The benefits and harms of mangosteen, methods of its use. Medical use

23.08.2019 Egg Dishes

Mangosteen - an exotic fruit that grows in the tropical countries of Southeast Asia, in Thailand, Indonesia. Residents of these countries consume fruit daily; traditional dishes are prepared from it.

It is impossible to grow this curiosity in Russia, since fruit trees need a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius. But deliveries are underway, so mangosteen can be found on store shelves. And articles you will learn about what is useful mangosteen.

Description of the fetus

The ripe fruit has a hard violet or purple peel of a bitter taste. The fruit must be peeled to get the core, which in diameter reaches about 8 cm. Its appearance is similar to garlic cloves, which are 4-8 pieces. Inside each “clove” there is a small bone.

Taste amazing, some compare it with an orange, someone with a grape. Fruit costs a lot, but nutrients in abundance compensate for this drawback.

Composition and calorie content

The evergreen tree gives fruits a tremendous chemical composition. It includes:

  • Catechin,
  • Xanthones
  • Proanthocyanides,
  • Vitamins: A, E, C, D, Group B.
  • Trace elements are widely represented. These are calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, etc.

100 g of fruit contains 65-70 kcal.

Mangosteen (fruit) beneficial properties

In Asian countries, thanks to its beneficial properties, mangosteen has been used in traditional medicine for three centuries. In the fruits are unique   substances necessary for human growth and development. Diseases are treated not only by the fruits, but also by the bark and leaves of the tree. The beneficial properties of tropical fruit are as follows:

Recently on sale appeared juice from mangosteen. He managed to establish himself as an excellent tool for good   well-being. Therefore, it is used as a restorative after serious illnesses and surgical intervention.

Mangosteen juice is used in programs for slimmingis an ingredient in a variety of diets. Since its pH has an alkaline reaction, which is more beneficial for the body.

The juice of this fruit is used for prevention   oncological diseases, and also serves as an additional treatment for malignant neoplasms.

The healing properties of the fruit

In eastern medicine, mangosteen occupies a high position, its benefits for the body are appreciated. The fruit is able to treat:

  • Digestive diseases. A decoction of leaves and peel is made, which allows you to cope with dysbiosis, gastritis, a stomach ulcer, and defeat by worms.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. These are thrush, urethritis, cystitis.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Disorders of brain activity. This is neuralgia, migraine, Alzheimer's disease.
  • Skin diseases. Powder from the peel of the fruit is used. Effective against seborrhea, acne, eczema, burns.
  • Gynecological problems. A decoction from the root of the tree helps to relieve the premenstrual syndrome, and also normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Possible harm from mangosteen

This fruit should be consumed sparingly. Since harm may occur from this exotic fruit:

  • It will appear if you take medications to thin the blood at the same time. Substances in mangosteen affect blood coagulation. Therefore, they are not combined.
  • The fruit has a slight calming effect, because it slows down the reaction and reduces attentiveness. If the activity is associated with the risk of injury, it is better not to eat the fetus.
  • If the body is prone to allergic manifestations, the fruit can cause a reaction in the form of a skin rash, joint pain, redness and itching. To prevent symptoms, you need to take an antihistamine.

To eliminate the harm from eating fruit, you must also know how to choose it correctly.

Mangosteen selection and price

It is best to buy fruit at harvest time. It is summer and winter. In other seasons, the fruits will be not only tasteless, but also less useful.

If the fetus ripeHe has a deep purple color. The bright one will tell that he was plucked ahead of time and he did not have time to ripen. The appearance of dark spots indicates that the mangosteen is overripe. To the touch, it should be resilient and dense. In East Asia, during the harvest season, the price per kilogram is approximately $ 1. On the shelves of the supermarket, imported fruits are much more expensive. If you store the fruits in a dark, dry and cool place, then they can be consumed within a month after purchase - taste   and beneficial substances are preserved.

How to eat a fetus?

First make a circular incision, which should be deep enough. Typically, the skin thickness is about 8 mm. Then peel off one half. Armed with a fork or spoon, juicy flesh   easily removed from another part.

