How to defrost frozen berries and fruits. Frozen Berries

Berries rich in vitamins are useful to any child, and women during pregnancy, and those who follow a diet, and indeed to everyone. It is advisable to eat them not only every day in the season, but also year-round. A great way to preserve all the valuable nutrients of the fruit for a long time is to use the deep freeze method.

It seems that berries are very easy to freeze. However, delicate fruits require a careful attitude during harvesting. There are secrets of proper berry freezing and expert advice that you need to follow in order to achieve the goal.

Berry Freeze Recipe


Servings: - +

  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, currants, cherries, gooseberries, etc.)1 kg

Per serving

Calories 51 kcal

Proteins: 1.25 g

Fats: 0.42 g

Carbohydrates: 10.02 g

40 min Video Recipe Print

    Berries must be properly prepared - sorted, cleaned of debris, then washed under a weak pressure of water. With the exception of raspberries, as it then turns into gruel in frozen form.

    After that, put the fruits in one layer on a napkin, paper or cotton towels so that there is a distance between them. Leave for 1.5-2 hours to dry completely, and not a drop of moisture remains. This step should not be skipped in any case, since water, being converted into ice, increases in volume and may crush frozen fruits.

    In order for berries to retain their vitamins and nutrients as long as possible, it is best to cool them a little before freezing. To do this, pour the fruit into a container and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours. Thanks to the preliminary cooling, during the freezing process they will remain crumbly and will not turn into porridge.

    After 2 hours, we distribute the berries in plastic containers or plastic bags and put them in the freezer. Different types of berries can be stored both separately from each other, and together. It depends entirely on your preference.

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"Freezing" - benefit or harm?

Of great interest is the question of whether frozen berries are healthy. It is established that there is no special difference in their properties compared to fresh ones. This must be taken into account when using. The usefulness of the prepared product depends on the type of freezing and the type of berries.

For example, raspberries, viburnum, rosehips and blackcurrants in any form are an excellent medicine in the flu and cold season, blueberries are extremely useful for vision, and cranberries are recommended for various heart diseases. Lingonberry is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, neurosis, gastritis with low acidity, hypertension. It is also used as a component of anti-aging face masks. The difference between frozen berries in all cases will be only the way of preparing medicinal products from them.

Many experts argue that out of season it is much more beneficial to eat frozen berries than those brought from warm countries. The big advantage of blanks is their low calorie content, unlike stewed fruit, jams, preserves, containing a lot of sugar. Therefore, you can safely decorate the menu with frozen berries to those who dream of losing weight.

As for the harm, if someone is contraindicated in fresh raspberries or, for example, blueberries, then they should not be consumed frozen. Caution does not hurt diabetes. Also, one should not forget that berries, especially red ones, are a rather strong allergen, and frozen ones are no exception. Therefore, if there is a predisposition to allergies, you need to use them little by little, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body.

Are vitamins stored?

During heat treatment, as you know, any berries and fruits lose part of their beneficial substances. Therefore, many are interested in whether vitamins are preserved in frozen berries. Experts believe that definitely - yes. Of course, not in full force, but the losses are small. Freezing makes it possible to preserve the beneficial properties of the product by 90%. Taste also does not suffer.

This is a big plus, because the berries contain many vitamins of groups B, C, A and minerals, which are simply necessary in the winter, when the human body is depleted and suffers from vitamin deficiency.

Berries shock freezing recipe

Shock freezing allows berries to maintain a more close to the original appearance, taste and the whole set of vitamins and minerals. This type of workpiece is available at home only if there is a quick freeze function on the freezer.

Time for preparing:30-40 minutes

Servings Per Container:10

The energy value

  • calorie content - 51.00 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.25 g;
  • fats - 0.42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.02 g.


  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cherries, gooseberries, black currants, etc.) - the type and quantity is determined individually.

Step cooking

  1. First, wash all the berries. We sort them out from garbage, twigs, leaves, stalks, remove damaged fruits.
  2. After washing, it is very important to dry all the berries thoroughly. Although during shock freezing, water does not have time to expand greatly and spoil the fruits, it is still better if it does not exist there at all.
  3. After that, put the berries on a pallet or cutting board (if the fruits are stored in plastic containers, you can immediately use them, but do not close the lids).
  4. We send the pallet to the freezer and turn on the quick freeze mode for 20-30 minutes. Then we return the current mode.
  5. If containers were used, you just need to close the lids. If the pallet - then we pack the berries in packages. Now we put them back into the freezer for storage. You can mix the berries in assorted or store each species separately from each other.

