How to cook apples in the oven. Baked apples in the oven with sugar

24.07.2019 Buffet table

First of all, you need to choose the right apples - not all varieties are suitable for baking. If you take a soft, friable apple, then the dessert from it is not very good. Red and red-yellow apples are best eaten just like that. And bake the most delicious apples are hard, sour-sweet, green varieties. In the summer and autumn it is Antonovka and Golden; in winter - Simirenko and Granny Smith. Apples for baking need whole, not beaten, and without worms. Wash the apples thoroughly and put in a shallow refractory form, pouring a little water (1 cm) on its bottom.
  If you cook without filling, then apples can not be peeled from the cores. Put the apples in the oven and bake at 180C until the apples are soft. The exact time varies from 15-20 to 35-45 minutes, depending on the hardness of the apples and the nature of your oven.
  Kids really like baked apples! Kids need only give the flesh, carefully choosing with a spoon and making sure that they do not get a hard skin or core. Students can bite an apple on their own. But still it will be even better and tastier to treat the children not with simple baked apples, but with a surprise in the middle. Next time we will cook apples with jam, and then with honey, cinnamon and nuts. To get acquainted with the news, subscribe to the news We cook with a twinkle and often go to the site, I am always glad to see you!

Baked apples with their delicate aroma evoke memories of cozy evenings with your family and sonorous laughter. This dessert is becoming popular again, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy. And juicy fruits are inexpensive, and are on sale all year round.

What are baked apples good for?

Are there weight loss treats? Yes, these are baked apples. Their caloric content is only 60 kcal, but, of course, if you add the fillings in the form of sugar, cottage cheese or honey, it increases. Therefore, it is better for those who want to lose weight to flavor the fruits with ginger or cinnamon.

What other valuable properties does a fruit treat have:

stimulates intestinal motility and helps with constipation;
   increases the body's defenses;
   helps to get rid of toxins and toxins;
   acts as a prophylactic for stones in the ureters;
prevents skin aging;
   prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
   restore blood composition, which is very useful for people after serious blood loss.
   Without sweet additives, this dessert is allowed for diabetics, since such fruits have a low glycemic index and normalize carbohydrate metabolism.

When baking, nutrients are not lost, and the load on the teeth is reduced.
   With accuracy, the dessert should be consumed by those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer.

How to bake apples in the oven?

First of all, you should choose the fruits themselves. Most suitable are medium-sized sweet apples. If only sour is available, sugar and honey cannot be dispensed with. After all, in the oven they will become even more acidic.

Fruits must be thoroughly washed. The skin of purchased apples is wiped with a brush, because they are covered with wax for safety during transportation.

In the oven, you can cook whole or sliced \u200b\u200bfruits with various fillings: honey, curd cream, sour cream, raisins, banana puree, jam, berries. Vanilla, cinnamon and ginger are preferable as aromatic seasonings.
   Professional dessert masters advise:

If you cut off the tops, the seeds can be removed with a small spoon with a sharp edge. And cut off parts to use as caps.
   The filling should fill three quarters of the hole - in the oven it rises and can leak out.
   Whole fruits on a tray should lie a short distance from each other. So they are baked evenly.
   Unsweetened baked apples can be served as a complement to meat or fish dishes. And sweets look more interesting if sprinkled not with white, but with brown sugar.

Novice cooks often have questions: at what temperature do apples bake and how long does it take to bake apples in the oven. Typically, dessert is prepared at 180 degrees, but there are recipes that require more heat - up to 220 degrees. As for the time, it also varies - from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the variety and taste preferences.

Easy ways to bake apples in the oven according to recipes with photos

The easiest way is to bake whole apples with the extracted core on a baking sheet with a little water. Midpoints need to be cut out not through, but only to take out the seeds. But there are more interesting options available to novice cooks. Especially if they will use step-by-step instructions with photos.

Caramel fruit

A favorite treat of Western kids will be enjoyed by our kids. Cooking caramelized apples baked in the oven using a recipe with a photo is very simple.


six small apples;
   a pinch of citric acid and salt;
   half a glass of water;
   140 grams of sugar;
   50 ml cream.
   Cooking method:

Dry the washed fruits and put on sticks made of wood in the place where the stalk is.

