Pick up the beets of the right size, wash with a hard sponge and boil until ready. Then let the vegetable cool, remove the top layer, chop the flesh into cubes.
  2. Peel the onion bulb. Crush the vegetable into half rings, then divide each segment into 2 parts. Total you get onions, cut into quarters.
  3. Sterilize in advance the containers and caps that will be used for packing. Send a few peas to the bottom.
  4. Cook the pan. Pour vinegar into it with water, add laurel, salt, sugar. Bring the contents to a bubbling, remove from heat. Let the marinade reach room temperature.
  5. Now lay the cooled beets in jars, add the fill to the edges of the container. Block a convenient way, send for 24 hours in the cold. Then use as prescribed or clean the cellar.

Beet in combination with cabbage

  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.
  • laurel - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 45 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 175 gr.
  • beets - 0.5 kg.
  • white cabbage - 1.4 kg.
  • vegetable oil - 0.15 l.
  • carrot - 120 gr.
  • vinegar concentration of 6% - 145 ml.
  1. Separate the leaves from the cabbage, wash them and let them dry. Then cut each sheet into square-shaped plates, whose side is 3-4 cm.
  2. Wash the beets with carrots, brush the vegetables with a hard brush (preferably iron). Remove the top layer, skip the roots through a large grater.
  3. Take care of the preparation of the container, in which the twist will be carried out. Leave the sterilized jars with lids dry, take a separate bowl.
  4. Send in her carrots with beets, vegetable oil, chopped garlic. Mix everything and leave. Prepare the marinade: pour water and vinegar into the pan, add salt and sugar, pepper and laurel, boil and remove from the stove.
  5. Fill the vegetables with the obtained potting, keep it cold in the day. Then ready-made treat packaged in jars, close and store for long-term storage.

Beet with vegetables in marinade

  • beet average - 5 pcs.
  • small cucumber - 9-10 pcs.
  • green tomato - 5 pcs.
  • young squash - 1 pc.
  • cauliflower (head) - 1 pc.
  • celery - 3 stalks
  • carrots - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.1 kg.
  • purified water - 2 liters.
  • vinegar concentration of 6% - 225 ml.
  • sugar - 65 gr.
  • clove - to taste
  • pea pepper - 12 pcs.
  • laurel - 6 pcs.
  1. Take the vegetables. They must be washed and cleaned from inedible parts. Chop the carrot into cubes, do the same with beets, zucchini and cucumbers.
  2. Tomatoes cut into holes, and celery - circles. Cauliflower  split inflorescences. Choose a pan for cooking the right size, send vegetables to it.
  3. Add a whole onion to this place, removing it from the husk. Separately boil water in the amount according to the recipe. Fill it with content and blanch it for 6 minutes.
  4. Send laurel, pea pepper, cloves as desired. Pour the sugar with salt, add vinegar. Mix all the contents, continue languishing for another 5 minutes.
  5. Sterilize the container with the lids in advance. Prepack the vegetables first, then fill them with marinade. Continue oven sterilization for a quarter of an hour. Close, after cooling, remove in cold.

Marinated beets with coriander

  • beets - 1 kg.
  • garlic head - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 75 ml.
  • ground coriander - 16 gr.
  • vinegar concentration of 6% - 60 ml.
  • salt - 40 gr.
  • crushed red pepper - 18 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 0.1 kg.
  1. Wash the beets, peel and chop on a grater. Do the same with carrots or chop it into straws. Peel the garlic, press it through the press.
  2. Combine the grated beets with sugar, garlic, coriander, salt, pepper and carrots. Add vinegar with vegetable oil and mix well.
  3. Leave the product at room temperature  for a few hours. After this time, transfer to cold and wait another 7 hours. Then start eating or roll up.

Beets with onions

  • beets - 0.5 kg.
  • apple cider vinegar - 115 ml.
  • shallots - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 55 gr.
  • salt - 35 gr.
  • filtered water - 430 ml.
  • bell pepper - in fact.
  1. Take a pot of suitable size, pour water into it. Set the pot on the stove, bring to a boil. Reduce the power plate below average. Add sugar, vinegar, salt and pepper to the pan. Prome components for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, wash and clean the roots. Chop the product into thin strips. Re-boil the liquid, lower the heat a little. Send the vegetable to the pan with the marinade. Add chopped onion to food.
  3. After re-boiling the pan must be removed from the stove. Cover the container with a lid, leave the food until natural cooling. Set the pot in the fridge for 2 days. After that, tamp the composition into a jar and roll it over. classic technology.