Berries Dry Freeze Recipe

Time for preparing:30-40 minutes

Servings Per Container:10

The energy value

  • calorie content - 51.00 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.25 g;
  • fats - 0.42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.02 g.


  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, blueberries, etc.) - the number and type are taken individually, depending on availability.

Step cooking

  1. We wash the berries, sort it out, remove the spoiled ones, remove garbage, twigs, leaves.
  2. Then dry. To do this, put the fruits in one layer on napkins or paper towels (you can use cotton) and leave to dry completely. With dry freezing, it is very important that after washing, not a drop of moisture remains on them.
  3. When the berries have dried, put them on a pallet (cutting board or a large but flat container), after wrapping it with cling film. Spread in one layer so that there is a distance between the fruits.
  4. We remove the pan into the freezer for about 4 hours.
  5. After the required time, we get the berries and pack them in plastic containers or plastic bags. We close it so that the minimum amount of air remains inside, and put it back into the freezer, where they will be stored.

Recipe for freezing ground berries (in a blender)

Time for preparing:50 minutes

Servings Per Container:10

The energy value

  • calorie content - 108.00 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.25 g;
  • fats - 0.42 g;
  • carbohydrates - 25.40 g.


  • berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, currants, etc.). Type and quantity - an individual choice. The only thing for mashed potatoes is better to pick the fruits that are most combined with each other;
  • sugar - about 3 tbsp. tablespoons per 500 g of berries (less or more is possible, depending on taste preferences).

Step cooking

  1. We wash the berries under a gentle stream of cold water. To do this, it is better to use a colander or sieve. We remove garbage, twigs, leaves, stalks and spoiled fruits.
  2. Leave the berries in a colander so that all the water in the glass.
  3. If necessary, remove the seeds. Peeling is not necessary only if it is too stiff.
  4. Using a blender, grind the berries in mashed potatoes. Add sugar and mix.
  5. Leave the mixture for 1-2 hours to brew.
  6. Pour mashed potatoes into pre-cooked containers. You can use small plastic containers or, for example, silicone molds.
  7. We remove the resulting product in the freezer. When using the molds, transfer the frozen mashed potatoes to a plastic bag and close tightly.

In winter, it remains only to defrost mashed potatoes and use for different dishes. You can, for example, make a smoothie or sauce for pancakes or fritters, add the mixture to milkshakes.

Secrets of Freezing

Often, housewives think about the question, do you need to blanch berries before freezing? Usually vegetables pass this stage, but for delicate fruits it is not required. The exception is sometimes apricot. But we must remember that when blanching, some vitamins are lost.

Only fresh berries are used for freezing, it is advisable to cook them several hours after harvest. This will keep the maximum vitamins. Overripe fruits are not suitable, after defrosting they will turn into a "mess".

The duration of storage of freezing affects the amount of nutrients contained in the product.

Berries (whole or mashed in puree) are best frozen in small portions for one cooking. If different types of berries will be stored separately from each other, then before putting the workpiece into the freezer, it is best to sign each container. It is easier to make labels by indicating on them the name of the product, the date and month of freezing. Then in the future it will be easy to find exactly what you need in the freezer.

It is best to defrost any berries gradually, without using a microwave oven and hot water. To get started, just shift the container to the refrigerator, you can at night. When it thaws, we continue defrosting at room temperature. An exception is mashed potatoes, which can even be heated in the microwave if it is used as a sauce (instead of jam or condensed milk). But when preparing a smoothie, you can even put unfrozen berries or mashed potatoes in a blender, in this way you can save a maximum of vitamins during defrosting.

How much can be stored

The duration of storage of berry freezing is about 8 months. However, after this period they will not deteriorate and will not lose their taste. The only negative will be that the fruits begin to lose useful properties over time.

During storage, it is better not to allow direct contact of the berries with the cold air of the freezer. Because of this, they can dry, and besides, they absorb odors.

What container to store

The most common packaging for berry freezing is plastic containers and plastic bags. But you can still use, for example, disposable cups. The absence of covers is not a problem, they are simply wrapped with cling film. This method is convenient just in small portions. One or more cups can be thawed, depending on the amount of product required. Repeated freezing of berries is extremely undesirable, so it is better to immediately use the entire thawed portion.

