How to find out the weight of flour without weights. Use a spoon to measure the amount of flour

22.08.2019 Soups

Experienced housewives rarely use on a measuring glass or kitchen scale, since everything is done by eye. However, some complex dishes require perfect proportions, such as pastries and desserts. In this case, you can use an ordinary glass or spoon, as our mothers and grandmothers once did. And, by the way, they made the finest lace pancakes, ruddy pies, crumbly cookies and perfectly baked tender biscuits that were eaten very quickly. Measures for measuring weight at home are simple - a thin and faceted glass, a teaspoon and a tablespoon. Let's talk about how many products fit in these containers.

Measuring products in a glass

The measure of weight in a glass depends on which glass you use - thin or faceted, because they differ from each other. A faceted glass has a volume of 200 ml, several faces and a rounded rim. A thin glass is absolutely smooth and is designed for 250 ml. Liquids (water, wine, milk, juice, cream) are easy to measure, and bulk products with the same volume have different weights, which greatly complicates the measurement process. It is for this that you need a table of measures of the weight of products - you will never be mistaken with it and measure out exactly as much sugar and flour as is required for a cake or cookie.

Comparing products, we will indicate the amount in faceted (the first digit) and a thin glass (second digit). For example, one glass holds 140–175 g of wheat flour, 180–220 g of granulated sugar, 190–230 g of vegetable oil, 185–240 g of melted butter, 250–300 g of condensed milk, and 270–330 g of jam. As for cereals, you can pour 70–90 g of oatmeal, 170–210 g of buckwheat, 150–200 g of semolina, 190–230 g of rice, peas, beans, millet, pearl barley, barley groats and small pasta into a glass. 130–140 g of crushed nuts, 130–160 g of whole almonds and hazelnuts, 265–325 g of honey, 210–250 g of sour cream, 250–300 g of tomato paste and 100–125 g of ground crackers will fit here.

A bit about weight measures in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

It is hard to imagine how you can measure five glasses of flour or a liter of milk with a spoon, so these cutlery is suitable for measuring a small amount of food. For example, if you need very little flour for making air pastries, bechamel sauce, vegetables, meat or fish cutlets, you can use a teaspoon or a tablespoon.

One tablespoon is 18 g of liquid, 25 g of oats, sugar, semolina, buckwheat, barley, millet and rice. You can fully expect that 17 g of vegetable or melted butter, 30 g of flour, salt and ground nuts, 25 g of sour cream and cocoa powder, 20 g of milk powder, 30 g of starch and honey will fit in a spoon. Ground crackers will turn out only 15 g, but a tablespoon can scoop up 50 g of jam. With a miniature teaspoon, you will be able to measure 10 g of sugar, starch and sour cream, 8 g of flour, 9 g of cocoa, 7 g of honey, 5 g of vegetable oil and milk. A teaspoon also contains 10 g of nut kernels, 17 g of jam, about 5 g of cereals and peas, 2–4 g of cereal flakes.

Accuracy - the politeness of kings

To measure the weight of products without weights, you need to follow some rules that will help you strictly follow the recipe. For the preparation of snacks, soups, main dishes and side dishes this is not so critical. However, in some cases, such as when baking bread, the wrong ratio of liquid and flour can slow down the fermentation. With a lack of moisture, the dough does not rise well, and the bread has a dry, crumbling texture. If, on the contrary, there is too much moisture, the baking turns out to be heavy, blurry, with a moist and sticky crumb.

We measure products correctly

How to use home weight measures? Liquid products should be filled to the limit, that is, to the very edges. It is more convenient to put viscous and thick mixtures (honey, jam, sour cream) with a spoon, making sure that the glass is completely filled. Fill containers with loose and viscous products with a slide, and do not scoop up flour and starch directly from the bag or bag, and sprinkle with a spoon so that voids do not form. No need to shake, loosen and ram the food, and if you need to sift the flour, do it after the measurements. The fact is that when sifting the flour becomes more voluminous, which means that its weight will also change. For comparison: a thin glass contains 160 g of flour when properly filled, 210 g of rammed flour and 125 g of sifted flour. Changing the characteristics of products also affects their weight - for example, increasing humidity makes salt, sugar and flour harder, and fermented sour cream easier to fresh.