In a pan with thick walls, boil the syrup, adding salt and citric acid to the water in addition to granulated sugar.

As soon as the syrup becomes brown, remove the pan from the stove and pour the cream into it, mix.

Dip each fruit into the mixture so that the composition spreads over the skin evenly and put on a wire rack with a tray.

Caramel apples harden for about 30-35 minutes.

Spicy fruits in vermouth

Despite the presence of alcohol in the recipe, dessert can be offered even to small children. Thanks to vermouth, the fruits become spicy, not drunk. Everyone can cook such baked apples in the oven according to the recipe with a photo.


six juicy fruits;
   juice of half a lemon;
   30 grams of butter;
   3 small spoons of honey;
   4 tablespoons of vermouth;
   a pinch of cinnamon.
   Cooking method:

Fruits are halved, core and grease with lemon juice - so they do not darken. Put on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.

Sprinkle the fruit with vermouth, pour the remainder into the mold. In the middle put a pea of \u200b\u200bbutter and half a spoonful of honey.

In a preheated oven to 180 degrees, set the oven for 40 minutes, occasionally pouring them with dripping juice.
   Ready apples should be infused for a quarter of an hour. After that, they are again doused with sauce and sprinkled with cinnamon.

How to bake apples in the oven with cottage cheese or honey?

These fillings are perhaps the most popular. After all, they give the dish a delicate sweetness, and the body - valuable trace elements.

A simple recipe for baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven

Cream dessert literally melts in your mouth and looks very beautiful.


six sweet fruits;
   150 grams of medium-fat cottage cheese;
   10 ml of vegetable oil;
   a pinch of vanillin;
   50 grams of granulated sugar;
   third of a glass of raisins.
   Cooking method:

With washed fruit, cut off the lids and remove the cores.
   Rinse and steam raisins.
   Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, combine with protein and other ingredients. Yolk is not needed.
   Put the mixture in the holes of the fruits, cover with lids.
   Put the fruits in a greased form and send in a hot oven (200 degrees) for half an hour.
At the finished dessert, the walls are pierced without resistance with the tip of a knife.

Cottage Cheese and Apple Casserole

If you cook a cottage cheese casserole in the oven with apples, the dish acquires a delicate fruity taste. No need to persuade the child to eat his breakfast!


400 grams of cottage cheese;
   five fruits;
   60 grams of butter;
   four eggs;
   four large spoons of flour;
   an incomplete glass of sugar;
   Cooking method:

Cut the peeled and seed fruits into small slices.
   Fry sugar in butter, stirring until a viscous caramel.
   Lightly fry apple slices in this composition. They should become more transparent.
   To the yolks grated with a little sugar, add the cottage cheese, vanilla sugar and flour passed through a sieve. Bring to a homogeneous consistency.
   Pour in whipped whites and mix again.
   Put apple slices in caramel in a pre-greased form and cover with curd.
   Bake in a hot oven (170 degrees) for 45 minutes.
   You can add cinnamon to the casserole, and pour the finished dish with honey or syrup.

The classic recipe for apples baked in the oven with honey

The fruits in this case take the most acidic, because honey is very sweet.


five apples;
   as many small spoons of liquid honey;
   crushed nuts;
   Cooking method:

Remove the core from the washed fruits so that a "cup" for honey is obtained.
   Foil the mold. The edges of the foil should be significantly larger than the sides.
   Put apples and pour a little vanilla into the cups, pour it with honey.
   Top make a “cork” of nuts.
   Connect the edges of the foil so that the fruits are covered. Do not pinch the edges tightly.
   Cook in an oven heated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes (depending on the size of the apples).
   This dessert is not for those who are allergic to beekeeping products.

How to cook charlotte with apples in the oven

There are a lot of varieties of baking with apples. All types of dough are combined with these fruits. But perhaps the most popular recipe for apple pie in the oven is tender charlotte. It was invented by German confectioners, but now this beautiful dessert in its simplicity has conquered the whole world.