Usually the fruit is eaten fresh. Before use, the fruit can be laid out on chopped ice. For example, Thais thus reach refreshing   effect. You can make dessert or jam from it. Exotic mild flavor goes well with shrimp, squid and fish. This fruit can be added to spicy or fruit salads, to make milkshakes.

Application in cosmetology

The healing properties of exotic fruits are widely used in cosmetology. For example, mangosteen extract is a component in various shampoos, creams, and other products. The cream from stretch marks is especially popular, which moisturizes and tightens, restores skin elasticity and a pleasant appearance.

When using this cream   you need to understand that he will not be able to completely remove the old striae. In his power only a visual smoothing of conspicuous flaws.

Thus, mangosteen is a useful exotic fruit with healing properties. Therefore, if you see this fruit on a supermarket shelf, be sure to buy it. Even if you don’t like the taste, you will have new experiences, the joy of which no one will take away.


Mangosteen is an exotic tropical fruit that grows in the wild only on the Malay Archipelago. Currently, it is grown mainly in Thailand.

These fruits have a very specific appearance. Their white flesh is covered with dark purple skin.

The taste of mangosteen is distinguished by sophistication, and the fruit is used in food with the peel. Juice is also prepared with it, because the skin contains the largest amount of nutrients.

These fruits in various countries are called mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mangkut, queen of fruits.

In this article, we will show an exotic fruit in the photo, talk about the beneficial properties of mangosteen fruit for weight loss, treatment of diseases, and its contraindications.

How to choose, properly clean and eat

Mangosteen combines taste and. When buying, you should choose the largest fruits, because in small ones there is very little juicy pulp, consisting, as a rule, of seven cloves with seeds.

Good quality fruits must have   bright color, be a little soft, and their peel - smooth and springy when pressed.

If the mangosteen turns out to be hard, dry to the touch, and there are cracks on its peel, then it is overripe. You should not purchase such instances. On the fruits should not be yellow spots, traces of mold.

These fruits can store in a cool, dry place for about three weeks, in the future, the flesh loses its juiciness, and then completely dries.

When consumed, the peel of the fruit is cut in a circle, trying not to touch the pulp. The upper half is removed, the segments are pulled out with a fork.

The remaining peel can be added to juice or used for treatment, pre-dried in the sun and pulverized.

How to choose a mangosteen:

Composition, calories, nutritional value, glycemic index

The calorie content of mangosteen is about 70 kilocalories per hundred grams   product. Based on this, by the weight of each fetus, its calorie content can be calculated. Glycemic Index - 35.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 0.51 grams;
  • fats - 0.44 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 14.79 grams;
  • dietary fiber - 5 grams;
  • water - 79.26 grams.

The chemical composition of mangosteen is enriched:

What is beneficial for the body

Mangosteen   contains special substances - xanthones. In these fruits, their 39 species are the highest concentration of all food products.

They have unique antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing and antioxidant properties. Therefore, these fruits contribute to a rapid increase in immunity. The body does not perceive negative environmental factors.

Also there is protein in these fruits, which is involved in the formation of muscle tissue.

A large number of vitamins and minerals   allows a small amount of fruit to heal the body, get rid of diseases.

The program “Live healthy!” Tells about the beneficial properties of mangosteen:

Benefits for women, men and children, pregnant and lactating, the elderly

With its inclusion in the menu the cardiovascular system strengthens, insomnia disappears, the quality of sleep improves, headaches go away, the work of the brain, digestive system normalizes, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Helps to stimulate the activity of the endocrine system and stabilize the hormonal background.

The fruit quickly cleanses the body, which leads to its rejuvenation,   increase tone. It helps women regulate the menstrual cycle.

The fruit is included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women if allergic reactions do not occur to it.

The beneficial substances contained in it will help to avoid congenital defects of the fetus, properly form its nervous system. Thanks to antioxidants, the cells of the mother and baby will be protected from external influences.

During feeding, the child will receive a large amount of substances from milk that contribute to its proper development.

Mangosteen can be included in the menu of children after a year. They will be happy to eat this delicious fruit and drink the juice made from it.