How to replace

If you don’t have a tea and faceted glass, take any container, measure its volume with the help of precise ones and mark the line where the volume will be 200 or 250 ml. For culinary purposes, you can use standard plastic cups with a capacity of 200 ml. Usually in recipes instead of the phrase “tea glass” they simply write “glass” or “cup”, which means 250 ml. If a faceted glass serves as a measure of weights, then in the recipe this will certainly be indicated.

Culinary arithmetic

There is no need to keep in mind dozens of numbers to prepare a delicious dish and not go crazy with mathematical calculations. It’s enough to have a weight table in the kitchen in spoons and glasses. If you see an instruction in the recipe to take half or a quarter cup of a product, such as sugar, then having a table, you can easily transfer this amount to other measures. For example, a quarter of a faceted glass contains 45 g of sugar, and this is 2 tbsp. l sugar without a hill or 5.5 tsp. Interestingly, 1 tbsp. l corresponds to 3 tsp., and a dessert spoon is 2 tsp. One thin glass holds 16 tbsp. l liquid, thick and loose products.

Foreign weight measures

If you like to cook according to recipes of foreign cuisine, then you may encounter unfamiliar weight measures, so this information will come in handy in the kitchen. An American cup is our thin glass, that is, 250 g, and an English cup corresponds to 280 g. A pint is 470 g, an ounce is 30 g, and a quart "weighs" 950 g.

It is said that the secret of culinary excellence is inspiration and accuracy, so the correct dosage of ingredients is half the success. If you want to make your life easier and minimize complex arithmetic, buy a universal 500 ml measuring cup with divisions for liquid and bulk products. Delight loved ones with delicious food and enjoy yourself!

Everyone knows that the main secret of successful dishes is the right recipe. In each of them you can find a list of ingredients that are indicated in a certain amount. Not all housewives manage to determine by eye, for example, how much flour is in a tablespoon of flour in grams or how much is in a glass. When you don’t have a kitchen scale at hand, it’s very handy to have knowledge about the measure of products in spoons or glasses.

How to measure flour in tablespoons

Of course, the amount of flour depends on the dish that the hostess intends to cook. If this is any sauce, then it is not necessary to know exactly how much flour is in a tablespoon, since you can add it gradually and stop when the sauce reaches the desired consistency. Otherwise, the situation is with baking or various casseroles. In such dishes, a strict dosage of flour is preferable so that they keep their shape and turn out lush after cooking. For casseroles, cottage cheese pancakes and fritters, it is very convenient to measure flour in spoons, since it does not require much. Knowing how much flour is in a tablespoon, you can quickly and accurately measure the right portion. However, there is a difference whether to collect flour in a spoon with a slide or not, because this will change its weight. How many grams of flour are in a spoon without a slide? If we are talking about ordinary wheat flour, then it will be 15 grams. In a spoon with a small slide - about 20, and if you scoop up a lot of flour with a spoon, with a large slide, you get 25-30 grams.

How to measure with a spoon 100 grams of flour

When it comes to pies or other pastries, it may seem inconvenient to measure the flour with a spoon, because, as a rule, it is enough in such dishes. But if you have at hand a recipe that clearly indicates the amount of flour in grams, then this can be done without difficulty, measuring out 100 grams of flour in servings per serving. How many spoons will it take to measure such a serving? If you count on a spoon with a slide - then only 4. Thus, you can easily bake pies, knead the dough for pancakes or pancakes, having a clear recipe in front of you. The main thing is to remember that the ability to cook tasty and rich pastries comes with experience, because, as you know, two women who bake according to exactly the same recipes can get pies completely different in taste. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense not to go in cycles in grams, but to see how successful the consistency is for the dough for a particular dish.

How much flour is in a glass

In many recipes you can find the measurement of flour in glasses. What to do in this case? Usually, a glass is understood to mean ordinary. In such a vessel there will be exactly 130 grams of flour, therefore, knowing it will turn out to easily measure the required amount into a glass. Thus, for a delicious homemade baking, it is not always necessary to have a kitchen scale on hand, although it is undoubtedly more convenient to cook with them. The usual will always come to the rescue which you can measure absolutely any ingredient for the recipe in the required quantity. But do not forget that the data specified in the article correspond exactly to the weight of the flour, sugar or butter will have a completely different weight in the amount of one spoon.