Recipe for a simple charlotte with apples in the oven

It is not difficult to bake charlotte with apples in the oven according to the classic recipe.


110 grams of flour;
   five apples;
   four eggs;
   170 grams of granulated sugar;
   half a small spoon of baking powder.
   Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar until the mass increases three times and a creamy tint appears.
Combine the flour with baking powder or with soda, slaked vinegar.
   Mix the ingredients and beat until smooth.
   Cut the peeled fruits into thin slices and mix with the dough.
   Pour the mixture into a pre-greased form and bake for 40 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees.
   Readiness is checked by a match stuck in the thickest place. If it remained dry, the charlotte was baked.

In order for the charlotte with apples in the oven according to this cooking recipe to be magnificent, the flour must be sifted.
   It is not recommended to open the oven during baking, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

Fruits in a coat of dough

Fruits combined with dough do not necessarily take the form of a pie. Sometimes they look unusual, in a good sense of the word. Apples in puff pastry are not ashamed to submit to any holiday table.


a pound of puff pastry;
   seven apples.
   Cooking method:

Carefully remove the middle of the fruit.
   Cut the rolled dough into ribbons 1.5 cm wide and coat with a beaten egg.
   Wrap each apple in a spiral with an overlap row by row.
   Put on a baking sheet, oiled, and bake 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
   The hole from the core can be filled with filling or sprinkled with sugar.

Can I combine with poultry?

Of course yes! Goose or duck recipes with these fruits have become classics. Apples give the meat a spicy sourness and a delicate aroma.

Baked goose with apples

This recipe is for those who want to surprise guests.


goose carcass;
   90 grams of sugar;
   kilogram of apples.
   Cooking method:

Goose singe, rinse, grate with salt in all places. Legs and wings are tied with harsh thread or twine.
   Peel and cut half the fruit into thick slices. They will become the stuffing of the bird.
   Sew or stab the hole with toothpicks.
   Put the carcass on a baking sheet, on top - a sheet of foil.
   Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 3 hours.
   When a golden crust appears, the bird needs to be watered with fat, which drains onto a baking sheet.
   Take out the goose, put on a dish.
   Send the remaining apples to the oven for 40 minutes.
   Remove floss and toothpicks, surround the bird with baked apples.
   The finished dish is sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Oven baked duck recipe

A duck cooked with prunes and apples in a culinary sleeve is very juicy.


   60 grams of prunes;
   juice of half a lemon;
   20 ml of olive oil;
   three large spoons of soy sauce and liquid honey;
   a pound of apples.
   Cooking method:

Make a marinade by combining the sauce, honey, lemon juice and oil.
Rub the washed carcass everywhere with salt (you can add spices to taste).
   Steam the prunes, cut apple cores. Cut the fruit into small cubes.
   Stuff the duck with filling, sew in the hole and coat with marinade.
   Let the bird marinate for half an hour.
   Pack in culinary sleeve.
   Oven at a temperature of 200 degrees 120 minutes.
   An hour after being sent to the oven, the sleeve must be cut to obtain a delicious crust.

The versatility of baked apples allows you to use them in various recipes and combinations. And low cost - to bake fruit in the oven at least every day.

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Diet and healthy eating 19.11.2017

Dear readers, today on the blog I want to offer you recipes for baked apples in the oven. Most recently, we talked about the benefits of such apples. You can read everything in more detail in the article. I did not give recipes for this delicacy. Today Natalia Litvishko, the hostess of the blog, will share her recipes and secrets of cooking delicious baked apples About money and not only ....

Good afternoon dear friends! Let's talk about how to diversify our menu with apples baked in the oven. There are many recipes for baking apples - with fillings, in the dough ... What to choose? I will tell you about my own experience and share recommendations for their preparation. But first, a little about the benefits of this dish.

Energy and nutritional value of baked apples

The calorie content of baked apples without a filling is low - 45-60 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, this dish is suitable for those who follow a diet or want to keep in shape.