If nothing is at hand, you can freeze fruits in glass jars and even bottles. Many fear that such containers in the freezer or during thawing will burst. If you do not fill to the top and do not close this dish tightly with a lid, then everything will be fine.

On our site there are a lot of videos, photos, pictures with step-by-step description of recipes - thanks to them you can make useful preparations and delicious dishes.

Frozen berries are considered one of the best sources of all kinds of vitamins in the winter. The freezing process is very fast and not laborious. But what a result! After all, there are a lot of recipes for preparing various dishes and drinks from such berry semi-finished products. Compotes, smoothies, pies and puffs, all kinds of desserts - all this perfectly diversifies the winter diet. And the taste of your favorite berries will remind you of the hot sunny summer over and over again.

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Berries contain a lot of useful substances. These are vitamins, and minerals, and flavonoids, and fiber. Unfortunately, fresh berries are only available in summer and early fall. But this does not mean that in winter and spring it is worth doing without this useful product. Berries can be frozen. If done correctly, they will also benefit the body. Frozen berries contain no less valuable substances than fresh ones.

Useful properties of frozen berries

What are the benefits of frozen berries? They remain almost all the beneficial substances that are found in fresh berries.

So, strawberries contain vitamins E, C, A, group B, micro and macro elements (chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, nickel, vanadium, chromium, zinc), fiber, carbohydrates, organic acids. It is useful for problems with the heart, gall bladder, liver.

In addition to minerals and vitamins, blueberries contain volatile, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. This berry is useful for problems with the eyes, kidneys, intestines. It has tonic, restorative, antibacterial properties.

Raspberries are rich in organic acids, nitrogenous substances, pectins. There are also essential oils, tannins, vitamins, coumarins in the fruits. Raspberry strengthens blood vessels, reduces temperature, relieves stress.

Cherry contains many anthocyanins, bactericidal substances, coumarin, as well as vitamins and minerals. This berry lowers blood coagulability, prevents the development of cancerous tumors, reduces pressure.

Currants are rich in vitamin C, and when frozen, it does not collapse. In addition, the fruits contain vitamins K, E, P, A, essential oil, volatile, tannins and much more. Currants help strengthen immunity, improve heart function, and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Naturally, frozen berries are healthier than fruits brought from other countries out of season. Therefore, it is worth making blanks in the summer and autumn.

Berries must be frozen correctly. Only good ripe fruits should be selected; rotten, crushed and unripe berries are not suitable for freezing. They must be washed, dried and frozen, laid out on paper or flat dishes. After you can pour the berries in bags or in other containers. If desired, you can knead the fruits by adding sugar. But such berries will be more high-calorie.

Since frozen berries contain about the same calories as fresh ones, they are suitable for weight loss.

For this purpose, you can choose any fruit. But, of course, they should be consumed without sugar. What can I cook? Various smoothies, salads, compotes, fruit drinks, cocktails. It is also useful to add berries to oatmeal, rice, yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir.

There are also diets on berries. If desired, you can try losing weight with a specific menu. For example, a diet for a week allows you to eat any berries, fish, meat, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, yogurt, milk, cereals.

The menu can be composed as follows:

  • breakfast: rice porridge with berries;
  • lunch: meat or fish dish, fresh vegetables;
  • dinner: yogurt or cottage cheese with berries.

In between meals you should eat berries. You can use in any quantity, but you still need to know the measure. Otherwise, you can harm your health. Digestive problems may occur.

You can choose another diet. It lasts only three days. During this period, you can only eat vegetables, brown rice, toasts, as well as small amounts of meat and fish. As for the berries, you can eat 2-2.5 cups.

Here is the diet menu:

  • in the morning: toasts, berries and kefir;
  • snack: berries;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled meat and vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: fruit and berry salad;
  • dinner: brown rice and berries.

Losing weight on any of these diets will be effective. Therefore, choose what you like best.

You can simply stick to proper nutrition, including various frozen berries on the menu.

From frozen berries, you can cook many dishes, from baking to desserts and meat sauces. You can choose any recipes, but if you are losing weight, then you should give preference to low-calorie dishes. Here are some recipes for berries.

Curd dessert

Beat a glass of milk, a pound of low-fat cottage cheese and four handfuls of berries (blueberries, strawberries). You can add a little sugar. Refrigerate for two hours.