  • vinegar - 65 ml.
  • beets - 1.4 kg.
  • laurel - 3 pcs.
  • pea pepper - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 35 gr.
  • salt - 40 gr.
  • table water - 1 l.
  • carnation buds - 3 pcs.
  1. First prepare the beets. It is necessary to wash it with a brush, then boil to the finished state. After that, the roots can be cooled under the tap and cleaned. Finally, chop the vegetable into cubes of equal size.
  2. Prepare sterilized containers with a volume of about 800-900 ml. (liter can be). Send inside the beet cubes, fill with boiling water according to the recipe. Sterilize the lids and place on jars, wait a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drain the infusion, which turned out, into the pan for further cooking. Pour into the refractory container spices with salt and sugar. Boil the marinade for 6 minutes, pour vinegar at the end.
  4. Add fill in the jar with chopped root vegetables. Do not wait, immediately seal the container and turn it down the neck. Cover with a sweatshirt, bring to room temperature, then transfer to cold.

Beets with plums

  • fresh plums - 500 gr.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • water - 1 l.
  • sugar - 120 gr.
  • beets - 2 kg.
  • the roots of the pink radiola - in fact
  • carnation - 4 buds
  1. Clean and rinse the root vegetable. Send the beets to a suitable size pot. Pour the required amount of water. Place the container on the stove, boil the vegetable until done.
  2. Boiled root vegetable shred thin slices. In parallel, rinse the plum and remove the stones. Boil the fruit in a separate saucepan for several minutes. Consider, the plum should be thrown into the already boiling water.
  3. Further products must be decomposed into sterile jars in turn. Do not forget to add carnations and roots. Fill the ingredients with pre-cooked marinade of water, sugar and salt. Roll banks, after cooling, remove for long-term storage.

Marinated spicy beets

  • table vinegar - 125 ml.
  • beets - 2.9 kg.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • cilantro - 30 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 240 gr.
  • bell pepper - to taste
  • salt - 90 gr.
  • water - 3 l.
  • sugar - 480 gr.
  1. Root vegetables thoroughly enough to wash and open to readiness in the unpeeled state. Take the water in fact not from the recipe. Cool the root, chop in small bars. Send the vegetable to a small container.
  2. Next, proceed to the preparation of marinade. Boil in a clean saucepan 1 l. purified water. After the first bubbles appear, add vinegar and vegetable oil to the liquid. Stir the ingredients.
  3. Next, add in the broth finely chopped cilantro, pea pepper, chopped garlic, salt and sugar. Tomit the ingredients for 5-7 minutes on low heat. Cool the marinade, then pour the broth over the beets.
  4. Leave the product in a marinade bowl at room temperature for several hours. After the allotted time, the root crop can be rolled up in sterile jars or used as an ingredient for salads.

Georgian beets

  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • ground saffron - 9 gr.
  • beets - 1.3 kg.
  • bay leaves - 6 pcs.
  • green coriander to taste
  • pea pepper - in fact
  • sugar - 110 gr.
  • freshly ground hot pepper - 6 gr.
  • salt - 40 gr.
  • water - 1.6 l.
  • apple vinegar - 80 ml.
  1. Start cooking the marinade. To do this, pour filtered water into the pan, add peas in it and pepper and laurel leaves. Bring the ingredients to a boil. Next, add sugar, vinegar and salt to the liquid.
  2. Turn off the heat and wait for complete cooling. Separately from all boil washed beets in uniform. Cool and chop into small cubes. Combine the root vegetable with chopped garlic, coriander, saffron and pepper.
  3. Pour in beet marinade and mix. Send the piece to the fridge for 3 days. After the allotted time, lay out the product in portion jars, roll up on the classic technology. Keep in a cool place.

Traditionally, onions, cabbage and others are added to the pickled treat healthy vegetables. We reviewed the most delicious recipesthat will not leave you indifferent. Choose your favorite technology and delight guests!

Video: pickled beets for the winter