We decided to cook pancakes or pies, but there is nothing at hand to measure the right amount of flour? And in the recipe, as luck would have it, all the products are in grams? Not a problem, there are simple ways to measure flour without weights. This can be done using improvised tools. Of course, the result will not be as accurate as on electronic scales, but we are in the kitchen, and not in the chemical laboratory.

How to measure flour with a glass

Well, if the farm was littered with a simple faceted glass. It is believed that 200 grams of water is placed in it. But this does not mean that the same amount of flour will fit there. There are tricks to measuring flour with a glass.

  • First, flour should be covered with a spoon, and not scooped out of the bag directly with a glass. Otherwise, voids near the walls will form in the container, and less flour will fit. Fill a glass without a “slide”.
  • Secondly, we do not compact the flour in a glass, but also do not loosen it.

Did everything right? In a faceted glass you will have 160 grams. If you stamp the flour, then it will fit in a glass of 210 g. If you pre-sift and loosen, then only 125 g.

There are more ways to measure flour. Here is a small table that will help you take the right amount of flour at the right time:

Ideally, of course, it is better to make control measurements. Ask your friend for a kitchen scale. Weigh the flour once in a glass and spoon. Write down the data, hang it somewhere in a conspicuous place in the kitchen. Then, if necessary, you can always measure the right amount of flour.

Keep in mind that if you store flour incorrectly, the results may be different. There will be more damp and caked flour in a glass.

How much to hang in grams

Everything would be fine, but most often you need not 160 and not 25 grams. Usually in the recipes appear "round" numbers. This is where the question arises, for example, how to measure 100 grams of flour?

The easiest way is to "pour on" an extra 30 or 60 grams from the glass (depending on the glass), that is, 100 grams will be slightly more than half a tea and slightly less than half a faceted glass. You can put 4 tablespoons without a slide. There is a trickier way. It will require us time and some simple devices.

So, we need a ruler and a blank piece of paper. On the sheet, draw a rectangle of 10 by 20 centimeters. On large sides (20 cm) we measure 2 cm, put points and connect them with lines. Before us is a 10 by 2 cm rectangle. So?

Pour a kilogram of flour on paper. Distribute it evenly over a larger rectangle, to what we painted at the beginning (20x10 cm). We make sure that the flour does not creep out of the rectangle. Then, gently with a knife, we separate the part that occupies the smaller rectangle (10x2 cm). This is 100 g.

We do the same when we don’t know how to measure 200 grams of flour. Only then we measure on the 20-cm side not 4, but 4 cm. Next - the same thing according to the algorithm. By the way, this method is also suitable for measuring sugar or cereal.

It often happens that at the right time there are no scales at hand, and it is necessary to measure a certain amount of grams of products. In order not to guess, a table was developed of a measure of the weight and volume of products that helps to determine the amount of required ingredients without the use of measuring equipment. In order to measure a particular product, you need to use a glass, a tablespoon or a teaspoon. Based on the volume of these cutlery available in each kitchen, you can calculate the weight of the products without using a kitchen scale. Only the so-called culinary standards of measures and weights are involved. This method is very common in cooking.

