Pollock: diet recipes in the oven. Oven baked pollock

23.08.2019 The drinks

Fish is considered one of the most dietary foods. It has a large amount of protein and no carbohydrates. It is also the basis of a sports diet and many famous athletes replace it with chicken and other types of meat.
  Pollock is considered one of the most budgetary options for marine fish. It is found in the seas of the Pacific Ocean: Okhotsk, Japanese, Bering.

This is a fairly large fish. Scientists attribute pollock to the family of cod fish. Most individuals reach a length of 45 centimeters. It is mined in large quantities and is often used as raw material for crab sticks (the so-called surimi). This is a fairly low-fat fish, so it is great for a diet.

Calorie pollock is low and equal to 72 kcal per 100 grams of fish.

Nutrition value (per 100 gr):

16 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 0.9 grams of fat.

Of course, like any other marine fish, pollock is very useful.

Pollock liver contains vitamin A. Pollock also contains the essential omega-3 and omega-6 acids. They are very important for humans: they reduce the number of cholesterol in the blood, significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. Also, these acids are very useful for women: the condition of the hair and skin becomes much better, the nails strengthen and the metabolism improves, which contributes to weight loss. Pollock is practically the leader in the amount of iodine that it contains. Regular consumption of this fish helps prevent thyroid disease. Doctors recommend pollock for gastrointestinal diseases, as it is very easy to digest and practically does not contain fat. The use of pollock is contraindicated  people with any allergic reaction to fish and seafood. It is also undesirable to use it for ulcers and hypertensive patients.

Pollock is good in terms of its diversity in cooking. How to cook pollock? Very simple, like the rest of the fish! It can make delicious fish cakes, soups, casseroles, pies. Also, it can simply be baked in baking foil, a sleeve or your own juice with vegetables. In gourmet oriental cuisine, pollock is cooked with soy sauce, which gives the taste a special piquancy.

In order to help you diversify your diet menu, below in this article will be given 10 recipes for diet pollock dishes that can be cooked in the oven. They are low-calorie and do not contain mayonnaise or other harmful sauces and dressings.

Pollock baked with vegetables in egg batter

Cut 600 grams of pollock fillet. Then sprinkle it with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and put in a baking dish, which is pre-lubricated with oil. On top we put 3 tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bin circles, pepper, salt (to taste) and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Beat 2 eggs and fill them with our fish fillet. The oven should be heated to 200 degrees. Bake pollock until browned.

Pollock baked under apple juice

We wash 6 pcs. pollock fillet, drain and sprinkle with juice ¼ of the lemon, rub with salt and pepper. Next, put the fish on aluminum foil for baking. Do not forget to grease the foil with butter! Pour the fish with 5 tablespoons of apple juice, the regimen rings 1 onion and spread it on top. Then you need to tightly wrap all this in foil. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees. If you like a golden brown crust, then about 5 minutes before the end of baking, you can expand the foil.

Pollock with spices

2 pollock carcasses clear of scales, remove the fins and chop off the tail. Next, the fish should be washed under cold water (it is best that it is flowing). Then we rub the fish with pepper, salt and fish seasoning. Sprinkle 5 g of dried rosemary and pour 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil. To enhance the taste and aroma, squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and pour it over our fish. Keep it marinated on both sides. We spread the fish on foil and wrap it in the form of an envelope. Bake fish for 15-20 minutes at 150 degrees. When serving, decorate the fish with fresh herbs.

Pollock baked on a “pillow” of carrots and onions

1 carcass of pollock clean and medium-sized mode, salt and pepper. Next, we are preparing a vegetable pillow: 1 onion, cut into halves of rings, 1 carrot three on a coarse grater and put them in layers in a greased form. On a pillow we lay chopped pollock fillet. We grease the fish with 50 grams of sour cream and pour 4 tablespoons of boiling water so that it is better stewed. We cover the form with fish foil for baking and put in the oven, which must be heated to 200 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes, three cheese and bake for another 30 minutes in the oven.

Oven baked pollock cutlets

Grind 700 grams of pollock fillet and 100 grams of bread crumb in a blender until minced. Add 1 clove of garlic, thyme, parsley, 80 grams of grated cheese and 2 eggs to the minced meat. Mix until smooth. We make cutlets, crumbling them in flour. Lightly fry in a dry skillet or in a small amount of sunflower oil. While the patties are fried, you can heat the oven to 180 degrees. Then put them in a mold (grease it with oil) and bake for 20 minutes.