Baked apples with toppings or in dough increase calorie content significantly. But the advantage of such desserts is that they are nonetheless natural and yet much more healthy than purchased cakes.

The benefits of baked apples

The usefulness of baked apples is determined by the content of vitamins in them - these are all vitamins of group B, A, C, E, H, PP, micro and macro elements - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, boron and others.

In baked apples, due to evaporation of the liquid, the concentration of nutrients in the initial mass of the product increases.

Baked apples also have the following beneficial properties:

  • well absorbed by the body;
  • strengthens blood vessels, increase immunity, help resist vitamin deficiency;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • have a slight diuretic and laxative effect;
  • have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. For the intestines more good if the apple is eaten with a peel;
  • pectins contained in apples have a bactericidal effect;
  • with low hemoglobin - an indispensable product to increase it;
  • antioxidants contained in apples slow down the aging of the body;
  • daily consumption of fresh and baked apples reduces the risk of cancer and the development of tumors;
  • the regular presence in the diet of baked apples normalizes the liver;
  • due to the beneficial effect on all life cycles of the body, we can safely recommend baked apples to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Harm and contraindications

There is no harm from consuming baked apples. But there are some warnings for people with health problems.

You should carefully consume apples for those who have food allergies.

Baked apples are contraindicated during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

For people suffering from urolithiasis, baked apples can be eaten in small quantities. But this advice applies to all of us. Any product will be useful and will not harm if it is used reasonably.

For baking with a filling, it is better to take medium or large apples with a sweet and sour dense pulp. For baking to get applesauce, you can use any variety.

Baking time and temperature

How many bake apples in the oven and at what temperature? Never take for granted the time specified in the baking recipe. Depending on the variety of apples, their size, quantity, the power of the oven and even its age, the baking time will be different.

Set the temperature slightly lower than indicated in the recipe (further in each recipe I talk about this moment). Add is never too late. And from the heat, apples can burst.

Baking dishes

For baking apples, you can use heat-resistant glass or ceramic dishes, metal baking sheets or silicone molds.

Preparing apples for baking

Preparation of apples for baking is always the same - first you need to thoroughly wash the apples under running water. If the apples have a wax coating, then you need to wash in hot water. You can rub apples with a sponge, being careful not to damage the skin.

You can bake apples with filling in different ways - whole and halves, with or without a lid.

Whole apples with a very dense skin need to be chopped around the stalk with a toothpick in several places, otherwise they may burst when heated.

For baking without a lid, you need to make a cross-shaped incision at half the depth of the apple on the side of the stalk. Then cut the apple from one cut to another by inserting the knife into the apple flesh at an angle. Such a simple operation will make it easier to choose the flesh of an apple to form a depression.

For baking with a lid, you need to cut off the top of the apple with the stalk, select the middle of the apple with a special knife or teaspoon, fill the resulting void with filling, put the cut part in place and pin it with two toothpicks.

To bake an apple in halves, you need to cut it lengthwise, carefully select with a spoon the seed boxes and the flesh around them. The resulting "boats" fill with filling.

Try not to damage the integrity of the apple in its lower part, so that the juice formed during baking does not run away through the cut.

Do not put a lot of sugar in the filling. Apples will give a lot of juice. Optimum - a little more than half a teaspoon per one medium-sized apple.

Whole baked apples recipe

How to bake whole apples in the oven? Prepare the apples. Do not remove the peduncle. Around the stalk, make a few punctures with a toothpick, put the apples in shape and send them to the preheated oven. Temperature - not less than 180˚С, baking time - 10-25 minutes depending on the number of apples and the degree of baking.

You can bake to a different state:

  • baked on top and slightly crispy inside;
  • baked completely;
  • bake until a slight blush forms.

Baked apples with filling

The steps to complete the work are the same for all recipes for apples with filling.

From a whole apple, select the core, do not cut the peel. Add the filling to the resulting recess. Place apples on a greased leaf. Send to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Readiness of apples with a toothpick. She should enter the apple easily. It is necessary to pierce the fruit from above, and not from the side, so that the juice does not run.