Table of weights and measures

A measure of the weight of products in grams

ProductThin glass - 250 gFaceted glass - 200 gTablespoon - 18 gTeaspoon - 5 g
Legumes ↴
Peas230 185 - -
Unpeeled peas200 175 - -
Beans220 175 - -
Lentils210 170 - -
Mushrooms ↴
Dried mushrooms100 80 10 4
Cereals ↴
Hercules90 70 12 3
Buckwheat210 170 25 8
Corn grits180 145 20 6
Semolina200 160 25 8
Oat groats170 135 18 5
Pearl barley230 185 25 8
Wheat groats180 145 20 6
Millet groats220 180 25 8
Rice groats230 185 25 8
Barley groats180 145 20 6
Rice230 180 25 8
Sago180 160 20 6
Oatmeal140 110 22 6
Cornflakes50 40 7 2
Oat flakes100 80 14 4
Wheat flakes60 50 9 2
Oils and Fats ↴
Melted margarine230 180 15 4
Melted animal oil240 185 17 5
Vegetable oil225 180 17 5
Butter- - 60 30
Melted butter245 195 20 8
Ghee240 185 20 8
Melted fat245 205 20 8
Milk and dairy products ↴
Kefir250 200 18 5
Curd mass- - 18 6
Milk250 200 18 5
Condensed milk300 220 30 12
Milk powder120 95 20 10
Ryazhenka250 200 18 5
Cream250 210 25 10
Sour cream 10%250 200 20 9
Sour cream 30%250 200 25 11
Diet curd- - 20 7
Fat cottage cheese- - 17 6
Soft curd- - 20 7
Low-fat cottage cheese- - 17 6
Flour and flour products ↴
Pasta230 190 - -
Potato flour180 150 30 10
Corn flour160 130 30 10
Wheat flour160 130 25 8
Drinks ↴
Water250 200 18 5
Cocoa powder- - 15 5
Ground coffee- - 20 7
Liquor- - 20 7
Juices250 200 18 5
Dry tea- - 3 -
Nuts ↴
Peanuts175 140 25 8
Cedar140 110 10 4
Almond160 130 30 10
Crushed nuts120 90 20 7
Hazelnut170 130 30 10
Seasonings ↴
Gelatin- - 15 5
Citric acid (crystalline)- - 25 8
Potato starch160 130 12 6
Poppy155 120 15 4
Powdered sugar190 140 25 10
Baking soda- - 28 12
Ground crackers130 110 20 5
Tomato paste- - 30 10
Vinegar250 200 15 5
Sweets ↴
Jam- - 45 20
Jam- - 40 15
Honey415 330 30 9
Jam- - 36 12
Fruit puree350 290 50 17
Sauces ↴
Mustard- - - 4
Mayonnaise230 180 15 4
Tomato sauce220 180 25 8
Spices ↴
Ground cloves- - - 3
Ground cloves- - - 4
Ground cinnamon- - 20 8
Allspice (peas)- - - 5
Ground pepper- - - 5
Black pepper (peas)- - - 6
Sawed sugar200 140 - -
Granulated sugar200 160 25 8
Salt325 260 15 10
Dried Fruits ↴
Raisins165 130 25 -
Dried apples70 55 - -
Berries ↴
Lingonberry140 110 - -
Cherry165 130 - -
Blueberry200 160 - -
Blackberry190 150 - -
Strawberries170 140 25 5
Strawberry150 120 25 -
Cranberry145 115 - -
Gooseberry210 165 - -
Raspberries180 145 - -
Fresh mountain ash160 130 25 8
Red currants175 140 - -
Black currant155 125 - -
Cherries165 130 - -
Blueberries200 160 - -
Mulberry195 155 - -
Rosehip dry- - 20 6
Eggs ↴
Egg powder100 80 25 10
Unshelled egg6 pcs- - -
Squirrel egg11 pcs9 pc- -
Egg yolk12 pcs10 pieces- -

When calculating weight, you need to remember some features. For example, when measuring bulk products, it should be borne in mind that they tend to be compacted. This is especially true for flour, which may have a different density. When measuring flour, you do not need to try to compact it, and, on the contrary, do not sift the flour before placing it in a glass. Otherwise, in the first case, too much product will fit in a faceted or thin glass, and in the second, the oxygen-enriched flour will become airy and will fit less than indicated in the table. Also, one of the features of such products is that when scooped, they can create voids. Therefore, they must be poured gradually.

When measuring foods with a high viscosity, such as jam, condensed milk or honey, remember that you need to measure them by filling a glass or spoon with a slide. The same applies to bulk products. Also, when measuring liquids, for example milk, it is necessary to fill the dishes or cutlery completely, to the very edges. In other words, regardless of the product, you need to try to get more. Measurements do not have to be made with spoons or glasses. You can use any other utensils, having previously measured its volume. However, when measuring with standard means, before using glasses or spoons, it will not be superfluous to find out their volume in order to verify the correctness of further measurements. The volume taken as a basis is indicated in the table. It is necessary to measure with water.