Omelet with pollock in the oven

4 things. Pollock fillet mode into small pieces. Beat 4 eggs with a mixer until smooth, add 100 grams of milk and salt and beat a little more. 1 grate carrots. 1 onion must be cut into cubes. In a greased dish, lay out a layer of vegetables, and on top of the vegetables, pieces of pollock fillet. We mix the egg-milk mixture with 150 grams of grated hard cheese and water the vegetables with the fish. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Fish and potato casserole

Finely chop 1 onion, peel 500 grams of potato and dice the regimen. Fry the potatoes in a pan, then add onions there and fry for another 5 minutes. The onion must be constantly mixed so that it does not burn. Vegetables should be golden in color and not fully prepared. Salt! Cut 250 grams of pollock fillet into small pieces. Finely chop a bunch of dill. We mix all the ingredients and put them in a greased form. Beat 7-10 eggs with a glass of milk, spices and add salt to taste. Fill the fish with egg mixture, sprinkle with herbs and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Baked pollock in a pot

3 pollock carcasses clean and cut into portions. 3 carrots and 3 onions coarsely mode. 6-9 potatoes peel and cut into cubes. We put carrots, fish and onions in pots. Top a couple of spoons of oily sour cream. The last layer we will have is potatoes. We put one tablespoon of butter (cream), salt and pepper. Pour the fish broth (about half a glass). Put in the oven. Bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Pollock in a sleeve with vegetables

Sprinkle 400 grams of pollock fillet with Provencal herbs on both sides, rub with pepper and salt.
  Prepare the vegetable layer: 1 zucchini well washed, cut into rings and divide them into 4 parts; 200 grams of broccoli are divided into inflorescences; 2 tomato slices mode. Then mix everything in a bowl and salt.
  We put vegetables in the sleeve, and pollock fillet on them. We tie a sleeve in the form of candy and pierce it with a toothpick, in order to avoid an unexpected explosion during cooking. Sent to the oven for 20 minutes. The temperature should not be higher than 180 degrees.

Baked Pollock with Tomato Sauce

We clean 1.5 kg of pollock carcasses and rinse under running cold water. Cut the fish into 3 parts. Pieces are laid in a form so that there is free space between them. 3 carrots need to be washed and peeled, grated and sprinkled with fish. Pour 5 tablespoons of tomato sauce and salt. 3 onions mode half rings and spread on top of the sauce. In order to give the fish juiciness, lay on top 70 grams of butter. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. We put there a form with fish for 40 minutes. When 10 minutes are left until ready, sprinkle with 250 grams of grated cheese.

All these recipes are very easy to prepare and do not take much time. And most importantly, they are tasty and healthy. Choose your favorite dish and enjoy your meal!

Since ancient times, the main food for man has been seafood. An incredible number of species of edible fish lives in the waters of the ocean, differing in shape, classification, taste and nutritional properties. Despite the abundance of varieties, nutritionists agreed that pollock has a lot of advantages.

This is perhaps the oldest variety known to people since the Middle Ages. We will not say the exact date of its discovery, but it is definitely clear that the meat of the marine inhabitant has always been highly appreciated. However, now many do not favor this fish and consider it food for the poor.

Such a statement is extremely erroneous. The composition is in no way inferior, but in some ways superior to red varieties of fish (salmon, salmon). Numerous studies and discoveries of scientists convincingly speak of the harm and benefits of pollock.

Fish is low in calories and at the same time high in nutrition, so it is recommended to be consumed by obese people. In order to appreciate the taste of pollock fillet, you need to know the correct cooking technology. At the end of the article you will definitely get acquainted with the diet recipe.

Pollock (the photo illustrates the individual in detail) is a large marine fish belonging to the Treskov family. In history, cases of catching meter-long carcasses weighing 5 kg are described. The habitat is mainly the waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, Japan, the Barents and Bering Seas. Fish is unpretentious in nutrition; crustaceans and squids are present in its diet. Often, adults consume their fry and larvae.

The pollock population has declined significantly since the 1990s, which is associated with an increase in fillet prices. Small fish up to 40 cm in freshly frozen, dried and dried form often arrive on store shelves. On an industrial scale, minced meat, fodder flour are made, and the liver is subjected to conservation. Fish meat is found in crab sticks (surimi). Pollock roe is very popular in Russia, the benefits and harm of which, according to experts, are due to the presence of potassium and phosphorus.

It is proved that fish fillet exhibits antioxidant properties and activates brain processes. With an unstable psycho-emotional background, traditional and traditional medicine is strongly advised to include pollock in the weekly diet. The content of fatty acids and thyroxine will positively affect the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, and will keep blood circulation and joints in good condition.

It is not for nothing that the harm and benefits of pollock are the subject of discussion by specialists. It is scientifically confirmed that regular consumption will normalize plasma sugar levels, as well as improve memory, concentration and energy. A huge advantage is the presence of cobalt. The trace element is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism and blood formation processes. Without it, the normal functioning of vital organs is impossible.