You can make a variety of fillings for baked apples. Consider the various options and methods for preparing such fillings.

Baked apples with sugar and cinnamon.

Before adding apples, mix sugar with cinnamon. Add cinnamon to taste.

With honey

Add half or a full tablespoon of honey to each apple. You need to focus on the size of the apples and the notch made. All apples with honey are best done with a lid.

With honey, cinnamon and raisins

Choose more pulp to increase the amount of filling. Put honey, washed seedless raisins and a pinch of cinnamon in each apple. Apples prepared according to this recipe help to cope with cough.

With honey and nuts

You can take walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews - to choose from, those that are. Peanuts are less suitable for this. Grind with a rolling pin, rolling through a towel. Mix with honey. Arrange the filling in apples.

With caramel

Ordinary soft caramels will make the taste of apples unique. You can take regular fruit pads. Put one or two caramels in prepared apples.

With jam

Arrange pitted jam or applesauce in apples. For a thicker filling, add a little potato starch. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

With vanilla

Mix sugar with vanilla. I make sugar in advance. For 200 g of sugar, add one gram of vanillin and mix thoroughly. You can increase or decrease the amount of vanillin to your liking.

With dried fruit

Take dried apricots, seedless raisins, prunes, sort out, rinse well and pour warm boiled water. Allow to stand for about twenty minutes. Choose seeds from prunes.

Scroll all dried fruits and a small amount of the selected apple pulp without skin and seed box through a meat grinder, mix the mixture thoroughly and stuff the prepared apples with it.

The amount of dried fruit depends on the size of the dried fruit itself and the size of the apples. Based on the calculation: for one apple on prunes and dried apricots, several pieces of raisins.

Bake in the oven on a baking sheet, covered with a piece of parchment paper.

Serve the finished apples with honey.

With fresh or frozen berries

Rinse and dry fresh berries. Frozen - lay out immediately. Add a little sugar. Bake on baking paper.

Good for baking with apples, pitted cherries, raspberries, strawberries. For sour berries, increase the amount of sugar.

With condensed milk

As in all previous recipes, it is important not to overdo it with the filling. Otherwise, milk will flow out of the apple and begin to burn on the leaf.

Baked apples with cottage cheese. Recipe with photo

Baked apples with cottage cheese are tasty both hot and cold.

For eight medium apples, you need to take 200 g of cottage cheese, sugar to taste, one yolk.

For cooking, buy your favorite brand of cottage cheese or rustic. You can grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or process in a blender. I take country cottage cheese, I don’t grind it beforehand. It is enough that it is rubbed with a spoon during mixing with sugar and an egg.

Do not peel apples! Prepare apples according to one of the proposed options, choosing more pulp than just baked apples. It takes a good deepening.

Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg yolk.

Fat and acid curd are different. It is better to add sugar to the cottage cheese little by little, tasting it, and only then add the yolk.

For this recipe, you can also use different variations of the filling, optionally add one of the following ingredients to the curd:

  • cinnamon
  • vanillin;
  • raisins (then the amount of sugar must be reduced);
  • candied fruit (do not add sugar at all);
  • chopped marmalade (do not add sugar).

Arrange the filling in the prepared apples, gently ramming with a spoon. The filling level should not be higher than the apple cut.

Put apples on a leaf, send to the oven. You can lightly grease the pan with oil, but this is not necessary.

Remove the finished apples from the leaf. You can serve with yogurt, sour cream.

We offer you to watch a video on how to cook apples with curd filling.

Baked dough apples

First you need to make the dough according to your favorite recipe or buy ready-made - yeast, puff yeast. For you, my recipes for apples baked in pastry with step by step photographs.

Prepare apples - wash, peel, cut out the kernels with seeds, choose the pulp to make indentations.

Roll out the dough. Yeast - in round cakes of a rather large diameter, yeast puff - in squares. The thickness of the dough depends on your preference. I love to have a lot of dough.

Spread prepared apples on tortillas, pour sugar into recesses.

Also, for the toppings of apples in the dough, you can use all the same products as for baked apples.