Beat four yolks, a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, six tablespoons of sugar, 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese, vanillin and two tablespoons of starch. Beat four squirrels separately. Finely chop the apple, add raspberries, cranberries and chopped nuts (amount to taste), add everything to the dough. At the end, gently mix the proteins and put in a mold. Bake for half an hour.

Veal with Cherry

Cut the veal into square slices, make cuts and stuff with cherry. Roll each piece in flour and fry. Then pour meat with a glass of cherry juice and simmer for forty minutes under the lid. After salt and pepper, simmer another five minutes.

Fish in berry sauce

Grind 200 g of berries with a blender (currants, cherries), add a little sugar, a spoonful of lemon juice, black pepper and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Put the sauce in the refrigerator. Cut the fish fillet, salt, pour lemon juice and bake in the oven. Serve with berry sauce. Mint can be added to the sauce if desired.

Blueberry Oat Pancakes

Mix the egg, 50 ml of milk, three tablespoons of sugar, vanillin, 450 g of low-fat yogurt, a little salt, 1-1.5 cups of flour (oat and wheat should be mixed). Add blueberries. Pancakes can be baked, served with milk or tea.


Beat two ripe bananas, 150 g of natural yogurt, half a glass of blueberries. You can add a couple of mint leaves.


Handful of sea buckthorn, a couple of orange slices, currant and mint leaves pour two cups of boiling water. Insist half an hour, strain. You can add a spoonful of honey.


Two apples cut into slices, pour water. Add a handful of strawberries, a little raspberries and half a glass of black currant. Bring to a boil and cook for three minutes. You can optionally add a couple of twigs of lemon balm or mint.

The recipes for dishes with berries are very different. Therefore, you can at least every day to cook a new dish and enjoy. Moreover, if you eat right, you will also get rid of extra pounds. Want to lose weight with pleasure? So, freeze the berries and cook from them all winter and spring culinary masterpieces.

The human body is a complex system that needs nutrients to maintain working capacity. Many of them can be obtained from fruits and berries. But you can’t always buy your favorite fruits in the store, and sometimes their quality is poor or the price bites.

Experienced housewives are increasingly freezing seasonal berries and some fruits for the future, so that in winter you can treat yourself and your household with healthy dishes from them. But are thawed berries as useful as fresh ones? Or do they lose all their qualities?

Research results

In order to check whether frozen fruits are as good as fresh fruits, some studies have been conducted. They showed that the freezing process affects their nutritional value, but only slightly. And iron, for example, is one of the minerals on which it does not act at all.

Fruits and berries are the most useful gift of nature to man. To maintain health for many years, you must include as many of these fruits in your diet as possible, and fresh ones from the freezer - it does not matter. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition with the inclusion of the gifts of nature will help prevent the development of many diseases and strengthen immunity.

Changes in composition during freezing

The amount of fiber in frozen fruits is the same as in fresh fruits. Its main source is the peel of the fetus. Fiber is good for the digestive and excretory systems. It provides the prevention and treatment of gastritis, as well as constipation. Also, the amount of such minerals as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium does not change in fruits during freezing.

Vitamin content was also tested in the study. It was found that it can change. But not always the way you think! For some reason, many are convinced that fresh fruits and berries are much healthier than frozen ones. But, as we see, they are almost identical in nutritional value. And in frozen blueberries, for example, researchers found even more vitamins than fresh ones. So do not neglect fruit outside the ripening season.

If you store berries in a refrigerator for a long time, they can lose their beneficial qualities. Nutritionists advise eating only fresh fruits, and freeze the rest, and it is better at the back wall of the freezer. The fact is that when you open the door of the freezer, warm air enters the berries, which is not too good.

Freezing fruits and berries will help you include them in your diet daily, regardless of the time of year outside the window. Harvesting is best done in the season when the fruits ripen in the gardens. If you do not have your own site, then you can always buy natural gifts on the market, because during this period they are quite cheap.

If you want to maintain your weight in the norm, want to strengthen your immune system, eat a cup of fruit, frozen or fresh, daily. Please note that cold-processed fruits are different from dried fruits. The latter lose a lot of nutrients during the drying process. And if you buy them in a store, then know that for their best storage, preservatives can be added to products, and for taste, sweeteners.

Now, take some time for some myths about frozen fruits and berries.

1. Nutritional value

It is believed that frozen fruits are not as nutritious as fresh. The FDA, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has confirmed that they are equally nutritious. Accordingly, both types of fruits are good for the body, saturate it with vital substances.