The harm and benefits of pollock are directly dependent on a set of minerals and vitamins. It contains a high content of retinol - it reliably protects our eyesight, epidermis and respiratory system from the harmful effects of viruses and microbes. Vitamin deficiency leads to the destruction of bone and dental tissue. It is worth noting the presence of nicotinic acid (about 23%), which strengthens the nerve endings, regulates the digestive tract and redox processes.

The benefit is the presence of iodine - it supports the thyroid gland, is responsible for the functioning of the endocrine glands and promotes the growth and development of the child's body. There are many other significant chemical elements in fish: fluorine, chromium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur. To infinity, one can describe and enumerate the value and medicinal properties of cod, therefore, pollock is undeservedly rejected by the audience.

Surely few people knew about the dietary properties of pollock. We hasten to please all those who are losing weight: boiled fish contains no more than 80 kcal. There is practically no fat in the pulp, and everything that is is broken down into amino acids. It can be included in the diet menu. In this case, your body will be enough to receive the necessary vitamin and mineral complex.

The pollock roe has similar properties. The benefits and harms of the product have been tested many times. A tasty and full-fledged dish diversifies the diet, fills the body with missing energy and saves you from fatigue. Just do not count on the fact that the fish will burn the accumulated fatty tissue - there are physical exercises for this. It is recommended to boil the carcass, stew, bake and steam. In order not to gain extra calories, avoid frying, do not use fatty sauces, butter, sour cream, mayonnaise and cream.

The cost of a kilogram of fish does not exceed 120 rubles. Therefore, everyone can afford to try it. We will tell you where to start cooking pollock so that the flesh turns out juicy, aromatic and tasty.

As you know, the meat of this fish is not distinguished by outstanding qualities, it is rather lean with a neutral taste, without piquancy and pungency. We recommend using fragrant spices, sauces and vegetables - to take an example from Koreans who know a lot about cooking.

A low-calorie baked dish is prepared in its own juice on a vegetable "pillow". As a result, we observe a juicy, very tender and delicious fish. What do we need for cooking? A kilogram carcass of a pollock without a head, vegetables (two carrots, three onions), a small lemon. Seasonings and spices: black pepper, two leaves of parsley, Provence herbs (to taste), parsley (bunch), tomato paste (100 g) and salt. You will also need a glass of water and a baking sleeve (sold at the store).

Thoroughly rinse the carcass (if necessary, gut it), cut into portioned slices at least 3 cm thick, salt, pepper, and pour plenty of lemon juice on it. Grated carrots and chopped onions are combined with the indicated spices, add tomato paste or ketchup. Put on chili and garlic to make it hot.

We put a vegetable “pillow” in the sleeve, on top - pieces of seafood, pour water, tie with a thread and bake for about an hour. If desired, open the bag a minute before turning it off and let the crust form. Garnish with greens and lemon slices and enjoy delicious, affordable and wholesome food.

There are many cooking options - choose to your taste. But remember: the harm and benefits of pollock depend on the amount of its consumption.

Hello to all visitors to the blog about healthy eating, regular readers and friends. How do you usually cook fish fillets? I ask not only out of idle curiosity, but because once, having thawed a fillet of pollock, I was about to gather, as usual, roll it in flour and fry it. And what? Simple, fast, and without any hassle. But suddenly I really wanted not a banal fried fish, but something interesting and unusual.

Flipping through many cookbooks, I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of dishes from such an affordable product as pollock fillet. Therefore, every time I cooked this fish, I did it according to a new and original recipe. Want to know what the results of my experiments are? Then I share with you the recipes I have tested, thanks to which you will not only learn how to cook pollock fillet deliciously, but also how to significantly save time on its preparation.

As you know, pollock is rather dry, so I suggest you serve it with delicious lemon sauce. I can say that this dish turns out to be very refined, and in no way inferior to expensive restaurant delicacies.

For cooking you will need:

two pieces of pollock fillet; one glass of thick sour cream (we take with the lowest percentage of fat content); one large lemon; green onion feathers; favorite spices (I took nutmeg and black pepper); vegetable oil; salt.

Wash the fish fillet, dry a little with a napkin, sprinkle vegetable oil on both sides and grate with your favorite seasonings. Wrap the fish in foil and put in the oven to bake for about 15-20 minutes. While the fish is preparing, you can do the sauce. Beat sour cream on a thick cream. Squeeze the juice from one half of the lemon. Cut three or four thin slices from the remaining half of the citrus, they will serve as a decoration for the finished dish, and remove the skin from the remaining pulp and cut into small pieces. Chop the green onion feathers very finely, set aside a little onion for decoration. Mix whipped sour cream with juice and slices of lemon, add onions and spices. Put the baked fillet on a dish, top with lemon cream, garnish with lemon slices and green onions.