After that, gently lift up and fasten the edges of the flat cakes around the apple, being careful not to tear the dough. Yeast dough is well collected in folds, as in the photo. Leave a steam outlet. The size of the hole should be such that the apple is inside the bag of dough.

Transfer the apples in the dough onto a baking sheet previously lightly oiled.

Allow the products to move in a warm place. I do not indicate the time. Depends on the room temperature. It happens that 10-15 minutes are enough, and another time, 20 is not enough.

Put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes. Remember that I wrote about the temperature above! Do not open the oven for the first 10 minutes.

Temperature and time are designed for 8 medium-sized apples and about 600 g of the usual yeast dough prepared by the steamed method.

For the preparation of 8 apples and 500 g of puff yeast dough, the time will approximately be reduced by five minutes.

Ready apples to remove from the sheet with a spatula hot.

Try, experiment, look for your option. And enjoy the creative process in the kitchen! Good luck to all of us!

Natalya Litvishko

I thank Natasha for all the delicious recipes for baked apples in the oven. Now, when it is getting colder, it's time to create a warm, cozy atmosphere at home and pamper yourself with such hot, fragrant desserts. We have had a lot of apples this year. Not so long they are stored. And we bake them very often. Easy, simple, tasty and very appetizing. I always take different fillings. But I love the simplest apples with sugar. We will please ourselves and our loved ones.

And for the mood, the song will be performed by Rosa Rymbaeva “Love has arrived”.

see also





    Good day, dear readers of our culinary blog. Let’s make a wonderful apple dessert today.
      There are a great many variations of the dish; baked apples are cooked with honey, sugar, nuts and various dried fruits, and, of course, with cinnamon.

    Probably there is no more harmonious combination of products for fruit desserts. It will be not only incredibly tasty, but also very useful. And so that there would be no difficulties when we are preparing a recipe for diet apples baked in the oven, a photo, step by step accompanies all the main culinary processes.
      The baking time depends on the size and variety of apples, so try to make them all about the same.


    1. Apples - 9 pcs.

    2. Sugar - 9 tsp.

    3. Butter - 90 gr.

    4. Raisins - 50 gr.

    5. Dried cranberries - 50 gr.

    6. Nuts - 100 gr.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse raisins and cranberries under running water. And then put in a container with boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Fold it on a sieve and place it on a clean, dry towel or napkin so that any remaining liquid drains.

    Any dried fruit can be used for baking apples, dried apricots and dates are quite suitable, and prunes in combination with walnuts will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated gourmets.

    2. Wash the apples and cut the core with a knife. Make a cutout in the form of a cone-shaped recess, but so that there is no through hole, because the filling should not spill out.

    If there is a special knife in the household, the process will take several minutes, but it is quite possible to do with an ordinary kitchen knife with a pointed nose.

    3. Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. For baking apples, it’s absolutely the same, use what is at hand.

    Place the apples on a baking sheet at a distance of 2 - 3 cm from each other, so that hot air evenly bakes them from all sides.

    Put a small piece of butter in each apple, it will give an incredibly gentle creamy flavor to the finished product.

    Of course, if you intend to cook diet apples for use in food for diseases of the liver or gastrointestinal tract, then there can be no talk of any oil.

    4. Mix granulated sugar with ground cinnamon, and pour one teaspoon of the mixture into each well. If you want to use honey instead of sugar, there are no questions, and if you do not like sweets, skip this point altogether.

    Only a pinch of cinnamon will be enough, the beneficial properties of which cannot be underestimated, and the aroma floating in the air when used will fill the room with the aroma of celebration and comfort.

    Put in each apple a set of prepared dried fruits and condense. If, in addition to raisins and cranberries, you use larger berries, cut them so that the size of all components is approximately the same.

    5. Lay nuts on top. With the layered method of stacking products, it is possible to get soft raisins that are not completely burnt, and dry crispy nuts. However, if you want to mix everything, just cut the dried fruits, mix with honey and cinnamon and stuff the prepared apples with the resulting mixture.