2. Frozen can't be better than fresh

Some berries, such as blueberries, gather at the moment of full ripening and undergo a process of shock freezing. Their nutritional value does not decrease at all. Moreover, this helps to avoid loss of beneficial properties of berries during transportation.

3. Frozen fruit - just a piece of ice

Individual shock freezing ensures the preservation of the beneficial properties and shape of the fruit. Not all frozen fruits in the reverse process become porridge. For example, the same blueberry, despite its size, retains its texture and shape when frozen. It can be stored without loss of quality for more than two years.

4. Frozen fruits are harder to use when cooking

Here again, an individual shock freeze rescues. Thanks to her, it is easy to separate the desired number of fruits, and the rest to put back into the freezer. Fruits and berries are used in the preparation of many dishes. With frozen fruits, you get wonderful refreshing cocktails. When exposed to low temperatures, their water content decreases, making them ideal for many dishes.

Benefits of Frozen and Fresh Fruits

  • The difference in the nutritional value of fresh and frozen fruits is negligible in order to somehow affect human health. Be sure to include them in your diet.
  • Frozen fruits are sold in stores all year round. You can buy your favorite berries whenever you want.

  • When the ripening season of certain fruits and berries is in the yard, they cost much less than at other times. You can freeze bought, but not eaten on time fruits, or collected on your garden plot. This will prevent them from losing their nutritional properties and ensure their constant presence in your menu.

  • Ice cream with frozen fruit on extremely hot days is surprisingly delicious. And they can also be added to refreshing drinks.
  • Only those fruits that have just been removed from the plant have the best taste. Nothing beats the taste of freshly picked strawberries.
  • There are a lot of fresh fruits in the season. They are available in stores and markets, everyone can buy them.

  • It is believed that fresh fruit is healthier than frozen. But due to the rapid ripening of fruits, freezing becomes the best way to preserve them. So you can prevent the spoilage of a large number of berries and fruits.
  • Frozen berries are high in vitamins. They include antioxidants that help fight cancer cells. Fresh fruits do not possess such abilities.

  • In addition to vitamin C, fruits from the freezer are rich in beta-carotene, lutein and polyphenols. These and other components benefit the eyes, skin, and the entire body.

Why fruits are important to the human body

  • The fruits are rich in vitamin C and minerals. Most chronic diseases are caused by vitamin deficiency, fruits and berries, including frozen ones, help solve this problem.
  • Citrus fruits and berries incorporate phytochemicals that strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

  • The nutrients contained in frozen fruits are vital to the health of the human cardiovascular system. They have potassium, which is good for the heart and bones.
  • Folic acid is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. It is found in both fresh and frozen fruits. Especially pregnant women need it.
  • Fiber from fruits helps the digestive system work properly.
  • Berries and fruits are recommended for people with skin problems. They help much better than purchased creams.

Recently, frozen foods have become increasingly popular: berries, fruits, vegetables, mixes. And this is entirely justified: frozen berries are an opportunity to get vitamins and minerals in the winter season; their nutritional value is often higher than that of fresh ones that are sold in supermarkets; they perfectly preserve the natural aroma and taste, allow you to cook various dishes. So let's talk today about frozen berries, recipes from frozen berries.

You can freeze almost all “seasonal” berries: raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, cherries, plums, cranberries, lingonberries, grapes, sea buckthorn, currants, apricots, blackberries and many others.

But often the question arises: what can be prepared from frozen berries? You can, of course, just fill them with sugar after thawing and eat. But there are many different recipes for cooking in which there are frozen berries. Therefore, I will offer you some simple recipes from frozen berries.

Frozen Strawberry Tart. For the test, we need a glass of flour, butter (100 grams), a bag of baking powder, sugar, beaten with eggs (2 eggs for 100-150 grams of sugar). From the dough, bake the cake with the edges raised high, put it on a flat dish, cool. Lubricate the cake with sweet butter (beat with a mixer or a little butter in a blender with 2-3 teaspoons of powdered sugar). Cut the frozen strawberries in half, lay tightly on the cake. We make jelly (preferably red) and fill the berries. When the jelly hardens, the cake can be decorated with whipped cream.