By the way, while cooking, I remembered a story I heard once that the Marquise Jeanne de Pompadour herself treated her beloved monarch Louis XV to fish dishes with lemon sauce. Maybe that's why the king has been crazy about his favorite for so many years? Hmm, I suggest taking a note and feed your beloved with this simple but elegant dish. Especially when you consider that fish is very healthy.

And I borrowed this recipe for pollock with vegetables from the old book "On tasty and healthy food." Yes, yes, then they also knew how to cook delicious delicious fish dishes. I am enclosing a detailed step-by-step recipe.

several pieces of pollock fillet; two small carrots; two small onions; two tbsp. l tomato paste; salt pepper. Salt, pepper and fry the fish fillet, washed and cut into small pieces, on each side in a pan until a beautiful golden color. Finely chop the carrot or, as an option, grate with large cloves, it’s even better. Chop the onion as small as possible. Stew vegetables in a pan until soft. At the very end of cooking, add tomato paste to vegetables. Spread slices of fried pollock fillet in a pan, shifting with vegetable sauce. Pour in a little water and cook for a few more minutes under a covered lid.

If you make this dish in a slow cooker, then it will turn out even more useful and dietary, since a miracle saucepan will save more vitamins.

And this recipe turned out quite spontaneously when I painfully tried to figure out what to serve with mashed potatoes. As a result, I got an original potato and fish pie. Moreover, I steamed the fillet, it is not only fast, but also useful. I was very pleased with the result of my efforts, and it is not for nothing that they say - if you suffer for a long time, something will turn out.

For cooking you will need:

several pieces of pollock fillet; potatoes; small onion; hard cheese; vegetable oil; milk and butter (for mashed potatoes); favorite spices. Boil the potatoes, add butter and warm milk, and make mashed potatoes from it. Salt and pepper the fish fillet, cut into portioned slices, put in a bowl a double boiler, boil until cooked. In a heat-resistant bowl, put half the mashed potatoes, on top the boiled pieces of fish, and then the second half of the mashed potatoes. Pour the pie with a spoon of vegetable oil and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Bake the pie in the oven until the cheese starts to melt on top.

This hearty and tasty dish is very simple to prepare, and can help out when you need to quickly feed dinner to all family members. And if someone is afraid to recover from potatoes, then you are completely in vain!

And now I dare to bring to your attention, my dear readers, another easy and quick recipe, thanks to which I have prepared a tasty and simple fish dish. Simplicity lies in the fact that this time we will cook with the help of our indispensable assistant and best friend in the kitchen. And I mean the microwave.

For cooking you will need:

several pieces of pollock fillet; one glass of sour cream; two to three ripe tomatoes; one egg; one tbsp. l flour; any hard cheese; salt, pepper, spices to taste; several branches of fresh dill (and frozen). Wash the fish fillet, dry with a napkin and cut into small slices. Salt, pepper each piece and put them in a glass or porcelain stewpan. Beat the egg a little, mix with sour cream and flour. Add finely chopped dill branches to the sauce. Washed tomatoes cut into thin rings. I would advise removing the skin from tomatoes: in my opinion, it’s so much tastier. Pour the prepared fillet with sour cream sauce, top with tomato slices and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Microwave for 15 minutes at full capacity.

This dish can also be baked in the oven, but in the microwave oven it will be much faster and even healthier, because in this case the fish is cooked without the use of oil or other fat.

However, do not be afraid to use fats: read about the benefits and harms of various types of oil and draw conclusions.

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The cod family most often lives in the North Pacific Ocean. Lives in large schools, and especially during the spawning season, and can spawn even at sub-zero temperatures: pollock is cold-water fish, and it is the way of life that determines its usefulness and nutritional value. In cold-water fish, the content of PUFA is always higher, including Omega-3, without which the health of human cells is impossible.

Pollock live at different depths - 200-700 m and deeper, and his life for fish is long - up to 16-18 years. But the size and weight of pollock cannot be called impressive: only 2.5-5 kg, but its meat has healing properties, and is successfully used in medicine and cosmetology.

Chemical composition and benefits of pollock

Pollock does not differ in calories - 72 kcal per 100 g of productbut it is very rich in protein - about 16%, vitamins and minerals. These are vitamins A, C, E, group B; potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, fluorine, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum.

With regular use of pollock, the composition of the blood and blood circulation, the thyroid gland and the nervous system improve. Pollock substances contribute to the production of thyroxine - the main hormone of the thyroid gland, which takes part in all metabolic processes necessary for the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, brain, bone strength and muscle structure.