Using these measures of measuring weight in spoons or glasses, it is worthwhile to understand that this method is approximate and depends on a number of factors, including product composition, humidity and even freshness. Nevertheless, the culinary comparative table of measures and weights is a universal assistant for measuring when it is impossible or unwilling to use technical means.

Often, for the preparation of a dish, you need to observe harsh proportions of the ingredients, exclusively for baking. One just has to sprinkle a little or not enough flour - and the result is closer to what was expected. However, even if you do not have a kitchen scale, it is permissible to measure flour with the help of improvised means.

You will need

  • wheat flour;
  • faceted glass;
  • tablespoon;
  • tea spoon;
  • measuring cup.

Instruction manual

1. It is more convenient for everyone to determine the weight of flour using an ordinary faceted glass, the one that has been kept by many since Soviet times. Stuffed to the brim, it holds approximately 160 g of premium wheat flour. If you fill a faceted glass to the upper risk (at this point its volume is 200 ml), then the flour in the glass will be about 130 grams.

2.   If you do not have a glass of the required volume, measure the flour with a tablespoon. This process will take a lot more time, but probably it will be even more true. In a standard tablespoon (the length of the scooping capacity is 7 cm), filled with a “slide”, 15 g of flour is contained, without a “slide” - 10 g. As usual, if the recipe suggests measuring flour with tablespoons, then it means just the volume with a "pea", unless otherwise specified. It is allowed to determine the weight of flour and a five-centimeter spoon. In this case, without a “slide” in a spoon will fit 7 g, and with a “slide” - 12 g.

3.   Occasionally, it is required to measure a very small number of flour - 5, 10, 15 g. In this case, it is comfortable to use a teaspoon. Filling it to the brim, you will get 4 grams of flour, and if you also leave the "hill" - then 5 g.

4.   It often happens that there is no ordinary glass, but there is a transparent container with divisions for determining the volume. Let's say it can be a glass from a slow cooker or a bread machine. In this case, you can weigh the flour, based on the fact that 100 ml of flour contains about 65 grams. This method is inconvenient in that you can easily miss the divisions applied to the glass. Say, it is easy to calculate that 100 g of flour is approximately equal to 153 ml, but it is unlikely that you will be able to detect a container with such a mark. Thus, this method is unsatisfactory accurate.

5.   And finally, the most unreliable, but fast-moving method. All you need is flour in the packaging in which it was sold, and an excellent eye. Let's say you have a kilogram pack of flour, and according to the recipe you need to measure 500 g. It is easy to think that you need to pour half the package. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, use the method of weighing "by eye" only in extreme cases, when on the contrary, either the proportions are not so significant.

The perfect option is to have electronic scales at home. If they are not, then in order to take the required number of flour, you need to know how much flour in grams is placed in a faceted glass.

You will need

  • Faceted glass
  • Tablespoon
  • Teaspoon

Instruction manual

1. Take a faceted glass and scoop up the flour with a slide, then with a knife remove the slide evenly. In a glass you will have 145-155 grams.

2.   If less flour is needed, then it is allowed to scoop it with a hill with a tablespoon, it will fit 17-19 grams. And finally, about 8 grams of flour is placed in a teaspoon with a slide.

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Helpful advice
  It is also allowed to buy a measuring cup, a dizzy comfortable thing in the kitchen, it has a graduation in both milliliters and grams for all the main bulk products.

Many housewives periodically encounter situations when they do everything exactly according to the recipe, but baking does not work. The dough turns out to be excessively thick or too liquid, as a result of which the product is not baked and is sent directly from the oven to the bin. The hostess is perplexed, she took tea as much flour as required. An acceptable reason for failure may be the fact that the number of flour in the recipe was abnormally measured.

You will need

  • - flour
  • - Measured tanks
  • - Sieve

Instruction manual

1.   Flour is a bulk product whose properties vary from grade to grade. And even the same variety, made in different regions, can have different humidity. It is consequently in the recipes that the consistency of the test is indicated, which you need to focus on when mixing the ingredients.