Very easy and quick to cook another cake: take two flat cakes of dough (you can take ready shortbread, puff, yeast), spread the frozen berries between them. We fix the dough around the perimeter and bake in the oven until golden brown (the cake can be greased with whipped egg yolk with sugar). Sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar, cool. The dough is very well saturated with berry juice, and the cake preserves their flavor.

Very easy to cook with frozen strawberry puff. For their preparation you will need puff pastry (yeast-free). You can also take it frozen. Defrosting the dough, and at the same time defrosting strawberries (it is better to do this in the refrigerator). We cut the dough into small squares, spread the strawberries, sprinkle it with sugar, wrap it with an “envelope”, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Frozen Strawberry Smoothie. Smoothie is a cocktail of berries or fruits with yogurt. Mix in a blender one glass of natural yogurt, orange juice (1/3 cup), 7-8 berries of frozen strawberries, add sugar to taste. Serve this beauty better in a tall transparent glass, with a straw.

From frozen berries, very delicious fruit drinks. You can experiment with any berries, I suggest trying this composition: 100 grams of black currant, 3-4 pieces of strawberries, 2 tablespoons of lingonberries, sugar to taste. Wash the berries, put them in a glass dish and pour boiling water (water should only cover the berries). Stir until the currants melt. Then add boiling water (up to one liter), add sugar (3 tablespoons), cover the dishes with a lid and insist 3 hours. We squeeze the berries and filter the fruit drink, pour it into a decanter or a bottle. Serve fruit juice better chilled (you can add ice cubes to it).

Can cook fruit drink in another way - any frozen berries are crushed with a sugar mixer (or blender) and the resulting mass is poured with cold boiled water. We filter - and the fruit drink is ready!

Frozen Berries Can Be Used For cooking compotes. Chokeberry is good, which will give any stewed fruit an amazing rich color, especially in combination with currants and cherries. For one liter of boiling water, it is enough to take one or two handfuls of berries. You can add mint or cinnamon, sugar.

From frozen berries you can cook jelly. Any berries are suitable: sea buckthorn, raspberries, black currants, strawberries, cranberries, aronia and a mixture of berries. It is enough to take a handful of two berries per liter of water, add sugar to taste, bring to a boil, and pour in a thin stream of starch, diluted in water. Cook for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool.

Also, frozen berries are a good foundation. for making desserts. Take black currants (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) - 300-350 grams, icing sugar (2-3 tablespoons), 150 grams of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Thaw the berries a little and beat with a mixer with vanilla sugar and icing sugar, add yogurt, and beat for another minute. Arrange in vases or bowls, garnish with berries.

As a basis for desserts with crushed berries, you can take kefir, cottage cheese, ice cream.

New Year is coming soon, so it will be very original to cook new Year's shake (cocktail). To prepare it, you will need a glass of frozen berries, a bottle of champagne, a bottle of white wine, a little sugar (add to taste). Berries, sugar are placed in a wide glass carafe, pour champagne, and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Add chilled wine, pour together with berries into wide glasses.

If you just defrost the berries, then it is better to do this gradually, in the refrigerator, so that the berries do not lose their appearance and do not run out of juice.

Smart housewives in the summer stock up not only with conservation for the winter, but also with different berries. It's no secret that some vegetables and fruits can be frozen. However, they almost do not lose their taste when defrosting. In addition, it is so nice to treat yourself to strawberries or cherries in the winter. And even if you didn’t have time to fill your freezer with these goodies in the summer, don’t worry, because frozen berries can be bought at any supermarket today.

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Photo Gallery: What can be prepared from frozen berries?

Freezing today is no less popular type of workpiece than conservation. In frozen berries, most of the trace elements of ivitamins are preserved. If you have already frozen berries, then you know that berries cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, at one time you need to defrost as much as you need for one serving. Do not defrost quickly. It is better to leave the berries at room temperature, then they will retain their original taste.

Frozen berries will go well with various dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. They are very healthy and tasty, so many doctors recommend that they be included in their diet in the winter.

What can be prepared from frozen berries? Almost everything from fresh ones. Of course, you can just fill them with sugar and eat or fry compote from them. But then they will lose all the useful vitamins and substances. We offer you several recipes that use frozen berries.


If you want an original and delicious dessert - prepare sorbet. Sorbet is a fruit and berry-based ice cream. Such ice cream is not only tasty, but also healthy, and most importantly - low-calorie, as it does not contain milk and egg yolks.