Beauticians believe that pollock is beneficial for healthy skin, hair and nails: it eliminates peeling, brittleness and dull color due to its high content of protein, fat and vitamin A. Anti-aging cosmetics are created on the basis of pollock roe and liver.

Pollock is useful for elderly people - their brain function improves; pregnant and lactating women; people living in regions where iodine deficiency is observed; pediatricians recommend pollock for children under one year old - it is safe and rich in trace elements. Of course, in all cases we are talking about regular use, at least 2 times a week - as most nutritionists think, especially since pollock is more affordable than even people with modest means.

Liver and Pollock Caviar

Pollock liver is not as widely known as cod liver, but its nutritional value is not lower, and besides, there is more vitamin A in it. The liver is much more caloric than the fish itself - 3-6 times, no less rich in protein and noticeably richer in healthy fats - more than 30%. The easiest way is to buy canned liver - it is very tasty, but you need to be careful: canned foods should be without any additives - only liver and salt. Canned liver liver and pollock caviar are also on sale: the product is considered a delicacy, but the composition should also be studied. In quality canned food add only salt, pepper and bay leaf; water may also be added.

They say about caviar of pollock that it is almost as good as salmon caviar. It is sold, as a rule, also in canned form, but it is quite salty: for hypertension, gastric ulcer and gastritis, it is better not to use pollock caviar, but you can add it to dishes a little - for example, it makes very tasty canapes.

Pollock and weight loss

The low calorie and usefulness of pollock makes it an excellent dietary product. A diet with pollock turns out to be tasty and not boring: besides fish, unsweetened fruits and vegetables are allowed - preferably fresh cucumbers, bell peppers, beets, carrots, zucchini, cabbage of different varieties, fresh greens; eggs, seafood, cereals (brown rice is the best option) and dairy products. Instead of salt, it is proposed to use a few drops of soy sauce, and once a day you can drink 100 ml of red wine. Do not fry fish; it is steamed or grilled, boiled, stewed and baked. Drinking regimen - at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

For example, for breakfast you can eat yogurt, a little low-fat cottage cheese, a boiled egg, and drink green tea with lemon.
  Lunch: orange, 200 g pollock, tea.
  Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with low-fat yogurt, 250 g boiled pollock.
  For dinner - the same thing, plus a portion of boiled rice, and green tea (decoction of herbs). This diet can be observed from 3 to 14 days.

How to cook pollock

In addition to canned goods, dried, dried, smoked and fresh-frozen pollock, as well as minced meat, are also on sale. The most popular crab sticks are also made from pollock.

How to cook pollock? The simpler the better. Gentle and tasty is pollock baked in a fragrant sauce. Take the finished fillet (600-700 g), rinse, remove the bones, cut the fillet into medium slices, add a little salt, sprinkle with pepper and fry in oil until light golden. For the sauce you need walnuts (100 g), small pickled cucumbers (2 pcs.), Sour cream (4 tablespoons), fresh herbs and spices to taste. Ingredients (cucumbers, nuts, herbs) are carefully crushed in a blender, add sour cream and spices, mix. The fried fish is laid out in a mold greased with butter, the sauce is poured on top and put in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

Delicious treats are also made from the liver and caviar. For example, with the addition of simple ingredients - butter and eggs, caviar can be used to prepare a tender, almost airy mass for sandwiches and tartlets. A small can of caviar will require a pair of hard-boiled eggs and 100 g of butter.

First, the butter, softened at room temperature, is thoroughly whipped in a blender with yolks, caviar is added and whipped again - a rather magnificent foam is obtained. And the proteins are rubbed on a not too fine grater and carefully mixed with the resulting mass. Fans of savory tastes can add a little onion, onion or green, finely chopped with a sharp knife.

Pollock is the fish most suitable for diet food. Its composition, properties and calorie content fully comply with the principles of a healthy diet. This variety of cod fish can be safely prepared and given to children, the elderly and everyone who wants to lose weight to get in good physical shape, to everyone involved in sports. We will talk about how to cook diet pollock in this article.

Fish features

There are very few fats in pollock, but quite a lot of protein; due to this, the fish becomes an indispensable tool for people, p. In addition, fish is well suited for baby food, as the digestion of young children has its own characteristics: the natural deficiency of some enzymes makes it difficult to break down fats. There are no carbohydrates in pollock meat. going on a strict diet.

Fish is rich in phosphorus, calcium. These elements are important for healthy bones, teeth, skin, hair. Phosphorus plays a significant role in the functioning of the nervous system and in the functioning of the organs of vision. Iodine regulates the metabolism and improves the thyroid gland. The calorie content of 100 grams of pollock is only 72 kilocalories.