2.   But, nevertheless, it is precisely the errors of measuring out the necessary number of flour that play an inevitable role in the manufacture of baking. The most common quantities found in recipes are grams, spoons, cups and glasses. Read each recipe invariably before starting work. Say, when sifting, flour grows much in volume, therefore, one cup of cake and one cup of sifted flour will weigh in different ways.

3.   Tanks for flour have a certain volume. One cup contains 240 ml, 1 teaspoon - 5 ml, 1 tablespoon - 15 ml and 1 cup - 200 ml. If the flour is measured in cups in a recipe, fill the cup with flour, but do not ram it. Swipe the knife with a knife to remove the flour hill. The slide in cups and glasses must always be removed if the recipe does not say anything on this topic separately.

4.   1 cup of wheat flour of the first standard moisture contains 140 gr. And in 1 cup of premium flour each 120 g of product will be contained. A faceted glass filled to the edge will contain 120 and 110 grams of flour, respectively.

5.   Measuring out flour spoon, scoop up the product from the bag and lightly tap on the spoon in order to shake off large peaks. You should have a neat, tiny little pea equal to about the size of a spoon. As a result, you will have 8 grams of flour in a teaspoon, about 18-20 grams in the dining room.

6.   If you positively measure flour   , strictly followed the recipe, you should succeed, and you will be able to gloriously put fresh pastries on the dining table.

Helpful advice
  If you do not have a sieve, sifting flour is allowed through a regular colander

Instruction manual

1.   Mass (weight) is the product of the density of a substance by its volume. The density of some substances is given in the table

2.   Estimate by eye how much your object occupies. Express the volume in cubic meters. Let's say a tablespoon holds 0.000025 cubic meters, a glass - 0.00025 cubic meters, a liter can - 0.001 cubic meters, a bucket - from 0.007 to 0.01 cubic meters. m depending on its size. Well, a cubic capacity with a side of 1 meter has a volume of 1 cubic meter, respectively.

3.   Multiply the density value of your substance, recognizing it from the table, by the volume in cubic meters, and get the weight in kilograms. Let's say a glass of honey weighs 1350 kg / m3 * 0.00025 m3 \u003d 0.3375 kg, which is equal to 337.5 grams.

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Helpful advice
  If the density of the substance is close to the density of water, then it is possible to assume that a tablespoon will hold 25 g, a glass - 250 g, a liter - 1 kg, a bucket - 7 kg.

Not every housewife has scales in her kitchen. Products are often measured "by eye". But in some recipes it is significantly true to observe proportions. A confectionery masterpiece can be hopelessly ruined if there is too much flour, or too little. How to avoid mistakes and weigh correctly flour   without weights   ? Here are some tips from experienced chefs.

Instruction manual

1.   As weights   it is allowed to use traditional kitchen utensils: spoons, cans, glasses, pans. However, you should remember the difference between the volume and weight of the products. Weighing without weights   it will become much easier if you use a special measuring cup, on the sides of which are marked with the weight of different products.

2.   Weighing with spoons. Scoop up flour   spoon (dining room or tea). Carefully hit that excess flour has crumbled. On a spoon, a neat “pea” is obtained. In a teaspoon with a "slide" is placed 10 g of flour, in the dining room - 25 g.

3. Weighing in glasses. Instead of each, use an ordinary faceted glass with a rim of 250 ml. Flour must be sprinkled in a glass. It should not be shaken and tamped, this may change the weight. A glass filled to the rim holds 160 g of flour. If poured flour   flush with the edge, the weight will increase to 180 g. A little less flour fits into a 200 ml glass - about 130 g.

4.   Weighing in pans. This tested method will help the hostess, who does not have time to measure a huge amount of flour with spoons or glasses. You need to take two pots of different sizes. An indispensable condition: a tiny saucepan must completely enter the large. In a smaller bowl, a product is placed whose weight is correctly reported. It is best to use a sealed kilogram package of sugar or cereal. Further, the pan with the cargo is put into the empty. Water is poured neatly into huge dishes to the very edges. Now the load from the tiny pan is allowed to be removed and slowly filled with flour. As soon as the water in a large bowl rises again to the brim, a kilogram of flour is weighed.