    And so as not to burn raisins, because the temperature in the oven is too high for him, cover the apples with a blank sheet of plain white paper dipped in water.

    Getting to baking:

    6. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 - 200 degrees, and place in it a baking sheet with apples for 15 to 20 minutes.

    7. Sprinkle the cooled apples with powdered sugar through a fine strainer. Remember that if you pour on the hot powder, it just melts in a few seconds. The sweet taste, of course, will remain, but the decorative property will be lost.

    In cases where there is no desire or opportunity to use the oven, you can bake apples in the microwave. The recipe does not change, but each apple must be chopped with a fork in several places.

    Enjoy your meal!

    I hope you have succeeded. Do not forget to subscribe to our culinary blog, and we will prepare many more interesting dishes with you.

    Of all the fruits, an apple is considered more affordable and at the same time tasty and healthy. If eating it fresh is already tired, then you can bake it in the oven. The result is a delicious treat that will perfectly replace the sweet, even on a diet. There are many ways to bake apples deliciously. Below are the most popular ones.

    How to bake apples

    Before you bake apples in the oven, you need to choose a specific recipe. In addition to the fruit in such a dessert, the filling is also important, which can be different. Cottage cheese, honey, raisins and other dried fruits, nuts, and sometimes even meat are used. The calorie content of any of these fillings is not the highest. Ready dessert is perfect for diet food. They will be able to feed them even a child, because in this form the usual fruits no longer seem too simple. In addition, stuffed fruits can serve as a separate dish even on the festive table.

    Before you cook baked apples, you should understand the technology of this process. Important criteria are time and temperature. The specific values \u200b\u200bof these parameters depend on household appliances that are used for baking. For such a dish, an oven, microwave, slow cooker or even an air grill are suitable. Whatever is used, it turns out a very tasty dish that contains few carbohydrates. For this reason, it is approved for use even on a diet or simply during a fasting day.

    At what temperature

    In order for the fruit pulp to cook properly, you need to know at what temperature to bake apples. The optimal value is 180 degrees. If you make the temperature higher, then the fruits simply tear from exposure to too much heat. At lower values, the flesh will not bake, and the fruits themselves will become dry and tasteless. For this reason, a temperature of 180 degrees is considered optimal for making a delicious and beautiful dessert.

    How much time

    In addition to the temperature, it is important to observe the cooking time. How many apples to bake in the oven? It all depends on the size of the fruit used. More copies should be kept in the oven for about 15 minutes. Readiness can be checked by cracks in the skin. For smaller fruits, 10 minutes is enough. In the microwave, it takes only 3 minutes to bake apples. at a power level of 800 watts. If you use a slow cooker, you need to cook the dessert for about 25 minutes. for soft fruits. More stiff is to bake for about 40 minutes.

    Baked Apple Recipes

    There are a lot of cooking options for such a treat. The choice of a specific recipe depends on your personal preferences and favorite products. It also affects the time you can spend cooking. If it is quite a bit, then use the recipe where regular sugar is taken as the filling. When there’s nowhere to rush, experiment with curd, honey, dried fruit, or even puff pastry. You will definitely enjoy any of the goodies, and the photos and recipes below will help you prepare them.

    How to bake apples in the oven with honey

    If you are already tired of chocolate with cakes, then try apples baked with honey. The combination of these ingredients creates an amazing taste - sweet, but not sugary. It is better to take acidic varieties for such a dessert. When baked, they acquire a richer taste. Other varieties are not prohibited. The main thing is that the fruits are fresh.


    • honey - 4 tsp;
    • cinnamon - to your liking;
    • apples - 4 pcs.;
    • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. for lubrication.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the fruit first, preferably using a brush. Then make incisions around the stalk and use a teaspoon to remove the core along with the seeds, as shown in the photo. It is important not to pierce the fetus through.
    2. Turn on the oven for warming. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.
    3. Cover the baking sheet with foil or wax paper, grease with oil. Instead, you can use a cast-iron pan.
    4. Put a spoonful of honey inside each fruit so that it does not spill over the edge.
    5. Place the fruits on a baking sheet, send to bake for 10 minutes.
    6. Sprinkle the finished dessert on top with cinnamon.