But you need to start with a small amount to test the reaction to this exotic fruit.

Potential harm, contraindications

We talked about the health benefits of mangosteen, let's see if there is any harm. Mangosteen has no contraindications.

But it should be used sparingly for people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and those who have frequent migraines. The fetus increases blood viscosity.

When you turn it on in the menu an allergic reaction may occur   or individual intolerance.

Therefore, you need to start with a small amount, so as not to harm your health.

Sweet and sour fruit widely used fresh whole or in canned form. Medicinal syrups are prepared from it.

For food in many countries of Asia they eat fruit seeds, previously fried.

What to cook

From mangosteen make desserts, fruit salads, juices, cocktails, and in many Asian countries they make delicious jam or jam from them.

Fruits can be frozen, but, as with heat treatment, fruits slightly change their specific taste and lose a number of nutrients.



  • mangosteen (pulp) - 500 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • pectin - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  • boil water, add sugar to it, cook for several minutes;
  • chop the mangosteen pulp, put in the resulting syrup, boil for ten minutes;
  • add lime juice, pectin to the resulting mass and let stand for another five minutes on low heat;
  • put jam ready on sterilized jars, cork with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Fruit salad


How to cook:

  • peel oranges, remove the film from the slices, cut them into pieces;
  • grate the zest of lemon, squeeze the juice;
  • cut mangosteen, feijoa and strawberries into cubes;
  • toast, chop walnuts;
  • combine sour cream with sugar, lemon juice, beat;
  • combine fruits, pour sauce, sprinkle with raisins.

Creamy fruit cocktail


  • mangosteen (pulp) - 500 g;
  • cream - 200 milliliters;
  • water - 200 milliliters;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 100 g.

How to cook:

  • grind mangosteen in mashed potatoes;
  • squeeze juice out of lemon;
  • put all the ingredients in a blender and beat.

Other applications

For weight loss

Mangosteen well reduces appetitegives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it for breakfast, then before lunch there will be no desire to eat. The fetus burns excess fats in the body.

The fruit has the ability to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, waste, cholesterol,   remove excess fluid.

It also helps to lose weight. The condition of the skin, hair and nail plates improves.

Mangosteen - fruits with a very short shelf life, it is often very difficult to find good fruits in our country. therefore fresh fruit can be replaced with syrup or peel powderwhich also contributes to weight loss.

Some grow fruit indoors, but the difficulty is that the fruits have to wait about ten years.

For the treatment of various diseases

An extract is made from pericarp and is used to treat arthritis, radiculitis, and various inflammatory processes.

Pieces of peel, dried and powdered   using a coffee grinder, brew, like regular tea. What they treat:

If powder is made into gruel, then it can be apply with skin diseaseslike a compress.

In cosmetology

Powdered peel diluted with warm water or kefir   until mashed and used as a scrub, applying to the face and gently massaging.

It helps to remove toxins from the skin, cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and irritation, improve blood circulation, and get rid of acne.

Face masks with powder from mangosteen peel cleanse, moisturize, rejuvenate and smooth the skin:

  • for dry skin: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder to combine with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the mixture well, add a few drops of coconut oil to it;
  • for oily skin: In 1 tbsp. l powder add 1 tbsp. l crushed, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of blue clay;
  • for normal skin: To 1 tbsp. spoon of powder add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg yolk.

Masks are applied to the face for 20 minuteswash off with warm water.

Mangosteen - delicious fruits the size of a small mandarin. Their fruits contain unique nutrients that help eliminate many diseases.

Of course, it’s a pity that due to the short shelf life they are still few available fresh. But you can find out their exotic taste by drinking syrup or juice made from them.

And having visited those countries where it is grown, for example, in Thailand it is worth trying them, preparing their medicinal peel.

Mangosteen is an exotic fruit, whose homeland is the countries of Southeast Asia, where it is recognized as the king of fruits. Many residents of the CIS countries are familiar with fruit from trips to Thailand. This curiosity can be found on sale with us. However, given the cost of delivery, this product is not a cheap pleasure. Due to the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit, every year it becomes more and more popular.