  Flour does not need to be sifted before weighing.

Often, in cooking recipes, you need to take 100 grams of a product, but few people have a kitchen scale in order to make the necessary measurements. For this reason, housewives are zealous not to use such recipes for cooking. But in order to prepare your favorite dish, it is not at all rigorously weigh all the ingredients with the support of the scales. The weight of many food products is allowed to find out using different containers that are found in the whole house.

You will need

  • faceted glass
  • tablespoon
  • liter can
  • measuring cup

Instruction manual

1.   In order to measure 100 grams of milk or water to prepare any dish, take an ordinary faceted glass and fill it with liquid, without adding a little to half. For more accurate weight compliance, pour 5 and a half tablespoons of water and 5 tablespoons of milk.

2.   If you fill 2/3 of a faceted glass with flour or ground nuts, then its weight of these products will be approximately 100 grams. To get more exact weight is allowed by taking 10 tablespoons of flour and 10 tablespoons of chopped nuts.

3.   Having poured half an ordinary glass of semolina or powdered sugar, you will get 100 grams of this ingredient.

4.   In order to take 100 grams of sugar, rice or salt, fill the glass a little more than half.

5. An apple, potato, onion, carrot or medium-sized tomato weighs approximately 100 grams. To purchase 100 grams of eggplant or zucchini, cut a medium-sized fruit in half.

6.   In order to take 100 grams of eggs, take two medium-sized eggs.

7.   To determine 100 grams of strawberries or raspberries, fill a liter jar of these berries in a fifth of the volume. Blueberries, currants or cranberries will weigh the same if they fill about 6 of the jar.

8.   Also find out the weight of food will help a special measuring cup. Usually such a cup is made of transparent plastic and on its walls contains scales for measuring various liquids, cereals, sugar, salt. The entire line is signed by the type of product and has numerical designations for this particular ingredient.

9.   In order to measure the weight in grams with the help of this cup, place inside it the required number of cereals, salt, sugar, milk, water, etc. After that, find the scale for measuring the weight of this particular product and, correlating the divisions on the walls of the cup with the tier of filling the tank, find out how much it is necessary to fill the cup in order to get 100 grams of the ingredient.

Flour is the basis for the preparation of the most diverse dishes. The recipe requires the exact weight of the ingredients, from the fact that excess or deficiency of a product can irreparably ruin the food. Measure flour   at home, several methods are allowed.

You will need

  • - kitchen scales;
  • - beaker;
  • - a tablespoon;
  • - faceted glass.

Instruction manual

1.   The fastest and surest way to measure weight is to weigh with a kitchen scale. They can be mechanical and electronic. The final version is more accurate and allows you to determine the weight of the product right up to 0.1 grams. From the fact that the flour leaves white traces later on, it is necessary to weigh it in a plastic bag or in a container, without forgetting to subtract its mass from the total weight.

2.   Another famous method for measuring bulk products is the use of special measuring cups. They are transparent containers marked with the weight of different products. Should not be sieved flour   before you determine its mass with the support of a measuring cup or kitchen utensil. Sifted flour takes up a much larger volume, and the data obtained will be inaccurate.

3.   If there is no kitchen scale or measuring cup at hand, it is allowed to weigh flour   with the help of traditional dishes. Small lobes are comfortable to measure with spoons. For this, scoop up flour a tablespoon and gently shake it so that only a small “slide” remains. A standard tablespoon holds 25 g. A teaspoon contains 10 g of flour.

4.   Larger significant amounts of flour are easier to measure with the support of a glass. Take an ordinary faceted glass and fill it with flour. It is more fun to pour flour with a tablespoon, so it will not be compacted and evenly distributed over each container. A glass of 250 ml, filled to the top rim, holds 160 g of flour. If you pour it flush with the edges - the mass will be 180 g.

5.   It is also possible to determine the weight of a large number of flour, using a further method. When you need to get half a kilogram of flour, you divide “by eye” a standard 2-kilogram pack into two equal parts. And later, divide one more part into halves. Of course, this method is quite approximate, and it is appropriate to use it to measure only huge portions of flour.