    In the microwave

    In addition to the oven, you can also bake apples in the microwave. Such a treat is prepared much faster, because you do not need to bother with baking sheets. In addition, you do not have to wait until the oven warms up. For the filling, you can use the same products - cottage cheese, berries, honey or just sugar. Choose any option to your liking. In preparation, the recipe with the photo below will help you.


    • honey or sugar - for filling;
    • icing sugar or cinnamon - optionally for sprinkling on top;
    • apples - 6 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rinse the fruit with the first step by rubbing the skin with a stiff brush or washcloth, then dry it on a towel or paper towel.
    2. Using a knife or a special tool, remove the core from each fruit along with the seeds.
    3. Put the fruits on the bottom of the dishes for the microwave, fill each with a spoon of honey or sugar.
    4. Send the workpiece to the microwave, turn it on for 5 minutes. at a power of 800 watts.
    5. Sprinkle cinnamon or powdered dessert with baked apples.

    Cook according to other recipes.

    With cottage cheese in the oven

    Another low-calorie, tasty and healthy dessert is baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven. As such, these ingredients will appeal to even children. In addition to cottage cheese, raisins and honey can be used in this recipe. This sour-milk product also goes well with them. Apple dessert with cottage cheese is perfect for breakfast or a snack during the day. Variety of delicacies can be made with candied fruits, berries or jam.


    • cottage cheese - 120 g;
    • raisins - a small handful;
    • butter - 2 small cubes;
    • apples - 2 pcs.;
    • honey - 2 tsp

    Cooking method:

    1. Turn on the oven immediately so that it warms up to 180 degrees.
    2. Soak raisins with warm water for 10 minutes, after which the liquid is drained with a colander and let the product dry.
    3. Rinse the fruit, rub the peel with a stiff brush to remove wax residues. Take a sharp knife or a special tool, cut a hole with it in each apple. Remove the core with the seeds.
    4. Combine cottage cheese with raisins and honey, mix thoroughly, fill it with each fruit.
    5. To make the treat more juicy, put a small piece of butter on top.
    6. Place the fruit at the bottom of a heat-resistant mold.
    7. Bake for about half an hour. To give baked apples a special taste, sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

    With sugar

    The following baked apple recipe is considered classic and yet the easiest. Such a dessert is served even in restaurants. This is a good substitute for a piece of cake or cake - a healthy and less high-calorie treat. Top baked apples can be sprinkled with nuts or seasoned with cinnamon. Another option is to decorate the fruit with cream, then it will turn out even more appetizing, although in most cases sweets are also enough due to sugar. It all depends on your imagination and taste preferences. Baked apples with sugar are easy to make with the recipe from the photo below.


    • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
    • orange - 1 half;
    • apple - 6 pcs.;
    • raisins - 3 tbsp. l .;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp;
    • butter - 10 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Immediately set the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.
    2. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients for the filling - steamed raisins, sugar, lemon zest, half orange juice and cinnamon.
    3. Rinse the apples, then remove the middle with seeds from each fruit so as not to pierce the bottom of the fruit.
    4. Place them on an oiled baking sheet, fill each piece with filling, put a piece of oil on it.
    5. Send baked for half an hour.


    If you don’t have time or desire to bother with the filling, try to cook whole baked apples. In this recipe, it is not necessary to core and extract seeds from the fruit. It is only necessary to rinse the fruits well, place them in a mold and send them to the oven. Due to the fact that they remain intact, the finished dessert contains more substances useful to the body. In the preparation will help instructions on how to make baked apples whole.


    • water - about 90 ml;
    • apples - 4 pcs.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash fruits under running water, peel the peel with a hard washcloth to remove wax residues.
    2. Put the oven to warm up. The optimum temperature is 180 degrees.
    3. Take a heat-resistant form, place apples in it, pour water so that it covers them to a height of 1 cm.
    4. Send to bake for 25-30 minutes.