There is no cholesterol in pollock meat, which is a big plus.Practically all pollock can be eaten: fillet, and caviar, and the liver of this cod fish, all of them have a balanced and rational composition, which can bring many benefits. Vitamins A, C, E and D, as well as almost all B vitamins, are excellent support for the immune system, nervous system and metabolism.

Pollock some do not like for dryness. Indeed, the fillet of this fish does not differ in juiciness and rich taste. But the right approach to cooking and a good recipe will help completely eliminate this drawback. Pollock itself is considered a dietary product. Any dish from it can be considered as such, but nevertheless, special requirements are imposed on dietary nutrition:

  • the acceptable method of preparation is baking, boiling, stewing, steaming;
  • lack of fatty sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • a small amount of salt;
  • lack of pepper and most other spices.

This variety of fish does not require long-term heat treatment, it cooks quickly, goes well with most vegetables. Pollock may be the main dish, for which the side dish is separately prepared, and may also be an independent dish, which does not require a side dish.

For proper nutrition

The recipes below fully comply with the dietary requirements, and therefore, any of them can be chosen in order to prepare a delicious dinner or lunch for all family members, and not only for those who are shown dietary or medical nutrition. Remember to thaw fish properly before cooking - the process should take place gradually, first in the refrigerator, and then at room temperature.

Defrosting pollock in warm water or in a microwave oven is completely unacceptable.

Fish cakes "in Sevastopol"

These are light, tasty and very healthy cutlets that will remind many of them of childhood taste - these were prepared by most of the grandmothers of the great Soviet Union. For cooking you will need:

  • pollock fillet (600 grams);
  • dried white bread or loaf (2 slices);
  • milk (150 ml);
  • egg;
  • a small amount of salt.

The fillets are washed and left for a quarter of an hour in a bowl with milk. Stale bread should also be soaked in milk. After a quarter of an hour, both the fillet and bread are passed through a meat grinder. It is better to do this not once, but twice. So the mince will turn out more tender, "airy".

In the minced meat, break the chicken egg and add salt. If the consistency is liquid, you can add a little flour or semolina.

Small cutlets are formed. You can cook them in the oven or in a double boiler. Both methods are suitable. Cooking time is 25 minutes.

Baked fish with vegetables

This recipe is one of the most versatile. You can add other vegetables to it, for example, broccoli or zucchini. But the basic recipe will be like this:

  • whole carcass of pollock;
  • bulb;
  • three tablespoons of sour cream with a low percentage of fat content;
  • carrot.

The fish is thawed and washed, fins are cut, gutted. With a sharp knife, divide the carcass into several pieces. Each is smeared with sour cream and slightly salted. A lot of salt is not required, because pollock meat is brackish in itself. With a small amount of oil, you need to grease the baking dish, put the onion, grated carrots, sliced \u200b\u200bin rings or half rings on the bottom. Pieces of pollock carcass are laid out on a layer of fresh and not fried vegetables beforehand.

To make the fish more juicy, do not forget to add a few tablespoons of water to the form.

Cover the form with foil and bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.

Soup "Marine"

Pollock will be an excellent product for preparing first courses, without which it is rather difficult to imagine a diet. To prepare this light and tasty soup you will need:

  • whole carcass of fish;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • fresh or dried greens;
  • salt.

Fish should be thawed, washed and cleaned, cut into separate small pieces. Fish pieces are placed in a pan and poured with water. The base of the first course is cooked for about 25 minutes. In the broth you need to put one whole onion and one bay leaf.

Before adding potatoes and vegetables, you need to strain the broth and bring it to a boil again.

The first is added potatoes, cut into strips or cubes (as you like), then - carrots and pieces of fish, which were previously freed from bones and skin. The final “touch” is finely chopped greens.

For Ducan Diet

Ducan's diet is in great demand among those who want to get rid of hated kilograms and lose weight. Poll in her a special place. This fish is highly recommended for cooking dishes that could well saturate, be beneficial, and at the same time not be high-calorie. Pollock recipes have a lot of pages in the book “350 Ducane Diet Recipes”. Consider a few.

Fragrant fish in the oven

This dish will require a very simple set of ingredients:

  • pollock fillet (700 g);
  • bulb:
  • fresh tomato (300 g);
  • carrots (100 g);
  • lemon (quarter);
  • soy sauce;
  • fresh or dried greens;
  • some salt.

You need to bake fragrant fish on the foil, since this material will allow you to preserve all the aromas to the maximum. The baking dish or baking sheet is covered with foil, it is lightly greased with oil so that the fish does not burn.

The first layer is laid grated carrots, onions and herbs. The fish fillet washed and dried with a paper napkin is laid on top of the vegetables, and covered with rings of fresh tomatoes. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and cover the top with the second edge of the foil, tucking its edges.

Bake for 35 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees.