Before exploring the mangosteen fruit, the beneficial properties and the dangers of this product, let's find out how it looks from the outside and from the inside.

Outwardly, the mangosteen looks like an apple, covered with a thick purple-burgundy peel, which is not suitable for use in food. Under it is a juicy edible pulp of white color in the form of cloves resembling garlic. Inside the pulp you can find seeds closely adjacent to it.

Mangosteen has a light aroma and sweet and sour taste, which can be described as a combination of pineapple, citrus, strawberries, grapes, peach and apricot. The pulp of the fruit is so juicy that it directly melts in the mouth, it perfectly quenches thirst. In addition to the divine taste, mangosteen (fruit) also has useful properties (the photo of the fruit can be seen below).


Why is mangosteen so good? Fruit, the beneficial properties of which are determined by its most valuable chemical composition, has healing qualities.

First of all, mangosteen is a real storehouse of xanthones - the most powerful natural antioxidants, of which 39 out of 200 exist in nature. Xanthones are known for their ability to destroy free radicals, maintain a healthy weight, improve the body's defenses and rejuvenate it. In addition, they help improve brain activity and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Their effect on the human body occurs at the cellular level. Scientists have discovered that xanthones have the property of leading to self-destruction of malignant cells.

The peel of an exotic fruit contains as many catechins as it does in green tea. These substances are known for their antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and antitumor effects.

Fruit mangosteen has beneficial properties due to the presence in a number of vitamins. The vitamin complex is represented by vitamins A, B (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acid), C, E and D.

What else is valuable about mangosteen fruit? The beneficial properties of the fruit are ensured by the presence of such macro- and microelements as potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese, etc.

The calorie content of the fruit does not exceed 72 kcal per 100 grams.


What are the beneficial properties of mangosteen fruit?

Regular intake of this exotic fruit allows you to maintain the cardiovascular system in the right rhythm, stop headaches and get rid of insomnia.

The mangosteen fruit (its beneficial properties are still the subject of study) normalizes metabolic and digestive processes. For this reason, many nutritionists in their practice often use the fruits of mangosteen as a fat-burning agent. In addition, it is effectively used for diarrhea.

Mangosteen helps to improve the functioning of the endocrine system and establish a hormonal background.

Tropical fruit juice helps recover faster after surgery, serious illness, and depression. Thanks to its use, it is possible to rejuvenate and cleanse the body, as well as increase its vitality.

Mangosteen and weight loss

During the diet, experts recommend eating foods that are high in fiber and antioxidants. Such nutrition helps maintain the necessary level of vitamins in the body and feel good. It is for this reason that mangosteen fruit will come in handy. The beneficial properties of this fruit allow not only to fill up the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, but also to accelerate the metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

An important role in losing weight is also played by a purely psychological aspect, when taking mangosteen allows you to make the diet menu more tasty and varied. This makes it possible not to break with a fairly strict diet.


If you study mangosteen (fruit), the beneficial properties and harms of this fruit, you will find that it, like all exotic foods, can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, fruits should be taken with caution in people prone to fruit allergies.

During pregnancy, its admission is allowed if it was present in the diet earlier and was safely tolerated.

Application in traditional medicine

It is worth noting that mangosteen is not only useful for pulp. In traditional medicine of Asia, the dried peel of an exotic fruit is successfully used. Various ointments, creams, which are used to treat dermatological diseases, are made from milled powder. Means on the basis of mangosteen peel treat both a common skin rash and severe forms of eczema. Antibacterial creams for the legs, as well as for the care of problem skin, have a good effect.

As an astringent, mangosteen peel powder is used for diarrhea and dysentery.

How to choose the right fruit

When choosing a mangosteen, you should pay attention to the color of the leaves located at the top of the fruit. Their color should be bright green, not brown. The brown color of the leaves suggests that the fruit is overripe and begins to deteriorate.

A sign of ripe mangosteen is its elasticity. When pressed, the fetus should spring, and not be hard, like a watermelon peel. A unique feature of the fruit is that if it begins to rot, it is completely invisible in appearance. You can check the quality of the product only by touching it and carefully inspecting the leaves.