To prepare the sorbet, you will need: 1 orange, 2limons, 3-4 glasses of strawberries, 1 glass of sugar and a third of a glass of water.

Peel the citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them. Ceprupotrite on a fine grater. Pour water, sugar into a small bowl, add zest to a boil over high heat. Once the mixture boils, make it hot and cook it for another five minutes. Then remove from the stove and let it cool. Add the prepared juice from orange and lemon to the cooled mixture. In a blender, chop strawberries, add syrup there and mix everything carefully.

The citrus-berry mixture that you get, fill in the molds for freezing and put in the freezer. Popsicles will be ready in about 6-7 hours.

If ice cream is not to your liking, then make a drink of frozen berries - a smoothie. The history of this drink dates back to the time of hippies, and today smoothies in many countries are an invariable component of healthy nutrition. This is a cocktail of fruits with ice or berries, in which milk, yogurt or juice is added.

In our recipe, the smoothie will include yogurt, orange juice and frozen strawberries (you can take absolutely any berries that you like). In a blender, mix a glass of yogurt (it is better to take natural yogurt), a third of a glass of orange juice, 8-9 berries of frozen Isahar strawberries (to taste).

This drink is served in a high transparent glass, which is decorated with mint or a slice of lemon (you can take an orange).


Frozen berries are a great base for desserts. You will need 350 grams of any berries (currants, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries), 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, 150 grams of yogurt (natural) and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

First, unfreeze the berries, then beat them in a blender with sugar and yogurt. Arrange the resulting mixture in small bowls and garnish with berries before serving. Dessert is ready!


If you like berry drinks, you can prepare fruit drinks. Such a drink will be not only very tasty, but also healthy. Frozen berries preserve vitamins and nutrients, so drinks from them are especially useful in winter.

Absolutely any berries are suitable for fruit drinks. In our recipe, we use black currants, lingonberries and strawberries. You will need about strams of blackcurrant, 4-5 pieces of strawberries, a couple of tablespoons of lingonberry isahar to taste. To start, wash the berries and pour boiling water (there should not be too much water). Stir until the currants melt. Then add another cup (about 1 liter), 3 tablespoons of sugar and cover. Insist for three hours. After this, crush the berries and strain the fruit drink. Serving such a drink is better when chilled in a transparent decanter or glasses.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time on cooking, then here is another recipe for this drink. It will take you more than 5 minutes to cook it. Take any frozen berries and chop them into sugar blenders. Pour the resulting mixture with boiled cold water, and then strain. Morse is ready.


Wonderful compotes are made from frozen berries. It is best to cook them from cherries or black currants. Then the taste is more saturated. If you want the compote to be not only tasty, but also to have a beautiful color, add a handful of aronia to it. For one liter of water, one handful of berries is enough. You can also add mint or cinnamon to a compote of frozen berries. Do not forget about sugar.

Yogurt cake

From frozen berries you can make not only an ice cream and a drink. Make, for example, a yogurt cake. You will have no more than an hour to cook it. True, it is high-calorie, so if you stick to the diet, it is better not to do such a cake.

To get started, grind 250 grams of crumbly cookies in a blender and melt 250 grams of butter. Mix the butter with cookies, evenly distribute in a tin and put in the refrigerator. At this time, take 300 grams of berry and heat them in a saucepan. Add cinnamon, sugar and 15 grams of gelatin to the berries. Stir well, then cool. When the mixture cools a little, put cream on top, 600 ml of whipped cream and 150 grams of yogurt, then put it in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning the cake will be ready. It can be decorated with whipped cream and berries.

Irish Cupcake Berries

Irish pastries are very famous all over the world. In many places you can taste it. As a rule, it is served with fresh thick cream (the cream consistency is similar to sour cream), which can be spread on muffins. This pastry is best for tea. And if you have a desire, you can easily treat yourself and your loved ones with delicious berry muffins, cooked with your own hands.

First you need to make a cupcake dough. To do this, mix flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and soda. Beat eggs with kefir and melted butter, add the resulting mixture to flour. Next, gently mix the berries with flour. Lay out the dough you have in the tins and place in the oven. Bake muffins for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. Enjoy your meal!

There are so many different recipes from frozen berries. They can be added to pastries, to make desserts and drinks from them. Even with special sugar and cream, the berries will be very tasty and healthy.

If this year you did not have time to stock up on berries for the winter, then be sure to do it next year in the summer to pamper yourself with different goodies all winter.