Dukan stewed pollock

This method of heat treatment eliminates the dryness of the finished pollock. Braised fish always comes in handy, it goes well with a wide variety of side dishes. For this dish you need to prepare:

  • carcass of pollock (weighing about a kilogram);
  • onions and carrots;
  • fat-free kefir (one and a half glasses);
  • some salt.

Thawed fish are washed and cleaned of fins. The skin must be left, because it will not allow the pieces to “creep out” during extinguishing. Shredded vegetables should be put in a small pan or deep pan, put pieces of fish on top. All salt and add kefir and 50 ml of water. Stew the fish for about half an hour with the lid closed. You can cook like a fish in a slow cooker.

Cooking pollock for a healthy diet, for baby food or losing weight will not be a big problem, and the result of each recipe will invariably delight the hostess and members of her family. But at the same time, you need to follow the useful recommendations for the preparation of such fish.

  • Never cook pollock on “salt” pillows - this will lead to excessive dryness of the product. In this way, only fresh fatty varieties of fish are cooked.
  • Even diet food needs gastronomic aesthetics - to achieve a beautiful golden crust on a baked fish, shortly before cooking, turn on the grill in the oven and open the foil a bit.

  • Pollock meat can crumble badly if it is thawed incorrectly or if it is not held on a paper towel after washing. Excess moisture must exit the product before cooking.
  • Pollock will be dietary and delicious in combination with a wide variety of products. Do not be afraid to experiment with vegetables and even juices - pollock baked under apple juice is also considered a dish from the category of medical nutrition.
  • You can’t cook pollock in aluminum dishes, because of this the fish gets dark and loses its taste. It is best to cook in cast iron, enameled or glass heat-resistant dishes.
  • Use small baking trays and shapes. Too large a form will provide rapid evaporation of moisture, and the fish will turn dry.
  • Serve pollock dishes hot. When cold, they lose their aroma and many flavoring nuances.
  • Do not neglect light diet marinades before cooking this fish. Fifteen minutes that pollock will spend in kefir or a few drops of lemon juice will make the fish more juicy and soft, aromatic.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating pollock more often than twice a week. This restriction applies to any kind of fish, any seafood. Especially this advice should be heeded by older people with an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.

Dietary recipe for pollock baked in foil, see below.

Pollock is the record holder for the minimum fat content. At the same time, this fish contains protein, so valuable and useful for our body, in particular, for weight loss. If you want to get a slender figure without fasting and strict diets, then make it a rule 3-4 times a week to arrange a "fish dinner". Baked fish with vegetables is best for this. In addition to the pollock used in this recipe, often cook fish such as hake, sea bass, lemoneme, telapia, pelengas, pike perch, river trout, tuna, dorado, sea bass, pike, crucian carp. All these varieties will be useful for your diet, but only with the right preparation - bake fish, stew, cook or grill, but in no case fry in oil and deep fat, otherwise it’s good for the figure, and for the body, such a dish will not bring.

So, today we cook baked pollock with vegetables in the oven in accordance with all the rules of dietary nutrition. I liked baking it in the sleeve, which I advise you - fish and vegetables do not spray the oven, and the dish turns out to be juicy and unusually fragrant. Oil for its preparation is not necessary at all, because thanks to the juice from fish and vegetables, which does not flow from the sleeve, nothing burns. Let's get started.

Recipe for Baked Pollock Fillet with Vegetables

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • pollock fillet - 300-400 grams

  • zucchini - 1 medium

  • broccoli - 200 grams

  • tomato - 2 pcs.

  • parsley and dill

  • spices "Provencal herbs"

  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method

I usually buy pollock fillet in frozen form, so I completely defrost it before cooking. After that, sprinkle dry Provencal herbs, ground black pepper and salt on both sides. I use salts minimum, and sometimes I don’t salt at all, the taste of fish is better felt.

I cook vegetables. I wash the young zucchini well, cut into rings and each ring into 4 parts. I divide my broccoli into inflorescences. Washed tomatoes I cut into 4-6 pieces into slices. I chop the greens. I mix everything in a bowl, salt to taste.

  First, I put a “pillow” of vegetables in the sleeve, then gently lay the pollock fillet on it. I tie the sleeve on both sides, pierce in several places with a needle or a sharp toothpick so that the sleeve does not burst when baking.

  Then I cover the baking dish with a sheet of foil, since the sleeve can still leak from below and then this juice “burns” on the baking sheet.

  Baked pollock with vegetables in the oven is cooked for about 20 minutes. The temperature for baking should be no more than 180 degrees.

If you want to cook the same dish in a slow cooker, you can safely set the time to 30 minutes by choosing the “Baking” or “Baking” mode, depending on the functions of your model.