It is better to choose larger fruits, as they contain more pulp. In addition, mangosteen with a large number of leaves - more juicy, they have fewer seeds.

How they eat

In order to enjoy the exotic, first of all, the fruit must be correctly cut. To do this, make a circular incision through the center of the mangosteen, trying not to touch the pulp, and then open it. You can also cut off the upper part of the fetus, and eat the pulp with a spoon.

The fruit is consumed, as a rule, fresh, without being subjected to heat treatment, because the aromatic and taste qualities of the product are lost due to it.

You can store it in the refrigerator. True, the shelf life, as a rule, does not exceed 7-10 days. In those countries where mangosteen grows, it is believed that the most delicious and healthy fruit that is ripened on a tree. To bring it to us, the mangosteen is ripped off immature, but this does not affect its usefulness.

What can be cooked from it

This most valuable tropical fruit is most often used for preparing exotic salads, unusual sauces for meat and fish, fruit cocktails, mousses, soufflés, syrups, as well as sweet toppings for pies.

  Beauty and Health Health Nutrition

Where is mangosteen grown

These exotic fruits grow in the tropics and are little known in our country. But due to their amazing taste and many useful properties, they deserve attention. The birthplace of mangosteen is the Malay archipelago. It was most widely distributed in Thailand and some countries in Southeast Asia. In other countries, individual trees are found only in botanical gardens. A humid equatorial climate suits him. Mangosteen trees do not tolerate even a short period of drought or winds. And they die already at temperatures below + 5 ° C.

How to choose and eat mangosteen

The taste of mangosteen is very pleasant and simply can not be compared. Its skin is dark purple, and the flesh is white. The size of the mangosteen is small - with mandarin. This fruit has an exquisite taste and excellent nutritional properties. In addition, it is appreciated for its high xanthone content. In addition, each serving of this fruit contains five grams of fiber protein. And its dark purple pigment is used as a dye.

The pulp of mangutin is under the peel. But it should not be thrown away, because it is on this peel that the maximum amount of its nutrients is accounted for. By the way, it should be used in the preparation of juice from these fruits.

The ripe fruit should be intense in color and slightly soft. The fruits of mangosteen are removed and a little immature, they can ripen after removal. A good fruit should be firm to the touch. It is better to choose large fruits. The peel of the mangosteen should spring when pressed gently. The best season for mangosteen is the period from May to September.

It is better not to take small fruits of the mangosteen for the reason that they contain less pulp. Inside each mangosteen there are 6–7 cloves of juicy pulp. Firm to the touch and dry fruits, the peel of which is cracked, are already overripe.

In countries where this fruit grows, it is widely used fresh. Its sweet-sour refreshing taste is pleasant to all.

You can eat fresh mangosteen, you can prepare syrup from it or preserve it. When canning, carefully observe the technology. The fact is that if the sterilization process takes longer than 10 minutes, the specific delicate taste of mangosteen is almost completely lost.

Storage conditions for mangosteen

Mangosteen fruit should be stored in a closed, dry room.but it should not be cold. They can lie for 20 to 25 days. Then the peel becomes more rigid, and the flesh dries.

Unfortunately, mangosteen is sold only in tropical countries. It should ripen on a tree; stored fresh, mangosteen can be quite a short time. You can not freeze mangosteen. You can store this fruit for 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator.

The beneficial properties of mangosteen

Mangosteen helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, helps to establish sleep and get rid of headaches, normalizes cerebral circulation, digestion and metabolism. Mangosteen improves appetite, promotes fat burning and weight loss. This fruit improves the activity of the endocrine system, helps to get rid of hormonal disorders, helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, increases its vitality.

What is useful mangosteen

Mangosteen is an excellent source of substances necessary for the human body, such as vitamins C and E, thiamine, nitrogen, riboflavin, magnesium, calcium, zinc, sodium and potassium.

Mangosteen is used in pharmacology. Many people know the antioxidant properties of vitamins C and E. These vitamins can very effectively fight free radicals that destroy healthy cells in the body and contribute to its early aging. But few people know about the amazing properties of xanthones. Scientists have discovered these natural chemicals not so long ago.

Their medical capabilities have been carefully studied by specialists. Their most important pharmacological properties have been identified. Xanthones effectively protect our immune system; contribute to maintaining the microbiological balance in the body; improve mental activity; help the human body to better adapt to the external environment. It is important to note that not only the flesh of mangosteen is useful, but also all its other elements. All of them are so far the only source of xanthones, which is known to science.

Free radicals are defective, positively charged molecules that lack a free electron. And they tear out this free electron from defenseless cells. The result is the loss of vitality by the cell, which leads to various negative consequences. The main reasons that free radicals appear in the body include the following: poor nutrition, stress, poor ecology, exposure to household chemicals and heavy metals, as well as smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse.

Antioxidants are negatively charged molecules that carry a free electron. These molecules can neutralize free radicals.

Kstantons are considered more powerful natural antioxidants than vitamins C and E. Xanthones are unique biological substances. There are more than 200 species of them in nature. And 39 of them contain the fruits of mangosteen. Therefore, mangosteen has the highest natural concentration of xanthones in one place.

Xanthones are able to effectively prevent mutational cell damage. They have antifungal and antibacterial effects. Inhibit inflammatory processes. In addition, American experts have revealed that xanthones can lead to self-destruction of malignant cells in the human body. Therefore, mangosteen can be called an entire pharmacy in a compact package.

In Europe and America, the beneficial properties of mangosteen were discovered not so long ago. But in the countries of Southeast Asia, this fruit has been used for hundreds of years for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. This is especially true of the peel of the fetus.

Mangosteen juice and its properties

Mangosteen also helps to fight excess weight.. According to numerous studies, this fruit helps to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to its ability to dissolve body fat.

Manufacturers recommend drinking it in order to maintain good health. This juice helps to recover faster after serious illnesses and recover after operations. There is evidence of the beneficial effects of this juice in the treatment of cancer.

Mangosteen - Nourishing Exotic Fruit

The exotic fruit of the Kluziev family grows in Southeast Asia. Mangosteen (in other words mangosteen or garcinia) is valued for its healing properties, contains vitamins and macronutrients that are indispensable for the body.

  Mangosteen juice is very nutritious

Mangosteen: features

The mangosteen tree has a crown in the form of a pyramid, can extend up to 25 m in length. The bark of the tree is scaly, dark, almost black, in the hidden passages of the bark it contains orange latex (Gummi-resina Gutti).

Leaves are green, opposite. The fruit is oval and very beautiful. A thick dark purple or lilac peel hides inside a white, full of sweetness pulp, which is easily divided into segments, and tastes like mandarin or grapes (someone will notice a resemblance to a lychee).

There is a bone inside each lobule. The fleshy flesh is eaten fresh, pickled, baked or boiled jams, teas, soft mashed potatoes are prepared. On the basis of mangosteen, creams are made from stretch marks, creams or shampoos, and strong furniture is made from the bark of the tree on which the fruits grow.

Leaves in Ghana replace chewing gum, and decoctions, thanks to fiber, can restore the gastrointestinal tract and the intestinal microflora, relieve diarrhea, constipation and yeast with thrush.

The peel, which is often ruthlessly thrown away in a hurry to reach the juicy fetus, contains a large number of xanthones (up to 60) that stimulate memory, improve the functioning of the heart muscle (harmful cholesterol is excreted, the risk of diseases such as ischemia, stroke is reduced).

Xanthones absorb free radicals, destroy viruses, not allowing them to penetrate into cells, strengthen the immune system. Tannin, which is also found in the peel, easily protects scratches and inflamed wounds, treats acne.

The composition of mangosteen:

  • Ascorbic acid (protects against flu, colds);
  • nicotinic acid (reduces cravings for alcohol and smoking);
  • phytonutrients;
  • catechin;
  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin D, E;
  • pectin (peeled);
  • cellulose;
  • fatty acids (in seeds);
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

100 g of the product contains only 75 calories. The fruits are quickly absorbed and create a feeling of satiety for a long time. Not only the peel or pulp of the fetus is useful, but also freshly squeezed juice, which maintains the alkaline balance, accelerates lipid metabolism.

Mangosteen Properties

The fruits are unique - with the help of juicy pulp you can not only normalize the intestines or lose weight, but also remove a headache, restore a quiet sleep, improve the thyroid gland.

Mangosteen for weight loss is indispensable - the fruit removes toxins from the body, restores metabolic processes, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, and lowers appetite. There is even a special concentrate, powder and mangosteen syrup, which can be ordered on the Internet.

Antioxidants slow down skin aging, clean from blackheads and pimples, treat dermatitis, eczema, acne, and inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Lotions with fruit juice relieve swelling, relieve joint pain with arthritis, radiculitis. Juice is very popular, it fights obesity, it is recommended by doctors for recovery after surgical operations.

  • Cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • neuralgia, neurasthenia;
  • skin diseases (crushed tree bark is used);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's;
  • glaucoma;
  • leukemia;
  • helminthiasis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes.

Fruits strengthen the skeletal system, saturate with energy, increase mood.

The harm of mangosteen

Fruits can cause allergies, especially for tourists who are unfamiliar with the fruit but want to quench their curiosity. Refrain from eating fleshy slices if you are taking blood thinners: scientists have shown that garcinia affects blood coagulation. If you eat fruits in large quantities, you can cause the opposite effect - distraction, lethargy, or drowsiness instead of activity.

During pregnancy

Fruit juice can be drunk by pregnant women, but it is impossible to use pulp from the skin or peel. If you eat fruits during pregnancy, you can make up for the lack of ascorbic acid, protect the fetus from the formation of birth defects, and forget about constipation, which is a common occurrence for 9 months. In addition, the fruits contain manganese and folic acid, which is especially necessary during development.

How to choose mangosteen

  Fruits give a boost of energy for the whole day

The best time to purchase is winter or summer. If the peel is too light, it means that the fruits were picked ahead of time, they did not have time to ripen (they can "get" to the condition in a ripped form).

Now the shelves of grocery stores and markets are filled with a variety of tropical fruits. Among them, you can also find mangosteen. It has a dark purple color and size like a peach or nectarine. The birthplace of this fruit is considered to be Southeast Asia. Very often mangosteen is confused with mangoes, but in fact, these fruits have nothing in common. It tastes juicy and very sweet.

Perhaps it is no secret that the beneficial properties of a particular food product are determined by its chemical composition. Mangosteen contains 39 different natural antioxidants. They help the body fight free radicals.

Among these useful substances, catechin stands out. This substance belongs to the group of flavonoids, which contain an extremely large amount of nutrients. This tropical fruit also contains a large number of proanthocyanidins. These are antioxidants made up of catechin chains.

Mangosteen contains various vitamins. For example: C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as vitamin D. As for trace elements, there are also a large number of them:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fiber important for an organism.

According to nutritionists, mangosteen has a low calorie content of 63-72 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Like any fruit, mangosteen is extremely beneficial for the human body. First of all, it strengthens the immune system and enriches the body with vitamins, fiber and vital minerals. Mangosteen also accelerates wound healing and helps the body fight viral and bacterial diseases. In addition, a beneficial effect on the skin was found. On the basis of which studies have been conducted that have shown that this tropical fruit is a good tool in the fight against eczema, seborrhea and allergic reactions.

Many nutritionists claim that this unique fruit normalizes metabolism, and also contributes to the burning of excess calories. Therefore, mangosteen is often recommended for obese people. In some countries of the world, mangosteen is called the "fruit of the gods" or the "fruit of eternal youth." He received such names due to the fact that it has anti-aging properties, and thereby significantly increases vitality. Mangosteen also improves the functioning of the endocrine glands and normalizes hormones.

  1. In Asian countries, this fruit is of great importance in traditional medicine. For example, with skin diseases, the fruit is peeled, crushed into a mushy mass and applied to the affected areas. Hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. But the skin should not be thrown away. It is often used as a remedy against dysentery. And this is considered a fairly effective and safe method;
  2. Also, the pulp of the fruit is very often used to make tea with medicinal properties. It especially helps with diarrhea and indigestion;
  3. As already noted, mangosteen has a beneficial effect on the immune system. This is especially good for viral diseases. Indeed, a fruit rich in vitamins extremely quickly strengthens the immune system and helps the body recover and adapt faster;
  4. To improve the health of the body, tinctures on mangosteen have long been prepared. For this, one fruit is placed in a jar, poured with a liter of boiling water and left overnight. After that, the resulting tincture is taken on an empty stomach;
  5. It is also very useful for chronic fatigue and various inflammatory processes.

As already noted, fresh mangosteen is most often found in tropical countries. And its shelf life is quite short. In most cases, the fruit is eaten fresh. Like any other fruit, mangosteen has found its place in cooking.

  1. Juices and smoothies are easily obtained from it. They are perfect for people who are overweight, as well as those who, on the contrary, strive for, the faster to pump up muscles;
  2. Cooking desserts. Mangosteen is perfect for preparing a variety of fillings, fruit salads, pastries and syrups;
  3. Mangosteen pie and fruit salads with mangosteen deserve special mention.

So you can make wonderful syrup from it, and also it can be preserved and enjoyed in the winter. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that sterilizing this tropical fruit takes no more than 10 minutes. After all, if you neglect this condition, then the unique taste of the fruit is completely lost. In Malaysia, mangosteen is made with clove jam. It is considered an excellent remedy for colds.

A few basic tips should be highlighted:

  1. The condition of the peel.Taking the fruit in your hands, the first thing you should pay attention to is the peel of the fruit. If it is dry, soft or hard with noticeable small cracks, then this fruit is unripe or vice versa has not yet ripened. Therefore, buying it is not recommended. You need to choose a brightly colored mangosteen with thick skin. When pressed, it should spring slightly;
  2. The color of the peel.   The color of the fruit should be uniform and saturated. If you notice that the mangosteen is covered with dots or spots in some places, then it is not recommended to buy it. After all, this is the first sign that it has been stored for a long time, and besides, in improper conditions. This will significantly affect the taste of the tropical fruit;
  3. Fetal integrity.   You should pay attention to the integrity of the fetus. Indeed, even small damage can contribute to the ingress of bitter juice into the fetus, which in turn will negatively affect the taste. Therefore, you need to choose only whole copies;
  4. The weight of the fruit.   Ripe fruit is relatively heavy. When you pick it up, you will immediately feel it. Therefore, if you took mangosteen, and it is light enough, then most likely it just did not reach.

The main contraindication to the use of mangosteen is an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the fruit. Refuse the use of mangosteen follows those people in whom it causes itching, redness on the skin, or even a rash.

Also, this fruit should not be used by people taking drugs that thin the blood. After all, mangosteen contains xanthones that can affect blood coagulation.

In order for the fruit to retain all the beneficial properties, you need to choose it correctly. An interesting fact is that the shelf life of mangosteen is quite small and is no more than two weeks. This time begins to count from when the fruit was picked. But this is provided that all storage rules have been observed and the conditions during transportation have been met. Therefore, in our area it is very difficult to find high-quality, fresh tropical fruit.

In most cases, mangosteen is found frozen and in the form of various juices. It is worth noting that the cost of one kilogram of this tropical fruit averages from 0.5 to 5 dollars. This cost is due to the fact that the cultivation of fruit is quite complicated and the conditions for this also need appropriate. In addition, manual harvesting is also taken into account in the cost.

It is worth noting that mangosteen is an asexual plant. After all, he has both female and male organs, which means that he is capable of self-fertilization. According to scientists, this is a rather rare phenomenon, which is called parthenogenesis. Nectar does not form. This means that during flowering, mangosteen flowers do not attract insects or birds. An interesting fact is that mangosteen is found in nature as a hybrid of the species Garcinia hombroniana i Garcinia malaccensis.