I do not immediately get pollock from the oven, let it stand and rest in the heat for another 5-10 minutes, then cut the sleeve and put the baked fish and vegetables on plates.

  It turns out very tasty and healthy, and most importantly - diet. Eating this way in the evening, you will never want, and fall asleep calmly.

  And remember that in the same way you can cook not only pollock with vegetables in the oven, but also many other types of fish that are listed at the beginning, as well as white poultry - turkey. I also tried to bake beef meatballs in my sleeve with vegetables, it turns out no less tasty, but the aroma is simply divine. Try and experiment, change vegetables, fish and meat to your taste. Bon appetit and a beautiful figure!

Fish is deservedly considered an integral part of the diet of every person. In addition to the content of vital vitamins and minerals, namely phosphorus and iodine, it is also a dietary product, which makes it indispensable for weight loss. Diet fish has a low calorie content and is well absorbed in the body. It is also quite easy to prepare and well digested. To prepare dietary dishes from fish, you should take low-fat fish (pollock, perch, cod, pike perch). The amazing fact is that fish protein is absorbed in the body better than even meat protein, while containing the same amino acids.

Which fish to choose

The following types of fish are the most dietary and low-calorie: cod, pollock, hake, perch, pike perch, pike, bream, cod, and flounder. The calorific value of all these fish varieties ranges from 70-90 kcal per 100 g.

Cod is considered the fish with the lowest fat content, it contains only 0.3% fat. In structure, it is white meat with large bones. Pollock tastes more tender than cod, but has the same nutritional values. For cooking, you can choose both river and sea fish, but remember that sea fish is saturated with iodine, bromine and phosphorus, which are many times less in the river. Therefore, it is more useful. To prepare diet dishes from fish, it is best to take cod and pollock.

Fish Diet

Braised Alaska Pollock Recipe

It is necessary to clean and wash the fish (600 g), gut, cut into small pieces. Next, rub it with salt and spices. Cut onion, carrot, celery root, lemon and tomato into slices. Finely chop a bunch of dill. In a saucepan, add pollock sliced \u200b\u200bin slices and pour it in vegetable broth (200 ml). Top them with onions, carrots and celery. Put a couple of bay leaves and lemon circles on top. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Before serving, garnish the dish with tomato rings and sprinkle with any herbs to taste, in this case dill.

Cooked Pollock Recipe with Tomato Sauce

To prepare a dish you need to clean, gut, wash the carcass and cook. Cut into pieces. To prepare the sauce, scalp the tomatoes (about 4) with boiling water and remove the skin. Grind peeled tomatoes. Pour the tomato puree into the pan, add a little sugar, salt, pepper, ginger, caraway seeds, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Put the pan on medium heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Turn off and add chopped cilantro and dill. Arrange portioned pollock slices and pour in tomato sauce.

Oven Baked Diet Fish Recipe

For cooking, you can take the carcass of pollock, pike perch, perch, etc. You need to clean, gut and wash the fish. Cut into two halves and grate with salt and spices. Or you can marinate the carcass in soy sauce for 10 minutes. Cut the lemon onion into rings, chop the garlic. Put half the carcass on the foil, sprinkle garlic, herbs on top, put onion and lemon rings. Put the other half of the carcass on top and tightly wrap the foil. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Recipe for oven-baked fish with zucchini

To prepare the dish, it is necessary to marinate the fillet of any low-fat fish (pollock, pike perch, cod, perch, etc.) in soy sauce and lemon. Cut the middle zucchini into thin circles, let stand and drain the resulting juice. Put the fish fillet in the sleeve, put the zucchini circles on top and pour over the remaining marinade. Tie a sleeve and pierce a few holes. Cook in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Baked Alaska Pollock Recipe with Corn

This recipe is interesting by adding corn to the dish. For cooking, it is necessary to cut the pollock fillet into medium pieces. Beat half a glass of milk and 3 protein in a container, pour fish there. Pour a glass of corn into another bowl. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and lay on it slices of fillet, sprinkled with corn. Put in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.

Baked flounder with eggplant recipe

Wash the flounder fillet and cut into medium-sized pieces, grate with salt, pepper and other spices. Rings cut onions, tomatoes and eggplant. Finely chop the garlic. Fry onion and garlic in a pan in a small amount of olive oil. Put eggplant, slices of fillet, onion, tomato rings in a baking dish. Also cut the rings into rings and put on top. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Put to bake for 25-30 minutes.

Baked Alaska Pollock Recipe in batter

To prepare the dish, marinate the fish fillet (600 g) in lemon juice for 10 minutes, after rubbing it with salt and other spices. In a baking dish, greased with oil, put the fillet, put on top circles of tomato, onion and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Shake 2 eggs in a separate container and pour them with fish and vegetables. Put in the oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes.